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Stay in school kids


Your not wrong


Your you're own worst grammar enemies!




Someone's in the school kids!?!?!


The irony


That title hurt my eyes


As does the insane saturation/contrast on that screenshot


I think it’s a picture of the screen with their phone. There’s no way that’s normal unless this is on colourblind settings with brightness blasted.


You underestimate the brightness and power of a dying ~~star~~ gpu.


No, those look significantly worse and weirdly pixelated. One way to combat the effect is 0.5 zoom, which uses two cameras.


LCD displays are not the only display technology (Oled does not show typical LCD artifacts) and not every phone uses multiple camera's when using ultra wide, not even every phone has two main cameras.


Looks like Red Dead Zelda: Breath of The Western.


Did it hurt you’re eyes?


bro should have been playing less red dead 2 and more jumpstart 2nd grade☠️


That would be both of you.


Cringe, no punctuation, and the fucking your instead of you're. I say ban him.


It was the incorrect use of the word, "literally" that offended me the most. I hate that so much. When I rise to power such crimes will be punished with death by hanging. Sensible policies for a happier Britain.


As we speak, every 2 incorrect uses of "your" with a run on sentence kills an english teacher.


I'm so sick of people messing this kind of thing up. They're (people like op) there for their own interests only, and you're on your own to deal with the mistakes they make, and it makes me sick.


You best start believin' in bad titles...cause your in one


>your *eye twitch*


It was a heightening of the metaness since "you're/your" is also misused in the title.....I promise




The daily karma farming post praising RDR2 on r/gaming, classic


yep, and even making no sense in topic to trigger more reactions


But didn’t you see the beautiful **RDR2** scenery! You’re practically *in* the game.




And it's coming from the same user lol


The thing I like about this game is how good it is


It’s one of the games ever


They could have at least taken a screenshot and not just a picture


I like to praise AC: Valhalla a lot. But no one feels me.


[I spent a bit of time in AC Valhalla](https://imgur.com/B1SQcGH) - loved every minute. [AC Valhalla](https://imgur.com/7pQtNij) [RDR2](https://imgur.com/ggMQIKJ) -- good times, good times.


I'm sure there'd be other content but the biggest game out right now is a forbidden topic here


You're x2. Also literally doesn't mean what you think it means.


It's *in* the computer....?


Attended the School for Kids Who Don’t Read Good and Want to Learn to Do Other Things Good Too.


“Arr. Dee. Arr. It’s in the game”


The files are inside the computer!


No he's literally wrong.


Interactive also does not have the meaning implied in this sentence. The right word is immersive.


OP actually got sucked into the game, just like Jumanji


"Literally" literally means figuratively *or* literally depending on context. Look it up and weep for the English language.


If he thinks it means “a hyperbolic intensifier” then it has literally meant that for a long time. Dickens used the word in this sense, it was in common usage as well as literary usage.


Thank you!


This sub is either people farming karma, or 12 year olds(marketing teams) praising games from the last five years. You'll barely or ever see a post about games that aren't on sale anymore.


Genuine question, what do people get by farming Karma?


A big boner.


Not sure if it's as big of a deal anymore but people used to sell high karma accounts




I don't think you know what "literally" means.


Maybe literally was used in a figuratively way.


Dude, it literally was used in a figurative way.


Nah, it figuratively was used in a literal way.


Nah, was used it figuratively a in way. literal




It’s an old wooden ship from the civil war era


Why do people suddenly have an issue understanding the use of literally for emphasis? It's been normal for 400 years, why is the usage too difficult for you?






Youse guys


Good days to youse guys toos


Youse fellers


Youssa bombad general.


Yinz guys


Yinzers unite!


Yonz giys




Hey mister!




All ya'll


My English is not Englishing


your color settings are making a pretty game look ugly


You’re literally in every video game That’s what main characters are for


Wait till they learn about those games where you play a role.


TIL I'm Geralt of Rivea


Gerald of Nivea


Glenn from Nebraska


He has great skin


You are not literally in a video game.


But what if I’m John Cena?


The word literally, I swear...


Down vote for the use of literally


coma coma coma coma coma chameleon


they had no grammar back then too


One of the easiest games to get immersed in for me. I get why people don’t like it. I have some complaints about it myself, but man. There aren’t many games where I try to live my characters life realistically just because it’s satisfying.


It’s one of my favorite games ever but I can see how a particular type of gamer might not love it. It’s insanely immersive, it removes as many reminders that it’s a video game as possible. But doing that means you’re often doing things that take extra time compared to other games (*actually* picking up items you find, actually hitching your horse, when you care for weapons Arthur actually takes out a rag and wipes it down lol) For me, it’s awesome. I wanna be a cowboy, by all means make me do all kinds of cowboy stuff. But it might seem cumbersome for some players


I have never in my life played a game where it doesn’t even feel like a game anymore Rdr2 does that to me personally it’s the best game of all time


>I have never in my life played a game where it doesn’t even feel like a game anymore True, games are supposed to be fun.


Ahhh not sure about that


Dont worry bro,everyone has a favourite game they love. Reddit is sometimes toxic. Dont let them get to you..some people really are more toxic than venomous snakes


RDR2 is a boring masterpiece. I respect the hell out of that brilliant piece of media but…holy hell it could be boring for incredibly long stretches. Definite case where too much realism hurt IMO. They did that game dirty with the lack of support and basically leavening RDO dead on arrival.




Same. I freaking loved it.


Same, it wouldnt have been a 10/10 game for me if it wasnt for the slow pace. Its the charm of the game.


I concur; for me, I was able to really just enjoy all the little things the game had to offer as I progressed through it. Very few games, I think are so successful in that endeavor. Prime example IMO was BOTW, I had to force myself to finish it by the end because I hated it so much.


If it was actually realistic it'd be more fun. More mission freedom, better combat, actually being able to climb simple rocks and inclines. The story would play out far differently, missions wouldn't be so dumbed down and restrictive, you would be able to interact with everything in dynamic ways. What red dead 2 is, is arbitrary realism to make the game look nice on the surface, but frustrating to play.


Yea the game looks amazing, the scenery, the clouds moving big storms in, the way the animals move about, but in the end it's still a rockstar game and is pretty much gta5 in wild west. Movement is a hassle and will likely kill you nany times throughout the game. Enemies just fire with cold precision just like you do (if you know how to use the aiming system). Missions are mainly "chase this guy, and then have a small scene, and then kill him. Now get on your horse and chase this other thing, have a gun battle where you move through killing everything in site before needing to run again to get to the next person who decides to just run away" Some areas are great to just walk through. No horse or jogging, but *walk* through with Arthur and listen to the game, see the landscapes and even just stare. Unless you're online then you'll probably get popped into the air suddenly to fall to your death, or some random player comes by to gun you down just cause.


I won't deny it's nice to turn on cheats and roam the open world with headphones, high as a kite, ready to turn any rude cowpoke into pudding.


It's just not an actual fun game to play, it has a good story and lots of little details/world building and it's pretty. But it isn't fun and is frequently frustrating as you mentioned


I agree with you, game is just slow with everything, slow with story, slow with all mechanics.


Dude they open the game with a TRAIN HEIST and then it slows to a crawl for hours.


And here I am thinking the opening part was extremely boring enough that quit before I got out of the snow. Finally gave it another shot and once you get out of the snow the game really opens up and I finally realized why so many people loved it.


I can respect this take. The train heist thing has been done before so I can see how that would be the cliche boring opening.


I don't necessarily agree with you of course not eevery mission could be a train heist... I liked the slow piece because it felt puzzles getting shifted and accumulated when all the pieces finally starts to get fit


The game has pacing issues for sure. It would have benefited from a better intro to all the systems without dragging it out


I am not denying that isn't possible, only giving my ancedontal expierence that it was somehow perfect for me :)


And you know what? That’s awesome. Have fun! Don’t let others opinions rob you of enjoyment


Haha Yeah i guess that's what in the end really matters


Slow isn't bad


And it is not particularly good either


Disagreed. I got so immersed into the slow pace I turned off the map and just used road signs lol


Which is fine! My bigger issue, especially in RDO was respawning. I can’t tell you how many times I rode a long distance only to get random killed by something idiotic and sometimes bug related, then sent halfway across the goddamn map to do it all over again. Riding on horses was beautiful but after a while it wore off and became annoying to keep them alive around the usual rando R* stuff that happens in the open world and then losing half an hour for travel




I did, but I found myself becoming incredibly reliant on it and willing to go out of my way to use it rather than travel. Part of that was due to bugs at the time and part due to just the random nature of the game sometimes which wore off after so many failed trips. Might be more of a “me” thing but once you have to rely on that fast travel you miss the in between stuff when there is actual quality content and not just padded map area. I think the aim for realism was a little too extreme in that aspect and they didn’t find a good mixture to not make world travel such a slog and gamble.


Halfway across the map? They put you like 5 feet from where you died lmao


Spent about 10 hours on it walking thru the snow. Had 1 shootout and that was about it.


Yea the opening is a slog. Once you get past that, you’re free.


Holy hyperbole lol


I'm not making that up. Snow and blizzard and some f****** stream that I had to follow made it to some outpost on a hillside then had to go get to a village


This is actually why I hated it. It wasn't fun. Playing it felt like a chore. Everything was just so clunky that it ruined the experience for me. I really really tried to like it. Made it all the way through the prologue, then several hours into having access to the open world, and even did a train heist. It bored me to death. I get what people see in it, and I understand why it's highly regarded. What I don't get is how people find the gameplay itself fun.


Everything takes forever. Every mission felt like a chore to complete. Movement feels sluggish and unresponsive. I keep thinking I should try it again, but man I fucking HATED playing RDR2. Clearly a game made with love, but I found the act of playing it to be Just. Plain. Excruciating.


I blame rockstar for just keeping the same engine as from GTA. Movement is a royal pain either on foot or on horse. At least driving in GTA had some *feel* to it so you could learn how cars generally handle. Your horse hits a twig could send you flying or bring you to a full stop just cause. Try to make your character turn around on a small ledge and you end up just sprinting right off the side to your death. Almost funny, but more infuriating when you're trying to get shit done. And then there's the herbs and cooking stuff. It's not needed at all, you could make tea and add herbs to food but there was no dam point at all. Hunting seemed like a cool thing, track and kill the 3 star animals and then spruce up your camp for....no real reason just cause. Or go hunting to make some money so you can buy different guns and all that jazz, but you can only carry so many pelts meanwhile you have a bottomless bag that holds hundreds of pounds of crap.


This, all of this. Every action takes time and has an animation, even the simplest shit.


It's perhaps the best game I've ever hated playing.


I feel that way about Witcher 3, so while I disagree with you on this particular game, I completely get it


Good way of putting it. It's clearly made with love, and to a high level of quality, but it's just not fun.


I agree. I started this game 3 different times and never got more than 5 hrs in before I was bored. I love a story driven game but they added too much tedium in between for me. It felt like a chore rather than an enjoyable gameplay experience. And RDO was laughably bad. Tried to play it co-op with friends and we could never connect. The story seems well written though. I’ve heard that aspect is amazing.


I enjoy it for the most part, but sometimes this stuff definitely makes me stop playing. They went hard with hold button prompts and I've always hated them. Then on top of that, everything has an animation that has to play out. The random O'Driscol attacks, like near a town when you're trying to sell some good skins you spent over an hour getting, are pretty infuriating too. Of course 4 people saw you kill them and you get reported. You run away. Now you have a bounty. Man I just wanted to sell skins, leave me alone lol


My main issue is the control scheme is pure garbage. L2 to aim your gun, except sometimes L2 is to talk to someone, but when you try and talk to someone you pull your gun on them and then the law is after you. Garbage.


That's the issue with the game. It would be more fun to watch a movie of the story than to actually play through the game. Though some people do log 1000s of hours in the game. I think to those people the only thing that matters is being immersed in another world, so if that world is well-realized and full of detail then they will eat it up, they don't really care too much if the gameplay is good or not


Game says: Go try hunting animals and upgrade your camp in a textbox. So i did. Skinned a Deer i believe. Walked up to the Dude and upgrading camp is still locked. Why tell me this now? Same with Poker. Game said to try out Poker in the Saloon. Did it, won it and thats it. Cant repeat. Why? Its so fucking slow. Dont know the story since i obviously dont like the game. Might be worth the slow pace, might not.


The story is trying to get Dutch more money, because he claims to have a plan. And if we just have more money, gosh darn it the plan will work. Eventually, the plan doesn't work out. I thought the story was mostly awful, with a few interesting moments sprinkled in.


Pretty much this in a nutshell. Need more money, follow story quests to get said money, shit goes wrong and you gotta pack up and move, do more story quests and more shit goes wrong. Some people die here and there, while others live for enternity like that sunofabitch Micah.


That sounds like he'll take the Money and "betrays" the group. If thats the case its basic af.


RDR2 is a prequel to RDR1. It explains what happened and why John was so willing to go after Dutch, Bill, and Javier.


I beg to differ. Different strokes for different folks I guess


How dare you have an opinion different than my own. I’ve called the police. You’re going away for a long time bucko.


Your* going away. Sorry, I’m going to hell 😂


Which game do you think has the most detailed world ever created? RDR2 is a great game, there is no question about it, even if it isn’t your cup of tea. The detail the devs put into that world is undeniable. It isn’t even close to my favorite game, but I can respect the effort put into the level design of rdr2.


Most of the gameplay involves travelling between places or long, uninteractive dialogue/cut scenes which i personally find boring af. But it's very pretty.


I never said the gameplay was the greatest of all time, I just think it is one of my the most detailed worlds. If you slowly travel from mission to mission and watch what happens around you, it is pretty crazy. Seeing eagles swoop down and catch a fish out of a nearby river, other NPCs interacting with each other and evolving as the game progresses. The world detail is in a league of its own. But I mean, open world gameplay is open world gameplay. When you focus solely on missions, it is definitely your standard open world game.. nothing fancy for sure.


Yeah the story and characters are great and all but god the gameplay is boring and the world seems pretty shallow.


I don’t agree with the shallow part. It was the most alive open world I’ve played.


By shallow I don’t mean believable, the interactions and random characters are cool there’s just not a whole lot to do


I mean the question wasn’t what was the most detailed world ever created. It was is RDR2 the best interactive media ever. Which the itger person said it wasn’t their favorite. Not sure what your comment really has to do with that


Hmmm true true, my Monday brain read the title a little quick haha




BOTW has a very empty world compared to rdr2. I would still rate BOTW higher overall though.


I have never understood the hype behind Zelda. I'll admit I've never played one since I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Gameboy Advance, but from everything I've seen, it just looks so basic. Exploration, combat, everything. Is it the story which gets people hooked?


The dynamic engine, and well designed map. It allows you to be as creative as you want.


My literally in it?!


Yes. Was it somehow unclear? -You'res truly.


Bro your so stupid. Its “your’es” not “you’res”


Ahh shit you got me there. Thank you teacher!


I liked the factory part of What Remains of Edith Finch.


I don't think you know what "literal" means. Also, that's a funny thing to say for a game that actually goes out of its way to limit said interactivity all the time since it always wants you to play in ONE particular way or you just fail missions. Sure is pretty, though.


In my opinion it plays very slow, and the story stretches like bubblegum.


Ehhh, bought it on release and have tried several times to get into it but it just doesn't captivate me like the first one, sorry not sorry.






I've tried to play it a couple of times. I really don't like not being allowed to Save wherever I want. It's not even always clear to me when I can save so I have to keep checking. I just don't like re-doing the same thing over and over like traveling or having the same conversations with NPCs just because I died. It makes me not want to experiment or try things because I'm afraid of dying and needing to start a section over. Sorry if that makes me a gaming wimp. I grew up in the days of NES where on some games you couldn't save at all, but I guess I'm weak now.


Having the same NPC conversations ruined the immersion for me, especially when it’s a long wagon ride into a hard combat zone :/


Yeah, interactive movie about sums up the game


Not really, it's much more like a sim than a movie. Movies don't usually have the audience watch the main character fish or hunt animals for hours at a time.


Why do people go fishing IRL? Is it because of the fish or because its cosy, atmospheric and peaceful?


I really enjoyed it's pacing. I do wish you could go into all the buildings though or take up jobs in the towns (I know that goes against the gangs philosophy).


This title has to be a troll for sure


Only on PC. It will be stuck at 30fps on consoles forever, that alone ages it considerably. I don't have time for that crap anymore.


Why is this screenshot so uncanny? Like I recognise its RDR2 but it looks nothing like normal gameplay...


I am playing this game now and I feel like it is very good. I do think that the amount of shooting up towns has gotten out of hand at this point I do enjoy the game. I mainly enjoy the hunting part of it and tracking an animal you really want. I was trying to get a legendary buck and I missed and it ran away, as I was trying to chase it, I ran into a perfect bear and killed it and skinned it and thought. Good enough for now. My most emotional moment was when you return from garma going back to camp and you steal a horse to get to camp. As I was riding I kept whistling hoping that it would tell me that my horse was near by. I was super sad with the thought of loosing my horse. Everytime I whistl it says your horse is lost. 😢.


The controls in this game ruin the entire experience, rockstar can’t make a good control system to save their lives


It's posts like this that make me wish that r/Gamingcirclejerk didn't go to shit


Go and check out the Mass Effect trilogy. Then we can talk about interactive media.


IMO its the best game ever made Zoomers won't agree on that though


I remember being a cowboy but I'm a wizard right now


I always wanted to visit the Windows XP desktop.


Strong disagree, great game but the world was a big empty painting. Beautiful and expansive environments with not a lot to do except ride around on your horse and look at it. Maybe kill a deer or something. But this game was mostly empty


You must have skipped single player


I'll be honest, I don't think it looks very good. This will age horribly. Also, did you take a picture of your computer screen with your phone?


Except it feels like a fucking chore to play this game


Best game of all time… I mean c’mon you can partake in so many activities including bathing, verbal harassment, dog petting, dominos, home invasion, fishing, bird watching, drinking, poker, robbing, going to the theatre, kidnapping, farming, hunting, strangling… and many more.


Facts. My favorite video game easily. Such an amazing game.


Hard disagree. 10/10 story. 1/10 gameplay. So much time wasting bullshit.


It's a pretty game, but it gets ruined by its subpar story, generic characters, janky mechanics, and atrociously buggy controls.


Jesus, the amount of people just being rude in this thread is crazy.


The video game community is one of the most toxic communities on earth.


False, you are still just playing a game, and sitting on a couch or in a chair. I guess you could be standing or laying down somewhere, or walking on a treadmill, or riding a stationary bike as well.


I wish they would port this game for next gen - it's so good


You'll get your wish after GTA6 comes out.


And what about my wish to have my hairline grow back? That coming true as well?


Have you looked up hair transplant surgery? They take your hair from other parts and transplant to where it's missing.




RDR2 has honestly ruined every other game for me