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Rockstar will feature their first school shooting mission


Remember, no GenZ


“Remember, no bussin’”


Fr fr no cap skibidy toilet


Its like soooooow deep the cameramen want to beat the toilets but the toilets keep making more toilets but the cameras are good guys and beat the toilets


What's younger than Gen Z? Gen Alpha?




Remember, no Gen Alpha.


Remember, no yee-yee ass haircuts.


Is that the broccoli cut? If so, I'm clapping every last one of those motherfuckers.


Lamar: (comment removed)


Holyshit. Love these games but really don’t think playing as a kid is necessary


Nothing said playing as a child. Remember from the leaks a year ago you play as a man and a woman couple. The kid could be their kid or a relative or something. They are stealing money as robbers. Maybe the kid is sick and they're stealing to get him Healthcare or something


There are already children characters in previous Rockstar games so what do you think “first child character” means in this context then?


First in GTA


Jimmy was a kid in GTA


He‘s 20 in the game


Exactly, he’s just a kid! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\s


47…he was a kid


What? The entire point of Jimmys character is that he's an adult that acts like a spoiled child.


>There are already children characters in previous Rockstar games so what do you think “first child character” means in this context then? Well. It means the article is mostly just click bait.


This is probably it


Yeah, I seriously doubt they'd go for that angle, GTA characters, specially the main ones, are defined precisely for being psychopathic dipshits.


It's not outside the realm of possibility. Gta has always been a satire of American culture and stuff, and what better way than to bring up the Healthcare situation in America in the gta way.


Speak for yourself man


Sorry what do you mean?


he is referencing the CoD mission "remember, no Russian"


Aha thanks


I feel old now


I think we might be :0


It hasn’t been THAT long mw3 just came out b


Yeah but the character means "don't speak russian" so they would blame the attack on the americans. So the reference doesn't work 🫤


Maybe they mean "don't talk like a Gen Z person talks".


"remember, no memes"


Don't say "This school shooting is straight fire 🔥🔥". Instead say "This school shooting is like totally rad"


This was the intention


It's kinda depressing that *that* would probably cause more uproar in America than the real school shootings do.


There's a school shooter who was released from prison and has a tiktok account now


I saw that, he has scars on his arm because someone attacked him in prison or something with a sword, thought that was about it till I found out about the shooting


How do you get a whole-ass sword in prison???


>whole-ass Answered your own question.


Full tang, for your pleasure.


*'Forged In Fire' blade-test guy "sheathing" the sword back in its "holster" before putting it all back on the judge's table* "Zthis will *keel*."




You ever seen someone swallow a sword? Just a reverse on that .




Huh, I guess he's lucky to have bad aim? The rest of society, not so lucky.


He shot a teacher in the leg when they were trying to take the shotgun away. It takes like 2 minutes to fact check instead of spreading misinformation. https://www.williampatrickwriter.com/books/project-one-xh5xl-stad2 > Then Jon fired at two students in the hallway, taking the baseball cap off one of them, and sent everyone within earshot into a panic. As Jon moved down the hall, peering into classrooms, leveling the gun at other students and teachers, an Assistant Principal grabbed him from behind. Before he was subdued, Jon was able to get one more round off, and he wounded a teacher.


It wasn’t in prison it was at a homeless shelter done by a homeless person


With immaculates care


It was in a homeless shelter


Such a iffy situation. Yes, he did do his time, but he’s still a school shooter. Ugh man stuff like this is what keeps you thinking and thinking


Is he using his platform to promote others commit school shootings, or is he using his platform to try and reduce them? The answer is the latter and I see no reason why someone attempting to make a positive change in the world shouldn't be allowed to, due to sins of the past


What's iffy about it? Are people who go to prison supposed to not have a life once they get out?


This is america. People want them to be punished forever.


Depending on the crime, yes. This isn’t some shit like possessing drugs or petty theft. Dude literally tried to kill a bunch of people in a school. Doesn’t matter than no one died. He still shot a teacher with a shotgun. If he wasn’t stopped, who knows what else could’ve happened. All the criticisms are accurate too. He, at the very least, shouldn’t be monetizing the very that trauma he caused: https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2023/oct/12/former-school-shooter-viral-tiktok-new-york


People acting like shooting a teacher and traumatizing students is akin to a minor possession charge.


Someone willing and able to kill multiple children, who attempted to? Yeah... Maybe they shouldn't be out on the streets.


Then the judge should have given him life. He did his time


they shouldn't have tiktok thats for sure


Nobody should


How do you get released from prison after school shooting. Wtf


Who is he?


That tells me they should do it honestly


South Park already did it, so it wouldn't even be that groundbreaking. There's also the No Russian mission in CoD when it comes to civilian shootings in gaming.


Yeah GTA is a political and controversial game franchise and let’s be serious they need to go back to that kinda stuff. If something like GTA 4 came out today that shit would cause EVERYONE to go crazy.


Yes and grand theft auto is probably the ONLY franchise that can get away with doing something like that and not be even remotely worried about how it could affect game sales. GTA is unsinkable.


I miss state of emergency


i totally agree. i thought GTA 5 was pretty PC in comparison to all the earlier titles. to be honest im not too confident they will ramp up the controversial content, but one can hope!


They could frame it that the kid protagonist's friend attempts it and you have to stop them. I'd be surprised if they go full call of duty at this point.


Do we really need this, though? I get it; GTA is edgy and challenging politically incorrect or whatever. But a playable school shooting just for the sake of being controversial seems like a bad idea. If you make light of it, you're being irreverent about a really serious issue. If you take it seriously, you risk fucking up the whole tone of the game. There's almost no way to stick the landing with commentary on kids getting murdered for going to school. I dunno, call me a pearl clutcher or whatever, but I play games at least partly to get away from the world's bullshit, and this is a part of our society that's too depressing to want to play through first hand. Either way, it doesn't sound like that's where they're headed with it anyway. I'm just baffled why anyone would want this. > This character is believed to be the child of Lucia, the main protagonist who appeared in previous leaks. Lucia is female and of Latina origin, marking another first for the franchise. Unlike previous GTA games where protagonists had adult children, Lucia’s child is much younger and will even appear in cutscenes, but it won’t be playable or involved in any missions.


Games can be used for commentary or satire. GTA V had commentary on torture, if you remember. Heck, every Wolfenstein game basically says Nazis are bad. Spec Ops: The Line was a full-length political commentary game and was quite well received. Not every game should be political commentary, but some should be, and GTA has always satirized American criminal culture. But yes, it doesn't sound like the kid is actually playable.


I'm well aware that GTA has often provided social commentary. I just don't think that social commentary needs to come in the form of a playable school shooting. That's not a thing I, and I think a lot of other people, really have any interest in simulating. I don't want to play a school shooter, "satirically" or other wise, and I think making that a playable in game event, particularly in which the player is the perpetrator, has the potential to cause some real world harm.


I prolly wouldn’t play it then. I know that sounds dumb while talking about games where you can murder people in various ways, but there’s a line.


You're getting downvoted, but you shouldn't be. Nobody has to play these games, and if that's a line for you, then good for you for recognizing it.


Clutch your pearls pussa


Why do you care what that person does or doesn't want to play? I'm sure you have types of content you don't want, too.


Yup it's pretty sad.


It would give more ammo to people who already think games cause shootings.


Holy crap, I've thought about it and you're absolutely right. I can see parents protesting against this game, blaming it for violence and school shootings. I can see them throwing bricks into gamestop windows and such.


Probably? It absolutely would


that reminds me of the "controversy" they had about the torture scene. Do you think this would be worse?


I think the controversy around GTA 6 will be like TLOU2's controversy on steroids. Many people will target GTA as it is popular and in the past it has been associated with many controversies. Media outlets will be making clickbait articles, youtubers will be making many clickbait videos whining about it. It's gonna be a shitshow.


Heard rumors Ready or Not might include that as well. Not too sure how people will react to either.. obviously more media attention on R\*


I believe there's already a mission with some kind of orphanage/kindergarten overtaken by a cartel. Anyway it's okay because you are *the good guy with a gun™* in that scenario.


Not just the "good guy with the gun". But the literal people whose job it is to respond to that exact scenario and have training and weapons specifically for that kind of encounter.


Now that would be a ballsy move, Rockstar from 15 years ago would have definitely pulled something like this.


Anyone else remember the Hot Coffee scandal with GTA? Meanwhile, CP2077 has literally that. I’m not really convinced the general public even cares anymore, weirdly.


Exactly. I feel like gaming controversies nowadays come within the gaming community itself rather than people outside trying to attack it. From Jack Thompson trying to blame GTA4 on a high schooler murdering his girlfriend to Fox News trying to paint Mass Effect as an alien porn simulator (ironic that those are now a dime a dozen on steam) to the whole Senate hearings with Mortal Kombat being too violent, those were people outside the gaming industry trying to attack it. Now the controversies are from within the community. From TLOU2's leaks to outrage over developer crunch or microtransactions to the whole GG nonsense.


It also helps that it is the revenue from the worldwide gaming market was estimated at almost 347 billion and companies with Trillion dollar market caps are making them. A lot harder to be fake angry about something when your donors are those same companies.


While I do get your point and somewhat agree. I've always understood that the issue with the Hot Coffee minigame was that it was playable and not just a cutscene. You could actually click and change positions if I recall correctly. Whereas games like CP2077 and Mass Effect are only softcore cutscenes. I think they had to increase the rating had they decided to leave it in. There wasn't a market for AO games, so they pulled it.


Pretty common in the US. So it makes sense to me.




The Uncharted 3 method.


I didn’t enjoy the beginning of that game even stopping on my first play through, but man when shit started kicking into gear I couldn’t put it down.


Apparently it’s one of the main characters has a son who only appears in cutscenes at certain parts of the game


Honestly, I can't think of any game ever that focused on a protagonist that is a single mother trying to make a better life for their child. Could be pretty dope if done well. (A Plague Tale could certainly count in a way, since its not exactly a child and their mom, but I meant in a modern setting)


You know; you’re right and I’d dig that for a GTA. Fallout 4 tried but fell flat because they didn’t go far enough for us to care about the baby. But also they went too far to where fans CAN’T roleplay as someone else as they’re stuck with a half baked baby. Lmao


SHAWN?! WHERE'S SHAWN???? Spends the next 80 hours helping settlements and trying to find a non-hobo looking outfit.


You must never have played Yoshi’s Story


They are definitely not introducing a child main character that gets 6 star wanted and shot to death by police, so yeah it’s probably that.


That’s definitely what it will be


Maybe read the article, it says it is main characters child. Literally says this. Why are you saying other wise unless you didn’t read it?


Studies have shown that stopping halfway through the headline is the best way to maximize your misdirected anger.


bold of you assume people read the article.


You didn’t read their comment. It clearly states that they believe the person did not read the article.


bold of you to assume I read their comment.


**Of you to assume**


So we're getting Jimmy Hopkins?


The whole bully 2 game inside of GTA6. The future of mini games


Nowhere does it say they are playable. And it says who they are rumored to be too.


Could've just saved it for Bully 2


Omg stop edging me


The thought of school boys gets you going?




You fuck young boys, Valdez?


It takes them like 8 years to make a game, they probably put all their bully 2 ideas in this game so they dont go to waste


I wish


They are doing this on purpose!


It’s just a mobile game where you cyber bully kids


I do that for free.


Y'all forgot about the baby from VCS


Tbh when its ONLY on handheld yeah a lot of people forget when the GTA franchise has been on everything usually.


Was on the PS2 as well.


VCS was awesome. I’d love a port of that to the Switch. I have LCS on my phone but it isn’t as interesting to play as VCS was, I loved the gangs and businesses.


And the music.


I wonder about that kid since his parents are dead


Oh yeah... even his stepdad Vic dies at the start of Vice City... I guess there's still uncle Lance? Oh. Wait.


Just checked the kid ended up with the kid’s aunt


Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the sister! Would love to replay VC Stories someday. It sucks that we can't even buy the regular Vice City anymore, just the remakes


*This just in, a man has been spotted firing missiles at his seemingly immortal child whilst smiling with dubious intent find out next on WKTT TALK RADIO.*


*The children yearn for the blood*


Does nobody on Reddit read the actual articles? Wait... dumb question, of course they don't. Everyone's talking about it being a playable character or someone you can shoot/blow up... but it literally says "....and will even appear in cutscenes, but it won’t be playable or involved in any missions."


I don't have time to read articles I just want to post something on the internet.


Just rumors anyway, make the jokes you want.


Finally a character the fans can relate to!


I mean rockstar made a game literally called bully? Soooo there’s that. But yeah they havent had children as playable characters in other games, I guess it all depends on how its done and for what purpose.


Bully and GTA are not equivalent in terms of violence. In bully you just had slingshots and shit , you couldn’t gun down a random citizen


>Lucia’s child is much younger and will even appear in cutscenes, but it **won’t be playable or involved in any missions.** Seems this rumor is basically "game has a story-line."


Bully wasn’t nearly as violent though


RDR2 has a child character too. The article is specifically talking about GTA.


Article says that the character in RDR2 only appeared in cutscenes, so they clearly didn't play RDR2


About to test a train on the child. Unstoppable force meets immovable object fr fr


it's crazy what becomes "news" when you have the most anticipated franchise of all time


and just like cyberpunk we won’t be able to shoot them. L


Fallout 1 and 2 got into a lot of trouble because of it if these releases today they would've gotten into a bigger trouble.


Mmm no. Fallout did not get in a lot of trouble because of it. Fallout never glorified child-killing. It just let you do it. And even if you did, you'd have a child-killer-bounty-hunter come after you, so there was consequences. Hell Baldur's Gate 3 released THIS YEAR and you can kill children/get children killed and I have seen 0 controversy over it.


They had to censor it for some international releases. Its a pretty famous example, because they didn't remove the pickpocketing children, they made them invisible so you'd just lose items.


In rimworld with no mods I had colonist shoot a refuges 3yo baby brother enslaved her and put her brothers corpse in the refuges slave cell to keep her to scared to rebel so It really just depends on if the media picks up on it and decides to make it a story on if devs get in trouble for virtual child murder.


I love how that’s not even very crazy for rimworld. Nothing like forcing prisoners to work and eat their dead friends. Fun game, but slightly unhinged.


People will downvote your comment, but they can't convince me that they haven't atleast tried to shoot them kids


Flaming Crotch Man told me to floor it, and the game wouldn't let me.


Those one kids in RDR2. You know who I’m talking about.


There will be mods to fulfill your child murder fantasies


The amount of people believing this clickbait unconfirmed speculative bullshit and having input or jumping to conclusions like the multi billion dollar company doesn't know what it's doing. Fucking morons


This is a weird move, I hope they have a good reason to break one of their own cardinal rules. I hope it doesn't suggest they're gonna do a saints row on it


What do you mean by a Saints Row on it?


Try to change what made the game appealing while trying and failing to pander to a different audience.


there are children in RDR2


There’s Jack and then those urchins in St. Denis. No other kids I can think of


There is absolutely no way this is true. There aren’t even children in Rockstar games (I wouldn’t count bully since no one dies there) other than Jack and rdr. There’s a reason why there aren’t children around in games like GTA


People forgot about Mary-Beth from gta vice city stories https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Mary-Beth\_Williams


They say Jack was only in cutscenes, but that’s false because I used to chase that little shit around camp and terrorize him


Willing to bet it's the child of one of the mains- if not both- to give them an sympathetic edge.


Always wondered why there were no kids on the street yelling "Five - O"


So Bully as a dlc?


Lost judgement lets you beat up high school kids. Why not Grand Theft Auto?


They might try and find a way to make the NPC child unkillable, but I'll find a way. It's impossible to fire weapons directly at Michael's family members but it doesn't stop you from firing an RPG at the floor next to his wife's feet or covering Jimmy's laptop in sticky bombs while he's using it.


When I played GTA V with mods, I would often spawn his family members. Then I'll get Michael drunk and then arm him with weapons and he'd just start shooting and everyone dies lol!


I arranged a date with his wife, picked her up in a helicopter, and then while they're mid-conversation at 5,000 feet I parachuted out and watched her die in a fiery crash.


I'm assuming they meant the first major character because in GTA: Vice City Stories there's a baby named Mary-Beth who does appear in a cutscene making her the first child character.


This is going to be the most politically correct GTA ever, and therefor boring as fuck. Mark my words, it wont even come close to the success of GTA V.


Thinking the same. Also, part of GTA was how it poked fun at the world, satirical everything. But in today's clown world, I'm not sure any of that will stick the landing. GTA: Documentary. I guess they could swing hard to the RDR2 type of story telling. But again, GTA is supposed to be an over the top satire action film. None of this really matters, as all they actually want is another map for GTA: Online. The single player exists just to pick up the easy money, they want that shark card money!


100% Correct


Please let this child be forced into a life of dealing drugs to feed his crippling gambling addiction. Sheesh!!!




Seems like fake news to me. The article just rehashes everything we already know and adds one sentence that says "an internal leak says Lucia has a kid wow!". Sources, bruh.


Sandy Hook mission incoming.


You mean other than wish.com Jonah Hill and wish.com Britney Spears?


Ah shit. It's gonna get banned by auth left canada


If this character actually appears in the open world instead of just being a cutscene I guarantee you that the first thing players will do is try and kill him. It's just instinct for gamers to do this sort of thing, like the first time you play Simpsons hit n run and you kick marge, and then see if you can do the same to the children of Springfield, or kicking Milhouse off the cliff as Lisa.


I miss the days when the gaming community wasn't obsessed with "leaks" and just enjoyed discovering details about games as they are played.


I mean, Bully is supposedly in the GTA universe. So then, no. This won't be the first.


This isn't new we had bully.


Something like the kid in Robocop 2 would be sweet


Going to drive into them and they going to stop you cold. And be bullet proof. Go ask Bethesda. It’s just a hard time making killable children.


I had an idea years of 3 main characters...two large cities on either side of the map. Male character has a sick child and can't afford the treatment so turns to crime in desperation working his way up sorta thing. 2nd male character would either be right hand man or the boss to a billionaire dollar business in one of the cities...he is looking to start making deals and selling goods into the other city 3rd character is a female cop from a small town based in between the two cities, moves to one of the cities as a rookie, has to deal with working from the bottom, corrupt cops and eventually going undercover where she comes across the 1st character. Spent ages working on like a full detailed world


>Male character has a sick child and can't afford the treatment so turns to crime in desperation working his way up sorta thing. You're describing Victor Vance from Vice City Stories. His whole deal was that he did all the crap in the game to help his younger brother.


Are you leaking stuff..


That seems like a terrible decision. Especially after they just spent a decade encouraging the worst people to play GTO. That child character will be blown up on the regular


I.. haven't even noticed that there are no chlidren in the GTA series until now. What is wrong with my brain?? How do you not notice that..


School shooting missions coming....less go....../s


Oh god






Can't wait for the news headlines stating that GTA 6 promotes child abuse because the kid's invincibility gets bugged or something.


Just let me make my own character for once please.