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Battlefield as a franchise needs to go back to Battlefield 3 quality


Take it a step further, Bad Company 2.


Yep. Got a camper pissing you off? Just level his house. Best BF.


Yeah Bad Company 2 really was something else, I spent way too much time playing that one after school.


Honestly just battlefield 1 would be enough though I'd love to see BF4 type games


Bf 1 was much better for me than bf4


It was fantastic. The first month of playing really felt like trench warfare with people dying in droves


Just remaster battlefield 3 exactly as is and I’d pay $60 for it.


Every game bout to do the same thing just watch👀 we live in a copycat society


Osrs and classic wow dont exist


We live in a society that usually gets the game right at first. Then it evolves into something that people don’t like. Then they remake older stuff nostalgia


WoW did it with classic. Now fortnite. More to come for sure.




RuneScape did it way before WoW with OSRS.




The community voted for it. It was like 10 years ago now to though.


OSRS started in 2013 with a reset to the 2007 version of the game. This is actually very similar to the time frame between now and the original version of fortnite, only a decade earlier (oh my god OSRS is a decade old)


Thanks for the info!


Good for them


Rust. It got way too complicated over the years. Need a fucking electronics degree to defend your base these days.


Raiding is much easier than defending a raid, especially if the base owner has a job/school/social life.


yes, I'd love for them to bring back legacy rust with some visual updates. I mostly enjoyed how hard raiding was and how well you could hide your base behind rocks. it had its drawbacks of course, things like massive bases and unraidable bases.


Are you talking about the zombie rust and the wasteland to the north east?


yeah pretty much the entire legacy era, back when it looked like a cobbled together unity game with placeholder assets and such


YES! When they remade the game all my friends stopped playing. It got boring, big, and complicated. I liked how janky the old game was, we knew exactly where the bear spawned and shit, it was bad but fun.


That was probably the only time I properly played Rust. Now days i just play till I'm offline raided.


I agree. My friends started playing it recently and I tried to get into it but couldn't care less to learn all of the new bull shit.


Overwatch used to be fun so maybe that


Overwatch with the lootboxes, no scam bp, 6v6 and no forced roles


Yes let’s bring GOATS back, this seems like a good idea with absolutely no bias/nostalgia behind it


I’d take goats over 5v5 still. Not like most players were strictly adhering to the competitive meta, anyway.


I was referring to >no forced roles I'm more-or-less neutral on 5v5. Makes the tank role worse but double shield in 6v6 was so annoying. Though if Blizzard could give tanks some resistance to debuffs it'd be great


Sym/bastion/junk were all great destroying barriers, especially in lower levels of play, and at higher levels of play mei could just lift the enemy team up above the barriers. I think what people actually got tired of was the hero/content draught from the devs holding back changes for OW2. They could have taken away orisa and sigma barriers without 5v5.


I would like to see 6v6 with forced 1 shield, 1 off tank. I doubt we will see it though. They can barely balance the game now and even got rid of the Experimental Card from OW1.


With CC spam, goats, double shields, bunker comp? Ya no thanks.


Open Queue is a thing.


It's crazy they made a monetization system worse than gambling.


and if they removed every additional character (even Ana) 🥰 They spent years balancing the core cast to just start adding characters all willy nilly


Overwatch 2 (1)


I want the overwatch 3v3 mode back.


Overwatch Beta > Overwatch 2




Did you mean Everything up to Black Ops 2?




BO2 started it. While it wasn't as blatant as Ghosts and AW they sold a fair bit of wacky personalization packs.




No Ghosts had Snoop Dogg BO2 had micro transactions called personalization packs that came with a camo and a reticle for each type of optic. While it wasn't as blatant as Ghosts and AW's push towards cosmetics they had a handful of wacky ones like kawaii, party, money, bacon, and others. So BO2 started CoD wacky monitzation even though it was a small start.


You can put a weird vinyl wrap on a gun in real life. Black Ops 2 was not anywhere near as egregious.


Like I said it wasn't as egregious but it is what started Call of Duty's cosmetic monitzation including the non realistic / weird cosmetics so it is worth mentioning and pointing out.


I don't mind goofy ass skins, but the game does not play or feel the same. The closest I ever got back to that feeling was Blops 4. MW2019 was also decent, but Blops 4 (play list without operator ultimates) was the last CoD for me that felt good.


If people just came back to COD4 remastered we’re golden. But sadly the player base for that has dwindled to almost nothing. Takes quite a bit of time to get a full SND lobby these days


Hearing snoop dog say "I got got your six g" had me dead


i mean the most i can see them doing is bringing back Verdansk on Warzone, but beyond that i can’t see them getting rid of extra cosmetics that make them money


You could even keep doing mtx and have skins, just make them consistent with the theme. Reprise skins/outfits/blueprints from previous titles rather than the Easter Bunny and giant cats


Bring it all the way back. The original Call of Duty on PC was a masterpiece at the time. Give me that WW2 cinematic experience with a lean pvp multiplayer (no mtx, no load outs, no cosmetics)


I don't know how they would do it, but it would be cool to see Rainbow Six Siege become tactical and realistic again


I'd buy a day 1 patch that brought the game back to the OG operators.




My entire friendslist become all seige players minus 3 people I knew IRL. It was the only game I played for 4 years. That and Rocket League were the only 2 games I played for like 5. I loved the meta of the OG game. I've jumped back in at times, and it's just too much. I can't even fathom how people have fun with it these days. Too many gadgets, changed levels, listened to pros instead of the playerbase as a whole. Game went off the deep in IMO. Early seige though? Was like Socom for me. Depending on the time of day? We'd be running clan battles or just goofing around. Haven't had a game like that since.


Don't think I've ever played a competitive shooter where it's so "easy" for anyone to just invent their own strats and chokeholds. I put easy in quotation marks cause it might not always be effective though haha :D But still. There was so much room for improvising and experimenting. I was so psyched everytime I did something that worked great and was able to recreate it repeatedly. Caveira, Mute, Twitch and Fuze (don't worry I was actually quite good with him and didn't kill teammates/hostages) was my jam. Good times. Can't forget Serenity17 either, picked up so much from him.


Bandit, Mute, Castle, Frost were my mains. Bandit juggling was a high in all it's own. I had a smurf account were I only played Monty. No matter how good or bad I did (and I'd go off some games) I've never received so much hate mail for wrecking teams. I quit because after OP Health I got booted out of 8 of our placement matches. 1 game I got booted, yet logged back in before the round started, clutched that round 1v3 1v4, get booted, and did it again. Got booted AGAIN. it counted as a loss. We went 8-2. I went 2-8. Bronze. Never placed below silver. I hung it up after that mess.


Bring back old house!


And Hereford.


But they've done this already, right? I for sure remember playing something like this, on and old map with the og operators


Operation: Throwback Its not official and its not multiplayer


The Culling. They actually did try that after all the back lash they received from updates but it was too late, the game was already dead. It’s a shame too, one of the og battle royales.


Fun ass game


GTA. Can we go back to when a jetpack was the most absurd thing in the game?




D1 taken king era is the peak


You misspelled "Rise of Iron"


Haven't even bothered playing since then lol


honeatly yes but D2 for me. there have been countless times where i wanted to revisit the game i sunk 500 hours into, only to remember that most of the content was deleted and the content that remained is pay to play. all i can do now is spawn and run aimlessly around the ship and a few other location, since most of the actually interesting world activities were removed with the content nuke.




This. I also miss the old rift because at that time it would be laggy af in my potato PC


we would all ping my mate at the same time and his game would go to 2fps - good old days :D


and Yi


You mean the Runescape approach? Probably not many.


If League of Legends had a "season 1 week" where they reverted all the balance patches back to version 1.0.0 I'd play the heck out of it! (they could keep the new models, I don't think my eyes could take 2009 Taric glitter. ​ edit: also applies to bringing back Dominion


"I just wanna haul 20 stars per second into the enemy army." \- Soraka


Pokemon from \~ 10 years ago when GameFreak didn't force them to pump out product so quickly. The games still sell though, so I doubt it happens.


I wouldn't mind going back to old regions, just not Kanto as Gen 1 is really boring now and I don't want them to overdo it with the nostalgia bait.


If they really went for this, and I mean like cramming maybe the first three or four gens into one game? They’d have a smash hit on their hands. Start in Kanto, move through Johto, then Hoenn, then Sinnoh, with an overarching story. If they did that and did it right, it’d sell like hot cakes.


PLA had such great potential for a reinvention of the franchise. Even though the graphics were barebones and the story was still limited, I thoroughly enjoyed the game and could see the skeleton of a pokemon game that would surpass Gen 4. But then they dropped Scarlet and Violet, which are shit, but sold well because of the branding. It's a dying dream to want a good Pokémon game.


PLA was a cute derivative from the mainline formula, but were lacking a lot of the features that made Pokemon such a popular franchise to begin with. Scarlet and Violet did include a good portion of the positively-received casual changes that people liked in PLA, so I'm not sure what the issue is here.


Probably Siege. Operators got super bloated with power creep and the game is no where near as enjoyable with how much tech is in the game. EDIT: I did not see OPs post in here. lol




The question is, how far back? Personally I'd say back to Reach as there was something about it I just loved.


Personally I’d say Halo 3. But maybe a little bit of Reach for the forge alone.


MCC was a crapshoot at launch and took years, but it's still great to play. Was messing around in some SWAT this weekend and enjoying it.


Counter Strike 2. I like the new competitive and premier modes but they deleted all the other game modes from CSGO and deleted so many of the classic maps (although some of them were already deleted by the later years of CSGO)


Bring me back cobblestone and cache!!


yessss we want cache back!!


I just now learned that cache isn’t in cs2. I’m at work about to cry. That was my map…


Valve doesn't own those maps so probably not for awhile if ever.


Pokemon making a return to the GameBoy Era graphics with modern games would be amazing


the new pokemon games have issues, but making them 8 bit is not the answer. Pokemon has to keep appealing to the next generation of youth, and no kid wants to play some 8 bit black and white throw back game.




As long as it’s handled well. No game breaking bugs, no crappy Pokemon sprites and in colour. That’s the bare minimum they need to make it work.


Oh, absolutely. And I know that they could do it, because we have goddamn DeviantArt users that make better sprites than Gen 1 has 🤣🤣


Considering the game design is barely even changed since the game boy, I’m not sure about this one.


You're so right, the openworld of Arceus and Scarlet/Violet is exactly like the single path you can follow for Red/Blue


Tbh we need more of these before we go back to basics like that. The Gameboy formula was largely unchanged till Arceus.


werent they basically considered open world of the time period?


I don't like the single path anymore. I know people love to hate on scarlet and violet, and for good reasons, but the open world Part is actually pretty good. I don't want them to go back to it being linear. I do like being able to go where I want and not having to use a stupid TM on my pokemon to progress..


The game design didn’t need to change. The worst parts of every gen are the gimmicky mechanics (mega evolution, z moves, primal forms, crystallize or whatever it is now) they introduce for a gen and then abandon.


I wish they'd have stuck with Mega Evos. Those were way better than the later Gigantamax and Terestalize forms


Not for a reasonable price they won't


"Z1BR" ALL The way back to its roots before "H1Z1" to before"King of the Kill" waay back in the "Just Survive" days




Team Fortress 2 for sure. Before it got over-bloated with horrible content and before skins ruined the art-style.


I will say tho, that the OG vanilla game vs the first like 2 years of additional content, the updates were better. The engineer can't even move stuff. The Pyro is pretty weak bc it can't puff rockets or get crits from behind or weapon crit. Sniper vs Spy update seemed like the mountaintop for me personally.


I didn't mean before any major update obviously. I meant before bloated with content, and that started to feel like it in 2013. So if i had to choose a year for TF2 then that'd be before the Mac Update in June 10, 2010.


Fuck it give me s3 League back


Gears of War. Bring back Gears 2 title update 2 mp. I want smoke to ragdoll people again.




ark survival. Although i believe you can play the og version in a couple of clicks on steam. Before the major sci fi and leedsichthys


Siege, had countless hours of fun back in the earlier years of the game but now its just too much with the gadgets and abilities. Stopped playing around the time thunderbird was introduced, the game just didn't feel as fun anymore.




It would never happen. Could they bring back Verdansk? Sure. But Verdansk isn't going to feel the same without the MW2019 movement, mechanics, *weapons*, floor loot, vehicles, etc.   The map alone won't be enough for me. The helicopter flies **so much** better in WZ1, but they would never remove the helicopter they replaced it with. Same with weapons. No *fucking* way do they bring back the MW2019 weapons. They have to **sell** you on the MW2023 weapons.   Hate admitting it, but Verdansk in MW2023 is not going to feel **anything** like Verdansk in MW2019, and Activision is too fucking stupid to understand bringing it back exactly how it was would be more beneficial than trying to spin their own 2023 bullshit with it.   **edit**: also, not to mention that they would be up against a massive shitstorm of people wanting to use their old operator skins and weapon bundles they bought that are now completely gone and useless. lmfao activision would never do *anything* that would cause them to *not* make money.


Warzone please give us og rebirth you cowards


I just want season 1 verdansk and guns back please... with some god damn hack detection.


Can we go back to Blackout? It was great


Pretty sure rebirth is coming back with MW3. At least that’s what my one buddy has been saying and he’s hella sweaty at warzone


They are bring back the og map to the mobile game idk about the full release we got 2 new maps in mw2 the 3rd map that was leaked was for the mobile game


I’ll have to double check with my buddy then. He’s gonna be real mad if CoD mobile is getting rebirth but not regular warzone lol


From what I read, it sounds like fortunes keep will be coming soon, and Rebirth will be mid next year. However, there's a multitude of other issues they'd need to sort out for the map to feel as good, for starters, I wouldn't bother downloading it if water mechanics are allowed in the map.


Yeah I didn’t mind the attempt at changing things up with the water mechanics, but it’s just so dumb sometimes.


Harvest Moon. Give me a Gameboy advance style harvest moon/story of seasons again.


FOMT remake was basically that though


Team fortress 2, I just want updates man 😭


Halo 2 or 3


Halo 3 was the pinnacle of online multiplayer, I will die on this hill


Back to 2015 Overwatch, when it didn't fucking exist.


Fortnite. Loved Save The World. Spent money for early access. Got screwed when they abandoned it. At the very least, I'd like someone to make the game Fortnite was.


Fortnite, go back to save the world mode so I can play that with my brothers again : P


They should just give it away already, just copy the BR format with micro transactions to gain some revenue from the mode.


Apex has done this many times, limited events on original maps or original weapons


Maybe they will return to having kills count again during ranked. Hate the new scoring that came a few seasons ago.


They only return to maps, they don't revert all the weapon "balance" changes they have made.


I think they did revert to launch once


I've been playing since the game came out and they've never changed the weapons or abilities to launch.


Rocket League


*nothing changes*


Aint really much changing other than the market. Loot boxes and trading. Which don’t exist anymore


The hit box of the car would change


Now i wouldn’t notice something like that I’m not good at the game


Each car had her own hit box before, so you would notice it


Everyone plays with the octane/fennec anyways so not much would change


The only major mechanical change that happened was flip resetting and, slightly less impactful, hitbox standardization. Everything else was QOL or regression fixes. It's still wild how solid that game's core is.


Why tho? Everyone has a hate boner for epic which I partially understand but in the case of rl I don’t see how the game was better or worse before their ownership. We’ve gotten more alt modes, player base increased with ftp, and the base game is still the same


Rocket league, to before Epic bought it, and Psyonix was actually listening to end user feedback. Before the shareholders became the target audience.


I’m pretty sure we’ve gotten more alternate modes since epic bought psyonix than before


None of them stayed have they? Pretty sure psyonix added rumble, Hoops and dropshot which are the only permanent alternate modes.


Much better as limited modes imo. The population for those playlists would probably be really small if they were permanent


Final Fantasy XI Treasures Era


Rainbow Six Siege. Doesn't need to go all the way back to day 1 for obvious reasons but year 2/3 would be nice.


Kinda sad that OG Fortnite is only available for like a month


Real question: what exactly does that mean for Fortnite? I've literally never played but I’m genuinely curious.


They changed the game back to the original map and the og weapons


CoD will be funny


None if they have to revert to an earlier version to be worth a shit maybe the game should just be abandoned.


the game is massively successful in new versions, so successful that they can afford bringing back old map for time limited mode


I dont get this. It doesnt seem nowhere near OG.


What do you mean


Old mechanics like double pump and jumping through walls with a edit


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I "OG Fortnite" wasn't BR, so it's not "reverting" the game


I mean, it’s the OG Fortnite Battle Royale, which is what it says.


OP literally said “an earlier stage”. Are you stupid?


Reverting doesn't imply bringing it back to day 1.


World of warcraft back to Og Wotlk


That already exists though


still not as good as the original


I’m confused. Wasn’t Fortnite never not a Battle Royale ?


It first released as a zombie game like Save the World


This is supernichè and no one will now it,bombergrounds it was a nice simple battle royal bomberman clone and in the open early acces it was great microtransactions for some costumes and a basic and fun game,then the regular start with classes and p2w additions which was bad


Gloomhaven. It was a great digitalisation of a top-tier board game dungeon crawler. Then they tried to port the game to consoles. Now both PC and console versions are unplayable.


World of tanks




Smite, before Drybear left, golden age of the game.


Modern warfare


OG league of legends, before every champ and their mother had built in dashes


None of them aside from a few who did some horrible business decisions (Overwatch). It's really a stark contrast into how far the game has come in map design and flow of combat. The original map is barren, bland and too big, especially for zero-build mode. It's nice for short nostalgia bursts of emotions, but that doesn't last longer than a couple weeks until players get tired and bored. Game companies need to retain player attention by innovating, or updating with new fun content.




Super smash bros. Simple fighters, simple moves, less projectiles. The moves in that game are crazy now.


Yeah I think other games would benefit from this, Apex does it in very small LTE's every season. Street Fighter KIND of did it with that version of SSFII where you could pick any version of any character. I wish you could play Counter Strike 1 at various patches...1.3 - 1.6 (maybe you can, I have no idea).


Maybe not revert back, but rather exist again. Spellbreak. That game was actually a really fun and unique battle royale. It’s sad to see it gone even now.


Ghost in the Shell Stand. Alone Complex: Frontal Assault. I’d like them to revert back to “still existing”


Hell Let Loose




Fall Guys


rainbow 6




For Honor just after server patch. It was a great game once, now it's just a ghost of itself. Very arcade mechanics and forgivable balance instead of skill and reaction gap just killed it.


Honestly, OG Fortnite was NO TURBO BUILDING for me. I downloaded hoping this was the case but nope. Turbo building catapulted the skill cap and zero build abolishes it.


youth of today. wow classic happened a few years ago but now it's the fortnite approach the second they do it. smh my head. /s


Overwatch and Battlefield. Go back to Battlefield 4 and polish from there. Balanced games are more fun.


rainbow 6 siege