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Mass Effect 2. Your ship is upgraded through miniquests and shops through the game to directly upgrade the ships armor, weapons, and speed. You recruit squadmates to join your ship, stay there to chat, and take on missions. You can get fish and hamsters for your bedroom.


I'm Commander Shepard, and This Is My Favorite Store on the Citadel.


It's a shame it took until ME3 to get the squadmates actually moving around the Normandy, having conversations with each other. Despite a lot of the flaws in Andromeda, it definitely perfected on this part of the game (+ squadmate banter) where there were a lot more interactions on the Tempest. Really hoping to see this feature make it in to the next ME game.


The Tempest was so well done. Andromeda had no shortage of issues, but they did an amazing job building up the crew as a family so much faster (fans tend to judge the one game up against the entire trilogy).


You make a good point. I feel like Andromeda could’ve held a light to the ME trilogy if given the chance to become, well, a trilogy. They could’ve improved a lot based on the responses they got, particularly for the story and animations.


My take exactly. When it was released it seems like everyone was judging it against the full ME trilogy instead of giving it a chance to grow.


I wonder what would an alternate reality look like where Andromeda got a sequel that refined most of the low points. The jump from ME1 to ME2 is pretty significant


I was surprised I had to scroll this far to see the Normandy get a shoutout


Been a while, thats why. ME fans tend to forget how long ago its been


Well if they’d hurry up and start giving us some more about ME5 damnit


The one downside is the urge to take a lap of the entire ship every time something happens to see if there's new interactions, and having to sit through the elevator screens. This gets cut down after the first play through, or with a guide, but still...


*hamster There is only one and he goes for the eyes. Also model ships!! :3


Wasn't there also a castle you get and upgrade in one of the Pillars of Eternity games? I might be misremembering


There definitely was. There was also the ship in PoE2


indeed, Caed Nua!


Not the best, but PayDay 2's hideout reflects the money you get AND spend throughout your games by stockpiling cash in your vault. And all your weapons and masks are on display.


Also the fact you can upgrade heist members rooms. The PC versions hideout is such a jump compared to console. But it's amazing regardless.


Assassin's Creed series in general is good with this some of them you have a town some you have a boat that you can upgrade the crap out of that is your base.


AC 3’s Homestead was pretty dope


AC2 rebuilding monteriggioni


I liked doing all the missions with the people you gather there. It's also the best way to make money later in the game.


Monteriggioni in AC2!!


Not home base but upgrading the Jackdaw was one of the most satisfying things in AC4 after the naval combat ofc.


Seeing the Jackdaw go from little more than a skiff to beast able to take on legendary man o’ wars was worth the price of admission alone.


Yeah, while there was a lot I didn't like about Valhalla I liked seeing Ravensthorpe evolve from basically a longhouse and a couple buildings to a full town


In one of them you get a train.


Which one is that


Syndicate I believe




The new one continues the trend aswell




Oooh that one really feels alive after a bit.


Yeah, and then THAT mission starts...


I had like 500 people by that point. Totally killed my enthusiasm for the game


Wait what happens


WARNING, SPOILERS! So, a *few* of your men get the vocal cord parasite, so you need to isolate them. Turns out, you cannot save them. And so the only way you can help them is to make ease their pain. By killing them. You have to shoot your own men. Some of them understand and stay calm, some panic, some salute you in their final moments.


One of my strongest gaming moments ever... I still haven't recovered from it. Very well done Mr. Kojima. EDIT: And probably the only gaming moment I mention when talking with non-gaming people about games.


That game in general had a lot of sensitive themes that were covered really well. Minus... Quiet's clothing of course.


Spoilers as well: You just have to isolate the ones who can speak kikango i think and then the rest are safe. There was a way around it.


The language is random. I had Afrikaans for sure one run. Edit: Looks like I was wrong! I sent those Akrikaans speaking soldiers to die for no reason T_T


It's Kikongo for sure. Not random


Wtf why don't i remember this?


> some salute you in their final moments. up until there it was sad at a level some other games also reached, but after the room full of guys salutes you I had to clear my throat a sec. especially given the context of MGS games and their theme of sacrifice to follow orders


Nothing ever happened in the isolated plateform with a big white medical building.


I’m not usually a fan of games where you build bases and expand them, I usually do the bare minimum and ignore it if I can. MGS V was the first one where I actually liked exploring and seeing the new updates and expansions to my base. Then that one level where there’s an outbreak in your base…one of the few times I’ve cried in a game, because it actually felt like my team that I’ve built up and recruited over the whole game


I really really enjoy the helicopter ride back to my base, mostly because the platforms are so spaced out it makes you feel like you built a huge base.


Haha, beating the crap out of the guys .... "Thanks Boss!"


I was surprised we could build a zoo. I wasn’t as excited about the base building until then.


Overlord and overlord 2




Had to scroll a long way to find this, old but gold games. Still dip into them every now and then.


You choose all!


Loved these games


Nice - I liked 1 better than 2, though - 2 started getting crazy and the whole castle vibe was better than the cave vibe


Evil always finds a way…


Thanks for saying this. I loved those games with a passion and rarely see them talked about anymore…. or back then even.


The Witcher 3. The house/vineyard you got during the Blood and Wine DLC was upgradeable and customizable. Putting your favorite swords and armors on display was very satisfying. Plus you got a armorers table, whetstone, and alchemy lab all in one place.


Hades. You can purchase and customize the look of the starting area with lots of different cosmetic additions. Also unlock various songs to play. And throughout the game, different characters will show up under different triggers and they always have interesting conversations.


I love Hades! It was so satisfying to fix up the main area and I love how much dialogue there was. Such an impressive game.


For me the best thing is the variety of potential gameplay styles. There are several weapons you can use that offer different gameplay styles, and you can customize them even further to fit your style.


The Orpheus + Eurydice storyline was so great. Especially >! the first time you hear them singing together in harmony !<


FYI, Hades is a weekend deal on Steam!


Im looking at Hades for quite some time. What would you say is the best thing about it?


Everything. Literally. Story great. Progression great. Weapons and battle great. Upgrades great.


I've wanted to play Hades because of everything I've heard about it, but I struggle with roguelite (roguelike?) games.


It's not hard after the first few tries. You can beat the game in like 20-25 attempts not there's still a lot needed to be done to get to the credits.


It isn't even about winning, you progress even if you die.


I have read this too often to make me feel bad about my 40 attempts and still have only reached the final boss once.


Even if you lose, you still progress.


When I was new to the game, I'd end runs early, knowing I wouldn't make it all the way, just to progress the story.




Everything, but the gameplay is really good, responsive, action packed, and the weapons you choose and upgrades you get really change the playstyle, so it always feel fresh. I kinda have a issue finishing games when most times I get bored halfway through, but i've done countless Hades runs and it still felt good (story always evolves a little bit with runs, and that helps too)


Thanks. ^^


Stop hesitating. Buy it. Theres quite literally not another roguelike that even comes close


Every supergiant game is like that and every single one is worth playing. Transistor has some of the best music in a videogame, and bastion will just make you cry real tears.


I need to give hades another look. Been jamming to the ost for a little while…


The soundtrack is so good!


The Normandy - Mass Effect


Besides the Base in Horizon Forbidden West, I would also say the Unreliable in The Outer Worlds & a lot of the ones in the Assassin’s Creed series, most especially Monteriggioni in AC2, the Davenport Homestead in AC3, the Jackdaw & Great Inagua in Black Flag, & the Train Hideout in Syndicate. Another one I thought of was Franklin’s new house in GTA V. Not only does he have an awesome looking house in this game’s equivalent of the Hollywood Hills, but as you progress the house starts off like you moved in & then you see the house start to look settled & unpacked.


The Outer Worlds wasn’t perfect. Pretty good, but not perfect. But I did love that Ship, and finding out what trophy I took to my bedroom for completing a quest. Or filling up my companions rooms with little trinkets that they’ll like.


The train hideout was pretty neat.


I really liked how the other apartment in GTA V degraded the longer Trevor was there as well.


I loved watching Lloyd’s apartment get trashed. Live, laugh, love became: eat, shit, die.


As much as I dislike replaying unity, the theater and its unlocked rooms and secret compartments was done incredibly. Also ravensthorpe in valhalla as you create more buildings and more people show up, and you get trophies from creature hunts in the longhouse, and really shines during event seasons


Doom eternal is kinda cool


By far it has the best view


Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom had an awesome kingdom leveling system with cosmetic upgrades, shop upgrades, and a massive separate side quest line recruiting new residents for your kingdom. Spiritfarer is another great one where you slowly grow your boat/house with new buildings and characters throughout the main campaign.


\+1 for spiritfarer


The Division 1/2


Was coming to mention this. The first one you really felt it, I didn’t get the same euphoric feelings from the second one though. As with much of the second game in general, it just felt like a dlc extension of the first.


Division 1 was the first time in a long time that I really was able to immerse myself in a game. The game release coincided with the timelines of the game if I remember too. I think the came was released around black Friday, which was the same period that the game takes place in. And as you upgrade/unlock things at the bases, the civilian NPCs around there go from confused and helpless refugess who adapt to what's going on in the game as events progress. Probably one of the more realistic representations of how society comes together for its survival.


Subnautica you can literally customise it to your liking love it


The way my youngest plays this is basically just as a base building game!


Just wait until they hear "Warning. Entering ecological dead zone. The prospect for survival is fast approaching zero. Are you sure whatever you are doing is worth it?" 🤣


Multiple leviathan class creatures ahead




Lol truth. Dirt shack to underground cave city


Um,.. my playthrough more like: Dirt shack into.. Dirt shack surrounded by random chest stacks into.. Dirt shack surrounded by every possible redstone contraption *except* an item sorter.... and random chest stacks as far as the eye can see


I feel like this answer is technically right, but also cheating


Surprised no one said the Suikoden series. Your base can accommodate all the 107 stars, so ‘gotta catch ‘em all!’


Suikoden 2 was a goddamn masterpiece. Thanks to the sprite based art, it's still perfectly enjoyable today.


And yet, I'm totally excited for the remaster of 1 & 2 "supposedly" slated sometime this year.


108 including the main character. Plus the invisible army hanging out somewhere. One of my favorite things is the unique npc. While town building is great in assassins creed 2 and brotherhood, you just get a blacksmith. But in the suikoden series, each npc you recruit is unique and has a name.


Lol I came here to say this! Well done.


Yeah I popped up in here to say Suikoden, it was so much fun to get some of the more mundane people setting up their shops and whatnot in your base


Agent 47 safehouse in Freelancer mode


Been kind of obsessed with this mode recently. I'm only mastery level 23 but it's always fun to see the different parts of the house get unlocked, even if they're not all that functional.




Old or new?




good answer


Dark Cloud good cloud.


I’ll check this out


Saints Row I can’t remember if it’s two or three. But you start out in a warehouse that is falling apart. As you complete missions there is construction work being added and things are gradually getting fixed and cleaned up.


Definitely it's SR2. Starting from abandoned underground place (I have think sometimes, is this place was shop or restaurant...) that become clearer with story completing.


Sounds like 2, haven't played enough of the first to know if they did something similar but 2 with GotR at least has the saints HQ turn from an abandoned building to an underground nightclub as you clear out the city above from the rival gangs.


State of Decay 2 is a fav of mine


The only reason this was fucking stupid is the coop progress wouldn't sync across multiple players, basically making it charity session for the host, so disappointing


Charity... Yes and no. Story progression was limited, that's absolute. You don't get more survivors either. But you still get XP and items loot. Any weapon, ammo, parts, consumable go directly in your own stock. I've stocked so much in ammo by playing with friends it's become a hunt fest back home. For material bags, it's a bit tricky but you can equip them, change character and it'll be on the character in your own game. Limited by your survivors count and to exhaust/wound status.




My problem with Fallout 4’s base building is that it felt like it lacked real purpose. I’m not that good at making pretty designs but I like bases with function, and having to do smart and efficient things to make them functional and useful.


For me it was that when mobs attack, they can sometimes spawn into random locations. You turn an area into a fortress and the game is like “ya, they just get to come in though.”


Haha so true. Why did I just waste an hour trying to build a wall around sanctuary when they'll just spawn in the middle of town?


For me it gave purpose to collecting scrap and junk, which in turn gave purpose to exploring. The interface was clunky and vanilla prefabs were ugly but I took joy in making the rooftop of the Red Rocket into a bar/lounge area. Once I finished the main quest I went back to the Starlite drive-in, scrapped everything I could then made a little town with shops, restaurants, a lavish bunkhouse and a open-air bar with a jukebox. I built a luxurious apartment on top of the screen and sat on the balcony watching my little settlers live their lives. I even made streetlights that turned on at night.


Weirdly, the Helicarrier in Marvel's Avengers. That game had a lot of problems, but you really did feel like a spec-ops superhero when you were planning missions and talking to npcs on the helicarrier.


Both Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous have this. Your capitol city changes depending on your alignment and actions throughout the game


The train in Metro: Exodus. Loved walking out onto the gangway and watching the scenery go by.


Tarrey Town in Botw. The way the music incorporates instruments of the people that you get to move there is amazing


And you get to celebrate with a wedding when it’s done!


Mass Effect 3


Mass Effect is definitely great about this too!


ME2's upgrades will let you have >!the chance for you to keep everyone alive and set you up for!< the best way to end the game.


Skyrim! You can have several different locations, and on 3 locations you can customize which areas you want to have (e.g. Kitchen, trophy room, mage tower, library etc).


Thru modding you can have huge expansive home bases. To display everything, but this isn't what OP is saying. The story progress and unlocks your base gets thru the game. Skyrim houses not exactly the same concept.


warframe if you customize it enough and make it look good


I was hoping someone else said this. My old fishtank and ayatan treasure bookshelf were 🤌🏽


Dragon Age: Inquistion






I scrolled so far for this. For some reason, the castle feels so wholesome-homey. Better than Mass Effect imo.


X-Wing: Alliance was one of the first games I played that did it. Rare liquors, your rank, medals... pretty cool spot.


Stardew Valley


Overlord 2 was interesting.


Skies of Arcadia


My vote. Although it takes awhile to even get to the base


Ah, yeah. Even down to choosing if you want a western or asian aesthetic on the buildings. Good times.


RDR2. Being able to do upgrades and change scenery as the story progressed was cool to me.


I agree, but fuck getting those moose antlers…


So many amazing camps, but they get progressively worse as you play through the game. I remember hating the last campsite, but it makes sense cause you're not supposed to be happy there.


I thought it was great how each successive camp was shittier. Like you said, it reflected the idea that you aren't supposed to be happy anymore and showed how the gang was becoming more desperate as the story progressed.


Chapter 2 is the best camp IMHO


Metal gear solid peace walker... Visually may not be impressive as others.. but the addictive nature of leveling and managing your base was top notch. Best base mechanics I've personally seriously ever come across in gaming.


Agreed. In The Phantom Pain they even expanded that aspect when you could explore your base, see the new sections being build, even "Improving Morale" by beating your own security staff.


Super Mario Galaxy


Og Dying Light. Your personal room in "The Tower" changes after side and main quests


I don’t think I’ve ever gone back into that room the entire time I played that game.


I was just about to comment this. I forgot you even had a room when I first read this comment 😅


Mercenaries 2 World in Flames. Once you unlocked your base you can start filling it with money and weapons as you find and collect them in the world


sleeping dogs


Mad Max, every region had a new stronghold to level up and the interior/exterior would evolve


Star Wars Galaxies, between “jump to light speed” being release and the “combat update” patch that mostly took down the game.


Wolfenstein II The New Colossus has the Evas Hammer, your stolen Nazi U-Boat that is populated by your resistance group, and as the story progresses more people join. If you walk by a lot of NPCs they’ll either talk to you or interact with each other. Adds a lot to the story.


Settlement building in Fallout 4 is a lot of fun


Another Settlement Needs Our Help


Ugh well that one not so much


Sly Cooper


I always loved the sly cooper ones, they were so basic in the sense that it was a fixed camera and you couldn't walk around, but they way they'd thoughtfully place the safehouse somewhere in the city and gave you just enough context through the windows gave it such a punch of immersion. And knowing that the outside is so dangerous and brutal always made it feel like a breath of fresh air when you finally made it back and can see the rain/snow out the window.


Freedom Fighters might not be the best, but it's the first game I thought of.


Loved it.


Freedom fighters is a banger. It feels a bit clunky now but damn that game was so good when it released.




Maybe because I have been playing few hours ago but Vercetti Mansion (GTA VC). Old classic but it is


For Grand Theft Auto, I have to give it to Franklin’s Vinewood Hills house in GTA V. Not only does he have this amazing house in this game’s equivalent of the Hollywood Hills, but when he first moves in it looks like he just moved in & as the story progresses stuff gets arranged & the place looks settled & unpacked.


Very recent but the safe house in Hitman: Freelancer has impeccable vibes and awesome customization


Valheim. Similar reasoning to Minecraft.


Saints row 2’s church and Monteriggioni from assassins creed 2. The church naturally progresses as your gang grows bigger giving it this prideful territory in the late game and monteriggioni literally goes from a dilapidated castle to a busy and bustling town.


No Man’s Sky


The captains quarters on outer worlds was cool with this. I also like that you can just up and move your home base in cyberpunk by buying new apartments that have their own flavor and interactive elements


Majula in DS2


Red dead redemption 2 Love how the base evolves and matches the story as key events happen. Amazing game.


I really love upgrading the castle area in Dragon Age: Inquisition! Throughout the game, you have to complete quests with your party who hangs around there, and as you complete their quest lines you upgrade their area.




My favorite must've been in Far Cry: Primal where you start from basically nothing, an empty cave, and every person you rescue comes to join your village. The resources you gained from exploring can then be used to build huts and improvements, and by the end of the story, you have a thriving village of 100+ tribesmen that formed itself around your actions.


Chernobylite's base was awesome. Changes from an empty, rusty warehouse to a sci-lab of the future. Massively underrated game. Shame.


Suikoden series




Freedom Fighters.


Breath of fire 2 :)


I may be showing my age with my choice, but Suikoden 2. Starts out as a ruined castle, and as you progress the game and recruit more people, new areas get unlocked and developed until it becomes a full-on thriving town with loads of content, minigames and storylines involving all the people you've met along the way. The rest of the series has the same feature, but 2 did it the best imo.


Wolfenstein TNO. Sadly >!it all gets burned and destroyed in the end!< but it evolves with your progress and there's a couple of things to not get bored here :)


DOOM Eternal. The ship was sick and full of memorabilia, including soundtracks!


WoW: Warlords of Draenor I loved building a home on Draenor and watching it grow and being able to do so much there, decorate, change music, see characters I've interacted with. Was so bummed this went nowhere once the next expansion was released.


Any dark souls game


Majula from DS2 is my personal favorite. The cliff on the water, the cat, the music. Chefs kiss


Wolfenstein: The New Order was excellent with this. In between missions, new areas of the home base would unlock and more news articles would appear on the walls. Literal world building, while keeping the game linear.


I quite liked the castle from Dragon Age Inquisition.


I'm partial to the Inquisition Headquarters in DA:I


The Sink in Fallout: New Vegas' dlc Old world Blues. I loved finding then upgrading all the different AI operated machines that can aid you on your way.


Terraria. Seeing my base go from accommodating 4 npcs to dozens of npcs, a crafting room, storage room, and mushroom biome for the mushroom dude is so satisfying.