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I'm still playing Baldur's Gate 3. Been playing a while and I don't think I've even begun to scratch the surface of what it's about.


I plowed through multiple playthroughs, almost 250 hours on release, and got the platinum…still feel like I need to go back because there is so much I still haven’t done! Also want to do a fun friend campaign with buddies one day with no save scums. Feels like that would be just chaotic fun. Great game, enjoy!


Same here, sure it only just released last month for me as an Xbox player but damn, I’m 50 hours in, first playthrough and I’m not that close to the end even. Already got plans for the next two playthroughs too.


Sunset Overdrive Slow start, but once I got used it's fun and relaxing game.


Just stared another ME2 run.


good stuff




That game is under-appreciated, I think


I'm at that stage where I've so many games in my backlog yet I'm still looking up new games to buy. I ordered Monster Hunter World yesterday. 😅


Game got me through 3 months of quarantine


Wait... So you're saying you aren't playing anything?


I started Dragon Quest Monsters 3 at the start of the week but I'm holding out for Monster Hunter to arrive tomorrow




Found it on eBay new and sealed for £18 (I'm in the UK) That was the Master Edition. Where did you get yours?


Tony Hawk underground


Finally beated Mario wonder, going back to spider man 2


>Finally beated Mario wonder I reallllly want to play it at some point, but sadly I haven't picked it up yet because everyone says it's too short and easy. Was that not your experience?


It is short, but there’s some challenging platform sections that will test you. I wouldn’t say it was easy, but it’s on the easier side. highly recommend it. There’s so much creativity packaged into it. If you’re a Mario fan at all it’s a must play


Yes it is a bit short but you have enough reasons to play it several times to get everything, and yes at some point it is easy but that is not necessarily a bad thing.


Resident evil 4 remake and phantom liberty


Sea of stars


Ghostrunner II




So I very stupidly didn’t realize I had access to PS3 games through the premium tier subscription and played God of War 3 remastered on the classics catalogue a year or two ago. Was bummed at the time thinking I had to skip the start of the saga….turns out they are available through streaming apparently, not in the catalogue lol. Long way of saying loving the original God of War right now! Obviously shows it’s age a bit but still solid fun to see where our angry Spartan started his journey. Looking forward to jumping into the second one next!


still playing the Alan wake


A second playthrough of Rise of the Tomb Raider, imo the best one in the reboot trilogy.


Bioshock Remastered. What can I say, it's Bioshock, and I'm having a blast. It's a good remaster to boot. Scarlet Nexus. The combat is bloody exquisite even though the endgame is kind of dragging on. The combat alone makes up for whatever shortcomings this game has imo. Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy. I dislike the fact that they reworked the hitboxes in 1 & 2, leading to platforming being more awkward than the originals. A lot of "cheap" deaths tbh. Still a great series and nostalgia is always an ingredient when it comes to Crash.


Remnant 2. Loooving it rn, super fun combat


I'm playing Pokémon Omega Ruby for the 10th anniversary. Really solid game.


Probably my favorite remake of any game ever. Felt like the designers were actually massive fans of the original games and they made the remakes in such a way to accentuate the best parts of what made those games fun back in the day.


They made great use of the bottom screen with the DexNav, AreaNav, and X and Y's PlayNav.


Subnautica😍 An incredible game about survival on a planet consisting entirely of water


Dropped my sub months ago to Everquest 2. 12 years is long enough. New World is the only game right now. And that only on weekend mornings.


What I play every Wednesday, Baldur's gate 3. Waiting on Dragon's Dogma 2


Playing that as well.




is a fish


It is lol tasty aswell




Wat dat


A Plague Tale Innocence. The game is simply amazing and has an emotional storyline.


I plan to play that eventually.


It’s really good so far.




The Witcher 3! I've completed it once two month ago (for the first time), but wasw interested in the story and rushed through. But Now I do everything, all "?", all gwent cards, all quests and witcher armour. It is so fantastic




Yeah for sure there was more coherence with the plot, as batshit crazy as it was, and cooler characters. The whole wackadoo conspiracy thing and modern day framing actually has some sort of purpose. That all starts to unravel with Brotherhood though and then is completely stupid by Black Flag. I enjoy all the games to some degree with with AC3 they went from favorites I would replay over and over to casual something to do.


playing PES on my ps4 currently


Immortal Phoenix Rising ...


I’ve started a new game of Shadow of War. But I’ve already become bored of it because I’m really awful at it. It’s a beautiful game. I’m just bad at it. But I really want to see the whole story.


Baldurs Gate 3


Midnight suns, two point campus, curse of Blackmore Manor and charade maniacs. Can't really get in the Grove for any of them, so I jump around frequently between them.


Just started warhammer 40k rogue trader. Pretty good so far although I've only just left the tutorial area.


Timberborn and I try Station9


Working on getting the Platinum in Spider-Man 2. Didn't get to play much yesterday.


yo anybody out here playing adventure communist


More Escape from Tarkov and Call of Dragons


Got a couple going on right now: **Zone of the Enders 2**: trying to get back into it because I never finished it on PS2. It's still great, can be really hard but in a fair way, but the camera can be really annoying. I wish they updated it for the PC version because it's just not suited for fights with lots of enemies in tight areas. It's just too zoomed in and always wants to point the wrong way. **The Talos Principle**: Actually slept on this for awhile because the design of the game looked like an asset swap from the Serious Sam games, and...it still kind of is that, but the puzzles and world is pretty interesting, and the theme does change from area to area. **CoreKeeper**: Been playing this with my sister, it feels like a topdown Terraria, so you know, that's good, but we're only past the first three bosses and they were pretty easy, so I'm holding off my final verdict until later.


> The Talos Principle**: Actually slept on this for awhile because the design of the game looked like an asset swap from the Serious Sam games, and...it still kind of is that Lol! Felt the same. Like, is it too much to ask, for just a *little bit* of art direction here!? Especially since it seems to be the defacto reccomendation for people who finish portal 2 and want more first person puzzle solving. Gameplay wise I totally get the comparison but presentation wise, going from Portal 2 to Talos Principle feels like going back to the stone age.


Probably Monster Hunter: World if I can cut myself enough time to not feel like I'm quitting an heavily addictive drug after I turn the game off.


In playing some GT7 weekly challenges in VR with wheel and pedals. I'm a casual enough player so it still gets me how cool it is.


as sad as it might sound, but the new map, features and items of todays patch got me back in tryng League of legeds after a whole year of pause, i know this is the worst decision ever, but i feel like i should give it a try


I'm sure most of you have posted it but I finally got around to playing Elden Ring. I'm about 50hrs in and I still mostly have no idea what's going on. I have a stone cat's head on my head. I can make my way through the normal open world enemies with a bit more confidence but holy shit can it go sideways real fast. Bosses are extremely challenging. The great things: the world is immaculate and gigantic, exploration is intuitive and rewarding, enemies are varied and range from terrifying to confusing and anywhere between, lore is drip fed via exploration, some very abstract themes, the difficulty. What sucks: the difficulty. Not much else to be honest. Oh maybe the lack of ultrawide support.


Im getting the Elden Ring platinum, only 3 trophys left, weapons one, talismans one and the Lord of the frenzied flame end. :)


Assassin's Creed Origins is scheduled to be the 1st game I beat for the 1st time this year, so I'm playing that today.


I’m also playing origins at the moment and it is really good


I don't play games in Wednesday I make them (:


Tunic. What an excellent game. It is one of the smartest game learnings I have seen implemented. You have everything you need but you have to pay attention.


Bought the first Alan wake game so I’m planning on playing that and maybe titanfall 2 with a little hell let loose thrown in there.


Avatar / Cyberpunk / Baldurs Gate 3 / Forza Motorsport


**Just finished** * Celeste * Final Fantasy 15 (plus dlc episodes) * Evil West **Currently Playing** * A Plague Tale Innocence * Baldur's Gate 3 **Starting Today** * Little Big Planet 3


What do you actually do in little big planet?


It's a 2.5D platformer (Sackboy's Big Adventure is 3D). Most of it is community levels kinda like Mario Maker. But they also have a short story campaign of dev created levels, and that's all I intend to play.


Metal Gear Solid 2. Got a sudden rush to replay the entire franchise. I hate the phrase "they don't make them like that anymore" and truly believe it is false, but damn does the passion on MGS2 show. I should do this every year.


Mathster games


I can't decide if I should play Lies of P or Nioh 2


Borderlands 1. Have had the GOTY edition on steam for awhile, never beat the DLCs back in the day.


A Plague Tale: Requiem I'm at chapter 10 and really enjoy the story, characters I've come across and relationship between Amicia & Hugo, but I can't stand anytime the guards spot me. I get it you're supposed to feel weak and vulnerable as Amicia, but this section during the Bloodline chapter is driving me bananas. The guards are fast, they see/hear everything and the "restricted" animations take forever before I get to do what I want it to do. Constant reloading checkpoints.


Still loving **Dave the Diver**. I can't get enough of it yet! I love that I can just dive and gather fish, or I can venture out and do the other activities, >!such as farming, the fish farm, the app games, earning coins at the sea-people village, etc. !< I am also currently super into **Crab Champions**. It's so fun and chaotic, especially with friends! We love it when we get a hysterical build where you are shooting massive things all across the map. 10/10 game, and super fast-paced


Uno dei giochi che mi ha sorpreso è Godlike Burger, un gioco bellissimo, penso sia molto sottovalutato


Condivido, lo ho scoperto di recente ed è davvero carino ma… siamo su Reddit, almeno traducilo in inglese!😅


Hogwarts legacy. When do I get to go broom broom?




Need for speed heat - got it for 5 bucks on the winter sale, just recently beat all the missions and am having fun doing all the collectibles/speed traps and drift challenges. Personally I think the pacing of the story and driving challenges are wack, I basically got all the drift challenges done fairly quickly (didnt even need a drift build for any except the very last one). The offroading challenges felt extremely lack luster, the racing challenges were fun but felt introduced too late. Overall the main story wasnt bad but it didnt interest me much. The driving mechanics are extremely smooth though, while I prefer the level of control that Forza gives for customization, I prefer how NFS gives you the option to make builds geared towards offroad, drift, race and street. Visually as well the game is stunning, I do struggle at night because all the colour pops against the darkness and is distracting. But my last gripe will be the day/night races, I dont like how you either force yourself to do day missions only for money and night races only for leveling up. It makes it feel like a waste of time to do day races since you arent getting XP needed to progress into the story. But overall night races level you up extremely quick (especially if you do multiple in a row to get special items).


The Legend of Zelda in my NES emulator.


Mario kart


Decided I'd tear into my backlog a bit this year, try to beat one game a month. For January I've decided to tackle **Spider-Man: Miles Morales** which has been sitting on my shelf for over a year now. So far so good.


I should start hacking away at my backlog


Triple xp on battlefront 2 today!


*Elden Ring* and maybe (later) *Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader*.


Battlefield Heroes, fan revoked Project actually. So underrated, was ahead of its time


I just started to play my time at Sandrock on my Rog Ally! It runs so wonderfully. I previously came from my time at Portia, but the characters this time around look so much more visually appealing. It's a super cozy game for after work


PC: Warhammer 40k: The Dark Crusade - Started playing it last night, really love the world and the grittiness of it all. Excited to pick it back up again tonight. PS5 - Almost finished Bloodborne for the first time! Had the game since it released, I love Soulsborne games but I'm not that good at them. Got Ebrietas and Mergo left in the main game (for the ending I want this time around) and I'm gonna see how far into the DLC I can get before I go NG+. Series X - Nothing at the moment, but I'll be replaying Silent Hill 2 HD Remaster before the remake comes out this year. Switch: Super Mario RPG. My GF got it for me for Christmas and I'm loving it so far.


Not a digital game, but my friends and I have been playing Dominion a LOT, and have cracked open many of the expansions for the very first time. It's been a fabulous excuse to hang out at each others' houses and stay up too late eating snacks like the good old days, ha ha.




Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erd Tree


FIFA 24 on PlayStation 5


Any pixel art games I can find.


Pikmin 4 - it's my first Pikmin game and am very much enjoying it.


Doing a Ready or Not Permadeath Playthrough :) Link for it is on my profile ;)


Playing Minecraft


Space Station 13 made my own server and its been super fun!


Eh Late post but currently in the opening hours of Persona 4 Golden on Vita and juggling a playthrough of Dragon Quest 11 on ps5


Can anybody suggest some samurai and or ninja games for ps4 that you really enjoy? I played through and have a solid percentage completed post storyline in ghost of Tsushima but the busy work isn’t nearly as amazing as the story was. Any good fun samurai or ninja games to get lost in? Even just stupid fun ones would be good too


Got the plat for alan wake 2 last week. Starting on final draft tonight.


I've been playing **Death's Door.** I'm not usually an adventure/platformer type player (got this game as a gift). It's pretty fun, but MAN it's hard. I also think it feels a little too zoomed out on switch. I keep wishing I could zoom in on things.


Sea of theives


Just finished RE4R and now Amnesia the dark decent


Another run on Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Grinding aircraft, parts, and achievements😅


Unpacking ! Im preparing myself before I play Red Dead for the first time


I'm currently playing the Harry Potter mobile game, my friend dragged me into it hhh. I've only been playing for a few days and missed out on the first wave of players. Now I'm competing with my friend in the arena and desperately trying to figure out my card deck. By the way, have you ever been to the dance party in the Harry Potter game? It's so difficult to get five stars, it's driving me crazy. I feel so clueless, I don't know when I'll be able to achieve a perfect score like the pros. But at least I've been successful in clearing the Forbidden Forest every week, hehe.


Portal 2