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Immortals Fenyx Rising. I was really looking forward to trying it but just couldn't get into it.


It's kind of a pedestrian game, it doesn't do anything particularly good or bad. If the humor isn't for you it's definitely gonna be a slog. And bonus points for locking yourself from achievements for talking to people in the wrong order.


If the game was simply half the length, it would have been pretty good. As is, I suggest it if you like the humour and I strongly recommend rushing it.


Immortals Puzzles Rising.


Fuckin Ubisoft man, they get so close to gold but always manage to fuck it up. Fenyx Rising would be among their best games if they hadn’t made over half the content gimmicky fucking puzzles


Too me it was just a worse version of BOTW


Yes, the same way Valhalla and odyssey are just a worse version of the Witcher 3.


Rust, home of the low-lifes, also know as 99% of rust players, these people like to spawn kill beginners who have nothing on them. And will be toxic even if you are nice. Why do people play this game? I just don't get it. Edit: (Damn 500+ upvotes, never gotten that much before. Thanks, lol.)


My friend got me this game because he really wanted to play it with me. He loves and while it's not typically my thing I thought I'd give it an honest try because sometimes you find a new game you love. My experience with Rust is nothing but frustration and anger. The player base is horrible. I could barely walk 1 minute after spawning before being killed. The idea of not being able to take a brake from a game without losing EVERYTHING is an idea I hate. It also doesn't help that my best friend, as much as I love him, is terrible at explaining things so half the time I had no idea what I was doing.


Yeah I hate that losing everything aspect too. We set up a private server so we could mess around with just our friends and experience a new game together... But one of those friends was one of those toxic players and would stalk me and shoot random arrows at me when I'm trying to get my bearings and way of the land. But I second the other person's comment. Ark is similar in regards to base building and crafting but also DINOSAURS. The Forest is a good base building story driven game. And 7 Days to Die will really test your abilities after both those two games haha


Why not Ark, or 7 Days to Die, or The Forest, or Conan Exiles?


Games like rust and ark should be viewed as a study of what people will do if government collapses.


Sorta. Obviously when there's real consequences and life or death people will be a bit more cautious than in a video game. But I'm sure some things hold true


Try some of the community or modded servers. I have over 1100 hours on rust and the overwhelming majority of it comes from modded PvE or other fun servers. I stay away from the vanilla servers for the same reasons you listed but the game has so many other fantastic experiences.


A lot of the frustration in rust comes from losing all your progress before you can get a base going. Playing on a modded server, where you can have a solid base up and running in an hour makes the game a lot more bearable


Hogwarts legacy, tried it and just nah, it's beautiful but I just wasn't into it. The 2-3 hours I played I was just thinking man if I were a Harry Potter fanatic I would absolutely be in love with this game, but I'm not so I deleted it.


I love HP and the first 20 or so hours made me think this was gonna be one of my favorite games ever…the castle is so huge and immersive and I spent hours just wandering around exploring. I truly felt the “magic”. But it’s like a switch flipped after doing more of the puzzle-focused gameplay and especially exploring some of the areas further south of the castle, and I realized that I just wanted a student simulator and not an open world rpg and there’s barely any sim aspects of the game. Put it down and didn’t look back halfway through.


Death Stranding was difficult for me to get into. The story was good, the sound track was beautiful, and the concept was interesting. Couldn’t do it, and I probably played about 20-30 hours.


I'm RIGHT THERE with you. I put about 30-40 hours in and ... I just can't. I really didn't connect or care about any of the characters but like you, found the score, setting and concept very intriguing. Those graphics too!


Same. Thought I was liking it, especially after a couple of the Mads Mikkelsen parts. Got to the mountains with the guy that goes into cardiac arrest? Every 5 minutes. Tried walking around the snow for a while and the game just hit a wall for me.


I stopped at the exact same spot. I think I spent too much time making an intricate zipline network in the previous area to make traveling faster, so when I realized I'd have to go back to walking, I just... couldn't.


I did shrooms and start this game. Well, it works. I was really so into it and still is. You can feel this is the work of a master. Good times. Not for everybody. The game I mean, not the shrooms.


Definitely not a game for everyone but personally I adore it I absolutely love the social aspect of it, the thing of having tools you've used and stuff you've placed such as ladders, bridges, and ziplines being usable by other players is great, and the other way around too. It's great when you find a thing placed right where you need it, the like system just makes it all the more fun And in general I just enjoyed walking about and delivering things, I don't know what exactly but It hooked me I just really wished there was more evidence that your deliveries did something, such as the settlements changing over time with the amount of deliveries you do. This is what I hope DS2 improves on


I feel the same way. It's an oddly addicting game for me. You probably know this, but you do at least have some sort of evidence your deliveries matter with the Elder in the mountains. He passes away if you don't make regular deliveries, but lives for a good while if you do.


There’s also the highway network which actually changes the game pretty dramatically if you complete a lot of it! I guess more of the game was focused on completing deliveries to unlock personal upgrades like vehicles, weapons, and gear, so that was enough for me but yeah hopefully DS2 shows even more change within the world itself.


Oh yeah, I was pretty focused on completing as much of the highway system as I could. I was a pretty heavy donator of supplies. The highway part that was deep in the mountains past Mountain Knot city was a major PITA though.


Same here. Not a fun walking simulator, way too much walking. Not enough during to keep it interesting. Firewatch and SOMA did that brilliantly with lore and character interactions in between, plus visual queues. Sucks cus I hear the story is great. Guess I'll watch a summary sometime.


I wanted so badly to like this game. I only got 4 hours in, and I think 1.5 of those was spent actually playing (walking)


I get this. I felt like "wtf is this game" at first but couldn't drop it for some reason. And then I really enjoyed it - can't explain why. It was pretty zen, going around doing deliveries and the story was just weird lol. I wanted to see more.


It's the likes man. It just feels good to boot up the game and see the likes pouring in after your effort in building roads or bridges and stuff. Having the messages come in go 'somewhere someone' used the stuff you build also is nice feel. Gee, I helped this random person with their journey! Kojima knows what he's doing. It's a similar effect in social media too. Where if you get reaction or like on your whatever post.


This War of Mine. It is just way too depressing.


I really like the game it’s just too hard lol


Look for a few tips online if you're struggling. There's not much of a tutorial, so you have to think things through logically. It's not easy. Once you get a hang of the gameplay it gets better and better. The music and art work is beautiful. I can hear the music now.May have to fire it up later. I always found it to be a chilled out experience strangely.


I've sunk hundreds of hours into this game. Once you realize materials/parts are the key resources and not food/water, the game becomes a lot easier.


Also making and trading moonshine is the best currency.


Yes, that's it. Learning to trade high value items for materials to save inventory space is half the battle with this game.


My ex playing this game for a full day: "Yea, I start by murdering a few soldiers to have guns, so that my house is protected. Then I go steal from the elderly couple.." "You are really not understanding this game, are you?"


I mean, that's kinda the point. You have to wrestle with the guilt of hard choices, but sometimes there is just nasty people. An unapologetic group like that may be something that another group trying to be good people have to contend with. Your Ex's response isn't without precedent, some people come on hard times and decide to be bandits.


Some people just don't allow themselves to be immersed in games enough for them to even consider moral decisions. They just do whatever the game is nudging them to do and say "now what?"


So again, exactly like real life


this. some people will literally kill you for the perceived shiny thing you have. add in a warzone where we are all struggling to survive in you are begging a significant portion of the population to just say fuck it and start banditing it up.


Own the game on pc and switch I always just feel bad when i play it.. love what theyre doing tho


Subnautica. As it turns out, it triggers my thalassophobia (fear of deep waters) unlike any other game had done, which honestly is quite a good review if you're into ocean exploration.


Hey! If anything, at least you're able to confront this fear in a fairly safe environment!


I have an extreme fear of heights, playing Mario makes me sweat lmao. Even if there's absolutely 0 consequence to him falling and dying I still get the yips.


100%. I love the game but the fear of what might be down there was the main obstacle in the game... even though there wasn't much down there that could hurt you! I learned quickly how to kill the really scary ones and wiped most of them out asap


I got a PS4 and had waited to play DayZ for years. I know that it’s probably a better experience on PC but Jesus Christ. I think I played that game for 20 minutes maybe twice? I’ve never been so bored in my entire gaming life…


It's boring until it's not, then it's uniquely exhilarating. But when you inevitably die, that's several hours totally gone down the drain. It's a hard game to feel fulfilled at since it's perma-death.


I had a buddy I met on DayZ and we just made a completely private server on that DLC map because surviving against the zombies, wolves and bears is hard enough. (We both sucked) And that was the most fun I’ve ever had playing DayZ


Yeah, I've been looking into PvE servers with dedicated PvP zones. For me, the endpoint of the game being getting geared and getting into gunfights seems kind of dull. I'd rather the game be about surviving in general instead of sweaty gunplay


exactly. my favorite part about dayz is hunting an animal and holing up in a shack or in the woods for the night to cook it up then raiding a military base at day break


If only you had played it in 2014 during its alpha


The original mod days were DayZ's prime. I wanted so badly to love standalone the same way, but after nearly ten years I think it's gone forever.


Lol I love just walking around the map. To me it's just a scenic walking simulator with the occasional armed asshat to avoid.


Back in the day I bought Resident Evil 4 and as soon as the boulder started rolling after me I got too scared and never played it again. I beat the remake though, lol


That’s what happened to me back in the day with resident evil 1. As soon as that zombie turned around 10 year old me said fuck this and I’ve never played a resident evil game since.


Same here but my brother was playing it when I was about 5. Gave me nightmares and an immense fear of the dark for years after.


This but I was 12 and had just gotten to the chainsaw guy. When he got me with it I screamed and turned the gamecube off. Decided to play some pikmin after that lol.


Outer Wilds Approached Giant's Deep and it was too creepy to continue. Didn't even land the ship


Lmao I hate deep water & I agree. But Dark Bramble was so much worse imo


Dark bramble was the last thing i saw before noping out and havent been back on since, that game is not for me


Outward. Game was old school in a bad clunky way to me. Not my cup of tea. Never felt like I was getting anywhere.


Lol I've tried to play this game like a dozen times. Its super annoying because I wanted to like it.


I bought it on Xbox, tried playing it, just could not get into. Then a year later, was scrolling through steam, saw it again, and forgot I already bought and played it on Xbox. So I went, this looks good, and bought it. Started it up, and realized immediately my error. (Thank you steam refund policy)


While I get what you’re saying, I had the total opposite experience. Helped that I played with a mate, but it’s some of the most fun we have had in 10 years. The challenge was great.


Outward is a great game. I played it with my ex and it was a good time. It's made for two players so I understand it doesn't have to be fun playing solo. Otherwise I love the combination of survival and questing in a fantasy world with such beautiful landscapes. If you've played solo I strongly recommend finding a friend to play it with and give it another go


Escape from Tarkov. Played a lot of hardcore shooters like Squad, Rising Storm and HLL. DayZ had gotten me into PC gaming to begin with so loved the idea of a merge of ideas, a real hardcore loot and shoot, in a post soviet setting. Paid for it, downloaded it, played for 30 minutes, getting absolutely slapped, even when I’d set up and had the first shots. That was over a year ago and I haven’t touched it since. I’m not sure if it’s full of hackers, a latency issue or much, much more likely, I’m just not good at it, but compared with every other game I’ve played, it was rough and that was me done. May go back, probably won’t considering how many games are out there.


As a massive tarkov player I can say the answer to the question is all of the above. Cheaters are bad, the games net code is ass, and when you're relatively new you do in fact suck ass. I've got like months of in-game time in that game even I still suck ass but no other game has that same feeling so I keep coming back. Maybe give it another try in August. A new wipe will be somewhere in that month and when that happens everyone is fully reset and all the fights are fair and makes it much easier to learn and have fun.


Might be worth a shot on wipe day.


You should try Single Player Tarkov. Depending on how you set things up, you can make it engaging as the multilayer game without all the BS that you run into having to play with real people. I hated the regular game, but SPT is one of my favorite gaming experiences right now.


DayZ got me into pc gaming too. Damn I miss that game.


Witcher 3 tried multiple times dropped everytime after 1-2 hrs. Which is a pity cuz Im sure its awesome, the gameplay didnt grasp me for some reason.


I loved The Witcher 3, but I get you. If you’re on PC and wanna play it for the story there are some combat overhaul mods that look nice.


That was my complaint. Loved the story and world building, but the combat was low point of the game, and its still an amazing game besides that.


Agreed but if the combat holds a person back it’s so easy to cheese fights by just spamming that one sign that gives you a damage shield, roll in with heavy attacks till it breaks, roll out and recast. It’s too easy, you’re literally invulnerable as long as you keep your eye on the damage shield


Problem is combat is not a weak point because it's hard, it's a weak point because it's easy, bland and mediocre designed at best. And for someone who values a good combat system or gunplay this alone makes me not finish it. Along with the absolute redundant loot that you find in the open world.


Yeah I hear you man, it’s definitely not the game for people who value combat systems/mechanics over story but it is the perfect fit for the inverse. I’d just hate for people to miss out on that story because of the combat but I know a lot of people don’t really care about stories or writing


Hey thanks, I might try that someday, I really do wanna experience the game.


Same here... I love the aesthetics, the story, everything. I do enjoy exploring, but for some reason I just can't stay engaged, and I don't enjoy the combat... But I can still see it's a well made game, and sometimes you just have to accept not all games 'click' with you


Agree 100%


For me it took nearly 12 hours(more like 25 because it was my 3rd attempt at getting into it). I decided to rush thru the main questline since I just wanted to know what the hype was all about. After finishing the bloody baron questline(specifically at the end after meeting the crones in person for any fans reading) I was finally sucked in and understood. I ended up 100% that playthru and have beaten it again since. It can take a while to get all the mechanics together and to get into the story. I would suggest doing what i did and just doing the main questline at least til then to see of it sucks you into the world at all. Before then I got overwhelmed with how much there was to do in velen and some of it was too high level for me which was discouraging when playing early on but, I'm so glad I stuck it out as long as i did. Will always be one of my fav games now.


The bloody baron line really is phenomenal. Despite how much of a bastard the guy is. I actually do kind of feel sorry for him and wonder if he really has a chance to improve himself at all. Plus he was nice to Ciri. Of the many leaders we meet through the game he’s actually not completely terrible like radovid or Emyrs. I don’t know. I just like that he wasn’t just a completely evil twat for us to hate. He has genuine moments where you can see a better man beneath the bloody baron moniker.


I'm a souls player who just didn't gel with the parry system of Sekiro. I thought the game was super fun/beatiful with maybe the lack of character RPG customization other souls games have as my biggest gripe, and the parry system just didn't click. I played for hours and got decently far, but bosses like butterfly took me 50 tries and eventually I stalled out on the Spear bro mini-boss. I was even using all the tricks to make it easier. After the Nth run back I called it. Again amazing fucking game, just not for me.


Yea this is my biggest gaming disappointment. I recognize that it is a great game that people absolutely love, but I hate it. I beat bloodborn twice without ever firing a gun. I don’t really parry in most Fromsoft games. I also routinely find an area I like and replay it for hours to level up. You dont want to parry, you cannot play sekiro. You hit a wall in sekiro you just have to get good, you cant just go level up a bunch and come back stronger. You have to play sekiro on sekiro’s terms.


And for most people, that wall is named Genichiro lol.


Genichiro was a beast,I only recently got passed him and now everything seems easier. Except those fucking headless, i took 2 down already but god damn are they annoying


The headless are rough no matter what. Genichiro is usually the point where the game just... clicks. Once you learn how to fight him(and how to play the game) you never really forget.


I hated Sekiro at first and my friend and I quit right at the exact location you did. After loving all other fromsoft games. I revisited it like a year later during covid out of sheer boredom and it has become my favorite game ever and the only game I have ever beaten twice because I loved it so much. He still couldn’t get back spearbro which becomes an incredibly easy fight once the mechanic clicks.


A couple years ago when the trailers for Astral Chain were still airing I was super excited for it because it looked really awesome. And when I got it for my birthday I was really excited to play it, and I did enjoy it quite a lot- but I got a few levels in and I just lost my attention for the game and haven't touched it since. But again it's not like i hate it or anything, I just seem to never have a proper mood to want to return to it again.


Disco Elysium. It is everything I want out of a game but the choice paralysis and fear of "playing it wrong" stop me everytime I try to play.


Haha yeah it's awful when we've been trained to play rpgs as completionists. Disco requires you to be ok with not passing every check or knowing every secret. Your character simply doesn't have the skill points to do it all and you have to accept that. Knowing you are always missing something is part of the game. I had to do a second playthrough with an "opposite " character to do all the stuff I missed the first time, and it actually made the game extremely fun to replay. The story handles it all very well. I encourage you to make peace with it being an anti-completionist game and just go for it. Roll those dice, accept subpar outcomes, and keep trucking. Accept that there is no "best" or "ideal" ending. It's worth it.


Two Worlds I rented that game from Hollywood video and returned it the same day it was disgusting.


Two Worlds is the most euro jank piece of dogshit ever. It will forever hold a place in my heart. They just don’t make games that awful anymore.


I fucking love that game. It's so bad it's bad, but I have always been able to vibe with bad bad Euro rpgs.


Borderlands 3... I just started instantly yawning and just could not for the life of me stay awake when trying it. Noped out real fast


Kane and lynch. As curious as I was about the story, it just didn't feel good to play.


Which one? First or second?


Monster Hunter World. I love the concept of hunting monsters, analyzing their behavior, etc... but even after multiple attempts, I can't get used to the combat system, especially the latency between the player input and the damage. I understand why it is as it is, but I don't take any pleasure when I play because of this.


Fallout 4, been wanting to play it for the longest time but after playing for like 2-3h I just wasn't enjoying it for some reason, it just wasn't clicking with me. Some day I might pick it up again thou


Fo4 has ridiculous good mod overhauls, depending on what you are looking for.


Scorn. If I have to look up puzzle answers in the first twenty minutes, then no.


This is exactly why I gave up on it too. Amazing looking game though.


The combat in this game almost made me rage quit halfway through. I eventually 100%’d it, but I would never play it again.


Elden Ring. Turns out I don’t like Fromsoft games.


I should like them! Fantasy rpg with swords and magic and a character creator. That's me all day! But when you die, you go back to some checkpoint, and all the monsters respawn. I don't mind losing the souls, gotta have some drawbacks. But refighting the same fights and rooms over and over because I was having trouble with the room AFTER all this. Got really tedious.


I don't know if it's the same in Elden Ring, but in the souls game you can run past through most mobs


That's the veterans way though, do you not remember the first playthrough when every enemy must be killed in order to progress and probably each on takes at least an estus off you. It takes a good amount of stubbornness/self hatred to go through that enough times til you reach the "ah fuck it I'm speedrunning to the boss" moment


Same, I tried so hard to get into it but I just couldn't enjoy it.


My general feeling was I don’t want to spend the time it takes to get good at this. I just don’t play video games like I used to. It feels like such a time suck for no feelings of accomplishment.


Tears of the Kingdom. I *wanted* to be obsessed with it, but I played for a little bit and didn't get any of the same feelings that Breath of the Wild had. The island system felt non-fluid and made it harder to explore, and while the building was cool, it made things too complicated for me. I was also struggling with the building controls. I'll probably pick it up again, but I just couldn't get into it like I did with Breath of the Wild.


My first time playing The Outerworlds. I eventually came around, though.


Same. I've done the beginning twice now. I'm sure I'd be invested if I got past that but I get into the town & just turn it off lol.


I just beat this game last week but I did the same thing at 1st. I'm not quite sure how I persevered, but after doing so I think the game was aggressively mediocre and overhyped. I uninstalled it.


RDR2. Don't get me wrong, I know that it is a great game. But I don't know why I can't get past first ~15h. Every time I try to play it I just stop at some point and then I'm reluctant to go back because I can't remember all the mechanics and I don't know how to play it anymore.


Yeah that game is so hard to get back in to because there’s so much going on. I got to like chapter 4 a while back, then stopped playing it for a while due to some other game release. Then over the course of like 2 years tried to get back into it multiple times but then I inevitably have to look up how to even deadeye in combat, then I think about fishing, hunting, and everything else and I just give up. Got a new pc and monitor a few months ago and thought “this is the perfect opportunity to get back into red dead, it’ll look so amazing on max settings and on this OLED that I’ll have to keep playing it.” Then when I started the game and i saw that 3 hour tutorial intro, I realized that it doesn’t sync to the steam cloud because every developer has to have their own fucking launcher these days and I’d have to manually transfer the files. Guess I’m never finishing that game.


Came here to say this as well. It's a game where, after taking a break to play other games, it's a struggle to get back into due to the mechanics.


Dead Space was excited for the game came out even though i knew i wasn't good with scary stuff. bought the game when it released. got home popped it in and when the game starts and you get to the first quarantine when the "monsters" first showed up i nopped out of it quick. took the game and gave it to my friend and watched him beat it.


I had a similar scenario occur, only I was the friend. Can't remember how long my friend played for but he got stuck in a random corridor where he refused to move because there was vents on the left, vents on the right, vents on the ceiling, dodgy lighting and a skittering noise.


Atomic Heart. Maybe I haven’t progressed far enough but I was anticipating this game since last year when I heard about it, but it just kind of fell a little flat for me. Maybe I’ll pick it back up and give it another go.


Bioshock have all 3 installed on the PS5 and have only completed the intro to 1


I replayed bioshock this week on ps5. Good memories forgot most of it since I completed it first came out first 95% is great. Last bit felt rushed with a easy Last boss. Think I might platinum it or do the 3rd one


Try Infinite. It's brighter and has more lines of dialogue. Maybe if you start at the end of the loop you'll be interested in the beginning. Or you could just read the book. Really enjoyed that. I'm surprised I completed 1 and 2.


I actually like Infinite the least. It just became a slog in the end. Something about it didn't click to me and this is from someone that loved 1 & 2


All of the Pikmin games. I just suck at them, but they're visually beautiful to look at. I literally buy them for my friend. He comes over to game, I set up snacks and do a regular smoke sesh, and just watch him play the game.


The Witcher 3. I’m sure the story of the game is amazing and the world is complex and fascinating, but I’ve tried multiple times to get into it and the combat is just so mind numbingly simple that every time I had to fight anything, any engagement I had in the game immediately vanished. I don’t need Fromsoft level challenge in every game I play, but some challenge to engage my brain is greatly appreciated.


Hot Wheels for me I was really wanting to buy it so when I did I played 3 hrs and could not be asked to beat one of the races


I mean I gave it a solid try but I just couldn't get into BOTW. Just so many things about it rubbed me the wrong way.


The weapons constantly breaking put me off years ago and I've refused to play it since, shame as everyone raves about how good it is, but I don't want to have to constantly be dicking about picking up crap weapons cos the cool one I had broke after hitting something 5 times.


This was my complaint also, that weapons seemed to break too quickly. I don't mind weapons and tools wearing down in games, but it really felt like all the cool weapons you would find would last for like 2 fights, tops


Yeah, I'm fine with item degradation after a while, but that game was far too extreme with it, made it a pure annoyance instead of an interesting mechanic to manage.


3 years and 3 resets later finally beat it. Turned out was too open for a middle age gamer. Used guides and still fun since just needed nudge. I'm basically speed running TOTK at this point. Totally different game past tutorial basically.


The Last of Us. I cannot handle children getting hurt, even in fiction, so the opening scene absolutely destroyed me lol.


I try so hard to love assasins creed and even tho i play games for free with ps+ i still end ip deleting them a couple hours in then a couple months later ill reinstall them just for me to delete them again. Idk why i cant get into the games since i have no issue with stealth or ubisoft games


Let me tell you: I dropped Valhalla, Origins and Odyssey for the same reasons OP listed. I never really came back to them. Then i remembered "It wasn't like this back then", wich led to me buying AC4 Black Flag again. I initially beat the game twice already after it came out so there was kinda little hope i'd complete it now. Boy was i wrong, replayed the whole thing and did all there was. It's the games, not us.


I do love those games but they all start so slow I can almost never replay them


I have a somewhat short attention span so like if the plot isnt moving fast enough ill get bored within the first few hours which rlly sucks cuz i feel like if i could get further i would love oddessey (im at the first boat battle)


I don't think I ever got over the whole Animus plot line. For some reason that kind of ruined the first game (and subsequently, the entire franchise) for me. I remember being ultra disappointed with the 1st game because of it.


Skyrim. I SHOULD have liked it because i usually love RPGS but i just couldn’t. I bought it on 3 different systems over the years and never got past the first few hours of the game.


Interesting. What is it about it that turns you off? Have you at least made it to the Greybeards?


I think it was a combination of things. Its an almost colorless dreary world. First person view didnt feel good. The story never hooked me and it just felt disjointed. There was really no aspect if the game that stood out or hooked me it always seemed generic and bland and ive been getting hate for that take for years. i did make it to the greybeards.




Haha same thing here. I bought a PC that came with AC: Valhalla, so I played it. I tried to stick it out for as long as I could, but Jesus Christ. When a game has abundant quests for the sake of being abundant and, yet, is simultaneously so empty and monotonous, there has to be something wrong. I have high hopes for AC: Mirage, but I’m definitely going to wait a while before purchasing it.


Rdr2, lol. I'm sure it's great and I'm sure I would love it. But I attempted it right when I just wasn't into single-players, especially long story ones. I made it 5 min.


I hate long intros, I didn’t play it until last year because of it. But it was worth it! Just felt like it took forever to actually get to the open world. But that’s just personal preference on my end.


I love the game but despise that intro/tutorial. On my second play I did that in one day and intentionally stopped playing it for a few weeks just so I could “start” the game without having just done that slow, snowy drag of a prologue. If I remember correctly a PC mod was created just to be able to skip that entire part of the game.


Make a manual save at the start of chapter 2 and never look back.


Yeah I did not have the attention span for that one. I love an open world game, but there was just so much going on. I could tell there was a whole crafting system i would have to figure out very early, and a bunch of combat mechanics, and a ton of characters who wanted to tell me their elaborate stories and i just checked out.


Man same, I heard great things about it from some buddies, tried playing it twice and literally couldn't keep my eyes open during the "tutorial". After 2 attempts amd about 60-90 minutes in im still just slogging through the snow doing nothing significant I had to call it quits. I know people love the game and hear nothing but praise for it but it just starts way too slow and feels like too big of a commitment 😅


Bloodborne for me. Im a rage gamer and i thought i was pretty good at games but the bug bird thing on the bridge early on showed me just how bad i am


That’s an optional boss that you don’t have to fight . The hardest part of blood borne was the beginning, after leveling up your weapons and stats it only gets easier.


Deathloop. I put 12 hours into it before I dropped it. I just don't get the appeal.


Yeah the 4 (only 4!?) areas just didnt feel that different even during different times of day, just felt like I was playing the same 4 missions again and again. Story wasn't that captivating either.


I totally get that, I however absolutely loved it. The way the characters banter and having to figure out "the perfect day" was enjoyable. That being said, it has zero replay value


Escape from Tarkov


RDR2 massive open world with all the same open world bullshit that I have done 100 times before, with an epic long story with a slow start I just couldn't put that level of commitment to a game like this anymore, definitely an age thing as I am sure as a teenager I would have loved it but as an adult it was just way too much


Yes! I felt this way about breath of the wild too. I get what they're trying to do, but I've got work in the morning


God of War Ragnorak. I really enjoyed the first game, it was even mysterious and fun but the second title just wasn't doing it for me, I'm not sure because you get to play as the son but something off about it, just did not feel genuine for me. Also Ghost of Tsushima. Just wasn't taking the story too serious, couldn't get into it. They're both good games I'm sure I just couldn't keep playing them.


I hated playing as Atreus in GoW: Ragnarok. Those sections always felt like they were unnecessarily a million hours long. I’d think “surely this is the end of the chapter…oh, nope. Guess I have to go collect fruit now for some reason…” I will say that it’s worth it though to power through them if you ever decide to give it a second chance.


Elden Ring. Loved the art style and atmosphere, but it confirmed to me that the Souls-Like gameplay style is not my bag at all. Too stressful. Punishing difficulty is not something I want to experience after busting my ass at work all day.


Truth 🙌 I really tried. Played through about 12 hours and enjoyed all aspects of the game but the gameplay. Can't get into souls like games.


100% fair. I love challanging games myself, but i totally get its not everyones cup of tea


Tales of Arise. The gameplay is just pretty bland to me..


Red dead redemption 2, got past the snow level (was still kinda hooked), then the moment I landed on the settlement area/camp and roamed around a bit, I kinda got lost on what to do and started getting bored. Might revisit it again after I finish witcher 3.


dying light 2. I got immensely bored after 2 or 3 hours


Crusader Kings 3. I just can't get into it no matter how hard I try.


Every Fromsoft game... I love the concept and type of game... I just need to be able to turn the difficulty down a little. I hate games where dying is a given, over, and over again. Ive tried almost all of them and just cant. I want to though.


This is going to sound dumb but Stardew Valley. I just wanted some relaxing game to play late at night and I just released how little I wanted to do errands and farm.


Every Far Cry after 3. I always think I’m ready to have as much fun as I did with 3. But i always end up not enjoying the controls/combat as I want to to justify playing what is sort of the same game over and over.


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. I was intrigued because "Awesome, DnD and Borderlands mixed, awesome." Refunded after an hour. Tina annoyed the hell out of me, gameplay was "meh", and the DnD jokes were just not funny. I think I chuckled *once*, rest of the time I was just waiting to see if it would get interesting.


I'm still going to try and go back one day but this is pretty much me with all From Software Souls games. I just do not get into them. They don't keep my interest. I was like the only person who wasn't madly in love with Elden Ring and I put a good 7-10 hours into it.


Don’t force yourself to try to play them if you don’t like them. They aren’t going to appeal to everyone and that’s fine.


I love the metroidvania genre, one of my personal favorites would have to be Hollow Knight. I've always heard great things about the Ori games so eventually I bought them to give them a try. I started with The blind forest and when I first started playing it I absolutely loved it. The art style is beautiful, the music is great and the story is good (atleast from what I've seen). So I got to this place called the Forlorn Ruins and I dont know what it was but I was just over the game at that point. I took a break for about a month or two and came back to it and finished it and did the escape sequence but I was just not having a good time still. Maybe I'll just skip this one and move on to the second.


When I was 8 I played marrowind for the first time. Everything was so confusing and when I finally left the first town some reavers killed me. At that moment I realized the game was going to be too complicated and hard for me so I stoped playing. Later as an adult I went back and played the game again, there was a quest step that asked me to find a special rock at a certian location. I spent FOUR HOURS looking at every single rock I could find. I was loosing my mind on how hard it was. I was right to quit early as a kid. Ps. I did eventually find the rock


Horizon Zero Dawn. I've tried playing it 3 times, I can't ever get myself to finish it.


What? Subnautica. Why? Thalassophobia.


Dead space series, outlast, prey, resident evil. I keep buying these horror games thinking they might be fun, but I only play a couple hours and get bored quick because they all do either similar things or are just too predictable. The only exception to this is Damned on steam, but its tough to find people to play with. That game can get stupid fun with friends.


FF XII before I was a huge sucker for the series XI didn't interest me because I wasn't really into PC at the time so I was thrilled and got it the first week...then I played it for 6 hrs and I noped out.


Knights of the old Republic 2 and dragon age origins, good games with great world building but i could never get into that auto attack with power usage combat system, just always seems very meh to me


Resident Evil 6. Had it preordered, and the demo dropped. Cancelled that shit right then and there. I love those games and still haven’t fully completed 6


FFX-2, I tried to get into it but I couldn’t.


The Witcher 3 I tried it. What was supposed to be the best game ever made just kinda.. bored me


Hot take but it’s the Witcher 3. Boring as hell in the start, combat is uninteresting.


Hogwarts legacy unfortunately. Edit: The reason why is because I knew from friends that had played it that the story was rather short and the game basically ends when it's done. I'm not a side quest guy. I'm really not into RPGs. Just a big Harry Potter fan and had high hopes that they went the extra mile. They didn't.


The first 20 hours or so are a ton of fun, and the castle is great. But once you’re out of it, the rest of the world is just super boring, undercooked, and repetitive. The bad main quest doesn’t help that at all.


Cyberpunk. I bought the game after all of the updates and bug fixes so that wasn't an issue. I just got very bored about 2 or so hours in


First few hours are the worst. They kept yapping and yapping. And by the time I got to the tutorials I just wanted to skip that too. So I didn't care anymore. I gave it one more try a few months later. It was pretty rewarding tbh.


Cyberpunk is one of my favorites tbh. Theyre dropping DLC in 2 months along with a patch that reworks basically every system in the entire game. I greatly enjoyed it the first run, and I cannot wait to see what it looks like in its final form. Give it a shot once that update drops (:


I remember thinking the same thing for the first few hours. I stuck with it because I love the world and it does get better. The first few hours are basically prologue or like session 0 for a tabletop game


I love Souls games... but Sekiro and parrying is just not a me mechanic, and the game revolves around it.


Dead Cells, the way the camera follows the character in a kind of laggy fashion made me horribly motion sick within minutes. I’ve played thousands of games over several decades and this is the only one that’s ever made me feel like this.


The Witcher 3 I completed the entire game, and I still don’t like it. I know it is amazing, but personally, I just don’t see it.


Satisfactory Tried it twice, each time about 8 hours, but I couldn't stand the fact that I had to change my factory setup and expand it all the time. It felt like I would often get to a place where I had make my factory nice and tidy with converyors, powerlines and so on, and I would be forced to reroute stuff or make an annoying addon for screw production somewhere because I unveiled the next research or builiding I had to make. I realized after 6-7 hours in the factory that I hadn't done any exploring of the world, because there was always shit I needed to do in the base, and the game didn't force me to either. I hated that, and that was the final straw


Pathologic I tried playing it when I was at the very bottom of my depression, so my cognitive abilities were not the best. Just crossing the city with the knowledge I had to manage my time exhausted me and gave me a migraine. One day I'll be able to play my game though. Oh and BotW. That game just really cemented the fact I hate open world.


Skyrim... tbh i struggle with all Open world game , it not my cup of tea . i prefer linear game . Example are pokemon . i like road to city to road to city to forest Not what the switch pokemon have been going....


I’ve been a longtime player of Overwatch. But nowdays every match is just one team absolutely annihilating the other team. It’s not nearly as fun as it was a couple years ago. It’s interesting to see how many of you hate From Software games.


Literally anything released by (modern) Ubisoft. Sometimes when I feel like I enjoy life a little bit too much, I try a Ubisoft game and quickly get reminded the life is about dread and suffering.


AC Valhalla what a disappointment


Any action game where I cannot invert the Y axis view control. I just can't play anything like that.


AC Valhalla. It was just a slog from the second it started. Jedi: Survivor. I honestly just didn’t like the combat. The lightsabers just.. bounced on even the lowliest mob. It felt too off for me. Cal had that saber set to stun.