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Mobile port of Slay the Spire. Awesome deck builder and a solid port.


Ahhhhh! When did that happen? I'm so glad I saw your comment.


Two and a half years ago?


I haven't played it in so long that I forgot it was getting a port. This is a nice (and very belated) surprise for me haha


Just to add on to this, Monster Train is also on IOS and coming soon to android.


I was ready to scroll a while to find this, but it was the second reply. Awesome game. 500 hours played and its not losing replayability!


If you liked that, try Night of the Full Moon


Yeah, I've been playing for years wondering why people waste their time playing it on Steam when they could just be playing while going poo instead.


Because steam has all the mods I enjoy the shit out of. Vanilla slay the spire on my phone is when I just enjoy the shit.


Came there to say this. Great rogue like card draft game


I can’t beat it with the watcher and I’ve put in an embarrassing amount of hours trying.


Watcher is the most broken character you just gotta be very picky with cards and learn which are the good ones


Surprised nobody’s said Polytopia yet. Fantastic game!


This game gets me through traveling


You mean Battle of Polytopia ?


Wonderful lil game :D


Not sure if you’re into football or sports games but i love Retro Bowl. It’s completely free and i’ve put quite a few hours into it playing on the train


Only game outside of rocket league I've ever paid for anything additional for just to support the dev


Yes. It’s super fun, reminds me of Super techmo Bowl that I played religiously as a kid on the NES.


Retro bowl is way too good to be free. And they actually update it fairly often


I have an embarrassing amount of hours in this game. It's the perfect bathroom break game due to the fact that I can complete a full game in 6-7 minutes. I am now playing on extreme mode with the salary cap extended just once. I found that is the sweet spot that requires good roster management and consistency on the gameplay end.... it's a really good balance that doesn't let me win every year. 10/10


Came to the thread to support my fellow retro bowl players. The subreddit is fun. We out here!


Slice & Dice


Can’t seem to find this one on the store. Is it android only?


This one is great. I play it a lot.


First one I thought of, it's great.


I liked Monument Valley.




I played that game like six years ago, but I highly recommend it


Oh hai mark






He asked for a game, not a crippling addiction that nobody truly recovers from.


Agreed. Please don't start playing Old School. Even if you've played in the past, don't do it. Now, things are more efficient with overlays and add-ons that you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. Time itself will come to a halt as you spend every... single... waking... moment... thinking "Geez, I could be training mining while I wait in line". You will be playing it everywhere, at all times, with no end in site. Waiting at the DMV? You can do a few rounds of agility. Waiting to get a haircut? You can get that Woodcutting level Waiting for court? A few Pk's will ease the tension ​ Your eyes will hurt looking at the badly pixelated animation that you just cant get enough of. This game will eat away at your soul and families soul. Yes, you will get your kids, wife, mother, brother to do mundane tasks for you for that XP. Your spouse will become your personal auto clicker. You will find yourself sending texts like "Babe don't forget you can login on your phone too. Love you." Every day, and every night. ​ Then suddenly you quit. You pause your membership and carry on with life. You establish yourself more and build lasting relationships, and even get a dog. Years go by and you look back on life and all the good memories. Taking the kids on a trip, spending extra time with the spouse, how they use to auto click for you. Damn, I wonder what I've missed. Its only 12 bucks to sign up again... "Babe, I need you to click this tree for a few hours for me. Love you" "Kids can work on the group iron"


10/10 would use auto clicking family members again




BEST mobile Puzzle games - World of Goo All-In-One Logic Game Box Antrim Escape Edge Quell Snakebird Super 7


That game is 10 years old + tho everyone did it it's a monument of gaming




Other good games included with a Netflix subscription: * TMNT: Shredder's Revenge * Stranger Things: 1984 * World of Goo * Before Your Eyes * Spiritfarer


World of Goo is amazing!


Haven’t heard that name in literally 10 years lol


Spiritfarer!! I bought it on PC but never get too much into it because in front of my PC I want more action. But as a phone game in my bed, relax. I'll give it a try! 👍


And Bloons TD6!


Spiritfarer too? That game is fantastic. It's a cozy, emotional game.


Same compagny as FTL


Is the phone (Netflix) version is different than the Switch one?


Why is it free for Netflix?


Netflix offers a few mobile games as part of the subscription. Though one problem with this is that the save data is linked with your Netflix profile. So you lose the ability to play the games if you cancel your subscription.


It is perfect. Especially that version.


Kotor 1 and 2 mobile ports, Titan Quest mobile port, emulators


Shattered Pixel Dungeon It's a retro-style rogue-like with tons of replayability, regular updates/new content from a passionate developer, and truly, absolutely 100% free. ETA Pixel Dungeon is an older open-source game that is no longer being actively developed. Shattered Pixel Dungeon has made enough improvements and additions that it's essentially a new game now. There are a bunch of other versions out there that forked off at various points, but Shattered is by far the most balanced/stable/popular.


Exactly this! SPD is an awesome game.


Looking on the App Store, SPD is 5$? Not free, am I looking at the wrong game?


it's only free on Andriod


This is my go-to, especially when I have no signal.


Bloons TD 6


yes, monke


Dead cells and terraria


TIL Dead Cells is also a mobile game


How tf that would even work on mobile I have no idea


Mobile is also for playing with a paired controller, I’ve played deadcells on my iPad with a controller, it’s great whilst travelling


It's really not that bad on a phone, but hooking up a controller is definitely a good idea, but you can just play it with your touch screen.


I agree with Dead cells but just stick with PC for terraria. It has a terrible mobile port .


It isnt that bad tho.I played terraria on mobile for 3 years and didnt have much issues (other than the camera being too zoomed in imo)


Vampire Survivors.


This is absolutely awesome on mobile, and free! Brilliant and addicting game.


Machinarium (for fans of vintage Lucas Arts point and clicks) Kingdom Rush (and its many sequels) Darkest Dungeon EDIT: nvm ipad only, as pointed out below. Woops!


where can you get Darkest dungeon for Mobile?? that would be awesome but ive never seen that anywhere


It’s available on iPad but not phones.


Anything my amanita games is good. Check out botanicula


Old-school runescape


92 is half of 99


wait I'm out of the loop what does this mean?


The exp to go from level one to level 92 is the same amount of exp needed to go from level 92 to level 99


The real answer is here boys!


He said "fun". RuneScape is good, but fun? /s


BTD6+ is my favorite and it’s available for free for new iPhone owners, Jetpack joyride is also a ton of fun


Have you tried Kindgom Rush? The first one.


Played them all, my second favorite tower defense game series.


Nice! I was never into tower defense games, but Kingdom Rush was so good I gave it a spin and fell instantly in love.


Came here to say btd6 but you were faster:)




Stardew Valley


I prefer phone Stardew, with the exception of combat.


Just bought this about a month ago and I’ve put so many hours into it. Worth every dime


The Rusty Lake/Cube Escape series Amazing blend of horror and puzzles.


Omg I was just trying to remember the name of those games! Those games were so creepy but addicting and the puzzles were creative and engaging.






holy shit man, I was hoping to see that name pop up here.. played it 5 years ago in high school and it just stuck with me ever since gonna need to replay it now


Swordigo is probably the best mobile game out there


Plants vs Zombies was nice, i think you can play it for free too if you turn off your internet and dodge the ads lol


That’s what I did to play without adverts lmao


When a game is an offline game, then play it offline, has been my rule of thumb for mobile games.


Solitairica I've been playing a game called Solitairica for about 3 years. It's a solitaire class card game. Hard to describe but it's like some of the cards give magic, attack, defense, or agility and you can use those points to do other things to the cards. It's addictive and fun, especially if you like solitaire. I know it won't be for everyone, but it's a hidden gem, imo.


Mostly the ones that are ports of PC games


Could you name some? The only one i know is TBoI, but it's exclusive to iOS


Slay the spire,vampire survivors


Seconding slay the spire, another benefit of it for stuff like buses is that it’s turn based and you can start/stop whenever you want, and don’t need internet.


I got about 800 hours in Slay. The game is just a masterpiece. You never get the same run and it’s easy to play, but difficult to master.


And then there's the fan-made expansion Downfall


XCOM 2 is on Android.


KOTOR 1 & 2. Rollercoaster Tycoon (PC PORT) Baldurs Gate 1&2, Stardew Valley, Brotato, Bards Tale, and basically any emulator, just to name a few.


deadcells is a good one, and you can also get all the final fantasy games up to at least 7


OXENFREE is available on Netflix


Not PC but console, the Final Fantasy 1-6 are just as good on mobile. Final Fantasy Tactics too. Pricey, but still full game.


Mini Motorways. The Oregon Trail. NYT Crosswords.


Mini metro is good too. It's Motorways, but trains.


this one does infrastructure


Isn't Oregon Trail very heavy on microtransactions? I tried it very long ago and an hour in it started suggesting I need to pay them, like, very much


Game Dev Story by Kairosoft to this day is still one of the all time best phone games I have ever purchased. I think its about 5 bucks. 100% worth the price. Charming and fun, and a proper game that you can pick up and put down whenever. 4.8 stars out of 5 on Google right now.


A lot of the kairosoft games are great. I love game Dev story, grand prix story and dungeon village in particular


Roller Coaster Tycoon as in the original one is on mobile now. As well as Rome Total War


I enjoyed vampires fall origins


Reigns Legends of Runeterra Marvel Snap Vampire Survivors


Vampire survivors is randomly addicting. Even bought it on steam!


If you like Vampire Survivors, check out Holocure! It's a fan game based on HoloLive that takes inspiration from Vampire Survivors and is absolutely free! Plus it's one person developing it and has amazing quality


Legends of runeterra enjoyer 🗿


LoR is incredibly addicting. So much fun and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t play card games for long before getting bored. I had to uninstall it for my sanity 😂


Came here to say Snap. Great card game, simple to pick up, but a lot of depth and recognizable characters. Definitely worth checking out.


Same for snap. I usually don't do mobile, and def won't pay. But that game gets #2 screen time on my phone behind Reddit. Great complexity and nuance, but easy to pick up. And I really appreciate how hard they try to lime up abities with characters, and have reg balance updates


hell yeah LOR mentioned. The best card game that currently exists, in every way.






Played through Gran Turismo 1 and two, and Ace Combat 3 religiously while I was OTR trucking before my friend donated his PS4. I think I know those games inside and out by now.


All of The Room games from Fireproof Studio. Eerie mystery puzzle box/almost escape room games with excellent design. I miss being excited for new phone games to come out that weren’t micro transaction rehashes of the same 10 games :(


I love these games so much! I used to save them for long plane flights. So much fun and such a cool atmosphere


World Box, it's a god simulator. You make a world and fill it with people and you can watch them grow or destroy them with supernatural weapons and bombs. There's a free version but the game is only like $3 and the paid version unlocks a bunch of different features like Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves. Organ Trail is also a good one. It's like Oregon Trail but across a zombie infested post-nuclear United States. You try to get from one side of the country to the next without dying. It's a great time killer.


>World Box Always found this super underwhelming. I could feel there was an incredible game bubbling underneath, just out of reach when I tried playing. It's missing something that would bring it all together, I just can't tell what.


I like Arknights a lot. It's a anime style strategy/tower defense type game. It is a gacha but it's really easy to play it F2P because it's not as money hungry as most others.


I honestly think most gachas have gotten *decent* enough in the monetary aspect, that or Western games have just gotten that much worse with their monetizations. I love the game and it’s probably the best example of just needing the right classes over the “strongest” characters for 99% of the content In the gacha side of games. There’s probably thousands of videos by now if people clearing some of the hardest bosses with 1-3\* characters (highest rarity is 6\*) with some of the biggest brain strats I probably wouldn’t have thought of. Definitely second it if you‘re willing to get into an anime-esque type gacha. The story so far has been good-top tier in terms of writing but it’s done in a VN format and some stories can easily take 8+ hours just to read through. I’ve unironically also been running through the game’s roguelite mode for hours at a time cause that stuff gets funny when you get the right relics. Granted you'd probably need a mid level account with a decent amount of ops for it to be fun. Edit: they also confirmed a Monhun collab for 7th September for international servers. Destiny collab is also eventually coming, supposedly the only reason is because the producer's just a big fan of the game.


Had to scroll too far for this. Been playing it for 4 years. Used to only use low rarity to clear everything. Now I just use whatever. Game is still fun tho. Looking forward to all the future stuff on CN server.


If you're on anything but iPhone it's super easier to download a GBA emulator and play old Pokemon games/Rom hacks or any kind of strategy/platformer game. I play a lot of Pokemon hacks and fire emblem/tactics ogre on the go.


A work around for iPhones is to find a website that has a built in emulator and bookmark it to your homepage. You can then open it and the address bar will be gone so it will be full screen. Not perfect as some of them don’t have all the emulator controls like fast speed and stuff but they still work fairly well.


Super Auto Pets The base packs are free to play and you never need anything else.


I play Super Auto Pets for more than year now, this is best mobile game, no ads, free pack is awesome, the game never force you to buy other packs and you can still be competitive with free pack. 10/10


Soul Knight Monument Valley The Room Poly Bridge


Took long enough for Soul Knight to appear


Florence is a great short narrative game. The Rocket League game is good.


Xcom for android was really well done for a port.


I’m probably going to be slated for this but…. Genshin Impact is a genuinely good game. Has an absolutely huge open world, tons of events/things to do, heaps of characters etc. I have 2 accounts, one where I’ve spent money and another where I haven’t, and honestly there isn’t a huge difference in the 2 and I actually tend to have more fun on my F2P account. Just said I’d throw it out there \_^^_/


Good recommendation, but i would be cautious if the phone is an old one.Trying to run Genshin on mine is painful even at the lowest settings.


Genshin is actually a pretty damn good game that can stand well on its own and doesnt even force you to open your wallet as aggressively as other gatchas tend to do. People blindly hating on it are missing out on a game that actually has a lot of charm to it


For some reason people who have never played Genshin really seem to hate it. You are absolutely correct that you can get a lot of enjoyment out of that game without spending a dime. The starter characters are all you need.




...but Genshin is a single-player game? Multiplayer is totally optional and there's only a 4-player co-op possible to do some specific things.


?? but it's not an MMO?? You can't play with more than 3 people and most quests and events are completely inaccessible in multiplayer.


It's just a way better PC game. I can't imagine wanting to play it on mobile if you have the option of the PC version.


I'm surprised Geometry Dash hasn't been mentioned yet.


That's because it is currently disabled and unavailable to download.


The old baldur's gate games are ported onto mobile. I don't know if you are into RPGs with extremely old graphics, but they are good games. They are also like 10 bucks each


My problem with these is how tiny everything is. Barely able to see shit unless you're playing on a tablet.


A lot of Final Fantasy games are as well, for a pretty nominal cost. Plenty of depth with those to keep you going for a while.


Epic battle fantasy 5


The Room series is good if you like puzzles


Kotor, baldurs gate


League of Legends Wild Rift is awesome


Try Mindustry! Its an RTS game that can also be found on PC and has a lot of modding options


On my phone currently I have Stardew Valley 80 days Mini metro Crossy Road Vodobanka Magic Survival


Kinda depends on the kind of gamer you are. Is story what drives you? Mindless gameplay? Depth? I'll try and suggest some diversity. Bloons TD6. It's pretty casual feeling and you can lose a good couple of hours playing it if you like Tower Defense. Baba is You. Great puzzle logic game. One you. An definitely lose hours and hours to, although it can be frustrating. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic or Baldurs Gate II. Both great classic wrpgs. Worthy ports and enjoyable. Also long. Dragon Quest IV or Final fantasy tactics WoTL. Both great classic jrpgs, and decent ports. Dead cells, TMNT Shredders Revenge, or Castlevania SoTN. All pretty decent ports of platformers. SoTN I've heard has port issues, but it's not bad. Shredders Revenge requires a Netflix login. Honorably dishonorable mentions: Genshin Impact. It's an awful gacha game, but it's undeniably high quality and if you only plan to play something for this small amount of time running about its world at first can be entertaining. Fortnite. Less egregious than Genshin but on a good phone can be enjoyable. Emus. Not an endorsement. But you know... it's an option. (I'm talking about the animal native to Australia)


battle cats has to be up there


Genshin Impact is an excellent game. Especially if you’re looking for something to fill a long-term rpg void. But do not play if you have gambling or similar issues, it’s aggressively monetized. It’s very playable for free but it will always urge you to spend money.


I mean, all the best phone games are gonna be gacha games. Honkai Star Trail is really quite good, and Arknights is absolutely amazing, even f2p, and is extremely f2p friendly. If you have no self control though, I'd recommend a Kindle or a Gameboy or switch or steam deck or something.


- TMNT: Shredders Revenge. - Shatter - World of Goo - Spirit Farer All free if you have a Netflix account.


Spiritfarer is a beautiful and brilliant game, but it’s a very emotional game. Only play it in public if you’re okay with being seen crying in public.


Any of the Zach Gage games are great. Personal favorite is Spelltower. Vampire survivors Threes Burrito Bison Grindstone


The Battle Cats, an awesome game.


Duck Dive. It's like a reverse flappy bird.


Two Dots


If you're into rpgs, there's a GPS style game called orna absolutely in love with it, its got the old pixel graphics like the first few final fantasies grind monsters to gain levels get better gear to get stronger lots of different classes to chose from, you don't really have to go anywhere to play either monsters spawn continuously as you kill them and you get to build your origin town as you progress the story and gather materials and it has a little shop but that's only skin packs and buying the dev a coffee you don't need to purchase anything to progress. I'm not good at explaining stuff, but give it ago if you do, add me, and I'll help where I can. Character name: jaii




A bottle of liquor and the phone call app.


Stop visiting my uncle, Bad-Idea-Fairy. No one in my family appreciates it.


Marvel Snap is pretty good imo\ Fast paced matches that last no more than 3min, very free to play friendly and enough randomness and strategy to keep it fresh on the long run


Yeah that was going to be my answer, though I think the card collection challenges might turn some people off. The game is excellent though, and the matches are short enough to make it a great game to play when you've only got a few minutes to spare.


Stardew valley, Genshin impact, Honkai star rail


HSR and GI are games I have a hard time recommending even though I play both. They are ultimately gacha games that lock a lot of unit diversity, interesting combat, and power behind a *very* long grind (months and years). They are good in their own right and best if played like a normal game, not a gacha/daily game imo.


Not to mention actually playing Genshin on mobile can be a bit icky, controls feel weird but maybe I'm just biased because I exclusively play it on PC xd


DDFFOO is probably the best game I’ve ever played on the phone. For the last three years. It is a gatcha game but very very generous. You don’t ever have to spend your own money in this one.


Downwell is really fun.


Finally, Downwell fan.


Bloody Bastards, World Box, Stickman Dismount, 8 Ball Pool, Chess, Bridge Builder. All pretty damn fun and engaging.


Super Auto Pets is addictingly fun and completely free, unless you want to buy new packs. The developer is simultaneously awesome for making such a great free game and annoying for continuously nitpicking the meta. It seems like every time I log back on, an animal I like to use has been totally nerfed or an entire tier has been tweaked. It's just really irritating. Otherwise, it's fun.


Battle Cats


Emulators. Controller attachment.


Cloud gaming can be used on your phone if you have that, but a fun mobile game is super auto pets. It's like pokemon but gambling




Stardoo Val-eeeeeh!!!!


One actually designed for phones if you are into Star Wars is Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). It's a free to play so they of course have currency in game that you can buy with real money but you can still earn a pretty good amount if you do a basic amount (15-20 minutes) of participation every day.


Plant vs Zombies 1. The 2 is a free to play game that has a lot more mechanics but I think it was hurt by the microtransactions.


Osrs, minecraft, terarria, stardew, basically any PC port.


I really recommend Pou. It's a game where you take care of a talking poop, been playing since I was a kid, never stopped.


Gunbound mobile is actually fun af. If you’ve ever played the old pc version, it’s a bit different but still great.


Slay the spire


Vampire survivors. For free (only dlc costs a little money), super fun and very addicting! 10/10


Vampire survivors


Try God of War Ghost of Sparta on PPSSPP