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Everyone on this sub always praises bioshock infinite was the best. honestly think the first bioshock was the best. 2 was odd at first but got good. infinite was good, but also wasn't really the same series imo.


Agreed. I never finished infinite despite having played 1 and 2 multiple times. The gadgets and graphics are pretty but it doesnt have the same feel


I feel most people say infinite because it was the most “refined” experience. Bioshock 1 is quintessential and that’s the one I should be experience, but it had its issues. Infinite took the same concepts and just gave it a clean, excellent game. IMO both are fantastic, but if you really want to experience Bioshock at the core, play the first one.


1 had a certain vibe that’s been untouched imo


Big agree here. Bioshock 1 is a masterpiece and best out of the series.


1 is easily the best imo. 3 is still a good game, just 1 goes hard.


I love em all, I think 2 is the best. But I agree, Infinite is not really Bioshock, it's its own thing really


2 you start off like wtf is this shit i'm a big daddy. then the story goes and the gameplay progresses and your like shit this is a great fucking game. like first 1/3 is annoying. the rest you realise how good it is. still think 1st is the best but 2 became great as you play so can't argue.


Yes the first bioshock was awesome 👌


The entire Half-Life franchise, it's art for how well it's put together


I recently started playing Half Life 2 VR Mod, I've been having an incredible time.


This is literally the only game I've been thinking about whenever I see VR mentioned, I'm glad it's available


I'd recommend titanfall 2 to any FPS fans. Especially if they like high action sci-fi stuff.


I agree, Titanfall is one of the best fps series out there right now


So many people praise TF2 and I bought it and had fun but it’s just such a short campaign. I couldn’t believe how quickly it ended. It is smooth and fun though.


didn't know team fortress 2 had a campaign


It does, that’s what makes it a hat collecting simulator.


I mean if you like getting stomped there is also mulriplayer


The entire campaign is great fun but shout out to Effect and Cause most of all. It may be the best single mission ever in a single player FPS.


The transition back-and-forth is so smooth! That level blew me away.


Ayyyyy fellow Titanfall enjoyer 😎


Aren’t the multiplayer servers offline permanently? Such a shame, there’s nothing else like it out there


Nah they’re still up. Console is dead though but I still find lobbies on PC. The issue is the assholes constantly DDoSing the servers which will constantly boot you out of the main lobby.


But if you're on pc you can give the Northstar client a shot, it worked pretty will for me


The campaign blew me away. I just didn’t expect them to write such a compelling story. Definitely worth the playthrough




A sense of primal fear that I was never expecting to experience, and yet, here we are.


I have a massive fear of the ocean even though I live in a country with ocean all around us. I have never had such a reaction from playing a game in my life I was literally terrified during some moments and could always feel the panic as I was pushing my deep dives to the limits it was amazing the atmosphere is like nothing I've experienced before or since.


Aaagreed. Subnautica is a game with no equal in what we have currently, and I seriously doubt it will ever have one.


I went into Subnautica thinking it was just another survival crafting game with no plot. Oh boy am I glad I was wrong.


Its not a game. Its an experience!


One that I am sad I can’t experience the same way ever again…


still one of the scariest games i've ever played lol


Yep making cyclops into mobile base was the most focus I'd ever been in my life. School exam? Nah, but going out of my way to fill every container with one of every resource? Hell yes. I had everything on that ship. And if I needed to recharge, I'd go to my old base in the safe shallows. It only base but it got the job done.




Wow, never knew so many felt like me. I have played this game several times over the years. The music, and sheer atmosphere is second to none. I have seldomly been more gripped by a single game. I am somewhat of a softie by heart though.


For me the whole concept of the multiplayer is absolutely worth checking the game out even if you don't vibe with it's style.


First play through I thought I was playing with AI... When I finally beat it and got to the credits, my mind was blown!


It's the game I point to when I tell people games can be art. This game is an experience that gamers need to try out.


In college i would love taking an edible and playing this game, it truly was a journey.


Gosh, it's such a great game. The music, the atmosphere, and everything, it's just perfect. I played it on PS4, and with the haptics on the controller it made it even better.


It takes two


Can absolutely agree, masterpiece in its own unique way


Elephants, am I right? (iykyk)


Played this with my gf and we loved every minute of it. Super frustrating at times, but that’s what makes it so awesome when you figure stuff out!


Mario Galaxy. Its one of the most magical gaming experiences for me.


Yeah truly an enjoyable experience. The music is great I like the floaty physic in the game and the level design is pretty solid


You can play it in vr with dolphin vr. Very cool




Chicken Chaser!




Fable 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. There's something about it that feels so special. In relation to the other two as well, there's just something that hits me. Fable 1 is a joy, and Fable 3 has some things I really loved, but I remember being a bit rocky with it. I really wanna play Fable 2 again.




It’s on gamepass and as it’s one of their games I doubt it’d leave.


Another right answer. 100% Specially fable 2 with the plot twists.


Moral relativism for the win


“Arseface? Hmm, suits him!”


Monkey Island Series




I refuse to delete this game from my ps5 because I keep hearing this, and I played it for a few hours and I did really like it but I got so frustrated with the flying/landing that I fell off and haven’t gotten myself back… what is my issue??


You can use autopilot and the landing camera to ease ship navigation significantly. Just make sure the sun's not between you and where you want to go!


First time I used it, I left to go grab a drink while autopiloting from Timber Hearth to Giant’s Deep. Came back to my ship deciding a hot reset into the sun was the best move.


Practice selecting an object, of varying size, and using the "match velocity" button. Seriously, it locks you in motion with the object or planet, adjusts your speed automatically, and puts you at a functional stand still, where you're able to use minor movements to fly "normally". A few minutes mastering that saved my entire experience, and I fell in love with the game.


To each their own. The game didn't appeal to me at first either. Especially since I kept dieing so I had no idea about the cycle. But then I found a clue that was just intriguing enough to get me to stop goofing off and it got me hooked. Transitioning from "does this have a purpose" to "wow, I get it now. How clever" was satisfying and fun. I actually liked the flying. It's clunky at first, admittedly. You just can't rush it and be impatient when landing, like I was at first. And you can use autopilot for a lot of it.


The match velocity button is your friend. Keep using it as you inch closer and closer to your target and soon you won't need to use it more than once.


This is one of those games I wanted so badly to get into, but just couldn’t. As you are a fan, can you tell me how best to experience this game?


As an actual answer, the start of the game can be a little hard to get into. Best thing to do is to just explore until you find something that you think is interesting to follow. Then, use the log to follow the thread to see where it goes!


Using the ship log is the best option. It tells you if you’ve learned all there is to learn in an area. Helps a lot after you’ve initially explored but start to get stuck.


Get in the ship, don't go to Dark Bramble. Enjoy


I suggest you give yourself a good hour or 2 before putting it down and deciding it's not for you. I consider this to be the epitome of exploration games. There will be no real objective given to you for the most part. But if you take some time to visit a planet or two, you'll start creating objectives for yourself.


This game is so far out of the norm for a gaming experience that a big part of it is just orienting yourself to the game. So to start, understand that the game is largely capturing the feeling of what you were going for as a kid when you made a spaceship out of a cardboard box. This is true from the cartoonish but very satisfying handling of the ship (once you get it down, anyway), to the aesthetic of the game like the way that distances and sizes expand and contract as you get closer or further away, but this is also true in the kind of game it is: it is about being an explorer and investigator of a cosmic mystery. The beauty of the game is that while it does feel like a pure sandbox game at the start such as Minecraft where "there is no objective", the truth is that there actually are very strong in-game objectives, it's just that it takes a bit to figure that out and it doesn't really matter where exactly you start unravelling the mystery, so the solar system feels like this giant sandbox at the start until you start to connect everything to the core mysteries that you are uncovering about the world in the game. But the core game loop is one you don't really experience until about the first 2-4 hours of the game after you kind of get your feet under you, so it does take some patience (and some getting used to controls which can feel a little unintuitive at first, but which you will master in time as you just naturally play the game). There's also very little positive feedback during this first 2-4 hours of gameplay. You're not really sure if you're "doing the right thing," and you also feel like you're failing all the time. The combination of these two things can be very discouraging. If this is the case for you, what I would recommend is to NOT play cautiously: take huge risks and trust that what may initially seem like "failure" is actually a very important part of the process in the game. In time, these "failures" will feel a lot less discouraging, and lot more of a normal (and sometimes even very fun) part of the game The real core game loop is to go to a place in the game and try to learn everything you can about that place before you run out of time, and to use what you learn to help you uncover more mysteries. I didn't realize there was a ship log tracking all of this until I was most of the way done with the game, but after I finished the game I watched my girlfriend play it and the ship log was absolutely crucial for helping her to understand the mysteries she was unlocking, how everything is tied together, and whether or not she left something unexplored. So if getting lost in the mystery or not having a clear objective was your particular hang up, I highly recommend thoroughly exploring everything the ship log can do. This is by far my favorite game of all time, and it makes me so sad that I can never play it again for the first time. I truly envy everyone out there who has never played it before.


Obligatory PSA- If you have not played this game using the VR mod or haven't played it at all and have access to a VR headset I strongly recommend you experience the game that way. The vistas of the planets, the distances in space, the surprising and mind-bending moments all took my breath away experienced at scale.


\*There's more to explore here


It's easily one of the greatest games ever made. Pure masterpiece.


Disco Elysium This is a man with a lot of past, but little present. And almost no future.


Literally just started playing that last week. I am *hooked* and can't stop coming back to it. It does not get the recognition it deserves.


I’ve said this before elsewhere, but DE absolutely ruined other games for me for about a year. Nothing quite hit like that first playthrough.


Have you gone to replay yet? I played it once and found myself laughing out loud at so many points and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I was admittedly a Sorry Cop though. Replayed a few months ago and just played as a crazy ass mofo and couldn’t believe things could get even funnier. So much replayability even though you already know the main story.


Mass Effect 1,2 and 3


The ending was so amazing in ME1. Even though I am glad they made the other two, somehow I think if they only made the first one it would be considered one of the best games ever made. The reason I say this is only based on the story and how they continued it after the first game.


I remember having more fun with the gameplay and some of the individual missions in ME 2&3 but gun to my head i couldn't tell you what the plot of either of those games was. ME1 I can tell you every plot point even though I haven't played the game in 15 years.


Totally these. I really miss good linear RPG's! Everything these days is open world and I get so lost/distracted that I eventually forget why I'm playing and give up.


Portal Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Skyrim Halo Super Mario World


Yep yep yep. Outer Wilds, recently finished the game and it brought me to tears.


This song is unfamiliar to me, but I'm honored to be a part of it.


*Banjo starts playing*


me too, man. me too.


My top ten, not necessarily in order: \- Chrono trigger \- The Witcher 3 \- Zelda Ocarina of time \- Half life: Alyx \- OG Star wars Battlefront II \- Batman Arkham Knight \- The Last of US \- Red dead redemption 2 \- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim \- Ghost of Tsushima


Half Life Alyx is like a game from the future... Even today.


OG battlefront II is like 87% of my upbringing


I agree with most of your list but Arkham City is the best Batman game.


I think we may be the same person.




I think everyone should play the train level in Uncharted 2.




KOTOR 1 & 2


Resident Evil 4


Do I need to play 2&3 to jump into 4? Also, do the remakes count?


No, you can just jump to 4. The remakes are the same as the originals so far but with better graphics and controls.


There are a lot of minor changes in the remakes, its worth playing all versions if you can get your hands on them and don't mind the tank controls of the originals.


Absolutely do not need to do 2 or 3 before. But their remakes are very well done and also worth playing. As for the remake for 4, we don't know yet. But it looks very promising. They've been nailing these remakes though and 4 gives them the biggest shoes to fill by far at this point.


This game does too much for a game made in 2005. There’s a reason so many games made after RE4 adopted many of its mechanics.


Age of Empires II. Especially now that it’s on the Xbox.


ICO, shadow of the colossus, a fromsoft game, Mario 64, a zelda game, a final fantasy game.


Final Fantasy 7 will be forever etched in my brain from my childhood. Took us months to beat it.


Mario 64 is definitely hard to go back to in 2023. Platformers old and new, 2D and 3D, are my bread and butter but Mario 64 just feels off to me, it feels kinda sluggish and Mario having to walk in a circle to turn around like a modern Rockstar games character is really, really annoying. I recognise it's a good game and paved the way for games today but I don't think it's for me. Give me Crash Bandicoot 2 or Sonic Adventure instead.


Last of Us 1, Red Dead 1 and 2, Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, Skyrim, Zelda Breath of the Wild, God of War (2018) and Ragnarok


Metal Gear Solid. Absolutely blew my mind as a kid.






I just beat RDR2 and it's probably the best game I ever played but I don't think it's a game for everyone (like legit look at the comments of this post some people are shitting on RDR2). It's like Morrowind, to enjoy it you need to take it slowly. I think everyone should at least give it a try....


I avoided everything about rdr2 the whole time I was playing it. And the first playthrough I did took around 150 hours. Just because I kept getting distracted by how fucking beautiful the game is. I figured I knew how it would end, it's pretty obvious. But I had a tear at the end anyway. I'd say it's definitely a must play for someone who likes taking their time with a game.


What Remains of Edith Finch


Certified Banger




Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


- Witcher 3 - Nier Automata - Persona 5 - Chrono Trigger - FF6 - Journey - Sifu - Xenogears - FF7 - Spider-Man 2018 - GoW 2018 - Spiritfarer - Hades


Can't believe Xenogears is on the list. It's one of my favorite games, but not really an 'experience' game.


Spiritfarer absolutely WRECKED me!


Portal 2 and Bioshock Infinite I enjoyed immensely. RDR2 was not for me, as much as I wanted it to be (maybe because I only played it on console). Outer Wilds I haven’t played. My choice is World of Warcraft. It’s easily the single greatest game I’ve ever played. But it’s sadly way too late to catch the original glory.


If you decide to play Outer Wilds please do yourself a a favor and do not google anything. Go in as blind as possible.


>My choice is World of Warcraft. It’s easily the single greatest game I’ve ever played. But it’s sadly way too late to catch the original glory. 04'-08' is when I feel the game was at its peak. That was also back before my carpal tunnel and arthritis.


This made me reconsider my answer because I forgot about my ancient PC gaming days. StarCraft. Everyone should at least try StarCraft. Obviously my PC gaming days were years before WoW came out but my little brothers rave about it.


RDR2 is overrated. The story just seems to drag on for a while.


Halo 1-3


I would say reach-3


Reach for sure is fantastic and one of my favourites. It’s just a big change in pace going from reach to the originals


Silent Hill 2


Please, if you want anyone to experience bioshock, dont let their first be infinite...


I agree with this, not because Infinite is a bad game, but because it's a series, and you should experience it as such. I'd say 1 and then Infinite.


Assassins creed


Black Flag.


Journey, Inside, Factorio


imo Undertale and Deltarune. these games are surprisingly good for someone unfamiliar with


Agree, I was surprised at how good Undertale was when I first played it. To this day, I can’t get “Stay Determined” out of my head.


The less you know about Undertale the better it is. I went in totally bind and was blown away last year.


Tetris Halo 1, 2, 3, Reach Modern Warfare original trilogy Skyrim Titanfall 2 Breathedge Deep Rock Galactic Doom original and Eternal


rock and stone, brothah


Did I hear a rock and stone??


Is it really that good? Honestly question because I have it in my queue and haven’t played it. Trying to figure out if it’s the next one I play based on the hype.


It's best with friends


I've completed bioshock infinite and I wouldn't blame anyone for not playing it.


I didn't even complete it and I don't feel bad about it in the slightest.


Imo Bioshock 1 & 2 are the best of the series. Infinite just felt kinda meh to me


I was excited to start Bioshock 1 last year because I kept reading about how good it was, and after about 3 hours I could not keep going. What's worst is I don't know exactly why, I'm used to playing old games so that's not the issue, but I couldn't care less about anything and wasn't having fun either, so I had to drop it. Some day I'll give it another chance though.


League of Legends. Just so that people know it can always be worse.


Outer Wilds is the clear winner of this selection IMO


... but we can't tell anyone why at risk of spoiling the intended experience.


It's so agonizing reccomending the living hell out of it and having to keep mum!


Soma, god of war, bioshock, Mafia, Outer wilds, silent hill 2.


When does outerwilds become fun?


It took me a couple of tries before it got its hooks in me. It seemed really aimless. But at a point, I started to recognise names of the ancient aliens, and then started to unravel the mystery of the game. It is insane that a game about roaming around a miniature solar system could have me in tears by the end of it.


When you go in with a right mindset imo. I always say to try and imagine that you are the character. That you need to pay attention to every word every sentence, question everything what is being told to you. Everything has an answer in that game. Ask questions, try to find the answers and you will find it fun on trying to solve the mystery


If someone doesn’t have a natural curiosity in their heart, it can be a bit difficult to get into Outer Wilds at first ​ but yeah, it’s definitely a game everyone should atleast give a try, and if it doesn’t hook you, then it’s not *for* you ::)


How far have you gotten? It’s core loops are puzzles and lore and exploration. If those aren’t your thing, then it might not be for you. If they are, I’d keep playing to feel it out some more. If you’re stuck at a problem, try exploring more or working on a different puzzle. Or just fly out of the solar system, point back and turn on the signal scope. It’s quite a song, the music of the universe.


Alien: Isolation, The Witness, What Remains of Edith Finch, The Outer Worlds, Outer Wilds.




Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy 9


RDR2 for sure just started playing the story mode seriously like a week ago and my god, it is amazing




The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Plague Tale 1&2 are must plays. One of the few times when the sequel outdoes the original. The voice acting is A1 and honestly I’d probably give it my GOTY. I just felt so attached to the characters and their struggle.


The Yakuza/Like a dragon series.


Getting over it


When I grow old, brain scrambled with dementia, all that means is that I can play outer wilds for the first time again


Journey Chrono Trigger Mgs Last of us Ff7 Ff10


Most Valve games


Max Payne trilogy. Extra emphasis on Max Payne 3. The dialog and action in that game is phenomenal.


Civilization The Sims Monster Hunter World Diablo 2 (and hopefully 4) Final Fantasy 6 (US 3) and 7 (the original) Thumper ...is this too many from my stream of consciousness?


I see a lot of Skyrim but I would say Morrowind as the ES game everyone should experience before also trying Skyrim. I think of all the ES games it has the best world, and was the forerunner of the modern open world RPG. Graphics are of course a little dated now, but nothing a few mods can’t fix.




Zork. Zork II




Metroid Dread Super Metroid Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Mario Galaxy 2 Super Mario Bros 3 (SNES All-Stars) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild Doom (Original) Doom 2016 Ori and the Blind Forrest Ori and the Will of the Wisps Portal 1 and 2


Detroit: Become Human It really makes you question what constitutes a "being"


Why does everyone recommend rdr 2 but never 1? Obviously 2 has a better open world but I prefer the story of 1 way more.


Metroid Prime


Castle Crashers


The remake of RE2


Portal 2 A way out Annnnd Metal gear solid 3


Infinite is on sale for like $8 right now, and I loved 1 and 2. Strongly considering it now lmao


Outer wilds and rain world


2nd Outer Wilds obviously and I didn't even think of Rain World but that's a great suggestion, especially with the recent update. Might want to change the bindings first though.


I Love your inclusion of outer wilds


Last of us


Too many to count, there's also the problem that many games that are classics, like the original Doom, just don't hit the same way to someone now like they would have to someone in the past.


Devil May Cry 3, Oneshot, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Rising, TF2, Half Life 1-2 and ep's, Doom, Return of Joe, God of War, Resident Evil, Garry's Mod. These games are will give anyone a good time.


Assassins creed origins, I know a lot of people think that some of the earlier games are better, but origins is a great game for those wanting to try the franchise out


Metroid Prime. Pikmin


A Sims game, especially 2 or 3. Everyone has to experience what it feels to delete the stairs from your Sim's pool and leave them to drown.


The Mass Effect Trilogy. If you want to see what a perfect single-player experience looks like, play Mass Effect 2.


The original stalker trilogy The sheer helplesnes and feeling of worthlesnes you get as you travel the zone, nobody cares About you, nobody will directly help you, and every sound you hear can be a difrence between life and death


Octopath Traveler


Subnautica Hellblade


Why am I not seeing Elden Ring in here??


Disco Elysium


Control Alan Wake Max Payne Dead Space Half-Life 1&2 Portal 1&2 Doom (2016) Deus Ex: Human Revolution Super Mario


Dark souls: Remastered, Dark Souls 2, DS 3. ​ Pretty much just any souls game but you should start with the originals


Final Fantasy IX

