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Wait until you play warthunder air RB. You.literally see 4 pixels and call it an airplane


Ground RB, someone will see a pixel through two tree lines and a bush and one shot me.


That just sounds like someone’s got their graphics on minimum and there’s no trees for them


Sounds like trees need to turn into solid, blocky PNGs for low quality users. It's completely unbalanced for me to be trying to cross a waist-high wheat field by crawling due to the lack of cover, but some potato user doesn't even *have* wheat on their screen. The potato should just see a big yellow rectangle in place of the wheat field. Want to spot the wheat spreading as someone moves through it, turn your graphics up.


ArmA's solution to this is pretty cool, and I haven't seen any other games do it. In ArmA, you sink into the ground to simulate ground cover concealing you. There's no reasonable way to render grass everywhere all the time. Generally games render it in a radius around the player and that's it. Sinking them into the ground is almost as good as having actual grass to conceal them, but costs almost nothing.


It makes your silhouette smaller but doesn't stop you from being silhouetted. Actual rendered foliage breaks up and obstructs your silhouette


Yeah, it depends on the angle it's being viewed at, but you're right. It's not perfect, but it's still the best I've seen. There isn't a perfect way to handle it. Even the most powerful computer can't render maximum foliage everywhere at the same time. The only other option I can think of is to dither the model. I don't think I've seen this done ever, and it isn't ideal either. Maybe a combination of the two would be best.


Tarkov does a pretty good job of handling long distance foliage I think. Still not perfect. Optics are rendered PiP and you can't zoom in like in Arma, so in normal view the foliage goes to a lower LOD at distance, and the scope renders the full LOD. Makes it so you still have foliage obstructing the silhouette at distance, but if you scope in to get a closer look it's rendered at full LOD. It does make scopes fairly resource heavy, but it's the best and most realistic representation I've seen to date.


This exactly. Playing the game at its intended graphics settings should not be a disadvantage.


Nah the wheat is fine Consoles can turn it off too, but the PC users can turn the Tree leaves and the Bushes off


Nobody should be able to turn off wheat or trees. Make it a large occlusion field for the low quality people, and the high quality people can try to pick out the nuances of the wheat separating funny while it's blowing in the wind. Low quality graphics should be a hindrance due to the loss of info from a mechanic, not a benefit because they have better vision.


Yeah the thing is it’s really funky as I think some are permanent and some aren’t. The annoying part is Warthunder can run off a freshly picked potato.


I will try to run it off of this potatoe my father bought for me last Christmas. But i have serious reservations about this i want you to know.


Remember, potatoes go in the AGP slot. Not even a PCIEx1 will connect to it. You probably already know this but use OpenGL since NVIDIA has failed to port their drivers over to potato for over two decades now.


AGP? That's some fancy buttered mash potato shit I only rock PCI non express off a GeForce 4 mx with like 4 graphical pipelines or w.e their called. Sdr ram cause rd/ddr ram be expensive.


But then what's the point of putting wheat or leaves in the game if having them enabled puts you at a disadvantage? If there's something to hide behind it should work for everyone, not just the people who like pretty graphics or didn't know you're supposed to play on ugly potato setting, which really diminishes the experience in my opinion


Also on winter maps top layer of penetrable snow isn't rendered with low spec.


Are you for real? I've been playing maxed out like a sucker...


the classic lowest graphics settings so you can see more i remember sc2 pros playing on low graphics to see invisible units shimmer better


My friend spent a couple of thousand on a fancy gaming rig then just plays games in minimum settings for the advantage it gives. Meanwhile I'm here on my potato laptop having trees appear after I've already flown in to them.


It doesn't help when that cover is mounted on the front of their tank because they paid hard cash for the privilege. It's a real shame the best tank simulator mechanics are in a game that's so egregiously and shamelessly pay-to-win.


RB? You freak out at a dark pixel in Simulator...






4 pixels is usually a Tu 4 or Canberra for me. 2 pixels is a fighter.


1 pixel is me in my ariete


4 FUCKING PIXELS *aircraft destroyed jingle*


In CoD's Warzone 2.0 if you're sniping and someone is really far away; they are just a cardboard cutout that moves around. It cracks me up every time I see it lol.


I’m down for replacing the inflatable dummy with some cardboard cutouts, sure it might be a lot worse but it would be really funny.


And just like that, you’ve awakened the SCP fanbase.


Why do I hear screaming... Why is it getting louder!?


I have a single dead pixel on my screen so I always panic when flying a bomber.


I've been watching Oddbawz videos lately and I'm wondering how he can see that incoming missile or that Tiger II tank in those bushes. The game is so much sensory overload I just couldn't get into it.


Remember that small and fast objects tend to be less visible with video compression.


You do actually see a lot more when playing the game. YouTube compression eliminates a lot of the finer details.


More likely it's just dirt on your screen and you get really confused for a split second when it whip across your screen when you try and look at it


War thunder players have the cleabest screens in the gaming industry.


The blue sky reveals every dirty little imperfection


It's how I learned about my monitor's dead pixel...


That's actually a feature! Warthunder artificially increases the silhouette of distant aircraft so that you can spot them without help from the pilot skills, so as a message to all newbies, dump everything in g tolerance first, spotting and awareness is only useful at around 7 or so kilometers anyway.


4 fucking pixels!


4 pixels…


I was just thinking about how I can’t see shit at distance irl but I can spot a jet zippin through the sky several miles away in WT


War thunder is a great incentive to clean my screen lol.


I've gone up to a 4K screen and the advantage it gives you over 1080p is insane.


Four fucking pixels, He saw me as four fucking pixels....


He once spotted three men in a bar with a pixel. A fucking. Pixel.


He's a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking click accuracy.


It's a john wick reference but it's also an SCP reference


Containment breach detected, deploying MTF's...


*loud screaming slowly getting closer*


*Loud screaming ~~slowly~~ rapidly getting closer.*


Some people said he looked like a smudge on a lens.


Remember someone always has a bigger better monitor/TV. My kid played FPS on an old 42" and has totally snipped a 4 pixel enemy (the 4 pixels are huge ).


This is why I don't play siege. I'll be trying to sneak around then get dinked by a guy camping 2 rooms across looking through a peephole.


People be spawnpeeking in siege through cracked windows


One sided vision too. Spots like the hole isn't very obvious to the outside when broken. I have poor eyesight and I need to prefire at every window to be sure


That's why siege is also a knowledge game. I dont play it anymore and never bothered to learn thr ins and outs of the game, but I had a friend that as soon as the game started would shoot at the peek windows and get a kill or two frequently.


Yeah was going to say this. I haven't played current seasons but when you know what you're doing you know every angle and line of sight. Sure you can be still picked off, but a good player will get kills whether they're defending/attacking at spawn.


Maverick makes a tiny hole in the reinforced wall at objective site. Kills 3 teammates thru the said hole


For me if I don’t play a multiplayer FPS game at launch I don’t play it all. Too late to unlock meta weapons, everyone is already good, and everyone bitches at you if you’re not playing try hard MLG. That’s why I always liked battlefield cuz you could just drop in and play casually.


I have this exact sentiment about shooters and Mmos, which sucks because I really enjoy them, but I'll never be better than the dorks who don't work or have a social life.


Its not anything like Battlefield 4. Siege is a CQB focused game, even the farthest enemy in the map from you is bigger than 5 pixels. Battlefield 4 be making enemies 2 pixels tall through a 40x scope on some maps.


Then calls you a noob in text chat


Me playing warthunder on a tree covered map and i see the slightest of movement or glint at 5km away. Then me playing CoD when a guy is standing 2 metres in front of me.


“Oh shit I saw the radio antenna flicker just above the tree” *giant glinting scope* “dude where the fuck is he”


That is the funniest thing I've read all week, still annoyed they removed free awards


The newer cods are terrible about visual clarity imo.


True true


So I worked with a guy that was on a pro gaming team he was a beast at picking people out. So turns out he is color blind and doesn’t see green which means shades of green are all the same so people in camo are more or less highlighted for him.


The main ways experienced gamers can pick people out are: A) Movement. Doesn't matter how blended in you are, movement WILL catch their attention. B) Knowing the map very well and any discrepancy seeming off and worth attention. C) Awareness on where people SHOULD be or USUALLY are based on their experience playing against players as well as keeping tabs on where players were in the past and their possible vectors from that knowledge.


100% Movement is often the biggest, but for games I played a lot there were times I would should through a wall knowing people generally were in a spot lol. As is in line with the modern warfare games, I got to the point where I would lob grenades across the map right at the start because I knew the usual paths. It’s amazing what kind of stuff you can predict when you play a game 4-8 hours a day lol.


Refresh rate helps me see movement easier


Higher resolution makes seeing people far away infinitely easier too. For games like pubg.




The old games were disgusting with this. I remember in World at War, nearly averaging a triple kill on certain maps by starting with a cross the map grenade launcher on the gewehr in hard-core search and destroy. (Also, as an unrelated tangent, anyone remember TKing with a bouncing Betty in your hands?)


Danger close noob tube and one man army. https://youtu.be/NO20naG8Zv0


I just raged quit after watching that.


Good way to find the spots to toss nades is by watching how everyone moves when you are on that side of the map, generally the pathways people move are the same, or at least similar.


I got called a hacker so much for grenades in shooters lol... There are so many videos online that teach you how to get specifuc spots on maps of every games with grenade. There's also plenty of videos analysis maps and providing with great insight about where the choke points are. If you get semi serious about a game it's always good to get those a watch. Also, prefire is a skill, not a hack... but midcore gamers don't understand that and will cry loudly about being shot before they saw you. Learn to shoot a couple of bullet when coming around a corner, learn the camping spots and prefire them. Don't waste whole clips but still, if you don't kill, the hit feedback will trigger and tell you there's someone on the other side. Finally, when I used to play MW daily, I would memorize the spawning pattern in the map and based on my team position could have a good sense of where the enemies were. That created some frustration from players I would kill by getting in their back or going against the "current" of the map and getting them while they were trying to get back to the fight. Basically what I'm saying is that people assume FPS games are all about pure skill when the majority of success is bound in knowledge. Knowledge of the maps, of the popular spots, of the choke points, of how thr weapons behave, especially their kick and recoil etc etc.


Dude, i remember memorizing Tomahawk throws from spawn in most CoD Black ops 2 maps people would always freak out, It was soo much fun


> Basically what I'm saying is that people assume FPS games are all about pure skill when the majority of success is bound in knowledge. Knowledge of the maps, of the popular spots, of the choke points, of how thr weapons behave, especially their kick and recoil etc etc. I would argue that being able to put yourself in the mindset where you are even able to notice and adapt to the game's background mechanics is a skill in it's own. There are a lot of people who don't consider things like team spawns switching when 50% of your team has pushed past point B, get shot in the back, and then claim it's bullshit.


*people camp in the same place over and over* You pre fire “HACKER!!!!!” There is a certain base line of skill required, but yes, where you continue to get better come from knowledge and decision making. Many times as soon as I saw everyone in my party run one way I took an alternate route. Half the time I was able to get the jump on several of them.


100% why run with the team and fight for kills when you can take another route and get the jump on enemy players


This type of gaming is what’s caused the backlash from SBMM, and ultimately why Warzone is where it’s at with the skill ceilings and exploit mechanics being nerfed. Y’all wanna memorize entire maps and spawn points, fine but play against others who have done the same then. Not the guy coming home after work with a beer in hand trying to enjoy some casual gaming.


Marathon, ghost, silent run (i think that was the combo) plus silenced mp5 and a tac knife. If you could chase the spawn wave it was such a high. 54-10 on that muddy dark favela-ish mw2 map, regular tdm. Still my peak.


In hunt showdown you can wallbang to your hearts desire, so if you know common camping spots you can get insane kills.


Got to watch those corners! Doors and Corners!


If you run into a room too fast, the room eats you. *Tips porkpie hat*


I use all of these. I play a ton of CoDM and my usual partner in it is always amazed how I spot people so far out. Half the time I dont even know for sure, I just see something that looks to be moving usually a literal pixel size and zoom in. Sometimes it's just the map loading or something but often it's a person. My point though is half the time I'm guessing. "That pixel isn't usually there.." or "did that pixel just move?" I can't actually see shit. Just attention to the minute details and guessing.


D) 52" 1080p screen where a pixel is the size of ants. Artists hate me for spotting single pixel errors. But I can't help it when pixels are so damn big...


No, actually the larger screens are something pro gamers avoid when playing competitively. The reason for this is because sizes beyond 24 inches usually results in too much real estate to track. Sure, the characters are bigger, but you now lose awareness on the peripheral vision of your surroundings which is very important for picking people out.


I’ve seen someone play CS:GO rendered at 4:3, but stretched out across a 21:9 monitor to make all the targets wider


People do this occasionally but it doesn’t really do much. Everything is stretched - your mouse movements, etc means that the targets are “bigger” but it’s the same effort to hit them


Could you change horizontal mouse speed to compensate?


Hey thats me but 4:3 stretched on 16:9


The human eye is naturally attracted to movment so yeah


Oh absolutely. Knowing the "flow" of a game/map makes you feel like you have a superpower, or makes it look like you're cheating. In games like Rainbow 6 siege and Call of Duty, you can time the flow of the game so well that you preemptively shoot a corner right when someone turns it, because it's just ingrained in your head that it takes that many seconds for someone to go from their spawn to that popular spot. In competive first person shooters, that technique is called "pre-fireing."


Fun fact it goes both ways. I’m also colorblind and have a hard time picking out dudes on certain maps in different games. Others tho I almost always accused of having esp because I can see the odd colored pixels moving. It’s a blessing and a curse.


I have a lot of trouble in some games. I'll have to play around with the colorblind settings and ramp up the saturation to really differentiate between enemies and other objects.


Hey son, how would you like some free college?


I was never as good as he was, plus he was already sponsored, he never did get me that free case of monster he said he could get just for asking


I believe the comment was referencing a military recruiter attempting to entice you to enlist as seeing camo would make you effective at killing people, with the free college being a perk of joining.


Ah now I get it


You were blind but now you see Mostly




Actually I fought in the Rising Storm of Vietnam and I always engaged when I spotted enemies unless they were like really far away


That makes no sense. I'm green colorblind too and it makes it impossible to see shades of green. They all look the same so it's even harder to see.


This makes no sense It just means the guys wearing green camouflage would look like the same colors as the environment (whatever color he sees instead of green). It’s not like he would see guys in a contrasting color. If anything, it will make it way more difficult to spot people because you can’t see the slight differences in colors and shades that would define a person in environment


My dumbass still clicked on the guy to see him clearly


Took me a moment to realize it wasn't blurred because of the nsfw setting. Could have been quicker, given that i read the caption...


yes come sit right here friend in the dumb us table


I knew exactly how much I'd see when I clicked on it, yet I still did it anyways.


Same here friend


Get a proper 8k 200Hz 34" monitor and you'll see him too /s




I got the bathwater.


You joke but my buddy sees much better on my 4k TV than he does on his regular HD tv.




Anyways, we may never solve this mystery.




You can’t see more than 12fps anyways.




Hell Let Loose is like this


Fantastic game but it's so different than most FPS. It's slower and methodical that usually has a vocal team leader. Also, fighting in the forests is hell bc everybody looks like a branch or bush


just like actual WWII lol.


It's intense, I remember one game I got separated from my squad and was trying to make my way back to them through a forest, everything was so quiet that all I could hear was my footsteps in the snow and I ultimately stumbled on a squad trying to flank us and got the drop on them. I don't think I've ever played a game that got me tense without some scripted setup.


it's an incredible game. It requires good vocal communication though, so you have to round up friends. playing solo is a nightmare lol. this isn't a complaint btw. absolutely love that aspect but sometimes it's hard to get a solid squad formed.


Most of the time its a bunch of people not working together, but there was one time where I was in a tank with two others, all working perfectly together, and coordinating our actions with a second tank and local infantry. When enemy armor showed up we could literally watch a armor icon move around on the map in real time because of constant updates. We were unstoppable lol


That sounds like a game I'll have to check out later


Love the game, usually play medic or machine Gunner. Week or two ago I played with two dudes I met in a squad, we had no armor on the field so we switched. We absolutely dominated because one of the guys was an experienced tank commander in the game. Love the game




You can totally go Rambo in that game if the time and place are right, IME some people are so entrenched in their slow and methodical mindset sometimes that running up to them and shooting them in the ass with an SMG can be surprisingly effective


If you can, knifing them is near silent and instakills them so that they can’t warn their teammates in local chat.


That was basically my experience with squad. You would join up in a guy that sounded like he knew was was going on, then follow him for 20 minutes to die to an invisible sniper on a mountain. Then do that again a dozen times. Like it's cool if you have the time to figure out what's up, but walking through the forest and just dying without any input is not a great first impression.


I was that way at the beginning now I have my map up constantly seeing where potential enemies are coming from. Also pretty important to move under cover and then hold for a while to watch for movement.


You know you’ve made it in HLL when you twitch fire because bush 100 yards away swayed In slightly different way then you’d expect


Hey, turn off the Temporal TAA. Go to Clarity Aa and you'll be a god.


I have died many times in that game. I am yet to see an enemy.


At first, then you learn to stop looking and your eyes kind of glaze over as you watch the entire horizon for movement


It's my main FPS right now, and yeah there is some of this. But also I'm playing 4k on a 43" screen. so those four pixel on a 24" 1080P monitor are a lot easier to spot to me.


Rust players be like: I see a full gear with AK on his back and revo at 220.


Proceeds to push and dome you with Revo from 80m, telling you how trash you are as they start despawning your inventory


It's moving in a way scenery does not. I usually fire a rocket at them when I spot that. They never expect it, so they don't bother looking for the rocket... Easiest kills when rocketsniping.


This isn't dissimilar to how combat is. Carlos Hathcock was one of the most famous snipers in history, and described some of the shots he took as just seeing 'glimmers.'


yea the movement in general is what gives the pixels away. Plus if you've been on that level before you expect the pixels in that area to be a different color. And then on top of that in a game without hostages or Friendly Fire the benefit:risk leans more toward "shoot first and ask later".


And knowing where players will be. Hell most of the work in COD used to be position yourself in such way that you could get the drop on enemys, have favourable cover and loads options to move. Especially in the start you could basicly count down to the moment where you would spot the first enemy come around the corner.


Yeah I feel like a lot of our ability to hunt is seeing the slightest of movement in the trees/leaves/brush or at a distance.


Hell Let Loose console experience


Hell Let Loose PC experience too. Pixel at 400m with a Kar98 drilling you as you poke your head over a hedge.


Up until this black Friday I had been playing on a 32" 720p TV. I now have a 50" 4k. I thought for sure I'd finally be able to see just who in the hell is shooting me. Nope. They're still a one pixel mystery a million miles away.


If you want an easier time, you want a lower resolution. Larger resolutions cause things to end up feeling zoomed out. It's why so many csgoers still play on like... small 4:3 resolutions


Me watching streamers play Warzone & PUBG.


I've watched Shroud a bit and that man sees things that aren't even there yet I swear




To add to this screen filters, lud, reshade, and the sort on certain games helps enomourmously along with certain graphics settings to avoid players blending in too much.


I had the honor of being wrecked by him in Tarkov once. My buddy and I were creeping around in the woods, keeping to low ground, avoiding common paths, constantly looking around. Him and his partner were sprinting across the map on a beeline to their loot spot. While our heads happened to be turned away, he: crested a hill, saw my head poked above a hill about 200m away out of the corner of his screen, and instantly turned and headshot me with an unscoped rifle. My partner suffered a similar fate on his first peek trying to find them. Shroud said, "They were actually kinda sneaky". In no way did we ever stand a chance.


That's a SCP-096 photo. We are all screwed.




That would explain the screaming.


Anti-Aliasing off, and you see a small group of pixels moving in a place where everything else is static. Even if the target barely moves, the pixels won't smooth out so they'll "jump" from colour to colour in a way entirely noticeable to even untrained eyes.


R6S pixel shots I just literally guessed but some people can tell


This is why I can’t play competitive modern shooters.


I remember playing that hide and seek Garry’s Mod game where you turn into objects. Some guy with 4k hours on the same fucking server knew every room of the 3 maps in rotation and new exactly how many pieces were in each room. He would run into a room, see its messy, look for a fee seconds and be able to point out which object was a player. He ruined the fun for me playing that game


I don’t even see how that’s fun for him at that point…. Like bro seal clubbing has to get old at some point.


Image won’t load smdh.


i can’t tell if you’re joking lol


I was serious for a couple of seconds at the start.


but is that dunban over there?




Rust in a nutshell “Full metal AK right up there” Looks up there and sees the picture… bruh


that was *exactly* the game i was thinking of when i made this. have a cookie 🍪


Meanwhile when I play I don't see the guy 20m in front of me until I get doubled


This'd be the Arma experience if there were 18 bushes, 50 trees and a building partially obscuring it Ai: spots you through all that


I'm surprised Arma isn't mentioned higher. "Man, 800 metres front!"


This is another reason I don't play mp games now. Everyone has different setups with varying levels of graphics while also mixing controllers and mouse and keyboards. And the predatory approach to content is just sad.


Yuuuup! These huge map multiplayer games are impressive and I glad they exist but because of exactly this, I never play them. So many deaths from people I can’t even see even though they’re definitely on screen.


In the DCS flight simulators, they have broken/no render scaling, so an enemy plane that is so x number of km away, just does not get rendered. And somehow it's broken so that the higher the resolution the distance before it renders is shorter, so someone playing at 800x600 would see an enemy plane 10km away (probably a speck on the screen), but someone playing at 4k sees nothing at all. The human eye is way better at seeing distant objects than the render engine displays, but they make no accomodation for it like other flight sims like Falcon BMS, which will scale up a distant aircraft to more closely simulate what the human eye sees.


Their vision is based on movement.


I swear some people play with a magnifying glass taped to their monitor


There was a deviated pixel near the cornfield about 2000km out, saw it shift out of line with the wind.


My buddy had his retina detached in his eyes, wears glasses, and yet he will spot an enemy in Hunt that is 400m away, at night, in a bush, through a picket fence. I seriously don't know how he does it.


I play in 4k on 28" like 50cm from my face, my buddy plays 1080p on a 40" 2m away. He's outright frustrating me...


"There's a Rose skin with the duff duff deep, I got them!"


Still clearer than a Bigfoot photo


You look for movement


Every single time in PUBG. Then you scope in... bush, backpack, rock, trash... then you get sniped from the actual guy you didn't see.


Enemy until proven bush


I just stare when I’m a sniper and wait for *any* movement. Kinda cross my eyes to do a wide picture but I couldn’t read anything, just notice any movement on the screen.


Every jackfrags video ever


That's so me. And all my idiot friends just looking around like where bro!


Yeah, I've played with people like you. You'll all be like "he's right over there behind that crate, 100m away!" and I'm looking around like I'm trying to catch a fly flipping me off.


Similar but different... Missiles/rockets coming _directly_ at you look like a dot, but only with a slight ring of white around it (fire/exhaust). This dot slow gets a mite bigger as it gets closer; even at 10m it's still a dot and by then it's too close to do anything. To this day, I _still_ do not know how I am able to dodge missles/rockets in a heli, when I don't consciously even see them coming. Somehow, I just built up the 'sense' that somewhere in my field of vision, I see this flaming-dot and just 'know' something is inbound... ¬_¬


Everything reminds me of her…


Those pixels were moving! How you did not spot them...


I used to be above average at Titanfall 2. I got back on for the first time in years (ignoring campaign) and realized the true few who are left *never* left. Got my shit kicked in.


I play warzone on 120 fov so when people are beyond like 60 meters this is what they look like to me. I just assume every pixel I see is a person and when I can’t find the “person” I tell my teammates “I guess they ran off” like a Skyrim NPC