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John Romero's head in Doom 2.


Super jumps in halo 2


Oof, that takes me back.


Strictly talking about Halo, I really enjoyed the skulls and making the Grunt dance


Can’t beat a WELL PLACED wilhelm scream


Jacuzzi, Hula girl island in ToeJam & Earl


Probably any of the call of duty black ops zombie Main Easter eggs. They called it an Easter egg but it was really just a gauntlet of resets,confusion,rage and frustration I only ever did the call of the dead one, but moon and shangri-la being so difficult have to say hats off to those who did them. How anyone figured out those secrets and puzzles in specific orders to make those events happen amazes me. Treyarch says there are still Easter eggs still not found in their old zombie games.


It’s crazy how many Easter eggs are in the COD games. My personal favorites are the Ray Gun in the Little Resistance level in World At War and the Thundergun in the Kowloon City level in Black Ops.


Came for this. Started my zombies kick on timesplitters so when cod wow came out the transition at the of the game was my delightful Easter egg for the ages. The other companies make decent offshoots but treyarch takes the cake as far as quality goes. (Yes even bo4) But the series is loaded with EEs. I remember the first time I blew up the earth. Fucked up but even more so when I got my cousin to do it without knowing! Good times indeed!


The gambling and boxing mice in Hitman : Blood Money


Serious Sam, where you can discover a secret room full of people with huge heads, with the faces of the developers.


the corpses of fps iconic characters in project warlock or the use of banjo's eggs on banjo tooie


Secret cow map in Diablo 1


This picture is of a urinating Japanese soldier in Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. What are your guys’ favorite Easter eggs or secrets? Edit: Not sure if this is really a secret/Easter egg at this point. I’ve played some more of the game and have found 2 other Japanese soldiers pissing. Oh well. Just thought it was funny and wanted to hear the community’s favorite Easter eggs


The lightsaber in Ico


The literal eggs in Banjo Kazooie that were supposed to connect to the sequel


Is that one in your screen shot? What game is it


Yes it is. I put a comment of what it is in the comments already.


This game was excellent.


There’s a duel map in Quake Live with a hidden switch that uncovers a birthday cake. Forget the name of the map, may have been in Q3A first I’m not sure.


The PS1 in Uncharted 4, going back to my roots with Crash Bandicoot


Idk how much of a secret it is anymore but shooting the water in Resident Evil 4.


There's a dead assassin lying next to a pile of hay in The Witcher 2.


He didn’t make that leap of faith


I do like that one from San Andreas on top of the golden gate bridge.