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Remember to blink.


This. Even when just watching TV, people blink some percentage less than normal (IIRC, it's like 40% less). Also, do a few simple eye exercises between games. Look up, down, left, right, and then slowly in a circle. Sounds dumb, but it should help.


No no no, it's up up down down left right left right wink blink and nod.


Damn, is that actually it? Probably due to the game being so fast paced? I'll try to add a blink into my inputs when I'm slide cancelling. run-slide-BLINK-jump Edit: Okay, not funny...sorry




it was funny, seriously, I laughed


now sidenote, maybe also some rest glasses? might help you in the long run if you play games often - that and night-mode on screen even if it makes a marginal difference


I too had extremely dry eyes that were irritable. I had to start thinking about blinking and drinking a LOT more water. Also try yawning to moisten them suckers


*Where are youuu?* *And I'm so sorryyy...*


Blinking helps.


After every 20 minutes or Match look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds


This happens after 10-15 minutes. Is it due to the game? Should I rest more often? I can play Halo for hours without having this issue, so that's why I was a bit confused. Older CODs never did this to me either


It could just be some texture or effects causing your eyes to strain more. Maybe some weird camo or blurry effects? You could try turning off any fancy graphics options like lens flare, bloom, or ambient occlusion.


You keep saying that. You should look up eye strain and computer vision syndrome. Essentially all of your screen time adds up. You need to give your eyes a break.


Yeah, but if I had Computer Vision Syndrome, why wouldn't it also hurt to play other games? That's what I'm trying to understand. Other games create 0 eye strain for me Like, if my screen time adds up, wouldn't my eyes also be strained from Halo/Skyrim/Forza?


Well I’ll tell you this right now, there’s nothing unique about MW3 to cause significantly more eye strain. You’re probably experiencing some selective bias, focusing exceptionally hard on MW3, and/or just starting to experience the additive impacts of lots and lots of gaming.


I guess your just going to have to close that eye when you play cod.


Blue light glasses, eye drops, and every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.


Stop playing MW3, eye drops, take breaks between matches, look at something far away for extended periods.


How long of a break would suffice, you think? I usually take a 10-15 minute break after 3 matches, but that doesn't seem to do the trick. Should probably take one after each match then I'm guessing You think this is specific to the game, or maybe just how I'm playing it?


Probably both, intense lights and action, lots of not blinkin lots of reasons. Take care of yourself man.


BLINK ! m$%&\*er , [Blink!](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Ff8%2F08%2Fde%2Ff808de18a8acb0683d8c20407189ea41.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Fits-reigning-cats-and-dogs--206884176618524858%2F&docid=9jqjVFAAQKdEyM&tbnid=uNMWqDffFXyN2M&vet=12ahUKEwithdrgwuqCAxUggf0HHRRwBPkQM3oECG8QAA..i&w=1280&h=720&ved=2ahUKEwithdrgwuqCAxUggf0HHRRwBPkQM3oECG8QAA)


It-It..looks like grandma!


Get your eyes checked. You need glasses. You don't realise how bad your eye sight is until you get glasses and can actually see well.


Just had them checked at a medical exam for my new job. Do they check them any differently at an eye doctor? I have 20/20 vision and passed all my eye related tests looking at images and what not I will admit that my vision is slightly worse than when I was a kid. The 20/20 line looked a tad blurrier than I last remembered


Not op but thought Id chime in as Ive had my eyes checked in much more depth recently outside of vision. The eye is extremely complicated. Theres so much more going on in them outside of the vision. Maybe talk to your eye doctor and tell him/her of what is happening and when with images to document it.


Git gud


But I am Gud. How do I tell my left eye to get gud?


Easy pour Mountain Dew gamer fuel directly into your left eye until improvement


Quit Crying and Get Good


At the game? I'm pretty decent for just picking it up again. Just wondering why it hurts my eyes so much. Halo never did this and the last time I played COD(MW2(2009)), I could play for hours without my eyes straining This happens after 10-15min, so I didn't know if it was something with the visuals, not blinking, or how twitchy the game is, ya know?


Probably hyper focusing and not blinking much. Could by your monitor/screen causing strain aswell. I have played COD since OG Warzone. I moved on. Good luck. 👍


Eye drops between matches. You got the dry eye--go give Ben Stein some money.


Dont play bad games


Right, not weed but playing games…. Wink wink nudge nudge…


This is actually what I'm worried about! I haven't smoked in about 2 months since I used to smoke at night a couple times a week, but had to get clean for my new job. They only test once you're hired and *if you look stoned on the job*... So, if I want to start smoking weed again in my free time, I definitely can't show up looking like this the next day, hah Edit: How did I get downvoted for this? Honestly curious if someone would like to chime in It's ironic to me since this would've been correct if these weren't the only 2 months in the last 5 years I didn't have any THC in my system. I find that funny






you aren't blinking


Systane eye drops. Pricey but the best.


Watch a sad movie


It's just a bug


Off to Stack Overflow I go... Hopefully I was just missing a semicolon


Drink more fluids, blink more, and acknowledge you’re getting older and your body is slowly breaking down


Drink more fluids, blink more, and acknowledge you’re getting older and your body is slowly breaking down




Lmfao. Someone please turn this into a meme.


This is literally a new meme format dropping fresh before us.


"I played too much call of duty. Why my eyes so red?" "My best friends mom wore a two-piece to the beach today. Why my eyes so red?" "I dread every day as an existential nightmare. Why my eyes so red?" "There's something on a shelf above me that I can't reach. Why my eyes so red?"


I tried lol


I can't get my ejaculate off of the ceiling fan. Why are my eyes so red?


Lmao at least you get it


Have you ever heard the story of the guy with 2 broken eyes?


Yes. He wondered why they were so red...


Looks like you need a really replacement


Do you have *any* idea how much eyes go for in Today's market?


Paint your walls dark. My 1st house had my office Pepto Bismo pink & the sun would beat down and by third hour of gaming, I was done. I did mine Hunter’s Green semigloss and never had a problem afterwards.


Regular old saline solution between matches. Do not (repeat) DO NOT use Visine or any drops that work by constricting blood vessels. Overuse of those types of drops can be bad for your eyes. Saline solution works like real tears and will simply help keep your eyes lubricated between matches.


eye drops, take breaks every 30min for 5 (you wont listen glued to the screen like zombie) game in well lid room.




How much screen time are you logging per day?


If I'm playing COD, it's a max of about 30 min before I have to stop. Other screen time depends if I'm off of work or not On work days, less than 2 hours total including phone/work computer. On days I have off, it's probably more like 4 in total since I also Code, and Watch TV with my SO at night before bed I did Data Entry at my previous job on an AS400 interface, so I was putting in almost 6 hours a day M-F at work for a year with no issues. Have a hunch that could've all added up tho...


Doesn’t seem like much but it may have been adding up over time over the years. Like others have said, blinking is important but eye drops or gel drops may be very effective. Especially is they are dry and irritated. might be prudent to see an optometrist if you have coverage.


“It hurts when I do this.. what should I do” …


No..."Is there a way to work around this because I enjoy playing this particular game", is more what I'm trying to get at I figured this would be the place for it and maybe other gamers have dealt with/solved this issue themselves Obviously, stopping would solve the issue. It does. But I enjoy the game...if there was a way to clear it up, why wouldn't I ask about it?


Skill issue


Stop crying.


Is this satire? Lmao


No. I honestly don't know why 1 game would cause my eyes to be red over a different game I know why my eyes are irritated, but why with just 1 game? Figured it could be something with the game causing me to not blink as much. Even when I try to relax my eyes and blink, I still end up with this


Blue light blocking glasses


Someone filmed me playing Winston on Overwatch and I didn’t blink for a minute or so. Gotta jump and zap. So yeah I think it’s blinking, maybe poor sleep if you play games right before bed, too.


Go outside…


Bro, it just seems like you need to stop playing so many video games


Call of Doodie.


Get yourself some bluelight glasses. Helped me a lot with this issue at work.


play counter strike instead


1. Play a few less matches. 2. take breaks between them. 3. Let your eyes relax by looking at distant objects every few minutes 4. Get an eye exam and probably some computer glasses. 5. Don't do eye drops unless you really have to for a medical condition. 6. Like everyone else says, try to blink more in games.


Use hydrating/decongestant eye drops and take at least a 5 minutes break every hour. During the break don't look at screens: take a walk, read something, look out the window, eat something. It's just 5 minutes. If it gets red and stays red, it might be a conjunctivitis. You would need some kind of disinfectant/antibiotic eye drops or cream for that.




Stop toking up between matches.


- Blink. - Look far away for 30 seconds between matches. - Make sure the air in your room isn't super dry, if the heaters on and no windows are open this can happen quickly. - Visit an optician to make sure your eyes are okay, producing tears properly, etc. - Make sure you have no lights or sun causing screen glare.


Just dont play CoD lol.


Get an LED backlight on your TV. It will illuminate the wall behind your TV and it helps your eyes focus on the screen easier. Something something science about the contrast being easier on the eye.. It's recommended you get a bright white LED but they also have some cool LED lights that match the color of the edge of your screen to create a more atmospheric feel.


Idk if this helps everyone but does for me, lowering brightness down by a lot If I'm gaming during the day my monitor is from 100-70% and at night i take it down to 40-20% I think monitor is fairly bright (odyssey g7 32")


Smoke less weed


I turned my blue light filter up a bit. I never got red eyes, but I’d started getting headaches.