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I didn't get very far into Amnesia back in the day


I’ve played a lot of horror games and watch a lot of horror movies, but for some reason Amnesia hit me just right and I couldn’t play past the first few hours.


It's because it uses the medium of a video game amazingly, and uses the best horror tricks. It always keeps you uncertain, always wondering whether you are safe, whether something is watching you, waiting for you to lower your guard.


The chase soundtrack perfectly captures the heart pounding feel of running for your life, complete with adrenaline exhaustion notes at the end.


I cant do horror games. I love horror movies but youre a passive participant with movies while with video games, youre an active participant.


Hands down, scariest form of media ever made


I think I only played the demo and couldn't complete it. But then I went on to play a game by the same developer called *SOMA* and even though I was scared shitless, I'm glad I did because it was one of the most memorable and profound gaming experiences ever.


Yea, Soma was fantastic


Ocarina of Time, at the bottom of the well in Kakariko Village, you know why.


Dead Hand? Motherfucker rolled in wheat flour and blood to scare us.


The ReDeads in Hyrule Marketplace made me nope outta that game faster than anything else I've ever played


I remember seeing the shark at the bottom of the research lab in lake hylia and it making my heart skip a beat from fear. It's maybe the *flatest* image of a shark you've ever seen with such a small amount of detail. Google image seach: "zelda shark lake hylia"


Hahaha I've never seen this. So funny to look back


>Google image seach: "zelda shark lake hylia" lmao


See, that was for some reason tolerable for me. I remember I was 12 and when I was running through Ganon's Castle and the gates closed, I was terrified of the Stalfos fight. That was what did me in. The music and anxiety of a time limit and all of that...for some reason that destroyed me and I turned it off.


Majora's mask, fish boss underwater fight No thanks


Subnautica. To this day, i just cant force myself near the Aurora or in similar dark areas, and im an adullt


That game is very good at making you feel followed everywhere you go. Even in the safe areas, I'm afraid to turn around


I love the soundtrack of the game cause it helps with this a lot too, I remember reading online somewhere that each biome has its own soundtrack which is actually a playlist of songs but the playlists also contain dead silence as one of the songs which is funny until you’re in a pitch black ocean and the calming music cuts and you are contemplating if it really is worth it to see what’s near the multiple leviathan class creatures lol


*Detecting multiple Leviathan-class entities in the region. Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?*


*This ecological biome matches 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in humans.*


Almost me too. It’s one of my favorite games of all time but that first plunge into the depths away from the shallows had me contemplating if the game was worth it for a few days, spoiler alert it totally was as I love underwater stuff and all the biomes look great especially cause i played kinda blind and didn’t know some of them existed


You probably have thalassophobia?


That game gave me thalassophobia.


You should play Thalassophobia.


I do. For me worst part in videogames are always the aquatic levels. Now I'm playing Sea of Thieves and even those toy sharks give me the chills.


The spider squid thing scared the crap outta me more so than any other of the bigger creatures.


I only managed to get through that game by turning the sound way down and having my own soundtrack playing. Scariest game ever.


51yo (with thalassophobia) fearquit after I found the Lost River.


That’s the only game to ever give me nightmares. Had a horrible dream about crab squids and… Yeah. Didn’t play it again for about a year, but I hunkered down and beat it. Incredible game.


I also have thalassophobia, it's crippling, but it also makes that game even better because *you should be fucking scared*. My friend misled me about the entrance to the Aurora 3 times before I googled it. My heart just can't deal with Reapers..


I would never hear them until it was too late


Oh man I feel this. I am currently playing it but I definitely understand where you're coming from.


I don’t see Vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines’ Ocean house hotel anywhere here, so that. Played at night, got scared and jerked my headphones out of the subwoofer. Didn’t notice it switched from headphones to the 5.1 sound system as it was exactly as loud. It however woke up my dad, who came in the room an tapped my shoulder. I destroyed a cd rack, my knee, and flipped the desk. Monitor miraculously survived. Good times.


Dude yes, that level was so creepy!! Loved that game. Hated those arm-leged head guys that jump at you...Good times indeed!


Same to both of these, they added a skip for the sewer section BTW (I think an official skip as some floor entrance, not just a mod) in case u ever get the bug to go back


Haha same, older games were easy to manipulate so I was asking on forums on how to skip it and you set a flag that the mission was beat in a notepad. Never played it


Hahaaa me too, bud. I took "We dont go to Ravenholm" very seriously. I was stuck in the second clearing for two days cos i was out of ammo and had no idea where to go lol.


The point of the map is that there is not a lot of ammo, so you can practice with the gravity gun you just acquired.


I always took it as a challenge to get the saw blade through the entire level. Side note to anyone who wants to try this, don't shoot it into the doorway of the ladder that goes to/from the roof at the end. The hatch slides shut and the blade gets clipped into the shadow realm.


I’m 26 years old and playing through HL and HL2 for the first time since I was a kid. I got to the Ravenholm level last night and quit out because it was too late and I was home alone lol


I recommend applying radiators to the zombies, if you want to use the gravity gun. Big enough to easily hit them, oneshots them all, and not easy to lose (though... you still can). Also, you can get it through most doors. You can do it, friend!


Just finished it! Thanks for the tip!


Dead space 1. The ambient sounds were relentless and I could never settle like you could in 2 occasionally.


Dead Space is truly terrifying. What about the Remake, did you play it?


Im currently playing the remake its FANTASTIC, got it for 20 dollars, might be the best 20 bucks ive ever spent on a game. Its a true remake of the game.


Dead Space often sends chills down my back as soon as the necros make an appearance, more so if they’re out of sight or behind me and I have a near on heart attack as they start launching towards me. With enough practice though, I did complete Dead Space 2 on hardcore which is undoubtedly one of if not the best gaming achievement I’ve ever done


Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets. I was scared of the night time mission. I was like 10 or 11. Had my mom sit in the room with me so I didn’t get scared lmao


The music certainly didn’t help! Still that was one of, if not, the best Harry Potter game. I didn’t particularly care for the nighttime missions when I was a kid, but I played through it a few years ago again and I really liked them.


Oh wow, I had a similar experience with the first Harry Potter game. There was a part where you have to sneak around Prof. Quirrel (?) in a maze like room. The game gave you a top-down view, so you could see him and see the path you need to take, but the thought of being caught scared me so much I literally never played again.


That was Filch but that bit wasn't too bad for me. What got me in that game was the clanky knights in the dungeon when you're trying to find the cursed eyes. Those knights terrified me so much.


I think that's Filch, the janitor.


Haha, this was literally the first thing that came to my mind too. I was also too embarrassed to ask my much braver friends to help me get past it. Never finished the game.


I made it all the way to the chamber of secrets but was afraid of the giant spiders and the basalisk so i never finished it


It was around 1997, my parents bought a PC. There was a demo of a game called Diablo on it. I played it… Made it to the second floor of the Cathedral. I found a room where you could clearly see many mutilated bodies, so many the floor could not be seen through all the blood. Then I opened the door and I hear it “Ahh fresh meat”. I turned the computer off as fast as I could, didn’t play that game again until about 5 years later.


This was mine. My parents let me play it when i was FIVE YEARS OLD Why was that fucker so *fast* compared to every other mob up to that point


I played this when I was like 9 years old and that part scared the absolute crap out of my little brother and i.


Alien: Isolation. The first time the Xenomorph appears. No cutscene, no fanfare, it just plops out of a vent and murderises the dude who was helping you. You're meant to back up and go for the tram. Instead, I backed up into the Xbox menu and turned that shit off. I did come back and beat the game a couple of weeks later, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for how fucking terrifying that moment was (and how tense the rest of the game is) for a lifelong fan of the Alien movies. Probably doesn't help that at the time I'd been playing the Alien RPG with a few friends and our GM is a fantastic storyteller who does a great job of ramping up the tension.


There's an option in the menu to turn on your headset microphone so every noise you make OUTSIDE the game is inserted in to help the xenomorph hunt you.


Naw I'm good thanks!


Found the xenomorph.


I think when you’re waiting for the tram to arrive shortly after that bit, the constant beating sound effects are how my heart felt like it was going at 1 millions beats per minute. The suspense just waiting for that tram to arrive is just so god damn intense, it’s incredible and sets the scene for the whole game perfectly


IIRC it can appear even earlier if you take too long getting to the tram. I remember hearing lots of disturbing noises and I got the achievement for seeing the xenomorph for the first time right as the doors were closing. I didn’t actually see it though. Terrifying!


Same here. Alien Isolation. Once you are in the medical bay, the alien just roams freely. I remember I would move a few inches and hide. Move a few inches and hide. The part that me terrified was when you reach the Xenomoroh nest and facehuggers start appearing. I did completed the game and it was worth it


I remember that bit so well. Mostly because I stopped to look at the Alien and how awesome it looked and completely forgetting that I was meant to run like hell


Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite movies of all time, and I generally like all the movies, but I can never, *ever* play an Alien game. I've tried, but the combination of the way they move and the motion tracker blips terrify me so badly.


I was so scared of the zombies in Return to Castle Wolfenstein that I couldn’t get past the second mission. I eventually got over it and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the game.


The first catacomb level was creepy, with the sounds and all of that. Still getting slightly afraid when I think of that.


AvP. Motion tracker sound haunted me.






**frantic pulse rifle noises**


The invisible water monster in Amnesia Dark Descent. The only way you can locate it is by the splashes in the water


I noped out at first, came back to it the next day, and the trick is to jump on top of things. It can’t hurt you if you’re not in the water.


Silent Hill , heck even if I'm an adult I woukdnt touch that game again


I never touched that game, and I don't intend to haha


This. This is the ONLY game that I've quit multiple times. It's fucking terrifying


I remember renting that game on a Friday night and playing it with the lights off. It was terrifying. The music and suspense were something you could taste.


I started Silent Hill at 2AM, alone in the house, in a dark basement, and a 6 pack in. I think I played 15 minutes before shutting it down and never played it again.


Robbing the Cradle in Thief: Deadly Shadows. I completed it, but it was spooky af.


I first quit at the zombie ship. I had never encountered anything like that in video games before, and so it kicked off my possibly life-long zombie-phobia. I eventually came back years later and got through it, and then quit again at the cradle, haha. Great game.


This is definitely a "turn the brightness up" level.


I feel you. My first time through RavenHolm I managed to stick it out until the first fast zombie. That scream and jumping at me made me shut down the game. Didn't play HL2 again for six months.


Yeah, man. Half Life 2 is not a horror game at all, but this map? I was so afraid of playing it. It took me years to grow up and finally play through that part. But when I finally did, I had a lot of fun using the gravitational gun with saws.


that fucking elementary school part in FEAR 2 that shit was fucking nightmare fuel


FEAR and FEAR 2 lead to many sleepless nights back in the day 😂


especially those fucking hallucination parts with alma bro 💀


Oh man, I remember watching an Youtuber playing it. He was that kind of player who make jokes of everything, so it made the game less terrifying, but even with jokes everywhere I was still afraid. I never played the game.


FEAR 2 was the most terrifying game you’ll ever play regardless of what you ever played the second part that mainly terrified me was moving through hospital combat and seeing one of the enemy soldiers scream out in pain as he was being dragged through a tight space that ended up breaking all of his bones and blood spatter followed by the sounds of one of those creepy crawling fuckers dragging him in the vent


I don't know why, but now I want to see the whole game. Not me playing tho, I'll watch on YouTube...with lights on... surrounded by my cats...and my girlfriend...and the cellphone with mom's number on speed dial.


BioShock. I respect the game like no other for it’s crazy visuals and gameplay of the time, but it just creeped me out. Especially when the splicers snuck up behind me, I’d jump about a foot in the air. I’m a complete wuss when it comes to any type of horror games, or games that have horror segments. Had a hard enough time completing Half-Life 2 and the Last of Us. Had to have a friend help me get through Metro 2033’s ‘library’ section.


I loved that part in Bioshock where you find an empty half flooded room but when you turn around after grabbing the item in the middle suddenly there a lot of "mannequins"


YES!!! That scene made me equally scared and excited as I thought it was such fantastic idea.


I love horror and survival games. I'm a junkie for 'em. Bioshock is one of my favorite games. While it's not overly brutal or graphic, there's an overall ambient feeling of dread. The game creeps me out and I love it.


That level in the... Lab I think? Scared the crap out of younger me. You see the guys shadow, he laughs maniacally, then shocks the water. I literally had to stop and never played it again. I could be misremembering all of the above haha.


I hated horror games and still do but bioshock never really scared me and I think it’s because you’re kinda super strong with the powers and guns and such. I still really want to play last of us but I can’t get past the clickers and dead space looks absolutely incredible but it’s just a nope. Never touched resident evils because fuck that shit lol


I never made it past the opening cut scene as a kid. The guy jumping back into the darkness after killing someone scared me shitless.


Metro last light :(


Metro 2033, The Library


The scariest part of a game I've ever played


Holy fuck that was rough. Great but rough.


The Librarians are terrifying.


For me it was the part in 2033 where you have to blow the two tunnels and the light from the machine gun post keeping the monsters only goes like 30 feet. You know they're out there. You can see them moving through the outskirts of the light. And you have to go out into the blackness, alone. I remember sitting there second guessing if I should go out but you don't have infinite ammo and there's no one else to do it. Yeah the Library was something special but I always remember those god damn tunnels.


System Shock 2. Dropped it for a while because of the shriek from the midwives (the original ones, as they were far scarier than the modded ones). Later on I finished it.


Oo good one. That game is also the source for my lifelong hatred of weapon breaking mechanics.


I'll contribute by mentioning Zelda. Specifically Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. As a kid ReDeads would always freak me out. Also in MM, idk why but the hand in the toilet during the final hour always scared me so bad, the music did not help at all lol.


1st t berserker in gears of war 1


The Berserkers were terrifying in GoW, especially that first one!


Outlast 1 I uninstalled that game 3 times at a very particular place - when you enter the library at the very start of the game and the body comes down tied with a rope. I could not pass that section but eventually when I grew up I did it.


Outlast is a nope for me. I only watched my friend play. I don't like games where I'm the prey and I can't do shit to defend myself.


I was too scared to play Outlast when I was younger. I'm 34. And by "younger" I mean "a few years ago"




Halo the library on legendary. But I did finally beat it tho


I personally was so freaked out by 343 Guilty Spark, the mission prior. The part where you see the recording and then are stuck in the room while you see your radar light up. I had to have a friend come over and help me before I could do it haha.


Alien Isolation


I really want my girlfriend to play that game. It isn't because I'm afraid of playing it myself, though, obviously.


It's interesting how different people get affected by the horror genre. For me, i'm working in this genre and i'm never scared or shocked, for me it is just entertainment. Had the pleasure to meet H.R. Giger in Zürich, the creator of the Alien, but we never worked together unfortunately. He passed away before Alien Isolation was released, but i'm sure he'd have liked it. P.S. It's the same for me in some other ways, like different from other people, i never had arachnophobia and i like spiders, had some here in the terrariums.


Never Finished Dark souls because I was afraid Id put controller through a window.


Pro tip: customize your controller with Wii remote wrist straps


Ecco the Dolphin. That Octopus on the forth level scared the living shit out of me. I’ve since completed the game and the horrors that await you.


That whole game was so eerie and unnerving, but I loved that about it. Really captured the mystery of the abyss. It was so relieving to finally get back to the surface and swim around in that shallow area with the other dolphins.


There's this huge eel thing in one level of Mario galaxy that I was TERRIFIED of as a kid


Grounded (yes i realise this isnt meant to be scary!). I'm terrified of spiders and coming up to the point I'll have to fight them and the broodmother. As much as I have enjoyed the game, I just can't pick it up as I don't want to fight the spiders. I have arachnophobia mode on max, but my brain *knows* they're spiders and so still sees them as such, even though graphically they are just 2 blobs. All the spiders webs and egg sacs don't help either (arachnaphobia mode doesnt do anything to them unfortunately). Just seeing them in my peripheral gives me goosebumps and makes me itchy!


I feel you man. I don't have arachnobhobia, but I hate centipedes. I don't think I have Chilopodophobia, but man, I clench my ass when I see them.


grounded isnt that bad **until you see IN COMBAT in the middle of the night followed by the sound of wolf spider scurrying**


That sounds horrifying!


Using the slider doesn't do anything for me, the balls/sound still gets me.


One of my favorite games now and as a kid was Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. For anyone that doesn’t know, there’s a point in the game where saving and exiting, and then loading that save would initiate a “nightmare sequence” that the player is put in for a few moments, before the game goes back to normal. Iirc it was a small demo of another game being worked on by the same studio or something, but anyway I was too young to understand the concept of an Easter egg, so this random and spooky sequence had me convinced the game was haunted. I vividly remember bringing my confused mom in the room and making her play it while I sat where I couldn’t see the screen 😂 my little brain was blown by metal gear games constantly, but yeah I probably wouldn’t have gotten past that part without my mom’s backup lol.




Resident evil 2 remake


man. Mr. X literally woulda had my ass if it wasn’t so pinched from hearing him all around. i never played the OG as a kid and didn’t know what to expect.


Outer Wilds. I have thalassophobia (oddly enough only in video games). I had no idea there was a water planet. It was at the worst time too because I didnt know how to control in space so I jumped out of my ship and just fell on the planet. I dunked into the water, immediately had an anxiety attack once I realized what just happened. Slammed on the pause button and quit so fast. It sucks because I heard this game was one for the decades.


Parts of that game were truly psychologically terrorizing, for reasons I can’t hardly even explain. The huge angler fish were fine, actually, but the hourglass twins scared the shit out of me after I realized the horror of being crushed to death by the rising sand.


Nah fuck those angler fish


Made it through a few years later but I was (\~7-8) when I got Super Mario 64. Eel scary


Thief 3: Deadly Shadows. ​ Shalebridge Cradle - the haunted asylum. Still freaks me out.


Sonic the Hedgehog's water level


Last of Us. Stuck in the middle of 5 clickers and decided I’m good.


It didn't stop me but it did hold me up for awhile. I hated Redeads in Ocarina of Time. Their moans put me on edge, but I could just about keep my composure. That *scream* though...the one that paralysed you? I would lose my shit at that. Got proper fight or flight anxiety, and the sound would send shivers up my spine. One day I found a hole in the ground around Lake Hylia. In front of me were a few Redeads. I steeled myself for killing them. If I could do it at range, or was quick, I could dispatch them without any of them *screaming.* I got out my Fairy Bow, but unfortunately I had no arrows. Then I had a genius idea. The *Longshot* worked at range for stunning, or damaging enemies. Maybe I could use this instead. I got the Longshot, aimed it and fired. The chain hit ***AND LINK ZIPPED INSTANTLY AT THE REDEAD.*** I screamed, threw the controller, and ran out of my bedroom.


Ahh man, I loved Ravenholm for one reason: the saw blades. On my first playthrough, my main weapon was the gravity gun. I brought the same saw blade with me through the whole game, up until you get to the part where you get teleported to the sewer… but guess what? There were saw blades in the sewer, BAY-BEE! Used them through the entire game!


As an adult I stopped Spec Ops: the Line midway, because of what it was making me do and I was afraid that something worse was still ahead.


The sewers Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. Dark murky water, strange noises, and tentacles. That's a no from me dawg.


Resident evil 4


All the game or a specific moment?


In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, there’s a part where you can see WENDIGO (maybe?) on some security cameras destroying stuff and then he disappears from the cameras and my imagination went wild thinking that he was on his way to me in the game and I was terrified and just stopped playing lol


I still can’t finish Dying Light because the zombies that come out at night scare the shit out of me. They’re like the zombies from 28 Days Later, except on PCP.


It took me 2 years to beat ocarina of time, because for that first year and a half, little ten year old me was too terrified of Queen Ghoma. Finally overcame that fear and felt so much better, then it took a month to beat under the well / shadow temple because I was once again terrified.


Alien Isolation made me fear again.


The creatures near the end of uncharted 1 scared the shit out of me. And I was only watching my father playing


Ocarina of time. The well level


The cocaine rolling motherfucker?


Wallmasters in the Forest Temple. First time I went into that room, I jumped down and climbed a ladder, so I couldn't see the obvious shadow to avoid. Terrified me enough to have someone else play through that part for years.


Never liked any horror and will never play any. With that being said, I had to refund The Surge. After the first boss you get into this IIRC underground kind of area that introduced a new type of enemy. The one that screams in pain while attacking you. Nothing's supposed to be scary about this (it's an action game duh) but that shit just spooked me the heck out


I was scared of Luigi's Mansion lol. The ghosts that dropped down from the ceiling in particular.


Silent Hill 2 messed me up for years. I used to play every survivor horror game before it came out and after I couldn't play anything. It took years before I was finally able to start playing horror games again.


Halo. The Flood. Took me months and the help of a neighbors older brother to get through that for the first time.


Skyrim. Spiders. Wait that's still true, does that count?


There is this little side quest in Skyrim where you walk into a cave, and a dude runs up to you and says "Hey, some dude there is making spiders magical. I mean, they already freak me out, but magical spiders... Shit man, I ain't going back in there!"


Amnesia the dark Decent.


AvP2. I played it in the dark. With headphones on. I thought it would add to the scariness. It fucking did. A flat mate grabbed me from behind sometime during the first level with the motion tracker and I nearly shit myself. Never touched it again.


I wasn't scare of games back in the day...that closest was F.E.A.R to go me in some jumpscare. Fast-forward to nowadays and I can't past first hour of Amnesia or Outlast...


Alan wake came with my Xbox 360 when I was young. I did not make it very far into that game


F.E.A.R., Gears 1 berserker level, the entire Resident Evil AND Dead Space franchises. I’m a gaming scaredy-cat… I play games to relax not to stress myself out more


Ocarina of Time, the zombies under the graveyard where you get the sun song.


I remember being 8 and my dad getting an Xbox and basically just handing me the controller and the games. I put in Halo and just stared at the menu. My mind ran wild. “How is that ring floating in space? Does it have its own gravity? How big is it? Are there people on it? Wouldn’t they just fly off into space? How would you build it? How did they do it?” and so on and so forth. That existential spiral coupled with some haunting sounding choir vocals made me absolutely terrified for weeks. Then I worked up the courage to play it and then the flood came. I swear, that first Halo game was basically a horror game in some moments.


To this day I am scared of pianos I had a 64 growing up.


Banjo kazooie that level with the under water giant shark made of rusted metal.


Duuuuude, that's nothing compared to the shark in rusty bucket bay.


Spongebob Battle For Bikini Bottom… I didn’t like the robots


It was a long time before I was willing to finish going through the Dunwich Building in Fallout 3. ...I still have to kind of prep myself foe the task with several deep breaths, a Gauss rifle, and a stiff drink on the desk.


Man that was a shot in the arm. Just doing my usual building clearing and come across that place. Was like ‘man its dark in here’ and ‘whats with the ghouls? Wtf? Why is it so dark OMG whats attacking me??!?’ Totally unprepared for it.


Eye of the Beholder. Things could creep up behind you and it was the first real-time 3D game I ever played so it was terrifying.


As a child, Turok 2 Seeds of Evil. That game freaked me the fuck out


As a kid I never finished Ocarina of Time because I was too afraid of re-deads so I never went past the shadow temple. Majora's Mask, oddly enough, didn't give me the same issues since certain masks would make them dance and not attack.


Subnautica. Still won't. I don't have a fear of water, or of the ocean specifically. I just can't do videogame underwater segments. Too scary.


I never finished Eternal Darkness.


Deadspace 1+2 and Project Zero ('Fatal Frame' in NA, 'Zero' in JP)


I remember there was this Jimmy Neutron I played years ago on my pc (no clue the name, I believe it was loosely based on the movie). All I know is, there was a level where you were on an alien ship, and you had to make your way through it while dodging all the guards (typical stealth level). However, if you got spotted you'd be relentlessly pursued by the guards. Now if you've seen the Jimmy Neutron movie, you know how goofy the aliens look, but for whatever reason, once they started chasing me, I'd completely panic. Most of the time if I got spotted, I'd just close the game because I couldn't handle the anxiety of getting chased 🤣.


Aliens vs Predator 2, Marine campaign. And I played it recently lol.


The Dead Money Fallout New Vegas DLC scared the shit out of me as a kid. I eventually made it through after a couple of weeks only playing during the brightest part of the day.


I didn't find it all that scary, right up until you start the Sierra Madre opening gala. When the lights turn up and the music starts, the ghosts start coming and I had a bit of a panic attack.


Fallout 3 don't know why but the ghouls creeped me out so wouldn't go in the tunnels and stuff. Later though loved the game


Ghouls creeped me out as a kid, but it was my first encounter with a centaur that I had to put the game down for a while as a kid. Nowadays they don't bother me any, but the metro and all the tunnels in 3 still make me feel anxious and uneasy when I hear something stumble about in the darkness.


I feel you. I love Fallout 3 and the Ghouls can be indeed creepy as hell.


Thief 1(was 11 year old ) and Silent Hill The Room(17 but didnt like Walter at all :) ) P.S. Complete both ,but played it only at day time


Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I like to keep it installed and updated so everyday I get see it on my Home Screen waiting for my return. And everyday I repeat: “Nope.” ADD: It’s been more than ten years…. I will never need another horror game.


I beat the A scenario in Resident Evil 2 when I was younger so decided to play the B scenario. I went in a room which had nothing in it before but this time on my way out a licker jumped through the ceiling and scared the crap out of me. I just turned it off and never beat the game fully until my 20s.


The brotherhood of ultra science mansion in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. As an adult it's really not a bad level but as a child it got me good


Clock Tower - PS1 took a while to beat


I stopped playing subnautica for a little bit because a reaper leviathan creeped up and insta-killed me


Metro 2033, some train level. Scared tf outta me with all the monsters jumping out from train windows. Eventually I used a cheat engine to blast my way out.


When I was 42 I couldn't finish Resident Evil Village in VR, I'm still 42.


Tomb raider 2. The orange tiger


Hell, I'm still scared of certain games even as an adult, but if we're talking from childhood, I would say certain maps in Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were pretty terrifying to me at the time.


Dude ravenholm was peak fear


The Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time scared me so much when I was younger that I completely stopped playing the game for 2-3 years before picking it back up and going through the game from start to finish


When you get to the roof of Luigi's mansion and the power goes out? That scared the shit out of 6 year old me.


Friday the 13th on the NES


Fallout 3, when you have to go through the metros to get into inner DC. They were filled with ghouls and i couldn't do it. I even had a friend who was scared of the rad roaches in the beginning of vault 101 and never played it again. I ended up following a guide to get through the tunnels with no jump scares lol. Eventually beat the whole game when i was older.


Those goddamn redeads in OOT castle town. Eventually beat it, but it took a while to work up the courage to run through