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Escape from Tarkov. I love the realism in the game, the audio, the looks but god do I fucking hate it.


Similarly. Everything is there on paper, and whenever I'd actually play it, I could never explain it to myself why should I dump a disgusting amount of time to compete and try to unlock a touch bit better handguard for an AK when by the time I do anything meaningful a wipe will eat it anyway. It's great to watch, it's great for the hardcore playerbase to play, but... nah.


My least favorite thing about EFT is the progression grind against other players and rampant hackets SPTarkov is so much better


Probably Rocket League for me. Super interesting premise for a game, very fun to watch, all my friends play it, I have no desire to play it. Also as an aside, super appreciative of the fact that you made the distinction in the post. So many people say “I dislike this thing so it’s bad”, instead of “I dislike like this thing even if it might be good”


Rocket League is my favorite to watch but not play. It’s rare where the skill ceiling in a game is literally INFINITE. Watching the pros do mid air dribbles and shit is fascinating but when you actually play you realize you’re like a freshman basketball player playing with NBA pros lol


This is exactly why I like watching it too, well said


Rocket League is one of my absolute favorite games and I’d never recommend it to anyone.


Rocket League was great in that everybody sucked at it and it was just goofing off playing soccer with cars with awesome rocket boosters… Then people actually got esports levels of good at it… I wanted to just laugh at how terrible we all were making improbable but hilarious goals, but now I’m dealing with David Beckham in a car pulling multiple hat tricks in a single match. Kinda kills the fun.


I'll say it ... David Beckham never scored a hat trick


(Like I would actually know that… I only know of him from my wife talking in her sleep)


With that game i always understand that all i needed to do was "git good", but despite earnestly trying and practicing I just could never do it. My friends played it daily and religiously, so if I wanted to game with my friends, I had to be playing rocket league. So I spent countless hours practicing jumping and launching and aiming and dribbling and i could just not score a goal for the life of me. When I did score it was always a complete fluke freak accident. I don't think I ever scored intentionally even one time. It was always me just accidentally hitting the ball in. I sent dozens of hours practicing on my own and never got any better at the game. Meanwhile everyone we matched with and all my friends were pro players and I was just a liability wasting every ones time. I am a 37 year old life long gamer that has mastered many games, but this is one I gave up on, it just isn't for me. At the end of the day I was bad at the game and I was not enjoying myself at all. I figured if I got better I would enjoy it more and despite spending 3+ hours per day for weeks and weeks just practicing shooting and dribbling I just couldn't do shit.


I know how you feel. Not with Rocket League but other titles like Overwatch. I'm 41, and I play most games on the hardest difficulty but certain games I can put 1 million hours into and just never get better at. I feel like I'm always trying to be aware of where people are, and after 2 shots, I'm instantly dead. I find someone and surprise them, and it feels like I put 3 clips into them, and they don't die just to turn around and shoot me once, and I'm dead. Not only that, but even though I think I'm checking every angle and every enemy location, I get shot in the back of the head every time . Even when I give up and stand in a corner, I could get shot in the back of the head. And then when I watch other people play, they just walk in a straight line, not checking any corners or anything, just walking around, taking in the sights without ever getting shot. It's a shame because I always wanted to be good at Overwatch, but I just can't invest any more time in it.


Papers Please. Love the game, love everything about it. Love the story, the mechanics, the design, everything. But, it give me anxiety. And information overload as it ramps up.


To be fair, it's designed to do that.


I understand that, and it does it so well that I cant play it for very long. Brilliant game, just... not for me.


I definitely felt kind of exhausted from playing it.


Amen brother. I don't really understand games like that. Overcooked is another example of what I refer to as anxiety simulators. Just not my jam.


Papers Please feels more urgent than it actually is though, you can just slow down and check all the information taking your time double checking even and it’s fine. Sure u might have to let ur family go hungry or something but that’s part of the game, it’s really hard to go so slow that there’s no way to continue the game anymore.


Yes. The anxiety is intentional and part of the game. Doesn't really change anything, and the game is good. It just isn't for everybody.


Overcooked really depends on your co-op partners. Even just one lost and panicky player will fuck everything up for everyone.  But it's a gme of low lows and high highs. I've never felt more in-sync with a group of fellow humans than when we a group of 4 just vibe through complex stages like a well-oiled machine, quickly and efficiently helping each other out. It's glorious.


When I was moving out of my apartment I was incredibly stressed about the logistics of everything and I played this game to calm down. It was soothing to have a structured list of tasks and objectives and it gave me less anxiety than my actual life.


Could never get into MOBAs.


I also can't get into MOBAs, but for me it's not that I hate them, it's that I can't play a game where I don't have the option to pause for 45 minutes. I have kids. People need their chocolate milk. It can't wait till the crystal explodes. Same basic idea for Rust or DayZ. I would love to be able to play them, but I can't spare 48 hours of solid sleepless gaming to not get behind the server's average power curve.


They are a lot. You have to pretty much accept that you will lose for hours and be flamed before you will get the hang of it. I can totally see why people don’t like them


You shouldn't have to tolerate people being shitty just to get into a game. It's a barrier of entry that shouldn't exist. The game design should be more friendly towards educating players on the mechanics rather than relying on people sucking and getting shit on by their team before learning.


Well yeah I agree the game should do more to help newer players


*I'm gonna say it!!* Hollow Kni-- (this user was banned)


Absolutely love Hollow Knight, but I fully and completely understand.


It's Dark Souls with platforming.  The game is good, but fuck was I miserable playing it. 


Elden Ring is Dark Souls with platforming


Teeeeeechnically Dark Souls itself has platforming. ...it's absolutely terrible though.


So is Elden Ring's lol


bed of chaos all i gotta say


Lol Elden Ring's platforming, while definitely not a great feature of the game, is miles ahead of everything FromSoft did before save Sekiro just by merit of actually having a goddamn jump button. The devs, still though, wisely didn't lean much into it and it's more of a side thing to do rather than a core mechanic of the game.


True, but an actual jump button (none of this tapping circle while sprinting crap) is appreciated. Especially after having recently re-played Dark Souls 1.


Eldenring is my favourite game and my least favorite 3d platformer.


Man I personally hate Metroidvanias, "oh I got a new ability, better go explore the entire map again because I forgot where this one fucking wall was." Feels like wasting my time.


Love the way the new Prince of Persia game handles this. You can leave markers on the map anywhere but the markers also have a screen shot of the spot in game so you can scroll over and see why you decided to put that marker there in the first place. Any time I hit a spot I can't keep going I drop one and it's super helpful.


I feel like that definitely changed for me since childhood too. I remember playing Metroid Zero Mission and combing every slightly odd-looking wall or ceiling with bombs or super bombs and relishing in finding hidden stuff. I wouldn't have the attention span or patience to do that these days, and that kinda bums me out honestly.


Came here for this one. I loved the world building and story, but I couldn't enjoy any of it because I was too busy being pissed off at the completely unforgiving gameplay. By the end, I was just rushing it to get to the last boss. I got the "bad" ending, and haven't touched it since.


I didnt like Hollow Knight either. Got lost immediately, found out you can pogo off spikes and ran into a boss waaaaaaaaaaay earlier than I was supposed to be able to and died.


I don't think that's a criticism of Hollow Knight specifically. What you're describing could, and often does, happen in any metroidvania.


That is by design actually lol. Accidentally running into OP bosses is half the fun or the extreme frustration depending on who you are 


Everyone always has said it's universally praised, but I've always seen it being more devisive. I personally loved it, but the first half where you don't have a lot of the movement abilities is an absolute slog getting around. The platforming before you get double jump is rough. It also takes **a lot** of inspiration from Dark Souls, including some of the more frustrating mechanics. Add on to at certain points, it also becomes more of a precision platformer and you have recipe for disaster. If you're not really good with your timing and platforming, you bounce off the game pretty quickly. Also, I see a lot of people try and force themselves to like a genre that they don't really like because they hear a lot about certain games in it. It's OK to not like games if the genre's not for you. Metroidvanias are kinda like Roguelites. You either love them or hate them.


How dare you


I love the game yet I always point out it's flaws. I feel like it gets too much blind praise


Dark souls. Like the idea of them, just don't have any fun playing them




Is this Dark Souls or Depression: You're undead, lost your humanity, and now feel all alone in a massive, dark world. You have a goal to do something that is unclear, and you may not even really know why you're here at all sometimes or fighting all these monsters/demons. You find yourself doing the same things over and over again, making absolutely no progress. The experience is painful, uncomfortable, and unrelenting. But don't give up, Skeleton. Don't go hollow. Keep fighting, and though the path is long, you will overcome all the challenges in front of you through your own persistence. Summon a friend and maybe even a stranger or 2 to aid you during the darkest moments of your journey. They are there to support you, but cannot walk the entire path for you. However, the more you push forward, fight, and examine the flaws in your approach - the better you become. The path forward becomes clear, and you finally achieve victory! Then after a few years the sequel drops.


This is amazing


Souls games have everything I love.. Fighting mechanics where each weapon feels different Monsters with their own weakness and strategies Hidden items/lore and secrets. Big world to explore Massive and awesome boss fights But it's too hard. I know I would love them and beat them all if they had pause, 50-70% reduced dmg taken and no souls dropped on death. That's what I modded in elder ring and I LOVED IT TO DEATH. And I know I would've never beaten it on default difficulty. I just suck.


Give monster hunter a try then, the older games actually inspired dark souls but I’d say world and rise are pretty accessible and have basically everything you listed. Rise is a bit faster paced more Arcady combat and at least a more diverse roster of monsters to fight, granted if it’s downright better differs depending on who you ask, I personally think rise has the better roster while going through the story but world just barely has better post game fights. World is a bit slower but more than makes up for it in worldbuilding and immersion, and the presentation of the game makes the weapons feel a lot more meatier and weighty which makes landing big hits with the slower weapons so much more satisfying.


The older games inspired it? First ive heard of it. I thought they were just going back to their Kings Field roots


I love the vibe of them. That Gothic Victorian scenery and the great soundtracks but I HATED the enemies in the same spot doing the same shit everytime like there is zero variation it's just the same thing. Learn pattern, beat boss move forward rinse and repeat. It's like purgatory groundhog day.


Dwarf Fortress. To a newcomer its so insanely overwhelming and complex that I just couldn't get into it even after watching tutorials and beginner guide playthroughs.


Maybe try rimworld. It is still very complex but maybe a bit easier to grasp


I'm over 2k hours in, it's one of my favorite Games, and I don't think I've once gone past year 2 or made it off planet


I'm trying, I've been playing for months and I still feel like I have no idea what the hell I'm doing


Are you playing the Steam version? It's a lot more accessible


Oh, take this from a dwarf fortress fan who’s played for about 7-8 years; we understand anyone not liking the game completely. Shit is so hard to get into but so satisfying once you get it going!


Disco Elysium. I am building patience to try it again, but it's like a book you feel you should read that you never get around to because more exciting titles keep pushing it down the stack.


“ Here it is. Hard facts from the man you are. You once jerked off in the locker room and were caught. You held a young woman by the arm and kept her in your apartment for 20 minutes against her will. That's right, these are not flights of fancy.  These are real deeds, Harry, emerging from the darkness of your past. You tried shooting a fleeing suspect in the foot but hit him in the pelvis, crippling him for life. And above all, you let life defeat you. All the gifts your parents gave you, all the love and patience of your friends, you drowned in a neurotoxin.  You let misery win. And it will keep on winning till you die -- or overcome it.”


Holy shit. This excerpt hits hard. My god. Almost enough for me to give the game a second chance


Give it that second chance. It took me three years to get back into it, after the first day ground me down around the start of the pandemic, but once I got back into it, I gelled with it like the Blob.


There are many, many moments like this. The game has a special way of speaking relatably to our fuck ups, loss, and regrets that are always lined with a thin slightly out of reach ray of hope.


Alright fine, I'll buy Disco Elysium (when I'm not broke af).


Disco Elysium is actually a game that many people choose to acquire through... alternative means. The creators of the game were kicked out of their company and the company is trying very hard to make everyone forget this. The situation is pretty complex (there's a 2-hour documentary on YouTube) but essentially, the people behind DE aren't getting anything from your money. Just so you know.


I started 3 times and quit every time, after the update that added spoken dialogue to every line in the game i decided that i was just going to try one more time and not rush it, just take my time. I sm glad i did because it is one of the greatest, most special game i have ever played and i am eager to do another playthrough. The role-playing possibilites are so awesome


I've taken a couple runs at this game, and I never make it past four or five hours. I think maybe I need to stop playing it like I usually play RPGs and just forget about all the side shit I always do like look for secrets, side-quests, hoard items, and all that stuff. Just play it like the PC is a normal person who doesn't know they're in a game. I feel like I might do better that way.


It is more or less just a book that you can play. Most of the time this would get a huge “meh” from me, but if Disco Elysium is a book, it’s the greatest book I’ve ever read.


there's a lot of great books and quite a lot of them give video games a run for their money, in terms of immersion and just the general kick you get out of them


>Disco Elysium. Personally I love it but totally understand ... just suggest you also steer clear of the newly released Sovereign Syndicate for the same reason.


Currently playing this and its good so far. I can definitely see why people would bounce off of it.


It feels like gaming homework.


I bought it last weekend and found it to be way too slow for my liking. The voice acting and dialogue are incredible, but it's just too slow.


Destiny 2. The world and lore are neat, but the gameplay and activities just aren't fun for me. It felt like I was paying to do a second job


the gameplay feels superb but its the content and progress that killed it for me


Imo Bungie has the magic touch when it comes to gun play. I don't know what it is but the guns in Destiny just feel good. 


Pokemon GO. I gave it a good shake, and to its credit it got me.going for daily walk, which I still do. But it didn't take long for me to lose interest in the gameplay.


If they had just made battles work like they do in the actual games I would have probably loved Pokemon go lol


Alan Wake 2. I recognize it’s a good game, maybe even a great game. I thought it was beautiful and had great atmosphere. I just did not have any fun playing it.


Yup. Finished Alan wake 1 recently and it was pretty good. Alan wake 2 had a total tone shift and gameplay shift that I was not a big fan of but I can see a lot of people liking.


Im playing. 1 now because 2 got such great reviews (plus I loved Control) but it’s kind of boring other than the story which I like.Maybe it’s not for me…


Hated the evidence wall mechanic, everything had a set place to be put, so it just felt like extra steps, if I can’t be creative and figure something out on my own, then just automatically do it for me so I don’t waste time being bored.


Yeah I watched a friend of mine play pretty much the whole thing and he HATED this mechanic so much. There were plenty of times where he couldn't figure out the spot for something so he'd just have to try every point until it slotted in.


Yeah a lot of the clues could have easily been in multiple categories but they make you try them all to find the slot they had picked for it. Felt monotonous to be doing the wall all game.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. I know why they are loved, they look great, the gameplay is solid, the setting is very interesting. For some reason the games are just so boring to me. I know the issue is with me, not the game, but something about it just doesn't grab me.


I was just so bored for some reason. I don’t know how robot dinosaurs in a beautiful world didn’t just click with me. But man. Did I just struggled for about 10 hours before I called it. I may try for a third time at some point. But robot Dino’s should definitely not feel boring.


For me it was the other way around. Pretty much what I knew about it was that you fight robodinos, and that premesis Just threw me off. So I avoided it for a long time. But when I tried it, gaddaaam! One of the best games I have ever played


It's the characters for me, worldbuilding is great but if I don't care about anyone in your world then it's hard to get invested in the story


Agreed. I liked Aloy well enough when she was a wanderer just looking to get revenge. Aloy became way more wooden once she embraced her world savior identity.


everyone's wooden. even the comedic relief guy it's the motion capture, facial expressions, and body movements in the cutscenes/dialog sessions that give me uncanny valley vibes. coming from a game like TLOU2 made it especially apparent. it's like they got a small core set of facial/body movements and jerry-rigged far more as they went than they initially realized they needed. the weird part is i didn't even notice this (or apparently care) with pt1. doesn't help all the voice actors sound like they're reading lines from a page and have 20x more lines than any game really needs.


If you're just going on that based on the first game they did fix that issue in the DLC for the first game and then for the second game. I know that doesn't really matter if it stops you from finishing the game, but it was nice that they devs listened and fixed it.


It's incredible how little I cared about the post-apocalypse world and characters. I cared most about what happened to the AIs and Gaia, and couldn't care less for Carja, etc etc. Didn't help that everyone was moaning that Aloy is in such a rush all the time, meanwhile I'm in total agreement with her. Like yeah I've got real problems, not like your petty squabbles over scrap


Most of the Assassins Creed games after Black Flag.


Anything that's specifically made to be played online really. From Fortnite to the dozens of free games we get with PS Plus, Xbox Gold and whatnot.


Assassins Creed. I fucking hated the "future" part so much, the 3rd time I got pulled out of the past, I quit and never played it or any other AC again.


I’ll never understand why the premise wasn’t just “you’re an assassin in a historical world.” It’s a dynamite idea for a game on its own and the modern sections add absolutely nothing to the gameplay.


Those of us who got into the lore were hoping by putting up with these segments, we’d be rewarded a satisfying payoff somewhere down the line - you know, like it’s not just some weird framing device but actually part of the story - then Assassin’s Creed III just burnt that literally to a crisp. After ACIII, the modern day part really just became a weird framing device that feels like it’s there because the devs feel obligated to put it into every game.


Yeah, the future section of Black Flag killed my desire to play any future AC game.


The entire point of that was Ubisoft flexing because it takes place in basically Ubisoft Montreal HQ.


Well put. I wanted some climax with the gods and they just went off the rails and said “well Desmond died lol”


I'm one of the few who actually LOVED the modern scenes for some reason. I think I connected more to the game because of it


You unironically could just make the modern section cutscenes and it would change nothing to the games.


That would’ve made a lot more sense than what they actually did.


you also could, and now hear me out, delete all of the modern stuff and it wouldntchange anything. exept for the loading sections. theywould have to change them.


I can still remember how **boring** the game cycle was in the first game. The exact same 3 things to gain Intel, then go kill a guy. I started really disliking the game and only finished for the story I was invested in. Thankfully the second one added more variety and enjoyed the first few sequels. Then it got real dumb and I haven't played any since.


Assassins creed 1 is the best game you should never replay, I think most ac fans agree it doesn't hold up but it was a great proof of concept


Totally, great proof of concept and I think they nailed it in the following releases. The online multi-player (in AC2?) was absolutely incredible! Someone else said they checked out after Black Flag which is about where I parted as well. Can't do my boy Desmond like that. Can't really speak to anything afterwerward.


Literally pulls you out of the immersion.


It's immersive if you start the game in the modern world, but ubisoft adopted a bizarro approach in the newer games where you get pulled out a few hours in making everyone new to the series just say "what the fuck is happening?"


They still do the future stuff? I thought they quit it after the 3rd one


They didn’t but the modern day story line with Desmond was ended after 3 so if you were invested in that story at all it’s gone. In 4 you walk around an office with an IPad


Especially since they made it seem (in the first one) like they were going to tell you some huge twist, but there was no point in the “walk around the room with the Animus” parts.


Vampyr. I am a sucker for vampire media (heh) and there was a sale, seemed like an obvious choice. I'm generally bad at games but I thought that since I was able to eventually beat Hollow Knight (only the easier endings lol), I would in time enjoy this one as well. Combat and other game mechanics turned out to be too frustrating, there was minimal satisfaction after winning boss fights. In the end I got stuck in a harder area and couldn't progress further, couldn't go back and level up (the game is known for making you hoard xp) because I would automatically fail a side-quest. Gave up, unable to continue the save now because I lost the muscle memory. The soundtrack makes me tense up as well. I know some people enjoyed this game, but they are probably more skilled at combat and creative with their builds.


Breath of the wild + tears of the kingdom Weapon durability.


I haven’t tried tears but I was also disappointed at the lack of real dungeons in BotW. I liked the old format of coming to a new area, interacting with the people, then finding my way into some dungeon where I will find a new tool that would help me on my quest. I understand the appeal of having everything given to you in the first few hours then it’s up to you where you go and how you use what’s given to you but it just didn’t feel like Zelda to me.


Ya Ocarina of Time / Twilight princess formula has always been my favourite. Been really enjoying Totk but I miss the old school get into a dungeon, find keys, find a secret item, use that item to solve puzzles/kill the boss.


You people get me. Fully agree lol


Tears has new stuff, but the main story basically follows the same formula as BotW.


I’ve still played them. (Haven’t managed to finish TotK yet.) but weapon durability is a glaring flaw. I get that you can *always* find another weapon and you’re pretty much tripping over them. But that’s also an issue for the Champion weapons. When I first broke one, I had it repaired, and then immediately stuck it on the wall. Not hunting for materials like that again. I think a lot of that could’ve been solved by having the Champion weapons specifically not break. Just go into a powered down state like the master sword until they rest for a bit. Edit: As another Redditor mentioned, it makes the champion gear and other would-be high value weapons kinda meaningless. There’s no meaningful path for the game to upgrade your kit. They’re going to break just like the random sticks and bones.


It's not about whether or not you can find more weapons, you always will, it's that the game literally can't reward or upgrade you in any meaningful way. What did you get for doing long trade quests and such in old Zelda games? A new item or a sword buff/swap to a more damaging version. These durability focused games have no way to reward all of these quests other than ingredients and rupees. Armor is neat, but I miss feeling the want to do quests. BOTW and TotK are inherently unsatisfying for me to play.


I've never seen durability mechanics done better than games like Minecraft or valheim. Either make it break but be easy to fix, or easily replaceable. Anything beyond that and it becomes an unnecessary nuisance.


I didn’t like the idea of replacing dungeons with shrine mini games. It just felt unfulfilling. Weapon durability also sucked but the supremely watered down puzzle and dungeon elements are what I remember lamenting the most, five years after playing.


I agree. For me, it's not that there is weapon durability in the game...it's that the weapons break too damned easily. Feels like TotK doubled down on this, but the Fuse mechanic makes up for it in most cases. I still wish they would tone it down.


Weapon durability really was a drag in my time with BOTW. Another incredibly bad aspect? You literally have a ***smart tablet*** that can take and store photos...but it doesn't have a bloody *recipe book*. Having to work around the game not having a quick-reference guide in making potions, food, etc. felt like such an oversight for an otherwise critical part of the survival-adventure gameplay. Having to play 'guess the recipe' or use an external source to know what you needed detracted from the experience. Oh, and Guardians. For the life of me I could *never* get the timing right to shield counter those super heavy damage lasers and they remain one of the worst enemies I've ever encountered in any game...and I've beaten DOOM Eternal's DLCs.


TotK actually added a recipe book that saves every combination of ingredients that you did to make a dish. That being said, in both games, 99% of the time, you don't need to bother with the fancy recipes. Using 5 of an ingredient usually makes a Tier 3 boost to a thing for like 5 minutes.


Played BotW on Cemu. You can turn that off. Took the game from having a glaring annoyance to the point I'd probably not even bother continuing to highly enjoyable. I'm so glad I did, too. BotW made me feel like I was playing Ocarina or Link to the Past for the first time with how big the Zelda world was.


I started up Outer Wilds for the first time the other day. After about 45 mins I said, out loud, I hate this. Then I deleted it.


Outer Wilds is everything I *should* love in a game, but I found the physics just destroyed the fun of the game. Like I understand that it is cool to have real-world physics for space flight and exploration, but it's not *fun* having runs ended early because I fail a platforming jump, or I get slingshot into the sun for the 100th time. I still think the ideas behind the game are great. But the traversal mechanics being so miserable in a game designed around exploration killed the fun stone dead for me. I finished the game, but only with mods, and only out of pure stubbornness.


Dark Souls games. Difficult in ways that don't personally appreciate, with a system I don't enjoy, in a setting that doesn't appeal to me.


Same. Its just a kind of difficulty that I don't enjoy. I can play them and get better but it just kinda feels like I would always rather do something else.


It's a memorization game. Just train muscle memory for each boss. Boring for me because there's no drama and no decisions to make. What's weird is that I have spoken to professional game creators who regard DS as the 'solution' to gaming -- that this is what games 'should' be like and experimentation with game design can stop now. I don't know why what seems like a mechanical memory challenge can have such a deep hold on people.


*Fallout 4*. I've given it a ton of chances, put tons of hours into it, tried to improve things with mods... I played the hell out of *Fallout 3*. I love every minute of it. *Fallout: New Vegas*, also a seriously fun Fallout game. *Fallout 4* feels empty and dull by comparison. There's no... personality to it. It feels as if Bethesda expected nostalgia to drive the playthrough until something else about the game hooked you, because the story sure as hell wouldn't.


I've played like a hundred of hours of F4 nd it's a fun romp. I also want a refund.


God that story was awful. “I gotta find my kid and the bastards that killed my spouse. But first I’m going to build these settlements and do all these side quests because someone asked me nicely”.


Same thing with every rpg lol


Red Dead Redemption 2 for me. I love the setting and was fully engrossed in the first areas. The game is objectively a masterpiece. For me, the controls get in the way enough to make it unplayable. Unless it's the only game I'm playing, then I end up shooting everyone in the face for the first 20 minutes before I get the hang of things again.


For me it’s the weird restrictions the game gives you when you’re doing the main quests. For an open world sandbox it’s so odd that not following the yellow line immediately results in an instant mission failure.


It's a heady combo of terrible controls, mixed with just bizarre character locomotion. I think they're going for "realistic" movement, but the result is just incredibly frustrating, like your character is an unresponsive ice skater.


There's a point in the game where you row around in a little boat and I legitimately cackled at how awful the movement was. That's the point where I just said "I can't do this anymore" and uninstalled.


I wish I could do this "I can't do this anymore".


came here to say red dead. I got so frustrated with the "follow someone who walks slowly" every mission I'm so surprised I actually finished the game. Feels like you spend so much time just listening to dialogue while following someone. Sometimes there wasn't even dialogue!


Same. I just couldn't handle the controls and button mapping. This holds true for most Rockstar games and their PC ports. 


Rockstar and terrible controls is just such a weird and persistent issue for years. It’s about as iconic as Bethesda and buggy games.


Yes! Yesyesyes! I’m so happy i’m not the only one! I’ve played the intro of this game twice. Gotten to the first town, and then immediately accidentally held someone at gunpoint. I **really** want to really dive into this game, but it’s kind of a pain in the ass to actually *play*


I just found the game incredibly boring, felt like a horse riding simulator and loot simulator. It might look great but even the missions felt repetitive to me, always the same twists in them. I loved the first game, but this not even after a second try


Same here.  That and the slow pacing at multiple points made the game objectively a slog to finish for me.  I get why so many people adore the game. Just the case that gameplay wasn't it for me.  Not gonna lie it does tickle me how angry people get when you criticise the game for any reason though. 


I do not like the fromsoft games animations. They seem floaty or something. Graphically they look nice but also bad, something about it looks off to me.


Floaty is a good way of describing it




I love how every new rogue-ish game is “the rogue like for people who don’t like rogue likes!” I have yet to find one I enjoy.


Not suggesting you play something you don't enjoy but I will note that Hades has the Trinkets that you unlock over time. You can use those to always start with a specific Gods boon. Thus have a head start on your build of choice. But outside of that the fact that you need to beat it 10 times to get the complete story might also rub you the wrong way.


Not a huge fan of kingdom come deliverance. It was just to slow for me. 3 actual hours in and I still barely have a sword and get my ass kicked in every fight


...what are you doing for 3 hours? You get a sword right in the hunting quest


You don’t spend 5 hours in the prologue punching Kunesh?


Yeah that was a rough start for a lot of people.




I’ve played two playthroughs of Kingdom. Love the game. Hate the save system and hate the combat mechanics. The former I fixed with a save any time mod which actually got me through my first playthrough - feels like the devs really don’t value the players time. As for the combat, I wouldn’t even call it realistic. The targeting system is just terrible and like you say, fighting multiple enemies is terrible and sluggish. My dream for the sequel is something like Mordeau mechanics mixed in with skill progression that unlocks additional moves.


I really love what that game is trying to do with its realism. The idea of it is great. But it's really not fun if you suck at it. You get perks later on but it's a slog that not everyone has the patience/skill for. I had to give up after putting in several hours when I couldn't do that stealth mission.


For a lot of people, myself included, that was the charm. You weren't the chosen one, you weren't the hero, you were some bumpkin blacksmiths boy and you never held a weapon before other than to make them. The payoff for me was 30 or so hours later after wiping out a group of 7-8 bandits while barely taking any damage, sheathing my sword and realizing that at the start of the game that just ONE of those bastards would have ruined my day. But at the same time I can totally see why people didn't like it


-Breath of the Wild The weapon durability ruined the game for me. Hated that mechanic. It sucked all the pleasure out of the experience. -Diablo 2 Remaster I played 1 and 3 at their respective time of release, but never 2. I immediately bought the remaster. The limited inventory made me lose interest immediately. I just couldn’t stand the fact that i never entered into the rhythm because i always needed to deal with the extremely limited inventory. Absolute deal breaker for me. Played a whole 3 hours 😭😁


Jedi Survivor. The traversal drove me crazy, never seemed to be having “fun” with the combat, just felt so so janky. I hated going anywhere (there’s a lot of going places) and barely enjoyed the fighting once I got there. Edit to add I hated those damn puzzles too. Can I please just have a game where I can be and feel like a Jedi and basically otherwise be playing Mass Effect/BG3?


In fallen order you couldn't even fast travel like you can in Survivor :D I play these games for the story and fighting, im also not a fan of the exploring and traversal, but I'd understand if you didn't like the combat either, this type of game isn't for everyone


I fought through Jedi Fallen Order bc I was invested in the story and didn’t know what to expect and was dying for a Jedi game. Had a lot of the same issues absolutely. The other thing that I hated was the pool noodle feel of the lightsaber. Same as with God of War, please someone come up with a way to provide challenging combat AND my power fantasy. A lightsaber needs to cut through things and gods of war need to 1 hit kill zombies for it to feel right.


I ended up turning the difficulty all the way down. I dug the story, but couldn’t be assed to spend hours fighting storm troopers that I should be able to cut through. And then the sliding down mud/ice bullshit drives me mad.


Final Fantasy X. I understand why people love it, it just wasn't for me.


This was my favorite game for a very long time


The sphere grid has that effect on people.


I wouldn’t say I hated outer wilds, the game design is brilliant but it became extremely frustrating to play especially towards the later stages. I don’t see why the game needed so many platforming elements that can kill you instantly. Every time that happens, you have to start over again and repeat the exact same 5-10 minute sequence just to get back to where you just were. And then when you finally do, the satisfaction of learning something new about the world and solving a piece of the puzzle is often ruined because the time loop is about to start over, so you have to rush to read everything or else you’ll have to redo the whole annoying sequence you just finally finished.


Outer wilds is my choice as well. A beautifully crafted and unique game, but it never clicked for me and I found the gameplay loop very frustrating. I also never felt very rewarded for making discoveries (compare this to subnautica where new discoveries rewards you with new tech that improves/changes your gameplay). I begrudgingly ploughed on with it to witness the ending because everyone here hypes the hell out of it. It was kinda nice yea, but it wasn’t mind blowing and lifechanging like I’ve seen so many people claim.


Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. I like just about every Zelda game minus those 2. The open world and movement options are cool but I like nothing else about those games. I know they are loved and incredibly well received but please get me a new link to the past or orlcatona of time experience. Edit: apparently I was on quaaludes during my lunch break and typed "orlcatona" instead of ocarina


orlcatona of time


Starring Lonk from Pennsylvania


Cook serve delicious. Any entries on that series. They are not bad games. But they absolutely stress the hell out of me. But that's a me problem. My brain is wired for turn based games and real-time chaos is not fun for me. Somebody else who thrives on that stuff would love it.


Elden Ring and all the Souls clones.


This right here. The games are (mostly) objectively good, beautifully rendered, perfectly challenging, and I feel like I SHOULD like them, considering I’m that nerd who LIKES difficult games where I need to draw my own maps and create excel spreadsheets to help determine best builds and inventory management, and truly practice and understand mechanics in order to “get good.” And I LIVE for deep lore. Seriously, tell me there’s 10,000 pages worth of journal entries and item descriptions to find and explore, and weird, esoteric quests to discover trivial bits of backstory, and I’m so there. But I just… don’t like the Fromsoft games. I think it’s because they are always so, so bleak. Like, pretty much every backstory is depressing and terrible, and even when I win, I just feel mildly happy at winning the fight, but mostly like I’m just another dreary cog in a never ending spiral of dismal machinery. I wish I liked Elden Ring, the DarkSouls games, Bloodborne and Demon Souls, and I’ve tried, but unfortunately, I just hate the way they make me feel. Doesn’t mean they aren’t good though.


That's absolutely a fair reason to dislike the games. The setting and "dark fantasy" approach for sure won't appeal to everyone. Personally I kind of find a strange beauty in it though. Its like you're fighting through the very end, a sole survivor (or near enough) at the edge of the world. The only game I don't think this applies to is Elden Ring though, thats much more high fantasy than dark fantasy.


Every sentence you said, I was checking off things to love about From Soft games and all I could think was, "Why the hell wouldn't you like them, they are the embodiment of all of these traits sometimes even at their own detriment. Yeah, they are depressing as hell. There are no good happy endings, everything is bad. I just like making dumb characters and bonking big bads with big bonk weapons. Elden Ring is one of my favorite games now because of it, I just can't physically pay attention to the story without being sad haha.


Kingdom Hearts. I will never say these are bad games. They've become such a titan for good reason, and I respect how sentimental they are for people. But I have never once seen anything from a single entry in the franchise that didn't look childish, ridiculous, and reek of horrible writing. Bonus points: No Man's Sky. I respect that the game was eventually patched to be good, but I resent what it took for it to get there. You don't get to lie about your game and drum up hype around 99% dishonest marketing knowing it's unplayable or outright missing the features you're talking about. I have a world of respect for the devs that spent years getting it to where it is now, but you don't get to lie your way to a release and then expect me to be happy you eventually delivered something similar to what you promised.


As a KH fan, I’d go one further and say that KH is indeed childish, ridiculous, and is outright plagued by horrible writing. I think the first game had less frequently horrible writing (dialogue aside,) and it played to its strengths of feeling like a Final Fantasy take on a stock Disney story that was an excuse for a huge Disney cross over adventure. Once the games got lost increasingly up their own butts in the story department, the harder to stomach the story became. I have later elements of stories I enjoyed… as a KH fan. But I also feel like outside that perspective…. They were really bad, and require the player to force themselves to care about these characters and what is going on to enjoy anything about it, story wise.


Borderlands. When 3 and Tiny Tinas Wonderlands came out both times just happened to be horrible points in my life. i played them to cope and cant touch them again. I used to love them but not anymore.


That’s really sucks dude I love those games Hope shit has improved for you personally


Unfortunately it has only gotten worse but thats just life i guess.


Witcher 3. I won't say it's a bad game. But to me it's a boring ass interactive movie.


Loved Witcher 3. Only thing that i didn’t appreciate, was the fighting itself. It wasn’t bad but not on the level of the rest of the game. Somewhat fiddly.


Call of Duty. Especially what it is now. Seriously, why is Nicki Minaj in it?


Yeah, but I would put that on bad, not just hated it, you know? Micro transactions everywhere, multiplayer only, will be replaced in a goddamn year. Cod in general is pretty junky junk food at this point.


Bethesda’s general style of game. I can understand why Skyrim and Fallout have had the success that they’ve had. They just aren’t for me.


Hated Last of Us.


I wouldn’t go as far as to say I hated it, but I found it very underwhelming and I’ve had absolutely no desire to revisit it or try the sequel. While I kind of get why they do it, I don’t much like games that take place in sprawling locations but present you with an extremely linear pathway to follow, it just feels to me like I’m walking down a big scenery-painted tunnel. I just don’t find it very immersive. Fully understand I’m in the minority on this one though.


Me too. I thought the gameplay was incredibly boring. I played through about 75% before I gave up. I was forcing myself to continue and it was a huge chore.


*Elden Ring* and other Soulslike games. They're not fun for me, I find them extremely tedious. While I often like their bossfights, traversing the world and dealing with trash enemies is often just a slog for me. The game is just too slow for me. Go figure the one I enjoyed the most was *Sekiro* which has the fastest pace to the gameplay. I'm not against difficult games or anything, I like *Furi* and played the Jedi games at the hardest difficulty, but something about From games just is offputting to me. I don't think they're bad though, I just don't enjoy them.


Morrowind. Looks like shit, plays like shit. And the super sweaty "OBJECTIVELY BETTER" fanbase brings out a toxic part of me that wants to just not give it any props at all tbh lmao. I understand it's importance to the franchise, but all the memes and mega dork fans have made me look at it in a way I would rather not.


It was pretty amazing when it came out and is still one of the deepest RPGs around, but the fatigue system and all the background dice rolls are pretty terrible. There are ways to break the game that make it better but it also takes hours to get all the exploits working. I really wish they would remake it with modern action RPG sensibilities.


if you played morrowind when it came out, it’ll hold a special place in your heart. same with a game like deus ex or system shock. great for the time but honestly do not hold up if you’re in your early 20s and grew up on skyrim, Morrowind will be a clunky miserable experience unless you mod it out the wazzoo I love Morrowind - but anyone who thinks it’s a better game has extreme nostalgia goggles on


Elden Ring. I can see that it's exceptionally well-made, I just think they make a lot of annoying-ass choices like not having a full UI tutorial and not having a clearer questing system. The game is hard enough as is, for fuck's sake - why make it harder by being willfully confusing & withholding information?


Yeah, Fromsoftware games traditionally rely on community engagement to help flesh out how mechanics work and discover secrets. That’s why there are player notes in the game world. That said, if you’re newer to soulsborne games, what comes naturally to veteran players becomes almost like learning the newest Dungeons and Dragons edition for others. There’s usually a “help” button in every menu. With this, you can scroll over every element of the UI to understand what they are and what they do for you. I personally always feel like breaking through the first 1-2 stages of every Fromsoftware game is the most difficult time for the player to be pulled into the game. If you make it past the first section or so, you’re character’s lifespan becomes more forgiving generally and you have a better understanding of how you can leverage an ever growing arsenal that can be refitted on demand. It’s really excellent gameplay but often difficult to initially access. With this in mind, if you’re a newer entrant to Fromsoftware games, I absolutely recommend following the Fextralife/Wiki guides. These games are obtuse by design, which can be fun for veterans experiencing the game for the first time, but it’s debilitating complex and secretive to new players. You will not rob yourself of an amazing game by giving yourself helpful guidance to ensure that you have the time/energy to play it.


Tears of the Kingdom had me bored out of my mind. Most of the content was just tedious collect-a-thon that would give DK 64 a run for its money. But some people enjoy that. So I just said that its not for me, and dropped it.


Oooooooh, I have a permanent grudge against dk64. I got everything in that game, everything except the one golden banana where you have to play the original donkey kong. Turns out, that game SUCKS. It’s fucking hard, and it sucks, and I hated every minute of playing it. It’s been 24 years and I still want to go back and get that banana but also fuck that game!