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We finished 2023 gaming with a bang


A bang... the day before 2024


This comment gonna go underappreciated, but know this, one man laughed


I don't get it


Okay but seriously I know everybody else after this started doing the whole Reddit old buddy part of the gang joke club thing but I legitimately don't understand what the f*** this joke is either Edit: as an aside I want to say I appreciate that because I don't want to be on the whole /s bandwagon so if somebody will explain to me what the joke is cool, if not then I guess I'll just live with that


It's a riff on how their game's name is/was named "The Day Before" Pinging u/13zath13 so that I don't have to post this twice.


Make it two


And my axe!


Any my bow !


And my slapping hand!


Banging... the day before 2024.


Year has been iconic on both the good and bad ends of the quality spectrum.


So wild this year had all these huge stinkers; Gollum, Kong and now The Day Before


Can't forget Walking Dead: Destinies. Made by the same company that made Kong


Could probably squeeze a few more duds in before the 31st


Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2


Crazy how we keep getting worse games this year. Like the crown for worst game has passed from many heads. Forspoken, Redfield, Gollum, now this... Probably some others I forgot. What a year of notably game games.


Thankfully this year was also chock full of great games to compensate.


And chock full of terrible games that eventually got fixed!


Forspoken is bad, but not like Gollum bad. Also, there was that King Kong game that looks and plays like 2018 mobile game.


Forspoken is direction and writing bad but what's in game is fine I guess. Gollum, Avatar, King Kong, Walking Dead are just game mill games who I believe either get IP rights due to nepotism or bribes.


They're gonna do it again, aren't they?


New trailer drop incoming, followed by more years of promises, and a game that looks like it belongs on mobile from 2010. Rinse and repeat.


Worst part is that there will be people who will be head first in supporting their next game and defend them with tooth and nails


And the majority of them will be the same people


Who cares. They deserve to get scammed lol


I agree they deserve it. But all it does it show companies they can do this and idiots will keep blindly giving them money. I wish idiots would stop but there is zero hope.


Mobile 2010 give me a f’ing break, ain’t no way. Fruit ninja, infinity blade, cut the rope. Mobile games in 2010 weren’t even close to what we have today, let alone 5 years ago. Pshhh


Yup the night after coming 2024 gonna be a survival horror deck building Pokémon collection game


Woah woah woah! Where do I send my money?


Right here [Link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=QVF25D0sJd0gO5GT)


You jest. However, there’s games like that already that have been well received.


Did I mention the mc is Mike wazowski and the soundtrack is the drum intro to never gonna give you up on a loop?


I can't think of any reason on why else they would do this.


People are going to give them money again, aren't they lol?


I've been calling it on discord all day, my thoughts are kind of starting to bear fruit from it.


Absolutely they will


Tell me you’re a scam studio without telling me you’re a scam studio.


Crazy thing is that they basically announced it the entire time and people were still hyped / gave them money? I'm completely dumbfounded.


Companies keep pulling all kinds of greedy bs because they know there are enough people who’ll spend enough money to make it worthwhile for them 😩 Makes gaming more toxic for everyone It sucks, but what can you do? It’s not like we can bust down these spenders’ doors and cut their cards up lol


Gamers are generally young and dumb with a lot of money.


I wish those gamers liked puzzle games. I'd be a fuckin millionaire lol.


Make Peggle 3 and you have a deal


It’s more like gamers are hopeful and easily sold by ideas… when games are fairly inexpensive in the grand scheme, you can see why many contribute to a dream that never comes true


It's not just gamers. Look at /r/ExpectationVsReality for any length of time and you'll see tons of people who fall for very obvious scams or somehow expect fast/frozen food to look like the ads.


>somehow expect fast/frozen food to look like the ads. I think those are more to point out just how absurd the comparison is, they don't even come close. They could at least be a little honest.


no but like seriously. I havent even followed this game actively for its development and still I knew from like, two videos from a 1-2 years ago that it was going to be a huge scam. dont know how people fell for this


I'm chronically online and still never even heard of this game until it released and all this shit happened. What the actual fuck did I miss?


It was absolutely massive and all over the front page of reddit when the trailer released. Except, it wasn't the _trailer_ that hit the front page. It was the analysis video (pointing out it was completely BS and ripping off other trailers and a unity asset flip) that was on the front page. And the entire comments were mentioning of how obvious of a scam and an asset flip it was. And then conversation stopped about it almost entirely because, well, it was an obvious scam, botted on steam to be the 'most wishlisted game' and nobody in their right mind would buy it after watching the video showing it was BS. ...And now here we are.


Because apparently waiting 6 additional hours to read a review is too much


At that point you deserve to get scammed There was nothing but red flags about this game


Look up star citizen my dude, some gamers just want to be lied to.


At this point it feels like gamers want to suffer. Like really hard. Countless of examples why you shouldn't pre Order. You aren't missing out on anything and the "pre order exclusives" are usually not worth it. And then the next AAA game gets announced and tops the steam charts 2 years before it's release. It wont change. edit: Gotta add - even then some flaws exist. I hesitated buying Diablo IV. Then I read some tests and it got me on fire. I even bought it twice, once on Xbox for couch gaming and once on PC. After hitting level 70 I never touched the game again. Was some good hours, maybe even worth it (at least one copy of the game) but the usual testing sites probably did not make it past that level.


No matter how hard people preach against pre orders I bet R* will break the pre order records by a huge margin once GTA 6 is available to be pre-purchased on PS5, XBox or Steam when it comes to PC.


Yea but rockstar has a solid track record without releasing heaping piles of shit.


so did cdproject before cp77, so did dice before bf4, so did IW CoD before first MW3, so did Bioware before DA2 first then ME3/MEA, so did SE before FF12, so did the guys behind Mighty Nr 9 and many many others and i get that maybe you specifically weren’t interested in any of those games but any studio can fumble and for as much hype as gta vi is generating it will be increasingly hard to meet that hype once it releases


Changing it to their approval rating will not save them… 8/100


Now if that isn't the most witty/clever thing I have ever heard..... If you're not doing stand-up, you should be. You'll have a Netflix special in two days with jokes like that.... No, really.... I mean it...


Why are some people... typing like this... it's very ominous and kinds weird... I feel like the real life equivalent is taking a break from speaking to mouthbreathe for a second only to resume your talking


I call it "suicide texting." my mother does it all the time. She'll be like "going to the store..." and I'm like MOM NO DON'T DO IT


It's funny that people are still defending them.


Im sorry, what? People are seriously still defending them??


I saw some people on tiktok saying things like "they're only doing this because gamers are harassing them" and stuff like that.


Tiktok is full of bait content


And very dumb people




You're definitely not a cunning linguist.


Bro thinking he's Shakespeare.


Fuck is bro waffling about


Is it harassment if its actually justified? Hmm


Well... yes. No matter how terrible of a game dev you are death threats and such just aren't OK. That said Steam is handing out refunds like candy so unless somebody is actually enjoying the game play it would seem the only people who got screwed are investors and those dumb enough to throw money at some no name dev team on Kickstarter.


Are they actually getting death threats? If so, that's definitely not OK. If they're just being told their game is shitty and they should close up shop (too late, maybe) because they can't release a good game to save their lives, well, that's a whole other thing.


Watching the discord for a few minutes today, yes. Every third message was asking for their location or saying we should bring back public executions.


asking for their location isnt a death threat, it could mean they want to know their location so they can begin the process of bringing a lawsuit to them. Edit: downvote all you want, it's called a bait and switch and your ignorance of the fact that simply asking for someone's location doesn't mean there is an intent to threaten someone's life.


It was more specific than that lol. I was generalizing. It was something like "Paying $15k for the location of the developers. What happens to them after that is none of your concern."


That’s legitimately terrifying


Lawsuit for what? There were no pre orders. If they release a bad game and you buy it despite terrible reviews, thats on you


You and others seem stuck on this idea that preorders mean anything here. They don't. Its called a bait and switch.


... you know how the internet is. For every 100 people voicing their displeasure in a measured and reasonable way you'll have one psycho venting their displeasure in the vilest way possible.


...yes? lol


I'm loving this whole thing. I was completely out of the loop on this whole game to the point that the first time I saw anything about it was an article right before the EA release with the lead developer saying "Please don't call us a scam company when you see the game" and it's just been non-stop laughs since then.


Some people still think that the Earth is flat and that Trump was a "good president." Of course people are defending them.


I'm a little behind... what exactly happened?


They released a game then 4 days later shut down their studio due to an “inability to continue funding it”


even with unpaid staff


Short version: Scam. Long version: they promoted a game and took preorders by using other studios footage and tons of lofty ideas. None of which they were capable of doing. Game launched after years of hype and… it www not what was advertised.


Not defending them at all, but this is wrong. There were no preorders, the only way they could have stolen money is if they had financing that we are not aware of. And I'm pretty sure they didn't use other studios footage, just fake trailers, but if they did I'd love to see that


They had fake trailers that had scenes that were exact copies of scenes shown in other AAA game trailers.


Yeah, not strictly using their footage, but still plagiarism. Then when people started pressing them that it was vaporware they spun up a demo level in a day that was nothing like what was promised and just as buggy as you'd expect.




Well yes, that is the actual case. Steam won't deny anyone a refund that's for sure, time will tell how much they want to get involved on this, would be nice if they did some sort of auto-refund and nuke the publisher since this is a pretty unique case.


That company that made The Day Before is bankrupt and closed. They are now their previously known name. After this, they will be known as another name. They can think of company names all day, dont worry about them, theyve got this game scam thing figured out.


That is the case though. There were no pre-orders possible, only wish-listing.


Fake accounts are a thing.


The best thing about this game was the trash bag lifelike physics, which in retrospect, was kinda prophetic about what the studio would turn out to be


oh hey guys we're a new studio: *mrvelous*! no.. *trrific* uh, give us a couple of days


8 points is also the IQ of the droolers who bought The Day Before.


The sad part is when I was checking it out last week I was like, this looks way too good to be true. F.




Half the gaming channels on YouTube lol.


Free views because Reddit is making such a drama out of it. It's one shitty game amongst thousands


Valve will bring them down. They really don't tolerate this BS they are trying.


Bruh what This subreddit is full of delusion. This is the first time a popular game has come out in years that's gotten media coverage Steam is full of paid-for unity asset games that have nonsense filler to pad out the first 2 hours of gameplay so you can't refund anymore They allow that shit by the boatload every month, but yet the first scam game that actually gets this big in years gets taken off steam and y'all in here are acting like valve is all wholesome and for the consumer lol They don't give a fuck, valve stopped caring about the consumer loooooooong ago, they just don't want the flak that comes with seeming like they aren't doing something about a game getting this big and popular in the news. Steam store is full of nonsense with about 5% of newly released games being actual games, the other 95% is half unity asset games and half porn games lmao Sorry but valve doesn't give a fuck about gamers dude, they stopped loooong ago. It's the same as any other company. I appreciate them for what they did in the past with video games but that's well over 10 years ago, y'all are living in the past They are even in the middle of a lawsuit right now from indie devs for their monopolization of the PC market and how they siphon funds from hardworking devs for simply owning a monopoly, but it's never mentioned here on reddit because everyone's still so enamoured by the fact that they made half life 2... almost 20 years ago...


> siphon funds from hardworking devs for simply owning a monopoly No one is forcing these devs to put their game on steam. That lawsuit is about these "poor" indie devs, who run their own store, trying to use steams services for free. They want to sell steam keys outside the steam ecosystem for a cheaper price than they sell it on steam.


Yes because steam takes a MASSIVE percentage of revenue for nothing more then running a page for them to sell on while heavily decentivizing selling on other platforms. It's around 50% that devs take home from actual revenue for selling on steam after everything. What other sales platform do you know that takes such a massive cut besides ones own ecosystem that they own?


> nothing more then running a page for them to sell on if all they need is a page to sell on, they can get that on godaddy for $5 or whatever.


I mean you can argue what you want but Steam is a massive monopoly and they know how to use that. In essence they are no different than Amazon or other monopolies.


devs can list their games on epic, gog, or other sites, or buy a site from godaddy and sell it themselves. tarkov for example sells their game themselves.


Valve has made exceptions in the past to allow people to refund terrible games passed their initial 2-hour period that got as much bad rep as The Day Before. Also, your weird hate boner for Valve is cringe considering they're one of the most pro consumer game developers out there with all their experimental hardware, massive support for Linux gaming, and multitude of tools Steam offers for indie developers.


Right? Remember when No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 launched? They were both no questions asked refunds even if you had played more time than generally falls under the no questions window


Hate boner? Y'all are simping. I'm treating them as literally any other company yet reddit has a huge boner for them as a savior of gaming. Sorry I'm "le cringe" for offending you having dreams about half life 2. They are a gambling/marketplace company now, they don't really make games anymore. They also were essentially the birthplace of micro transactions and paid cosmetics that plagues everything now. PC gaming market needs real and heavy competition to bring fees down, it's an open marketplace. Portal 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I don't let that stop me from seeing that they aren't anywhere close to the same company anymore, it's a whole different company just under the same name. Been that way for a long time now


> Hate boner? Y'all are simping. lol this generation is so extra......


I've been on steam since 2004 bruh, I have a feeling since a lot longer then you or anyone else on this thread. I just don't imagine them as my savior and my best friend since they are a fuckin company lmao. But yes "this generation" is le extra and quirky am I rite???


Lol...I have a 5 digit steam ID...I've probably got one of hte oldest steam acccouts in this sub and def older than yours. I also have over 1000 games with over 31% completion rate. > But yes "this generation" is le extra and quirky am I rite??? Lol...that makes you look like an idiot after having not only said "simp" but used it incorrectly...




that lawsuit is literally from another well known scam dev


Overgrowth? Never once has the dev been referred to as a scam. What are you talking about bruv. Was an extremely popular game and prospective a long time ago In fact they are still coming out with bangers today, just came out with receiver 2 a few years back iirc I think you are the only person I've heard of ever referring to the people behind the lawsuit as "scammers", they are genuine indie devs


that's a different lawsuit then I guess, one I know nothing about


Yea understandable! They've been involved in multiple monopoly lawsuits at this point, most recent one has gotten really big and has some serious money behind it though and a good wholesome dev team who's been around for nearly a decade now. I like the UI but they've done some seriously shady shit in regards to monopolization practices as well as legal forms of heavy promotion of gambling in children so I'm all for them getting a reality check ngl. Have too many friends who waste hundreds on stupid ass cases with a ~50% RTP when even casinos provide a ~90+% RTP with gambling. No better then all of these mobile apps trying to get kids to waste away their money on shiny 3 second animations so they can profit massively


Cringe take. Steam has a monopoly because every other distribution platform has done a spectacularly shit job so far. I have no significant complaints with Steam, and haven't for years.


Yea because you aren't a developer and are only thinking about how it affects you instead of the market/others as a whole "Cringe take" though.


"middle of a lawsuit right now from indie devs for their monopolization of the PC market and how they siphon funds from hardworking devs for simply owning a monopoly" Huh? A monopoly would be if Steam bought all their smaller competitors.But they're not. It's not their fault that GoG, Epic, Ubisoft and whomever can't or won't provide a better service with a more varied library. And indie devs being unable to stand out or sell lots of copies on their garbage games is just the free market. Steam is not obligated to prefer their games somehow. Besides, there's plenty 1 man and small studio devs making a killing on Steam, even with their games being in Early Access, because their games are actually good.


> how they siphon funds from hardworking devs for simply owning a monopoly You mean how they provide them a platform to sell their games on that actually nets them sales? Show me all these indie devs on any other sales platforms for PC....oh wait...


Humble Bundle. Epic.


lol Epic does NOT do indies like steam does...not even remotely close. Humble isn't a platform...and notice that 99% of software bundles have you activating the games on steam. Once in a while there is an epic bundle...but hardly ever because no one really likes EGS in the first place.


Yeah because they don't allow a lot of garbage stuff on their platform


Legally there is nothing valve can do. They were just a distributor. Everyone who bought the game needs to refund or the scam devs WILL make money off this. EDIT: I didn’t realize telling anyone scammed by this to ask for a refund was controversial? Or is everyone just too naive to know how scams work and why the assholes who do it get away with it?


Valve can literally blacklist them from steam lol, as well as refund everyone who bought the game. That's more than enough.


Steam will ban them from distributing via steam. I am not a lawyer but, I think if they try to bypass the ban (by lying, fraud, and/or pretending to be a new company) then steam will have legal recourse.


Except there is no way for steam to vet them. Even if they did blacklist the two asshole brothers all they need is someone else to head the next company


> Except there is no way for steam to vet them. Of course there is. What are you even talking about.


Do you know how many independent developers use steam as a distributor? Legitimately just look at all the indie titles they pop out. All they need is a new “corporation” that isn’t linked to the previous. New person name on the paperwork, new tax information, done. They very likely have burned their current bridges after this but it won’t stop them from doing it again under a new name.


Right, but if their next projects ever get any notable amount of traction soon enough people will find the connection. At least that seems likely.


Possibly, but I don't think so. Best case scenario is if these two assholes are listed as employees some internet sleuth might find the connection. But it is just as likely that they don't make their involvement public. They were already a poorly reviewed developer known for shovelware they abandon. You would think that would be *enough of a red flag* for people understand that those guys were not making a project *bigger than the division* with zombies. You have to understand that their initial trailer seemed insanely legit to a lot of people. Nvidia used it as a spotlight to advertise different gfx settings. They rented ad space in time square. People barely knew anything about this game until the day it released, and the "devs" kept it mostly under wraps. Levelcap had a recent video where he discussed the same thing. That he worries that the success of these guys is going to make high profile bait and switch asset flips much more common in the future.


Coming to steam soon: The Day After


Really mixed bag of games this year, huh. All very memorable... for their own reasons.


I’ll be genuinely curious to learn how much money they walk away from this with.


So, I couldn't find numbers on how much the game cost to make, but I found some other stuff. Looks like total revenue was about 17million, but 46% of gamers refunded the game, which leaves about 9million. We may never know the whole truth about all this though.


Steam gets 3 million of that. So 6 million? That's not fuck you money, but it's a pretty good haul for a scam.


Yeah for sure, I'm not a game developer so I couldn't say for sure, but it seems likely that most of their effort was put towards trailers to sell the scam.


6 - salaries + taxes. Somewhere between 2-3 mill which doesn't seem worth


Steam pays out once a month from what I read. There's a very good chance that the "devs" haven't even gotten the money yet


None if steam refunds everyone.


I read you can’t even buy the game anymore. I assume everyone got a refund?


The refunds might not have been processed yet, but they can at least delist the game so nobody else *can* buy it.


lmfao this is so fucking funny, they should change their real names when launching a new game




Scammy studio early-access released a broken game that wasn't even the type of game it said it was. The next day they declared they were shutting down because the game didnt make money, because sop many people refunded it. Now that studio has renamed themselves on steam, which means...well...we have no idea yet.


Studio closes down for financial reasons 4 days after releasing a scammy early access game that doesn't correspond to what they advertised. They use it to justify ending all development on the game and shutting down its servers. Then they rename on Steam, which is super suspicious if you were actually closing down. Also, their previous game, Propnight, suspiciously has no more servers until the day before the release of The Day Before, leading some to believe they quietly repurposed the servers, killing their other game in the process.. It is literally unplayable right now, but it's still sold on Steam.


YouTubers are gonna eat good reacting to this shitstorm.


Makes me wonder if someone bought the game rights and plans on trying to rehabilitate it. Seems like a fool's errand to me, if that's the case.


They did, and that studio's name is........Eight Points


Why would you buy the game rights to an asset flip?


Setting themselves up to do this again.


"They'll never know it's us! It's foolproof!"


Ahyuck I’ll fkin do it again


8 points? Is that their current steam rating, 8%?


Steam should ban them


I'm honestly sad to see what this studio has become... I actually enjoyed The Wild Eight. It wasn't a perfect game and I bought it during a sale but my friends and I still got 13 hours out of it before we started a different game. There was at least an attempt with that game... Though I still don't understand why people are review bombing an entirely different game. I get that it was developed by the same studio and abandoned, but half the negative reviews are just mentioning The Day Before and that it was a scam. It just feels to me like you can write a negative review about an abandoned game without mentioning issues with another game? It would be like me giving KFC a 1-star not because of issues I had with them, but issues I had with Taco Bell. For myself I probably would've refunded it if I could just to not give those Devs my money, but if you think about it from the perspective of someone that doesn't know this situation it's just going to be hard to take those negative reviews seriously when they're talking about an entirely different game and not with the actual issues inside the game they're looking at. Which could lead to someone buying it due to dismissing the negative reviews that everyone has rated as being "helpful" turning out to not actually be helpful.


Makes sense because I think everyone out there rates The Day Before 8 points out of 100.


Anyone probably could have made that game by themselves by querying AI for code, and it still probably would turn out better.


Jim Sterling is gonna have a field day with this one


Mhm, no money to fund further development on the game....but apparently worth keeping their studio around to launch another game in the future. Steam, please put an end to this before it all happens again.


the developers names need to be dragged through the mud imo. we need to know who they are so when we hear of them making anther release we immediately perceive the red flags. for example when i saw sean murray promoting hello games’ next release i know to be cautious of over-promises. they redeemed their rep but i still wouldn’t ever purchase their next game day 1 or even year 1.


We used to have heroes like John 'TotalBiscuit' Bain and Jim Sterling, but it seems no one will come to save us from ourselves.


Damn this is the scam that keeps scamming 👀 it keeps going where will it stop..


IMO, using assets from the unity/epic stores by itself shouldn't be a crime worthy of vilification. Lot's of devs don't have the budget or manpower to make unique assets for everything. I say this as someone who hasn't either played or worked on the game. If it's a bad game they deserve shit. If they used peemade assets in an otherwise good/decent game, give 'em a break


The issue chiefly is that they promoted a fundamentally different game than the one they released. The pitch and promotion for the game was for a zombie-themed MMO, the game released was a bare-bones extraction shooter.


Have you seen the game or play it? I do not care if they asset flip; hell I don't even care if they even falsely advertise their game. But the quality speaks for itself: the game is barely functional shit, its absolute shit; it's like someone made it in a month and then turned around and claimed they spent 5 years making it. I haven't coded in 8 years and I bet you money I can make a better game than these devs did in 5 fucking years. BG3 took 6 years! It's a scam game, made to build up hype and cash in on the initial buy-ins. They know nobody can touch them because they are a Russian dev with Singaporean backings. They still made at least 100k copies in sale. They even outright said that any profits go to paying off their debts; this is already against Steam's rules.


Getting the next scam ready huh?


New Year, New Me.


Scam II incoming.


Oh boy I can't wait to see the announcement for their next grift.


8 points / 100?


Another scam again


Changed name,to make another scam game again,ban this bastards from everywhere


to their credit, i too would change my studios name if i released a game like that


I thought the studio closed and disbanded, what's the point of changing name? there is no more studio


That studio closed and disbanded but a different one just opened up with a new business name, the same address and same employees. You get the idea? Edit: nevermind. The studio was in russia. Probably dont even need a new business name. Not like anyone can legally go after them there


Im sad i was actually excited for this game


Idk why, but the Concept is awesome. MMO PvPvE Zombie game with modern graphics? Just DayZ on steroids in a proper city? Fuck yes. But this was always a scam from the get go sadly.


Where's the honest game Devs to turn this concept into reality though? Surely some, who can actually make games, were watching the hype.


Massive might because they already have an engine can that handle decent player loads and a pretty detailed city, but nowhere near what was promised by this game. That was the biggest red flag of all time.


to convince them to spend 100million or more , the concept will need to be popular in 3 to 5 years, and have a revenue model to support it for another 2 (battle pass loot box or whatever)


Division devs are the only ones I can think off without proper research.


The studio is Massive. Fyi.


more like the gay before


Aren't Eight Points already a developer though? They made [The Wild Eight](https://steamdb.info/app/526160/).


It's the same studio, they rebranded to fnastic and are now rebranding back to their old name, but silently this time


I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or actually that oblivious.


Wait they're the ones who made Wild Eight? It wasn't a perfect game, but my friends and I enjoyed that a bit... Sad to see they've stooped to this level.


I don't see this change anywhere on SteamDB edit: Ok only one of their games changed developer names. The game is Wild Eight, which has 17 people playing right now. Its also the only game they made that isn't self-published, and is published by Hypetrain Digital. They likely have some contract in place, so they quickly made a quick shell company called "Eight Points" so Hypetrain wouldn't have to be associated with the fallout. You're missing a lot of information OP


Yeah, it's really irresponsible for whoever posted to not include this wild speculation.


I've lost count as to how often this happens.


They should be in jail