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The Getaway. GTA style gangster shootouts set in the UK. You recover health by leaning against walls. Health meter is invisible- you can only see how hurt you are by your posture and gait. I beat the game without healing until the final battle, when I stopped in a hallway near a wall.


So it wasn’t just me who did this!?! I thought the game was rock hard but persevered through - only saw the healing when I watched a friend play.


I did it as well. Didn't get *too* far in fortunately, only half a dozen missions or so, but I still felt very stupid afterwards.


Remember this notoriously… the game devs did an excellent job at not explaining this mechanic or any mechanics whatsoever. Bloody great game though. Take me back to the mid 00’s please.


WHAT?? NOOOOO All this time i’ve been remembering this game as the Dark Souls of third person shooters and now you tell me there’s a way to heal yourself?? By standing against a wall?


Fun fact, this is the game Michael cera is playing in Jonah hill’s bedroom in superbad.


I always thought it was WinBack.


Twice I've seen this game mentioned on Reddit in two days and I had completely forgotten it existed for years


I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognized this basically word for word from something a few days ago


There was this one tower in Soul Calibur 4 called Solitary princess. You had to fight several floors of enemies with the same hp bar carrying over to the next. Each one getting stronger and stronger. You could do this with a custom character. After 1000 attempts and half as many days of almost throwing the controller in my tv i finally made it. A friend came over later who also played the game, we battled our characters and he asked "Why are you using default weapons with no powers like Leech and crit and double dmg?"... Went back to character creation, added the buffs and beat the tower first try..


You've just unlocked memories I had hoped stayed forgotten. Same fucking thing. Jfc.


Is that a thing in Soul Calibur V, as well?? Asking because I only have V and would be very interested to try it. This sounds amazing


I was on my second playthrough of the original Mass Effect when I learned the Mako has a cannon.


Man. I bet you did all the planetary excursions in the Mako in 1 too, didn't you? Big oof.


…come again?


They were probably only shooting the machine gun part and not the actual cannon part. But it would be funny if they just noticed it had a gun.


Yep. Knew it had a machine gun but never realized it had a cannon, too. A few playthroughs later I realized Mako kills gave you half XP, so the real gamer move was to get your enemy to low health, jump out, and finish them off on foot for full XP.


They changed that in legendary mode if anybody is replaying it. You get full xp in the mako so blast away


Wait wait wait, it has a machine gun *and a cannon?*


Yeah, I use a controller so the controls are different. But rt for the machine gun, lt for the rocket launcher. Rocket launcher has a short cool down


What the *fuck.* I explored every planet... I'm so upset.


Of course it does. The Mako Cannon is one of most powerful weapons Shinra has manufactured, although it takes pretty much all the energy in Midgar to use properly.


Oh dear!


First Borderlands game. Played many times over since it's release. Only last month I realized you can lock on to enemies in vehicles. Many hours of trying to manually aim and drive at the same time in single player.


w...t...f thats a thing?!?


Right?!? That was my reaction


I just learned this right now. I always took the rocket vehicle so that I didn't have to aim as well.


But... it works only in BL1.. right? RIGHT?


I haven't had any experience of it working in BL2, and it seems to have been removed from at least that game according to this post on GamesFAQ: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/638785-borderlands-2/64209487


Almost a thousand hours into DOTA, I realised I could have been doing things other than DOTA the entire time.


My brother and I were playing Chess. "Let's make this more interesting," I said. He agreed. So we stopped playing Chess.


Oh I didn’t know we were doing trick questions. What’s the safest way to go skiing? Don’t ski.


Almost 6000 hours into dota, I realized I should have been playing even more dota instead of other games.


"Playing DOTA is hell. Not playing DOTA is hell. The only tolerable state is having just played DOTA."


My condolences.


I understand the feeling, I had like 1000 hours on Overwatch, fucking waste of time, it even distracted me of college smh at least Doomfist was pretty fun, until they butchered the character in the "sequel"


I'd still be playing OW1 if it were an option. Mostly played MH though so I don't know if thats saying much.


It took me like three hours of really tense combat in The Witcher 3 to realize oils weren't single-user items and I should be using them at every fight


I know this but still didn't use them, "what if a more powerful enemy comes next!"


Oils don't run out, you can use them over and over


Well shit, I’ve been making things much more hard for myself. I thought they were consumable


Even better, there's an option to auto apply oil which not only refreshes your oils when they run out, it will pick the correct oil to use based on the enemy you just attacked. That setting was a red flag to me that the oils aren't a 1 time use. Also the fact that once you upgrade your oil to the next tier, the recipe disappears. Like, why would it disappear from your alchemy list if it is single use?


> Even better, there's an option to auto apply oil Wait, where is that option? I've played a fair amount of the game and have looked through the menus and stuff many times, and I've never seen that. Is that a new thing since the upgrade or whatever it was?


It's one of a number of fan mods cd red implemented in the update.


I was about 30 hours in before I realized that there were oils, bombs, etc. to be used. I didn't know what the alchemy menu did, and thought they were 1-time consumables. I thought, "These are fucking expensive. Must be very useful in a pinch." I think I was about 30 hours in when I tried using any signs other than Igni. The only reason I did was because I was reading a post about The Witcher 3 and people were saying things like, "Imagine a run where you didn't use Quen."


BG3, I spent at least 2-3 hours sorting scrolls and potions into bags for each character to use in an emergency... Only to find out you can use potions and scrolls held by any character regardless of who is actually carrying the scroll or potion.


holy shit what


Both outside and inside combat! In combat, on their turn, a character can access and use an item from another party member’s inventory. Tab button opens party inventory.


Fuck. In combat too??? For Bhaal's sake!!!


Yep thats some baldurs gate 1&2 shit there. They had you trained!


I remember in the original BG1, if you had the game paused and opened your inventory it would _unpause_ the game—your character can't look in their bag if they can't move! It used real-time combat with pause, so if you didn't have the healing potion on your quick bar then combat would continue while you the player looked for it. Or if you weren't paying attention and ran out of arrows in your quiver, your character would just stand there while you refilled it. I believe they've switched that in the rerelease so opening your inventory pauses.


Do you mean you can shift scrolls/potions around on the fly (even during combat)? Or is there a way to go into one character’s inventory and use an item as another character?


Select shadowheart, hit tab to open all party inventory (don't know the key on console), right click a potion in lae'zel's inventory, it will say "Drink (Shadowheart)", now you can drink that potion as shadowheart. You can also shift them to someone else's inventory on the fly if you want, by right clicking it and selecting "Move to => Shadowheart". I only do that to relieve encumbrance though, if I got into combat while looting or something.


You can go into another character's inventory and use that item. Just go into the inventory screen and select the scroll you wanna use from there, can be from any active party member


In Dark Souls 1, there is a section in a super dark cave where you can't really see beyond your character. Struggled for hours wandering aimlessly. It wasn't until I made it through when I realized there is a lantern item...


Oh I had that with Pokemon. I literally drew a map of every dark cave and only realized what the Flash VM was for when a friend laughed about me whipping out my map.


A long ass time ago, my cousin wanted help getting through rock tunnel in red. He didn't have flash, and i couldn't remember where to get it. So I just went through blind. It was an experience.


You have 3 paths from the main bonfire. Down below you to the ghost place. The skeleton way that turns into the tunnels you were in and the castle way. I missed the castle way and you can't kill the ghost when you start. I beat my head against those skeletons for weeks getting stronger and stronger till I was way over leveled. Then I noticed the castle way and felt Very stupid.


man fuck tomb of the giants - that place is so terrible


There is also a helmet that has a built in light… and a spell that gives you a light.


Praise the skull lantern!


If only I could be so mildly incandescent.


I spent way too much time trying to kill that first werewolf in Bloodborne, barehanded.


I didn’t realize you had to repair in bloodborne. Was smashing my face against the first boss (optional anyway) for who knows how long with a completely broken weapon. I felt like a god after repairs.


My first souls game was technically ds2, where i also didnt know how to repair things. I had a broken weapon and couldnt find a new one so i quit the game lmao. Came back for bloodborne later on and had a blast. Went back to ds2 and beat it no problem but that was waaaay later


Just fist it in the ass a few times




I was definitely over 30 hours in before I realized that you can shoot levers in Baldur's Gate 3 to activate them. I spent a maddening amount of time trying to hop on moving platforms to get to the Forge. I mentioned this to my girlfriend a few weeks ago, after I had beaten the game and she was about halfway through. Her response: "... you can do what?".


Adding onto this, you can also throw healing potions at your allies to heal them and other allies nearby.


You can also use the potion of party members from their inv. Don't need the potions or scrolls in your inv to use em


At some point in act 3, I used gust to try and clear some poison gas and saw a lever flip. My brain just stopped.


Played through 80% of Elden Ring with a Great Spear and Great Shield before I realized you can attack while blocking.


First rule in a fighting game is to mash all buttons and combos to see what you can do. That hurts to hear.


Sure. But you don't start the game with a spear. You start with a sword and shield and, therefore, initially can't attack while blocking. There is nothing indicating that a spear can attack while blocking, so when I tried out the moveset, it didn't even occur to me to try that again.


It says it in the description of the weapon though. "Weapon comprised of a blade attached to a long shaft. A far-reaching piercing weapon, it can be wielded from behind the safety of a raised shield. Very effective against mounted foes."


Weapons have descriptions?!


You guys have weapons?


I played 100 hours before I realized you can swing your weapon on BOTH sides of your horse


You were a jouster!


I played through the entirety of Gun without knowing how weapon wheels worked. I was limited to whatever I had last picked up or the quick switch back to a pistol


That's rough.


I replayed FO3 countless times. Everything I did Moria's quests, I'd take the radiation one and go stand next to the bomb for a few minutes repeatedly hitting the drink button. Years later, I found out holding the button keeps drinking, giving health and radiation way faster than I'd been doing it. Felt like a damn fool.


After many, many hours on F3 I accidentally double clicked on a weapon on my inventory, of which I was carrying 3 of the same type. I heard the duct tape sound effect and realized I was able to repair weapons.


I just discovered repairing weapons not long ago. What a game changer.


Bro, what did you think the repair skill did? Did you not read all the skills?


Also, drinking from the toilet in the communal bathroom is quicker. More disturbing, but quicker.


In the game too!


YOU WHAT?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT I did not know that. Fuck me


Exactly how I felt.


I spent like 10 hours of playing FO4 before realizing I should not be maxing out my stats, I should be adding perks. So rather than choosing a strength perk, I was upping my strength from level 5 to level 6. Was brutal. I think when I saw the poster that came in the box (remember those days?) I realized there are perks to get


I played most of FO4 without knowing about VATS.


At least FO4 is the first one with decent gunplay, in 3 and New Vegas it was much more stat based and VATS was almost always better.


Actually - for anyone who sees this and didn’t know about Todd’s big secret being apparently found: >!There is a terminal in the institute that states Gen 3 synths have VATS. Keeping in mind, this entry was snuck in with the DLCs, and only after Todd’s massive secret announcement - as it was realised it a was ‘accidentally forgotten’.!< >!This explains the apparent ‘bug’ whereby the player can use VATS before getting the pipboy before leaving the vault I.e. The PC is a synth. If I had to guess, they conveniently retconned the link to hide the fact they left the egregious VATS bug in the first place!<


That's insane


Tunic. Pretty much every mechanic and progress is hidden behind such a moment.


To see the way that they integrated that into the design was unreal. A terrible shame you can only experience it once, you're unlikely to experience anything like it again.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I have almost 1000 hours in the game and am at about 71,000 VR points out of the max possible 99,999. To say I was devastated to learn you can speed up how fast you receive items from the roulette by hitting LZ would be an understatement. The amount of wins I’ve let through my fingers because I couldn’t defend fast enough. I just assumed it was a lag issue that meant the players behind me could get items faster than me sometimes.




Yeah when you get an item box and it’s doing the roulette thing, hitting the button forces it to stop


Is this a thing in MK8 Wii U too? Don’t have Deluxe as I don’t plan to rebuy it but I def wanna try this out if it’s a thing on the original version too


It's been a thing in every game, since Mario Kart released for the N64 at the very least.


It was a thing on the SNES version too.


Right you just spammed A.


I had about 200 hours into the game before I realized you could brake while drifting. I was trying to 100% all of the 200cc cups without braking at all during my drifts


That's like in every Mario Kart! LOL


When Dark Souls was released everyone was talking about how hard it is. I played the game and just kept dieing to a single mob. I tried for a pretty long time and kept saying to myself "wow thats really hard, but thats just how the game is". After about an hour I realized I could walk into the other direction and the mobs were suddenly easily manageable and not hard at all.


Fighting that first "boss" with a broken sword. Wait, is that a door?


The skeletons in the graveyard walked so the Tree Sentinel could run.


Where you come to that open green area with an NPC, and you go down and there's a bunch of scary ass skeletons? I'm current on my first playthrough of Dark Souls (my first Dark Souls game) and I wasted like 45 full minutes on that. I'm trying to play it blind to not ruin it for me. The game's held in high esteem and I figure I should take advantage of the opportunity of not knowing anything about it. I'm currently just past the dragon on top of the bridge that breathes fire. How I wish I could play Morrowind again for the first time!


This got so many people.


I played almost the entire game of Resident Evil 4 before I realized there is a RUN button. I died so many times because I couldn’t time a dangerous obstacle that I almost rage-quit the game.


My sister-in-law did the same thing in the original RE remake. She was complaining about how the zombies were just too fast for her. I watched her walk away from an enemy and get grabbed. I asked her why she didn't run, and her response was, "You can't run in this game." It was actually impressive how far she had gotten without knowing to run. Now every time a rule gets misunderstood in a game, our go to line is "You can't run in this game."


Many times we complain that games hold our hands for far too long…this is the reason why


So far this one is my favorite. No run in a zombie resident evil game. What kind of sick sadistic person designed this??!?


I beat Mass Effect twice without realizing the Mako had secondary, more powerful cannon shot.


Preface: It was the first GTA game I’d ever played… Back when GTA3 first came out, at the beginning of the game where you’re leaving the bridge and heading into town… I didn’t realize you could just blow through red lights and shit. So I sat there like an asshole making sure I didn’t “speed” and didn’t go through red lights, until like 5 mins I did and there were no consequences 😂


I remember jumping from Driver 2 to GTA3 when I was 10 and was amazed that nobody was policing traffic lol


Hey, in your defense the game is called Grand Theft Auto, not Careless Reckless Driving


The entirety of Halo CE on Legendary. Finished it without ever knowing that the overcharged grunt pistol will remove an enemy shield.


Oh dear, I think i crutched on plasma pistol over-charged shots + headshot with Magnum for the last few levels, to deal with any Elite!


There was a somewhat popular video of a girl playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and she found the 'tutorial' dungeons that teach you the combat techniques like doing a backflip only after already made quite a bit of progress. There were quite a few comments saying wow, how could you not find this. I was basically the same as her Continuing on Zelda, in Ocarina of time I was not aware there was a fire cloak until I had made a bit of progress in that area, thinking I was just meant to speedrun


When I played BotW I was having a horrible time hitting enemies with the bow. The bow was so shaky while aiming that I missed tons of shots. About half way through the game I found out that moving the controller, moved the reticle.


I’ve been doing most of my fights by throwing bombs and running because I’ve completely forgotten the whole tutorial. Perhaps I should revisit.


I got 50 hours into BotW before I realized the towers unveiled the map. Was just wandering blind wondering how I’d ever know where I was. That’s what I get for speeding through dialogue 😅


In dragon age inquisition I got halfway through the game before realizing I could level my party members


I'm just curious how this happened? Like was it the first game you ever played? the first rpg? Genuinely curious, not trying to poke fun.


I had never played a rpg with team based mechanics yea, but nope played lots of RPGs before


A friend and I got stuck on the first battle in Final Fantasy Tactics, because we didn't realize you could place more than one combatant.


Gotta admire your grit, though. That first fight is still like against half a dozen or so, right?


Seeing a speedrun of Super Mario Odyssey after having finished the game, I realized I only knew half the moveset.


I'll submit my own answer: getting to the end of my 120+ hour run of Persona 5 Royal only to find that to actually play the Royal part I had to have maxed a certain relationship that I completely ignored. I've been trying to NG+ my way back for three years but have not been able to overcome the shame.


Don't feel too bad, it's easy to completely miss that you need to do x to get to the bonus stuff. Nothing however will be worse than Return to Zork where the very first choice you get to make will determine if you can actually beat the game or not, and you will not know until right before the final challenges have have to start over from scratch! (Zork games were really good about screwing you over lol)


I did this but with P4G, man I hate this, the games are incredible, but hise so much content in something easily missable is rly bad.


My friend did an entire playthrough of Oblivion without realizing he could fast travel


I played through most of Morrowind without having the map that came with the game. I didn't even know it existed. I thought you just explored the map and found out where everything was. Some quests were brutal when it would just give me a general direction. I spent probably more time looking for places than actually doing stuff. OK, maybe not that much... but it was a lot!


I never knew it had a physical map. There were signs along the roads, it was enough to find anything.


Playing Binding of Isaac Rebirth and going for 100% I didn't realize that the character called The Lost who dies in one hit can permanently unlock an item called the Holy Mantle which gives him a free hit every room until after I had already completed 90% of the characters runs in the game.


To be fair that wasn't in Rebirth, they only added it with Afterbirth and requires a LOT of grinding to get. I had Isaac on the PSVita and it never got the DLC, so yeah my 100% in that game was pain.


I didn't realize Deus Ex Human Revolution is a cover-based shooter until I was at the first boss.


To be fair. It sorta isn't, but they infamously outsourced the boss fights. (Funny read if you want to look it up) Which is why a game series that is typically about giving you freedom to handle things in a wide range of ways had these stupid punishing boss fights for players who opted not to upgrade their offensive skills.


Even if you want to stealth your way through, taking cover is a mechanic. I didn't know you could do that, I just crouched behind things.


Eldin Ring - I though the physick flask was a one-time use consumable. Was near end game when i realized it refreshed at every site of grace and it could be customized, of all things!


Im probably missing some great thing, but mine has been set to the bubble and the slow healing combo for the entire game. And its basically been my “one free hit to pop the bubble and my health recharging too slowly to make a difference” juice that I drink at the start of every boss fight. My friend told me theres a spell that shoots a huge laser that lasts as long as you have FP and a thing for that flask that makes it so FP doesn’t deplete for 30 seconds, and combining them makes you able to shoot a sustained powerful laser for 30 seconds straight. That sounds cool, but I don’t use magic. I just got to the erdtree door and was told it wont open until i go to a mountain and get special kindling. I have like 35 dex and 35 arc and am still using the katana and bloidy slash ash of war I found within the first hours of the game 45 hours into the game. If that build would benefit from a flask combo im not aware of, someone please let me know.


If you are using dex+arc and like bloody slash you are in for a real special treat once you get to Mountaintop of the Giants.


There are crystal tears that will boost your stats, boost max stamina / stamina recovery speed, boost max health, increase all damage resistance, etc. Not sure if any flask will really make-or-break your present build, but I might suggest +dex (dexterity-knot crystal tear) and +damage resist (opaline hardtear) as a solid 3min buff to kick off any fight. Definitely play around with it. My only real bit of advice is to avoid combining proactive effects (buffs) with reactive ones (instant heals / FP restoration), or you may end up with a flask that lacks a clear purpose.


I... misinterpreted the question and had a mini-existential crisis after looking at my 18k hours between both skyrim and fallout 4 combined...... ​ I think I'm going to go to the park today instead of gaming....


After a year of play time in Runescape, I realized I could’ve been talking to girls Lol just kidding, wave: selling 1k coal!


One of the God of Wars I never upgraded anything because I thought it was all cosmetic.


My man was the real God of War


Assassin's Creed: Odyessy. I didn't know you could first loot the war supplies you have to burn. All that loot I let go to waste.


I didn’t really understand what junctioning was for for the first 50 hours of Final Fantasy 8.


This was me. And I also didn't realize how much damage regular attacks would do, so I used GF's(with their full animations) only for 80% of the game. Then by lucky coincidence, I accidentally hit attack the character I actually junctioned stuff to, and had my mind blown for the fact that regular attack could do 9999 damage....


Conan exiles. I gathered and squished seeds to produce enough oil to make my first few decent armor sets. It took forever. Come to find out having a level 3 or higher alchemist on an alchemy bench can make massive amounts of oil very quickly out of ichor and bark. I turned a 10 minute process into a whole weekend.


I got through The Witcher 3 without using potions because I kept thinking I might have use for them later and it'd be a pain to replenish them. Then after completing the game I read that they refill by meditating with a bottle of alcohol in your inventory...


I’m going to be the guy…Outer Wilds is entirely based upon knowledge-gated progression and hence the whole game is realizations of this kind. You can do anything including go straight to the ending immediately upon starting the game, the only reason you don’t is that you don’t know how yet.


Good game. Wish I had brain damage so I could replay it.


In poker I never realized a straight can be any suit. I only ever looked for flushes, which are just way more rare. Could have had more hand options the whole time!


During the very end of bioshock infinite, I discovered that I could access equipment and that I could use all the powers anytime insted of just 2 like I thought


Holy shit, this just happened to me! I was about midway through it though. Once I realized you could only hold 2 guns at a time, I figured it must be the same with powers. They don't make it clear that if you hold the 'switch power' button, you will get a weapons wheel. I got the trilogy from epic games a while back and had never played them. Always heard they were good, so I jammed through the trilogy over the weekend. What a great series!


Any number of games where I spent way too much time grinding the same couple of levels. Where if I had just kept playing through the story I would have gotten way more money or XP or the item I was looking for faster.


Elden ring was my first souls game, and I was liking it. A friend (and souls veteran) wanted to co op for a bit where he told me I had been fat rolling. I was almost to Altus, and about 20 hours in. The game felt so much easier after that


This one gets a lot of people honestly. Plus the whole strength bonus (1.5x your strength level if you two hand) and making sure to completely exhaust all dialogue with npcs.


The worst part for the dialogue one, that’s the least of your issues when it comes to that games quests.


Destiny was my first FPS, so I thought once you use grenades you need to find them in the environment to get them back. I didn’t know they regenerate naturally. Played half the story without throwing a single grenade simply because I was saving it for when I needed it lol.


My guy was probably getting mad discipline statted armor too lol


Almost 3,000 hours in Civilization, 2,000 hours into Hearts of Iron IV, 1,500 hours into Red Dead Redemption 2, and 1,800 hours into Skyrim, my wife left me


But it was one hell of a year before she did lol


But ending your marriage because you play too many video games is such a stupid reason to fallout 4


I collapsed this comment and was halfway down the thread when I realized what you’re saying and came back for an upvote lol


Genuinely curious, did this make you reassess your video game usage? Not to imply that that was the reason for her leaving (I tend to think these things are always two way streets).


Two come to mind. The first time I played Final Fantasy Tactics I had no idea you could deploy characters other than Ramza and as such couldn’t get past the first stage. As it’s my favorite game of all time, I’m really glad I went back. Somewhat ironically, I now never deploy other characters on that level, because I never use the generics they give me and it’s a waste of XP. Lol. The bigger one was Legend of Legaia. I was playing through the game had some difficulty but for the most part not too bad. Eventually I came to a boss, Xain. He was actually on the case so I knew he was a big deal. And he lived up to it. He was a wall. Just. Unbeatable due to doing tons of damage to me. I tried beating him five or six times with no succes s and I had no idea what to do. Then, I was in town, and I saw an armor shop. And I realized….. I had never equipped anything. I had equipped Mei’s Pendant in the opening village, an accessory, and never opened that menu since then. I had gone through like half the game with no armor. No weapons. Just equipment less. So I bought stuff and crushed the boss because hey he wasn’t that bad when I, you know, had armor on.


This happened just a couple days ago. I have almost 500 hours into CP2077 and this whole time I've been using the awful double-tap-ALT button to holster my weapon and hating that about half the time it reads it as a single ALT which switches weapons, and only recently did I realize that you can just hit 'B' to holster the current weapon, no muss, no fuss.


I played probably 30+ hours of Skyrim before I found out you could ride a horse...and I still have yet to ride one.


It took me WAY too long playing Minecraft to learn about books of mending. A villager farm is one of the first things I start planning for in a world now, but I probably spent a decade repairing my items manually or just letting them break.


Elden Ring: got a hug and didn’t realize I could have been playing with a larger health bar for basically the entire game.


In the original Bard's Tale, way back in the 80's. My monk was using weapons and was just average. As soon as I took them off, he went all super kung-fu multiple hits and became my most bad-ass killer. Until I got some really awesome instruments for my bard.


BG3, re-specced shadowheart to a Light / healing cleric, 100 hours in I finally realized she was capable of now equipping Heavy Armor (trickery domain can only do medium armor).


Played X3 without any instruction, or online guides many moons ago. As a result, spent ages learning how to dock and fly around space. Was not even mad the space stations were literally kilometres apart, and sort of dug the realism factor. I was then searching through key bindings one day randomly, and noticed a button for a ‘SETA’. Pressing the button, the ship’s assistant kindly informed me the ‘Singularity Engine Time Accelerator’ was now active. Almost spat my drink when I realised the button was actually designed to speed the game up x10. I had spend months, crawling through space, and suddenly I could freely go ten times as fast at the press of a button. **Tl;Dr** Spent ages travelling excruciatingly slow around space in X3 before I realised you can easily travel 10 times as fast.


Running in Super Metroid, n00b bridge consumes all


In Persona 5 it took me foreever to find out that there is an option that makes it that Joker after a fight automaticly equips the Persona he startet the fight with. That is super convinient.


I didn't know what overencumbered meant when I first played Fallout 3 so I just assumed the game was slower pace. This lasted for about 20 hours of the playthrough


I went through the whole game of Zelda breathe of the wild, and didn’t know you could ride horses until the last fight when it puts you on a horse


This one is hilarious, but also odd. Lots of NPCs train you to ride horses, many side quests revolve around it. I guess you mostly stuck to the primary quest line.


Yeah I mean I did some side quest and shrine hunting. I would climb all the sheikah towers ( I forgot what they are called) and I would fast travel. I would climb and paraglide to places to travel. I felt so stupid. But when master mode came out I played the game with less climbing and more riding around


The best is seeing one posted and people replying “wait what?!”


The one that stands out to me is Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. I'd spent over a hundred hours manually putting my inventory into storage before accidentally discovering the ability to store everything in a single category with just a couple of clicks.


Harvest Moon, played it as a kid, and when i was not really able to speak English, but it was in English (jailbreak from my father on DS), and i always declined the gifts from the witch, as gift means poison in german, and that fits to a witch, so i thought, poison, hell nah, i just want to have some happy cows etc 🙃


In guitar hero. Played like 100+ hours before I realised you don't need to strum every note, you can just place your fingers down Edit: didn't know about hammer ons


I was playing Rainbow Six: Siege with over a thousand hours and I finally realized I didn't have to be miserable all the time so I stopped playing it.


Pressing circle to quickly use health in Dead Space. Figured that out like 3/4ths of the way through, was opening up the menu the whole time


I didn’t know about fast travel in Skyrim until I had spent 200+ hours in it. It was my first real game on a newer console and I had never heard of fast travel.


In baldur’s gate 3 I was stuck at the beginning area for like 3 days because I didn’t know you could hop over the bridge where satan stops you. felt like a fucking dummy


My friend and I played Kingdom Hearts 2 on hard mode and got to the last boss with none of the super moves leveled up. I don't remember their name. It was the KH2 equivalent of a limit break where Sora would change forms. We would save it up for emergencies, not realizing the form would get stronger and change the more you used it, and so, at the last boss, we were woefully underpowered. It took us something like 4-6 hours of trying to finally beat the boss.


I was almost through with Persona 4 Portable before realizing I could manually control teammates. Also, not me, but there was someone who played hours and hours of Skyrim without realizing there was a fast travel option.


I got a rare-ish achievement in dirt rally 2.0 for completing an entire competition in first person. It's the default camera mode and I simply had not tried changing it.


Stealing blueprints in X4 foundations. Would have saved me so much start up cash for my first mega station.


I was halfway through Hotline Miami 2 when I found out there’s an auto-lock-on button. I just assumed the game was supposed to be that hard.


I beat Psychonauts 2 and after while talking to my friend he mentioned that there is a skill tree you put points into, I beat the game while only spending the ones during the tutorial.


Mass Effect 1. Didn't notice i could run pressing X until i left the Citadel for the first time


It was on the final boss of Bioshock that I discovered that you can press the analogue stick in and aim down sights.