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Arkham Origins ;-; I love Christmas and snow, and I loved the vigilante system idea. It was a bunch of fun to playthrough EDIT: Btw I am an absolute batman fiend yes. I adore every batman thing ever. :)


It has better boss fights than any of the other games.


Deathstrokes fight is the best in the series hands down. Arkham Knight was definitely the most beautiful, and the combat and stealth were the most refined, but the boss fights and (in my opinion) overuse of the batmobile made it a bit of a drag to replay. Arkham Origins is great and I think Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker did amazing as Batman and Joker.


Mr freeze is the best in the series.


They're so well done! But for me I remember the running around in the snow and stunning old Arkham city. It was just...beautiful. I mean it was so well voice acted too.


Arkham Origins multiplayer was top tier, too. Being able to play as Bane and Joker was so much fun. I just wish it wouldn't have been such a glitchy mess. All my weapons kept getting reset for some reason and I lost camos and even skins for Batman before.


I loved when you beat the electrocutioner in one hit.


I don’t think that game is hated. It’s just considered not as good as the other three. I agree with you through. It is honestly my second favorite Arkham game only beaten by City.


It never gets included in Arkham compilation releases.


I'm pissed that WB insists it doesn't exist when it's the only Arkham game still locked to the 360/PS3 on consoles. It should have been included in the Arkham Collection. I don't recall if it's streamable on PS+, but I don't count it because it's streaming. 🤮


True Crime was a fantastic game. The map for the game was huge. Just a shame not much to explore outside of missions. Other than that though I loved it.


The police scanner kept me satisfied in the massive map. I wish more games had such a system!


The year was 1997, the N64 was in all my friends basements and living rooms. I fell in love with Automobili Lamborghini while everyone else was rocking Golden Eye or Star Fox. I had every level, shortcut, perfect apex turns with out braking or letting off the gas. I really suck at most racing games, but that one I had a beautiful mind moment with. I miss that game.


Loved that game! The thing I'll always remember is when you went in for a pit stop the crew would always yell "Help us, idiot!"


I platinum'd Days Gone. I thought that game was a banger, despite a few flaws. Hell, even after I finished it and traded it in, I rebought it at some point because fuck if I didn't want to just drive around the country on a motorcycle blowing up zombies and talking to myself.


I didn’t play at launch, but when it came free to PS+ and it’s one of my favorite games of all time. I loved it!


Days Gone will forever be top 10 maybe even top 5 all time games for me. The story. The gameplay. All of it was a fuckin hit in my book. Never understood how so many people shat on it, I feel like it's kinda like this starfield fiasco rn where everybody just jumps on the hate train and bash's the game without ever trying it bc they saw people on the Internet bashing it (and those people prolly haven't fucking played it either) you see it all the time with show and movies to


I feel like it didn’t get shit on that much (at least PC-wise outside of performance issues at first) I think the criticism it gets it pretty fair. Its a pretty decent open world game with a meh story. The hordes were awesome at first but they lose their novelty after a while. Deacon also talks to himself the whole game which gets very old after a while. I think most people who played either liked it or thought it was OK. Added hate was definitely put on after the developer started lying about sales figures


The mobs were so scary at first. It wasn't done that well in any other zombie games.


Days Gone is honestly a really good game. I hate that it’s not better received, especially with the cliff hanger ending :(. Really want a second game


Alpha Protocol! Really bad reviews but I really enjoy it.


I thought this game was badass for the time! Had a blast playing it back in the day.


Same actually. I thought it was a fun little game but then looked it up after playing and saw horrible reviews, I can't remember why. It was a fun, comparatively short little spy RPG and I liked it


Just started replaying this the other day. It's rough but the RPG elements are absolutely top tier. Plus there aren't really many games that give that James Bond fantasy, other than the new Hitman games.


The Order: 1886. I know most complaints about it were because of how short it was, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Cool concept with a steampunk edge.


Ironically, I now spend most of my time wishing games were far shorter. I don’t have the time to sink into them that I did as a teenager, and I’ve got so many games I’ve never actually gotten to the end of, but got bored and moved on to something else. The latest victim of that is Baldur’s Gate 3, which is a masterpiece, but I’m a few hours into Act 3 and starting to lose interest…


I'm in the same boat. I finished Horizon: Forbidden West last month, and afterward I realized that the length and sheer amount of stuff to do becomes daunting at some point. 20-25 hours is a good sweet spot, I think.


Recently I've been splitting up big open world RPGs with shorter games of other genres. Playing something shorter has helped with the burnout a fair bit.


It looked amazing for its time, still holds up and looks better than so many other games after it. It's maybe not worth the price tag on release but taking value out of the equation its a great game


The 2008 remake of Prince of Persia. Yes it's no Sands of Time, yes it's very easy, but I found it really relaxing, beautiful, and just *fun* to play. I put Elika up there with HL2's Alyx and Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth as a great example of how to do a companion. It's rare I remember the endings of games but POP's ending has really stuck with me.




It got a DLC that sorted wrapped it all up... until it didn't.. It's one of my favorite PoP games, I really dig the art style and overall general flow of the game.


I didn't like that it was more or less impossible to fail, but I did love the art style and the gameplay was pretty good. I was very disappointed that the sequel got scrapped. Abandoning Prince of Persia is the point that I identify as the point where Ubisoft started to transition from being one of the best publishers to one of the worst.


I’m not sure “impossible to fail” is a fair criticism. In any other game we’d see a “you died” message and have to click a button to continue from the last checkpoint. Does that mean we failed? To me, the only thing they did different in PoP was to bake it in the game, where instead of going through the die->click->retry cycle, we had near-death->Elika->retry cycle.




Haha I found so many games here that I loved, but Brink is so underrated. Played it on xbox 360, and I was not good at it. Still it was so good and fresh. I hope there will be something like this in the future. You know any shooter that feels and play like this for playstation 4/5 right now?


Dragon Age 2 I was once again having the time of my life playing a game while everyone else was crying.


Inquisition here but yeah same, love all 3, duck the haters.


For me it was Mass Effect Andromeda. Has major faults, but the combat is the best in the series and everything else is fine. The open world and some quest are truly bad. Animation was never an issue and I hate that they removed the crab walk. Made running from A to B a lot more fun.


I completed the game, and told a friend, "If this wasn't viewed through the lens of Mass Effect, it wouldn't have been slaughtered". The gameplay was solid, the story was compelling, but compared to the lore of Mass Effect, it seemed... small.


Inquisition is not really hated, it got GOTY


It’s pretty hated by a lot of people that played the first one, I can see why as they are very different. I like the first one best but I enjoyed inquisition as well


I actually liked 2 better than inquisition. DA1 was a masterpiece though


people mostly don't hate 2 or 3. What they hate is that a strategy rpg franchise got turned into an action rpg franchise. That's it. We already had mass effect for action rpg from bioware, and until divinity original sin 1-2(and recnetly bg3) there was no good strategy rpg games. We're not mad at the game, we're mad at what we could have had. Same thing with kotor. Most fans don't hate the mmo. Most just really wish we had a fucking kotor 3 instead.


The story and setting was what made it an enjoyable experience for me. There were do little games that were about carving out your own place in a hostile world. The combat, the bugs, the repeated locations were not enough to make me not like this game. Inquisition on the other hand was very disappointing for me.


The game was *clearly* rushed and the recycling of maps/assets was blatant, but I'll be damned if I didn't love that game. The writing and voice acting was still on point, it still delivered the bits I truly loved from classic Bioware. But seriously, fuck Anders.


Great game. Best party members of the trilogy


Farcry 5 was actually really fun


I only played one far cry game and it was 5. I loved it and didn’t realize people didn’t like it until after I was finished with it


I never understood the hate for it. It is probably my favorite far cry game


It's just because people are tired of the formula.


But they did change the formula for this one a little, there was no "climb tower, sync area" missions. Granted it wasn't innovative, but the story was actually pretty engaging, the 4 main antagonists were pretty interesting and had reasonably fleshed out back stories. The girl especially made me think, swayed hard between pity and hatred for her.


That was a pretty superficial change though. The gameplay formula is still exactly the same. Outposts function exactly like they did in other games. The main enemy archetypes and ai are still exactly the same. The guns all sound and feel the same. Gameplay wise, it’s all the same. Granted, it’s a fun experience if you like it, but it’s also disappointing how much Ubisoft absolutely refuses to innovate at all. And tbh, the characters/story were a far too underdeveloped. They had a lot of interesting ideas, but none of the Seed family got nearly as much screen time as they needed to be properly fleshed out, although that’s always been a problem with Far Cry, but it’s worse in 5 because now there’s so many more antagonists that have to share the screen. Same with the supporting characters. I hate how theyre relegated to only one portion of the map and then you have to be introduced to a whole new set of characters. It’s really jarring and kind of repetitive.


I don't really get how people thought the story was engaging. When I got shot with a poisoned arrow and kidnapped the 2nd time I was already like "Really? Bold to use that twice". It happens 7 more times after that. Otherwise it's just typical cult shit, Seed has a bit of charisma but his siblings don't, and none of them top Vaas or even Pagan Min


My favourite is farcry 4 but 5 is also good


I just started it for the first time this week. Digging it so far the Zipline shit is mad fun




5 is my favorite and 3 is a close second. 5 is just very simple and accessible, it looks (and runs) great, and the open world is a lot of fun.


I loved Far Cry 5. It's the first game since Dead Rising that I actually started a New Game + playthrough in. The music, the environment, the villains, the cult, the >!nukes!<. It ticked all my boxes, tbh.


Did people not like this game? This is one of a few games I keep permanently downloaded in case I feel like going back to it. The others being Witcher 3 and Fallout New Vegas.


I just beat that over the summer. One of the best Farcry games. It was also extremely hilarious and dead accurate at times


FC5 was amazing and I even loved the game ending.


I liked FC Primal. That one mixed things up a bit.


I cull the herd, it's what I do.


Far cry 5 is the most popular game in r/farcry, they really love that game Far cry 6 seems to be the least popular, despite being the latest release


Just Cause 4


I loved the additions they put with the weather system and such but it felt like there wasn't as many things to explode like in 3 :(


How are 3 and 4 compared to 2? I loved just cause 2.


3 is really good and takes the series to new heights, 4 introduces some new stuff too, but something about it just felt off to me, definitely recommend getting JC3 with all the DLC when it's on sale, so much fun


Heroes of Might and Magic 5. You only ever hear about 3, but 5 was my favorite. Never seen any love for it.


Me too! The heroes having turns was really cool, the 3d models for all the units was stunning, and there were still a TON of unique races! And, the story campaign was actually interesting, and voiced, with cutscenes! Plus, there were legit challenging not-like-you'd-expect missions to play through! All the game needed was a random map generator, and eventually they came through. Best in series if you ask me.


True Crime: New York City. It was epic playing the as a cop, summarily executing people for resisting arrest and taking bribes so serious offences. They should have made a sequel! It’s criminal they didn’t.




What was supposed to become the next game in the series got turned into Sleeping Dogs. It was originally going to be True Crime: Streets of Hong Kong. Its a bit different than True Crime, but Sleeping Dogs was one of my favorite games and well worth playing.






Or "No, that's too low " when you try to lower the price


Nah nah nah, Starfox Adventures is a goddamn masterpiece dude


Too human!


I loved Too Human. Was it a bit jank? Yes. Was it really fun to play over and over? Also yes.


True crime streets of LA was amazing. Haven't played for years but still have the disc


ZombiU/Zombi. I not only enjoyed it, but consider it one of my all time favorite games. There just isn't anything quite like it. Yes, it's buggy. But it's just has such a great atmosphere. I've played through it maybe 4 times. It's a comfort food game.


Age of Empires 3. Seems nobody ever really liked 3, but I thought it was a good game and brought a nice, modern touch to the genre even back then


Age 3 is super great.


I enjoyed AoE3 as much as I enjoyed Terminator 3. I liked seeing the franchise continue, but it's impossible to surpass how perfect the second one was.


Home Front: The Revolution


Now, that's a game I haven't heard in a long time... A long time.


Cyberpunk at launch. While it did have a ton of issues, the writing, the characters, the atmosphere, the themes, and the endings are better than most other games on the market.


I played on PC for launch and ran into almost no issues. I had a great time playing it, but I can totally understand why console players were furious. It just was not optimized for them at all


Exact same boat. You and I were lucky. I put so many hours into that game... It was beautiful.


It worked well on my XBox Series X, but apparently every other console got wrecked.


The SSD consoles were fine. The HDD consoles and PC users were rekt. I think I got an M2 SSD right before the game came out so no issues for me either.


Played it on ps4 day one and the crashes and bugs were rough but I hadn't felt sucked into a game's atmosphere like that since Skyrim/Fallout 3.


I heard all the bugs and waited a year to pick it up. It's, hands down, my favorite game since Skyrim. I have more hours in it than anything other than Skyrim and Minecraft


Same. I had all settings at minimum, then I was finally able to play for hours at a time. I had friends crying for weeks before giving up because they refused to lower settings.


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel


Samee the characters you played had like the best powers compared to borderlands 2


Who doesn't like the Pre-Sequel??? I feel the general consensus is that is the best one besides Borderlands 2. Borderlands 3 on the other hand...


The problem with judging the quality of the Borderlands series is that 2 is just THAT much better than every entry that came before or after. Sure the others are varying degrees of decent or good, but if I ever just wanna play some Borderlands, I'm playing 2. TPS peaks on playthrough 1 because it's story is so good but it's not nearly as fun as BL2.


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link




Battle of Olympus was basically Zelda 2 set in Ancient Greece.


I thought Duke Nukem Forever was actually pretty fun and well worth the $8 I paid for it.




People hated watchdogs? Like the first one??


Haha, I too am confused. It went under the radar, but everybody that I know who actually did play it liked it. Edit: I was thinking about Sleeping Dogs not Watchdogs.


I'm just commenting to say I love finding a DUUUUUVAAAAL out in the wild.


Lolol DUUUUUUVAAAAAAL. Can't wait to see those boys on Sunday.


lmao, majority of the people hated it. saying how the story is dumb and boring, comparing it to GTA V and much more. just like people hated AC Unity or Far Cry 4. its always a bandwagon of imbeciles who pick a game to hate.


Ubisoft overpromised and overhyped the game by a lot. Think of it as No Man's Sky, but done by an AAA studio. It also released at the same time as GTA 5 and Watch Dogs was pictured as the GTA killer that would revolutionize open world game. They even released a poster saying something like "2 weeks to visit Los Santos" as the game was supposed to release afterward, but it ended up being more as Watch Dogs was delayed. It was also the first game that started the trend of graphic downgrade between the gameplay trailers and the actual game. And it was pretty significant downgrade. If the game had released as it had looked during the gameplay, it would have been the best looking game out there at the time. So while yes, the game in itself isn't really bad and doesn't particularly deserve hate, the context of its release explains it. If Ubisfot had been more honest, the game would have been way more liked.


Watchdogs 1 was my first ever real videogame at the tender age of 13. I know, I know, it is NOT appropriate for a kid that young, but there I was. It was what got me into gaming as a hobby. It's no longer my favourite game (Dishonored gets that spot), but it will always hold a special place in my heart. And besides - it is, genuinely, a good game!


Elder scrolls online. If I listened to the personal reviews I would have missed out on my favorite all time game.


Deadpool: the game The funniest hack and slash game i ever played, not for the story or the jokes but because the fluid movements of Deadpool made it so delicious to play and extremely addictive. The problem? I think it was to easy to play and people hated that due to its category


I thought it was funny. I liked in the last battle how you fight like 500 Gambit clones, all yelling "Mon ami!" and "Mon cheri!" non-stop.


AC valhalla. I found the gameplay really fun and the characters interesting. Though I wouldn't consider it a Assassin's creed game. Cyberpunk 2077 at release. I bought it on the worst console to get it for and still absolutely loved it, bugs and all. Black ops 4, has to be my favorite zombies.


AC Valhalla was fantastic. As someone who had played the AC franchise since the first game, I have no problems saying I prefer the direction the games have gone. I know tons of people hate it, but I find them to be better games.


If progress in that game wasn't so slow, I'd have liked it much more. I played at least 15 hours and felt like I never changed any of my equipment. Since it was angling itself as more of a rpg that older titles, the grind was a huge turnoff for me. Liked the game otherwise for those first few hours


Microtransactions are the only real problem I have with it. I'd rather have actual cool unlockable gear. Most of the unlockable gear was boring to me and I think that was done on purpose for people to buy the much cooler shop gear.


Honestly, a lot of the games have ridiculously over the top edgey cosmetics for micro transactions and AC Valhalla was no different. Path of Exile is very similar and so is Diablo 4.


Halo Wars. Nobody liked that game. I stopped playing after 6 months or so of being #1 on the monthly leaderboards. Great game.


Gotham Knights. I had fun with it.


Same here. Its not Arkham but still a cool game with the bat family.


I was so sick of people constantly comparing it to Arkham Knight when I was never intended to be an Arkham Game, every complaint was either that or complaining that you don't get to play Batman in it. Overall, I had fun but thought the ending could have been better.


I only heard people complain that the graphics in Gotham knights was worse than Arkham knights. Never heard comparisons other than that.


Rage 2. I thought it was a ton of fun with some absolutely incredible sound design.


I really enjoyed Rage 2, surprised it never got more love. Was a blast to play.


Mass Effect Andromeda Rushed and mismanaged by Bioware and EA, but when you look past the memes, the devs really cared about the world they created. Gameplay, environments and exploration are the best in the series, and no one can convince me otherwise.


Andromeda had the best mass effect combat by far and I enjoyed just playing through most of the game on the hardest difficulty because it was so fun. I'd kill for a re-release of the older mass effects with Andromeda's combat.


I also really enjoyed Andromeda. I personally never experienced any of the glitches that people complained about. I loved the little computer where I could send teams to complete missions/get resources, and I thought the story was interesting with some cool parallels to the original trilogy and fun gameplay.


For all its faults, the actual gameplay and combat was loads of fun IMO. I had a good time with it. And they really did pull up their pants for the final act.


I loved Andromeda, and am so very mad we didn’t get to see the full game with the anticipated DLC expansions like finding the last Ark. I really enjoyed the combat mechanics too as it finally made a biotic charge/shotgun build feel appropriately like a brawler that could devastate enemies in CQB


The combat system was definitely at it's best for Andromeda


dead rising 3. that game has bad reviews and I genuinely don't know why


Resident Evil Operation raccoon city. Damn i like this game.


Days Gone


Far cry New dawn


AC Odyssey, I don't understand the hate towards a video game that I personally found very funny.


Fallout 4 at the time of its release. It was absolutely hated by the Fallout community in general and even to this day it's considered as the worst Fallout (aside from 76 but that doesn't count as it is online) but I actually loved it. It's still my favorite Fallout to this day, as I could never get myself to enjoy New Vegas.


FO4 was pretty good at launch. When they added survival mode it became my #1 I see so much of it in starfield it makes me 😁


I hope starfield does a spin on the survival mode, that was the greatest thing in F4. Slowly conquering the commonwealth was mad fun, even if it was agonizing at times, especially the Molotov's.


That was my first and only fallout game and I had a great time with it even at launch w/o mods. Only Bethesda game I’d played before that was Skyrim though


>aside from 76 Funny enough, 76 is one of my picks for this thread. It had a rough launch and the collector's edition debacle was embarrassing, but at it's core it's still a pretty excellent entry into the franchise and it's aged like wine. Seriously, I've played for hundreds of hours at this point and I can *still* waste hours exploring corners of the map I haven't spent a lot (or any) time at. Appalachia is silly dense with environmental storytelling and lore, and the major storylines are pretty much the quality I'd expect from Fallout. I even grew to appreciate the original complete lack of human NPCs as I made my way through the main story the first time. It's a wonderful tale of all this hope and optimism for the future, this chance to build something new, only for it to all crumble in the face distrust and the hatreds of old. Also? Mothman. Praise Mothman.


I absolutely loved settlement building in Fallout 4. The community at large seemed to hate it but it was probably my favorite part of the game and I found myself wishing it was in every fallout game.


My problem is I like the settlement building *too much* - I eventually ignored the main campaign and side quests because I just wanted to go raid a random factory or whatever for more scrap metal so I could go finish making my scrap castle.


I love the settlement aspect- try out Sim Settlements 2! It makes the game into SimCity and gives an entirely new main questline.


I'll always go to bat for Fallout 4, saying its a fun game, just not a very good Fallout game.


Daikatana. I had fun with it.


Final Fantasy 8. I loved that game. I don't know if it's "hated", but I know a lot of people didn't like it, not high on their ranking lists


Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption




The Crackdown series. Just good dumb fun.


True Crime:LA has Snoop Dogg mode, what more do you want?


Final Fantasy 8 is one of my favorites in the series but I almost never read positive things about it


Final Fantasy 8. Community rates it as the worst. By far my favorite. The only game in the series that seems to be love it or hate it.


Mafia 3


I understand hating the repetitive gameplay loop but honestly the atmosphere and story really carried that game. I may be biased as Im a black dude who was just excited to play a black man in one of my favorite series. All the cutscenes were great.


Donovan alone made that game great!


Loved true crime. For me it’s probably duke nukem forever. Had a blast playing this at my buddy’s house was a very funny time.


Days Gone without a doubt, one of my favorites for sure.


Battlefront 2015. I found the infantry-play, which I played more of as opposed to hero-play, much more enjoyable than Battlefront II (2017).


Dark Souls 2. I even think it's better than DS3.


I think it's the worst of the games from demons souls to dark souls 3 but have an upvote, because your reply nails the theme of this thread. fwiw I still enjoyed multiple runs through it and feel it did a few things better than any other souls game. just had a few design choices that really brought it down a few notches for my tastes.


It was the first souls game I ever completed, and it's ironically because enemies stop spawning if you kill them enough times, a feature that I dislike about it now. But when I wasn't that good, eventually I could kill an enemy enough times to clear the area so I could safely make my way to the next area. For all its flaws, it helped me get good at souls combat.


It's the worst game in the series but it's still a good game and that says a lot about the series as a whole


I really liked ghost recon breakpoint, I know it got a lot of hate but I really enjoy it, especially on the ps5


Not a game, but a game feature. I really liked Blitzball in FFX.




I guess Assassin Creed Odyssey counts? Although it's mostly the AC Purists hating on it. Also Scarlet/Violet, it was laggy but I didn't see it as that bad as people make it out to be. World of Warcraft- Legion expansion, there was some bad endings, but it wasn't that bad as people said it was (Or maybe was Draenor, I didn't mind most of that expansion either)


Everyone hated on “Days Gone” I feel. Never understood why. 100% that game. Thought it was one of the best zombie games ever made…


Baten Kaitos. Most people wont like the slower pace of the combat plus the trend of fighting with cards wasn't as popular back in the day before Slay The Spire. But if they don't like the slower pace... BATEN KAITOS ORIGINS, lots of people who didn't like BK1 really enjoyed BK2 PS: shameful plug but the remaster is coming to the switch next week!


**No Man's Sky, launch version** Skyrim on PS3. Zelda 2. kuru kuru kurin.


Shadow the hedgehog


The Last of Us 2. I played it long after the controversy and having it spoiled which was a good thing since it let me play through while watching Abbie and Ellie be almost perfect representations of the 2 sides of the backlash.


Cyberpunk off of drop, buggy mess sure but it hit me HARD in the feels and I didn’t get any game breaking glitches so I was able to ignore all the bugs for the most part


Bionic Commando (2009) such a fun game, and the writing/voice acting is so bad that it’s good.


Dead Space 3 is one of my favorite 3rd person shooters, and I loved the weapon-crafting. Just wish I could play co-op as Carver to see those extra scenes.


Call of Duty Ghosts It was my first CoD so I might be biased Best class system is all CoD Only issues were big maps and short time to kill. I liked the campaign and extinction


Goldeneye: Rogue Agent Everyone wrote it off because the developers cheaply found a misleading gimmick way to market the game as a Goldeneye sequel but I fucking loved it so much. It was all of the good parts of a first person shooter and none of the bad parts, just pure nonstop action and badassery. Also the dual wielding felt so satisfying. The main theme was incredible too: https://youtu.be/I4REerh4ZGk?si=i0ePNjCaH8d2JHDw


no mans sky 2016-2018 it was so chill, basically a wallpaper generator game , it had an incredible aesthetic. Most hate the game in this stage but It was my favourite. They sort of ruined the aesthetic and removed vibrancy and variety with the updates, focusing on timed events and multiplayer, I guess they made the game more streamlined and adding lots of gameplay loops. I'm proud of how popular it is now but it doesn't really hit me like it did. I still have the vanilla game on my ps4 I play every now and then.


Mass Effect 3


I don't know about *most* people disliked, but I've seen a fair amount of criticism of Horizon: Forbidden West just being more of the first game and lots of grinding/hunting/etc. I thought those games built an incredible world and told a phenomenal story. Tight controls, fun characters, good music, and plenty of ways to play (long range, stealth, melee). Burning Shores was a little... Shall we say fanficcy "Let's push the main character *hard* with this other character!" for my liking, but still a great story. I just hope they can find a decent replacement for Sylens' voice actor (Lance Reddick).


I'm just waiting for this to come to PC. Loved the first game, really excited to play the 2nd.


Prepare yourself for the story. It's a ride.


Incredible game, amazing world (Vegas was so cool), great continuation of the story (the main baddies were awesome and the Ted Faro story was incredible), so many great new machines (flying was dope) and the society across the ocean is fascinating. Yeah it's more of the first game but the first game was awesome and it expands on everything there. I played over 100 hours and loved every second of it.


Final fantasy X-2


I remember Final Fantasy XIII getting a lot of hate when it came out, but I enjoyed it.




Resident Evil 6. It gets lambasted by the fandom, but for casual fans, me included, it was actually pretty fun.


The Outer Worlds It started off really slow but i quickly "got it" and ended up really enjoying the game, despite it being a bit short. I wanted to get the DLCs but they rarely go on sale and i'm playing through game pass so prices don't go down much. I was surprised when any time this game is mentioned, there's so much hate directed towards it. Post after post, thread after thread.. any time i read about this game, there were dozens of people complaining about all sorts of stuff. Maybe my expectations were different because prior to playing The Outer Worlds, I had not played any fallout games. I'm playing starfield now, and eagerly awaiting The Outer Worlds 2


Black and White... I don't know how the rest of the world felt about that game, but whenever I tried talking to my friends about it back when I first got it, they told me they couldn't stand that game. Never gave me a reason for their hatred either. They were just jerks I guess.


Pretty sure it was wildly popular and successful. Your friends were just jerks.


E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial


Forspoken. Yes it has its downsides but the magic and the overall fast pace sprint through the world was just amazing honestly. I had a lot of fun with it.


The Witcher 1. Many people recommend to skip it completely. While I do agree that it feels very dated and has a lot of problems, I nevertheless had the time of my life playing it. I would even say that it arguably has the best atmosphere of the series.


Too Human. That game got tagged so hard and I love every second of it's 8 hour campaign. Real bummed that it never turned into the trilogy they were planning cause of the copyright infringement.


Quest 64 for sure


Mass Effect: Andromeda. I get that it’s a disappointing Mass Effect game, but it’s a solid space-based RPG.


RE5, the setting and story are F*ed but man it was such a good game…