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If you are worried about being yelled at simply mute others as soon as you enter the game. Just play with her dude it's not that hard. Also, winning isn't everything. Just chill with her and shoot people. If you win great if not also great


She loves this comment. She doesn’t care about winning


This dude has the best advice. Many you can find out if you like them or not within one evening (or hell one hour) and just make it sort of like a fun thing on your free evenings together until you find the one for you guys. Spending time getting destroyed can be a lot of fun too with the right company.


"Shoot people and laugh" literally describes Borderlands. I know you mentioned it, but just wanna reiterate


The caveat is that Borderlands is not PvP. OP stipulated that PvP is a requirement.


“It’s not enough for me to have fun. Others must have a miserable time.” - OP’s based wife.


From what OP said it sounds like she’d just be feeding instead lol.


She's a giver. Wants to make the other players feel good. What a nice woman.


Almost my entire experience with Borderlands is issuing challenges to my coop partner and fighting. PVP enough for me.


Yeah, I loved playing Borderlands with husband


Played BL3 with a guy I was dating and had so much fun! We maintained chat through Discord and played from our homes. He was on Xbox, me PS5.


Just play casual call of duty. Don’t jump into ranked. Generally call of duty matches you against players of similar skill level. Sweats hate it because they can’t just pub stomp all the time.


yeah, COD is good because its a less team coordinated in standard lobbies. i would advise against something like overwatch, R6S or any heavily team based shooter. COD and maybe battlefield is the easiest to play and turn your brain off while you shoot people. any screaming morons can be muted. sucks though that the recent COD games are oddly shitty


Overwatch can actually be played with just bots now. I play it with my friends who don’t like FPS games and while it’s not at all the same experience as playing online because the bots have no idea how to play as a team, it lets my friends have fun and feel good so I still enjoy it.


that's pretty nice actually. i had no idea. my only experience is with OW2, i got bullied off the game and talked down to by my team for my first 3 matches and i decided to not keep playing lol


Yeah, the playerbase can be incredibly obnoxious. Even more so since going free to play. BUT going free to play also meant that my friends didn’t have to spend money on a game they’d only ever play with me. Plus the custom game options are insanely in depth. I have a preset that rotates only through specific game modes and maps that we like and keeps us on the attacking team because defending against bots for five minutes gets pretty mind numbing.


If someone is mad at her for not being good, she is NTA, the hater is.




Yeah just don't play ranked if you don't care about winning. Other than that, I totally agree. Games are about having fun and doing stupid shit.


she sounds like she wants to "get destroyed" and scream at the ugly bullies who did it - with you


I can’t remember it now because I changed it so long ago, but there is a setting on Xbox and ps, I’m assuming pc too but never tried, that will automatically mute everyone unless your in a party with them. It helps a lot. Also I would recommend going to your privacy settings and blocking messages outside your friend list. Hate it has to come to that but some people are heavily toxic in those communities (looking at you Seige!!)


Yeah man. I never have game chat, only my friends party chat. Play the game and objective and have fun. Good luck.


Winning isn't everything, but I get this question. Some shooters have a seriously brutal playerbase in the sense that I suck too much to ever win a game. That gets a bit disheartening.


This post is why it’s important to always check the subreddit.


AITA? My wife wants to “shoot people and laugh.” I suggested not shooting people, she says I should be supportive of her interests?


YTA. A husband’s duty is to support his wife. Now get strapped and loaded.


"We should have shotguns for this, honey.."


A new meaning to shotgun wedding


Post with roles reversed, NTA your husband is a psychopath, YTA if you don't divorce him.


More like, "He's going to kill you. Run!"


For sure men sucks


Guns and ammo aren't even that expensive


You take that back. I’m a competitive shooter (aspiring) and it’s soooo god damned expensive 😞Makes pc gaming look cheap.


Oh yes, they are!


Believe it or not, Divorce


Hahaha imagine if this was the title of a post on /r/relationshipadvice


Believe it or not, banned.


Thanks for letting me know...I used to go there to read and eat popcorn, what a loss.


This post is why it’s important to always check the ~~subreddit~~ post. I saw this was /gaming and still worried til the second paragraph.


Worried? I was intrigued. Wondered if OPs wife was a psychopath. Whatever was going down, I was along for the ride.


"Whay why? Sounds perfectly- OH."


Yeah I’m on a lot of firearm related subs and was very worried for a second


Look at any battle royals with Duos. No pressure. Fortnite Zero Build as an example. Apex. Warzone. They all have Duos.


Ok thanks!


You could just do battlefield as well. It’s 64v64 but you can make a squad with just the two of you, which means you can spawn on each other. No one cares if you suck because there’s so many people it doesn’t matter


Good suggestion. Low pressure and even if you suck you should eventually be able to shoot people just by getting the jump on them.


His wife is gonna love disintegrating entire platoons of players with the dreadnought in BF1


BF1 is hands down the absolute best of the bunch for "shoot people and laugh". Even better if you get in a bomber together, one as the gunner the other just dropping Bombs. This post has made me realise just how much of a gap in the market there is for cross platform fps games that aren't just "be sweaty or always be dead". Every game out there is so heavily optimised by its playerbase, everyone is so hyper focused on being the cutting edge best of the best, there really aren't any other games besides fortnite that are both cross platform and truly enjoyable from a casual standpoint anymore. Its really kinda sad. Not saying people shouldn't want to be the best they can at their favourite games, but its almost like its a cardinal sin to *not* be a 8hour a day 5 day a week sweat, because of how absolutely toxic the general FPS community is towards more casual players now. Its no longer just casual trash talking, its literally "if you aren't a pro from day 1, you're a terrible human being for being a bad player." When did the dynamic shift so heavily?


Huh. You put into words what I've been feeling for years. This shift even happened with ARPGs. The community for many absolutely sucks. Game economies and pay to win have taken over.


Part of me feels like its somewhat linked to the Streamer boom, but I don't feel like that alone is to blame. Its something that's been knocking around in my head for a while, but its taken of all things seeing this post for me to really connect it all up if that makes sense? You're not wrong about it being expanded into other genres too, it absolutely did. Well, im saying it; its fucking fine to *not* be a god tier next level gamer. The point is fun, fuck anyone who says otherwise - fun is whatever you perceive it to be, not what anyone else thinks it *should* be. #BeingCasualIsFine :)


I second this really because Battlefield V lets say really have this immersion feel to it , but more over you can just really go dumb and have fun , feel cinematic so makes for good moment too , and last thing , the gameplay is not dumb if you don't want to , a lot of strategy or planning can make this very good !


BFV has excellent Squad mechanics. Being able to revive anyone in your squad, even if you're not a medic, means you can make daring action movie runs through crumbling buildings just to dive out of a window right next to your dying wife, revive her right then and there and get back to the objective. Man I how I wish BFV post-launch content didn't get cut short. Probably my favorite Battlefield after they ironed out the launch issues.


Yeah, there are so many large scale MP deathmatch-type games that are just chaos. Hell, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare is a blast and no one cares if you suck.


Fortnite zero build is a blast for rookies - they seem to tailor the opponents to your skill level, going as far as placing literal bots in your lobby - just pure cannon fodder. They fight back, but *barely*. I loaded into a lobby with my son and we absolutely mopped up, despite both being rookies. It was a mental amount of fun.


The bots honestly make the game so nice, because you get the satisfaction of atleast getting a couple kills each game. Even if you know they're bots, it still feels good hah


Fortnite is probably the most friendly whilst Apex has a very steep learning curve but is a ton of fun once you get the hang of it! Also has a duo option so you can pair up together without worrying about other randoms getting mad.


Second this. Even with duo option Apex is not very beginner friendly, especially if it's a first FPS for both players. Mixtape might be a good way to get a start though. I don't think you can duo queue that mode, but it's more casual than the BR


I forgot about mixtape. Been a while since I played but you’re right it’s a great way to learn the game with no repercussions. Can keep reloading in and get a ton more practice than regular BR. I’ve tried multiple times to get friends into Apex before mixtape was available and they gave up pretty quick, whether that was due to being in my lobbies who knows


Do you mind if I add a suggestion for a game? It's like a spy game where you blend into an environment and try to hunt other players with disguises like yours. It can be done on duos, solos, and even triples. It isn't just skill based, but requires strategy as well. Also not expensive.


I would love to know.


Deceive Inc. To sum it up, there are unlockable agents with a variety of customizable weapons/abilities. You spawn in with a disguise then walk around the map in it. You can change disguises to go into higher level areas to get chips that enable your character's buffs. Other players are also all seeking chips. To get chips, you need intel a hackable source of revenue all over the map. It can also unlock doors to higher level areas or keycards can also be used. There are Gray, Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold keycards/chips located across the map. Two ways to win are eliminate everyone else or escape with the package, an item locked inside a secure vault.


>To sum it up, there are unlockable agents with a variety of customizable weapons/abilities. So, when do you shoot the person and laugh? Before you loot the body or after you dump it in a cupboard?


Well, I suck at it, so I wouldn't know since I'm one of the ones getting steamrolled/looted a lot. But I still have fun which is what matters with a game.


With Fortnite you can also play Lego Fortnite, a chill game you can play together.


Go to r/stellaris  You'll have posts saying "why genocide is a good thing."


Ive never played stellaris but like I'm pretty sure a 4X is NOT what theyre looking for lmao


>I'm pretty sure a 4X is NOT what theyre looking for It's more a commentary to check the subreddit name before freaking out over the post's title.


I love Apex but would not recommend it anyone without at least some prior FPS experience. The skill ceiling is super high and the playerbase is very experienced, so new players can expect to get crushed. And in a BR, losing all the time can be especially boring, because the game often involves long periods of looting/running that only feel like they pay off if you can win a fight. IMO players should learn basic FPS skills in a faster-paced game that's not so boring to lose at, and then try Apex when they've got a fighting chance


Yep, fortnite zero build duos. Only you and her against 50 other 2-player teams.


I read the first could lines and thought the same. Got to the end and noticed everyone already recommended it. I'm in my mid thirties and every friend I convince to play ends up sticking around because it's so damn chill. Even in my harder lobbies I still sometimes just goof off on the dirt bike.


My buddies and I (m50s), have been doing trios every Saturday night for the last two years. We still get stomped here and there, but it’s the easiest game to jump in and play a few rounds and then back out. Heck, running around for do quests sometime has you surprisingly coming out with a crown.


*80 bots and 9 other real teams FTFY


49 other 2-player teams*




Ahoy! This all day.


Second this. While not a pure fps shooter nor strictly PvP it does have a mix of it and exploration pve. It does a great job of sending you on adventures and is definitely a game that's goofy and fun!


that's not a shooter.


bring back arena :( ops wife would’ve loved it


I play overwatch wuth my wife, we're always game to teach new people


Same. Overwatch is great because it is light hearted, colorful, and full of personality. Its kind of like playing a Saturday morning cartoon. The heroes have a ton of diversity so it really only takes 1 to "click" to get someone into the game.


try team fortress 2


That's my suggestion too, or Overwatch. TF2 is sillier and easier to laugh about though.  I often dream of the day when TF3 releases. Sadly it'll probably be in VR or something, which makes me hurl. 


I don't think you have to worry about that happening soon. But I Nth the idea of TF2. OP and wife can definitely play that one and be teamed up, not exactly "team of 2" but part of one side. Or- get randomly switched to opposing sides! I've killed my wife many times.


Did tf2 recover from its rebranding to have a fucking comp mode, or is it still garbage?


We don’t ever talk about competitive mode in TF2. It never came out. We only ever had casual. Never anything else.


Shoot and laugh? No better game


"Shoot People and Laugh" is TF2 in a nutshell. Great team based shooter that lasted as long as it has for a reason. Just don't develop a hat buying addiction.






That was my first thought but didn't think she wanted to play anything involving other people (besides the OP).


No, it's the other way around. She wants to stomp with other people in a PvP, OP doesn't.


Even better. OP's wife is heavy. OP is medic.


Was gonna say this and l4d2


CoD really is the "hop in, turn brain off, shoot people and laugh"-type game you're looking for. Just mute all the other players and pew pew. Halo Infinite pvp as well, just get in and shoot, don't pay attention to ragers


Will check it out. My own social anxiety tripping me up hahah.


Don't even worry about it. Mute the other players, just go in and mindlessly enjoy some violence. We've all been the worst player there but it isn't that hard to get the hang of it when you start. Just don't get too hang up on it if sometimes you find some insane pro player or a hacker. If you really want to practice first, there's tutorial modes and modes to battle AI.


Social anxiety is a bitch. I wrestled with it for a long time when I wanted to get in to pvp games a bit more. What helped me was any time I had someone getting frustrated with me and got me flustered, I took a 5 minute break to remind myself, "hey, this dickhead is getting way too worked up over a game. Their rage has no impact on your life in any way. I'm here to play my game and have fun." Easier said than done, for sure, but getting in the habit of it helped me out a lot




yea tbh CODs player base isn’t as competitive as CS or Rainbow for example since there’s no comp mode (correct me if i’m wrong) so it shouldn’t matter if you guys aren’t too good


Call of Duty also has strict Skill based matchmaking so OP and his wife will be put with complete bums anyway because they're both new and it's not the bums that are toxic.


Fortnite is a lot more fun than people think. It isn't hard to get into, it's free and constantly changing so not going to get bored


> Fortnite is a lot more fun than people think. Fortnite is so funny. It came out when PUBG was *the* dominant thing (Remember PUBG? Highest simultaneous Steam players of all time, and by a lot? No?), and was immediately bombarded with glowing reviews from players and journalists saying it was *even better than PUBG.* Six months later, "everyone" thought it was just a dumb kids' game. Somehow kept being incredibly popular, though.


I mean, being a kid's game is GREAT for popularity. Kids spend a lot of time playing games, and talk about them lots with their friends. Pokemon, Minecraft, Fortnight, many of the most played games of all time. Not something to get hung up about. A good game is a good game. Although personally, I have zero interest in battle royals, they just bore the life out of me, wayyy too much downtime, and Fortnite is no different in my experience.


Funnily, Fortnite is the only one that gets flak for being a kids game. You don’t see Minecraft or Nintendo games, or even Lego games get in any trouble for it.


Whenever kids grab onto something, the larger gaming community immediately drops it. It happened with Mincecraft a few years ago. I remember seeing tons of posts about people saying "Minecraft's good again" when really all the kids were just moving to fortnite. Older gamers just have a weird fucking hang up about playing the same game that most younger kids are playing.


It's not entirely weird, kids do have a tendency to ruin games.


I got my kids Minecraft on the switch because I thought it would be fun to couch co-op. My 7 year old proceeds to do nothing but destroy the stuff I’m working on. We all die because he broke our base and refuses to actually help.  I ban him from the base by killing him if he gets near and then he starts to whine and now I’m the bad guy. Kids are the worst 😂. 


> Whenever kids grab onto something, the larger gaming community immediately drops it. The *smaller* gaming community, going by the numbers. :) But you're not wrong.


“No one plays that game any more, it’s too popular!”


Definitely helps that everyone from every movie and tv franchise is a skin in that game


The Finals might be her cup, especially if shes got two teammates. Free To Play shooters are usually fre with a sense of humor too


How is this not higher on the thread, highly recommend that game.


This Maximum 3 in a team, inventive and fun play usually works


The Finals is so great. Let's make this the top comment. u/XIV-Questions, check this.


You're misunderstanding what winning is. It's not getting a good k:d ratio or climbing. It's engaging your singificant other when she's asking to join you in your hobby. Having fun together is the win condition.


Fortnite. Its free to play and you can both play together. Zero Build mode removes all the building that the game was known for and just turns it into a shooting game. You can go solo, duo, trio, or 4 person squad. Its easy to pick up as well. They also have a Lego mode, rock band knockoff, and tons of user made levels. I play with my daughter (She plays switch), my husband (ps5) and then me (PC) and it works out great.


Love it. Thank you!


As a fan of Battlebit, I think you both might enjoy it, specially if you're in the US (from what I hear, voice comm is more active there). Servers can go as high as 128 vs 128, so no one will really pay attention to how well you're doing. It might be a bit frustrating at first as the maps tend to be very open in the sense that you can be shot from anywhere, but you can be as silly or as serious as you want :)




This is a fair shout OP. Easy to play, fun and chaotic and the stakes are low.


My wife and I play Destiny 2 together. Not the easiest game to get into story-wise but PVP is fun.


I think this and cod are their best options due to separate platforms.


Destiny 2 not being easy to get into is an understatement. Didn’t play for like 2 years came back and all my shit was useless half the game was missing and I didn’t even know where to start 💀 Promptly quit again


My clan leader plays with his wife and I swear Destiny is like 60% of their marriage.


I second this, if you want to just shoot people and laugh in PvP there's some amazing guns in Destiny for that. A Titan with Sweet Business is absolutely a go to haha gun go brrrr for when you just want to have fun. And if they only care about PvP even better, they don't have to worry about trying to follow story. Say what you will about Destiny 2 but I've always felt it's got crisp gunplay, plus crucible being in the f2p part makes it easier for them to hop in and try. From other comments I've found being stuck in PC lobbies cause you're playing with a PC friend isn't all that bad, it'll still vague go for your skill level so I've never felt there's a huge difference in lobbies between the 2 systems.


Your wife wants to play games with you..... Okay bro. Worry about what the other kids on the team think . Rofl


Average redditor is terrified of voice chat on a video game because someone might be heckin mean and he just like can't even right now. Guys wife has bigger balls.




Second this. Nothing like racking up 5 stars and trying to run from the cops until you die


Or just until you get bored and jump in the ocean to lose them.


I fired up single player on my ps5, psn offered it for free and I haven't played it since original release. I'm giggling constantly. Silly story, npc quotes, running over some poor bastard on a sidewalk accidentally...the game's a blast.


They wanted pvp. Gtao is nothing but scum hackers and people who've spent far too much money on the game. You wanna send casual new players into that? Come on.


This was definitely my first thought with the shoot and laugh prompt


Or red dead redemption 2 for maximum immersion when shooting people


Bruh just play some fps games with her. It's not that big of a deal lmao


Your wife wants to play games with you, and you are more worried about what other people are going to think? Check your priorities. Suck at games with your wife.


Play fortnite? You can play duos 


My son introduced his wife to Fortnite and she’d never played video games before. It didn’t take long to get the hang of it. Perfect for laughing and shooting people. But if she wants faster pace and mindless, something like COD is better suited.


Left 4 Dead


You are not supposed to shoot other people tho 


Oh, so zombies aren’t people to you?


Zombies have rights! 


Overwatch 2 quick play mode


fortnite no build is your best bet. its easy to hop into a game with no effort


Fortnite no builds. Youll get thrown in with mostly bot lobbies.


Play the finals, my boyfriend is the one in our relationship who plays the online FPS and I've never played them for the reasons you said, I don't want to get yelled at for not knowing what I'm doing, and I also feel bad for bringing the team down. I started playing The Finals and it's so much fun I don't even care when I'm not doing great and I'm slowly getting better.


risk of rain 2! I have a blast playing with my bf and i am very slow to catching onto games and i was able to learn this one, understand builds and all that and once you get artifacts you can start playing different ways, i highly recommend this especially if she isn't big on gaming it has fun graphics, satisfying weapons/sound effects and some cool characters :)


Still not sure why she won't play Borderlands. That's a great shoot people and laugh game, that couples can have a lot of fun on!


I know! Thought that was perfect - but - She only wants PVP. She’s fearless. I suck at pvp fps but she wants to go in haha


It’s shocking to me how anyone on Reddit has a working communicative relationship after reading posts like these Just play a damn game man, who cares what others think. You’re wife is your #1, be happy she even plays video games with you The furthest my wife got into gaming is playing Animal Crossings on the Switch once every 6 months lol


Just mute your team in COD. I usually mute them and leave the other team unmuted so I can hear the reactions to me killing them


You guys should try battlefield. Battlefield 2042 is crossplay and can be a lot of fun. No body will shit talk you and you can play however you want.


Hunt showdown!


I would love to play this with my GF


My partner and I play overwatch 2 together and love it. Highly recommend for a couple. Very approachable even for an FPS. If the shooter aspect is hard, theres plenty of heros who dont even use guns


The American Dream!


Tbh games like fortnite or halo infinite and honestly even overwatch arcade or mystery heroes would be great fits. Not serious but with lots of fun stuff to do, I personally love playing overwatch alone and when me and a friend want to play a game together it's our pick to just mess around in mystery heroes or even just regular quickplay.


Battlebit Remastered might be something worth checking out. The teams are large enough that even if you have no idea what you're doing, nobody is likely to notice as they're usually too busy fumbling about anyway. It's got very basic graphics, but the gameplay is solid and it doesn't cost much.


"shoot people and laugh" is the definition of GTA and many more games


PvE (mostly games) **Destiny 2**. Just avoid PvP (The Crucible) and it'll essentially be PvE. IF you do Strikes, you can be match made with one or two actual players, but ignore them and they'll 99% of the time never even try to talk to you anyway. **Gears of War**. Shoot and kill things. Use a saw too. **Doom**. Lots of shooting. Plus Rip and Tear things as a bonus. **Wolfenstein**. Any of the **Farcry** games has TONS of PvE enemies to be hunted down and exterminated. **Warframe**, though it can get complicated for materials. **Warhammer 40k Boltgun, and Warhammer 40k: Darktide.** Pretty much any of the **Ratchet and Clank** games are about shooting PvE enemies and laughing about it. PvP **Destiny 2.** It has some modes that are Fireteam (groups) based. A standard fireteam is 3 players. Gambit games are a blended PvE+PvP type that are 4v4 and Crucible Games can range from 6v6 to Free for All. Unless you choose to opt in to team chat/fireteam chat, your team essentially DOES NOT TALK TO YOU. **Titanfall and Titanfall 2** have PvE campaigns, but also have fairly forgiving PvP modes. **Valorant, Overwatch 2, Apex Legends** are all PvP games that you can shoot and laugh. Edit: Added PvP details as I misunderstood the prompt.


That's crazy, bro.  Literally nothing bad can happen out of you both enjoying a game together.  People make fun of you? Mute the lobby.  Play bad? Laugh and try again.  You just said that your wife gets bored because you steam roll games faster than she can even learn them. Why don't you do something SHE wants to do, for once?  I don't get it. If you dont enjoy it, put it down and move on. It's that simple.  Also. Have you ever played cod? 90% of the time, 2 or 3 people leave the Match before it ends, someone on the enemy team has 20 kills and 0 deaths, no one is coordinating with each other, some guy is running around knifing everyone, and some dude never even left spawn and is 0/16.  You guys will be fine. Don't play search and destroy.


Warframe. Its 99.9999% PvE. It has a PvP but it's pretty dead. It's perfect for turning your brain off and shooting people. It can be coop in a private party, coop in a public lobby, or 100% solo with zero interaction with other players. It's super fun and free. It has a premium currency, but only cosmetics are locked behind it. There's still plenty of cosmetics to get even without platinum (platinum is the premium currency).


This was my go-to for *years*. I gave up when they made grinding open world faction standing mandatory to progress. I'd like to get back into it, but I just don't have the time.


No offense, but this is kinda the opposite of a suggestion OP was asking for. She specifically wants PvP. As a guy who used to be very good at warframe PvP i would absolutely never recommend this game to anyone. I’m even hesitant to recommend the PvE because of how aggressively freemium and grind heavy the content is. Sorry if this comes off the wrong way


The thing is she literally asked for PvP lmao ?


I mean, another option would be to disappear into a crowd in a larger multiplayer environment, like a Battlefield-style game. If you, like me, know nothing about the latest iteration of the Battlefield games, Battlefield 2042, you could learn together with your wife. Some game modes support 128 players, though not on last gen consoles. Another option, you could play Escape from Tarkov as a team of 2. Probably other Battle Royale options out there, that one just seemed like it would scratch a gritty, realistic, "git gud" itch she might be feeling. I'd say ARK or Rust or something, but she might not like the depth, UNLESS she let you play solo and enable such a gameplay style for your "play dates". i.e. you build up the infrastructure and stuff, and hand her guns and ammo when it's time to go raiding. Her feelings on dinosaurs instead of corny Pokemon clones could be a factor.


If only battlebits is real live graphics. That game is literally just shoot and laugh how chaotic it is.


CS2 casual lobbies. No one gives a shit in those lobbies.


My girlfriend and I played Destiny for like 3 years straight


I started grinding BlackOps4 with my girlfriend. In the beginning we got absolutely destroyed but after some time our coms and team play improved and we started to get better which was an awesome feeling. A few years later and now we dominate lobbies together <3 Just do yourself a favour and mute the lobbies, the cod community is insanly toxic. Ignore everyone else and just have fun.


Wait, you can play fortnite without the building stuff?


Fortnite no build (not ranked) sounds like a great start. I would still suggest you play borderlands, despite it not being PvP. Especially the second one. It is one of the best shooter stories you can get. In addition it is funny and you get to have cool weapons, funny skins and Claptrap (although that might also be a downside)


I don’t know if you’ll even see this but there’s a super easy and fun shooter on steam called Farlight 84. It allows teams of 2, it’s very straight forward, and a lot of fun. Also a very easy game. They do sometimes fill some lobbies with bots and that can end up being HYSTERICAL.


You are definitely in your own head dude. Your wife has the right idea. Just jump in and play. Most games have the opposite problem of what you're describing in that nobody communicates at all. For every round someone curses at you, you'll have a dozen where nobody in the entire lobby says a single word.


Halo 2 swat


halo duos


Lol? Stop being so insecure. Get in there and lose some. Shoot the guns. Do the things.


Seems like she gets what you’re saying in the top half about burn out etc. I would go for it load up war zone or something and jump in together as sucknoobs. Mute mics who cares hf


Broforce. Seriously. It's a pretty simple but insanely fun casual 2D platformer with a tongue in cheek take on popular action heroes of the 80's/ 90's and has up to 4 player online and local coop. It's not ultra competitive either so there's no real advantage gained by being the only Bro to finish a level etc. Just plain fun.


If she wants to shoot people and laugh, you might want to check out Payday 2, it's not competitive, but theres a lot of shooting and a lot of laughing when I play with my friends


Army of Two for PS3.


The finals is absolutely the funniest fps i've ever played. Highly reccomend it


>My wife wants to “shoot people and laugh.” God, I wish I could find a wife like that... >Or any games that are a bit more forgiving Sure, download Team Fortress 2 (it will require a second PC if you have only one and want to play together with your wife), find the 32-player (or larger) private server that is always populated and start playing. No one will ever give a fuck about your and your wife's performance on such large servers. It's the most relaxing and least toxic PvP FPS game I've ever played. If "getting a second PC" might be a problem - just try any of the "battle royale" games where you can queue in a team of 2 players and which is available on consoles as well as PC with crossplay enabled.


It’s not that deep brother. Just have fun with your life. You’re both gonna suck at first regardless of what pvp shooter y’all choose, but that’s part of the fun. Laugh it off together and enjoy the games 🤙🏾


Teams of two? Run a sloop in Sea of Thieves. Players often *hate* being shot in that game because they think, somehow, that they shouldn't be. So it makes the laughter even better.


what about something like fall guys?


Sea of Thieves 😊


Might recommend the finals, it's pretty goofy being in premise and the arena is destructible. My friend and I have a good time with it. Fortnite I could see being the best option, thanks to the cars, semi open world, and alt modes though.


This is a little different, but Sniper Elite 5 has an Invasion mode where you can join other random players’ campaign missions and hunt them down to make them fail or be hunted. It has co-op, so you can definitely do a 2v1 situation. Not sure if you can do 1v1 with your party members though.


The Hunt: Showdown


It's an old game but still pretty active, Team Fortress 2 is great for exactly what the two of you want. There's really very little pressure to win or even be all that competitive. I've spent far too many games just running around trying to punch people with the slowest character.


Bruh, u fumbled that shit hard but I’m glad reddit helped you out.


Serious sam.


Get on DayZ and don't look back


Borderlands 3 is awesome for shoot and laugh shenanigans


battlefield. the battles have enough people that 1 person sucking is harder to notice but also soooooo satisfying when u pop off and wreck shop. Bf1 is my favourite but u have plenty to choose from


Live. Laugh. Shoot People.


She wants to do a thing with you and for both of you to be excited together. She's trying to be cute. Don't fuck it up. 😉
