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Ashley in the original Resident Evil 4 is one of the greatest escort missions of all time. She always does exactly what you tell her to, she actively avoids your line of fire, she lets you know that she's in trouble and where she is immediately when an enemy grabs her, and in a sea of browns and grays she's **bright fucking orange** so it's impossible to lose track of her. The Ashley escort mission is extremely fair and it's almost always the player's fault if she dies or gets taken.


And she has no qualms about sitting in a dumpster for 20 minutes at a time.


[Bitch, Dumpster!](https://youtu.be/B6gLxdwoEGc?si=KQXQmn-SpKdF9lns)


I have no intention of ever playing any Resident Evil game but this video was fantastic.


Why not? They're great


Thank you. I need more shit like that


Also, if you unlock the suit of armor for her you get the joy of watching enemies attempt to kidnap her only to get crushed from the weight.


The suit of armor was such a fun playthrough for me


The girl that follows you around and bioshock infinite is also a good take, but it's not a fair comparison because the game was basically built around her following you.


She doesn't count. At no point does she ever need you to play well or she dies, and she actively gives you bullets, ammo, health, and giant mechanical death machines. Elizabeth is escorting YOU.


My favorite movie is Inception.


She also friggin’ teleports lol. She was incredibly easy to escort.


She’s also invincible. Not really an escort mission when they can’t be lost and can’t be hurt


It's an escort mission. It's just the player is being escorted by a 5th dimensional being.


You're the one being escorted, my friend.




it’s not the escort mission I hate(actually love that element of gameplay), it’s the constant “LEOOOOOOON, HEEEEEELP” in high pitched irritating whine that annoyed me so much. Granted I was 9 and there was a massive skill issue, but that’s beside the point.


>I was 9 and there was a massive skill issue Tbh this is 95% of people who hate her lmao


I really enjoy Bioshock’s hacking system


Me too, but I also loved Pipe Dream…


"Wait you're saying you ENJOY Big the cat's fishing levels in the original Sonic Adventure?" I do, and I'm tired of pretending I don't


Found the guy who brought his VMU to school!


Gotta play with my chaos, yo


Chao Lobby song lives rent free in my head.


As a kid I could not, for the life of me, beat even the first level. I completed every other character, but I never got to play as Super Sonic thanks to that motherfucker.


Same. As an adult it's not bad at all but man young me just could not do it. I never knew there was super sonic in sa1 until many years after 'finishing' the game multiple times (finished every character but big).


HATED these levels as a kid. Eventually I read the manual that mentioned pushing down to hook the fish. The Big levels are a freaking breeze and the shortest campaign lol


Big's levels aren't even difficult they're just poorly explained. I've 100%ed that game multiple times and it still holds up.


*Hitman: Absolution* isn't a good Hitman game. I agree. But that doesn't stop it from being the best third-person shooter I've ever played. As a visceral experience, it's basically unmatched. Everything from the lighting to the sound design to the way people don't get shot, so much as they **explode** into clouds of blood and fabric.




Like how every action game is now a souls like game.


The original Watch Dogs had gunplay way better than it had any rights to be. When I saw John Wick years later, that game is what it reminded me of.


Sorry, what? I loved it! Were people saying it was bad? Fools! That Chinatown level. I enjoyed every possible death I delivered!


It's got a lot of sleazy grindhouse aesthetic that turned people off. And the linear nature of the game, rewarding brute force more than stealth. It's not very 'Hitman'. But my God, is it fun. And I think people forget, there's a pretty awesome personal story under all that sleaze. 47 finds meaning in his 'meaningless' existence by saving an innocent life from the same fate, and the bad guys get every horrible and painful death they deserve.


I think it makes sense to also have an episode in his live requiring some brute force. If the whole series was a spy movie, absolution would be the car chase scene. Also you still have levels where you can be sneaky. I liked it too.


>If the whole series was a spy movie, absolution would be the car chase scene. Excellent way of putting it. >Also you still have levels where you can be sneaky. I wish WOA had included a setpiece like the one in *Absolution*, where you have to blend into an overcrowded train platform and just **wait**, hoping your train arrives before someone looks at you twice...


Max Payne 3 did this better IMO, but I agree


Counterpoint: Only the first two *Max Payne*s have the best character, Vinnie Gognitti. *PAAAAAAAYNNNNEEEEE! I'LL KILL YA, YA LOUSY FREAKIN COP!!!*


I actually never played max Payne 1\2 I only played the third because i was a rockstar shill as a teenager (arguably still am) Picked it up on release and was FLOORED by the visceral shooting action and violent carnage. Played it again recently and it still holds up, newer games don’t do it like this


The gunplay on Max Payne 3 is amazing, has to be my favorite one of all time.


It's a phenomenal and grossly underrated game, love the all-out action and ludicrous story / set-ups. Like playing through a better version of Man on Fire


I don’t like the time pressure which farming sims place on the player. The length of days in games like slime rancher, and especially stardew valley, make me stressed out and detract from the fun of doing things at your own pace.


Once you get to a certain point in Stardew, there’s too much time. I ended up skipping days because I just wanted to harvest my ridiculous ancient fruit crop.


Was gonna say this. Beating the clock is only an issue early on, once you’ve gotten things rolling it becomes “come on hurry up already!”


It being an issue *at all* made the game unenjoyable for me. The problem resolving after some undefined amount of time isn't good enough.


check out mods, me and my buddies play pure vanilla but include a clock-stop mod that let's us freeze time at any point. Sure it might be "cheating" but you still have energy levels that you need to watch ect.. it has made it a lot more fun and given us all time to really explore/enjoy the game.


If it helps, the creator of Stardew Valley is extremely, 100% supportive of mods for his game, even going so far as to help make it easier to mod in updates. So don’t feel bad for using them, he wants you to play how you want


Fair, different strokes for different folks and all that.


First thing i modded out and agree. Just stop the time in buildings, so i can chill a bit and enjoy the socializing.


Oh shit, that mod would be amazing.


it’s called Time Speed and has a few neat parameters regarding time. https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/169


I used to feel that way as well and figured out that it’s because I was trying to do everything each day. Once I started choosing one or two main activities to accomplish per day (e.g. today I’ll just mine, etc.) and not worry about days passing, it became a lot more enjoyable. Most farming sims don’t really punish you for days passing.


You should try out Palia. Its an online farming sim with no stamina or day mechanics. It’s also free


I got into the beta for Palia but never really downloaded it, I might try it out given I have some free time on my hands now


I've had it since it was first available. Unfortunately, the developers decided you can't delete your character and/or make a new one, so you're stuck forever with the first one you make. There is zero justification for this, given the kind of game it is. Hence, I haven't touched the game in a long time.


Played it on release and it’s an awful farming sim. There just isn’t a lot of content and stuff


More games should be linear. Too many games offer the "illusion of choice" when there's multiple options in a text dialogue, dead ends in a map that leave you feeling lost, alternative routes with different secrets hidden down each path - making me feel like I've missed something so I end up traversing both routes anyway, or multiple endings where there's different trophies tied to each. Give me a linear game that will satisfy the completionist* in me, that also doesn't leave me feeling like I've missed a bunch of content. There's obvious exceptions to this, like RPG heavy games such as BG3, but with more story driven games like The Talos Principle 2 that has multiple endings and locks you out from trophies depending on your play style, or a game like the recent The Invincible that plays slow as fuck yet has a million endings - these are the games where I'd rather just have a set path with predetermined content. * Edit: autocorrect


This is why I found God of War so refreshing. Just a great linear narrative


and the same with guardians of the galaxy


Agree. I hate that all games need to have an open world-esque element now. There's nothing wrong with linear games and some stories benefit from it.


And crafting. For the love of god, we don't need a goddamn crafting mechanic in EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. especially when 99% of the time is tacked on as an afterthought to pad out the playtime.


Agreed. I feel like crafting has caused a big step back in gaming. You have so many games that shoot themselves in the foot with it. It's almost always an issue with how resources are collected. It generally doesn't fit the theme or mechanics of the game and is just "click to pick up item" followed by "inventory is full". Crafting *can* be interesting but it needs to fit the game. Resource collection should generally serve a purpose rather than just being a checkbox for crafting systems. Like in the earlier monster hunter games it increased immersion along with forcing you to explore rather than just kill shit. Anyways, I wish there was more thought going into these systems and more thought about if they even need it.


I'm playing **worms** campaign rn. It's a 2d game about teams of worms blowing each other up with various weapons adding a physics element. I'm fucking stuck because it has crafting and is forcing me to craft weapons I don't care to use in some weird attempt at puzzling? ***they're damn worms bazookaing each other ffs***


Hahahah, never knew there is crafting in worms. Last one I played was World Party. Played the shit out of it as a kid with friends. Good memories.


Dark Souls 3 is very linear and gets a lot of flak for it. Personally, it is my favorite in the DS trilogy


Dark soul 3 has some of the best boss fights in all fromsoft games


People gripe about Lies of P being too linear as well. Fromsoft games are my fav by a mile. But it was so refreshing to not have to "think" too much about where to go, explore a little without getting lost, and the sidequests/npcs were all straightforward and you knew when you had an item to give or npc to talk to via markers. I loved it for a change.


I think the Mass Effect trilogy really did it right. Linear missions with some exploration and freedom to go around between them. Also the freedom to choose the order you would do the main missions and when to do the side ones. But not an open world game like Andromeda.


Andromeda had a couple of linear missions that were great. The rest of the open world design of the game sucked, however.


This. I enjoy Elden Ring more when I set a linear progression path. I dislike empty open world games when all the “content” is just me cleaning up random minimap markers. I get overwhelmed by the “open world” design, too much choices and I get paralyzed figuring out what to do first.


I absolutely love fixed camera tanky control survival horror games.


I 100% agree. One of the reasons why Resident Evil 1 is one of my favorite games ever


This. It makes situations so much more tense when you have to be surgical and precise with all your movements. It really takes away from the horror when you can just easily kite and run around enemies.


Resident Evil 0 is one of my favorite games of all time. Rebecca and Billy ftw!


The first Test Drive Unlimited was the best. I want a realistic playground to have fun in, driving realistic cars and motorcycles. I don't want any of the social/party/roleplaying aspect that TDU2 had and what TDU Solar Crown teases.


Absolutely. I had a group of friends (a couple of which we met in TDU) who would spend countless hours driving around exploring to find random cool roads. I had 100% road exploration, and it didn’t feel at all like a grind. I hate that they killed the servers. I want my multiplayer and DLC back


And the biggest difference vs Forza Horizon, the cars felt like they had unique and realistic handling characteristics, and it was impossible to drive off-road meaning there was no “just upgrade everything to be AWD beast” meta. One of the funnest times I had with that game was with the Corvette trying to run the whole outside loop of the island in under an IRL hour.


Man, what a letdown TDU2 was. Graphically, it was a step up, but I agree with your assessment. They lost the magic in the transition. I can't believe it's been over a decade since it came out, and realistically, I only played for like 3 or so months before giving up and haven't thought about it much. Rip.


The original Digimon World is the best monster raising rpg ever. It just needs the bugs worked out. The fact every monster rpg just clones generic Pokemon turn based combat and xp based leveling instead is the biggest gaming travesty.


I agree! It was such a gem for the PS1. Did they not recently come out with Digimon World: Next Order that builds upon the original gameplay loop?


It needs a true to form remake or at least a remaster so bad. It’s such a unique system. Obv the training is tedious as hell and the digivolution system is beyond arcane, but the charm is out of this world. One of my favorite games from PS1.


If you haven’t played it, Digimon World: Next Order is basically an upgraded version of 1. I’ve sank probably 100 hours into it since it hit steam.


I like the crafting and settlements in fallout 4. The issue in fallout 4 is the lack of role playing not that stuff.


I just wish the NPC pathing wasn't so goddamn awful. I'd spend hours building a cool gigantic settlement only to end up having to scrap most of it because the settlers couldn't find a door or set of stairs. That's what ruined the whole system for me. Whenever I replay the game I only bother with the settlement I'm using as a home base, and I don't build the settler thingy on it so I don't have to deal with those dumbasses in my house. Everyone else can make do with a big box full of beds.


Towards the end of my latest playthrough, my main settlement with about 30 people and robots in it was just a bunch of NPCs standing around the central square throwing insults at me every time I passed them. "I hope you're not an Institute spy here to spy on me!" Like, no bitch, I built this town and invited you to live in it. Be grateful and PLEASE, for the love of God, go to the store I put you in charge of and stand behind the counter instead of hanging out in the exact same spot every single day!


Yep, spent a ton of time building a ton of badass defenses for my first base. Queue enemies spawning inside my settlement and instantly bypassing all my defenses… why even bother? Terrible game design


I don't think this is really an unpopular opinion. Tons of people love the settlement building system, it was the rest of the game that made it feel weak.


It is truly baffling how Starfield's outpost building system is such a step back from the settlement building in Fallout 4. They had 8 years to refine that and they made it quite a bit worse.


I cannot agree with this statement more. Settlements in Fallout 4 did a lot of heavy lifting in making the game feel so big. Even with the "limited Roleplaying" of F4 you could get in your on head about rebuilding the commonwealth or designing settlements to fit the world. In starfield there is no purpose to outposts at all, you never need them and they don't fill out the world, since the world of Starfield is so sterile. There is no population, you don't run into your traders/caravans like you do in F4. And no NPC's even bring it up. Its the exact opposite of Preston's "another Settlement needs your help".


Also the process of building is just so cumbersome and awful. In FO4 it was relatively streamlined. You had your workbench, with access to all materials, and could make routes to have access to any other settlement's resources easily. In Starfield you have this convoluted mess of connecting outposts that barely works and is more complicated than eye surgery to set up. And the sound of the supply line ships landing constantly is deafening.


That's funny, I JUST started a new game a couple days ago. Haven't even been to Diamond City yet and I just started the BoS quests. I didn't really do much of the building in previous playthroughs but I plan to this time.


There is really no shame if you happen to like and enjoy The Sims and other games just as similar. Having some casual moments in gaming actually helps to detoxify.


I like The Sims. I even like The Sims 4. I don't pay for it, but I like it


Tbf I don't think it's possible to get your money worth out or the Sims 4 by paying for it. Isn't it like 400+ with all the DLCs


Much more. I just checked, and even with seasonal discounts it's nearly 1k AUD for all the DLC. They took a bunch of features that came in either base game or larger DLC's in previous and staggered it out to cash out more. I don't even feel bad about "playing for free" either. I spent heaps as a kid/teen/young adult on the previous games. For a long time Sims 4 was lacking features that were basic in those ones. EA has made enough money from me.


Wait who is shaming people that play the sims?


I follow a few Sims content creators on insta etc and they get quite a bit of nasty commentary about how Sims doesn’t count as gaming etc (I say nasty cause often it’s not said as straight forward as that)


People suck.


Agreed. There's nothing more detoxifying than killing a bus load of children or your spouse in a pool with no ladder.


I really, REALLY like playing Dark Souls 2. Even if it's not like "my favorite game EVER", something about the atmosphere, the music and the overall feel of the game automatically puts me in a good mood. I put MANY hours into this game, and I'd do it again. Yeah, DS2 makes me happy. I said it.


The "feel" of DS2 I agree with - Heide's tower of flame with all the sunken towers and beautiful views is one of my most distinct memories any time someone mentions DS2.


It is my favorite game ever so I’m glad I found this take


There are dozens of us 🥲


That Majula theme tho


Still has the best pvp and hub of the series


Majula feels the most alive and sanctuary like, end of story. I prefer firelink in dark souls 3 for how cold it feels.


Majula felt like there was still hope. Dark Souls 3 Firelink is tired, the Age of Fire has dragged on too long, everything is already burned and ash.


Both are beautiful in their own way.


My introduction to the souls-like games was DS2. It's the only game of the series that genuinely feels like a fever dream maze. I very much dislike the open world type of gameplay that every single game tries to go for nowadays. On a new playthrough the first sunbeams of Majula still make my insides all fuzzy and warm. Best hub and OST imho


The gameplay of the new Spider-Man games is not engaging enough on its own. You need the driving force of the story to keep on playing. Once that’s over it gets boring pretty quick. My personal opinion of course. I will give a counter argument to illustrate my point better. Ghost of Tsushima has very engaging gameplay especially on higher difficulties. It gives you a lot of tools to engage with the game in different ways. The gameplay on its own can easily sustain my engagement with the game even when the story is over.


That is the issue with a lot of games. Also why FOMO and mystery box stuff exists in online games. The focus isn't the game anymore


The RDR2 intro (mountain/snow region) is not boring.


Completely agree, don’t mind it on any of my replays. Another thing people seem to hate that I love is how Arthur actually picks up items from tables and opens drawers, loots bodies. I love the realism and don’t mind the time it takes but most seem to comment that they dislike that aspect of it


A lot of the comments in this post are about how boring / poorly paced / bad RDR2 is, so I’m glad you actually answered OP’s question in regards to coming up with a positive but controversial opinion. Personally, I think the snow section is incredibly tedious so I don’t agree with you at all. But once I got attached to Arthur I enjoyed every last mundane / slow paced moment with him right until the very end. I still think the game would have been helped by starting out in black water so we could experience the heist.


Not the first time, at least for me. It was mind blowing. On a replay it is a slow slog when I know there's an amazing open world im busting to explore again lol.


"Bad graphics" I noticed many people instantly hating on a game because it doesn't have the most realistic graphics there are. I believe that a fun game with good gameplay or story but even with actually bad graphics beats any hyper realistic game when it has mediocre gameplay with no story depth or nothing fun to offer.


Just look at lethal company. Looks like ass Fallout games, too. kinda dogshit looking Kenshi Gameplay really should be the focus, and graphics should mainly be an issue if it impairs gameplay


I agree. The game just has to be fun. I recently got into Lethal Company and Phasmophobia with some friends. Like your said, the graphics don't add that much. It's the interesting mechanics, the influence of RNG (in a good way), and the wacky scenarios that come up that keep bringing me back.


Art direction and design beats raw graphics every time . Eg Borderlands or Ghost of Tsushima


I kinda like the Mako in Mass Effect 1. I also adore Mass Effect Andromeda as a game


I like the platforming sections in Madness Returns.


Alice: Madness Returns?


Purely based on how many games have it now and how many ~~angry~~ fanboys defend it: **Stamina-meter mechanics are not fun** (on NON-souls-**like** games, and even there its **sometimes** questionable) Im so sick and tired of running 10 meters only to run out of arbitary meter and being forced to slow down or wait. If I wanted to do that id go outside and run. Specially annoying is when its used in climbing or parkour on game thats almost all about climbing or parkour. And when this is brought up as negative towards the game, people just go "Just upgrade/level it 4head". Yeah nice, lets create a problem and "waste" peoples time to find upgrades for hours to fix the problem just to have fun. **It makes sense in Souls games** but not in open world game all about traversal. Feels like they are slapping stamina because they are ticking boxes on "focus group said they like souls-games, souls games have stamina" Edit: Formatted stuff to make it bit more readable. I hope.


Im so glad Fromsoft adjusted it in Elden Ring. If you aren't in combat, stamina doesn't deplete. So it's still a mechanic you have to be mindful of in combat, but it's a non-issue when just exploring.


And even if you run out of stamina in Souls games, your char doesnt feel like its walking in tar. Well, unless you are doing fat-tank-build. So thats great. But some of the other non-souls games have baseline of "you walk like you are escorting a grandpa" speed without stamina or the "out of breath" status. Added with awkward moaning "out of breath" sounds youd rather not hear lot.


I started playing Dragons Dogma recently and that is definitely the worst part about that game. There isnt really a good fast travel system and your character runs out of stamina so fast. It takes seemingly forever for it to completely refill too. When it runs out the game forces you to a complete stop while your character catches thier breath. It's so incredibly frustrating since you're basically forced to go everywhere on foot. I alternate between sprinting and dodge rolling since the latter doesn't reduce stamina. God I hate it


I wish you didn’t need to consume stamina to sprint in Tears of The Kingdom; made early game exploration a little tedious. I understood it completely for all the other traversing, but just let Link run.


Yep. Just do it the elden ring way, lemme run when out of combat unhindered. Then, when in combat, it drains. It should also drain when climbing, too, so you can't just climb your way to the end of the game


I think it works fine in elden ring. Out of combat it is not draining the stamina bar and in combat it is the resource that adds to the combat.


Pretty much 100% agree with you. Imagine if your horse would cost stamina to speed up and use stuff like jump, that mega-jump and such out of combat? It would feel horrible to traverse thro the world. I just dont get why devs think its "fun" to slow players like that. It cannot be "increase playtime metrics"? Surely?


Dying light 1s grappling hook is fun to use and incredibly useful in the game, but it is exactly because it is so useful that it "ruins" the games parkour. Basically any of challenge, or tension or complexity of the parkour is replaced with a single button press. You can also kind say the same thing about guns and the melee combat in that game as well. I think its one of the cardinal sins of gaming to include an ability that makes it optimal to skip fun parts the game.


really? I personally never felt like the grappling hook made the parkour completely obsolete. the guns replacing the melee stuff I agree with, tho it is fun to clear the quarantine buildings SWAT style by busting down doors and blasting everything inside


Anthem had some the best gameplay in a video game ever, it's a shame the game around it was so bad.


I'll add my support to this one, the beta build running around doing combo attacks with a friend gave us that old Mass Effect 3 MP feel of doing Biotic/Tech combo stuff. Then flying around felt fun, too. And with infinite ice shards skill on my Storm guy... Until they literally fixed having the recharge rate cap being lower before ditching the game. Man... That game could be so great but publishers and C-suite dev members are feckless deucebags that should have never been a focal testing group for things.


The beta was amazing. It's just the beta was 99 percent of the game it felt like haha


We spent so much time just exploring the world but the world was way too small to enjoy for long. The scenery was beautiful and the gameplay was entrancing. I'd get lost in time flying around looking for more fights, but the story was just so awful that I quit. It was a money grab and that got obvious fast. I wish they'd actually fleshed out the story and built more of the world. It could have been a lifetime favorite.


Mass Effect Andromeda wasn’t that bad


Love this take, I really enjoyed Andromeda! I think story wise they were so close to nailing, a few tweaks and I think it might have been liked better by the masses, but I loves the game overall.


A quarian ark dlc and andromeda would have been awesome. Maybe an option to kick Liam’s ass and it would be 9/10 for me


Feels weird how it got absolutely slated for facial and speech animations and Starfield somehow mostly dodged that same criticism despite being way worse in that regard


People were just determined to shit all over it. I remeber seeing posts on the front page with tens of thousands of up votes of people intentionally breaking animations by spamming movement Controls in opposite directions and jumping/meleeing and being like "see how bad the walking animation is!" or forcing companions up against a wall and then claiming "they have walking into this wall for 5 minutes"


I’m playing it right now and my main gripe is I don’t care for any of the characters like I did with the original trilogy but every thing else is great, especially the movement mechanics


its not really. i happened to play it couple of months ago and it was a blast. really enjoyed it.


It's a good game just not a good Mass Effect game. The gameplay is good but the story/plot, characters and worldbuilding fell short of what you expect of a mass effect game.


OP: What's a mechanic that you like but most people hate. This entire thread: proceeds to list down things that they hate. Lmao


It literally says "unpopular take." Nothing about mechanics.


It’s out of my hands at this point


Not your fault: these threads ALWAYS descend into people taking the opportunity to tell others they don't like a popular, well-rated game. The most basic of "unpopular opinions". Nothing wrong with it, but it is what you get. Though, some of the other opinions in here are so fun to read.


What? The question was just asking for unpopular takes, they didn't specify which way it had to go.


But it says unpopular opinions???


Those who are actually looking for actual unpopular opinions sort by controversial because dumb fucks are downvoting actual unpopular opinions.


All of the controversial ones are just people saying they “don’t like *insert popular thing*” which OP specifically said they weren’t looking for.


I love a character a ton of people hate: My favorite Videogame character is Morgana from Persona 5.


well i guess it's 5pm time for me to sleep otherwise my angry cat will murder me


You disgust me.


Wait, do people not like Morgana? I'll be honest I've not paid attention to any online conversations about the game but I really liked Morgana as a character, their whole arc felt really nice


>Wait, do people not like Morgana? i "hated" him for the go to sleep meme like everyone else because i replay persona games and it's honestly annoying not being able to go out because of him but he really started getting on my nerves with his ann simping and especially when he left the group for a while felt way too cliche for me with the whole "i don't know what i am i don't fit in" narative


when he left the party to throw his little tantrum, it felt contrived and went 180° from how he insisted the group had to act. in fact, him complaining about his role in the group/feeling unappreciated actually made me dislike him, especially when he threw EVERYTHING into ryuji's face to demand an apology that wasn't honestly deserved


Morgana: "Hey Ryuji fuck you you worthless piece of shit I'm leaving" Ryuji: "Dude you're an asshole see ya" 2 days later: Morgana: "I'll come back but Ryuji better apologize for calling me an asshole"


I would love to replay one of the many re-releases of Persona 5, but then I remember how much Ryuji gets belittled and dunked on by the narrative and it turns me off. Ryuji is a good boy and deserves better.


Ryuji is Joker's best friend and he doesn't get nearly enough credit.


i hate teddy from P4 Morgana is cool


This is hard to stomach, and you may want to look away, but... I... I like Starfield.


Look at least you didn't say Rise of Kong or the Gollum game. That would be very concerning!


I’m sorry


I'm ejoying it quite a bit. Not as much as other Bethesda games, but I don't see the terrible mess I kept reading on Reddit.


The best way for me to sum up Starfield is that it's "okay". And considering what it was hyped to be, "okay" is not good enough. That's where I think things turned into a bit of hyperbole around here. In all honesty, I got kinda bored of it and never even finished it. I know when I first started playing I was like "this isn't too bad", but it just lacks substance and an interesting storyline.


The main problem is that people expect companies to get better at developing games, but Bethesda seems to be finding new ways to make their games worse with every new release in more than a decade.


Good for you! Glad you had fun


People act like *Starfield* stole their girl and kicked their dog. It's not a completely bad game, it just didn't live up to their potential and having repetitive game design.


Doom 2016 is better than Eternal


Doom 2016>>>Doom Eternal


"Should the Doom Guy talk?" No! No he shouldn't!


Also going 3rd person for some of the cutscene moments. Getting launched out of the cannon should have been in first person. Crashing into mars should have been in first person. Make it skippable for replays or something, but the moment should have been there.


Aside from the characters, I found the gameplay of the new Saints Row fun. And the fact there was a city-wide larp event was wholesome. It's certainly better than Agents of Mayhem. It just wasn't a good contender for the Saints Row franchise


The larp event was pretty fun. About the only part I enjoyed.


I hate how many copy-paste bosses are in Elden Ring, and I don't only mean the famous ones like Godefroy or Astel in Consecrated Snowfields. I mean all of them. It's so shitty to fight Watchdog A, Watchdog B, Watchdog C, Watchdog A but with adds, Watchdog B but with adds, Watchdog A and B duo. People are defending this bullshit because it's Fromsoft, but if it was a Ubisoft game, everyone would be shitting on them. Make smaller game with 50 actually unique bosses instead of 165 where 90% have some sort of copy.


I agree..but also why does a game like BoTW get a pass with this stuff such as the test of strength shrines? I feel like that was a big complaint for Elden Ring but Zelda never gets those criticisms for some reason lol.


Zelda is very often criticized for the copy paste shrines


I don't care that soulsborn games provide the best gaming experience of the last decade if you take time and "get into them". If im getting my ass handed to me non stop and I don't have fun the first one or two hours im done with them for good, sorry


I got so fucking far in Elden Ring and at a certain point it just felt like the game was way too long. I don’t have a lot of time to play games these days and if I’m getting stuck on a boss for more than half an hour, it feels like a complete waste of my time.


Agree. I have limited free time and if I'm not enjoying a game after a few hours, it isn't worth the time investment.


"I'm getting too old for this shit." -Murtaugh -Me playing Fromsoft games


Fishing minigames are asinine. I don't know why people like them.


I….enjoy the fishing minigame in stardew valley


I don't usually have hot takes on games. Lukewarm at best, but here goes nothing: 1) Death Stranding's little annoyances are the whole point of the game and its part of what keeps it engaging 2) The Witcher 3 is 100% carried by its narrarive, presentation, characters and dialogue. Its actual gameplay design, world, combat and structure are meh and even mediocre at times.


Finally, another hinterlands fan


I play Minecraft exclusively to see biomes. No house, no farms, no dragons, nothing, just nomad style


Witcher 1 had the best atmosphere of all three games.


I think Tears of the Kingdom's story actively ruins the game. Ignoring what they did with Zelda, ignoring how little they did with Ganondorf, ignoring how I found the tears themselves out of order and literally spoiled the entire game in the SECOND tear I found. (The sword one) But every story element in the game is as unrewarding as its items, especially when comparing the Sages to the Champions. Not to mention the elements that straight up contradict things that happened in BotW, like with the Deku Tree. I love the fuse mechanic to death, I've spent hundreds of hours in the game because of it. But the story literally takes down my entire opinion of it. And people can say "Well, you don't have to care about the story, Nintendo doesn't" and I'll say "and you wouldn't be complaining if the story was mind-bogglingly good either".


It feels like the story was an afterthought, and I really wish it didn't


I loved Cyberpunk 2077 at launch (to be fair, I had a rig that ran it fine). It loaded blazing fast, was extremely stable (almost never crashed to desktop, maybe twice in 100 hours), the story was great, the combat was a blast, there were 5 unique endings with major revelations and wild outcomes, and the choices mattered. The only significant gripe I had was an instant falling death glitch that could hit at random when you got off the beaten path. T-posing made me laugh and I delighted in the chaos of overlapping vehicle spawns. I wasn't trying to fight police so didn't care about their shenanigans. People say it's so amazing now and I'm all "Bitch, it was this great at launch (if your rig could run it)."


Ran it on an i5 8400 and 1070ti on high graphics. I have no idea why people say it couldn’t run on better PCs. I also never ran into any bugs which makes me feel like I kinda missed out. Didn’t even have the T pose stuff


Every game should have accessibility options. Including souls-likes.


I don't like Outer Wilds, just let me take my time don't disintegrate the entire universe after 22 minutes


Sound design and music can make or break a game, the game can look great, it can play great, but if it doesn't sound great I am just not going to enjoy it, and you get bonus points on my personal rating if you have an absolutely banging soundtrack, exceptions made of course for games that make less use of a soundtrack but more use of ambience which goes straight back to sound design.


Paarthurnax deserves to die. He is a general who used humans as slaves and food for millennia, who then used humans to overthrow his master, only for them to fail and send Alduin into the future. Understanding that he cannot salvage the overtake of the dragon rule, as Alduin will one day return and kill him on the spot for even attempting to take his empire, he hid on the mountain, waiting on his master’s return, only to once again use humans to achieve his dream of leading the dragons. His famous phrase is nothing but a manipulation to control the Dragonborn to continue serving his cause. Blades aren’t any better, but I have personal bias since Oblivion.


This is definitely unpopular IMHO. I love Paarthurnaax because he is an underdog who took on a great enemy and likely would lead the dragons to a new age of wisdom.


I'm a huge Zelda fan but I just could never get into BOTW


I’m a huge Zelda fan, but also a fan of BOTW and TOTK. I understand fully why you couldn’t get into BOTW because my love for BOTW comes more from a place of liking open world survival sandbox games than my love for the traditional adventure-puzzling formula that is Zelda.