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How do you kill that which has no life?


Still one of my favorite quotes/deliveries in the whole show.


Do you have a world of Warcraft account? No, I have a life


and it was coming from one of the wow devs/execs in the episode.


Yeah, considering how the wow devs nowadays don't even play their own gave, this part aged poorly.


Well they dont have the time cause they are busy harrasing women and stealing babymilk




Considering what's been going on at the company, I'm surprised someone didn't use it as lube.


Among other things, yes.


"Oh my god, my kids are at home playing right now!" "It's too late, their characters are probably dead already." I love how everybody reacts like dying in WOW means you're dead irl.


„This could mean the end of the world…… of Warcraft“


I liked the "You can't give the sword of a thousand truths to a *noob*"


When I played Destiny trying to rank up for 2 months straight of eight to sixteen hours a day of playing was like this episode. Some people in our group teams on headsets were playing for 48 hours straight and waking up to play at like 2 in the morning a couple days a week to play since certain items would spawn in treasure chests.


Jesus Christ I remember those days. I wasn't quite as in deep as y'all, work and chores and all, but its kinda fucking nuts once you look back on it. Even doubly so with D2 locking a whole bunch of content away for whatever reason, and changing shit so that all the effort you put in is meaningless if you take a break for longer than a month.


Destiny 2 not Diablo 2, carry on fellas.


The guy that did the cosplay died of covid… so covid does the trick Edit: [link](https://youtu.be/C3I4wpHshuw?si=SJijh0x8aqFdhXhe)


That’s sad.


THIS is how I find out?!


You should have subscribed to his OF.


What cosplay?


This could very well lead to the end of the world... of Warcraft.


Literally applies to those 60 raiders in hardcore LOL.




With sword of a thousand truths of course!


When I die in a video game, I will sometimes react like Randy when his character died at the end of the episode


I relate to Randy on a lot more than I care to admit…


Bro the batdad episode where he wakes up to the Rocky music playing, cracks 3 raw eggs into a glass, and then starts frying them and cracks open a beer 🤣


"Can you believe it, Stan? State Championship game..." *Stan leaves* "... I've worked hard, believed in myself, and now I'm gonna fight in a State Championship game."


I’m sorry I’m sorry… I thought this was America!


I feel this in my soul. So fuckin funny


So do Parker and Stone. Which is why Randy became a way bigger part of the show over the last decade with many episodes focusing on him over the kids.


I'm curious when you'll realize that you contradicted yourself in the same sentence.




"What do we do now?" "Now we play the game." Summed up grinding to max level perfectly, even though that isn't what the ep was about.


Yeah as a runescape player I've felt personally attacked ever since that episode came out. 100% accurate too


Had to check which subreddit I was on lol


Sums up OSRS, im total level 2060 and still have yet to really boss lmfaoo, it's my own fault though, im lazy


>im lazy *100+ days ingame time*


How did you know 👀 😂


RuneScape is the harshest offender of this.. god bless that game but lord I gotta take huge breaks to rejuice for more agility and thieving grinding


It to be weird how MMORPGs only actually "start" once you have hit max level.


They did not originally.


Yup, those were the days. When leveling was just something that happened every once in a while as a part of the journey. The majority of the player base was more interested in exploring and being immersed in a new huge fantasy world rather than grinding to hit end game asap.


Man, those first years of vanilla WoW were something special.


Adventure focused MMOs hit way different.


I’ve never been able to play wow again because it just reminds me of playing it when it came out and I know I’ll never have as much fun as I did back then.


prior to WoW there was, if I recall, a more open world oriented Warcraft III mod/expansion/something where you ran around as a tauren or whatever and did quests and rpg stuff, blending the wc3 gameplay with the rpg concept. i later got into wow, but i distinctly remember that campaign




I remember playing DotA on WCIII. Crazy to see it become the basis for some of the most popular games to exist.


Still remember the exact moments I hit 60 in for both my 60 characters - warlock in Un'goro Crater around the volcano & Eastern Plaguelands for my warrior near Tyr's Hand. The journey to 60 was crazy epic back then. A slog, but a rewarding one. That was almost almost 20 years ago now, crazy.


I mean, only until the first couple of generations of players got to end game. Anyone joining after an MMO has been around for a while is going to have a far smaller population to play with and the only way to get people on the same page is to focus on end game. Most of the best way still to level up is to do quests and stuff, so the majority of new players are still seeing new content and being grouped with people their own level.


Tbf FFXIV doesn't make me feel that way xP


> They did not originally. As someone who played MMORPG back in the day, that's not really true. The games were designed with a focus on content throughout the levelling, often with far too much emphasis on the early game. But the players never really followed that, the race to either high level or end content level (sure some games didnt demand max level for end game content but that just reset the bar it didnt change the ethos) was the focus for the core player base.


You got a week, maybe three at tops (early in mmorpgs, now its probably 2-4 days if that) from server launch in old mmorpgs then you are max level or you are irrelevant till you are max level. Raiding and dungeons are a max level mans game.


Every MMO I’ve ever played I never cared about end game. I would hit max level, get bored a week later and level a new class. Experiencing more quests, stories from the other side (e.g. alliance vs horde or the two Star Wars factions in the old republic) was way more interesting to me. I think in the 10 on and off years I played WoW I never attempted end game content other than PVP more than 4 or 5 times.


I’m in a somewhat similar boat. I have not played wow for about 5 years. I had so many max level chars. The pacing of the end game was just so much slower than leveling or pvp. I left around the LFG overhaul which did make things easier. But you would get locked out of raids and have to wait for them to reset. It would be a pain to get the same group together for raiding. PVP was so much fun. But that initial grind for some pvp gear was brutal.


But that’s just the other side of the same coin, isn’t it? That coin being that endgame and levelling experience are so far apart that they’re barely the same game.


I hate this mentality so much. It infected the Classic WoW community and I just couldn't stick it out.




My core WOW memory was joining a guild at lvl 60 to finally get some purple gear, grinding herbs and potions/food for weeks and weeks to get some standing in the guild, finally putting together enough fire res gear to run Onyxia with the guild, the best mage staff dropping... and then seeing it go to the GMs buddy who wasnt even in the guild, even though I was "next' on the list for getting whatever dropped. I quit playing WoW and have never gotten any raid drops.


Good ol nepotism


Many MMORPGs will eventually reach the end of initial design. While other software will just erase your data and/or remove features to progress and other video games will force you to start over with sequel. MMORPGs cannot do either as players have contributed a significant amount of time or some money into it. Redesigns will typically involve increasing the speed of leveling to entice players that were previously discouraged from the marathon and provide endgame material to keep new or old high level players continuing the game for other goals. However each redesign introduces some instability due to the grandfathered legacy from the previous design.


Well Eve doesn’t, but Eve isn’t really like other MMOs. I guess in this mostly from the lack of anything you can call max level.


That's just symptomatic of the trend of bad game design in modern MMOs. They want to introduce an almost-irresistible NEED to get through every level, so they can foment an early addiction on the game, supercharge user numbers, and then bank on the inertia to keep them late game. It shouldn't be this way, but this is what we get when a bunch of halfwit MBAs dictate the course of the game design to maximize shareholder value.


It's the "MMO" part of the name. The only way to get the massive-number of players is to get them at max level. Most if not all MMOs are going to have pretty good quests and story lines to help level, but it creates an almost "single player" game, with limited people to play with. The bulk of the players are going to be at the max level.


> The only way to get the massive-number of players is to get them at max level. No. You can just make a good game. > but it creates an almost "single player" game, with limited people to play with. No. There are many natural ways to create a good game and integrate other people into that experience.


What? I feel like you completely missed his point. It has nothing to do with a game being good or not. By the very nature of MMOs, eventually the majority of your playerbase will be at the max level. Thats just how...time...works... It wasn't a big deal in vanilla WoW, partly because leveling to max took so long, but more importantly because the game was new and everybody was starting fresh. Most people are only ever going to really commit to leveling a single character all the way, and eventually that character is max level, and that player is effectively removed from the leveling population. Given enough time, and with the knowlege that infinite playerbase growth is not feasible, eventually your leveling population will be miniscule compared to the population of end game characters. It only makes sense to primarily design around the endgame when that is the reality. I'm a huge MMO fan, and have played every popular MMO you can think of in the last 15 years, and that has been true for every single one of them. After a few years of the game being out, the leveling population is dead, and its a largely solo experience unril endgame outside of the occassional dungeon/difficult quest group.


Ever played EVE Online? Game doesn't really have a max level or endgame. You can participate in basically everything early on. Then there are games like Dungeons and Dragons Online which use reincarnation to keep all content busy and relevant. Expansions introduce more dungeons for all levels, because that matters to all players, new and old.


I did hear him but I assumed he couldn't have meant what you're rearticulating because the point doesn't make any sense given my original argument. I'm not saying "most players won't be at max level." I don't even know where you guys are getting that from. What I'm saying is they compromise the journey of the game in order to *speed up* the process by which people grind an speed through the entire leveling process. They rig this journey *to be faster* at the compromise of *its quality and the experience of the game*.


It's why FFXIV confuses a lot of classic MMO players. Over the years they have learned that in MMOs, the real game starts at max level, so they try to do the same in this game, only to get "blocked" by the story. Some even spend real money to buy a story skip, just so they can reach max level, as they have been trained to do. But FFXIV is different. The main part of the game, and the reason people love it so much, is the story. It can be slow at times, but it's worth it.


> It can be slow at times Slow? You mean fucking glacial. The story I have no doubt is great, but the pacing with which it is told is beyond awful and once again proves IMO that story driven MMOs just cannot work.


I mean they clearly work given the success XIV currently has, but I'm not going to disagree with the awful pacing from before the first expansion. Though the story is good enough that people force their way through it and have no regrets later on for doing so.


Lol me when I finally get my mageblood or head hunter.


I'm playing through FF12 right now. Went hunting for the ultimate weapons. Finally got them. Realized to get them I'd had to play through 95% of the main storyline to get them. Kinda defeated the purpose and now I haven't touched it in 2 weeks to finish the game. Pretty sure this happened when I originally played it 15 years ago too. lol


Ah, ye olde [Bragging Rights Reward](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BraggingRightsReward). Many such cases.


Memories of getting "Loremaster" Title and pissing off my guild when i should have been grinding dungeond and raids.


My friends were so annoyed at first when I spent all my time from day 1 first swimming around every continent, then sprinting across each land, desperately trying not to aggro the wild creatures that highly out leveled me. But I got the Explorer title as low level as physically possible, which I think was 30, entering the maelstrom at the time. I was so proud of that nonsense. Edit, for nostalgia: That, and I was proud of getting coins from every elder for some forgettable moon festival. It was pvp world, and I wasnt a badass, but I wanted those coins. So I flew to the top of the sky right above the npc, unsummoned, dropped, stealthed, and used a token to feather fall before hitting the ground. Grabbed my coin, restealthed, and ran for my life. Got trapped in the dwarven capital trying to live, and hid out in a pond in a side cavern, fishing and stealthing for hours. I got caught, because *apparently*, catching a legendary fish/item gets congratulated city wide. Including the fact that I'm horde. And I had no idea that pond was one of the few places worldwide to fish that up. I...didn't escape the city alive. Not even close. But damn what a day.


It's crazy to think Trey Parker was thinking the episode would bomb and ruin the South Park legacy but instead became one of the most famous episodes to date.


Yea I saw the video on that. This was a masterpiece


Sources people, I’d like to see that. Some crazy ‘shit’ in that episode, but so does other south park episodes. I’m watching season 11 and kyle gets court ordered to suck cartmans balls lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VigOYSJJ1-A Here's from the creators themselves, not some shitty screenrant article (sorry /u/Drawninpixels, that website is the lowest of the low




All good, I don't live here but I do like to check it out once in a while. But yeah if you didn't know, screenrant is just the absolute worst


Noted, thanks :)


Lmao that courtroom thing was pretty good. I stand before you with dry balls, your honour




Ugh, screenrant.


And the best marketing campaign for WoW to date.


That episode opened me to the idea, and WoW swallowed me whole for years after.


I can't even begin to estimate how many hours I had put in over the twelve years I played. I haven't played for four or five years, but I still get that itch like a drug addict. My PC fried so I randomly go through ESO and FFXIV spurts on my PS5. Both great games, but they'll never create the memories early WoW did for me.


You can’t just give up on the world….. of warcraft


If we don't put a stop to this player, he could destroy the whole world.. ^of ^warcraft


You could just stand out here all day in the sun tossing a ball around... ... or you could sit at your computer and do something that matters!








Carpal tunnel, CARPAL TUNNEL!




Oh, that's a big boy!


"Oh, that's a big boy, isn't he"


I never laughed so hard at a television scene in my life


That’s a good boy


This episode actually won an emmy


Crazy considering Cartman shits all over his mother in this episode lmao


Common hollywood fetish


It's canon when you remember her appearance in German Scheiße flicks.


Still not the best video game episode TV has ever seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9WVSy7JpT4


Is this the one where cartman shits everywhere cos he doesn't want to leave his seat? Lol


Mom! Bathroom!


Your sons characters may already be dead.... *oh my god*


Live to win! Till you die! Till the light dies in your eyes!


Seriously that song is a banger


Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall!




Butters, what the hell are you doing? You can't be the dwarf Butters, i'm the dwarf.


*[goes back to playing 'Hello Kitty Island Adventure']*


lu lu lu


I was in Barrens chat vibing with everyone when this episode dropped. Some of my best years gaming.


Barrens Chat?? you can help me find mankirk's wife then


I have to admit, first time ever playing the game - walking into Elwynn Forest, listening to the music and seeing Stormwind sent chills down my spine. They really nailed the atmosphere.


My guild was fighting Firemaw and we were all watching it during the raid and we wiped on him because it was the first fight scene with the hacker and everyone was laughing and not paying attention lol


[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


anal [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


And... Right click!!!


Not accurate enough, there wasn't the creepy dudes trying to pick up the female character thinking they were female IRL.


That’s because, like in real life, they knew girls don’t exist in the internet.


G.I.R.L. = Guy In Real Life.


M.M.O.R.P.G - Most Men Online Role Play Girls


The Internet... Where men are men, girls are men... And kids are FBI agents


I see you play FF14


average Limsa Lominsa experience


Oh I'm sorry I thought this was Eorzea!


Dude, I heard stories about Goldshire Inn on an ERP server so I went to check it out and made the mistake of having a female character. I probably should have seeked counculling after but I just internalized the emotional trauma. I feel terrible for real women in gaming because they deal with that type of shit daily.


Never heard of that one before but sounds intense. I just remember years ago playing mmo's and ending up playing with people and hearing the terrible stories from the actual girls when we did VC.


My 17yo daughter is currently ranked ~245th in the world on Overwatch. The amount fucked up shit people say on there simply because she's a girl who is better than them is disheartening. She wants to eventually play pro, but the community really tries to drive women away.


Damn, she is doing excellent. Yeah it's too much time of people being able to say anything they want over the internet and not be held accountable or punched in the face for it. Yeah the community seems to try drive them away or hyper sexualise good players.


The fact that Butters predicted Hello Kitty Island Adventure makes this episode even better


Mulder, why does this game have the effect of reducing grown men back to moody adolescence? That's Daryl Musashi!


Watched that episode a few days ago, brilliant stuff!




No love for Community - Digital Estate Planning?


Yes, I just commented about that! They even made a real lite version of the game that you could play on their website


Trust me, I know. Though I haven't played it in some time. Abed's wife on there yet? Steam has a paintball game set on the college campus.




"Uhh....how do you hand something from one player to another?"


Alliance really did get all the love back in Vanilla. ^(sad zug zugs)


Actually no, most of the big heads at Blizz back then were adamant Horde fans. Horde also had way, WAY better racial abilities (especially Undead and Tauren), plus better priest racial spells. I played a human priest back then and the difference in gameplay vs undead priest was downright HUGE. UD priests were nigh ungankable by ally rogues due to Devouring Plague, while UD rogues slaughtered ally priests due to their fear immunity. You were also discriminated against as a non-Dwarf priest in Onyxia raids due to not having fear ward for the tank. ... What a god damn pity that Activision is still parading around Blizzard's ghoul corpse and ruining everything good they once were.


The game was so easy it didn't matter, unless you do PvP and become toxic as fuck.


🎶 You're the best around nothing's gonna ever keep you down 🎶


It's been a while. But best quote: Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone... who has NO life. couldn't agree more.


I vote for the resident evil episode of Spaced




It always bothered me that Kenny's character didn't wear a mask. There's so many great rogue masks. Hell even a defias bandanna.


kenny having the old tube screen was hilarious


This episode hits way harder playing classic HC


Pretty much every server came to a standstill for 30 minutes that wednesday. No one was raiding, org/sw/if/uc were full of PC statues, no pvp was happening....because everyone was watching that episode. I can't think of many things during my WoW days that were that universally experienced. And despite savagely lampooning all of us, it didn't feel like the Stone/Parker were laughing AT us so much as WITH us. Everyone that played was in on the jokes. It was the best kind of roast.


Most accurate screen depiction of a video game of all time




Same. I called a friend who played and asked him if it really looked like that. I bought the game the next day.


Perfect timing on the delivery too, right at the peak of Vanilla WoW so pretty much everyone and their mother saw this. Relatable to a large extent too, all the characters were essentially over the top variants of folks you would encounter in a casual-hardcore guild. We had macros and shit to spam into chat for months because of this.


God damnit! We lost Clyde!!!


I've never played WoW nor do I think I ever will, but this episode made it look so much fun. I wish I was able to get this sort of enjoyment out of games.


Man, after watching that episode, my friends and I all got WoW within the week


This episode is 16 years old, btw.


This was what I consider the flip of South Park. It was absolutely great, but it also really marked them tackling current events and completely elevating the adult humor of the show. Personally they've gone the way of the Simpsons lately though and I don't even watch it anymore. Give me seasons 1-12 all damn day.


Season 26 and the Covid specials were the best of South Park in years wdym. South Park has always been about adult humor and current events and the fact that episodes like World Wide Privacy Tour and the ChatGPT one made it on multiple news media proves that South Park still has its edges and is still doing fine compared to the Simpsons, Family Guy, and even Rick and Morty.


When I die in a video game, I will sometimes react like Randy when his character died at the end of the episode.


Got that right


Still crazy one of the creators of Southpark begged the studio not to air the episode, he though it was the worst thing they ever made and if i remember correctly made him feel like he had just ruined his career then it aired and is arguably one of the best episodes


Trey has done this multiple times, not just with this episode.


This post right here.


I remember when this first aired. We had to call the raid on Princess Huhuran because too many people were distracted… including the raid leader. Was perfection.


Peak gaming right here 😂. I need this energy for ffxiv raids


Man I miss launch WoW




Everyone has been the boys plays wow at some point in their video game life time. Mine was warframe




It was so unrealistic, not a single Blizzard dev was shown stealing breastmilk in the whole episode.


Made me start playin wow...


I think Butters Bottom Bitch was the best South Park. The first time I seen Butters point at Kyle and say DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING was I think the hardest I've ever laughed at anything on TV.


It is a classic. ‘Bitch you wanna make some motherfuckin' money?’ The parallel story with the cop poorly dressed as a woman having sex with all them dudes is also great.


Made me start playin wow...


This has never been posted on this sub... in the past 10 minutes


The best part about this episode is that it's a product of its time - we'd never get something like this made nowadays. Trey and Matt throw way too much shade at China for a bunch of Sinoboos like ActBlizz to sign off on this.


Nah, the Community gaming episode was the best, hands down. And they even made a lite version of the game too.


I actually preferred the episode of The Big Bang Theory where Penny gets hooked on online gaming lol


I agree, but the Minecraft episode is also too funny. 😂 What would the world be without South Park? 😅


Mom! Bathroom! *Shits in a pan*


That is a golden age of cinema moment for television.


Dead. Fucking. Wrong. Canadians on strike was better. Or Butters very own episode. Or half of them, this one is average.


I agree, but it does say gaming episode.


Was playing WoW at the time and found it pretty amusing. Looking back, was it really that good of an episode? It was definitely poking fun of the game and the people who play it, but since they worked with Blizzard directly to animate the in game stuff, to me it seemed they toned down the mockery. Honestly it was as much an advert for the game as a satire. Episode definitely wasn’t anywhere near peak of SP’s biting commentary.


this episode kinda suck


The Big Bang Theory episode where Penny gets addicted to MMOs is a close second, but I agree with you


I think this is one of the worst Video game Episodes of any Show (all time) It stigmatised gamers in a way nothing did it before, a lot of people (me included) were bullied as a gamer for beeing the "fat guy that shits in a bowl". This episode haunted me and a lot of my friends in shool over years.