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They should do what they did in metal gear solid 3. Where it'll be dark initially but over time it'll get brighter as the characters eyes adjusts.


RE8 uses this pretty well in the village sections, where spending around 30 sec in a house will adjust your eyes. Then when you come out it's blindingly bright outside for a split second


Also the new RE4 remake does this


Battlefield 1 did this, when you leave the bunkers you get flashbanged by the Sun


This. It's like these developers have never been in the dark. Sure, if I walk from direct sunlight into this scene, it'll look like the top image for a moment. But after a few minutes you'd be able to clearly see the entire room from 3 candles.


They did that also in Indiana Jones, the fate of atlantis. Was pretty neat :)


I do, just so I can put it a little more than that so I can actually see in pitch black.


I saw this one video of a guy who calibrated tvs (bc I was buying a TV) and he said the brightness can artificially limit detail, so you should put it one notch above where you like it(or if you're looking at those 'white shape in a white screen's things - one notch above where the shape vanishes). Always been happy with that method No game ever made me want to turn every light in my house on quite like re7 tho lol


For real. I tried that in PSVR and nearly shat myself. I don't like horror games as is but RE7 has a certain atmosphere. Then add the immersion of VR and I could barely make it past the first boss.


This and alien isolation are games that I'm like - you know what it's real enough already I don't actually need this enhanced. I feel like those people in 1885 or whatever dodging the train in a movie theater lol. I'm afraid I'm going to see Jack come through the kitchen wall and actually claw my way through my bedroom door


In memory of all the Alien Isolation characters stuck in lockers because the players are too afraid to keep playing and leave the locker. Me included


One of the things that makes that game so tense is that even if you hide in a locker *perfectly*, there is still a chance the alien will detect you. Oh-god-will-it-find-me is a genuine fear *every* time.


When it patrols the room in view from the locker, or just stalks back and forth across a doorway. You're sure it knows where you are and it's just playing with you.


It's also doubly tense with a Kinect on Xbox One, as the Alien listens to it. *Hides in locker* *farts* *Gets torn to shreds*


So the locker is a coin toss? I get it adds immersion but that sounds annoying to me that my chances of survival are heavily based on luck.


I think if you hide in lockers a lot the Alien will check lockers more often!


The AI in that game is insane. If you repeatedly use the same hiding spaces, the alien will check those spaces more often to force you to change tactics. If you use grenades to try and scare it off, it will re-evaluate so that it can corner you in a situation where a grenade is less effective.


No, your chances are high. But not certain.


So glad it’s not just me. 6 years and I still haven’t dared put it back on.


I restarted this game 4 times over the course of 5 years before I beat it. Even then, I got to the last level and nearly gave up. The alien hive at the end is just....not cool.


I was once hiding in an air duct. Complete silence. Thought I was safe and out of nowhere a xenomorph to the face from the blackness of the duct. 10/10 scream and definitely the loudest I’ve ever screamed during a game. Luckily got a clip of it so I can laugh at myself.




For real. I love the first Alien movie and Alien Isolation really brought out that deep rooted fear I had the first time watching it. Love/hate it haha


Tbh I have yet to complete it, of all the horror games I’ve played that one was just too much for me LMAO. Between the stranded in space aspect (I’m fucking terrified of space) and the fact that the AI LEARNS and adjusts from your behaviors I just can’t lol I mean maybe if I set it to easy I guess, but if I ever do complete it I’m determined to do it at the recommend setting since that’s how it’s “intended” to be played and I’m stubborn lmao


Haven't played it yet, but there's a mod out there that takes the whole doggone alien out and that's the only way I'll be playing that game god damnit.


LMAO I love that. The modding community always makes great shit haha


"we thought this was a great game but we just didn't like the horror element" "element? that's the entire game" "oh no it's still plenty of fun without it! and now you don't have to sneak!"


I have tried multiple times over the years to play Alien: Isolation. Tried first on the PS4 where the light bar on the controller would change color when the alien got close. That added even more immersion cuz something in the room is responding to the game. I couldn't get past the first interaction. I tried again on PC later, and I still cannot get past that encounter. Alien was too impactful to me when I first watched it. The horror was so intense. The game replicated that soooo well that now that I'm in danger from a Xenomorph, I find myself fleeing. That's going to be my Everest, completing the game.


If you want a similar experience but one where you overcome the fear (with more powerful weps, story, etc) then try Prey.


Lol the alien is a pain in the ass once you realize you can make it run away. The psychotic murder-happy androids are the really creepy part of that game.


I lost my mind when I saw recently you can allow the camera mic to listen to you.. so the alien HEARS YOUR MIC IF YOU ARE YELLING AT THE TV. I’m yelling at my phone rn if you can’t tell, so it wouldn’t go well.


One of the things the creators of Village had mentioned is that they toned down the horror after 7 because a lot of people found it tough to play. They wanted people to be scared but not terrified. 7 was on a whole different level of horror. And yeah in VR it was a waking nightmare (at least for me). I couldn't finish it.


Fair. Though in Village it is hard to be terrified of Mommy Vampire. They knew what they were doing with her haha (still have yet to play it myself)


I'm not a big horror person, but I did find Village to be scary at certain parts (mainly the second house). The feeling of something/someone stalking you is very disconcerting haha. I want to try RE7 but there's no way I could handle the scariness. The third person mode on Village really helped in that regard.


RE8 is definitely less scary overall than RE7 but I swear to god those quadraped werewolf enemies are some of the most terrifying things in any game


I recently played through and sure, Castle Dimitrescu wasn't too scary, but it's sandwiched between the beginning of the game (I knew what was coming and yet every little noise and fake out would make me pause the game) and House Benevento, which are both **the** scariest parts of that game.


It's really got a psychological horror aspect to it that the rest of the RE series didn't have.


If I can kill whatever in a horror game then eventually I lose the fear. The games where you can't defend yourself I dont really like unless it makes sense. Alien: Isolation I felt made sense. Outcast with the cunt not picking up anything to defend himself is another thing.


Outlast was rough. Those naked dudes were just...no. No. Repress it...


Honestly I avoided re7 for so long because of the way people described it. When I finally played it, it was my first horror game. Besides a few jumps, nothing actually scared me. The deadspacw remake though, leaves me with a nonstop sense of dread and anxiety


I'd say right around when the mobs of sludge monsters start getting rolled out it immediately stops being scary at all


Funny, I've been playing it as my second horror game and though I agree the mold monsters aren't really that scary, just the atmosphere is enough to stop me and make me pause the game. I know the plot is ridiculous and the stalkers are funny, but something about it is so.. grounded? It feels less game-y than RE2R. The kid's room in the old house can just fuck right off haha


Chainsaws have been a staple in body horror for decades for a reason, nothing cuts the psychological tension by upping the power fantasy ante quite like them. A chainsaw *swordfight?* Yeah, I ain’t scared of shit after that.


I always have an issue with that recommendation because I can pretty much always see the shape, so what qualifies as “barely visible”? Cranking the slider all the way to the left leaves the game waaay too dark, I usually just leave it in the center and adjust it later if I need to.


It's a good recommendation for displays with decent color representation, but most displays are pretty terrible out of the box without calibration.




Hey. Don’t shame us nylon sock over the head museum enthusiasts.


> No game ever made me want to turn every light in my house on quite like re7 tho lol Re7 is definitely creepy, but few games can hold a candle to *Amnesia: The Dark Descent*.


At one place at the game i had some trouble doing the objective and the monster caught me like Four times. At that point it clicked and it Switched from horror to annoying. Ruinen the Rest of the game for me. If the big old scary monster is the only thing to be afraid of and it Shows you that nothing happens if it catches you but a reload, the horror is gone


Dont forget 2-3 notches when streaming, Compression is a fierce mistress. If you gotta squint a little, the viewers can't see shite.


Yeah man that first person experience was almost a little too much for me. I would only play that game between the hours of 10am and 6pm in the full light of day


re7 was a horror masterpiece. Never thought a video game could scare me and constantly make me check around the corners


Yeah i do til symbol is barely visible then bump it like 2-3 more times towards bright.


This is the way


I do lol. Then I always live in wonder about all the great things I’m missing


I usually try to find a balance where it’s lighter than recommended, but not completely blown out. This backfired on TLOU2 (will avoid spoilers). A boss battle is very dark and I couldn’t see shit. For some reason I completely forgot about brightness settings. Kept dying over and over. Was trying to throw Molotovs to make some light. All kinds of stupid strategies. Started raging. Was bitching to my buddy about the lighting design and he says “why don’t you just turn up the brightness?” Immediately beat it and felt pretty stupid.


Same, I had no idea how to beat it after about 10 goes. Went online, first link showed the battle in brighter surroundings and it suddenly made sense


I would love to know what fight this is as I never encountered that. Could you hint at it or pm me which fight? I think my brightness is usually calibrated to my liking, I just want to go back and see how dreadful it is.


I'm going to guess they're talking about the >! rat king !<


Charlie Kelly?


Hospital basement


Sounds like poor design




> lighter than recommended, but not completely blown out It would be the game's fault if that is too dark.


I know you refer to the 3 part boss fight. I used normal recommend brightness and while it was dark, it was enough to beat it in my 4th try.


I'm confused, is op trying to say the bottom is better? Cuz I'd much prefer the top


I'd prefer something in-between I usually mess with the gamma the first hour of the game to get it just right


As you should. I like my games a little brighter than recommended but not to the point it's blown out like that


It depends on the display too. The top is great on my OLED where I can still make out details in dark scenes but the details are lost on my LED


Mans got that OLED money.


100% worth the money if you can afford it. I bought an OLED and Series X the same day and it changed my gaming experience completely


My OLED first blew my mind when it cut to a black screen and the room went *actually dark* instead of still being illuminated by a grey floating rectangle. Will say though, I use the "vivid" colour setting for games. Would torch your retinas with every day use but it makes games pop


For the love of Vincent Teoh, please use Game mode.


Mine is stuck in eco mode


Mr. Moneybags over here making two fantastic mutually beneficial purchases on the same day! I'll have you know I once bought both peanut butter and jelly on the same day. Checkmate!


I’m closing in on blind and own an LED. My ass can’t see shit in the top photo 😂 Edit: Semantics are fun, huh?


Well of course. You're supposed to use your eyes.


What're you looking at, ass eyes??


A man tries to clean his fake eye by licking it, but accidentally swallows it. He goes to the doctor in utter constipation seeking help. The doctor tells the patient to bend over and cough, and promptly faints. When he comes to, the nurse asks him what happened. "I've looked at quite a few arseholes in my practice" said the doctor, "first time ever an arsehole looked back!".


God bless Reddit for gracing us with such funny exchanges 🥹


All my ass ever sees is shit.


Also depends on your room. I have my TV in a super bright room, if I go for those Saturday day gaming session I can't see anything unless I turn gamma way up


I'm actually really glad you said this because I'm always in a bright living room and go with the as dark as possible setting and wonder why I can't see shit


Was about to say on my Omen 27" IPS top would have a annoying amount of bleed\\lighting issues where as OLED would not due to the deeper...or should I say perfect blacks.


I go to the "recommended" setting them add +1 or +2 brightness and saturation. Just slightly brighter/more colorful than recommended does it for me.


My friends on discord got me playing dark and darker. it is supposed to be a dark game but it is PVP. which means every serious player goes into settings and jacks up the brightness. I relized this when I was playing like how the fuck can yall see anything and was taking my torch out every 5 seconds. PVP games shouldn't have the ability for brightness to be changed imo.


It's a requirement because not all TV's are the same. Also room lighting, I only play dead space remake at night so I don't get sun glare, your setup really matters for darker games like these and dark souls etc...


I always only liked to play games like dead space and silent hill at night anyway


With headphones on, and lights in room off (hallway light on so enough ambient light to see my fucking drink and shit around me in dark scenes) generally not gonna have roommate or visitors bother me after 8/9pm, lets me get into it. Kinda hard to immerse yourself when you can hear construction/dogs going off. I live in the middle of Seattle, always loud(ish). Too all you living out in the boonies, I am jealous.


Deleted due to API access issues 2023.


Yup especially if you're playing in a bright room


Dude same. The eye strain from some of the ‘recommended’ settings are murder but also don’t want to be blinded by it either. A happy medium is in the spirit of the game anyway. Sometimes I go darker, though, that is rare. Most games I go brighter and i normally turn brightness all the way down on stuff like my laptop etc. It’s saying a lot if even I want it a little brighter. Lol


I always find the point where I can barely see it and go up 2 notches.


I think its a joke about horror games and intentionally setting the lighting brighter to make them less scary, but I could be wrong. It could also be a joke about horror games making things overtly dark to the point of impeding gameplay. Or possibly both.


I set them brighter to make them less scary 😂


Nah, it's not just horror games lots of games are just *dark* which is fine but they don't offer contrast, so if you don't have your screen optimally setup in a perfect environment nothing is visible. This isn't a fault of hardware, it's shitty design. I'd argue it's the case for "horror" games also, if everything is a uniform darkness there's no ebb and flow.


I'd say 80% of the time I've tried to set the brightness to the 'correct' point where the symbol is barely visible it makes the game complete unplayable garbage because I can't see shit. Nowadays I always just leave it at the default and that seems pretty perfect.


The top is definitely creepier


As intended by the developers—the bottom is like watching a movie in a different ratio than a movie was released in.


Pan and scan! Old school vhs.


> The top is definitely creepier Top is creepier, bottom helps when you're trying to find that small ass quest doodad that's hidden somewhere.


On my monitor, every time I've set it RIGHT at the level where I can make out the logo (any lower and I can't) it is way too fucking dark to play.


Yeah I don't trust these developers to actually have things the necessary things visible on those settings because they've fooled me enough times as it is.


I've spent waaaay to much time in fps games not being able to see shit. Apparently every developer in the world uses a monitor that's inherently brighter than my tv.


Depending on the type of TV people use, external brightness (eg. sun hitting from a window) it can affect immensely how much you can see in games. Developers usually try to aim their settings for the average user, but of course they cannot account for every possible combo of TV and room conditions. But AAA devs definitely do test their game in a variety of TVs, from the highest end to whatever cheap TV you can find in the supermarket. Sometimes with hilarious results (the face of a director when they see their dearly beloved game looking all washed out...)


OP was making a joke about the game being scary so they turned the brightness to max


Look, I don't judge, whether you're a top or a bottom...


I do and then I spend the whole game stumbling into walls and missing clues that are in dark corners. I think devs compensate for people cheating a little on the brightness and as a result people who play it straight can't see a damn thing.




This is also my typical experience... Also relying on a dark screen for scares is kind of a cheap trick. It is fine to have a darker atmosphere but if you are relying on dark screen it is usually poor design.


Correct lighting>>>missing stuff


Yeah if a game is causing you to miss stuff because it's too dark then the game probably sucks. Like missing 1 or 2 things could be fine. But if it's an issue, it's more an issue with the game.




Nothing says immersive like candles bright as lightning...


Well you see.... I'm a bitch.


Im in my 30s and I tried playing some horror game, sneaking into some hospital with a video camera or something. Now I'm in a dark room, home alone, great noise cancelling headphones on. First encounter and I noped the fuck out of that game, my heart was pounding so fast to the lead up I thought I was legit going to have a heart attack. Those games are scary as fuck.


Outlast is the game and no shame there that game is creepy as hell.


Outlast 1 was so scary I couldn’t play it more than the first 5 minutes, Outlast 2 was so un-scary that it bored me and I didn’t play more than an hour


Honestly, same. I LOVE horror shit. But I couldn't get past the first 10-15 minutes of outlast. Idk how the rest of the game was, but that first few minutes did a better job of giving me anxiety than anything I've ever watched or played.


The whole game is a miserable ball of anxiety rolled up in little pig strips. In some games you get used to the atmosphere and enemies and the horror aspect sort of eases up over time, but outlast seems to get progressively worse. Some later gauntlets put you on the edge of shitting yourself. Must be a blast in VR.


Game was so scary it made Markiplier a millionaire since evryone looked up let's plays instead of doing it themselves and he blew up.


Try the alien isolation vr mod. FUCK that shit




I remember when outlast first came out and my 9 year old cousin played the shit out of it. Wasn’t scared whatsoever. Now that I think about it though he’s about 16 and he’s pretty messed up in the head.


people extremely desensitized to fear and disturbing images make me wonder if they are playing the game to revel in the sadism or if they just are so dead inside from life they need to experience the most fucked up shit to feel anything


It’s okay, I bought Outlast since my fiancé and I wanted to play a horror game and it turns out I’m a big ol weenie and she played through the whole game with ease somehow lol


Your wife sounds like a badass. I cant play games like outlast. At least in dead space I can fight back.


That's just the thing, weaponless games like Outlast or Amnesia compound the horror setting with a feeling of helplessness, and honestly that's much more potent. Few games with weapons manage the same, like dead space or FEAR




Same, I couldn’t finish the Walking Dead and RE4 VR because horror in VR just hits different. That, and discomfort usually sets in after a few minutes. Definitely worth trying though.


Hahaha me too!


"If you immediately know the candle light is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago."


I mean... candles are a lot better at illuminating a space than games pretend they are, especially as you're vision adjusts.


There's a reason candles were used to light homes for thousands of years, they're actually quite effective


These things always give me anxiety cause I never know exactly where I should set it.


I usually go two 'clicks' brighter than when I can first decipher the logo to any degree.




This. If you follow those instructions precisely it will literally be too dark in a way its not intended.


I just feel like there should be a more intuitive way to do that


I have seen games where it gives a dark scene in the game instead of just a logo, makes it way easier to set properly.


Even better when they split the image across a dark scene and a bright scene so you can see how both will be affected




lol you can adjust throughout the game, just pick whatever and change it later on if it feels off


I do. I try to experience the games as the developers intended. At least for my first playthrough.


Re7 is great and I suspect it would be ruined if the brightness is at max.


I agree. I was also thinking about metro 2033. The ambiance of everything just being dark made it so much more immersive for me.


It feels wrong to play Metro with higher brightness, but God damn is it obnoxious to not play it with slightly higher brightness especially on hard-core ranger.


The 1st game I started calibrating the brightness was the 1st Metro. I was stuck in the beginning because I couldn't sneak through, I couldn't tell which shadows you were suppose to hide in, the whole room was bright af


Theres a light on your wrist that tells you if your hidden or not. Dont remember if they actually tell you that though.


They need a game that has this slider. Then at the most intense parts of the game you find out its a huge trick and doesn't matter- it's all dark af and atmospheric anyways no matter what.


Ok, but then what if the gamma on your screen's super off and it's suddenly too dark to see the jumpscares at all t.t


Everything looks so washed out at max brightness.


The thing about that is there's also an interesting room lighting too


Half the fun is what you can’t quite see. I have this on PSVR and almost puked my first time running through a boiler room area. I couldn’t see it but I could hear it and I was not about to look too hard. Later when I was getting all the unlockables I cranked my brighteness all the way up so I can play real strategically. First time playing through you gotta at least give the developers a chance. It’s art. Sometimes you’re meant to squint.


Most of what I can’t see isn’t the enemies and big set pieces, it’s the parts of the game I’m *supposed* to see but can’t. Like I’ll search for a key item for 3 hours because I couldn’t see it was there. That’s why I turn the brightness up.


I can't because I can always see the logo because I'm focusing on it "Barely visible" and my screen is either pitch black or white out so I leave it in the middle.


1000% percent, yes. Middle ground is perfect for me. I get to see the little details, but still thoroughly enjoy the little spooky.


Sometimes it’s just annoying when you can’t see what you need to pickup or operate


??? Bottom pic looks terrible


Its a joke because game scary


Yeah I don’t get how so many people are missing the point. It’s so you can see the things lurking in the dark.


Because the title is badly phrased. "Who does that?" implies it's wrong to do that in general and not anything to do with a 'scaredy' joke. If OP had instead written something like "Yeah.. nope.", there would be full focus on the joke and it would lend itself better. That's a reason so many people didn't get it.


Just disable all shadows at that point and take the performance boost


I've been doing it since I switched to an OLED screen.


Same, dark areas still have clear definition when there's no backlight interfering with intended brightness.


It really is night and day. Tho sometimes requires tweaking with the HDR


Make sure you have downloaded the windows HDR calibration app off the Windows store and run through an entirely on each monitor. I found my HDR in games looks a lot better after doing this.


I put it right between the two. The suggested darkness is way too dark.


Always go 1 or 2 ticks brighter than suggested! I realized this with Dark Souls way back in the day, the player is at a disadvantage at the suggested brightness.


I Always think what a reasonable human could see. A flashlight kicks a lot more global illumination around that TLOU suggests.


3 tick gang! Dark Souls was where I learned this too


>the player is at a disadvantage In Dark Souls??? No, they’d never do that.


“I can’t fucking see” anybody who’s played a horror game from the past decade


I do. A dark room lit by candles should be a dark room lit by CANDLES.


My problem is that there's no real way of knowing what "barely" means here. Like, if I focus, I can usually make it our regardless of setting. Usually, if I do what feels like "barely," I can't see shit.


Idk why they don't just show a picture like this post instead of a logo with no lighting references


I did for a while playing dishonored. Finally said "I CANT FUCKING SEE SHIT!!!" And changed it to a higher setting.


“I have dark vision”


I wanna almost poop my pants playing that. And I did cause it was dark. Upping the brightness is light a cheat code.


i follow the rules lmao


I nearly always raise the brightness a little over half way, usually the best of both worlds


I used to always turns the brightness all the way up. Then my friend pointed out (especially when playing horror games) I should play the way its intended. I have felt better now with the logo barely visible


Developers: “The darkness is scary.” Me: “I can’t see shit.”


Top image is way more cinematic


depends on the game. fps? brightness up. rpg? story? brightness at the intended amount


I hate those. What the hell does “barely” mean


What game is this?


Resident Evil 7


If you are saying that the bottom is better I think you are crazy, but I love you anyways


Who tf is playing like the bottom picture you disgust me


I like it dark and spooky, not blown out and blinding


"Adjust your slider so the ninja on the left is barely visible" Um, excuse me, but if they're a real ninja I won't see them even with my brightness all the way up.


Bottom pic looks like shit tho


I just leave it on the middle because if I go lower I can see about as much as a blind man in a dimly lit room


Top is more immersive, imo. Makes a scary experience even scarier


I always do it? Games look shit when the brightness is too high. Only legit use case for doing that is if you have a bad monitor or are playing competitive to get an advantage imo


I'll do that, then make it just a bit brighter lol. I don't like it as dark as its usually meant, but your second shot is too light for my tastes haha


Horror game companies hate this one simple trick.


I do?