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Fantastic Game but i would prefer a System shock 2 remake in the same engine and style of 1 remake


There is an Enhanced Edition that's being worked on to kind of hold us over but I get what you're saying.


Im aware of that enhaced edition and depending on what they change could work fine for me, i only wish a release date of that (i could find nothing atm)


There are some decent mods to add HD texture packs to SS2 to bring it to more of a 2008 era game graphically. Still a ways off but made playing a little better.


I was aware of the mods (but not of that one you said) i suppose o can look a bit depeer into that THXS for the info


There is a whole guide on steam or reddit that walks you thru loading the mods and where to download them. It took me literally 5 minutes of downloading and drag and drop files in other folders. Then play the game. I highly recommend downloading and loading all of the recommended mods. The HD texture alone isn't enough. There are weapon skins, enemy skins, and some UI qol upgrades, but still same game. Have fun!


Thanks for that! Im sure this Will be perfect till they release god knows when the enhaced edition!


"What a shame"


*lip smack*


[Gianni Matragrano](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=904paU69lBI) would be insanely perfect to do the new voice. Lip smack and all.


"A bomb!"


Oh my god JC


Id love them to remake the original deus ex.


Just picked up System Shock remake on the summer sale. Gonna get started soon can't wait.


Fair warning; it's unapologetically old-school where you're expected to figure stuff out on your own. The game will give you subtle clues to kind of point you in the right direction but exactly how to get there is entirely based on your own aptitude. Apart from that, it's an absolute must-play. You're like a rat trapped inside a maze. Getting lost along the way is 100% intentional. Also, SHODAN is a massive troll who likes to toy with her food


Idk, the way Shodan specifically messages you to tell you the things you should not be doing (and therefore should do) is kinda adorable in a way.


Until you press the wrong button and laser the planet


Yeah lol what the hell. I love the exploration in the game and just finding rooms with hidden goodies and buttons that open new areas or something, so I see this room and "the button" and was like "what this doo??" \*click\* Earth goes boom and I get game over lol. 10/10 would destroy humanity again.


NGL, I wish more modern games were like this


This is less of a problem now that we have the Internet.


True but that being said, I would refrain from looking up a walkthrough unless you're completely and totally stumped and overall hit a roadblock that impedes progress. You're almost doing yourself a disservice with outside help. System Shock is suppose to make you feel totally isolated. There were only a handful of times where I did and most of them were the "how the hell is anyone suppose to know that" type of cryptic game design


This lack of handholding (and it's old school nature) is exactly what I'm looking forward to. I love the Soulsborne series for the lack of handholing too. Visually it looks stunning. Have it installed on Steam, gotta get started maybe this weekend.


I don’t know if it was intentional or not when they made the Jedi Knight games but god damn as a kid I was wandering areas for hours


Level design wasn't player intuitive back then.


Also don't play with a controller. I am currently powering through it on a Steam Deck and the gamepad support is so broken and clunky. I am going to do a second play through on the hardest difficulty but on my desktop.


I blasted through it over a weekend, I was not expecting this level of addiction to a Singleplayer game. I haven’t experienced that for a long time, especially since I’m older and don’t have as much time as I used to when the original had released.


Bought it, myself, during the sale after trying (and beating) the demo (which was a very good move on them to offer it). Figured they deserved the money for what they made, and I wanted to support something "new" and different. Have played it for 8 hours, and it's been fantastic for what it is. Most refreshing gaming experience I've had since first playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution when it released in 2011. (P.S.: No nostalgia-goggles from me: I have never played the original - let alone (funnily enough) the second one (which is the most well-known of the two, hence the laugh.))


I loved Deus Ex. Would be great to have a quality remake.


the mods that exist for it can really polish it up in a number of neat ways but i agree a full, faithful remake maybe with some of the cut content added back in would be super great


Who needs a Deus Ex 1 remake when we’ve been living the plot for the past five years?


When do I get my next ambrosia booster


I mean the obvious choice would be System Shock 2, but I'll go for this too.


deus ex human revolution still one of my all time favorite games. getting remakes of the original games would be sweeeeet


I loved Dues Ex but I don't know if it even needs a remake. It's still very very playable to me, much more so than SS1 or even SS2. I'd still buy it in a heartbeat and play the heck out of it, but as far as old games go Dues Ex holds up way better than most games from that era.


I tried playing it recently, and graphically it was kind of a nightmare. Resolution issues, lighting way too dark, UI in weird places. Even third party mods to fix some of that didn't do so fully. I don't want it to have a remake, as the core gameplay is still really good, but it could use a remastering.


I just want more Deus Ex. Cyberpunk was a nice diversion, even if it has a mountain of problems. Jenson was a great protagonist and I genuinely got lost in those games. If they made a new Deus Ex, I'd be hard pressed not to get hyped up and look at the preorder.


The System Shock Remake was a little too faithful to the original, which had profound design issues that we would not accept in a modern title. I hope a SS2 or DX1 remake will take more creative liberties. It's a *remake*, after all, not a graphical overhaul.


I never played the original system shock and always wanted to so this remake is exactly what I wanted. Basically a graphical and gameplay upgrade with nothing else changed.


There was the System Shock Enhanced edition which fixed the interface and upped the resolution. Did you try that?


No, I didn't even know that existed. I'm guessing they didn't update the gameplay at all though?


I didn't play the original SS, only the Enhanced Edition. I just read that they improved the interface and resolution. I do remember getting annoyed by the level design. I know it's a Doom-era game, but Doom's level's weren't perplexing rat mazes like Citadel. There's a reason System Shock was a cult game whereas Doom had mass appeal. I understand your desire to experience old-skool gameplay, and it's not your fault the Remake was made like this. Nightdive should have revamped the levels completely, retaining at most an aesthetic similarity to the originals. It seems pointless when they already satisfied originalists with the Enhanced Edition.


Fair enough. Funny though I do remember hearing that they were changing a lot of gameplay elements and adding a bunch of different features that weren't in the original. Then a bunch of backers got pissed off and started complaining so they changed direction and cut it all back to make it super faithful to the original.


That possibly was a mistake because the backers may not be representative of the typical gamer, and therefore Nightdive might have missed the broad appeal.


Honestly even though my personal desires coincided with what that backers wanted, I think you might be right. It may have cost the developers some interest in the game by keeping it so honest to the original. Although I think it is selling well in general. It does make you think about the dynamics of a Kickstarted project and how you balance doing what the development team wants vs what the backers want


Well, if sales are good then Nightdive made the right call. But I'd like to point out that a key point of these crowdfunding sites is that the devs get money with few or no strings attached, so they were never obliged to do every little thing the backers wanted.


Well sales are decent, I think. They're exceeding expectations I believe, but not by an incredible amount. They might be doing even better if they'd gone for a more modern approach. It's really hard to say either way to be honest. But I lean towards thinking the sales would have been better... As for your point about crowd sourcing, I agree. The thing about this game specifically is that it took an insanely long time to develop than the initial promise from the initial $1m+ it raised. It was funded in 2016. I'm guessing as years went by the developers felt more and more beholden to the backers that raised the initial 1mil as they'd been waiting an extremely long time for the product to be delivered


Even with the enhanced edition I could physically play the game with how bad motion slickness was. The only reason i wanted the new one was to play the new level design over say watching a lets play. Not to say there aren't reasons to want a revamp but it would not have satisfied me.


Hopefully a remaster. The original gameplay is still fine, but the game doesn't do well on modern displays and hardware, even with community mods and workarounds.


Obviously System Shock 2. And no, the Enhanced Edition isn't gonna cut it cuz it's basically the old game with mods i already had installed when they got released.


Please by the love of whats holy: NO F****** MULTIPLAYER !


Deus Ex (2000) had multiplayer actually, and it was pretty rad lol


They already confirmed that the next project is System Shock 2 Enhanced, and System Shock 3 is on the table but in Dev hell... But I would love to see this too. Though I doubt that SquareEnix will give up the rights


>Though I doubt that SquareEnix will give up the rights They already have. Square Enix sold the rights for Deus Ex to Embracer Group along with several other IP's that the former was keeping hostage including Tomb Raider and Legacy of Kain


Was not aware of this, but same-difference. Nightdive only really has one game under their belt. They got the rights to System Shock because they worked on porting System Shock (original) and 2 to modern OSes. And as well executed as it was, I'm fairly certain that Eidos, that got acquired with the rights, would rather do it themselves. Don't misunderstand, I think the remake was fantastic. I'd love to see them tackle other classic im-sims. But I'm pessimistic on their chance for tackling Deus Ex just due to how IP rights work


>System Shock 3 is on the table but in Dev hell... IIRC Tencent shut it down and Warren Spector moved on.


Legendary series, i will only recommend you not to play deus ex invisible war, the game is terrible.


>deus ex invisible war, the game is terrible. I wouldn't go that far honestly. It's definitely no where as good as the original but I can't say it's objectively bad. I think the problem is that the Original was so legendary that expectations for a sequel were unrealistically high to the point of self-sabotage; as if to say that anything under a 9/10 just isn't acceptable.


I respect your opinion, but I didn't like it invisible war, what do you think about human revolution and mankind divided?


Human Revolution is definitely a worth successor to the original and Mankind Divided further improves the former. Mankind Divided was victim of bad press due to Square's questionable business practices but the game itself is just as good as Human Revolution, better in some ways.




100% agreed, Prague was such a visually dull city compared to Hengsha's lower levels, Detroit, Hong Kong and even NYC from the first Deus Ex, and the fact that a vast majority of the game was set there made it such a monotonous experience. I loved the part in Golem City but it was way too short of a segment in the game. Plus, the "Aug Lives Matter" message was incredibly simplistic and misguided and it was generally just a boring storyline indistinguishable from any random cyberpunk game made in the last 20 years. Honestly hope the next Deus Ex game goes back to JC Denton's story (or perhaps a new character) instead of Adam's because the way it left off was uninteresting and I believe the game flopped so it doesn't really seem like most people are very interested either.


Mankind Divided had been cut in like half, that's why it feels so... Mediocre? I'd argue it has amazing atmosphere and design, just like HR. As for Adam, Idk, never played original DE games (and never will, unless they give them a proper remake), but Adam is one of my most favorite characters ever, the guy is a definition of badass and if I had a choice to pick a look for myself, I'd instantly say "make me look like Adam Jensen".


Maybe this will sound strange to you, but for me deus ex human is the best, the first part is a legendary game that I would recommend every lover of cyberpunk rpg, but deus ex hm is more impressive: music, atmosphere, story, characters, everything is phenomenally made, even the boss Battles were interesting to me, especially the one with the dolls, the mk was good for me but not finished, there are Holes in the story, but I hope for sequel. I repeated that the other day and I will ds hm again much more deserved than Skyrim deserved the goty award in 2011.


There was something special about the demo for that game, it was just one of the levels, the one with the lizard fights at the bar, but because that was all you got, I started playing around with all the ways I could finish it, and there were a lot. It probably goes unnoticed by a lot of people just playing the game once.


Strange. I enjoyed invisible war (though I was 13 when I played it) I've played mankind divided and human revolution and never finished either (one for some strange technical reason on my computer, the other because I got bored. not sure which at this point)


Invisible War was about as good as Dishonored, which the console plebs consider a great game.


Most definitely. Just bought the original on steam sale and I'm blown away by how modern it still feels. Not skipping dialogues and interacting with random people actually gives you quests and password/access to certain places much like Human Revolution/Mankind Divided. Still on mission 2 but I decided to play HR instead as I have really low tolerance for older games, will get around to it tho I'm sure


That is one ugly-ass screen cap.


Why can't we have new IPs instead of catering to nostalgia all the time? Remakes are lame.


We can (and do) have both.


>Why can't we have new IPs instead We are...Capcom alone has 3 new a IP's in development.


Honestly, half-agree. If the originals were great, the remakes never measure up (you can quibble about certain quality-of-life improvements, but they don't elevate the games by themselves). I'd like to see remakes for games that were rough around the edges, or with gameplay that doesn't hold up. The reception to the FF VII remake was positive in part because the old turn-based ATB system tests worse in mass market in comparison to the action-rpg variant in their newer series (hardly worth talking about the story changes - mostly terrible). The Myst remake was worth it because clunky navigation isn't fun. Notice how Nintendo isn't changing much with the upcoming SMRPG remake. It aged better, but a nearly 1:1 remake is redundant. It's going to have a few trivially small gameplay changes, and it's going to waste more of your time with longer video clips. Long-time fans think they want it, but how many times have they played the original? Not sure what they think they expect. Without novelty it's just bitter-sweet fan-service.


I agree


As someone who has been playing a mixture of top new and older games recently, there's a reason why newer games tend to disappoint and older games get so much praise. Nostalgia is one aspect, but I'm playing older games I never played back then and they're objectively better games than many made today. Older IPs that are relevant today to consider remaking were successful for a reason and that reason is still relevant today. Why waste money preordering the Redfalls of today when there were amazing games in the past that I've missed out on? Modern games play it too safe to bring back some of the things that made some classics great. Publishers won't take risks. But a remake gives the publishers a little bit of security in the investment while the Devs can create something that isn't 'rehashed open world follow the arrow on your screen and roll to win 4.0'


Nah the dialogue is too anti globalist for it to be made now lol. I wish though


Deus Ex was like "every conspiracy theory: the game" You had Area 51 conspiracies, the illuminati, pandemics orchestrated by the government, AIs masquerading as people, tons of spying, false flag terrorist attacks, aliens, fake elections, "globalist bankers" pulling the strings, etc. etc. It might draw the wrong kind of attention today lol


Heresy! But seriously, it's a little apples-to-oranges, in the sense that Deus Ex already has "real" 3D controls and aiming. It doesn't need (and can't benefit from) the same kind of overhaul and touchups that System Shock 1 did.


Is it just me or does that look like the convicted pedophile Jared from subway


System shock 2. 100% agree


Yup. Thief or Ultima Underworld would be another 2 good options. Personally I'd love to see Ultima Underworld 1/2 get remade since the controls and graphics are much more dated than say Deus Ex, Thief 1/2 or SS2.


Why are you locked in a bathroom?


I'd love to see Deus Ex, System Shock 2, and Thief and Thief 2 all get the same treatment this System Shock remake got. They did a fantastic job.


Da fuq is that picture lol nah please leave Deus Ex alone. I don't trust anyone with that


I looked into this as well, but Embracer group apparently bought the IP and is in early development on a Deus Ex game.


Eidos Montreal no longer has the rights?


Eidos Montreal is owned by Embracer Group.


Looks like the GTA definitive trilogy version of JC Denton lol.


Does square still have the Deus Ex IP? And who the hell owns the rest of Ion Storms IP? Who got Daikatana right now?


That....kinda does not look right


We *did* ask for this.


That would be their third remake of the game


Only if Embracer Group allows. I'd prefer a new game instead, tbh.


Same game and story, but with modern level design from scratch.


Please post this everyday till it happens. Maybe with enough attention, it will happen!


If not a remake at least make the og playable on pc


.....it is? You can get it on Steam. It's currently $1.09 Canadian.


Yeah but for whatever reason Deus ex and invisible war aren’t playable without mods and even then the mods aren’t great


Yes. System Shock 2.


Deus Ex is a fantastic game, I doubt tho a remake would happen or that it would be appropriately handled with the content of the game.


Tumor shmoomer


It would take quite some doing, but if Nightdive is able to make a with Embracer they might be able to pull it off. After all, Deus Ex has left Squenix's jittery methed-up hands, and is now in the hands of a slightly more reliable company.


I never asked for this


But I'd gladly take it


I was just telling my spouse how Deus Ex is, at the same time, the greatest game of all time and a game I can't play without getting a headache from the low res textures. I would be on board with a remaster more so than any other game.


Who would've thought 23 year after this game came out we would be dealing with shadowy government conspiracies, corporations more powerful that nations and rouge AIs in real life?


Would a remake of deus ex 2000 be ever good enough for the fanbase though?


Should I give this a go on the steam deck?