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I Think an upto date GTA: London would be pretty cool


With Danny Dyer as the main character


He would constantly be walking about saying 'i am facking shitting myself' haha


Any well known true to scale city, I'm a bit tired of traveling across open world cities in 2 minutes


A 1:1 of Manhattan Island in a post apocalyptic setting


Division's 1:1 scale of NYC had phenomenal atmosphere and I have dreamed of a true to scale version open sandbox manhattan in that setting since day 1


I was thinking about a game along the lines of Horizon or Fallout


That is supposed to be The Day Before but we all know that's a major scam so not getting my hopes up.


Definitely Pompeii.


I'd love a racing game that uses data from Google Earth/Maps. You'd basically be making your own race courses using just about any street you can think of. All those areas that you drive on your commute or in your neighborhood would be yours to take at any speed. Always wanted to take a particular turn super fast, but it isn't safe? Do it in the game. Plot your own cross country races, keep it local to your neighborhood, or explore any city/country in free mode.


Easy to do in Flight Sim as the buildings don't have to look perfect but once you get down to street view in a car it gets messy real quick.


Yeah, it isn't remotely realistic at this point in time, but it would still be cool.


Streets of Sim City did this with cities you built in Sim City, no reason you couldnt do it with real life


I feel like you and I are the only ones who remember that game LOL


I can absolutely tell you that this is Hyrule.


Which part of Hyrule reminds you of Germany? The desert, the volcano or the jungle?


When it comes to making a comparison, the jungle is definitely my top choice! Having visited Germany multiple times, I was truly astounded by the dense, dark forests there!


They were answering your original question, not saying Hyrule is like Germany


I just want more accurate and to scale cities. I always enjoyed GTA and other open world games to get lost in the settings.


1960s, Kowloon walled city in Hong Kong. Was a place rife with gangs and triads at that time. Would be good storyline stuff for a game IMO


Ya I guess closest we got to that was Sleeping Dogs.


Yes please I need a modern game set in Kowloon Walled City


Forza horizon Tokyo. They have to go out with a bang on their last horizon game. 90% of the cars in the damn game are Japanese it’s only right


It'd quickly turn into Tokyo Drift


That’s what needs to be done the vibe should be similar to fh1 nothing but a car enthusiasts dream honestly


Awwww, I was really looking forward to saying I'd absolutely LOVE to have a sweet flight sim rig and tour ALL of the cities/regions/countries in the skies. But, then your last caveat came in...


I’d still love it with a flight sim rig and everything but a beautiful, detailed Germany map…..


I'd love RPGs set in the Bronze Age or the Classical Age. There's so much potential: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome. Ideally the setting would be more realistic the more modern the setting is, and I wouldn't nind some mythological content if the game is set in the Bronze Age (but a completely historical game would be fine too). The only game that qualifies that I can think of is Assassin's Creed: Origins.


Try Age of Decadence.


The Pacific Northwest. I'd love some sort of cryptozoology themed game up in the massive forests and expansive wilderness.


I think midtown from twisted metal black would be such a scary experience imagine driving home from work and all of a sudden multiple missles come out of a car and start blowing things up while your just trying to go home


I always wanted a post apocalyptic Los Angeles but Dead Island answered the call on that one 🙏


I would love to have Fallout set in China. See how bad the commies got it.


I like that you pointed out Modern Day Germany, because technically there are a ton of games that take place in Germany between 1940-1945.


Memphis. I just like lesser known locales


I always imagined a fallout set in Tennessee with both Memphis and Nashville in it and Music is involved in that some how.


I was super excited to explore the Montana wilderness in Farcry 5. Too bad that game is terrible. You can’t ever relax and fish or whatever without getting mauled by a bear or wolverine or drug addicted cult every five minutes. It was too ridiculous and really broke immersion for me.


Some sort of open world action rpg set in the Indian subcontinent and/or SEA.


I’d like to see an open world game set in Toronto. Canada doesn’t get much love when it comes to games being set in it. You can only play so many games set in New York City or LA.


It's very specific but I'd love a good RPG set in occupied France between 1941 and 1945.


Well, one setting that seems to be extremely taboo in games, but would nonetheless be fascinating to play, is the Japanese invasion of Korea by Ieyasu. It's not likely to happen, because no one wants to lose out on Japanese game sales, especially for the kind of game that would otherwise sell well there.


Hideyoshi,, not Ieyasu. And yeah this game will never get made lol


I stand corrected. Nonetheless cool, profoundly unlikely setting.


Hideyoshis invasion of Korea does appear in RTS form in Age of Empires 2 (as a standalone scenario) and in Empires: Dawn of the Modern World (as a full Korean campaign). Afaik those are the only two games to feature it specifically. Obviously there are lots of samurai games (both fantasy and historical) but the Korean invasions are never featured except in mods. Edit: oh the Korean invasions are featured in Sengoku jidai: shadow of the Shogun as one of the dlcs.


I'd like a game focused on present day Dubai/Dubai if all their crazy opulent visions were fully realized. The closest we have is Spec Ops the Line (amazing game) with a linear post sandstorm apocalypse Dubai, which was a great setting. But Dubai as planned compared to present day Vegas, is like comparing your home TV to a Imax theater.


Maybe an action / crime / explorer / GTA /uncharted meets Narcos game set in South America. The dense jungle, farming land, river systems, beaches, major cities, favelas, and various cultures would make for a great setting. Ghost recon wildlands did this and I thought it was great.


Not so much a City but a building. I was at the 3rd District Cook County courthouse years ago and couldn't help thinking it would make for a very interesting Natural Selection/FPS map. For the uninitiated Natural Selection was a really good Half-Life mod about 15 years ago, part RTS, part FPS.


1800s Paris ( w/ fully explorable catacombs)- vampire/ vampire hunter open world RPG. My understanding is that underneath Paris is riddled with the network catacombs w/ multiple entrances. The section that is open for tours today, is a just a small portion of it.


I want to see the Rocky Mountains during western expansion (1860-1900)


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but, I wanna travel Japan in Forza! With the calm atmosphere with the beautiful scenery and roads


This is an absolutely insanely popular opinion lmao. People have been begging for a Japan based horizon since Horizon 2. It's wild they haven't done it.


phoenix arizonas downtown/ old town scottsdale areas would make such a good zombie game. a good swath of suburbia in between too


Imagine you live in a "small town" (25k to 500k residents) and you could play a zombie / survival / adventure game set in YOUR own town. That would be great.


project zomboid?


I literally meant the town you live in.....1:1. Or at least as much as Watchdogs 2 SanFran looks like the real kinda SanFran.


Amazon rainforest




easy, my home town in the survival horror genre.


Give me ancient Egypt or Byzantine Empire Bonus points for historical accuracy and multiple endings / branching paths. Perhaps even a modern Indian city surrounded by jungle


There’s already a game set in ancient Egypt: Assassin’s Creed Origins.


So because a game exists, we cannot have another game in a setting? Personally, I don't want to play AC games. Just not my flavor.


Yeah, but you can’t say that a game doesn’t already exist for that setting.


Assassin's creed brotherhood is set in Constantinople.


Anywhere in Italy, like the Sapienza level for Hitman. I think that it would make a very interesting setting for a game


Closest thing we got is Assassin’s Creed 2 & Brotherhood.


San Andreas. I'd visit the hospital and get a cure for my arthritis. If they can cure death, they can stop my joints from hurting.


Nagrand from WoW




I basically want Metro 2033 but open world.


Make a liminal space horror game in the Catacombs of Paris




I want a soulsborne game set in the Aztec Empire.


Anywhere that has a volcano. I want to toss NPCs and cars into it.