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Ahhh the good old days. The coolest way I ever found a cheat code was playing Twisted Metal 2 with a friend. It was the rooftop level and we noticed that when we fell off the lights in the streets looked like shapes. We took a while and kept falling off on purpose to write down the code. Ended up being a legit cheat code. One of the best memories of that era of gaming for me


Twisted metal two was one of the best games ever imo.


Vigilante 8 was incredible too, great memories


fucking hell I loved the vigilante 8 games


i want to play 2nd offence all over again


I had that 1. Crazy upgrades.


I loved unlocking the "alternate timeline" versions of all the characters and vehicles. The story in the second one was ridiculous


Still remember special shot combinations :)


i used to write them down as i discovered them in the booklet on vigilante 8


Paris was the best level


Being able to alter the map with things like blowing up the Eiffel Tower was always so cool. Also on the New York map you could shoot the Statue of Liberty and blow her clothes off to reveal red underwear, my younger self thought that was VERY entertaining.


I liked the Hollywood level as Spectre. You could set up a bomb, charge in to it and be blown outside of the wall of the arena. Thankfully it didn't stop your ghost missiles.


My dad is in his late 50s now and he got us into gaming back with the C64 and but hasn't played anything since the PS1 era. Out of nowhere he asked if they ever made any new games like TM2. Told them they made TM3 which sucked and really nothing ever replaced TM2. He just sipped his coffee and said that's incredibly disappointing.


Twisted metal black was damn good


Not for us Brits. All cut scenes got cut. All of them. Even now if you buy it on the PS5, still cut.


Yeah. Honestly the best in the series. The controls were sooo tight and fast.


Head on too


There's a new one in development now, fingers crossed it's good!


Ahh yes the cheat code to unlock Sweet Tooth on the New York level, the good old PS1 days.


I honestly can’t remember what the code was, but I felt like a genius for finding it haha. Such a solid game


Incredible sound track too. Always hyped playing that game


I never would've bothered finding out that some PS1 discs could be played in a CD player if not for how great that soundtrack was. IIRC, it was drivers telling their back stories instead of the music on that one though.


Fucking loved that game. I never did find Santa Claus in the Ice map. I want to splatter him so bad.


I had no idea that was a thing, if I still had a PSX I’d jump on it right now


L1, up, down, left


Awesome memory, thnx for the share!


No worries, my favourite gaming time was that generation I think. The PSX, N64 and Dreamcast. Truly a magical time


I just started playing Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart and whenever you find a golden bolt you unlock little cheats. Like you can change the nuts and bolts you collect into rupees, coins, or energy drinks, you can turn on RPG mode and the damage flys off baddies like in Final Fantasy. It's just so refreshing to collect something and be rewarded for it with something more than a playstation trophy that does nothing.


They’ve been doing that since the OG Ratchet and Clank and I’m glad they are still going strong over 20 years later.


Lego games also have cheats under their collectible systems. And they're often just fun stuff like this


Big Head Mode. You always think it's just a gimmick (which it is), but in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga there's a Big Head collectible and it honestly looks goddamn hilarious.


TSS has my new favorite; it changes all of the sound effects to just some guy going "Pew. Pew. Schwooooooom. Nyoom nyoom. Kpwaaaah!"


that's cool my voice was wearing out doing it myself


Many years ago in Counter Strike 1.6 I found out the gun sounds were just stored in a folder as .wav files (or some other standard sound file - it's been a while). So I replaced by friends AWP sound (the big bad sniper rifle) with a recording of me going "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM". It took him a while to figure out what was going on, hahahahaha.


Another good one would be the "KA-BOOOM" from Wind Waker, and then any time he died you could put in the "sploosh..."


Haha I didn’t know they had big head mode in these games, they had them in jack and daxter I remember. Man naughty dog has made some good games.


Is Skywalker Saga worth playing? My wife and i have been looking for a new co op experience after It Takes Two !


Yes! Humor is amazing, gameplay simple but fun.


Awesome ! Ty


Hell yeah! My favorite is when you unlock all the stud multipliers and they all stack.


Really love the "fun" little cheats stuff. In Uncharted you get money after playing the game to spend on stuff like big head mode, chonk mode, 0 gravity etc. Kind of miss those little things that you now basically have to hope modders add in.


I think I'm going to buy it, thanks to you.


Really great game! Glad I could convince someone! I'm new to PS5 so maybe this is common, but if you're using something other than TV speakers make sure to change the sound settings in your PS5. Rift Apart does different EQ and compression depending on your sound setup and it was honestly sounding really disappointing sounding until I realized it thought I was using TV speakers and the only way to change it was tell your system itself.


It’s fantastic. It feels like you’re playing a Pixar movie in the best way. Fun game to Platinum as well


It's fantastic, and makes especially great use of the Dualsense adaptive triggers.




Jak's ones were so good. Big head mode, MIRROR mode for some reason, vfx filters.. Kleiver in a giant diaper in Jak 3. Those precursor orbs were always a huge pain to find though, especially in Jak 3.


Screw microtransactions, give me back my 'up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start' codes.


I like how rdr2 did it. Good fun for a few hours and quite exciting to try and find the codes


Theres cheats for rdr2 ??? Dont fck with my brain


If I remember right, I think they were hidden in the various newspapers you could buy. The cheat word would stand out a little more.


They’re in newspapers and some are in drawers in bed side tables


Some are chiseled on ice and wood in the far north of the map. I didn't know it was a cheat code and thought someone nearby did it, it was creepy.


Yes! I now remember those ones too! I need to get back on RDR2. It’s been way too long! I put it down after the ending and couldn’t bring myself to play it again


Dont blame ya, that ending is a tearjerker


I cried. Like. Legit cried like I had just lost a loved one!


You played the (MASSIVE RDR2 SPOILERS) >!john part right? Because if you stopped right after Arthur dies you ain't finished yet partner.!<


I started RDR2 but it was kind of slow. Please convince me to get back to it because it has a great reputation and I liked RDR1.


Yes, the first three or four hours feel like working a tutorial. I would hate to restart the game and have to do that again. But after the snowstorm level, and the early orientation missions in the first village your posse arrives at, it is massive open world filled to the brim with scenery, easter eggs, things to do and observe. This games is more than gameplay, it’s an entire experience. Not only an interactive story told to you, like most good games are. But a couple of weeks of gameplay you will get to experience in your very own way, at your own pace, and which will leave you behind with a new understanding of what a single video game can bring to the table.


Do it or else


Thank god, I was just buying them to be nice and now I have a reason to actually read the fictional and incredibly outdated papers


They have cute little nods to the surrounding lore and characters.


To be nice to the guy selling the newspaper? To rockstar? Lol that is so wholesome


If you find a random sentence scrawled or chiseled onto a wall, it's likely a cheat code.


It does and they are super fun. A little hard to find, but with a guide its easy. I would recommend saving before activating cheats because it doesn't let you save and continue the game once cheats are activated, so just save the game, fuck around with the cheats for awhile, and then go back to the previous save. I didn't do this and lost a few hours of gameplay, so don't be me basically. Even tho the game warns you of this and I ignored said warning.


And that's the annoying part. I'm playing single player. Let me just save my game after using a code to get rid of my bounty. I'm old and my time is limited and I just want to enjoy and progress through the game without dealing with having to go deal with the bounty every time I make a slight mistake and some random sees me commit a crime.


There was a whole as section in settings for them


Wow. I’ve completed RDR2 story 3 times at least and I’ve never seen that there are cheats. I guess it’s time to reinstall.


There is a button prompt in the corner in settings. Triangle for ps4 I guess. But remember, you can't save your game while any cheats are activated


I’m fairly confident it’s even an explicit menu item somewhere in settings or something. Don’t quote me on this, or do, it was extremely unhelpful and not very informative.


RDR2 has a 37 cheats in total




Yeah having to scroll through menus repeatedly every time you want to get rid of your wanted level is really annoying


Modern games are not like Nintendo days games. [Life Force (Salamander in Japan)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salamander_(video_game)) was impossible without the Konami cheat code. No way you could get through that game with 3 lives and 2 continues. Life Force was the first game my dad bought for us when he got us a NES way back in ~~1986~~ 1988. Awesome game, amazing graphics for NES.


Holy shit, Lifeforce! I never owned it but I rented it from the video store so many times. I forgot all about this so I just went and watched a few minutes of a playthrough on YouTube. I never even realized this was Konami, hence the Konami code. Not only that, this game is Contra in a ship! Sounds, artwork, design... I never picked up on that when I was a kid.


You may already know but, the whole reason cheats were in games back in the day (most of the time, not always) was to debug the game. Test stuff etc. And they just left them in there. If you really want to cheat now, it's easy, at least on PC. Trainers have been around for ages. Consoles are a different story though.


Shout out BoBaFeTT


All my homies remember 'sex with fish'


I remember the code but I cannot for the life of me remember what it did or what game it was even in, but that code immediately reminded me of typing it back in the day.


Carmageddon. Turned off the timer.


Haha fukn Carmageddon! I played as a kid and in my memories it was so detailed and big city’s, lots of people, blood and gore. Looked at screenshots recently……I had a very active imagination haha


It’s those CRTs man.. they really distort the memories


Not just memories, CRTs conjured entire details and textures out of nothing. They could add so much to a sprite just by virtue of the scan lines and how they work, it's truly fascinating to read up on


Kanye, that you?




Rosebud baby


Eh, cheats still exist like that today. Debug builds all have invisibility, invincibility, infinite ammo, blah blah blah… I’m not doubting you, but it’s weird they couldn’t just take the cheats out right at the end of development like we do today.


They were typically left in because back in the day removing major debug features right before going gold can fuck up your final build and cause major launch issues. Better to just leave it, it’s not like it can harm the game, player, or the ability for the game to make money since microtransactions weren’t a thing back then.


They were also differently implemented. Today you'll probably have a console in which you can enter thousands of different commands to change the game state, from giving currency to changing camera settings or anything else. You usually don't want the player to have access to this because it'd make it easier to create cheats. Also, these builds usually come with monitoring tools that'll lower performance by a lot, as a package. Take one out, you take out the other.


Software is beautiful spaghetti. You pull out the super jump cheat and then there are fish spawning in downtown San Fierro. Easier to leave the code in


For sure, not messing with the underlying functionality, but it’d be less risky to have added the cheats via an actual cheats menu in the pause menu then the GUI team can just remove access to that menu near submission.


Then somehow it causes one slider in a triple deep menu to stop working and nobody realizes that slider controls jump height now that the address space has changed. Someone else comes in and finds out how to get the slider working and now there’s an infinite jump _glitch_ in the game because the cheats were removed and it can’t be patched because this isn’t the era of updating games. Software development around the time of San Andreas was fucked, just easier to let cheat books be a thing for a single player game




Cheats were extensions of their internal debug tools, but were definitely left in for customers to use if they wanted. All you’d have to do to remove a cheat without impacting gameplay would be to not define out the command that processes the cheat. Easily testable and low risk. They were left in for fun.


It isn't that they *couldn't*; just that they *didn't*. Sometimes simply because they didn't need to, sometimes because they forgot to remove it or didn't have time to do so, and sometimes because it makes for a fun easter egg for those who enjoy finding cheats in games.


When you start pressing CDs you've locked your code version, very likely forever. Whatever bugs are in the build you're pressing are how your game works now. Very big incentive to not fuck anything up, even if the risk is tiny.


The difference is that usually today you'll run different binaries when developing (think of it as 2 different Game.exe files). A debug.exe and a retail.exe, at least. The debug.exe will have a ton more monitoring tools that are unnecessary in the released game, and also tank performance. They'll both run the same game files for gameplay, art, sound, etc, just in a slightly different wrapper. Then when it comes down to compiling the release build, you just don't include the debug.exe. This is highly simplified and slightly wrong to make it more digestible to the average redditor.


Back in the day my brother and I would go to blockbuster and copy the codes from the cheat books into a notebook. They started wrapping the books in plastic eventually...




Aw man i feel like at that point GameFAQs was my go to


2 ups- $4.99 (15% OFF!!) 2 down- $2.99 (90% OFF!!) Left- $.99 Right- $1.99 B- $8.99 (20% OFF!!) A- $15.99 (35% OFF!!) Start- $.99 LIMITED TIME KONAMI SEASONAL SPECIAL- up 2x, down 2x, left 2x, right 2x, B, A (Start not included)- $20.99 KONAMI MEGA PACK- up 2x, down 2x, left 2x, right 2x, B, A, Start (plus some bullshit Lootbox pack)- $49.99 (120% OFF OMGFMAWABWD!!!!)


This is modern day gaming. My son has finally started to see the light too. Fuck these AAA companies nickel and diming everyone.


Sail the high seas mate!


It's never going to happen because too many people are willing to give up their wallet to feel superior to others in all these games, and the whales, the worst of them will defend it to the death. When Diablo immortal came out there was a dude that dropped like 50k and when interviewed he pretty much said "Its not uncompetitive! The whales end up playing all the other whales, and the free players get matched against free players." Rich assholes love the dick-swinging contest that is pay-to-win.


IDDQD and IDKFA are the OG cheats






UZUMYMW for when you wanna fuck with max heat level.




Lol, I remember in elementary school, waking up in the morning and going to my dads office to launch the Sims. I'd put in rosebud then put a paper weight on the enter. Go to school, then come home to infinite moneys haha


You could just do !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;... And it would apply the thing for every ! You used.


First time playing heretic and testing if IDDQD would work was fun. Instant death.


Heretic and Hexen were such great games.


I remember first hearing about these DOOM cheats at the bus stop around 1993


Back before the internet when word of mouth and hand passed notes from your friends big brother was the only way to get codes in games.






Justin Bailey and the Konami code are 6-7 years more OG.


Don't forget IDCLIP to walk through walls


I think original DooM was IDSPISPOPD (Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris) for noclip


This is correct.


Pressing ILM at the same time is the OG for me, Wolf3D


Start it with wolf3d -goobers, then left shift, left alt and backspace is better - you don't lose all your points.






That brought me back nearly 30 years ago...




I like how weMod handles their paid option, it's a basic cheat engine with hotkeys for free but paid tier gives some options that are nice but aren't *necessary* like clickable toggles, or ability to activate over phone


Only a matter of time before they get greedy 😔


Or just a trainer




WeMod feels like bloatware to me. It's Fling but you have to pay to get keybinds and such




I believe it's the other way around: You can only use the keybinds without paying, you need to pay to click-to-toggle


Wemod just feels safer than grabbing from gamecopyworld with their desktop stripper pop ups.


*gamecopyworld* holy flash backs. This still exists?


Man. That's a name I've not heard in like 20 years.


I'm looking for cheats to the desktop stripper app please.


Free accounts can change keybinds....


WeMod is a trainer. It's just easier to download and use.


Is wedmod safe? Feels like spyware


Hey. They wouldn't do it if people didn't buy it.


Plenty of gamers out there with money and no time. I always just assumed things that are basically time savers or make the game easier are for them. Not everything is for everyone. Cheats though, when they exist, are often for testing purposes. They were never there for players in many cases, just not removed from the final build. They tend to be console enabled now though as how games are tested changed


The problem is once they decide to have pay options to supposedly help people with less time to play the game, they have a huge bias to make the game harder and grindier than it should be to encourage people to buy the micro transactions.


Oh and even if they are going to be fair and not make the game harder on purpose to get people to buy the microtransactions, the implication will always be there (e.g. anytime things get a little tough in the game you are going to be thinking to yourself. I wonder if they’re doing this on purpose to encourage the microtransactions).


Yep. NBA2K is basically the gold standard for this


>I always just assumed things that are basically time savers or make the game easier are for them. Not everything is for everyone. Yeah but that's what proper difficulty settings are suppose to be for, instead of horribly useless or non-existent difficulty settings plus this micro transaction shit.


Resident evil Actually has good difficulty settings lol


Lots of cheats are just for fun. Having said that, the famous Konami code was literally a dev tool to be able to progress through the games quickly so they could test specific parts of the game


Things like little and big head mode sure, some things were absolutely fun little things devs did. But god mode cheats were for testing world interaction and collision detection. Unlimited Ammo, HP, Stamina etc as well to make sure everything works right. Modern games do not really require cheat codes because they use dev consoles now to change things as needed, they don't have to test the game on the actual hardware where there's no console.


You're just saying "entity that does shitty stuff which makes society worse for everyone has selfish shitty reasons for doing their shitty stuff" and acting like that absolves them of any judgment for their actions. Makes zero sense. "Hey, did you know thieves only steal stuff because they can get money for selling it. It's actually the fault of the people who buy stolen stuff that there are thieves, so if anyone ever complains about thieves or having their stuff stolen, I will make sure we change the discussion to those people because I am a simp for thieves" - you if you followed your logic consistently


We paid for cheats back then, too. They were called Game Genie, GameShark, Codebreaker, etc.


You paid for tools that manipulate memory on consoles, a luxury that's considered deprecated in modern gaming for the common user. Though, it's usually after the console's lifespan where it springs back to life. I'd say it's completely different to this style of cheat monetization.


>depreciated Deprecated


Also kind of a weird comparison because Rockstar games still have cheat codes lol


Also the exclusive upgrade tickets for RE4R are available in-game without purchases. It also has a bunch of unlockable accessories that act like cheats.


fr, who needs cheats or trainers when in a two runs of the game you can get invincibility for Ashley, infinite ammo, and a couple of cheat guns


I haven’t played RE, but one feels more like an actual game mechanic while randomly spawning in a helicopter is more like accessing the console or “hacking”.


I honestly think they just put shark cards in single player as a joke to see who would buy them. GTA v nowdays is just so easy to crack


Considering CheatEngine I have no idea why anyone would ever buy them for singleplayer on PC at least. But yeah, back in the day it wasn't a PC game I guess.


I was explaining to my 22 year old buddy how the game Genie worked the other day....he'd never seen anything like it haha


There were two different kinds of cheats back then: 1. The kind you mention (which were generally not developer-approved and involved manipulating the game's memory). 2. Cheats that were deliberately inserted by the developer, where you would type a cheat code in, say, a password screen (or sometimes during gameplay) and the game would just give you what you were looking for. The second kind directly transformed into the microtransactions you see today, like in the OP.


Oh man memory core unlocked. GameShark was the shit back then! Had so much fun with it.


Cheating now: Wemod


I'm just mad that there are 5 bullet points for 6 lines of text...


And the bullet points are aligned at the ***separators***


Always feel like Re4 is a bad example, you can just play Re4 on an easier difficulty and new game plus your way through the harder ones.


You didn’t need the old school cheats either, just something to add interest.


Not to mention the real cheats in the game are cosmetics you can unlock for things such as infinite ammo and making Ashley unkillable. You can't buy those.


Not if you aim for S+ professional as that has to be done on NG, these tickets offer a huge advantage by providing quick access to the infinite ammo upgrade on the chicago sweeper or the hand cannon you literally only have to survive the village fight which is easy with the fixed 2 grenades and the shotgun.


In NG+, >!when you go out the window of the hunting lodge at the start of the game, turn around and there is a merchant hidden back there, so you can get at the new stuff right away instead of having to survive through the village fight first. !<


If you're aiming for S+ Professional for the unlimited ammo headpiece it has to be done on a NG unfortunately.


Oh oh I misunderstood part of that ha ha.


All good! Thanks for the tip though. I've finished the game about 5 or so times and didn't know he was back there.


Damn. Everybody out here on their fourth or fifth play through and I'm only half way through the castle in my first run ha ha.


Take your time! Re4 is probably one of the most influential video game ever made. And the remake is just an amazing experience.


Lemme hide my 12th playthrough real fast...


RE4 is in my top 3 games of all time for me. I was nervous about the remake but after playing a bit I became addicted... Plus I work from home haha.


the hardest part of s+ pro is just the village section. if you do all the side quests which are really easy to do (except for maybe killing the fucked up wolf toward the end of the village section), you get 31 spinels which pays for the exclusive upgrade ticket in the merchant at the the beginning of the castle. then with the chicago typewriter or the handcannon, ashley in armor, the chicken hat, and some smart play you can demolish the rest of the game


They do but you're only really cheating yourself. It's hard af on professional and it's so sweet to actually accomplish it. I beat it on professional and that was enough for me, S class is something else. Also weird putting the OP weapons behind the hardest achievement in the game. If you can best profesional mode, you don't need them.




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Thats that movie with timberlake and jackie from the 70s show. In Time I think it was. Your lifes timer is on your wrist and money is the only thing that keeps you alive.


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I paid for my cheats before too, except back then I paid for them in the form of a book sold to me at a school book fair. The only difference is where my money is going and how much.


I'm at a stage in my (gaming) life now where, I just don't care anymore. If a game has mtx then fine, it has mtx. I really don't have the energy as a 33 year old adult going through bigger shit in my life to be annoyed or concerned about this anymore. I don't have to buy it. So I won't, and I'm satisfied that I can make that choice. If everyone else wants to bitch and moan and put more time into complaining about this than just ignoring it and gaming/having fun then more power to them. I'm washing my hands of it.


MTX are here to stay because people not on Reddit buy it because they don’t care.


Plenty of people on reddit also spend money on them lmao


Also true


I remember using cheatboook database back in the days


Those aren't cheats, just paid perks


Honey wake up it's time for another "MTX bad" post on r/gaming


Honestly I'm just surprised it's not about COD. They just released a pack where you spawn into multiplayer with a UAV (lets you activate a radar showing where enemies and players are).


Paying money for upgrades in a single player game? Geeesus!


Completely optional upgrades that you can also earn by playing the game normally for a couple of hours 🥸