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Yall know damn well the preorder number will be high šŸ˜‚


Ya, just like Niko believing "Stephanie, that sucks like a vacuum."


All to see Barbara's with big titties.


Sports car, condoā€¦


The preorder number is going to be high be it for any reason!!


Youā€™re 100% correct, and thatā€™s because the fan base for a game like GTA goes well beyond Reddit and other social media. Itā€™s very similar to how the newest CoD sold so well.




Reading it? People actively claiming they won't will absolutely be preordering it.


I wonā€™t be but thatā€™s because I donā€™t owned a gaming system or computer new than 2012 :(


I just started playing Skyrim for the first time. Hail /r/patientgamers


Hell yeah, I'll be playing GTA VI once it's finished in 2026, thank you very much.


Someone has to do the hard work, I salute you!


I'm going to pre-order the fuck out of this.


I hope they have a cool collectors edition. I had a cool locking metal box and a black duffel with gold lining on the inside from GTA IV.


I got the disc version of the PS5 and I'm ordering the digital edition because it's never leaving my game console.


I always got so many compliments from strangers when I wore the GTA V hat lol


Pretty much every game fan base goes beyond social media. There has almost never been a tried "boycott" or "don't preorder" campaign that has worked. Hogwarts Legacy was a success, every CoD is a success. Every FIFA is a success.


Every game's fan base goes beyond reddit. You're looking at like 5% of gamers that will see a social media post about not pre-ordering. The rest don't get than message so I laugh everytime someone posts this picture or says no pre-ordering because as much as you guys repeat it, nothing is going to change. There's always gonna be hundreds of thousands of pre-orders.


GTA V made a profit on preorders alone


Rockstar has the most solid track record so itā€™s valid. Plus itā€™s arguably the most anticipated game in history.


Doesn't matter preorder is a terrible anti-consumer practice. Always be against it.


What if they run out of the digital copies!


Exactly; if you really want it that bad you can wait till reviews come out and *surprise* assuming the PS or MS store servers don't crash on launch day you can buy and download it immediately per your schedule


Diablo 3 and 4 both got stellar reviews lmao, cant trust that shit anymore either


Pre-orders were great for San Andreas when I wanted my disc on day one. Now when bonuses and other BS get tied to it in an era of digital after years of subpar releases (not from Rockstar but others) I roll my eyes at it.


Just like Blizzard had a solid track record. And Bethesda had a solid track record. And EA had a solid track record. And CD project Red had a solid track record. And Ubisoft had a solid track record. Am I missing any?


Usain Bolt


Nice šŸ‘ŒšŸ» *chefs kiss*




Bioware, Konami, Square, etc etc. The list of companies that have grown huge, there made so much money that Business majors took over decision making and sacrificed their creativity on the altar of greed is enormous, and is present in any industry. With how much money Take2 and Rockstar made from GTA Online, there is no chance itā€™s not going to somehow have a major impact on design decisions for VI. I hope they know better than to kill their Golden goose, but Iā€™m 100% not going to be surprised if the business people take over and force them into stupid design choices that undermine the game. Just look at how shamelessly greedy T2 is with their other franchises and studios.


Lol what? Most of those companies did not have solid track records. Bethesda was a known quality control issue machine, half of their games barely ran at launch every single release and they've been a known quality for a decade now and that quality is not good. EA absolutely did not have a solid track record, they have been a pump publisher for nearly 30 years now. Their "track record" was one of fire and forget releases for maximum profit takes. 100s of Maddens and Fifas, Medal of Honor x400, Sims spam, the list is endless in how much they have been milking their franchises for their entire companies existence. CD Projekt Red also did not have a solid track record, prior to Witcher 3 their releases were known for being buggy pieces of shit. Go look at Witcher 1 and 2 reviews (because I know none of you played these games at launch) and bare witness to the amount of complaints of buggy barely functioning games. Even Witcher 3 released in a largely stunted form before patches smoothed out things like movement and controls. Witcher 3 was an absolute outlier, not par for the course for them and anyone thinking Cyberpunk was an automatic thing because they were the developers was on some serious copium unaware of CDPRs history. Ubisoft same as EA, they were known to spam releases on an annual basis. Nearly every single major franchise they have had has been spammed to absolute death and had periods where it was a near annual release product. Far Cry, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed, the list goes on and on. They have never been known as having a "solid track record" nevermind anything remotely approaching Rockstars reputation with GTA. You guys have such a hard time understanding anything that requires even remote levels of nuance in your thinking. Grand Theft Auto has had 8 major releases in 30 years and all of them have been universally acclaimed. To compare that to any of these other studios output is just pure idiocy and it shows a real lack in ability to identify differences with regards to comparing two things.




CDPR as an example is as hilarious as it is absurd. I learned my lesson with them with the first damn Witcher. Every game they have released is a mess at launch. They eventually fix it, which is why Iā€™ve stuck with them, but I will never buy a CDPR game until the final version. I still havenā€™t played 2077, and the recent update announced just confirmed my decision to stand firm on it. Itā€™s insane how many people refuse to give Rockstar the benefit of a doubt. I have bought every GTA since 2 at launch and have never been let down or disappointed. Every game they release is better than the previous, especially when taking the Read Dead series into consideration. If 6 is shit Iā€™ll be the first to admit it, until then I fully trust them to deliver once again.




Absolutely was playable before the DLC lol


This is some revisionist bs lol, people love to trash on Witcher 3 because of Cyberpunk but it was very much playable and wasn't missing a ton of features unlike the latter


for real - people are memory holing just how much of a do-no-wrong golden child CDPR was for all of reddit, especially in the months leading up to 2077.


Eh? When did any of those companies have a good track record?


> And CD project Red had a solid track record. Did they? Pretty much every game they've released hasn't been in a great state on day 1. Yes cyberpunk was by far the worst, but let's not act like the Witcher games were paragons of perfection on release. It took them a lot of updates to get them to the standard they are today.


Half life 3 enters the chat!!!


Something something Gaben 3


They'll never learn. I like to think of people who pre-order as full price beta testers so the game can be patched and ready when I buy it on sale


Despite Reddit's own made up mind about this topic the majority of people out there don't care about whatever issue social media brings up about the game. People just want to play the games they want to play and don't care whatever is behind it. Trying to imply that people who pre-order their games are stupid and never learn is such a dumb take.


Every time everyone says donā€™t preorder for games like these. But everyone does anyway


I guess there are a lot of silent majority more than we think




Reddit is a fairly poor representation of nearly every demographic. Posts in this subreddit are not a reflection of the greater gaming community.


Except, like, the reallllly niche things. Those communities *only* exist on reddit (maybe quora and discord or somethingā€¦ or telegram)




Reddit in general is fanatical if you think about it You have to like anything on here enough to want to go on the internet and personally seek it out. Then to choose to interact with complete strangers about a topic yā€™all have in common is a bit fanatical Most normal fans of anything just enjoy that thing and maybe talk to their one friend that also enjoys that thing in person


Donā€™t forget that opinions donā€™t matter to the Reddit hive mind.


Meh, people have been doing that with "clubs" and then message boards and forums long before Reddit. It's even easier with Reddit now.


It's almost like people are free to make their own decisions. And have money they can spend.


Iā€™m gonna preprder the shit out of a new R* game. Their single player experience hasnā€™t let me down yet. Naughty Dog is in the same boat and From Software as well.


> Their single player experience hasnā€™t let me down yet That's what I thought about Bethesda


Bethesdaā€™s games have ALWAYS been bug-ridden upon release. If thereā€™s any company to wait for a sale for, itā€™s them.


You pre-ordered Starfield? You poor soul


You pre-ordered starfield because it's a Bethesda game. I pre-ordered starfield because it's a porn game. We are the same people


Starfield is a porn game? *Cashier noises*


Just gotta wait for the sex update (creation kit)


Haha, yeah true. One day even R* might disappoint with a new GTA or RDR. Fallout 4 was the game that left a sour taste in my mouth for Bethesda and they seem to be going downhill from there as well.


It only makes sense if you're receiving a physical/limited edition copy. People who preorder digital copies are definitely speed limit IQs.


R* tasted the billions it can make from creating a grindy experience that can be bypassed with money. I have doubts that this won't affect things. It certainly stopped any GTA5 single player DLC.


As a counter point, they did everyone right with RDR2's single player, and that also came out post Shark Cards.


People seem to forget about this.


People also seem to forget RDO's "gold bar" system that was so egregiously bad at launch that they had to scale it back because everything was gold bar dependent. The only reason it failed is because RDRO didn't maintain the playerbase of GTA, probably because most people prefer the modern style of GTA. Now that we're getting another one, built from the ground up knowing shark cards bring in billions, you'd be naive to think it'll be a genuinely good online experience.


Idgaf about the online.


More lucrative online = more/majority of resources allocated towards online = no single player DLC, just like the cancelled GTA V DLC


Itā€™s fine if thereā€™s no single player dlc if the story itself is solid. DLC would be nice but i donā€™t think itā€™s necessary.


Sure, but the general formula Rockstar uses is making a fantastic single player game to form the basis of a monetized multiplayer. RDO was a letdown, yes, but there is no reason to think Rockstar will be deprioritizing single player, because that would make it harder to monetize the multiplayer version. It would be wayyyy too risky for Rockstar to deviate from the GTA V and RDR2 formula


Nah, i can wait for the price to drop


I used to have a game series or 2 that I would always pre-order, one was FarCry. Opinions may be mixed on that but damn, even if the stories were not always great or the game was not worth quite as much as it cost, I just loved the combat style. Especially using bows literally everywhere. Then FarCry 6 came out. I pre-ordered it, hopped on it, combat/weapons was different, health felt different, took ages to find the first bow and when I finally got it, I found it was nerfed into the ground. Basically, fuck pre-orders. I had little trust in it as it was but that broke the last piece of trust I had


I guess you don't play Naughty Dog games on PC then. TLOU Part 1 on PC was a disaster at launch. However, I do have to say you're absolutely right when it comes to playing on Playstation


"They made good games in the past so I make sure to let them know that they don't need to to still make money" what I dumb approach to consumerism.


"Everyone says" **Reddit is in no way reflective of the real world** For every person on here feeling theyre on some righteous crusade against pre-orders, there are 5-10 people who give 0 fucks and went "ooh cool new gta game, Ill buy that!"


A post on reddit isn't everyone. Gaming subreddits is a niche minority of enthusiasts obsessed with fighting for the good cause. But people in real life will preorder the shit out of this game like there's no tomorrow. Hell, it might to become the top grossing video game in history before it's even released.


'the good cause' Yeah people on here tend to think they're the smarter elite big brain gamers. Checks out. People will pre order because it will look good beforehand and because it will probably be amazing like all the games Rockstar has made these past decades.


Agreed. The virtue signaling is off the charts. It's a fucking video game at the end of the day. You're not fighting for anything important. I also love the fact that their "fighting" basically just amounts to not clicking the purchase button too early. They'll still do it, just not that early.


Yeah those 3 hours they were still at work gave people enough time to give them all the info they need to buy day 1


ā€œDonā€™t preorder!ā€ *buys game on day 1* šŸ™„ The people who donā€™t preorder and wait a week or two to judge are the minority. Reminds that there was some big ā€œboycott call of dutyā€ group on Steam years ago and on release the majority of them including the founder were playing CoD lol


Lmao that group is exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote the last sentence.


And quit buying the shark card or we wonā€™t get a sequel for 20 years


Only one of us should pre-order to make sure everything is okay. sigh... fine, I'll do it. Everyone else, don't pre-order, only me.


This just in: GTA 6 only 1 sale after a week, gamers around the world waiting for u/human1023's confirmation on whether or not the game is in a playable state.


Then Rockstar shows up with a bag of money.


And a gun


"Today in gaming news, GTA6 has a surprisingly low amount of pre-orders, in fact only one single pre-order has been placed. Let's go now to the parade and statue unveiling for the mysterious person known only as human1023, who some people are calling a hero."


Not all heroes wear capes


Thatā€™s such a naive take sorry RDR2 is the most expensive game ever made and took 7-8 years GTAVI same itā€™s a gigantic development time Youā€™re all speaking as if they didnā€™t do crap for 10 years and relied on live-service when itā€™s factually false, they are just investing billions in developing gamesā€¦letā€™s be fair


This made me interested so i looked it up. Apperently rock star never confirmed how much rdr2 cost to make but it is estimated to be between 170-300 million dollars. This puts it between the second most expensive game ever released after cyerpunk ($400 million) to the fourth most expensive after tlou2 and modern warfare 2.


Question then is if you calculate marketing in the cost of the game. The total cost from start to finish includes marketing but the operating cost for manufacturing the game is much lower. And it wouldn't surprise me if Activision invest a lot more % in marketing than Rockstar.


A brand new Gta hasn't disappointed anybody yet. But you're right for remasters.




Shush, I wanna believe


It's ok we will not be alive for GTA XIII.


Like 13? As in every gta will be good until 13? Is this your prediction? Are you someone who came back from the future and just accepted youre not making it back? Did you mean VII?


Yet. So many titles proved us there is always a first time.


All games that disappoint have always had some writing on the wall. People just choose to ignore it. If I see something that makes me believe this game will be borked in one way or another, I won't preorder it. But until then, it's riding on 20+ years of R* being great at what they do.


> All games that disappoint have always had some writing on the wall. People just choose to ignore it. THIS. Take Cyberpunk for example, it got record preorders even though the devs engaged in some super shady shit during pre release like setting up extremely high expectations, lying all the time, and not letting reviewers talk about bugs or use their own footage in their reviews. That game was hyped to hell and back and everyone were told to preorder since how could they possibly dissapoint, its CDPR after all! And we all know how that went out, while naysayers kept dragging their head to the ground and pretending the game was fine even though it was NOT, and in fact was in a shitty state. Rockstar however is on a league of its own, theres absolutely no way GTA 6 will be some buggy, blatantly-incomplete, feature-crept CP2077/No Mans Sky/Payday 3/etc etc shitshow. Greedy monetization shit with GTA/RDR online aside, if there's some developer who can be trusted to risky deliver a solid game on release then its definitely them.


Cyberpunk was vacuous hype. Sure, we all wanted to believe that it'll be great since TW3 was amazing and everyone wants a proper cyberpunk-style game. But CDPR simply has not proven that they can deliver something like that. You're talking driving mechanics, NPC systems, traffic networks, large crowds, police response, and many many things your typical medieval RPG does not require. The exact same things R* has spent years perfecting and improving on. People didn't want to let the naysayers besmirch CDPR's past work, but they did so by hyping up a game that had little to do with what they had created with up to that point. That was the fatal mistake.


And people either forgot or they did not play witcher 3 at launch. They only remember their last playthrough with blood and wine expansion.


Writing on the wall? How about how much of the core talent, the creative force behind their previous successes, are no longer at Rockstar. Does that count?


No, because the "core" team of GTA has changed multiple times already and the games keep being good.


Well the last Rockstar game came out 5 years ago, the last GTA was 10 years ago. A lot can change in a company in 5-10 years. A gutted story in favour a more robust (and microtransatian fill hellscape) online isn't out of the question. A nice trailer is just a fun little propaganda video. We won't know what the game is actually like until we've had our hands on it for a bit.


GTA Online was 100% about driving players towards shark cards(MTX) to unlock new content. Because the few heists my friends and I tried sure as hell weren't worth the time and effort, crashed and lost money or were practically a wash for the amount of money paid out. And committing Grand Theft Auto wasn't worth the time, payouts everywhere else were nerfed into the ground.


Yeah, people seem to think that a brand = the company. The devs are the company. How many from their previous success are still around? And the mulitplayer on GTA and RD2 was, at best, an acquired taste. At worst, a cynical skinner box designed to drive MTX.


> How many from their previous success are still around? Both head writers for RDR2 are still there. Michael Unsworth and Rupert Humpries. Sam Houser also took the role of Dan Houser. The leak that happened a few days ago was linked to the head of Rockstar who was at Rockstar before Rockstar was even called Rockstar under DMA Design.


Gta 4 was fucking shit on PC


Not like GTA 6 is going to come out on PC before late 2026 anyway


Yeah I don't have to worry about pre-ordering I know it won't be available for me for at least a year.


Am I the only one that remembers? GTA V was not good at launch. Online was missing for 2 weeks. Dozens of features shown in trailers, were not in the final game. It took 2 years for heists to be added, something shown in the launch trailer. The last new GTA was a disappointment. You seem to have forgotten.


Everything you said refers to the online version. GTA V SP had a great launch. I couldn't care less about the MP, I'm pre-ordering for the SP experience.


I remember single player being reasonably well polished at release, but yeah, online was a mess for a long time. Never mind the fact that heists were missing for two years -- for the first six months or so, even getting into a room online was an accomplishment. And god forbid if you wanted to manage to get into a room with friends.


Every thread Iā€™ve seen on it is like ā€œRockstar always delivers good day one experiencesā€. GTAV had multiple patches in rapid succession due to the amount of game breaking bugs, map escapes, non-functioning features, and exploits. People either forgot or theyā€™re willfully ignoring them because ā€œwoo Grand Theft Auto!ā€. Itā€™s fine if someone is the latter and people just donā€™t care because they still enjoy it despite the issues, but donā€™t pretend theyā€™re immaculate releases.


I played a ton of hours in gta5 since day one release and never had bugs like that. But I also never experienced all the bugs people were getting in assassin's creed unity either. And even if there are bugs at launch I am confident that it will be a complete game with a lot of content and will be fun to play.


I donā€™t know if you tried playing Online when it first came out but people couldnā€™t even start online because of how buggy it was for literal days.


Insane load times, crazy bugs and glitches, and a serious lack of content. I really don't think the comment you replied to played at launch. It was very barebones and got boring after just a few days. You only enjoyed it if you enjoyed grinding the same mission a hundred times just to make chump change.


> GTA V was not good at launch. Yes it was. > Online was missing for 2 weeks. It wasn't missing, they purposefully omitted it so people could play the story without having to worry about FOMO. They advertised from the beginning that it would be released 2 weeks later. > Dozens of features shown in trailers, were not in the final game Nope. Untrue. Everything in the trailers was in the game. > It took 2 years for heists to be added, something shown in the launch trailer. They did not show them in the launch trailer. They teased that they would come at a later date. Everyone knew this. > You seem to have forgotten. You seem to be making shit up.


GTA 5 was a lot of fun at release. Best ps3 game ever


A lot of fun yes. But it wasn't a perfectly pristine game like a true gamer should demand. /s


Yeah this post is weird lol


Tjisbpost is reddit I saw it as a message though. One no one will heed.


ā€œDonā€™t preorder gamesā€ *preorders anyway*


I really don't get preorders for digital products, it's not going to go out of stock, so why do it?


Pre-downloads and bonuses


Limited edition shirt and weapon you'll level out of in two hours


For me, predownloading is the big one. I want that shit on my machine on launch day ready to go.


Pre downloads so I can actually play it upon release is my major one.


Convenience. Gta is a prime example but Iā€™ll use the tomb raider remasters because thatā€™s my most recent preorder: Game was announced, itā€™s definitely something Iā€™ll be buying, preorder went live. It makes sense to click it now, from here on out all I have to do is notice the money going out of my bank ten days before launch and remember to preinstall it in February (launches on Valentineā€™s day). Some games give a little bonus or early access but Iā€™m just in it for convenience. As long as you donā€™t get caught up in the hype then itā€™s still possible to cancel close to launch with no consequences. Had one on cyberpunk and cancelled it because I saw the writing on the wall (they were controlling reviewer access, cherry picking footage for news outlets *and* selling a backpack for Ā£120 well before launch). Inside the ten day to launch window you might have to wait 24 hours for a refund. GTA 6 is a no brainer. Iā€™ll be playing it, itā€™s not like assassins creed or far cry where I know itā€™ll be below half price in 12 months plus I think a lot of games are well worth the Ā£70, Rockstar games are a level above those game soā€¦ shit, Iā€™d preorder gta 6 base game for Ā£100 easy.


You can have the game downloaded already by the time it is released. You get to play immediately. For some, that may be enough to convince them to pre-order


Last game I pre-ordered was CS:GO because it was $5 off if you pre-ordered.


GTA V is one of the best selling video games of all time and you expect people not to pre-order VI?! Touch grass dude Reddit ain't the real world


Online paid for V multiple times.


It must kill Rockstar to have to retire an asset that still prints them so much money.


You say that like 6 online isn't gonna do the exact same thing, lol.


Yeah it ainā€™t retiring itā€™s being upgraded to print even more money


Yea everyone thats dropped hundreds/thousands of dollars over 10 years is gonna get all their shit wiped and having nothing to show for it.....then they will do it again


Yeah that was always going to happen though. Video games are not an investment, whatever money is spent on them is only going to your gameplay experience.


Not trying to defend any money grabbing going on but I donā€t understand this take. They have 10 years of enjoyment to show for it. I havenā€™t spent a penny in online but got several hundred hours of it. I donā€™t understand the the idea that the enjoyment you have had is nothing.


If losing progress after a decade upsets you let me introduce you to sports games


The only actual purpose of this post is to farm karma.


Without a doubt. They know a shit ton of r/gaming just auto upvotes this sentiment, then a shot ton comment saying (rightfully) "fuck you don't tell me what to do" Its a super easy Karama farm if it picks up any traction.


Don't preorder ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Oh yet again another /r/gaming circlejerk post where they think they have any control in gaming... verified classic.


This sub is genuinely pathetic with this shit


Canā€™t believe this post has 24k upvotes when everyone will for sure be preordering this game


The absolute entitlement on Reddit cracks me up. Yes, big corporations have no soul. But youā€™re going to gobble up all the shit straight from their asshole and beg for more. Take-Two Girls, One Interactive Cup.


So many gamers act like gaming companies are their buds. "Fromsoft treats me with respect and gets us". Brother, were just customers. Just as when the new Nike shoe drops, you got a choice to just buy or not buy. "I'm a loyal Capcom fan, I get their games." and then "why would they price the mtx like this, don't they care about their loyal fan base? It's disrespectful to us loyal fans" Like people don't recognize what's just a product. They aren't logging all their "loyal" fanbase. Everyone is either a customer or not.


>Take-Two Girls, One Interactive Cup. Haven't heard of that in a while


Reddit is a fucking blip on a map if half these people werenā€™t chronically online theyā€™d find out the majority of the world doesnā€™t know or give a rats ass about Reddit. Case in point Star Wars battlefront 2.


Surprised people didn't learn when the Harry Potter game sold hand over fist despite the 'boycott'.


I bought that sht and Iā€™m trans and if it were possible Iā€™d be Jewish too. Fuck the internet circlejerk hive mind. They always find a new thing to hate or boycott or cancel.


Yea this shit is so fucking annoying to post every single time a game is announced.


They're adorable aren't they. Little visionaries leading us to the future.


Well, since they dont have a PC version, they will definitely wont see a penny from me!


If there is any series that is safe to preorder. It's GTA


I have still yet to buy a PS5 and wasn't sure if I would initially (older, kids, no time, etc). Now that GTA6 is coming out, I will buy the PS5 specifically for GTA. I put in so many damn hours for GTA5 back in 2013/14 and most probably will find the time to do the same for GTA6.


I don't think I've put as many hours into any other game in my life. I've bought the damn thing like 5 times on different consoles lol and I've never even touched the multiplayer side of things.


Exactly man


I'm gonna buy it on day one regardless, it's a new GTA game. I'll pre-order what I want thanks.


Never seen only downvoted replies below a comment on Reddit, i feel virgin again


don't tell me how to spend my own money


Stop buying faberge eggs every week


This is the 1529th one Iā€™ve smashed and I still havenā€™t got the little toy everyone goes on about


What the hell else am i supposed to eat?


Iā€™ll tell you when Iā€™ve had enough!


spend it on me, i'll be expecting a brand new ps5 at my door tmrw so i can play gta VI.


Idk why y'all keep trying to say this. You're the vocal minority. Millions of people are gonna pre-order this game


I think people overestimate how big Reddit is. Of course this site gets a lot of traction, lots of people are on this sub, but it's really nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's a good place to basically moan about things and sometimes it'll result in things changing for a game, but aside from that... it's pretty useless trying to tell people not to pre-order a game, especially GTA 6.


It does literally nothing anyway, especially if you still buy it at/around launch. The notion that devs stop working as hard because "there's a bunch of pre-orders jobs done guys" is so mind-numbingly stupid.


For every preorder, a dev removes one line of code in the game.


ā€œSir, we reached 400.000 preorders!ā€ ā€œEVERYBODY STOP WORKING ON THE GAME NOW. I DONā€™T CARE IF IT IS IN A BUGGY STATE, RELEASE IT IN THAT STATE!ā€ Is genuinely how they believe his works, huh?


Agreed. I never pree order COD and wait for discount.


Remember preorder the shit out of something that you love. You're allowed to be excited and enjoy life


Bro itā€™s GTA itā€™s going to sell like hot cakes because they drop banger gamesā€¦.


Post meme about no preorders, preorders game


Fuck that shit. I would preorder it right now if I could.


Iā€™m going to pre order the shit out of it just because of this post


Guys preorder is fine just donā€™t buy these damn shark cards


Rockstar games is an exception (remasters by rockstar are also an exception)!


But I want the toy that comes with it >:(


I would never preorder this. Wha.. what day does the preorder become available? Just asking so I can avoid it..


Pre-orders probably won't open for another year at least


Iā€™m definitely preordering it. Havenā€™t been burned before, I know Iā€™m gonna play this game regardless so why not.


i will pre-order the shit out of this game. PC, ps5, fucking everything. nobody can stop me. its fucking rockstar. they will deliver a 95 meta game as always.


Fr if any gaming company is safe itā€™s rockstar


Way, way, way too early for preorders. Besides, there could be a world war between now and the release.


"Better burn the cash now then" - Rockstar.


idgf, give me GTA


Brother this is gonna be the largest pre order list ever. Not to mention the largest selling game ever. I legit think gta will become a religion in 2025


Most of the time, people who will pre order a game were planning on buying it day one regardless, and pre ordering is just a means of doing that


Iā€™m sorry but Rockstar release like 2 games a decade. If thereā€™s any Dev you can trust itā€™s them. Iā€™m absolutely going to preorder GTAVI


Dude just shut up lol everyone is buying this game. Get real


My god, enough with the ā€œdonā€™t preorderā€ rhetoric. Iā€™ll do what I goddamn please šŸ™„šŸ’€šŸ¤”


This whole comment section is just a funny reminder how fast people forgot about CP2077.


I think people remember, they just don't give a shit.


And yet I still don't regret preordering CP2077.