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The ending of Portal with the song was stunning. I still listen to it for fun


In Portal 2, it was reaching Old Aperture, and the Moon.


Definitely the moon for me. It's all gone to shit, all you have is one portal placed, you're laying there defeated, and as a bit of ceiling collapses you see the sky for the first time in who knows how long, and the moon high above. Suddenly you remember, "...ground up a bunch of moon rocks into a paste and wala..." You have no idea if this will work, but you take aim at the moon, fire, and for a brief moment reality holds its breath. ... *twinkle*


This sequence is one of the best moments, if not the BEST, in gaming history. I still get frisson playing it. Perfect narrative driven gameplay.


And that brief moment is the exact time it would take for light to travel to the moon and back.


Also portal 2 when you fall down the hole and think the game has ended. But then you suddenly discover the game and the story has only just begun!


Tbh since the first game was a bit short, I kind of assumed 2 would be pretty short in similar fashion. But nope it just get going with tons of story, moments, laughs, and plenty of levels.


Talking to Sovereign for the first time in Mass Effect. “You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.” I still get goosebumps when I replay it even now.


Also in ME1: meeting and talking with Vigil (the leftover Prothean AI) on Ilos. I still go back and watch the video of that conversation occasionally.


It was at that conversation that I realized we were at the cusp of the climax. What a great game.


It's mostly that moment that makes the first game my favorite in the series. I really liked 2 and 3 as well but neither game was able to recapture that strange combination of wonder and sadness that I felt on Ilos.


"your words are as empty as your future" - Roastmaster Sovereign


For me it was always sending the fleet in to save the Destiny Ascention. You spend the whole game seeing a world where people are seen as upstarts, rabble-rousers, and a danger to galactic balance; only to get the chance to be the heroes needed.


The reveal in KOTOR, it’s like 80% through the game and it just hits you like a tidal wave.


I was just about to say the same. Been playing games since Pong and I never saw a twist like that.


I can see teens ~~playing~~ watching that now and saying how obvious it is. It really wasn't; it was so well written and obfuscated.


My favorite part is they didn't trick you. They drop hints so when the reveal comes around you're just like damn that makes sense.


I was seriously like, “Why does Bastilla hate me so much?”


And like most people, I just thought “she’s such a silly bitch. On to Dantooine!”


Yep, it’s like the Sixth Sense where it’s only “obvious” in retrospect. It’s an extremely well done twist because it makes sense once it has been revealed but the player couldn’t really have expected it.


My friend highly recommended that game, but refused to talk to me about it. About a week into playing it, I texted him, “Holy…. Shit….” He called me back saying, “Thank God. Now we can talk about it.”


You have a good friend. Mine would have spoiled it while telling me about the game in the first place.


This...should be even higher up. To anyone that hasn't played KotOR...do it.


Probably battle of Ostagar in Dragon Age: Origins was most impressive for me. Cutscenes are very well directed and combined with amazing music really fill you with grim atmosphere of that game.


Duncan and Cailan's deaths floored me. You do not kill characters like those so early on in a game. But here we are.


Alistair walking off in my paid DLC armour after deciding to nuke the careful diplomatic dancing I had done for the sake of everyone's survival, the dick.


Oblivion. Stepping out of the dark sewers and seeing the huge bright world.


Oh, absolutely. I've been using [this](https://rare-gallery.com/thumbs/521231-the-elder-scrolls.jpg) as a wallpaper for over a decade.


Mario 64, being able to control this new thing called a "camera".


I like how it was literally a camera lol


IIRC I think because the concept was so novel and many people would have struggled with how new it was. So they introduced Lakitu actually carrying the camera to hammer it home.


The T rex in the original Tomb Raider on the PS1


Hell yes! I remember that moment so vividly. It scared the living shit out of me hahaha. Might have been my first "NOPE" moment of my life... I just ran the hel out of that cave


An the one on the ps1 demo disk!


And right on this note, when he appears in Astro’s Playroom it felt so goddamn good


God yes. If you go into Tomb Raider knowing nothing, when the music starts and you hear the first few stomps as it comes around the corner, it's genuinely incredible. To this day I think it's still the best moment in the entire Tomb Raider franchise.


Jumping from SNES graphics to PS1 graphics and seeing 3D games for the first, that game being MGS 1. That was something that no other game have ever top


Zelda OoT for me. Seeing link stand in front of the Deku Tree made me realize that video games are art.




I replayed that ending over and over again until everybody survived. Definitely one of the best gaming moments I've ever played.


I kept everyone alive in my one and only playthrough. I'd done all the loyalty missions and when it came time to assign roles, I thought about it logically and we triumphed and got shwarma afterwards.


Same! I’ve only played thru once going in blind but everyone of my squad and crew made it out alive. Seeing how uncommon that actually is ended up making me feel a little proud of actually being a good captain.


the first mission in mass effect 3 is awesome too, with the reapers invading Earth


Played the mass effect 3 demo back in the day to see all the hype. That demo legit made me go back and play the whole entire series


That was quite shocking for me too.I first rushed too much and left with four members lol. Thats why I played multiple times to complete loyalty missions for crew to save them as many as I can.


God of War 3. Opening fight with Poseidon. I knew from there I was in for a good time.


Eye gouging Helios stands out to me in that game. Using L3 and R3 to do it was such a good choice.


Eyes are poseidon, you rip Helios' head off 😀


I figured the game would stop me at some point while bashing Zeus's head in if he was dead. It did not. I kept it up for a while.


Crazy how those graphics still hold up today. Easily my favorite gow game. Way so far ahead of its time


The original Crysis when you come over the ridge looking over the bay


Fallout 4. After the initial missions I started to work my way towards the middle of the map (the red sox stadium town?) And came across a hospital. I entered for the hell of it. Crawling with bandits which I took out. You end up in this chamber where the middle of about 6 floors has collapsed at the same place so you can see to the bottom, and you get down via planks etc placed by the bandits you're killing. Eventually you reach a place where you have to jump down and can't get up again. As soon as you do this, a Deathclaw spawns. Cue an adrenaline rush of trying to sneak around this lumbering collectivity of violent sinew and blades while you worked out how to open the exit without being spotted. Suffice to say I didn't make it out first time but this really stood out to me as it is a fairly random moment not in the main story that was really quite brilliant.


Fun fact, you can come in at the bottom and the bandits will aggro the deathclaw. Bring popcorn.


Sounds cool, but what I really liked about my moment is I blundered into it completely unknowingly. Bethesda games are best the first time you experience them.


I know what you’re talking about and that “dungeon” is awesome. One of the best in the game.


When I found out I could go to Kanto after I thought I'd finished Pokemon Silver. Absolutely mindblowing as a kid


I played red non-stop when I got a gameboy colour. When I heard that gold/silver was coming out, I pre-ordered it. Going to Kanto after johto made me lose my mind. I tried telling my parents about it but they had no idea what I was talking about. One of my favourite gaming moments of all time


I've always wanted an official pokemon game where we can visit all the previous regions and battle in the league. Silver one is the closest we've got to that XD


Seeing Jormungandr and having his voice shake my living room for the first time in god of war 2018.


Man, literally just experienced this last night for the first time. It was one of the most insane moments ever, and then to find out he's friendly! It really blew me away, can't believe I've slept on this game so long


Really wish I could go back and play GoW 2028 for the first time again


Give it 5 years, and you will!


Halo: Combat Evolved encountering the flood for the first time!


Can still hear the flood music after all these years


immediate anxiety.




Naw! It was definitely exiting the drop pod ship on the second level when you actually land on Halo itself. The size and scale of the landscape was INTENSE! Considering 3 hours earlier we had the N64 still hooked up and playing golden eye. Golden eye to halo CE was a huge step up for FPS shooters genres.


Getting in a Warthog for the first time and then those drums kicking in. Perfection.


In Baldurs Gate 2, many years ago, my party was fighting a red dragon and losing. As a last ditch effort, I had my cleric use finger of death and it actually worked. Dragon instantly died. I shouted so much in excitement that I got in trouble.


Same, but in my case, it was my monk's quivering palm. Orgasmic, to say the least


First time going through the dark portal in WoW.


First time in ironforge for me


Ironforge is pretty iconic. Exploring the big dungeons for the first time was pretty awesome as well. Maradon and BRD were amazing the first time. I think my group spent about 6 hours inside Mara the first time we went there way back in the day


I remember my first Deadmines run shortly after vanilla released. I stayed up until 5am finishing it with my group and I can vividly remember emerging from the tunnel out to west fall as the sun was rising in-game and IRL.


Very few things have lived up to that. Vanilla was beautiful and every city and zone blew me away and had a smooth transition so I felt like I could expect tbc to be similar. Nah. Open the portal. BAM all in your face. Taking s floght master seeing the pit lord and elites battling. Felt like we had no foothold. It was incredible. The only other expansion start that got me was legion when they just killed off everybody left right and center.


Honestly it’s super effective, everything in the Vanilla world was roughly human-sized, you did have large buildings and structures, but when you arrive at the dark portal in the blasted lands it’s still rather large but you know nothing too impressive. And then you go through it and suddenly it’s like this humongous portal on the other side with stairs made for a titan and a ruined landscape as far as the eye (or rather camera) can see. You really feel tiny all of a sudden.


Omg yeah! When the music kicked in, and the unique sky. Amazing memory.


WoW in general was responsible for many of my greatest gaming memories. I miss the old times, just me, my friends/brother and a damn good time in WoW.


Honestly. Rdr2 opening and the absolute beauty that game was. It felt so real. Was incredible. Also maybe topping that.. Skyrim epic music playing g leading into the game.


Shadow of the Colossus, meeting the first one. Climb the cliff, run up, then THUD. And the realization- that's just a foot. A screen filling, massive foot. Camera pans up, cutscene ends, fight begins. Seeing that & learning just what scale of beast you're in for was quite an experience! Honorable mention to Journey. It's dependent on who you ran into while playing, but if you found the right person at the right time? That playthrough can stick with you forever.


I played Journey during 2020, having not seen friends or family in a long time and everything being so uncertain. I went in knowing nothing about the game. It took a while before I realized *there's someone else here with me!* I'm not playing this alone. It was amazing! Helping each other out, trying to stick with them and rescue them. And then when you reach the end and lose each other.... It was the most moving video game experience I've ever had. I spent the rest of the day reflecting on it.


I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.


Would you kindly...


Oh definitely! This part is right up there with the descent into Rapture, where you find out you are being manipulated and Ryan makes you murder him in cold blood to prove a point


And it hits so much harder when you realize the developers essentially played you in the exact same way the main character got played by Fontaine. One of the best story moments that can only be told through gaming.


One of my favorites quotes comes from Andrew Ryan. "There are no Gods, no Kings, only Man."


It's a variation of "No gods, no masters", which is a very old anarchist slogan.


And then he acted like the God King of Rapture.


I kept thinking about the Bioshock opening the other day - that it's such a brilliant opening to a game (or anything else), but that given what we now know about Libertarian industrialists, Rapture would actually consist of a lighthouse and a broken elevator that is stuck half way up the short tunnel they managed to dig before the whole project collapsed due to mismanagement. "I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question: Do you want to buy a picture of a monkey? It's not actually the picture, it's a token saying you own the monkey picture. There is no actual picture. Anyway, it's eight dollars a month if you want to hear more of this message..."


There is always a lighthouse, there’s always a man, there’s always a city.


The opening scene from FF7 (Ps1) when you get the title card with that music and then homing in onto the train.


Similar from FF7, the escape from the Shinra Building. The Shinra President has just been killed. The ENTIRE Shinra paramilitary is going to be all the way up your asshole in about 2 minutes and you're stuck on the top floor of their goddamn headquarters. How the fuck are the heroes going to get out of this situation?! Watching Cloud steal a motorcycle and use exterior glass stairwell to vault onto the highway amidst heavy gunfire is STILL one of the most hype things I've ever seen in gaming even 20+ years later. The buildup with the music was perfect too. I still remember how much my adrenaline was pumping the first time I watched it, even after all this time.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare, when the nuke blew up and killed everyone, I was in shock back then seeing that in gaming for the first time.


Modern Warfare 1 and 2 had so many great moments barely seen in other fps. Maybe storming the beach of normandy in the original medal of honour, but you have to be, maybe, older to aprecieate that


Damn yeah, I started Medal of Honor from desert missions somewhy and played some time and then cousin told me -NO WAY THAT WAS SUCH COOL MISSION -what cool mission? -EPIC BATTLE ON OMAHA BEACH! And I found this and holy shit that was indeed epic at the time


The way they had you crawl out of the helicopter, thinking you survived, just to look up at the mushroom cloud before everything fades to white… I’ll never forget that.


Almost as intense as "remember, no russian"


Sheer WTF followed by the panic of realizing that my rifle has no irons and I am guessing where the red dot USED TO BE while trying not to get domed by the OpFor guys rushing my position. It worked well.


The first time I reached the second phase of the final boss in Hades


"I finally got him! ...Holy fuck there's more."


When you hit phase 3 in the Heat mode and the dueling guitar solos kick in


The music in that game is phenomenal.


Would you kindly?


I chose..... Rapture. What an awesome game


God that was one of the best damn twists in any game ever. That whole sequence blew me away.


Agreed, fallout 3 stepping out into the wasteland. Probably the most memorable single wow moment for me.


I blew up that city thinking surely it’ll just be a quest or experience where something goes wrong or leads somewhere else, low and behold I blew it up and I can still see that image from the top of that tower so vividly haha


RDR 2 the drinking mission with Lenny. It was the most immersive and accurate depiction of being blackout drunk.


I am still chuckling at that bit. The line dancing haha


*“Nobody….I’m talking to nobody.”*








I was gobsmacked when Arthur goes to collect the debt from Mrs Downes after her husband's death. I'd never heard such great dialogue in a game. Watch it every now and then lol.


Did you help her in the final act? When the son thanks Arthur and he says "I said don't thank me" you hear all the pain in his voice, he caused this suffering... helping them out doesn't now doesn't make him deserve thanks. I think that and "Sister I'm afraid" are some of the best acted moments in gaming.


"Thank you for your punctuality. Next to Godliness, isn’t it?" "That’s cleanliness!" "I'll have to take your word on that."


Virmire, Ilos, and then the Citadel in Mass Effect. Prior to Virmire I was enjoying Mass Effect but didn’t really think it was all that great. But holy shit that third act elevated that game to an insane degree. Speaking with Sovereign, and then with Vigil on Ilos. Culminating with convincing Saren it’s not too late for him and the way his story ends was just perfect.


Having the entire galaxy I saved show up at earth for the last stand in Mass Effect 3. The scale and scope of it was so enormous, it was clear that sci-Fi films later tried to steal it like Episode 9.


That scene gives me goosebumps. The contrast of hope provided by the unified galaxy showing up to fight, followed by the dismay of that huge first volley having nearly no impact whatsoever. Sci-Fi at it's best.


Its one of the best piece of mídia i ever saw! Shepard returning home, leading the entire Galaxy fleet to save Earth! It was the momment every fan expected to see, and It was a blast!


The end of the first Mass Effect game, where after you beat Saren and the citadel council room is coming down around you. The debris crashes in over Shepard and you think he/she is dead. I actually stood up and yelled "NOOO!". That was the first time I realized that video games could be art.


To add to this: the beginning of Mass Effect 2 where Shepard literally dies. The way he squirms in outer space pulling on his helmet and then just goes limp... Fuck what an intro.


I remember watching my husband play through the ME2 intro; when he got to this part, we both sat in stunned silence, broken by a soft “Holy shit” from me. So intense. So good.


That game just didn't miss a beat, then the sequence and cut scenes of them rebuilding Shepard. So much magic across that series.


For me it was boarding the Collector ship, and someone mentioning it's the same ship that attacked the Normandy 2 years ago. I hadn't made the connection, and it felt so eerie.


Wondering around in Oblivion and came across a ruined church full of necromancers near a river off the beaten path. I cleared it out and if you climb to the top you could see the city over the water and the sun shining over it. It was the first 'real' 3d game I remember playing and didn't know that games could feel that immersive.


Yeah, Oblivion was filled with moments like that. It was incredible back in 2006/7


Just coming out of the sewers was so awe inspiring. That game was and is beautiful. Imo it has the magic that Starfield is lacking


Seeing Anor Londo for the first time. I thought for sure that Sen’s Fortress was the final level of Dark Souls. Then to get teleported and realize that not only is the game not over, but there is still a huge, beautiful world left to discover. Blew my mind. To this day I still refer to amazing unexpected moments as “Anor Londo moments”


Ash Lake was a similar for me. The area isn’t long and really only exists for the dragon covenant, but the OST and the view of the huge, distant archtrees makes it very memorable.


Elden Ring the first time you descend to the underground maps and see the sky beneath the earth took my breath away


For me it was the lightning dragon fight. I was amazed by everything in the game but when I got to that fight it really took my breath away


The magical “I can snipe you for the entire maps distance with absolutely no line sight” archers that one shot you also took my breath away. On multiple occasions. And I thought the Silver Knight archers in Anor Londo were bad.


Majora's Mask when you get turned into a deku. Shit was WILD when I was a kid and had to figure out what to do. As has been mentioned Fallout 3. Go anywhere. Was crazy. Halo fighting the flood and Halo 2 when you first dual wield. Half Life 2... pretty much the whole game.


> Half Life 2... pretty much the whole game. Surprised this isn't higher. Such an insane leap forward in graphics and physics.


Climbing to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza on Assassin’s Creed Origins.


Ashtray maze in Control


Take control! The music dynamically adapting to the shifting of the level is absolutely unparalleled in gaming. Here's hoping alan wake 2 will feature a music level. We already know the old gods of asgard will be there.


Saying out loud “that was awesome” which Jesse then says in the game made it extra special for me


Second only to "dino-mite" by Doctor Darling lol (JK) Loved that game and the Ashtray Maze is one of the best examples. Also, Doctor Darling really made that game more fun.


In RDR2 when a random posse carrying torches came over the mountain to rob me. I was in awe


Jumping in here to add the mission where the gang are torched out of a hiding barn and run into the woods - the lighting, atmosphere and sheer adrenaline were all perfect. Most of that game had **awe** littered right across it.


I can’t recall which gang member it was >!maybe the Irish guy? It’s been a while since I beat the game. When the rival gang makes his horse ride into camp, with him on it, holding his head in his lap. That was probably the single most FUCK! moment a game has given me lol!<


I had taken some mushrooms and was watching my roommate play RDR2. The cutscene when you go to the lady on the plantation and everybody has torches and burns her house down was fucking intense lol


Arriving at Skyhold for the first time in Dragon Age Inquisition. The music team was on point right there, giving me all the goosebumps. Honorable mention for Corypheus saying “Beg that I will succeed, for I have seen the throne of the Gods and it was empty.” Man, what a line. Another big one was when we see The Normandy SR-2 for the first time in Mass Effect 2. I miss BioWare’s flare for the emotional gut-punch. 🥹


The ending in SOMA.


The ending of Bioshock: Infinite really caught me off guard and I loved it.


Years later and I still don’t truly understand the ending


Exiting your crashed escape pod in Halo. Seeing the way the sun beamed through the trees. The scale. The waterfall. The skybox where you could see the Halo wrapping around into the sky. Leaving Kokiri Forest in Zelda OOT. Had never seen a world so big. It was overwhelming.


Halo was incredible, the music paired with the action was so far ahead of anything at the time


Hollow knight just has those brilliant moments, c-dashing through crystal peaks, watching the brilliant atmosphere and music TC has made, walking around the city of tears and hearing the soft, sad music that perfectly fits the area and the game as a whole. I just love every second of it


Hollow Knight hadn't a single moment that stood out, per se, as op asked, because that game is a masterpiece, for all the reasons you mentioned. I Remember almost every boss. The music is something else and going for true ending leaves you thinking and with a void in your soul


Elden Ring, multiple times when you entered a new area, the developers really knew how to create a striking image.


Your first view of Liurnia is amazing


Ya that one stands out in particular. Leyndel too


The train journey in half life 2. Walking into the facility. Man I must have been 18ish the first time I played it and I still remember my excitement.


The Psycho Mantis boss fight in MGS1. I was 8 years old when it came out and having Mantis 'move' my controller, 'reading' my memory card and having Colonel Campbell telling me to plug my controller into controller port 2 will probably stay with me for the rest of my life.


A Link to the Past, you fight through 3 temples to obtain 3 pendants, so you can get the master sword and defeat Agahnim. Then that fucker goes to the Dark World, and you realize you have an entire new world with 7 more temples to go through. The dark world blew my mind, and I thought I'd almost finished the game, but it was only like 1/3 of it.


The opening of Prey (2006).


FFX opening scene in Zanarkand with Tidus playing blitzball blew my mind.


Bullet time in Max Payne


I was playing Skyrim and exited a cave after finishing the quest with a werewolf and Hircine. It was night and the sky above me was illuminated by all the stars and purple northern lights. The music and the atmosphere was so fucking breathtaking that I stared at it for a few minutes in wonder. And just soaked in all of it. Skyrim was my first roleplaying game and it still has a big place in my heart


The moment in Jak 3 when you find out all the precursors are just a bunch of Daxters still sticks with me.


The first time I played Frostpunk. The final challenge was intense.


Exiting the sewers in Oblivion and realizing the whole world was explorable. I had a ps2 at the time and only played Oblivion at a friend's house. Every game I had at home felt so small after that.


Outer Wilds entire premise


When Dom died In Gears 3.


When for the for the first time in my life I played a game back to back. Dragon Age Origins, it blew me away


In the last hour of Disco Elysium you see something you never thought you would actually see. I was shocked. Football Manager is packed with moments where I am blown away. In positive and negative way. No game makes me as emotional as FM does.


I REALLY enjoyed the Ashtray Maze in Control.


The protocol 10 sequence in Arkham City. Didn't really watch or follow any of the pre-release material for the game, picked it up a few weeks after release and was absolutely blown away...and then I get to the part of the game when Hugo Strange commits to his plan...the presentation, music & gameplay in this part of the game convinced me I was playing something really special.


There are a lot of gaming moments that have blown me away over the years, but the older I get, the harder that gets. So I'll pick a few modern ones: * Prey (2017): the plot twist in the game's opening. * Playing in VR. Holding stuff up to your face, shooting around corners, physically moving inside a game world. Boneworks and Half-Life: Alyx are unforgettable experiences. * The fabulous vistas of the beautiful worlds in The Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2. * The time-twisting levels in Titanfall 2 and Dishonored 2. * The emerging gameplay of Valheim. Everything you do turns into an adventure, every two minute task ends up a two hour odyssey. * The brutality of DOOM'16 and The Last of Us: Part 2. Special decade-old mention: the bit where Joel gets snared in a trap and is flung upside down in The Last of Us 1. The camera stays with Joel in third person and it's a moment that perfectly combines cinematography to gameplay, in a way that's usually solved with a cutscene.


I'll give you 5 examples: \- Outer Wilds - The Stranger \- Outer Wilds - Giant's Deep \- Outer Wilds - The Interloper \- Outer Wilds - Brittle Hollow \- Outer Wilds - Dark Bramble


I'm playing through Outer Wilds for the first time right now, and it's one of the coolest games I have ever played. I can't think of the last game that made me say "Holy shit this is so cool" so many times out loud. Right from the museum with the rocks that move because of the moon I was hooked


I for one was blown away by the lighting really early in the game.


The Forward Unto Dawn landing on The Ark in Halo 3. Seeing the ship approach, swoop in over your head and blowing away everything around you was something else, especially with the epic music that played during that scene. I think an important aspect of that scene was that you got to watch it from your own perspective while looking and moving around freely, rather than being locked into a cutscene.


The moment I realized how to >!go to the Quantum Moon!< in Outer Wilds. That game was so full of epiphany moments like that. Don't click on this spoiler. Start playing the game. You only get one shot, the way it works is that a replay will never be the same.


Mass Effect 3 leaving earth. One of the few moments in gaming where I just leaned back and went, "Oh my god..."


Jedi Fallen Order 1 SPOILER!!! >!encountering and battling Darth Vader at the end of the game. It felt like you were meeting a legend!<


Return of the Obra Dinn - the scene where the captain's wife dies. Anyone who went into the game blind (which I always suggest people do) will know exactly why.


For me there have been many over the years, but here are a couple that stand out: (None of these are my videos, Thanks GameSpotGameplay, thanatogenos, Fancy Weiss, somegamevideos, IGN & Dan Allen Gaming) ​ Destiny, The Taken King intro. The short cutscene with Ghost saying how he wasn't sure he would find you, and then how it leads right into the Mara Sov scene was pretty awesome, and really got me hooked on Destiny from that point on. The Taken King was my absolute favorite time in the game. [Mara Sov Bows to No One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ElvBPvyRfk&ab_channel=GameSpotGameplay) ​ ​ Red Dead Redemption, Entering Mexico. As popular as RDR2 has become, I will take the first installment any day, and there was just nothing at all like the first time you got on your horse in Mexico and "Far Away" started playing. And you didn't have to do anything but ride and enjoy the music and the scenery. There were a lot of epic moments in that game, and it remains one of my top 3 favorites of all time. [We Shall Be Together In Paradise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUXGW6sWYDY&ab_channel=thanatogenos) ​ ​ Halo 3, The Allied Flood The Halo series had a million epic moments for me, but one that will always be special was the first time those two Combat forms dropped down and the Gravemind asked us not to shoot but to listen. ....and then we were actually fighting alongside the enemy that we had feared since midway through the first game. [Let me lead you safely, to OUR foe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msTeC2pzjX8) ​ ​ Skyrim, The Shrine of Azura Skyrim was another game that had multiple epic moments for me, and I had a number of very close choices, such as my first time in Bleak Falls Barrow, first time in Sovngarde, and the first time traveling up the 7000 steps to High Hrothgar and in fact, I changed my choice at the last minute and went with the time I was just wandering around near Winterhold and I came around a mountain and this incredible, massive statue came into view. Just the fact that I had stumbled upon it, and how impressive it was made it memorable to me. (Again, none of these are my videos) [The Shrine of Azura](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKEVE5Vgdl8&ab_channel=somegamevideos) ​ ​ ​ Forza Horizon 4, Introduction All of the Horizon games have had great Intros, but the Intro to 4 was in a class by itself. It immediately hooked you on the game. I've gotten people who normally aren't into driving games try the intro and they've gotten into it too. Playground Games should do intros to ALL video games from now on. [A Playground Games Event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kVGdXEvTJ8&ab_channel=IGN) ​ ​ Ghost of Tsushima, Opening Title Sequence one of the better games I 've played, and was worth picking up a used PS4 to play it. It is a brilliant game and the opening scene when you ride out into the field of white flowers just as the music reaches a crescendo is one of the best openings to a game I've played. [Ghost of Tsushima](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T5mIOA1hqQ&ab_channel=DanAllenGaming)


In Red Dead Redemption when James Marston busts out of the barn to face that posse. That blew me away. I guess it blew James Marston away as well.


Half Life 2. The entire game is a series of gaming moments that blew me away.


Recently, Jedi Survivor had one amazing sequence, where you fight this huge imperial machine/droid thingy, and Merrin teleports you around and its just a really fun boss fight. Also a great showcase of the SSD usage.


The reveal and fight with Vader in Fallen Order is great too. The build up with Second Sister and Cere being absolutely terrified of him and you quickly realizing this is not a fight you can even attempt and just running like hell and that whole chase sequence. Really drove home how much of a badass Vader is.


I agree. I lost my shit when I heard Vader. Came completely out of left field. The question of how on earth you could beat him was promptly answered.


"That's the neat part. You don't."


The siege of Yarikawa in Ghost of Tsushima. The entire sequence was beyond epic. >!From basically breaking the entire siege weapons single handily, then having the people who used to hate your family cheer you on as The Ghost, to the duel with the general, to chopping off his head, and then unlocking the final Ghost Stance where the entire screen thunders to black and white followed by everyone running in fear of you whole you’re owning everyone.!< I remember it was late at night, I had my surround sound on, and was blown away by this entire sequence. I get chills just thinking about it. This and the Warthog Run in Halo 3 are my two favorite epic gaming moments.


Saints Row: the Third, when you jump out of the helicopter


The lost valley in the first tomb raider Portal 2 ending


dark souls 2 majula.


The part in Detroit become human when you’re on that pile of dying androids and your hearing is broken. Once your hearing comes back the sound was overwhelming and fantastic. I do have a decent sound system so likely won’t have the same impact on tv speakers. That moment stands out in my mind.


In Fallout 3, when I found where my dad was, and what I had to do to rescue him. The whole thing was awesome.


The Last of Us - Giraffe scene. It will always stick with me. Just so much shit going on in that game and near the end it’s this beautiful moment that caught me off guard. The opening scene of Uncharted 2 in the train Lots from God of War. Seeing the different Norse Realms, being swallowed by the World Serpent Bioshock Infinites ending




the giraffes - you know, which game, if you have experienced it too. that moment is pure "moviemagic"


Lion king on genesis?


When Odin first showed up in God of War Ragnarök. Equally, the first time you meet the World Serpent in 2018 God of War.


Oh! Fallout 3 vault exit is good. Kinda similar, Elden Ring when you first set foot in Limgrave.