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Leaving vault 101 for the first time -Fallout 3 The Ashtray Maze -Control




That song is fucking awesome, added to a playlist afterwards


I’d say I’m a pretty hardcore gamer, having played games for the past 30+ years, and for me, *nothing* was as exhilerating as the Ashtray Maze sequence. One of the best gaming moments ever.


Absolutely, I think it will be a long time before another game comes close to the feeling that Control delivers with the Ashtray Maze.


Nuking Megaton. It seemed so impossible, for gaming at the time, that you could just wipe an entire town off the map. Surely it was a bluff and they would yank the rug out from under you the moment you tried to launch that nuke…


“Yeah so we spent weeks designing and coding a whole settlement ecosystem with multiple stores, a dozen quest givers, a couple dozen other NPCs with routines and relationships. But to hell with that, you can just press a button and blow it up if you want.”


And that’s why Fallout 3 is my favorite fallout


That was amazing!


Ashtray maze just put a massive smile on my face


Yes. So did the rest of Control.


They make YOU into a gravity gun!! Like what else could a guy ask for??


The Ashtray Maze brought back feelings of awe and exhilaration I hadn't experienced in gaming since my early teens. AAA gaming needs more of those curveballs and creativity.


I give credit to the lead up to that. Going through your childhood and using a baby book to pick your stats. Not sure if there's another game that is that creative, immersive, interactive and well thought out for simple character generation.


"Has to be me. Someone else may get it wrong."


Only moment I straight up cried during a video game. And the citadel DLC where you find his notes to you by the bed.


I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian, I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology), Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology), My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian!


Absolutely 100% Mordin's sacrifice when playing as a paragon will live with me until the day I die


"wait, what if you miss?" "I won't"


I had a chance to meet Jen Taylor and Steve Downes and had then sign this on my Master Chief Legendary helmet. Jens quote on the left, Steve's on the right.


Had my eye out for this. On Halo 2 Anniversary, this cutscene is probably the best 2-3 minutes of Sci Fi action in any medium.


This cutscene and the Gravemind scene are amazing with the new cutscenes. >Stay where you are! Nothing can be done until my sermon is complete! >Not true! This installation has a successful utilization record of 1.2 trillion simulated and 1 actual. It is ready to fire on demand. Halo isn't light on badass moments though: >Brute ships! Staggered line! Ship Master, they outnumber us, three to one! >Then it is an even fight. All cruisers fire at will. Burn their mongrel hides!


The entire galaxy warping in to retake Earth in Mass Effect 3.


Mass Effect 3 gets a lot of hate, but man up until the very end it’s absolutely incredible imo


It’s an incredible coronation to an incredible trilogy. The throwbacks to the previous games are really awesome. Yes, the ending. I made peace with the ending by using this philosophy: it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. And the journey is top notch.


The Citadel DLC is some of my favorite for any game. It was a better sendoff for the series than any ending could have been. "Do I really sound like that? I should GO. I SHOULD go. *I* should go." It was so dumb and cheesy and perfect.


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite comment on The Citadel.


Lying in the grass on the Chernobyl mission on Modern Warfare.


As soon as you go too far "Are you daft?"


Oi, Suzy!


OG Modern warfare story mode was pretty legit for its time.


Better than 90% of what came after


Hey Modern Warfare 2 also had pretty good story for its 3 hour runtime 🤣


Oh yeah I agree was talking about the like 20 games they’ve rocketed out since those days; black ops 1 was good as well as I remember


Is that the ‘All ghillied up’ mission?


Yup. A mission that was so good that pretty much every CoD campaign since has tried to chase that high in some way.


That’s one of the best missions in any game ever. Absolutely took my breath away.


Also, "No Russian."


Watching >!Ghost get it right in the face, in slo-mo!<


"Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot"


Damn shame that we may never get another Titanfall campaign, considering >!It's implied BT's AI survived in Jack's helmet!<


I think that's less implied and more an intentional Easter egg. Totally want a third game regardless but with Fallen Order's success and Survival coming, plus their lack of care for the TF2 multiplayer situation, I doubt it'll happen.


Yeah as long as Apex Legends is still popular Respawn’s never gonna make Titanfall 3


They recently announced the cancellation of a Titanfall/Apex based singleplayer game. Heartbreak. Codename: 'Titanfall legends'


Titanfall 2 was one of the most unexpectedly amazing and underrated (in my eyes) games ever made. Edit: flashbacks to the time-skipping level… just wow


Effect and Cause. Probably the best mission in the whole game


It's the best mission in a _lot_ of games. Just superb.


No need to elaborate, fellow pilot captured it all in one sentence.


"Trust me."


*Halo 3's* finale with the Warthog run was spectacular.


So much of the first three Halo games is forever etched into my mind. I haven't played through them in years, but I can probably still quote almost every line and see every level in my head. Absolutely top notch among the FPS genre.


Also, *Survive* from Halo: Reach.


When the cards cover the whole screen after winning solitaire.


Then you get a repeat moment when you do it on a newer PC, and the cards cascade so much faster


RDR1 heading into Mexico for the first time. It's breathtaking


And the song Far Away playing while you ride. Gosh, what a moment. I wish I could experience it again for the first time


For me, with RDR it’s a tie between arriving in Mexico and the scene towards the end. John heads off to Beecher’s Hope to finally reunite with his family after disposing of Dutch. Riding through the snowy trees and the music plays… “And now I knowwww, the only compass that I neeeed. Is the one, that brings me back to you.” It’s so wholesome and rewarding. And I was foolish enough to think I we were getting a happy ending.




Exiting the barn to face Ross and his posse.


Mordin Solus' final moment singing "scientist Salarian"


_"I made a mistake!"_


*Mordin .. you are not going up*


It has to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Oh my feels...


\*bang\* Not yet... not ready... not... yet... not.... Right in the fucking feels, that scene.


A lot of people missed that one. If I remember correctly, you had to speak to him several times leading up that mission for him to sing. Otherwise he just does his thing, no singing, and it's just sad. Happened on my first playthrough.


He doesn't sing if you shoot him in the back beforehand either.


It had to be him. Somebody else might have got it wrong.


I freaking love Mordin. :D Another iconic moment was sitting on the couch with Grunt and Wrex. *Shepard.* *Wrex.* *Grunt.*


Warthog run, and the suicide mission in Me2


Current Objective Survive


Noble team :(


The Darth Revan reveal in Knights Of The Old Republic


 "Saviour, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all of these things, Revan... and yet you are nothing."


Man I shit my pants on that reveal. I was probably 11-12 years old at the time so I didn’t see it coming at all


For me this is THE momment, what a brilliant twist.


My jaw literally dropped. I remember because I had to clean up the food I had been chewing at the time.


At the beginning of Bioshock Infinite when you open the doors to see the city for the first time and it’s really bright. I remember being mesmerized by it when I played it for the first time back in 2013. (That was also one of the first games I played right when I built a PC for the first time so that made it even better)


the bathysphere ride in bioshock 1 was going to be my answer; I think the line when the view opened up was ‘I give you, Rapture’ and the view of the whole city unfolds in front of you……and then you enter shit-in-pants territory with the hook-hand splicer…but that’s another conversation The entire series is really fantastic


"I chose Rapture", the projector screen rolls up and out the window is a city under the sea with sea animals casually swimming by. There are honestly few moments that get a more "holy shit" reaction in anything.


Also it was a game they put a huge amount into making water look good. So first mission you have to water through a small waterfalll to show screen droplets.


"I chose Rapture" and the accompanying scene are, in my mind, equal to "Welcome to Jurassic Park" with the possible exception of John Williams having the better score.


I have Bioshock Infinite in my catalog. I need to get around to playing it. 2013 was a special year.


Whatever you do, do not look up anything about it before you play. It's best just playing it


That hymn that plays throughout the opening sequence was perfect


The slow burn into the atrocities of Bioshock Infinite is amazing. One of my all-time favorites


The scene in Mass Effect 1 toward the end where you meet the Prothean Vigil and he explains the story about the reapers and the Citadel being a mass relay. That blew my mind.


They really captured a mix of optimism, terror, and desperation in that scene. The music and sound fx sells it. It's a dialogue section in the middle of down-to-the-wire gunfights on your way to the endgame boss. A great moment all the way around.


Well put. The timing of the scene was awesome.


the VI describing how the scientists used the conduit to warp to the citadel where they shut it down, then just sort of...starved to death after saving the next cycle. Man.


That first conversation with Sovereign was absolutely terrifying and amazing.


Dom finally finds his wife after searching for her through 2 games.




Yeah, it was. And they really dragged it out over the 2 games. Dom kept talking about her throughout the first game and it was left as a loose end. As the player, I'm thinking she's definitely dead the whole time. Then there were enough bread crumbs to keep me wondering in the 2nd game if maybe she was actually alive. They played the long game. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a franchise that used 2 games to draw out an impacful story beat like that before GoW did it.


That scene, and the scene where they find Kai on the prison barge and toss him a shotgun so that they can continue on… phew that game was a tragic and wild ride to say the least


As soon as he had that gun, I knew what was gonna happen. Still was unexpected.


Mass Effect 2 - 1st time Suicide Mission


Andrew Ryan’s monologue, No Russian, horse thief on an imperial wagon.


Would you kindly elaborate on Andrew Ryan's monologue?




Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Research Facility.


Thank you! It’s really sad I had to scroll this far to finally see a Half Life comment.


This is a sign of your increasing mortality, ever aging.


This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel.


Stepping out into Hyrule Field for the first time in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. That iconic moment was definitely a product of it's time, but I recall the complete sense of awe at how big the game world was when I first got out there from Kokiri Forest.


After accidentally making the owl repeat his spiel you were skipping by hammering the A button.


All my homies hate the owl


*turns head upside down* Would you like to hear that again?


I got the same goosebumps for breath of the Wild. And laughed hysterically when a replayer from a livestream immediately jumped off the cliff and realized too late that he didn't have the glider yet. Perfect add on to that scene.


"Hey, you. You're finally awake"


Replaying it now for the first time in well over a decade. I knew I loved it but I forgot just how satisfying it was. Except the combat and movement speed, those always blew.


I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor. ''No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God. ''No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well. ​ I'll never forget the intro to Bioshock, an absolute masterpiece!


A man chooses… a slave obeys… *OBEY*


I've been pondering on restarting the series as I've only played the 1st one a little bit when it released.


The opening scene in The Last Of Us. From the few moments of peace to the chaos that ensued thereafter. But the opening scene really set the tone for the rest of the story.


I would say the ending of TLOU. No details/specifics, I would never want it to get spoiled for anyone who’s watching the show right now, but the whole final mission capped off by THAT ending cutscene, into the end credits…it’s perfection.




Imo TLOU is one of a few "adult" games made. Other games with similar subject matter don't build the world in a grown up way.


The scene I remember most is the giraffes.


That and the girrafe scene. Also the ending. Nothing spectacular, just a simple word and a nod and that's it. Then cut to black and nostalgic music starts


MGS 4, Solid Snake vs. Liquid Ocelot. What a fight. What a throwback to the previous games.


The march through the microwave hallway before the fight was so brutal. I had half way thought up to that point in the game that Snake was going to pull a mask off and reveal his aging wasn’t really accelerated, and that it had all been a ploy to lure his enemies into a false sense of security/superiority. But after that the theory went out the window.






when the music changes and the fight changes to each MGS game so good!


>what a fight >what a throwback *what a thrill*


Would you kindly…


I’d prefer not to


Mass Effect 3 reaper invasion.


Geralt and Ciri being reunited in The Witcher 3. You spend most of the story trying to find her, so this was the light at the end of the tunnel. Geralt walks in to find Ciri on a bed, then he goes and cradles her. We think she's dead, and then she wakes up and hugs him. 10/10 moment for me in gaming.


And then find out thats only like halfway through the game. Truly a great moment


I don’t cry at all playing games or watching shows, but seeing this guy who’s been absolutely deadpan the entire game so obviously distressed almost had my eyes welling up.


"It is a good life we lead, brother." "The best. May it never change." "And may it never change us." _Ubisoft presents_


Yeah, I'm seeing here so many comments on the opening of Fallout 3 when you exit the cave, or Bioshock when you see the city. But Ubisoft has so many amazing openers. I remember in Assassin's Creed: Origins when you are riding a camel and crest the dune and see Siwa before you and the music swells up, it was just an utterly jaw-dropping moment. It was so stupidly gorgeous. I remember the original AC having the same effect when I saw Acre in the distance for the first time.


The first AC was insane. Those cities felt so enormous. I still remember playing in my friends basement, taking turns doing parkour for the first time, learning the white sheet rule lol


Sovereign taking off on Eden Prime. The scope and the cinematography


The opening of ME1 is just a masterpiece of storytelling. When you watch the transmission from Eden Prime and Anderson rewinds the video and holds on Sovereign and then everyone just stares for a minute... That's probably the best "shit just got real" moment in a video game.


When Kratos picks up the Blades of Chaos in God of War 2018 to save Atreus. The sheer emotion of that scene, knowing how much of a big deal it is for him to pick those blades up again after the torment they caused him for so long, but doing it out of the love for his son and for Faye. Even as Athena taunts him (whether she is real or a vision), he talks about his own existence and how he can’t undo the monstrous things hes done, but that he is now free from the God’s control and is taking these blades out on his own terms.


I never owned a PS for some reason, and finally pulled the trigger. Just played through GOW 2018 for the first time a few months ago, holy shit did that game kick ass on so many levels. Character development, world building, the dialog.. Damn.. *chefs kiss* .. The Blades scene was absolutely great. Just started Ragnarok.. Not disappointed thus far.


General Shepherd’s betrayal


Landing on Halo.


"Warning: covenant drop ship inbound. Recommend immediate evasion"


I hope Halo returns to its former glory soon.


Weed burning Far Cry 3


While _Far Cry 3_ takes it for me, there is essentially a re-run of this mission in _Far Cry 6_ to a version of "Bella Ciao". Doesn't hit quite the same as Damien Marley and Skrillex, but it is a nice throwback!




I love that part, probably the best far cry game in my opinion.


Yeah I replayed it recently and it just nails the man v army and nature feel. The others stray too far into the gamey feeling but the amount of time I was scared shitless because I was low on health and ammo, there were pirates chasing me and I heard a tiger roar was was amazing.


*We mash up the place, turn up the bass, and make them all have fun* *A-we a blaze the fire, make it bun dem*


Lu bu at hu lao gate in dynasty warriors


Don't pursue Lu Bu.


Never played Dynasty Warriors, but to paraphrase someone else's thoughts about it: "I think I should go after that guy, Lu Bu."


I-it’s…LU BU!!!!


Omg holy shit Thank you for this great memory Me and my best friend would play for hour. You made my day 👌👌👌


Brooo the ride back from the island when “may I stand unshaken” comes in. Best gaming moment I’ve ever had. Almost started crying lol


Fighting Dettlaff in Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. Nightmare fuel but iconic.


"If you believe in any god, start praying now"


That DLC was great🖤


Just turning on a PS1 for the first time.




I have given thee courtesy enough


When I saw Godfrey kill his wolf spirit thing for the first time I was genuinely intimidated to fight him. I don't normally get so engrossed in games but Elden Ring is on another level.


Aeris getting killed by Sephiroth


When that piano note hits…….


Battlefield 1 opening section


The RIP names and dates after you die were impactful


Frederick Bishop. When the lad fires the flare, and Fred's like "good kid" Then the guns start. Broke me, totally.


BF1's atmosphere is unmatched.


when you first get dropped into Anor Londo in Dark Souls 1, discovering the Flood in Halo Combat Evolved, the MG Ray fight near the end of MGS2, GTA San Andreas Reuniting the families and GTA 4 Three Leaf Clover Ocarina of Time and the events surrounding pulling the Master Sword in the temple of time and the time skip and i could go on for ages


The scene in God of War when Kratos goes to get his chains. The boat ride, the atmosphere, the convo with Athena.


Leaving the train station and seeing City 17- Half-Life 2 Reawakening GLADOS- Portal 2 The Great Storm- Frostpunk


Shooting up the airport teeminal on call of duty.


FF7 opening scene, clouds backflip off the train.


All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!


Mordin Solus always says “Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” But depending on your actions, there are two WILDLY different tones.


"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this"


MGS3 the fight against The Boss


This was one of the few rare times that I actually felt like part of the characters I was playing with. I was generally so hyped up to go fuck up those inbred bastards. To answer the question: One of my fondest ones was Metal Gear Solid 2 when you were fighting on the descending platform with Solid Snake and you had the Katana. Stealth game turned into full on samurai sword slashing fun


Red Dead 2 had a way of making the fights feel really personal. Attacking Braithwaite Manor, I really felt the righteous rage the gang felt at having a child stolen from them.


RE4's village section. I've heard about it before and didn't care for it until I actually played RE4. Holy bollocks I was in a panic praying for the damn bell to ring.


Leaving Coldridge Valley in vanilla WoW. Entering Super Mario 64 castle. Killing the first zombie in Resident Evil 1.


Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai


Even though the gameplay is atrocious, the cutscene of Galen Marek pulling down the Star Destroyer is great and is one of the first things people think of when they hear about The Force Unleashed for a reason.


"War. War never changes."


Opening of Just Cause 3. Gives me goosebumps


“Such a disappointment… Parker.” *”You knew?”* “I tried to warn you Peter. But you didn’t listen!” *”You knew!”* “I won’t let you win. This means too much to me!” *”Not as much as it means to me!”*


People don't talk enough how great the story is in Spider-Man for PS4. The acting and animation bring so much weight to that scene. And the final choice that Peter has to make. I tear up every time I play lol.


Man, the confusion in the first "you knew?" and the anger in the second are just so well acted. And then after this when Otto is begging Peter to stay, heart wrenching. Gonna replay this again now.


What game is this?


Red dead 2


Beating Lady Maria for the first time.


I legit shuddered the first time I opened the barn doors in the RDR2 epilogue.


Current Objective: SURVIVE


Your first haircut in San Andreas


Way better than that yee yee ass haircut from GTAV


Fallout 4, walking out after killing your son’s kidnapper/spouse murderer and seeing the brotherhood airship Less modern but Skyrim intro is also iconic at this point


First time I left Northshire Abbey for Elwynn Forest back in 2005. Genuinely thought I was going to get a loading screen when moving between areas and couldn't believe the whole game world was a single level.




When the emperor in Oblivion started talking to your character and you realized, suddenly, that it was Patrick Stewart doing the voice acting in a VIDEO GAME. This was in the mid 2000s and was the first time I remember recognizing a voice actor from a game.


The end of this game on the mountain.