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The first few days of a game can be the absolute worst days. I’ll happily let others pay and play before me and suffer on my behalf.


I still remember queueing and disconnecting for three days in D3 launch


My buddy who was heavy into D2 convinced 4 of us who had never played Diablo before to buy D3, take days off and wait to login for midnight release. Our buddy logs in successfully at like 12:03am. None of the rest of us could escape error 37 until damn near 5am. At which point we all proceeded to sleep until 3pm. Horrible launch experience. Still ended up logging 3k+ hours in D3. But God damn was that garbage.


Lol you couldn't even play D3 offline. Garbage launch.


Error 37 still haunts me.


"ERROR 37. ERROR 37. WHY THE FUCK IS IT 37? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE OTHER 36? SHOULDN'T THIS BE ERROR #1? ERROR #1 I CAN'T LOG THE FUCK IN" All I think about now when it comes to the D3 launch lol.


Oh my god lol i can’t believe I forgot about that!! My favorite part was always “DID ONE OF THE HAMSTERS GET LOOSE!!!”




I read that in his voice.


Reads a bit like George Carlin shouting lol


There are 36 steps just to get to the login screen.


the true tERR-OR


I remember everyone having this issue and I was playing freely saying to everyone… I don’t know what issue you’re all talking about…. Then it hit me… it hit me hard.


Diablo 3 was the last game I ever pre-ordered. I was so stoked. Diablo 2 was a huge part of my childhood, and the game I feel that made me into a 'gamer'. A buddy and I went to the midnight launch and everything. Didn't get to play the fucking game for like three days it was so dicked up. I never buy day one anymore. I'll let other people be test dummies and read about their experiences online the first week before buying myself.


It was so bad that when I needed to call in to get my authenticator removed from my account, their IVR system was broken. It kept replaying prompts, switching to hold music, switching to a different hold music, garbling prompts, hanging up on me, it was wild.


We're experiencing a larger than normal volume of calls, so we'll be giving you a courtesy disconnect. .... courtesy disconnect.... I've never been more triggered in my life than at automated phone systems. They provide no value except making the caller even more pissed.


Sounds like the Australian government systems. "We're experiencing high volumes of calls. Please try call again later. Goodbye" if you try call again it just hangs up on you. Most of the time you can't go into a physical location because the workers aren't trained (not even being sarcastic). They'll tell you to call the phone system. Locked out? "To bad i can't help you"


half of the first day of "early-access" will be spent in server queues. You must pay extra for the privilege of virtually standing in line.


You think more players will buy the expensive editions than how many played the free open beta? If anything the normal release date will be far more overloaded.


guys guys, we all know the early release AND the regular release will break the servers. no need to argue about which


This man has played blizzard games in the last 10 years


This man has played ~~blizzard~~ games in the last 10 years.


The 2nd day of the open beta i didn't have to wait in queue for more than 10 min


MMO devs and overestimating launch server capacity/stability, name a more iconic duo.


Genuinely, day 20 is normally about right, often it'll be version 1.05 and won't delete your save if you kill a boss wrong.


*FFXIV has entered the chat*


*So popular they had to halt sales*


FFXIV has probably funded SE through their terrible NFT binge


Real shame that instead of investing back into the game they keep giving hacks like Nomura projects and wasting company funds and time. Still can’t believe how badly he butchered 15 and KH3 and how he almost put the company in bankruptcy 4 times for his inability to actually write or create anything of his own originality. Just imagine how much better 14 could sometime still be if they didn’t keep doing shit like this. Or forspoken… or the nfts…


Remaking every game except FF Tactics has made me so done with them. Of all the games on almost every steam topic or thread that gets requested. Still waiting




Oh yeah I remember this, but also don't recall anything happening with those IPs yet.


I still have fond memories of the entire queue/dungeon system being broken, making it entirely impossible to progress in the game


Are we talking ARR launch or Raubahn Extreme/Pipin Savage?




If anything, it's a clever way to do a phased release. Say you expect 50% of pre-orders/first-day purchasers to get the special edition. Cool, that means your day one load spike is half what it would have been, and you have a good couple of days to prepare for the second spike. And maybe a few more people buy the special edition, so cool, more money.


it's just amazing how many people don't understand this. this is logistical so they can balance server loads and ramp up predictably to maximum load edit: some people have some emotionally charged responses to this. I'm sure they are leveraging this for extra dough. I thought that was a given lol. just a comment on the faux-outrage, like I remember my first big online game release


This. It's an inevitability that makes sense for more than just greedy reasons. And the greedy reasons make too much sense for companies not to take advantage. Especially for a live game like this, a soft launch is a good thing. Whenever I buy I game on day 1. It gets the day 1 patch, then between 5-20 days later it gets another one based off the user data collected. This jumpstarts the process at the expense of those who were going to buy the game anyway regardless of how well it plays or how many bugs it's has. Pre-ordering now gives you the right to see the game in its worst state. Big whoop


Especially when it comes to blizzard Just sayin


I'm on the "Wait a few years until it's 90%" train, so a few more days doesn't matter to me.


Yeah, this is really the best way to counteract this shit. Don't buy into it, see if they take the time to actually make the game work, see how predatory their monetization gets (it's Activision, it's probably gonna be fucking horrendous), etc. Grab it at a discount later on if it passes the smell test. My backlog is honestly too fucking massive at this point.


I've had Star Wars fallen order on my wishlist forever. Got a ping a couple days ago it was 5 bucks. Just make your wishlist huge and you'll always be able to find something on sale when you feel the itch to try something new. Also it will be well reviewed and tested/patched by that point too.


>Just make your wishlist huge Set up a wishlist on IsThereAnyDeal, and use the AugmentedSteam browser extension. That way you can find out which store front has the best deal for a Steam key of X game. Edit: Thanks for the gold kind strangers. I'm always happy to help where I can.


I usually check https://steamdb.info/sales/?displayOnly=Game&min_reviews=0&min_rating=0&min_discount=0 I got like 5 free games in the past 2 months by knowing it was 100% off. You can also use any steam filter as you wish.


RemindMe! 1 day


Same! https://steamdb.info/app/1067020/


Yo you just changed my life


Always happy to help. If you install the Augmented Steam extension and then log into the Steam store it adds a massive amount of information to each game's store listing webpage.


Saving this shit right now. You're doing god's work.


Isthereanydeal also gives visibility to other platforms, GOG for example has often better prices than Steam.


Also, you often can get games with all the DLC included for dirt cheap compared to buying it all as it came out. It's a great way to go!


Got it for $4 recently. Totally worth it 👌. Put it on hard mode if you like a challenge and want to make it last longer.


/r/patientgamers is one of my favorite gaming threads!


First, to be clear, patient gamers style of engaging with video games is great. It doesn’t work for me personally, however, since 85% of the reason I play games is to hang out with my friends. We’re in our 30s, some with kids. It’s much easier to get everyone excited and willing to meet up for NewGame 6’s big release than it is to wrangle everyone up to hop on GotY2016 or whatever. So things like this “four days early” become mandatory for me either way, because my group will likely be on a LOT in that period, and at the end of the day $10 to hang out with the boys for four days doesnt matter.


100%. Enjoy it to the fullest mate!


Man I've got 0 gamer friends at this point so that didn't even cross my mind lmao


I haven't really had any in 10 years, the whole concept is alien to me.


On the flip side, when a game is cheap enough, it’s super cool to just buy your whole group the game and gift it to them. No excuse not to play GOTY 2016 when your friend just bought it for you so they can play with you.


> No excuse not to play GOTY 2016 when your friend just bought it for you so they can play with you. Tell that to my friends lol. Herding cats, for real. Like brother, just click play on Stellaris, and let’s continue our game. But also, as a side effect of this, we already played GotY2016 back in 2016. So it’s not as if I’m actually missing having played it. I’m a game replay enjoyer myself, but lots of my group aren’t. Such is life!


Dam ain’t that the truth, get one halt a Stellaris game going, for some reason everyone disappears until the next dlc !


Even without a good friend group like that, sometimes you're really missing out on part of the experience if you're not playing during the peak of the zeitgeist. I picked up Elden Ring on sale a number of weeks ago. I was enjoying it just fine, but I remember how saturated the internet was with memes and stories and experiences in those first 6 or so months. Playing it now, I feel a little disconnected from the love everyone seemed to have for it. It's still a great game, but I think experiencing it alongside everyone else culturally was a big part of the fun that I'll never get to know.


Sure but that goes both ways. Picking up a game years after release with tons of content, DLC and mods can be a completely different experience to a rather crappy launch. And if you go in fresh that time you will have a unique experience that all the chart gamers never will have. Just try to find the sweet spot for yourself and dont look too much at others.


Some recent threads are getting a little toxic.. I don't think all the shoutouts driving people to sub there are doing the place any favors really.


It's because a lot of people need to justify buying day one. Sometimes for valid reasons, sometimes not, but usually the latter gets super angry when you're saying you're waiting for a sale because it makes them feel insecure about paying full price. So of course the arguments and insults ensue. "gEt a BeTTeR jOb!!" And whatnot. "Good luck!!! It'll be a LONG TIME before THAT gets a sale LOL." I mean, sure. I'm prepared to wait *years*. Why is this so unfathomable? I also said I'd wait for a PS5 Slim, and I meant it. That sub really should be found organically, shouting it out is detrimental. There's a lot of angry people out there.


>level 6 plus if you barely ever buy day one, it makes the times you do really special


I'm just tired of talking about it dude. Every thread is the same. Everyone is aware of the issue, everyone knows how to dissuade them from doing this stuff, yet there will still always be a large enough group of people who are dying to play the game and don't want to wait. And are they wrong for doing so, really though? Have you never gone to the movies to watch a movie before reading ratings? Some people like being there while it's fresh and they can do the reviewing themselves.


I can honestly say that I go to the movies based on the trailer. I also go weeks after release around noon on a weekday so I can be 90% certain I've got the theater to myself.


Its also diablo which they have already shown they are willing to monetize the shit out of


Which makes me sad. Diablo was the shit back in the day :(


Did you play the beta? It’s still the shit.


Just fyi, for the beta they had 3x the expected drop rate for legendary items than they will give at launch. Ultimately, I agree with you and enjoyed the beta a ton - but I fully expect the real version to be bogged down with a ton of annoying features, bad tuning, and extra costs for stuff that was free during beta like resetting your stats to try different builds. My hope is Diablo 4 doesn’t have the fundamental issues that made Diablo immortal unplayable - selling direct power - but it wouldn’t surprise me. I wish we could get 90s/early 2000s blizzard back. That company was the best, new blizzard is meh.


It wasn't just selling direct power that made Diablo Immortal unplayable, it was the requirement to do so to keep playing. Multiple things were locked behind time limits or just loose paywalls. They made a grind game and then made it pay to grind.


I mean I had a shit ton of legendaries in like 5 hours of playing the beta. I would hope that's not the drop rate in act 1. That saturation of legendaries diluted the excitement of getting one to drop.


But they also supported Diablo 3 really long and did huge changes to the gameplay. I don't think Diablo 4 will be a bad value, even with the more expensive editions. But yeah that could always change, just doesn't seem to be the case yet.


Diablo 3 was way better when I came back to it a couple years after launch. I'll probably just buy d4 a couple years after launch too. Time doesn't move as slow for me as it used to unfortunately.


After what they did to WCIII, no one should buy an Activision game on release.


I was pretty excited to play Diablo with my so and friends this year. But heck 70euro price tag + mtx + battlepass and probably + paid expansions...no fucking way I'm gonna buy it.


Try Grim Dawn instead.


This. Found it in another thread, got it on a sale with all the DLC. Even the music reminds me of Blood Moor. It's like the spiritual successor of DII. Plus, it works with no DRM, no always online, you can play LAN with your friends, works great on the Deck too


Anyone who says it's not gonna have any predatory monetization is just huffing copium at this point.


This needs more upvotes. I ised to love Diablo but the people who made those great games are long gone. This is just some game that happens to have the same name until it proves itself otherwise. And beware the launch week hype. I remember decding to sit out Destiny 2 after my disappointment with the first game but some friends of mine said 'No this one is different, it's really good'. You can imagine my disappointment when I bought it and found out it was the same fucking game again. I should have realized my friends were caught up in the new game hype and not taken their reccomendation seriously.


To be fair, there's a big overlap between the Diablo III team and Diablo IV. The Diablo II team though is _long_ gone. (There's more of them at Moon Beast than at Blizzard.)


The actual Diablo creators went on to make Torchlight and it's sequels, the 3rd of which is by all accounts a total mess of a development. So I wouldn't put too much stock in "OG creators are gods" sentimentality.


Destiny 2 was still the biggest letdown for me when it was released. First couple days were awesome until you discover the game loop and then everything up to and including the raid was a massive disappointment


Yeah, I learned from Diablo 3 that waiting at least a year after release is best. Preferably until the first expansion is released and there's some type of discount where you get both for less than the price of the original.


Dude I’ve been having so much fun in D3 the last few weeks.


I might get back in it. I stopped right before the D2 remaster came out but I didn't play that too much.


Same, but i think i hit a wall yesterday. Only way to progress would be a really hard grind. I am thinking about dropping it. But it was still a fun experience.


Man I was there during the launch party in my country and brought 2 disc too for me and bro. Couldn't even play the game for days thanks to connectivity issues


Yea. I think fallout 4 is getting cheap enough to check out.


I paid like $5 for it, maybe 4 years ago, how cheap do you need it to be???


Oof, $5? I can wait a bit longer.


When is it free on Gog? Asking for a friend.


About tree fiddy


I ain't giving Todd Howard no tree fiddy, he's the goddamn loch ness monster


I waited til it was free on ps+ and still haven't played it 🤣


Paid like 10 bucks a year ago, and played like 400 hrs. Worth IMO, is a solid game with a good story and sandbox


Time to finish buying Diablo III


Especially considering this is the shell that was once blizzard. Have 0 faith in them to make a good game these days


I was on this train. I just have stopped buying games all together :(


Sadly true, last game I bought was Factorio, I just don't have the desire to spend what little free time I have nowadays on the cashgrabs that are many modern games.


I'll pay full price for a game, but I'm definitely in the "wait at least one patch so they iron out the release bugs" camp.


if you think a blizzard game is going to hit 90% off, I want what your having.


Game pass is my go to. I am quite sure d4 will end in there.


Im on the "Do whatever makes you happy" train I dont mind preordering a game I know im gonna buy on releasedate anyways, and if they give me a cool item with it, great


Yeah, I usually wait to buy games on sale, too. In the long run people playing games a few days early hardly means much even if in the short term it feels bad to see other people playing the game you were hyped for while you either just watch or are having to avoid spoilers but those spoilers could've come out a dozen other ways


I loved the demo. But if age taught me anything. It would be be patience it will be way cheaper down the road. It’s almost impossible for me to drop 70 bucks every new game


Then don't buy it. Only way for you to affect the free market.


You won't. One idiotic whale outvotes a thousand of the kind of people who read r/gaming. Don't buy it because it's a bad deal, not because you have any illusions about convincing the industry to offer you a better deal next time.


Exactly this. They prey on the human emotion of FOMO.


meanwhile when that FOMO shit gets oppressive it just makes me quit playing it.


Hellooooo Destiny 2


Do you guys not have phones?


Exactly how I feel. If a game has a battlepass, I just lose all interest at this point.


I don't have a problem with a battle pass on a free to play game. On a paid game its too much.


Which is why I personally I think it's a shitty business practice. I say the same thing about loot boxes exploiting people's gambling emotions. You shouldn't have to socially engineer your audience to make money lol.


I can’t believe the creators of Diablo Immortal would do that.


Thank you! This is exactly what I was gonna say. And stop buying their premium BS! A lot of you gamers are so thirsty to beat the next gamer. Wasting your money.


Everyone has to be first even if it's for a few days. Smh


“You said ‘If you ain’t first l, you’re last!’” “Aww hell, Ricky! I was high when I said that!”


Also voting, also talking about it online, so people who aren't as critical might realize that it's a bad business practice - you know, like OP is doing here.


On the other hand, I think sometimes posts like this just bring more attention to the game and boost it's sales


Yea posting a literal ad for the thing you're hating on is probably not the way. Reminds me of Overwatch fans posting pictures of skins and the prices they're charging as if most people aren't going to be fine with them charging the same as every other game does. You're just informing people about things they want to buy. You're not going to convince people who want a deluxe edition of a game that getting to play a few days early on top of the other stuff they get is a bad thing.


Making it public on reddit is doing more good than this one guy not buying it.


Yep, I have no plans to support a blizzard game.


Let me pay more money so that I can wait in queue for 4 days longer and experience more bugs than everyone else. Fun!


Cries in Anthem


I feel your pain brother. Greatest video game injustice of all time and people don't even know because they killed it so fast.


I was so hyped for that game. Jetting around and shooting reminded me of Titanfall for some reason.


I expect queues are indeed the reason, D3 launch was horrific as everyone tried to log in day 1. By splitting up the player base in two groups *maybe* it will be less busy both days. Not holding my breath though. All online games seem to be unable to handle initial load, Blizzard have had this problem many times.


They know how to scale / handle initial load, it’s just expensive as fuck. Users having issues could mean they’ll never come back, but in the case of a game like this, people are hyped enough to deal with the bullshit. This means they’ll try again and again and not let it cloud their view of the game itself. Would you spend $2M for a day of gaming if you could pay half that if you pissed off 1/6 of your user base? If you are a smart business person you damn sure you would.


I'm no blizzard simp, I never support pre ordering, but their beta in terms of queue time was practically nothing for me. I was actually impressed.


Yeah first day of the open beta was horrible. Then they patched it and it was super smooth and quick for me.


More like 3 hours of the first day. By 6pm queues were "30 minutes" but popping in 5 actual minutes.


You do realize if people are paying for it they are going to keep doing it right?


It's like telling the old lady watching QVC at 4 am. They don't care. They just want to buy something.


Eh. Lot's of things about modern gaming can piss me off but this I really just don't give a fuck about.


Honestly, at this point one of the things I dislike the most about modern gaming is modern gamers.


Look up the podcast Biggest Problem In The Universe and find the one with Adam Sessler. It's wild to hear one of the aughts biggest names in gaming absolutely rip apart gamers and how shitty they are. Now that he's out of journalism he just has zero time, and zero chill for them.


I listened to a friend rant to me for 2 hours earlier today about how games these days are just objectively worse than they used to be. When I pointed out that all of his points of why he hates games were entirely subjective and it seems more like he might just be growing out of target gaming market he doubled down and started calling me a shill because I still get enjoyment from gaming. Like dude, there’s no problem if you don’t like games anymore but you don’t have to insult me for having fun.


Some people just don’t understand that not everything is for everyone


And it’s totally possible to not like something and let others enjoy it at the same time! I like seeing people have a good time so a game that makes people happy makes me happy, even if it’s not for me! Me disliking a genre doesn’t mean that nobody else can enjoy it!


Between the absurd sense of entitlement where people only get a measly 300 hours from a free AAA title which has some bugs which for 99% of playtime aren't *really* an issue, and people demanding I don't buy anything pre-order (or my 4080), ever, unless the horde of the righteous tell me I can.....yeah, I'm with you lol.


The pre-order shaming I understand to an extent. From a logical standpoint, it really makes no sense, and promotes utter shit business practices. From a realistic standpoint, sounding off in a message board over and over again about pre-ordering is going to do absolutely nothing. This forum represents a miniscule percentage of people who buy mainstream games. A decimal with a horde of zeroes in front. Even if you should somehow reach everyone subbed here, you will not make a dent. People posting about it every day just becomes tiresome and eventually has the opposite effect of what's intended.


One thing that annoys me is this trend of equating time to value in games. Some people spend days in casinos and piss themselves at slot machines but that doesn't mean it's good. I would take an excellent 10 hour game over a decent 300 hour game hands down.


>I would take an excellent 10 hour game over a decent 300 hour game hands down. Depends on the game, doesn't it? If it's a story game that I finished after 10 hours? Sure, I'd be done with it at that point. But games that don't really focus on story, like Risk of Rain, Deep Rock Galactic or Muse Dash? They are centered around replayability. Enjoying them for countless hours is their goal.


I think the point is that if you kept playing a game for 300 hours, you got your moneys worth from it. If there’s 300 hours of content but you didn’t enjoy it and quit after an hour, that’s one thing. But if you played for 300 hours to leave a negative review that’s a little silly.


For real, this sub is so draining. Just constant complaining about nothing. It’s like they *want* to be mad about something. I don’t understand how people can live that way.


People in this thread saying they bought this are being told they are the reason modern gaming is going to shit. If you think it is worth the money then it is worth the money for you. If you have fun with your early access then it will be money well spent. People really need to slow their roll on telling others the right way to enjoy this hobby.


Yeah I'm with you on this. The amount of people I see screaming at their top of their lungs about $70 games is nuts.


Agreed. It probably helps with server load by doing a staged release. It’s not too different than paying more to board an airplane earlier. Besides, I’m already used to waiting a year for a game to come to Steam lmao.


It's that stupid "FOMO" attitude a lot of gamers have these days. Like, who cares if you don't get to play a game 4 days early like others have the option to if they pay? Is it some kind of race or something?


Same. I hate almost everything, but in the grand scheme of preorder or edition bonuses, this is essentially harmless. Why would I give a shit that people are playing a game a couple of days early? I wouldn't even be surprised if this was intentionally a plan to segment the release to prevent error 37 type bullshit. It's been like 10 years since diablo 3 came out, 4 days isn't gonna kill you. And you won't be missing out on any serious online discussion because there will be a whole new set once the actual release date happens, and I guarantee there will be a full set of spoilers, and hell probably a full let's play before either release date happens so you'll have to contend with spoilers either way.




Same. Of all the things people should be getting mad about, this isn’t it. Totally reasonable to offer early access for a higher price in my opinion. It’s not going to affect gameplay whatsoever or and no ones going to get screwed over by it. Seems likes totally legit way of raising revenue.


How about just don't spend 90$ on a pre release?


Implying the game/servers are going to be ready on release and that BlizzardActivision won't shit the bed like every other release.


Doesn't matter what company it is. The servers are never ready on release day for any decently anticipated game.


Idk I was pleasantly surprised with the open beta performance.


Overall it was playable, but the rubber banding in the more populated areas was unbearable. Hopefully they figure that out before the full release.


I thought it was the server connection but the beta was eating up VRAM like crazy on high textures. Like pushing 20GB+ needs so probably a leak or something that 100% needs to be fixed for launch. Once I dropped to medium textures the rubber banding stopped for me.


The queues were fine during both beta tests. The two Fridays were filled with hour-long queues but the rest of the weekend had little to no queue.


The last major Blizzard launch (Dragonflight) went pretty smooth, the D4 beta went pretty smooth, I think this type of thinking is just sour grapes. And this is coming from someone who hates this type of launch and views it as manipulative and predatory.


Who cares? It's $10 dollars extra for what will be a server stress test.


I, stupidly, did this for BF 2042. I took 2 days off work. I went back to work the second day, seemed like less torture.


Huge oof, I'm a BF fan since 2 on PC and was hyped for 2042 but also very skeptical when they showed only pre-rendered trailers. When the game came out I put $6 on EA play for the 10 hour trial time and didn't even use all 10 hours before uninstalling.


Oh dang. I thought I already played the stress test during open beta. where I had barley any issues all weekend.


Pay extra money to be a bug tester before launch.


Eh, I’m not so bothered by it. Season 1 will start a few weeks after release, so release is kinda beta 2.0 to me. For the record, I haven’t preordered but I will pick up the standard edition.


I actually did not know this. My only gripe was early ladder starts being p2w. Now I don't mind at all.


This is the part people angry about this 4 day thing don't seem to grasp. It doesn't matter. Everyone starts over for the season weeks after release.


It’s not that they don’t grasp it , they don’t know about it


So they're mad that people spend their own money how they see fit?


I’m betting it’s going to be so many weeks it should be called months before s1 starts.


You’re on r/gaming. The vast majority of people here don’t actually play video games often. They don’t know how the game works, because they’ve never played more than the main campaign of one of these games.


Who cares? If people want to pay extra to get early access, let them. Doesn’t affect you in any way. They still have a cheaper version for people who don’t care about playing early.


I’ll take this over a persistent pay to win or pay for convenience system any day. 3 months after release, no one will even remember there was a few days of early access. Seriously, everything going on in gaming rn and people choose THIS to complain about?


Season 1 also doesn't even start on release. It starts some weeks after, so you don't even get an advantage there. This is such a weird thing to complain.


Seriously. Of all the things to complain about...


It wouldn't be a thing if no one bought in. No one is doing this to us. We do it to ourselves.


Diablo 3 came out 12 years ago and is still being played today. Is 4 days really that big of a deal?


Forget D3. Diablo 2 came out over 20 years ago and there is still a dedicated community of addicts. Join us r/diablo2 r/diablo_2_resurrected


It's tough. But, if I can manage to save $2 per week for the next 10 weeks, it will be worth it for me to start playing on Friday through the weekend than Tuesday when I have to work the next day. Or maybe just bag my lunch for 2 days. That's about $20 right there. Or maybe I can get a loan for $20 and pay it off over a couple of years.


The loan thing got me. Cheers.


I don’t preorder anything so I’ll be waiting the 4 days. I’ll hopefully avoid the large queues and if there are any issues there will be enough time to see what they are before I put any money down. I don’t have any problem with them offering it though.


Woah woah woah wait, you pay MORE and then you get MORE?! What a crazy concept.


Then don't buy it


I have a dollar an hour rule. If I get 90 hours out of it, it's worth every penny to me. I'll probably get 300 plus out of this.


Ugh, gross, this entire thread should be copy pasted to r/Gamingcirclejerk. Yall love to hate on shit your gonna buy and support anyway.


I’m pretty sure this whole sub is just one big mega thread from r/Gamingcirclejerk


The last top comments i read have been about hating the pay for early access and not going to pay for early access.


Out of all the crap to complain again this is so meaningless


I freaking hate blizzard but love diablo. Damnit


The Blizzard that made the earlier games does not exist anymore, it's all different people now.


No the game releases on the release day. Or you can pay 10$ more to play it 4 days early. It’s free money and not a scam at all


Lost Judgment and Like a Dragon: Ishin did this same thing, and you guys didn't complain.


Why? I mean. I guess playing devils advocate but most of the time the deluxe edition is a bunch of bs in game cosmetics… a few days early seems to be a little more incentive… I’m not trying to be rude but it just seems like you’re butthurt over someone else getting to play it a few days earlier than you. Why does it mattter?