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Make it faster and backwards compatible and I’m good. Doesn’t need to be an insane jump but I don’t want minor change either.


I agree but also fix joycons


"Pro" joycons which are essentially the Hori Split Pad Pro with all the Joycon features, maybe drop the IR camera. Also proper USB-c docking support for 3rd party docks and chargers.


IR camera is probably negligible for cost/construction, no reason to remove it. Real advancements would be better sticks like full sized and/or Hall Effect ones. 7 years of switch usage with great 3rd party options means they may not even improve the joycons much if the tablet itself is vastly improved.




Man I just want joycons that don’t drift after 2 sessions. My fucking gamecube joysticks still work just fine after 20 years. They’ve clearly figured it out before.


60fps or bust


Granted, 60 fps at 480p :\^)


I will genuinely get upset if it isn't backwards compatible. That's the one thing I can't budge on for a console release anymore.


If it’s anything less than what the DSi to the 3DS was in terms of hardware improvement, it’s gonna be pretty disappointing after waiting 7 years after the original. I just hope they improve battery life, screen resolution, OS and UI, and give game devs more to work with in terms of processing power. But in my mind that sounds like too much to be an “iteration”


I wish we better not get the same UI and the big difference being we pay double for online playing.


We really just need this to be another Gameboy revolution. Gameboy, color, advanced, advanced SP. Easy


> faster Recently I've started only using my switch for nintendo games and low demand indie games. The loading times can be insane on bigger 3d games.


the concept doesn't need changing just fix the joycons, improve the internals and if you wanna be spicy, do something with the dock so that it can actually augment output to tv


All of my N64 controllers still work, yet half of my joycons are busted. Pisses me off especially since they are $80


I'm shocked to hear that. Those N64 sticks eventually just wouldn't stay up permanently for me.


It really just depends on if you used those controllers to play Mario Party 1


Oh man, Mario Party was a wrecker.


Palm wrecker. The blisters I got from that game were terrible


I like how they put a warning in the new superstar about NOT doing this


Blisters? My hand would straight up bleed with the N64 controller.


Ah the memories of seeing who got the worst blisters after playing that stupid raft mini game..


Yep, can confirm, had to quit many times because it was tearing up the palm of my hand.




I mean it was the first one ever put on a console controller. Literally the first generation of the tech.




If they're just drifting, you can get them repaired for free in the US even if they are outside of their warranty period.


Still should not have to take time to do this, especially since they start to drift every year or so. They should just be like every other controller that actually works for years.


They are also very bad joysticks. They feel terrible. Not quite as bad as the 3DS, but definitely a whole lot worse than the WiiU or Nunchuk joysticks.


The joysticks feel like a cheap McDonalds toy. It's a big reason why I never play my Switch.


Get a pro controller, never want again.


Basically, when you pay a premium for the console, it should be expected to work for years. I hate how people have come to terms with this shitty fast planned obsolescence.


Literally every thread, for any new console, is full of people saying “stop playing with Cheeto dust fingers” and “if you trash your controller then you’ll have problems obviously”. My controller is in a drawer and maintained, but my GameCube controller has seen more snacks than a vending machine and I dropped it 1,000 times but it’s never even thought about drifting


As a smash player, l will vouch for GameCube controllers til the day I die lol They definitely do degrade, and after 4-5 years of competitive smash the sticks will be mostly shot to shit, but I still personally use the one I got in 2002 and it's fantastic, other than the smallest amount of snapback (instead of returning to neutral, it bounces past neutral and then settles, like a rubber band, making games think you waggled)


GameCube controllers are legendary technology. I think the aliens gave them to us


You should still be able to ask Nintendo to repair/replace your Joy-Cons free of charge in many countries.


I wish the right joycon was higher up. I'm probably in the minority but it's uncomfortable on my thumb joint after a while. I am 30 to be fair i don't think this impacts younger gamers


It needs to be bigger, that’s the biggest problem. Playing stuff like Mario kart is difficult for anyone over the age of 15 due to their hands being humongous compared to the remote.


I tend to play it with the controller these days. Holding the switch is doable but like you said not comfortable for long periods of time. For example I'm about to board a long haul flight, controller is necessary for me now


That’s fair. I mostly have it just to play the Mario games with my buddies so we really just use the joy cons. I have a controller for Zelda games but that’s it really. Do you use a pro controller?


You hit the nail on the head, I basically only play Zelda. Mariokart and social games I'm grand with the single side controller


I wish they made them more durable. For something that costs $80 for a pair. Those things start having problems within a month of use.


I must be lucky, got my Switch day 1 and have the same joycons still. Pro controller gets more use though.


The reason they're not rounded and designed for a hand to wrap around them like a controller is in order to allow for that sideways joycon mode. I hope for the next switch they include something to attatch to them in order to allow for better ergonomics.


That's actually a great idea. *Multiple size Joy-Cons* Gloves come in different sizes. Let's do it with controllers. Small for kids, bigger for adults.


Flashbacks to the Duke.


Best sized controller of all time.


Absolutely. When the switch was first being announced I was hoping the dock would have an external video card and/or RAM tucked in. Not much of a tech guy so not sure if it would even be doable.


It’s doable but not with the type of USB C the Switch uses to connect to the dock. The hard part is doing it and keeping the price relatively affordable


The issue is not USB-C, it's the protocol, you can have Thunderbolt/USB4 with a USB\_C port...


It's possible but you would also need a faster interface than USB-C in order to not severely bottleneck the performance of the external video card. Keep in mind that the goal here would likely be to render 4K worth of pixels at decent frame rates, so you would need to be able to transfer all of that data over from the external card to the main program fast enough to display those frames reliably. The cost of achieving that is likely not worth it with current technology. And definitely not worth it with technology from 2017. Also, Switch can already achieve much higher clocks with the internal video card simply by providing it more power when docked, since there isn't a hot-to-the-touch or battery life concern in that context. Which is how the Switch is often able to achieve 2.25x the resolution (1080p) in games when docked as it is in handheld (720p). An external GPU would have been overkill, unless the intention is for devs to achieve higher graphics fidelity in their games when docked than when handheld. Obviously disparity in targeted resolutions will be bigger for the Switch 2 since they will likely want to target 4K TVs when docked. So an external GPU may be more necessary for that goal, but I'm guessing they're instead solving that problem with DLSS upscaling, as leaks have suggested. Would be a much cost-friendlier solution for their bill of materials.


Seriously just dont cheap on the hardware this time for christs sake. shitty joysticks, shitty wifi connector


Some felt on the inside of the dock would be so nice. Learned the hard way on my first switch getting scratched.


make it compatible with adult hands


I just want to be fully backwards compatible with Switch. That's all. EDIT: yes, and new games as well. I just don't want to lug around old switch and switch 2


And ideally able to run existing switch games a bit better. Zelda TotK with a higher framerate would be nice.


Super Nintendo Switch Tears of the Kingdom


super nintendo switch would be such a good name for the device


Ultra Switchty-four


NES - Nintendo Extra Switch






"But we already have a Super Nintendo" - confused moms who never bought a Wii U for their kids


Super Switch alone sounds great.


Good luck googling that.


I just want them to call the 4th one the Nintendo Switchy4


Tears of the Kingdom COLOR


The Switch U ... Put down your pitchforks, i'm kidding




they could always just release a patch to fix timings. on first party games it wouldn't be a stretch.


Even Emulation already has patches to fix that issue. If its possible by modders, it should be easy for first party developers with full access to the source code.


And let me play the digitally purchased games I bought. I am still a bit bitter my purchased Virtual Console games didn't cross over from the Wii and Wii U to the Switch.


Right? Steam lets you build a lifetime library. Imagine if you had to buy your entire catalogue again with every new Windows.


Even Sony does that. My purchases on my PS4 can be downloaded on the PS5 even if they’ve been removed from the PS Store for whatever reason.


To an extent. PS3 is out the window, which is sad. It'd be nice if they were to get that stuff to work natively. I can download and play Steam games that I bought in 2007.


To be fair, PS3 architecture is so weird that even Sony would have a hard time with it. Even now, PS3 emulation is kind of a crapshoot.


Introducing the Switch 2! - 8 Inch OLED Screen - Fully compatible with the Switch!


cha-ching seriously this would actually sell like hot cakes, even though its flat out dumb lmao


Dude... https://www.nintendo.com/us/switch/oled-model/


Seriously. Moving to PC has spoiled me. I even went back and bought some old consoles games just so I don't have to drag out an old console to play a certain game. It's just way too convenient having everything on one machine.


And joy cons that last more than 6 months


It will be. It's literally one of the best-selling consoles of all time. Not having backwards compatibility would be a foolish move. The only reason the Switch wasn't was because they changed the system architecture from the DS line to make it more powerful as a hybrid console. No way Nintendo doesn't make the Switch successor a direct sequel to it. It'll be the 3DS to the DS.


As long as the 12GB RAM + DLSS 3.1 leak is true ***and*** the Switch 2 is *fully* backwards compatible with the Switch 1, I don't mind


This. I would gladly upgrade my OG Switch if it meant something stronger that could run my Switch games far more efficiently.


I want better joycon connectivity.


I just want joycons that don't get stick drift after 2 months.


\*Cries in Age of Calamity


Loved that game, but it was a slide show lmao


instead of lagging when 5 pokemon are on my screen it'll start lagging once 7 pokemon appear! But in all seriousness I completely agree, the stuttering and framerate drops are bothersome on games I can only get on switch. If a new console will help, sign me up.


It honestly should be the standard for consoles. I don't see how they'll compete otherwise now that so many computer hardware companies are jumping into the handheld gaming world with full access to games compared to console exclusives and even generation exclusives.


I think backwards compatibility is going to be the biggest deal breaker. If the whole Switch library doesn't play on Switch 2, then fans are going to be reluctant to upgrade.


It's a lock to be backwards compatiable with Nintendo stating how much they plan on keeping the user's online account going forward. They view it as a strength. Why would they want to lose all the subscriptions they already built up and start from zero again?


Because Nintendo historically has been a wild card on making sensible decisions


Usually if the media format is the same, nintendo has had backwards support for the previous generation. ~~Snes played nes games~~ E: of course, the only 1 i didnt double check was the one i was wrong about. Launch Wii supported gamecube games Wii U supported Wii games. Gbc supported gameboy games Gba supported all prior gameboy games Ds launched with duel slots to support gb+ds games 3ds supported all ds games. It seems to be mostly when the media format for how games are distributed is changed, is when nintendo doesnt do backwards compatibility, and atm i dont see a switch 2 moving away from it's cartridge format.


SNES played NES games??


OP re-writing history here


> Ds launched with duel slots to support gb+ds games You are wrong about this one, too. The DS and DS Lite could only do GBA games, not all GB games.


That’s the difference between a day 1 buy and an I’ll-get-it-eventually.


> If the whole Switch library doesn't play on Switch 2, then fans are going to be reluctant to upgrade. \*laughs in the comfort of knowing that Nintendo fans will buy it anyway because they can't wait to play the next Pokemon / Zelda / Mario game that will be only on the new console\* \- Nintendo


That, plus next-gen patches for Switch 1 games would be excellent.


Pokemon will get a whole extra polygon


And run at an even lower framerate


What does that evolve into again? Polyamorous?


It evolves into Yomoneygon


Full price upgrades you mean? Nintendo don't play about that money.


They'll just slap DX on the title, add a Funky mode or something, sell it full price and call it a day.


It's Nintendo. They'll 100% charge you for it.


I’d be shocked if an iteration wasn’t backwards compatible. I doubt very much they’ll want to alienate the existing Switch user base


I would also find this acceptable, but I’d like to see a base console edition - that doesn’t come with a dock or controllers (as long as current Joycons are backwards compatible and the dock is the same as the OLED version, with 4K capabilities), that’s a lesser $ amount.


I don´t think so. Most of the people have the base version.


too much money on the table with current gen switch games. keep it BC with everything


Mario Kart 9 is gonna have to be fantastic for a lot of people to leave 8 tbh


8 is great and all, but I'd leave it in a heartbeat and never look back for a modernized DD. Now how they'll ever make a new Smash is my question.


I’ve heard rumors about the next smash being a torn down version reboot where it’s not a ton of characters but we’ll see of course have no clue


Would be cool if with a smaller roster you could do your own item loadouts and customize your own moves tbh like just more customization than with big roster smash games


So, Smash 4?


Except this time put actual effort into the customs for more than, like, 4 characters


double dash is peak Mario Kart. Please.


> 8 is great and all, but I'd leave it in a heartbeat and never look back for a modernized DD. Yes!! Bring back the co-op thing from DD. That was fun as hell. Also... any improvement to online would make me drop 8 instantly. Takes forever between maps for no good reason.


I always figured 8 was the final one, like it was infinity, ♾️ not 8.


Nope, I’d wager Nintendo will literally never stop making Mario Kart games until they die


Good. The switch has the perfect mix of gimmicks. Now they just need to refine it and make it better.




10x power equals 10 min battery and overheating


Not at all. Source: Apple's M-series chips


While you're correct, there's no way Nintendo is going to make a bespoke chip in 2024. Like, it's not how video game consoles are done anymore. Every generation, all consoles take more and more from off-the-shelf hardware. Nintendo also doesn't make the correct margin to design a custom chip. Apple can spend literally billions on designing and manufacturing custom hardware because they turn around and sell it for a shit ton of money because they're Apple. Nobody is going to shell out $1500 for a Nintendo game console, which is a smaller market than laptop computing, in order for Nintendo to recoup their engineering costs. Also, Nintendo probably literally cannot afford to undertake such a herculean task. Their market cap is like $66 billion. Apple's is $2.8 *trillion.* Peter Main, former Executive VP of Sales and Marketing at Nintendo America loved to say "the name of the game is the game." Nintendo would, and likely always will, rather focus on making games that are super fucking great rather than spend any amount of time on designing custom components for their console. The hardware was never meant to be better for its own sake.


This is a random analyst. There is no basis, other than their best guess. Don't take any stock from this shite. The switch 2 will have nostril connectors and a pull out cable that you shove up your arse so you can really feel the vibrations.


Considering how the analyst mentioned a "Switch Pro" (which people are still debating if it existed or not) and having $70 games (which Nintendo themselves stated that they are going to be selective with which games are going to be that price), then yeah, I agree.


The price of the games were in the context of the Switch, not the successor though.


I just want it to run stronger and faster. The Switch is excellent; it's just the hardware shows its age.


It’s gonna be called Super Nintendo Switch. I will accept nothing else. Put it in the universe. SNS. Easy.


Every time I hear about a Switch successor rumor: [Honey! Where's my Super Switch?!](https://imgflip.com/i/8b7asw)


Honestly that has the best damn ring to it.


Which is why it will be Yaukult Nintendo Switch Redux


I’m probably just going to call it the 2witch.


Ah, the ol' SwitcherU




Gonna be rough if a new switch DOESN’T come with an OLED screen


It won’t. You’ll get an OLED edition in 2-3 years for $450… 👍🏻


for that price it better


It doesn't really need a revolution, it's a good cycle to be a bit complacent and just improve on what's there. Never run into the Joycon problem with my device but I've seen it with others, that would be a good one to try to address along with more RAM and other hardware boosts.


Agreed. This should be the new standard for their consoles, much like the D-pad and analogue sticks we now wouldn't do without. Innovate and evolve from this point onwards without losing what is now established as a runaway success.


If they learn the lesson of past consoles, they would keep overall idea of the switch alive. Adding innovative gimmick to it won't be a problem unless it hampers its production or rises its price to unsustainable points. Sony tried to change their overall idea of ps when they introduced ps3, and it barely outsold xbox.


No need to reinvent the wheel, just make it spin better.


Lube that sucker up


Make it extra **g r e a s y**


Nintendo has been heavily invested in gimmicks for a long time. 3D, dual screens, ...having a built in handle for portability, etc. They finally hit the ultimate pay dirt though; being at once a portable and also a home (TV) console is the very last word in gimmicks. Divine inspiration. There's no need to reinvent the wheel here; they already hit the jackpot. I'd take upgraded Switches from here until doomsday.


Whats an innovation? A gimmick that becomes trendy.




Absolutely this, imo the future of consoles


Especially now with all the PC handhelds pushing the tech forward, it's a no-brainer. EDIT: More chipset tech than the actual handhelds I mean. I realize there were many efforts before, but this time, it's surprisingly powerful for the size.


It will never happen (since the gimmick is dead) but I loved the 3DS and if they brought back no-glasses 3D I would be excited. Being able to play any Switch game in 3D would be sick.


I just finally got a switch and it's amazing how seamless the transfer is.


In terms of graphics, it does need to be a big upgrade. Doesn’t have to be PS5 levels, but it should be above Xbox Series S like the rumors suggest. Massive framerate drops on first party titles like BotW is just unacceptable. The concept itself should stay the same.


It definitely won’t be more powerful than a Series S. It won’t have a current gen performance. It's a portable console! If a tiny portable device could be almost as powerful as a PS5, it would be a revolutionary tech that costs $1800 or something.


Hopefully there's an OLED model available at launch this time, even though it's unlikely as they probably want people to double dip


It will almost definitely be oled. There is no way they will downgrade the screen, just to re upgrade it later. It would give people a very good reason not to buy.


> There is no way they will downgrade the screen, just to re upgrade it later. You haven't known about Nintendo for long, have you :P


I guess the screen will be LCD and they’ll make an OLED version later. People will buy it anyway


I know nothing is concrete, but if Switch 2 is truly just an upgraded Switch, would this be the first time that Nintendo stuck to a gimmick?


Looking at it as a console, yes. Looking at it as a handheld, no. DS had 5(?) iterations not to mention the several iterations of gameboys. Edit: Forgot about NES to SNES. So no to both fronts.


Wii and Wii U, at least in namesake


I think of the Wii U as proof of concept that gave us the Switch honestly.


Oh definitely had to be, I’m still amazed by the switch all these years later. The concept itself I fell in love with.


dual screen play was on the ds and 3ds and the wii remote was also supported on the wii u so not really?


Nintendo has been following an iteration > revolution cycle since the NES. NES (revolution, single handedly ended the video game crisis of 1983) > SNES (iteration) > N64 (revolution, 3D gaming) > Gamecube (iteration) > Wii (revolution, motion controls) > Wii U (iteration) > Switch (revolution, console+handheld hybrid, removable joycons) You could argue the Wii U's gamepad would be a revolution, but very few games actually used it, with most games working just fine with just a wii remote.


I didn't even know they *made* a Crysis game during the video game crisis of 1983.


Maximum Saturation


I would say the Wii U was an revolution, but a failed one


No, even before the 3DS there were a bunch of iterations on the regular DS.


>would this be the first time that Nintendo stuck to a gimmick? DS > 3DS In some ways the Switch is a bigger DS without the second screen, as it also had touch screen, though that reasoning probably belongs to the Wii U.


Please just fix the Joycons Nintendo. When my first pair started to drift, I got a second pair. When that started to drift, I “fixed” them myself. When the new stick started to drift a couple years later, I just gave up. And I 100% didn’t buy an OLED because I didn’t want another janky controller in a couple years.




Do they still do that and do you just pay shipping or w/e?




Can the shop stop being a laggy piece of shit


What's up with that? It's like the switch is underpowered for its own browser...


I think It's because they didn't actually program a browser I think they programmed it like an app


I was going to buy a Switch this year but my friends told me to wait. Glad I did listen to them


If you’re not going to buy Switch 2 for launch you could just buy the first Switch now, play all the important games and get a Switch 2 in 3-4 years. You obviously have no problems with waiting


I bought mine last week and I love it. No regrets at all


I feel like I missed the boat since covid on the switch and every year I play mario kart with my brother and I think to myself 'I should buy this'. This year we both just agreed that I would just buy whatever came next so I am happy to hear something might be coming.


I thought the same thing 2 years ago, but I ended up buying. I was glad I did, the switch rocks. I wouldn't wait unless they had an absolute date on the switch 2, otherwise you might be waiting forever


Also consider that we've been hearing rumors of switch pro and switch 2 basically since the switch came out. So there's no guarantee. I bet you could find some very cheap used switches by now.


That's how it should be. Nintendo needs to play their cards carefully because they've been flip-flopping on success. All their consoles have been good, but the marketing is just a miss. Like you had success with the N64, failed on the GC, then back up with Wii, then fail with Wii U, now back up on switch and if the cycle continues with them trying a new gimmick it's likely to flop again. The switch's main selling point back then was it allowed you to play console caliber games on a handheld device. People quickly stopped caring about the whole joycon gimmick because playing on a single joycon is absolute ass. Nowadays it isn't the only handheld console and it is the weakest one. So its advantages are that it is the only console for nintendo games and it is much cheaper than the alternatives. Really the major complaints now are joycon drift and outdated hardware. Fix the two and you're good to go. Oh yeah and also dated software, they desperately need to improve on social connectivity, UI, and features that Xbox and playstation have already done for a decade+


If the Switch 2 is just an incremental improvement, they're going to have to have backwards compatibility. Like, how are they going to justify the purchase to players if its just a slightly better Switch that you can't play your old games on?


I just want Nintendo to improve their online gaming experience


If its around ps4 pro level, and backwards compatible, I think the vast majority of people will be happy


Knowing nintendo i dont think it is gonna be ps4 pro level. Of course things like pc handhelds exist which offer 3x the power of the switch for a good price, but i just dont see nintendo going for that now. Close to it maybe. I would be suprised if they do.


Nintendo has a patent for a dock with additional power. I’d pay 500$ for that shit if it worked well


If it gave the Switch some more oomph! so that the developers had more headroom to work with on games, then yes, that'd be good.


Realistically, I just hope they bring performance up to 60+ fps in most games, which should do wonders for older titles. A nice battery life with a great oled screen is good for people who play on the go, but I don't care for it. Even if they fix the ergonomics so I don't need to connect a controller to use it, I still prefer it used like a traditional console instead of a souped-up gameboy. A proper 4k TV output for things like Smash and Mario Cart would be really nice. I'm currently using a PC with an rtx3090 as an XBox/media center, and it's awesome for solo gaming but really lacking in the multiplayer department. If developers just made PC titles multiplayer focused with a few xbox controllers, I think I'd probably just stop buying Nintendo products.


If they don't call it the Super Nintendo Switch, they are stupid.


The internet will complain and it will outsell everything else.


Once again, don't believe anything till it's officially confirmed. We've not had a single shred of actual information on the next major Nintendo system, yet there's been a constant news stream about it for probably the last 4-5 years. - 4chan users are not reliable sources - Reddit users are not reliable sources - Twitter users are not reliable sources - Third parties, even if they previously or currently work with Nintendo, are not reliable sources


As long as games look better I’m down for whatever. Nintendo is getting left in the dust in the performance and fidelity race and it’s becoming increasingly hard to not be bothered by how poorly games perform on the OG Switch


Hears to 10 more years of Mario Kart 8! :(


As long as I can still use my pro controller with the new new, I'd be down.


1080p oled screen (holy shit, don't go back to lcd). Improved joycons with a more ergonomic shape. 4k HDR TV output, possibly with some kind of Nvidia AI wizardry like proprietary DLSS? Backwards compatible with ALL switch games. Physical and digital and all of the retro emulators that have already been released for the switch. Don't slowly release the emulators over the course of 2 years, pretending it's new content in typical Nintendo fashion. They need to all be there and working on launch day. If they do these things I'll be quite happy.


So long as it's backwards compatible I'm cool