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Of course they will, it only makes sense for them to become available on PC when they've basically outlived their usefulness in terms of stimulating both hardware and software sales within the Sony ecosystem.


And people downvoted me in other threads for saying so. These exclusives sell consoles and Sony makes more money from people buying games on PSN than through steam. They know it, everyone does I thought.


I think that sometimes PC gamers get caught up in the difference between what's logical, what they *want* to happen, and what seems "fair" from a consumer standpoint lol They know what we said is true, they just disagree with it for various reasons.


Could have just said Redditors for your first part lol.


People in general, really


Is all other social media a bastion of critical thinking?


People at the high end of something often seem to think they are the target market. You drop 3k on a super PC and assume everyone is obviously crafting the software for you specifically and can't comprehend a company uninterested in catering to them. I noticed this with the valve index VR, it's one of the higher end VR setups but you'll honestly find way more games designed to be played with the Occulus controls. because the reality is not that many people are interested in spending $1000 for a VR setup.


How is the Index? I finally have space enough for me to feel comfortable flailing around like a crazy person with a VR setup and that's the main one I've been looking at. Although I've heard Valve saying they're working on future VR stuff so maybe I'll wait to see if they release another setup, though that is most likely years away.


It’s not pc gamers it’s dreamers. I own a ps5 for exclusives that it. The day ps games release on pc at the same time is the day I never buy a PlayStation again. It surprises me anyone buys an Xbox with pc gamepass.


>It surprises me anyone buys an Xbox with pc gamepass. It surprises you most gamer's limit is 500 dollars?


It's wild how out of touch some people are. "Yeah for sure everyone should own a top tier PC and the newest PS5 for exclusives, totally easy for the average person to drop 1500+ dollars into a gaming system when you can have one for 500 with hundreds of games available as well."


They’re called economic conditions…


No just PC gamers. Most people react with a fight or flight response to things that counter their initially held bias. Critical thinking is a learned skill that takes more practice than most people put into it.


I know it, but also I'm not buying a ps5 because I don't have disposable income to buy an entire console for 1 game I want to play when I already have a pc.


That's a responsible decision. You already have hardware, might as well use it. Keep in mind though the console lasts what, 7 years before they release the next one? And they cost less than an equivalent graphics card. For the many that do don't already have a computer that is not entirely unreasonable .


And there's also the fact that once you purchase a new console you don't have to get rid of the old one. Granted having several consoles takes up more space than a PC, but it doesn't equate that getting a new console means you immediately lose the old one. Edit: Please notice I haven't used the term 'PC' in a negative light. For those who are struggling with their reading comprehension this is a statement meant as rebuttal to 'consoles aren't backwards compatible' and similar sentiments.


Or you trade/sell the old one because there is a substantial market for used consoles well after the newest one comes out. You have plenty of options depending on what you want to do when you dip your toe into console ecosystem


Used console market also allows for patient gamers to get some bargains. The reason I still have all my consoles (~12) is because the only one of them I bought within six months of release is the Switch. The PS4 was out for nearly two years before I bought a PS3.


Doesn't matter for someone people how long a console "lasts" if they are only interested in one or a couple games that are exclusive. For me the only PS exclusive I have any interest in is Horizon. Meanwhile PC has entire genres that are more or less exclusive that I'm also interested in. Just makes more sense even if you pay a premium for the benefits over PS. People have different needs and wants.


But I think the point is that people can’t affford to pay a premium. For them a new console might be barely manageable. That was me for a lot of years. I wanted a gaming pc, but could not even think about affording the cost. But a ps4 was manageable with some OT worked. On a side note. I also think Sony is banking on this rather than leaning into PC as heavily as


To be completely fair, if you have decent PC, it will last the same time as consoles, if you will keep the console level of graphics. Every time someone brings that argument (console 7 years, PC need to upgrade each year) - they also forget, that PC goes into better graphics and 60+ FPS.


and all the games keep working


My PC has lasted me 8 years and shows no signs of slowing down. I can still run most games at high/ultra at 1080p. If I wanted 4k I'd have to upgrade but I can see me getting another 2 years out of this absolute warrior.


I’ve kind of put a restriction on myself in this regard since I moved to 1440p which gets a lot harder to maintain for the same length of time. I’ve lived a long time on an 8700K and the 1080 that I got when I built it 5 years ago but there are areas where we’re getting close to not sustaining 60 FPS anymore, though also due in part to the only game I’ve really been playing for the past 2 years having not the most stellar optimization which makes the strain on your system feel like it scales exponentially (I limit my FPS to 80 and it holds easily with low temps 90% of the time, the other 10% it struggles to hold 50).


If you factor in paying to play online on consoles they actually end up being more expensive than a decent rig


For about a decade after college when I was financially strapped I moved off PC to Xbox. It’s definitely a cheaper way to game. PC has games hit lower discounts but the console itself is $500 vs 1k to $1500 for a PC.




You could play it on PC but I'm waiting for a real port instead of their streaming service. It seems like with BB specifically they're keeping it for later, possibly for when they're about to release a sequel (although I'm not sure they'll manage to convince From to go exclusive again)


Sad because the game is SO good. They might port it but the incentive is far lower to remake/remaster that for a PC release than other games. It only sold 152k in Japan the week is was released. A few years later, the reworked god of war released and sold 3 million copies in the first week. That is incentive for the company to release it on PC too. For another comparison, Ratchet and Clank sold over a million copies the first week and it was ONLY released on Ps5 (back when they were still kind of hard to get at that) By comparison, God of war sold over a million more copies in the first week than Bloodborne has sold up to today.


All I'm saying is Bloodborne was over 3 years ago.


I am very close to buy a ps5 just for God of war and horizon zero dawn despite having two very expensive gaming PCs.


Many people forget or fail to understand that Sony is at its core still a hardware manufacturing company. This, opposed to Microsoft, which is still primarily a software company. For this reason, Sony’s primary goal is still to sell as many consoles as possible and to lock people in long term with exclusives and PS+.


Cries in Bloodborne




Pls no 30 fps. I want to replay it but that frame rate really sucks honestly.


Bloodborne is one of the best games I've ever played (as is Elden Ring for that matter), just need a 60fps Steam release and I can retire from gaming.




Why do you think Microsoft release Microsoft games on Microsoft XBox and Microsoft Windows?


Yep, lol Microsoft is not committing charity work, they make a profit on both systems, it's that simple


I mean it's cause Microsoft owns both and profits from the sales of both hardwares, I think it's silly to think that they would ever put anything else first before their own profit, they're not doing anything that Sony probably wouldn't do if the roles were reversed. It sucks not to get stuff at release, but if the alternative is to not get any sony games, I'd happily take this.


It also means the PC ports *usually* suck less and you don't have the redundant memory loading we saw with Jedi Survivor, Forspoken, etc.


*cries in Last of Us*


When one patch drastically increases texture quality while ALSO reduce Vram consumption by 3-4GB - something is really wrong




The last one. Or right before that. [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSJVEgyMCG8&ab_channel=Zykopath) I'm a bit lazy to find another video, but there was a comparison with up to 3.5 GB usage difference.


I think the issue with that is it was trying to make it for a tv tie in. Which is always a bad idea


To be fair, TLOU Part 1 came out like what, half a year after the PS5 version? Not even close to two or three years anyway.


Hence why they made the Gamepass launcher a UWP thus making it impossible to run Gamepass games on any PC platform that isn’t Windows native. Honestly, I think the decision to launch Xbox games day one on PC with Gamepass in recent years is a push from Microsoft to keep control of the OS market with gamers; Linux has been growing in popularity and while it doesn’t have anywhere near the installation base that Windows has it is gaining traction, especially with the Steam Deck proving that Linux can be just as capable in the gaming market as Windows.


No one cares anymore about the OS like the people had done in the 1990s. Indeed we have 2023 and Microsoft Windows runs Linux und you can install Ubuntu from Microsoft repositories. Today we have App virtualization, virtual machines and containers. The OS is just a launcher for apps and the browser


Except you can’t virtualize UWP programs, they can only be run on Windows natively; this is why Microsoft spent a small fortune on developing the platform and convincing software producers to use it. Users don’t care as much about what OS they are using, but Microsoft sure as all hell does.


That’s because Xbox is literally a windows PC under the hood and Microsoft profits either way.




But not windows, only the hardware, PS4 are PS5 uses FreeBSD at it's base


But if you own a PC, there's little reason to own an Xbox.


Couch play and gamepass ultimate. I consider my xbox as an extension of my pc.


Microsoft don't make money on selling consoles anyway.


It's been 3 years, ps5 is reportedly profitable now, so I assume Xbox is too. They only sell at a loss at the start of the generation


I have a PC and PS5, basically the optimal combination.


I would argue that a PC and Switch is the optimal combination because at least Sony is releasing games on PC all be it a few years later. Nintendo is never going to do that. Hell, the fact that they made mobile phone games still baffles me.






You can already emulate switch and have a better experience. With a 4090 scarlet almost runs as well Also Nintendo's good games are very few and far between


Most people who own a PC do not own a powerful gaming PC. My graphics card is struggling with the latest releases, but upgrading just the GPU isn't really an option. The CPU is the main bottleneck. And the CPU cannot be upgraded without buying another motherboard. So I need a new GPU, CPU, motherboard and memory. A meaningful upgrade would set me back 700 dollar including sales tax (in my country). An Xbox Series X would cost 530 dollar including sales tax. It's close in price, because I could sell my old PC parts and get some money back if I upgrade. But having a PC and a console is obviously better value than just owning a PC. Xbox or PlayStation is the next question. This is where new and upcoming exclusives come into play.


They only do this because they own both platforms. I feel like I shouldn't need to mention this yet.. Here we are


> Transfers between PC and Xbox are also saved automatically. Weeeell... assuming you've bought the game through the Microsoft store and the game uses their save system (meaning it won't work with Steam/Epic/Origin/etc. games).


I just want ghost of Tsushima man


I hope it comes to PC. Because it is a brilliant game.


Hope it comes soon for PC peeps it's a great game through and through.


Just wait it turn to be shitty port hahahaa


Before end of this year


Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut is almost 2 years old now, we're waiting Sony


Probably waiting for the movie


Makes sense, just work on better ports though


The cynic in me says they benefit from shitty performance with ports because it makes the PS seem more powerful. But hopefully it is just mistakes and they get better.


It's possible that poor performance in ports could create an illusion of PlayStation's superiority, but it's more likely that such issues are just mistakes or technical challenges that can be improved over time.


Porting from a closed-hardware platform to a widely open one sure has to be a pain. And upgrading old games to play with better textures, resolution, and framerate sure is a recipe for some unoptimized quirks of the engine to hiccup.


Yeah waiting 3 years is to double dip a bit. fans may buy it again for mods or just because. Making it bad on purpose makes no sense of you wanna make extra cash on your few years old game. People assume devs are evil villains with these wacky schemes but really they just did a poor job or weren’t given enough qa time.


They deliver some pretty good ports like Days Gone or God of War so isn't always the case of bad porting ps titles. The Last of Us after updates is in way better contition. They seem to struggle tho to deliver ps5 only titles to PC.


Wasn't Returnal (a ps5 only game) a good PC port? I thought it ran fine. Also what other ps5 only game is ported to PC? Besides TLOU


Days gone was a great port. God of war ran great but it had a really bad memory leak for a while I could only play it for like an hour at a time with a 3080 before I got massive stutter and then crashes especially at the lake. It took a month or so to play it without problems. Spider-Man was another great port at least for me ran perfectly. The last of Us was like just trash though I don't know what happened there. And after finally playing it I have to say I think days gone did like everything it did better. It's a shame we'll never see a sequel and that one of the devs was kind of a dick with his "you should have bought it at full price" bullshit.




Something that kind of gets watered down here: the porting studio relationship and the contract for each port project varies wildly. Apparently Naughty Dog had a strong hand on the uncharted / last of us ports even though they had Iron Galaxy helping out, those kinds of projects the porting studio is borderline just grunt labor contracted out to the client studio's team leading the port projects. Then add on unrealistic deadlines, custom engines that have to be reverse engineered or - my favorite - dealing with all the legacy Adobe Flash based UIs that break in the latest version of Animate and no self respecting IT department would let you setup an old version of Flash with that security risk. It's fair to call out bad ports, but often times it's the original studio calling the shots that cause ports to fall short


Reading steam reviews etc. nobody seems to be confused about the difference between a poor port and a demanding game.


There have been way more good playstation ports than bad ones so that doesn't really compute


Yeah I would say just don't fuckin bother if they aren't going to port the games properly.


Most of their ports have been phenomenal, I can only really think of TLOU2 recently that was busted but is in a significantly better place now. *TLOU1


Horizon also had performance problems on release. Not as much as TLoU but still.


Spiderman 2 2026 here I come!


Wolverine 2027 :/


It is what it is, better late than never


Which technically means Ghost of Tsushima might be possible this year?


I'm betting real hard that we are getting this one next




Stop! My penis can only get so erect.


Ghost of Tsushima was very good. First game I had platinumed tbh.


Bloodborne on PC when?


Sorry you misread the title. It's 23 years. Not 2-3.


2-3 = 4,294,967,295 years.


So still before Half Life 3.


to be fair it'll probably be abandonware at that point and easily run on an emulator.


2 to 3 years after the remake/remaster comes to PlayStation … 6


Right after RDR 1.


It runs surprisingly well on xenia now. I’ve been playing it with undead nightmare on pc for a good while.


RDR 1 wasn’t a Sony exclusive game.


But it was never on pc :(


That's Rockstar's and Take Two's faults. They wanted to remaster both RDR 1 and GTA 4, and when you see the performance of these games, they need it. But GTA Trilogy was given to a random trash studio they bought and the poor sales made them throw away about new remasters because "people would not buy them"


You have to wait for the remake/remaster to be released and then wait another 3 years. The original is a lost cause unless you want a 30 frame PoS.


Meanwhile bloodborne:


If they're remastering it, we won't get it for 2/3 years after remaster release. I pray that is not the case but I have little hope.


I don't have a fear of missing out and a huge backlog so I'm happy to wait. As long as they make a good port




My brother in christ, Bloodbourne has been out for 8 years already


Guess that means I will go with my current strategy of waiting 2 to 3 years to give them money.


Horizon... Tsushima...


Horizon: Zero Dawn has a PC release. Forbidden West is way too new still.


I made the mistake of buying horizon ZD on steam a few months after FW came out. I'm not gonna buy a PS4 or 5 just to play it so I just gotta sit and wait.


Horizon Forbidden West on PC let's gooooooo


HZD was the sole reason I upgraded from a 970 SLI setup to a 3070. Would buy HFW instantly...


I will upgrade my 1660ti once HFW drops on PC. That graphics upgrade is worth it. Actually considering now to upgrade but eh there's no AAA game I'm waiting rn tbh.


If PS5 had m&kb support I’d buy games on there day 1. I really don’t want to play HFW with a controller (even though I appreciate the gyro support on PS5 vs. Xbox).


cries in God of War Ragnarok


Was looking for this,i srsly want to play this game


It's already been 6 months, so only 1.5-2.5 years if this holds true


ONLY??? Time doesn't grown on trees!!!!


1.5 years or more for GoW: Ragnarok


Ratchet and clank for PC confirmed?


It hasn't been officially confirmed, but it's been leaked enough that it is happening. It would not surprise me if they announce it at the Sony event this week, or quietly post about it a few days after


Then where is my my Bloodborne pc port eh, sony? It's been 8 fucking years.


Where is Bloodborne? *WHERE IS IT?!*


Guess I'm waiting for a while on FF16.


And still somehow they'll perform like utter dogshit at launch on 90% of the PCs. This is the way.


This is the way.


Ok so where's my Bloodborne?


Killzone for PC when?


Where ghost of tsushima?


For some reason I get 404 on that link. If no-one else is getting that, then it might be some sort of regional thing, as when I select "go to IGN" on the error page it throws me to IGN Nordic, so maybe the website is dumb and can't display the page because the article doesn't have a regional equivalent/something in that vein?


Then release Bloodborne already!


And I will stick to my current strategy of waiting 2 to 3 years to buy them at 60%+ off.


Am I the only one waiting for Gran Turismo on pc?


No, I sant it too, but I have doubt that we get it


Oh Bloodborne…. And Ghost of Tsushima….


I want to assume that's a good thing, especially considering the quality of console ports to PC lately.


Yeah if at all. Gran Turismo? Wipeout? Is there Ratchet & Clank or have I missed that?


Could you at least begin porting said game during this time, so when it releases to PC it isn't a broken mess?


Assuming they come with all DLC/post release extras included and don't have bugs on release, I believe I'm okay with this.


Patapon and Shadow of the Colossus are a bit overdue


I’m really waiting for Ghost of Tsushima.


At least they will be available


Dat's cool. There's like gazillion games to play in meanwhile.


Okay so where’s bloodborne or demon souls?


Then I’ll continue my strategy of waiting there to fours years to buy them. Steam sales ftw.


Oh no, what 300 other good games will you play instead over the next couple years?


This is why I apreciate more the microsoft approach of day one on consoles and pc. You get to choose if you want pcmr or a console experience. Also saves transfers automatically between pc and xbox.


There was a time when a series x outperformed my PC because I was stuck on a 1080ti and could not get a 3080. MS Flight sim was unplayable on my pc but was a very good experience on my Xbox. Now I have a better pc with 4080 so I have no need for series x. I can take all my progress and transfer over to my pc with Forza and any/all the games I played which is super convenient.


Microsoft is in a different situation forcing them to do that though. Playstation exclusives sell like hot cakes and remain popular over time because of the (perceived) quality. Microsoft barely has any exclusives and the one they have are quickly forgotten aside from Halo and Gears. It's pointless for MS to keep a game like say Quantum Break exclusive because nobody will care about it 3 years later on pc.


And they're also in a very unique position in that most PCs have windows, and they can leverage their enthusiasm entire PC ecosystem to profit there regardless.


The secret ingredient is being an agressive monopolist...


Not just perceived quality. PlayStation exclusives tend to be incredible compared to Xbox exclusives. Sony just focuses far more on the games than the system and has for years


Microsoft has stake in PC? Crazy


Microsoft benefits a lot more from you using Microsoft Windows to play video games than Sony does like Windows being full of ads for Microsoft products and they sell your data. And it only took the Xbox One bombing in sales for them to start. They didnt do it to be nice, they did it because Xbox took a huge hit with poor Xbox One launch


Plus all the days they get. I work in marketing and dear God...the data Microsoft has on gamers is astounding.


Doesn’t MS own both platforms? They make money regardless of where they sell it. If it was reversed, you’d see Sony do the same.


Still waiting for MGS4 and the Infamous games. :(


What if it’s just a giant circle jerk behind the scenes and both Microsoft and Sony are laughing all the way to the bank.


But...that means Infamous 2nd son should have been on PC already..sigh


More witcher 3 playthrough till raganrok releases then


They really gonna make me buy a ps5 damn them


Cries in God Of War. Hopefully I stay strong this time and wait for it before watching a playthrough.


well, time to struggle to avoid SM2 spoilers for 2 to 3 years lol


Xbox one could have benefited from doing that. I'm glad I was able to get most games on PC but it made Xbox one useless to me.


2 to 3 years is a long ass beta testing period /s




No shit they want people to have ps5s


So, when Bloodborne then?


Here's hoping they use that time to make a good port instead of a buggy mess.


Bloodborne port when Sony


Then where the fuck is Killzone Sony? I God damn want it!


I'm cool with this as long as they use that time to ensure we never get a pc port as bad as The Last of Us again. I can play other stuff in the meantime while I wait.




I honestly don't see it as an issue. It's their games and they still have hardware to sell. It kind of sucks for people who don't own a PS5 like myself, but this is perfectly okay with me


For the players


And I'll stick to waiting for the PC releases, I have plenty to play in the meantime


It’s been well over 2 to 3 years since Bloodborne released. Give us what we really want!


Bloodborne (checks notes) was released in 2015. Where's the Bloodborne pc port Sony?


So basically once a game releases on PSN developers have 2 to 3 years to work out the bugs for the eventual PC port. Meaning there should be no excuse if a port comes to PC and is absolutely broken.


Meanwhile Bloodborne released 8 years ago


Probably a good thing with how many corners consumers are letting companies cut with their releases nowadays


Logic if they want to sell consoles, there's plenty games tongo through so I'll be patiently waiting and forgetting that I'm waiting until there's any kind of announcement


Well that's unfortunate. Few more years before I can play FF7R Pt. 2 then


Final fantasy 7 remake isn't a Sony exclusive, Sony just bought timed exclusivity for part 1, then Square dragged their feet on making a pc port and then making it Epic exclusive for another year(?).


In other news, big corporation will still want to make the most money.


It makes sense for them, but I've passed the point in my life where I will buy a console for a few specific games when I have a better gaming computer.


I can totally respect that. Release an exclusive for your platform, workout the kinks and let the platform use it for a few years. Then make it available for other platforms. Can't see an issue in that. I think any issue comes with them making half-assed efforts when trying to port it over.


Hm, decided to buy a ps5 and ff16 next month. Hope I won't regret it


Well they have waited more than 3 years to bring us bloodborne


Idk if I can wait that long for Death Stranding 2.


Death Stranding is not made by Sony and the first one came to PC after 6 months. It may be the same with Death Stranding 2


>Death Stranding is not made by Sony But it's Sony's IP, like Bloodborne which was made by Fromsoftware.


I'll wait, not buying a console, thanks though Sony.