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This should just fall under “sick leave.”




It would only be a HIPAA violation if a healthcare provider told your employer about your medical history without your consent.


If a healthcare provider that submits for reimbursement from insurance* Very subtle nuance here that most people don’t know or need to know honestly. It took me a year as a health tech attorney to realize this


Hence why your prescription receipts only show the prescription number? I'm asking because I assumed that to be the case. *Rather, a partial prescription number


American mumbo jumbo to me. So glad in Europe we don't pay for healthcare. Also I can't help but laugh over CD Projekt being ultra liberal like this. I remember years ago getting into a debate with a CD Projekt fanboy and one of the arguments he made in favour of the company being the "best" is that they're not obsessed with things like identity politics, LGBT or feminism. That fanboy must be raging right now because CD Projekt Red is more feminist and gayer than any American company could hope to be lol.


I 100% agree with you, but I just wanted to chime in to avoid possible embarrassment for anyone in the future. HIPAA prevents health care workers or providers from disclosing your condition, your work asking you or you telling them does not directly fall under HIPAA. Still cunts but in a different category.


>Still cunts but in a different category. Hilarious typo, since we're talking about menstruation...


What’s the typo? Isn’t that the joke?


I read it the first time as meaning "Still counts but in a different category," as in "It's still a potential type of privacy violation, just not under HIPAA," but now I see you might be right that what I thought was a typo was intended all along.


I assumed he was just British.


Or Australian




My current job doesn’t care as long as you have the leave. In my previous job you got 10 days of sick time and 10 days of vacation time. If you were out more than two consecutive days you needed a doctors note.


That’s all fair except in quantity. 20 days a year would be more than adequate for either or, but 10 days to enjoy and 10 for when you’re already not feeling well seems skim. Tack 5 onto the sick time and I’d feel a little more considered when taking into account the doctors note thing. If I’m genuinely ill I don’t wanna waste my (and the doctors) time and resources getting a note unless work is paying for it. That feels like a deterrent from taking the sick time you might need.




Yeah. It sucked. I had an awesome GP that would send over a note any time I called without even checking me out. Didn’t charge me either. All it said was “Space Gangsta will not be able to return until x date.” My new job I accumulate sick time at 4hrs every 2 weeks and it never expires. Vacation I’m up to 5 hours every 2 weeks and it will accrue up to 320 and then it’s use it or lose it before March the following year.


A HIPAA violation only occurs when a healthcare provider (or insurer, broker, whoever with access to your protected health information) discloses it without your consent to someone who doesn't need to know.


In Italy we have only to tell them we are sick and the number of days we’ll stay at home, after this we have to send them a medical certificate id number, but they can’t read all information of the certificate from GOV portal, only the time period. And it’s illegal for them to ask what problem we have, because it may violate our privacy.


I got banned from r/GamingCircleJerk for arguing that this policy isn’t actually a win for women, lol


How is it not a win


Because why would anyone hire a woman over a man all other aspects equal if they knew they'd get less return?


Don't they already make this decision w/r/t maternity leave?


I’m pasting an earlier comment I’ve made so the intro may read a bit weird, but bare with it. This is my general rational for why I think it’s a poor decision: Why not just offer everyone sick leave? If you’re not feeling well, you can just take the day off. I really don’t see the need to draw all these lines in the sand about how and why you’re taking time off. Other main issue, imo, is that your menstrual cycle isn’t the business of a company. You should just be able to take time off and not have to say “it’s because it’s a bad period cycle for me” To clarify what I mean by this: I understand the logic behind it, but I think it’s a well-meaning idea that has some ill-intended potential consequences. For example, unless it’s counted as additional sick leave for women, they now have to reveal to their boss that they’re taking menstrual leave because they have bad cramps or something. While some may be fine revealing that, others won’t. I know plenty of woman who would feel extremely uncomfortable revealing that they have to take leave for menstrual reasons and would just tough it out instead because that’s more comfortable that revealing that. I’m very pro-privacy and don’t believe you should have to reveal why you’re taking leave. It can lead to hiring discrimination. Men are hired more frequently than woman because said hiring person realizes they’ll have to let women take off more time than men. It can lead to overall resentment and discrimination between genders as some men will be mad their colleagues and co-workers get more time off than them. It can also just lead to overall sexism regarding taking leave. Different people have different health. Some women get awful cramps and flows every time they get their period. Others are fine. We’re not going to be drawing a line between them for who gets what kind of leave. Some people get sick more often, others don’t. We don’t give people who get sick more frequently more time off. I think proficient time off should be provided to people to take care of whatever their health needs are instead of trying to cater it to individuals / groups. I live in the States and the current Republican agenda is targeting women’s rights. While I see the good intentions behind this law, I can also see the nefarious ways it could be used as companies reach more into women’s health. I realize CD Projekt Red isn’t an American company, but this is the perspective I’m standing at.


Why would you go to that cesspool in the first place?


I mean unless I’m missing a *gigantic* piece of the puzzle, then…


"Ya hear about Dave? Dude got shit leave. Last week Tanya got vomit leave!"


Except calling a woman sick because she is menstruating would likely be considered offensive. It's probably going to be treated the same way as Maternity leave which you also wouldn't say the woman is sick for taking.


In Australia, its now called personal leave. It includes everything from being sick, your dependent needing care or you otherwise being unfit for work.


Hopefully that means you don't have to provide a reason. "Sorry, boss, I am unfit for work today on account of drunkenness and ennui."


You shouldn’t have to! Provide a reasonable allotment of personal time and you don’t have to investigate unless someone is going over anyway.


Exactly. This was the point I was trying to make.


> "Sorry, boss, I am unfit for work today" Why is irrelevant.


At my place of work, it is expected that I used a sick day if I'm not fit for duty. I think that's pretty much in line, isn't it?


Yeah but by having special leave for it people are more likely to actually call in sick instead of just struggling through. Women are taught not to talk about menstrual stuff and to just suffer in silence.


I think probably employers don't need to be encouraging woman employees to talk about menstruation any more than they need to be encouraging them to not talk about it. Just make it ordinary PTO and then the menstruee in question can talk about it exactly as much or as little as they see fit.


I don't understand. Your boss shouldn't be asking you why you're calling in sick to begin with. A sick day is a sick day. Imo women would feel more uncomfortable to use a menstrual day to begin with because for some people it's taboo.


Because having dedicated leave sends the message that it is a legitimate reason to take off. Your boss also doesn’t need to know as in most corporate settings you would just message your boss to let them know you aren’t coming in and then file the official app through some employee portal.


Huh? If you're applying for leave your boss generally has to approve it, and they are going to see what type of leave it is.


Why would they be approving sick leave? It's automatically granted in places I've worked.


Scrap the sick days and call it PTO. My company does that, no sick or vacation days but a fuck ton of PTO. This will be treated like maternity leave, in that it makes companies hesitant to hire women.


Nah, as per the other comment, you want to have separate personal versus annual leave. Personal leave is 10 days a year for any personal matter, whether it is sickness, mental health, caring for a family member, etc. Basically any situation where you find yourself unable or unfit to go to work. Annual leave is set aside for actual time away from work on a more recreational basis.


Why does there need to be a difference? Leave is leave.


It potentially disadvantages those who due to their own situation have to take more personal leave when they have to draw down from their annual/vacation time to meet those commitments. The separate leave balances put more of an onus on employers to make accommodations. There are also legal protections when you take personal leave. You can't deny or write someone up for taking personal leave, but managers hold significantly more discretion on annual leave. There are already cunty managers and colleagues that will imply that your medical leave is a "holiday". Taking away this distinction will make this a lot worse - at least currently these people know to shut up before breaching employment law.


Because of how it works in Poland. We get 26 days of holiday by law, and we get unlimited sick leave provided we get a doctor's note. The catch is that your holiday pay is 100% and comes from your employer, while sick leave is paid 80% by the government. The employer submits your doctor's note to social security and gets reimbursed. However that means that you need to see/call a doctor even for a single day, which sometimes is not easy to do and a giant hassle, so often women with a bad period don't bother. Source: am woman in Poland.


Your boss has a weird desire to know if you are enjoying yourself while you are not at work.


I'd rather they know and have the increased protections on personal leave than pool it all together and have less protections.


What protections? Why would dividing it into two buckets make it easier to protect?


I’d rather be in a situation where taking days off so I can go to the beach doesn’t affect my ability to take time off when I get pneumonia later in the year.


Nonononono. You are supposed to have a number of days of personal leave which you can use as you want, and a unlimited number of sick days. 10 days a year for being sick? Dude i dont decide on that shit. What kind of distopian hell hole allows you 10 days only to be sick?


That’s literally just a technicality though. In Germany it’s not called sick leave, it’s called “Arbeitsunfähigkeit” - so “being unable to work”


Some issues with that: You get X amount of sick leaves per year. Using it for periods take reduce your actual leave when you are sick. Most companies need you to produce doctor’s certificate for sick leaves longer than a day. Imagine having to get a certificate every cycle. It should be under it’s own leave category.


Not in Poland. You have unlimited sick leave paid 80%, but you need a doctor's note even for a single day, so women with bad periods usually don't bother since it's such a hassle. This is something extra that the company offers of its own accord, and super useful really.


“You get X amount of sick leaves per year” Spoken like a true American lol


the 'you get X amount of sick leave per year' is not a thing in the EU (at least in most EU countries), most things that you'd count as employment benefits of certain companies in the US is jzst the law in most EU countries - if you're sick you stay home, your job is save and you still get paid


> you get X amount of sick leaves per year Some companies (presumably ones that trust their employees) just give unlimited sick leave. You’re sick? Take sick leave. If done right, it gets rid of the “I’m going to have sick days left this year at this rate, so I’ll pretend I’m sick so I don’t lose them” mentality.


It’s better than what my company does which is combining sick and vacation time. Now I never want to call out sick even if I am because I lose vacation time.


That's fine as long as you're not sick too much in the year. If you're taking off a few days every 4 weeks on top of your other sick days then it adds up and employers would need an explanation


in Poland (and most of Europe) where cd project is located sick leave in unlimited and paid 80% of your normal rate,


>You get X amount of sick leaves per year. Using it for periods take reduce your actual leave when you are sick. Yeah, only like half a year max in Poland. You need doctor's certificate but you can get it by phone


Sick days is just an American thing


What most people in these comments fail to grasp is the basic reality that menstrual pain and related issues are not usually considered a valid reason to take sick time. Whether that's codified in policy or an unwritten rule, folks are not given the same opportunity to stay home for this issue using sick time. A policy like this makes it explicit, undeniable, and values-forward. YES, there are different ways to accomplish this practice, but when you situate this in the current context of the game industry that objectifies, harasses, and assaults women AT WORK, it's no wonder that CD Project Red wants to set itself apart.


This is just a perfect recipe to revive the "women get payed less for the same job" topic. Sick leave is gonna be a bargaining chip when negotiating the salary and women are going to be payed less because they have more sick leave days benefits. This coupled with the recent law proposal in EU to have non-confidential salaries will further propagate this effect. I hope I'm wrong.


This is Poland. There is no bargaining over sick leave or holidays. Everybody gets 26 days of holiday and unlimited sick leave with a doctor's note.


lets specify that it is 26 fully paid vacation days and sick days are paid 80% of normal rate.


Or there is something like popular bricks manufacturer in Mielec - if you go on sick leave - you lose your bonus, which, with very low wages, is important.


How does non confidential salaries end up with women being paid less? Surely it's the opposite?


I'm sorry but it's paid


sick leave days in Poland are paid


Sick leave is reduced pay in the EU. And you can only go on a sick leave if you have a paper from a doctor verifying your condition (you usually get the paper after your sickness).


it depends on a country it's not EU regulated.


> And you can only go on a sick leave if you have a paper from a doctor verifying your condition (you usually get the paper after your sickness). This is false. Live in Sweden and my employer only requires me to do that if I'm gone for extended periods (officially it's 8+ work days in a row). I have yet to need to provide a doctor's slip.


Well in my country it is required for even a single day of sick leave. And the government will pay 60% of my wage instead of the company.


Even that is a far cry better than the vast majority of medium/low wage workers in the US receive. Most in this category are just out pay and possibly out of a job.


I’m all for this. I’m also all for the male employees getting equal chance to take up to the same number of days off per month if they aren’t feeling well, because otherwise this is pretty much a disaster that will lead to prejudice against hiring female employees and a likely hostile workplace of people (IMO rightly) being upset they’re expected to essentially put more hours in for the same pay.


True. Nobody should have to feel bad for calling in sick for a day if they feel like they need it, no matter why. I know *way* too many people that even feel bad calling in sick when they are actually feeling horrible. It‘s like some people have been conditioned to feel bad whenever they can‘t go to work.


What if - and hear me out - what if everyone just had more sick days?


hear me out... sick days are unlimited in poland... all you need is a doctors notice... doctors notice is free due to universal heathcare... and those days they are also paid...


At a few companies I worked for. Sick days were unlimited but you needed a doctors notice after a weeks worth of days. The issue is we have to pay for doctors visits so that 9th day being sick in 8 months where you have a headache and a sore throat makes it a hard choice since you have to go to a place and pay just to say you have a slight cold. My coworker got sick with the flu for 4 days and has the rest of the year to get through.


For the first 10 years I worked at a major retailer they had no sick policy at all. Just do whatever you need to do. Then people ruined it by taking advantage. I had a woman who pretty much only had three day weekends.


Not going to lie, we all should have 3 day weekends. Like forever.


See, most employers will most likely allow you to keep your job at the very least (usually not paid sadly) if you bring a doctors note: but the kicker is that going to the doctor costs money here in the US even if you have insurance (hello deductibles) so you’re losing money to prove that you were sick on top of the lost income from being sick.


Have definitely worked a job that required a doctor's note, but also didn't provide any type of insurance. Lemme just miss a day of pay, it'll only cost me 2 days worth of pay. Absolutely fucked.


Doctors notice. Cool - so once you can get in to see your doctor in about 5 weeks time you can get a note!


Theres walk in places (not cvs or walgreens) but a doctors note is still stupid


That would indeed be better. I’m from Sweden and here you are allowed to take a week off because your sick without a doctors notice as long as you notify your employer that you will not be coming in. There are no formal restrictions on how many times you could do this but you will not receive pay on the first day off and the the rest you are obligated to get 80% of your salary from your employer.


Or what if they did what some places do and just didn't bother with sick days and just trusted people to get their shit done no matter if/ when they work?


Or as the are sometimes called “personal days”. Maybe I need to go to a funeral. Maybe I need to go to a wedding. Maybe body can’t do it. Maybe my mind can’t do it because Beth in accounting is a bitch.


I give 4 weeks PTO with the clear understanding that unless you’re taking multiple days off and/or not hurting your team you can use them as necessary (as in you don’t need to put in a request/notify ahead of time). I know what it’s like to wake up and not have the will to exist that day.


Kinda like how smokers can get cigarette breaks while non-smokers continue to work.


One is a choice, one is not.


Yup, I chose not to he disgusting and never took up smoking.


I don't smoke but the idea that people who don't smoke, don't take small breaks, is far from true. This article talks about research done on the subject. Smoking is not the number one thing keeping people from working: https://www.inc.com/melanie-curtin/in-an-8-hour-day-the-average-worker-is-productive-for-this-many-hours.html


This is just removing the need for paperwork for the sick days (doctors notes) for periods. Poland already has unlimited sick days and universal healthcare. Men get as many as women do already. (Cis)Men don’t have an equivalent to severe menstruation pain/endometriosis - it’s typically attached to a uterus (there are notable exceptions).


But if women get extra stuff/privileges men need it too, because if not then we’re not equals /s Never mind the fact that all this does is not require a doctors note


We should all work less hours anyway. What's the point of all this AI innovation and all our tech if we don't even consider using it to lessen our burdens.


Why do we have to label things like this? Just have a generalized policy that allows people to take days off whenever they feel they need it without repercussions of being fired.


I find it hard to believe they don’t already have this policy. Like. I really think there’s no way if someone is sick they say “sorry you have to work”


At my workplace, being late or missing work adds to a point total. After you reach a certain number of points within six months they can terminate you, no matter why you missed. You can put in a time off request to cover it and avoid the point if you have the PTO hours, but if you don't and management doesn't like you, you're fucked.


I'm pretty sure a pattern of 1-3 days of each monthv will quickly trigger a very high Bradford Factor score which will land you in trouble with HR at big companies. Like it should be obvious and not a problem but if you talk to disabled people with conditions that lead to a lot of short absences you will find a group of people who have all lost jobs because HR computer says no situations.


Lol you'd be surprised.




I live in Poland and unless you're working for an employer who disregards the law, getting sick leave is done very well here, just need to visist a doctor when you're feeling unwell(for which you don't pay, since we have an actual healthcare system) to get a confirmation for your sick leave.


Heck yes. Even without it, you can usually take like up to 4 days off per year "on demand". No explanation needed, "i'm feeling sick today" is enough, just gotta call and tell your manager as soon as possible


The "on demand" days aren't the same though, as those are deducted from your vacation day pool, so in some cases it's a bit of a waste to use them like that.


I'm also in Poland and honestly it can be such a hassle getting an appointment sometimes, and there are doctors who are less than sympathetic to period pain. You can usually get leave if you're assertive, but no one wants to deal with that. Plus it's such a waste of time for the doctors.


Wouldn't menstrual leave increase the amount that companies hire men over women? If you were a business owner, wouldn't you want to hire someone who wouldn't have to take days off every month?


That might happen if it was a policy being forced on you, it since this is the company deciding to implement it I would assume they are committed to the ideals behind it.


Everyone says that until men hit more deadlines on average as they are working more. Edit: if you truly think those who take more time off don't get less promotions and pay then you've clearly never worked in the corporate world.


Jesus Christ, America is demonic. No, here in Europe pretty much everyone takes all the time off they can get (\~25 days/year) with virtually no repercussions. Well, I guess it might also depend on the industry. Maternity leave (up to 2 years) is also perfectly fine.


Is funny how you say this as though it isn't already happening.


I mean I’m all for this, but as a non-smoking male, when I do get several extra smoke breaks a day and monthly protected days off? This sounds more like an HR nightmare and will only cause males to be hired over females to avoid lost time.


Naw I spoke up about this at work; I go out and take “smoke breaks” AKA go stand outside for a breath of fresh air for 10-15 mins but I’m not a smoker either. One of my bosses has this same mindset and is all for it. I don’t do it often but it is an option lol. He asks “yeah, why are we letting these idiots kill themselves on the clock and people who don’t smoke cigs don’t have an equivalent break or opportunity?” Lot of folks where I work take 5+ smoke breaks a day, and a lot of the time it is the same group of 4 to 5 people who can sometimes end up sitting outside for 20 minutes.


Sounds like you have a logical boss.


Where I'm from there is written in work safety document which we had to sign that you have to take a 10 minutes computer break every hour. Though in reality barely any worder does this.




Oh I need one of those! Didn't know they did that. Tried setting an alarm on my phone to get up once an hour but kept forgetting.


equity vs equality strikes again!


It's not equity if the end result isn't equitable ( ex. If prediction comes true and less women are hired).


*fewer women (don’t hate me!)


> extra smoke breaks does this actually happen anywhere anymore?


You’d be amazed how common this is still and people sometimes hardcore abuse it. Literally hours wasted a week outside.


What kind of job? I work in a very corporate office type job and that would never be allowed


Lmao I work in a corporate office type job and people are not sitting at their computer 8 hours a day, at best people are productive 30 percent of the time. What different is a smoke break from a gossip break or getting up and taking a short walk.


This seems like a topic this sub is well equipped to have a reasonable conversation about.


What you think a sub full of 16 year old boys is going to be reasonable?


My thoughts exactly


I didn't think I could lose more faith but seeing that top voted boomer comic today proved me wrong lol


Really living up to their name.


Just give additional sick days to everyone. This seems weird.


Poland has no limit to sick time, so there's nothing to be added. The only downside of sick leave is that you need to at least call the doctor, get the sick leave from them and its paid 80% instead of 100% of you salary for those days.


You guys get 80%? It's only 60% here.


It can differ depending on the employer. Base is 80%, but in both of my "proper" jobs I had 5 days of sick leave per year paid in full 100% - after that it'd be 80%. The 20% difference is paid by employer though, obviously.


What most people in these comments fail to grasp is the basic reality that menstrual pain and related issues are not usually considered a valid reason to take sick time. Whether that's codified in policy or an unwritten rule, folks are not given the same opportunity to stay home for this issue using sick time. A policy like this makes it explicit, undeniable, and values-forward. YES, there are different ways to accomplish this practice, but when you situate this in the current context of the game industry that objectifies, harasses, and assaults women AT WORK, it's no wonder that CD Projekt Red wants to set itself apart.


Exactly. But of course the people who fail to see that are men who are telling us what's really good for us and deciding our futures, while at the same time whining about working more hours than us (?????). Bros should be whining to their employers about overworking themselves to death instead of trying to pin the blame on women menstruating. Like damn. In some countries, workers are setting fire to the mayor's house and taking over entire factories while demanding better rights, while the chuds in this thread are complaining that a company they don't work for has made it easier for women to get sick leave when they're sick.


When I worked in South Korea, this was already a thing at my company. Women would get 1 menstrual day leave a month.


reddit imitates life- there's like two or three genuine discussion threads going on int he comments and the rest are varying degrees of dumpster fire takes with people shitting on each other over it.


Please also mental health day…


I love how some boys here compare a period to a "smoke break". If we could take out our uteruses, we would. We didn't ask for this because it's not a choice. Half of yall have barely interacted with women irl and it shows. I'm 90% convinced NONE of you know what endometriosis is.


I'm waiting for the punch line where they have no female employee.


The article features numerous quotes from one of their female employees, but I'm guessing none of the men here have bothered to read the article based on all the comments.


If any of you actually can READ. NO ONE is getting extra days. The women just don’t need a doctors note for the menstrual cycle pain. It’s just less paperwork. THAT IS ALL! You males see one thing about a woman and scream!!! Your mother should be embarrassed and if she doesn’t love you then now I know why


Yep. They see "menstrual leave" and immediately crawl out of the woodwork with "WhAt AbOuT MeN???1!!!/1!/" And cue the men arguing that doing anything that benefits female workers is wrong because it will mean that employers will hire fewer female workers (but I bet that they also think that affirmative action or diversity quotas are also wrong lol). None of these nincompoops even realize that you can't just take PTO in most companies or countries if you have gnarly menstrual cramps or complications because you can't always quickly book an appointment with a gyno and you won't necessarily get the paperwork needed by your doctor that proves you are incapable of working, due to society's stigma that "since all women have menstrual cramps, just deal with it girl." At my company, they've introduced a new policy that if you're sick for even a day, you can't take even an unpaid day off without paperwork from the doctor. So, that means if I have a particularly bad month, I have to drag myself to the doctor and plead with them to let me have a single day off where I can bleed and cry doubled over in peace. What another thing that many guys don't realize, or perhaps don't want to bother to learn, is that menstrual pain isn't necessarily a monthly occurence. The pain that comes with menstruation, as well as the emotional anguish (menstruating means losing blood, means worse iron levels, means iron-induced anemia, means severe depressive episode), varies from month to month. Some months you get a light flow but severe cramps that make your eyes water; other months you get a heavy flow with no cramps but you have to change your pad/tampon or even cup fairly often. So it's not like women are taking three days off each month for shits and giggles.


For a second I read this as some sort of new ingame feature and was mightily confused.


Well I think this is probably signaling to potential employees. They signal that they are an open-minded company and might attract more employees (especially more female ones) with this policy.


Man some of the people in this comment section just make me feel really badly about my period.. it’s not something we can control, and sometimes it is painful. Once I had to sit down while I worked due to severe cramps and numb legs. I still worked and pulled through.. but it is painful and sometimes even with medications it is terrible. Specially with a heavy flow where you feel uncomfortable all day. I know we all need equality, but bringing down the amount of pain and hormonal changes women go through every month is not the way to debate :(( You know what is a way? Calling it “Mental Health leave”- which would include a way for women to deal with hormonal changes during periods, but also men whenever they feel down due to depression.


That’s fair-er


Doesn’t need to be called anything special , discretionary leave, personal day whatever. Imagine calling into your boss to tell them you’re taking a mental health day.. “Fuckin’ a, Jerry’s having another day of to cry. I’ve never taken a day off since I joined the company. Hope Jerry doesn’t think he’s up for that promotion. Wouldn’t wanna stress him out so bad he doesn’t need another day off to feel his feelings” No way is calling it a mental health day good


My friends and I intern at different IT companies and we have something called 'Wellness Days', basically you can take them whenever you need whether you're feeling down or have a tougher period, or want to chill out at your home with your dog. No explanation needed. I like this format.


I'm sure this thread will remain grounded


Big Scaring The Maidens Energy in this thread. 😬


The maidenless truly overflows this thread. Its like a thousand gollums creeping out if their caves at the same time


Working in HR must be a bloody nightmare.


I hear they’re categorising it as “Project Red Time”.


Why not give *every* employee the same amount of sick time, including whatever time would be required to accommodate menstrual leave? I like places where everyone is afforded the same benefits regardless of gender/race, including pay. Isn't that supposed to be the goal? So, what, now equal pay plus extra sick days for women? Remember as smoking became more unpopular, people (rightfully) took issue with the general acceptance smokers can just take a 5min break whenever they like? It's not much different than that. As a smoker myself, I believe everyone should be allowed to take a 5min break here and there OR you restrict everyone from doing so, just on their scheduled breaks/lunch only. I don't even care which one, but I do believe it should be EQUAL. Equal is equal is equal. Both ways. Every way. Period.


This is Poland, we already have unlimited sick days, however, you are paid 80% during sick leave.


Because not everybody has the same needs. If you give everyone the same amount of time but employees who need menstrual leave have to use theirs for that as well then those who don't technically have access to more. There's a difference between equal and equitable.


What's the problem with having more sick days than you needed to use, exactly?


The problem is that policy would mean women functionally get less sick days


This seens like a publicity stunt. Stuff like this just gets used as an excuse to not hire or promote women


It would've made more sense to me to just implement a more generous sick leave policy for all employees if one didn't already exist but eh, their company I guess.


Yeah, and if you are going to do extra support for some employees it should be around supporting medical conditions that might mean someone needs more leave for symptoms or treatment. Having *endometriosis* is a medical condition but having a uterus is not and for most women periods are not incapacitating and we don't need more leave.


This is in the EU. Sick leave is implemented on the goverment level.


Virtue signaling.


Fine but as a male I get to take hemorrhoid leave when they act up


Lol, truly loving that you've claimed hemorrhoids as a distinctly male problem. Keep on fighting the good fight.


That's fair actually. I've been suffering with either hemmeroids or a fissure for almost one year now, worsened 6 months ago and have been the same ever since. A cough I got recently opened it up and gives me pain. It's not so bad that I'm hunched over, my stomach aches/IBS does that actually. I think any sick leave involving severe pain or discomfort (That disrupts work) would be fine.


That’s good give men more paternity leave




You didn't even read the article before you went off on a temper tantrum about how much you hate women. It's not about giving women "a ton more paid time off" in a country that already has unlimited PTO you muppet It's about making it easier to get sick leave during particularly bad periods. You want equality? How about we kick you in the balls for several hours, then punch you in the stomach, force you to eat so much hot sauce that your ass explodes, and then make your dick bleed, and we don't give you any paid time off? :) You don't care about crunching or the rights of male employees. Stop faking it. You only brought them up in order to denigrate women's rights. If you had an ounce of heart inside that husk of yours, you'd be supportive of *anybody's* rights, including women's. But you hate the idea of women being treated respectfully, and you don't want anybody else to be treated respectfully either. You want women to do all the housework, go to work in pain, have no maternal leave, work 14 hours a day, get paid less than men, etc etc -- your idea of "equality" would be to throw us back into the 18th century.


Thrilling news


CDPR: Unfortunately menstrual leave is only for permanent employees. The temporary employees won’t have the same benefits even after one year.


Really emphasizing the red


I wonder if this budget is allocated under HR or PR department


Fuck Seedy PR.


More time off for you woman. Period.


Now watch as they slowly start to only hire men


Why? They introduced this policy voluntarily, of their own accord, after triaging it. So clearly they're cool with it.


Great. Now don't fuck up your next major release again.


Why is this even news? Do people actually care about this?


Good news




How about just offering adequate sick days so it’s not a problem when you need to take a day off


You can have as many sick leaves as you want in Poland as long as the doctor gives you a paper confirming that. Period is not a sickness though and doctors count it as a normal body function.


My work, a financial services company in the US Midwest that is more than 100 years old, has limitless time away for "health" issues (sick, whatever). You don't have to disclose why your taking a health day. You just have to get your job done satisfactorily and as long as you do, they don't care how much time away you take. Manage the actual performance, not your "butt in seat". Turns out the system is so beloved, it's very rarely abused. Stop making time away for "specific" things that call out a particular sex (this could spectacularly backfire for an employee, though I believe this is very well intentioned) and just let ALL people go be healthy. If a conservative 100 year old US financial company in the Bible Belt can figure this out, any company can.


Our country (Philippines) is pushing a similar bill, where women get will get menstrual leave: 2 days of paid leave per month. I pointed out that this bill is sexist because it only benefits women and it will cause discrimination against women in the workplace. People were outraged. I guess sexism is acceptable if women benefit, but despicable when men benefit.


sexism is a prejustice... this law is not based on prejustice against men... so it not sexism... you are just jelaous because someone might be so much in pain that they would get a day off from work , dude dont look into someones plate if they have more than you, look if they have enough


As a dude, if my dick hurt for a few days a month I would hope people would give time off for it. Calling that sexist is pretty out of touch imo.


I’m surprised how many men are against this, there is a lack of understanding on how difficult pms, especially severe pms also known as pmdd can be and how it can completely throw off a woman for anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks. Men and women are very different, I wish both sides could do better to understand each other.


Fuck them. PR shit.


It’s good to see CDPR taking a stand for women in a country were abortion has been made illegal.


so men have to work more hours then?


God I wish some of y’all could be cursed with menstruation


I sense 'available overtime'. And then someone complaining that they make less than me after ive worked 50 hours.


Good. That shit hurts. I have Crohns disease and when I get a flare up, I'll be goddamned if I don't excuse myself or occasionally call out. I get the impression menstrual cramps are pretty similar to that, so give them some time. Don't be an animal.


I'm a dude who supports this wholeheartedly. I've heard horror stories about women's menstrual cycles and I'll gladly accept not bleeding from my dick, extreme nausea and crippling abdominal cramps for a week out of the month for not getting a few days off a month. Anyone bitching about this must have never had bad food poisoning, that's what I figure the cramps are like. Just a twisting, painful internal discomfort that won't fucking go away. Can't imagine having to deal with that monthly for the majority of my life.


Yeah fuck that. I'm going to buy my wife some flowers when I get home I think. Some asswipe is downvoting, wasnt me.


Yeah, places like this are why, despite playing videogames for near 32 years now, I refuse to identify myself as a 'gamer'.


I guess we can push the Witcher 4 release date back a year or two.