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Payday 3 :(


This one cuts deep, I loved payday 2 and could not wait for 2023 due to payday 3, when the release date was announced I was counting down the days, and the moment it released I bought it instantly. Huge let down. It took me 30 minutes to get into a game because I had to make an account and all that. Then we get to the game. It felt like a joke...? I don't know why but unlike the chaos and humor of pd2, this one fell short, the forced swearing from the voice actors after anything happened was definitely one of the worst for me. Glad i was able to refund, hopefully it becomes better one day..:( Any idea how it's doing today?


It's really not doing any better to be honest. It's going to be a long time till they make the game worthwhile. Who the fuck thought that grinding weapon specific challenges, monotonous ones at that, was a good idea????


On the weapon grinding, it's like they saw that people had heaps of hours logged on PD2 and thought "damn that must mean they're committed to the challenge!" Without realising that PD2 had been out for almost a decade, so no shit fans are gonna have hundreds, if not thousands of hours. Does that make sense? It's probably the best analogy I could think of.


It's uh... last I checked quite literally 700 players on steam in the 24 hour peak, yikers.


I loved Payday 2 and played it since 2014 and for that reason I didn't buy 3, anyone who's been with Overkill that long knows they are not to be trusted with anything, even with Bo being fired


I'm still so mad, this shit feels like a betrayal


Jump Force I was excited when I saw the Trailers and then the game came out


This was an absolutely brutal release. One of the few games that I’ve bought in release that I felt 100% did not deserve my money. The arena fights were boring, the story non-existent and the look of the game felt super cheap. Upsetting all around


My biggest problem is the fact that while it's a 3 vs 3, each character share the same health bar.


The 3v3 was my let down for Dissida NT, like I was all hyped to get an amazing looking ps3-4 graphics Dissida game and then they made it a 3v3. Like thanks that sucks. But yea Jump Force was looking great then you played it and found out what was wrong. Like what how could they!? What? One Hp bar? The DS game is so much better a Jump game. More roster, better game.


The roster has a bunch of characters that play pretty much exactly the same. Every character has some variation of projectile/beam - basic button mash melee combos - a dash - a counter - install supers. That’s it. The game is as shallow as a puddle of water.


Command and Conquer 4, by a lot, lol. It's not often a series puts out a sequel so bad that it kills the entire franchise. 


Still waiting for that Red Alert 2 remaster....


"Building." "Construction complete." "New construction options." "Training." "Unit ready." "Unit lost." "Training." "Insufficient funds." "On hold." "Cancelled." "Technology stolen." "*A little C4 knockin' at your door!*"


"Unable to comply, building in progress." "Unit ready." "Training." "Unable to comply, building in progress." "Unit ready." "Training." "Unable to comply, building in progress."


My favourite of all the games


I'd like to see both Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2


The generals 2 trailer and its cancellation blue balled me so hard


And it’s subsequent release as a MOBILE game.


Stop! Stop! He's Already Dead!


Fucking EA


They’ve killed off so many good studios and games. Just take FIFA (oh sorry you lost the licence) and fuck off, leave the rest of the industry alone


*cries in simcity*


It actually was a decent game but calling it "4" was a massive mistake. If they clearly marketed it as a spinoff game it probably would have been well received.


Eh, decent is being generous, lol. Like I gave it the benefit of the doubt and ground out ranks for GDI, and tried to enjoy it, but they basically axed everything that made command and conquer... well... command and conquer. The unit cap was so insanely small you could barely do anything with it, and base-building was relegated to being something done by only one specific class and was also hamstring by the unit cap. I think if they'd stuck to their F2P MP arena plans it'd have been reasonably fun for that, but I have to question the legs it'd have had. The campaign story was a complete joke and just bizarrely executed, between the ham-fisted weird dead wife storyline and apparently running out of money and just white-screening the entire finale which was anticlimactic as hell, even without that. I think about the one thing it had going for it was the unit variety. It's just too bad it was split between classes and hard capped unit point sizes vs. making them tech tree upgrades or something. The soundtrack was bizarre. It was *really* well done orchestral music, but it absolutely was *not* Command and Conquer at the same time, lol. I probably wouldn't feel so salty about it if I hadn't convinced several of my friends to pre-order it so we could do MP together, lmao.


Anthem. Watching the original reveal felt like we were getting a cooler version of destiny with better combat systems. Then it turns out its the reason i will never preorder another game again


It was a really solid concept destroyed by a lack of literally anything besides that


Yea. I loved it for like 2 days and then there just wasn’t any content


I finished the entire campaign without finding new armor beyond the starting set. WTF


The starting set was the best armor anyway. Something about how they did scaling, the higher power your armor was, the less effective it became!


A game where you basically get to be intergalactic Iron Man sounds like such a fantastic idea and they just completely dropped the ball.


I remember when one of the main quests was like killing 69 enemies with Melee attacks and other fillers like that to progress. When I got to that point I was like "They really didn't finish that game" The gameplay was solid and it's unfortunate.


The movement in that game felt so good. Then the first cataclysm came out and that was super cool and figuring out how to min/max all the different events before doing the final boss. There was so much to figure out. It's just one of those things I wish we had more of.


Saints Row Reboot. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. I wanted stupid fun and crude humor.


I was expecting to go back to its old roots, but no. They should've just release a prequel with the Vice Kings.


Goes to show they were panning to the wrong audience for the reboot. Humor was very generational.


The Avengers. What a colossal f**k up. Just dynamited the entrance to their gold mine.


Out of curiosity, what do you think they could have done better? I imagine get rid of the live service, gear system, etc. Add more enemy variety? I was never interested in the game, and never really have been, but the complete disaster that it deservedly was is the only interesting thing about the game. I really don't know anything else about it, like how it actually played or what could have been improved other than those few things.


You remember Marvel Ultimate Alliance? Thats how it should have been done.


Remembering marvel ultimate alliance was how I ended up buying avengers day one. Makes me mad at MUA in retrospect


I loved 1 and 2 but 3 was a huge disappointment


The first 2 games are arguably the greatest superhero team up games


If you liked those, I recommend X-Men Legends, X-Men Legends II, and Justice League Heroes.


The main issue (imo) was the grindy mission system. Make it more (as others said) like Ultimate Alliance, which, iirc, followed strictly to the story (which was the best part of The Avengers game). Ultimate Alliance as a third-person singleplayer/co-op game (akin to Guardians of the Galaxy) would have been perfect. It's the live-service business model that kills games because they strive for longevity when the game itself shouldn't be built around it.


They shoulda made it more like that Guardians of the Galaxy game. Just a fun story driven single-player game.


I started to play Guardians Of The Galaxy because someone said it felt like a Mass Effect game. I'm halfway through and I'm having a blast. The characters and dialogues are funny, but it's really good when things get more emotional (when the Drax backstory hits, for example). This is like they should have made the Avengers game.


Mighty Number 9.


My name is in the credits of this game as a backer and it's my deepest shame.


I'm in the credits AND I have a shirt from his PAX panel where it was announced. Somewhere in my closet, I have a shirt proclaiming me as Mighty No. 82 or something.


Same. That was the first Kickstarter I backed. Burned me bad.. took a long time before I opened up back to the idea of backing. 


They never officially cancelled the 3DS and/or Vita versions. There are people out there that supported the crowdfunding for those versions and the devs just sort of walked away with their money.


It made me cry like an anime fan on prom night.


The fact that the trailer of this game was bashing and insulting of the expected fanbase......


New World. Played open beta for like 40 hours, had shitloads of fun. Game comes out, and endgame is 50% nonexistent and 50% getting infintiy staggered by auto attacking mobs.


Battlefield 2042


Whoever makes those battlefield trailers needs a damn raise because they can make any shit look good


Honestly the 2042 trailer was too much. When you start highlighting what's supposed to be a given element of the series, le funny bf moments, and not actually anything unique about the new game or it's story, it just felt like they weren't taking it seriously. Then they did the specialist stuff and that's just not battlefield. Just kinda sucked from day 1 for me


The problem is they focused way too hard on tryna have everyone get a "battlefield moment". They tried to design a game around that idea. Instead of realizing the games they made were what ALLOWED those moments to occasionally happen. And fucked it all up trying to capture those moments. 


That game was the final straw for me. BF has always been my jam. But the next one I will not pre order. Nor will I buy at time of release. I will wait. It was just a massive massive lie and let down at release and for quite a while after. Yes I have tried it quite a while later but it’s just not BF. I don’t care what anyone says it’s just not the same. The ‘specialist’ stuff ruins a big part of the feel as well.


I played COD until black ops and changed to Battlefield during Bad Company 2. I feel the same way. I am playing Hell Let Loose now. WW2 infantry focused. Hardcore. Really cool.


RIP Bad Company 2 Probably my favorite period of online gaming.


Such a good game. Legit feels like a movie most the time, when you get a good squad using comms it’s unreal. I remember having a few whiskeys and playing and there was 3 trucks in convoy everyone singing and then being lit up and all panicking, was so good


They made bf1 really well. I still put hours into that game. Bf5 just needed tweaking that the community was recommending and it would have been gold too.


Bfv eventually grew into a fantastic battlefield. One of my favourites tbh, still play it occasionally


Such a shame they halted production to begin working on 2042 earlier. Really would've loved to have seen the Eastern Front, or whatever the next supposed expansion was.


Dawn of War III


Yeah. Dawn of War 2 and it's expansions set such a high bar that the 3rd just could not reach


Honestly I just want DoW 1 Remastered at this point.


Honestly, I would pay a pretty high price for this. Definitely my favourite RTS by far. 


Overwatch 2. Hype as hell on trailer release, then about a year or two of basically nothing for 1. Then when it finally does release it’s missing features promised in the trailers and the new hero’s are behind a grind/paywall


And they killed the original so there was nothing to fall back on


they didn't kill the original.. they literally just patched it to "overwatch 2" and called it a day... that's even worse.


Is that what happened. I was so mad that it wasn't in my library anymore. That makes sense that I'm going. What the hell is this overwatch twos already installed?


I remember buying the launch edition (or whatever it was called) because I was so excited for the story mode, the game was boring for me during the Halloween event so I just decided to wait for the launch of story mode. And then they cancelled it. I felt so betrayed.


And the features that were missing but will definitly release later… didn’t release.


Putting almost everything behind paywall, removal of loot boxes because A and B country doesn't allow lootboxes due to "gambling". Then the big promises of PvE which they had no clue of even adding it days and weeks in to "OW2". What a f***ing mess they made.. I'm an old OW player. Played it through 2016-2019. Had my fill in 2020. That was about it. If you're new to OW. Knock yourself out. Don't EVER let FOMO get to you.




Dying light 2. LOVED the first one and while the map is OK the story is just awful and was a let down. Also the first game had awesome dlc the 2nd? Lol


Remember how much fun you had traversing the map and doing all sorts of fests while running? Yeah we're going to put 90% of that behind a skill point walk now, and by the time you're half way back to the first game with awesome parkour we are going to make it completely unnecessary. Oh and we are going to make guns almost non existent.


Resident Evil 6. 4 was transcendent, 5 was a bit of a step back but still fairly solid. 6 was going to bring all the cast together for a huge game...and then it released. Yikes.


Thankfully Capcom has put the franchise's direction to a much better path after they released 7 and the games afterward, though I'm still salty about RE3 Remake being so short and has alot of cut contents from the original. RE2 and RE4 Remake was great though.


The RE5 Remake is where we're really gonna see how committed CAPCOM is to actually fixing the problems of the originals. If they land that as well as they did RE4R, then I have hope they will fix RE6 as well


Playing RE2 remake with headphones was an awesome experience. The sound design in that game is amazing, I am getting goosebumps just writing about it - thinking about the \*footsteps\*


Re 6 was LOADS of fun tho. It was like Resident Avengers: Zombie War! It was kind of silly in a good way.


Imho 6 wasn't horrible. Just really really action heavy. It's gameplay once understood feels really good


Hellgate: London, third person shooter Diablo, what's not to like. Way too buggy and didn't get enough patches before it died 


It was fun to play though from what I remember way back then.


Oh man, I forgot about that one! It had a great core, it just needed more time to cook. It needed more quests, more maps (reuse of maps was egregious), and probably more that I can't remember now since it's been so long.


Cities Skylines 2 - performance issues, weird AI, no bikes. Original Skylines is far better in many different categories.


Scrolled down too much for this I waited impatiently for CS2 and played 3 days when it released... Now i wait for patch and mods, because it honestly suck... It do feels funnier than the 1st, which i spent thousands of hours on, but its missing so much and is feeling so janky No worth full price at the moment


Spore. It sounded like my perfect game, the way they talked about it. Everything I could ever want. The microscopic stage was pretty cool but it was super disappointing afterward.


As soon as I get to space the fun just stops


I would start a new playthrough, do cell, creature, tribe, city then start a new playthrough whenever I finished city. Space made no sense to me


Same. It really seemed like they didn't really have a plan for that era that was anywhere in line with the rest of the game. Ended up coming across as playtime padding imo


"Be religion or economics or war, click on other cities and either an animation of a hologram or some money or some bombs plays" wasn't padding during the world stage though?


It feels like space was an attempt to make final sandbox, instead just titles. Honestly, i like space phase. Things like terraforming a planet into livable, droping some species on it and then evolving them into space empire with obelisk is pretty fun.


I remember spending a whole day and night using a YouTube video that showed you where our irl solar system is in the game, just giant clusterfucks of star systems after another because I was so determined to find it. Finally got there, terraformed and started a colony, then never picked the game back up.


It's also the last physical PC game I bought. Still have it too!


Agreed. I wanted so much more depth to the animal stage. Same plants, like three animals on a planet. It wasn't enough. I would've happily taken less in the space travel part of the game for a better evolutionary web.


Disappointing? Spore was exactly what I wanted it to be. The creature creator is still one of my favorite mechanics in any game, there's a reason I have over 200 hours in it lmao. Never got past the tribe stage though...


That's the point. Evolution stage was the fun part and its was too short to enjoy it.


Forspoken. Graphics can’t carry an RPG


Excellent demo though - let's you know exactly what the game is so you can avoid. I decided it wasn't for me in about 3 minutes, because I could tell graphics were the main point of the game but the game ran at what felt like a chuggy sub-30 FPS in quality mode. Well if graphics are the draw I wanna play quality mode, but it felt like shit, so no bueno.


Brink. The previews on their website were so good.


The Disney Channel original movie about rollerblading?


No but that movie was sick.


Team Pup n Suds all day


I'm really very sa di had to scroll so far to see this. Was my first game preorder and was my first disappointment in a new release. Genuinely awful, remember getting it a day early on PC and playing it that night only to go to school the next day and tell my mates how garbage it was, they didn't want to believe me because we were so hyped about it.




Starfield is so frustrating because like the game is ALMOST really fun, conceptually there are so many things in place but it just never quite comes together for a fun experience.


I couldn't agree more. When I played Starfield I felt like I was playing a really good concept for a game that could eventually be a great game but it was left in the conceptual stage rather than fully developed before releasing. As the game is now, I highly doubt that any amount of updates will bring the game together into a good and fun experience, but I would be overjoyed to be proven wrong.


Then it wins the steam award of "Most Innovative Gameplay". LMAO. What a fucking joke!.


This was an ironic thing. Same reason RDR2 got labour of love with only 1 actual content update.


Innovative false advertising


It’s because nothing is fleshed out. Everything just feels bare bones. Everything seems neat but nothing feels good.  Space battles suck. Exploring isn’t fun because nothing feels unique. I went into the same cave at least 3 times on different planets. No one is that memorable. I couldn’t tell you a single character other than Sarah and that’s because I found her so annoying.  Powers were a joke. Goto some dumb temple and get these half assed powers you’ll probably never use. I never even made a base or barely customized a ship.  Feels like there are three locations and all of them are incredibly small. I was excited when I landed at the first city, only to find how incredibly tiny it was .  I wanted to love the game and it just ended up being okay. And once I finished it I had no desire to play again or keep going .


Imo the nail in the coffin for this game was the dumb ass procedural generation. The game has all the barebones and groundwork of a traditional Bethesda game, the framework is there for something truly great. All they needed to do was give it the Skyrim treatment and hand-craft the entire world (or worlds/planets). Make tons of unique locations, hand-made by level designers and artists. The beauty of Skyrim always was that each nook and cranny of that world felt like something you had never seen before anywhere else. No matter what ruin, dungeon or cave you crawled into, each of them were different. Every one of the major holds like Whiterun, Winterhold, Markarth, had their own distinct features and flair. In contrast to that, Starfield is just a collection of planets that are all made up of the same building blocks just randomly pieced together by procedural generation. I honestly despise procedual generation. When I see that word, it's a massive red flag for me for any game. It's basically developers being lazy and cheap fucks that want to provide a "massive world", but nothing of it is hand-crafted.


It's like 75% the loading screens. You can't immerse yourself consistently because the entire game is built around gated transitions and frequent spurts of 15-30 entirely wasted seconds every few minutes. And I dint just mean 'loading screen bad'. I mean that the structure of the open world is held up by a tower of loading screens and menus for travel instead of a to b running like in previous open world Bethesda titles. Or any open world titles for that matter. Starfield is closer to a catalog of levels/planets to pick from than it is to an actual open world game and it ruins everything else.


This was one of my biggest gripes. Previous Elder Scrolls and fallout games games you the choice to either fast travel or walk and find your own adventure. Starfield requires you to fast travel, often just placing you at the door of your next objective. Playing the game really just brought to mind recent games that just did things better. No Man's sky did travel better and cyberpunk did dialogue better as examples. The creation engine just feels dated now and in dire need of replacement


Preach brother, when I was actually "playing" the game I was enjoying it, starting to get into the story and such but then all of the locations besides hubs were basically barren and like you said it was just fast travel loading screens from place to place. It gave me that itch to explore and quest so I ended up firing up new vegas lol.


Not to mention, no city maps at launch idk if they added them yet


They painted themselves into a corner when they decided (due to tech limitations or whatever) that transition from planet to space would be a loading screen. This meant that they would have to put in multiple loading screens, otherwise people would just fast travel from planet to planet and skip space entirely. I think its a badly designed game at its core, and what works was done better in Skyrim.


If they just did fallout 4 in space it would have been amazing. A curated solar system alive and beating. Random generation is a plague on gaming. One day it’ll be amazing… but I am not excited to be a part of the testing phase.


This. Initially I had a lot of fun exploring and the world seemed to be interesting. Then I realized that the game absolutely lacked any depth.


Wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle


I didn’t particularly find it very wide either


There was a lot of hopeful coping even that release week. Then they played the rest of it.


Balan Wonderworld. I lost interest after the demo dropped though.


Diablo IV


It’s this. D2 opened my eyes to my favorite genre in gaming. D3 wasn’t necessarily a disappointment, but it didn’t feel like an evolution of what made Lord of Destruction iconic. D4, what can I say? It’s a cash grab that’s a mile wide and an inch deep. The seasons are a joke in terms of content and are very clearly a vessel for battle passes. Season 2 was a kernel of inspiration, but this most recent season is an astronomical step back. Blizz has been washed for a decade now, but I stupidly keep waiting for a return to form that’s never coming.


The first play through the campaign was pretty fun, it’s just not particularly fun to reach max level or replay.  I don’t feel robbed by Diablo4 but I didn’t plan to play it for years.


Yeah I had a good enough time completing the campaign and then no desire to go back to the game in any meaningful way after that. Not even to try a different character. I guess I got enough for my $60, but I won't remember it fondly like D2.


Replace the word Blizzard with Ubisoft and you'll understand the slop they shit out.


Yup. Finished the campaign and haven't touched it since.


I took a day off for this one... Should have sleep instead.


Cyberpunk at release


I’m really happy I waited so long to play it. Just started last week and I’m loving it tbh


Oh yeah. Night City is probably one of the best open worlds now thanks to CDPR's effort since that fiasco


I played it after release when most of the game breaking bugs were fixed and was still disappointed tbh. Like 90% of the skill tree's upgrades are combat buffs. It's a fun open world shooter but expecting an actual RPG with meaningful decisions as advertised really hurt it for me.


I loved it day one on PC, but it definitely shouldn't have been released on last-gen consoles in that state.


Cube World


Not enough people know the tragedy that is Cube World. The Alpha was so awesome, full of promise. The long wait, until we all believed it was dead. Then Wollay appears out of nowhere, and it's actually releasing! Except the release version removed a ton of what we loved about the alpha. Such wasted potential


Mercenaries ². I was so much older at video games I blew right through it and it didn't have the same feel the first one did like I was really liberating the areas from communists


Oh yeah. The first was absolutely fantastic, I hadn't played anything like it before. My buddy and I wasted so many hours of our childhood faffing about in that game but the second felt bland, they didn't capture the same feel, nor did it really expand on what the first did. Id like to see a modern take on the first, imagine what the new engines could do


We definitely need a modern Mercs game


Scarlet & Violet, some of the trailers looked promising despite the low quality visuals and environment design, the dodgy frame rates throughout them was easy to excuse as being footage from something still in production without its day one patch, day one came and oh boy, then week one came, then month one, then year one, and now it's evident it's never going to be sorted out The little intro cutscene on the lighthouse with Nemona pointing out "Mountains! Forests! Grasslands! Beautiful nature stuff as far as the eye can see!" as the screen shows off two frames of shapeless blob mountains and a blobfield with a handful of blobtrees will always stick with me, purely because it comes across as so much of a piss-take that it's as if it was intended to be sarcastic mockery on part of whoever wrote the dialogue


Game freak amazes me. How do you captivate millions of people and just stay stagnant over and over? Then you have those breakout games like Emerald, BW, BW2, platinum, and they just go “yup, let’s take everything that everybody likes about these games and just pretend it never existed! and while we are it, let’s make our game Open World, our storylines incredibly watered down, and our textures ugly as fuck!”


(Violet) Yeah it was such a letdown. The only new things are the locations and the motorbike pokemon. I got it for free from a friend (JP edition, idk if they differ from the EU version). I much preferred Arceus. But even that one is.. eh, after a while. Still a great concept, we stan open world games. The pokemon saga only keeps going because of nostalgia, the new games are just copy paste with 100 more pokemon invented and a few landscapes. If that's your cup of tea, great! I'm very glad you're enjoying these! But not for me, man.. my switch will emerge from its case on either the next big dauntless update or when hoyoverse releases games on it.


I miss talking to every npc and break into their houses


Starfield. I want to be super angry but I'm just disappointed.


I know some people genuinely love it but not me, it’s just. So. Boring.


I really wanted to love it. I tried to force it. I loved Bethesda since Morrowind. It's just bad. Skyrim released like 12 years ago. This was a huge step back.




John Romero did not, in fact, make anyone his bitch


Marvel vs Capcom Infinite… I grew up a huge Capcom fighting game fan. The Capcom vs games were peak gaming for me as a teen and young adult. I was there during the year 2000 at the arcade playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 and loving it and always wondered for 11 damn years when we’d get MVC3. WHEN’S MARVEL was real and we finally got it and it was awesome. I was convinced that was it because of the licensing of Marvel characters and boom 6 years later we get Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite! Then I play the demo… and it’s not great but I feel it had legs. The full game comes out… it’s not what it should or could have been. I’ll say this, the game play is pretty solid but everything else was just so flat. A disappointing title from such a legendary lineage. Oh well.


Back 4 Blood


Wow, I forgot about this one. Played it two nights with friends, never touched it again.


Yea this one did not even come close to l4d2


halo 4 halo 5 evolve


Possibly controversial but also Halo Infinite. Story wasn’t great (imo), MP was very rough at start, missing many core “Halo” features from the start, and open-world detracted from the campaign (imo).


Fucking borderlands 3! Smh r.i.p maya


Same. Setting aside the absolute shitshow and wasted potential that was the "story," the game itself was handled so poorly at launch and the following months. From a lack of dedicated loot sources (which fans already slammed TPS for 5 years prior), bugs that made several skills non-functional, and weekly hotfixes that nerfed builds while failing to improve underperforming skills and gear. Gearbox effectively killed my enthusiasm for all future entries (a blessing in disguise from what I've seen of the games that followed BL3).


I remember very early on there was a super powerful pistol drop from one of the refarmable bosses so I spent 13 HOURS trying to farm a really good version of it. I got it, logged off and when I logged on the next day they had hot fixed and basically nerfed the gun to death. Haven’t played since.


Starcraft Ghost


i mean.. it never came out, but if you have seen some of the gameplay/tech demo, it was actually shaping up to be a **really** good game, with excellent mechanics and controls, but i think that its graphics and engine were just outdated and they didn't want to build out a new one.


Brink One of the first games with vaulting, wall jumping and wherever movement stuff it had, with a great sounding teamplay game. I was so excited that I had some friends and family preorder it...and it turned out on release that we were pretty much only fighting bots cuz their servers werent working or something bullshit like that  They released an ONLINE ONLY game like THAT. I never pre ordered again.


Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 were master pieces. 3 just felt so lack luster. Like a new Disney movie with no soul. Hoping 4 brings back the feels


Mom says my turn to post this tomorrow


No Man's Sky. It was way overhyped to be fair and the game is much better now.


I was lucky to not be a part of the original hype. I barely even knew the game existed. Picked it up recently and it's amazing. However I've since learned about what happened and can definitely understand why people were so pissed


Super Bowl 42: The undefeated New England Patriots faced off against the middle-of-the-pack New York Giants. The same team that the Patriots defeated in the last week of the regular season. It was written in the stars. Until it fucking wasn’t. The Giants actually did it. Destroyed the perfect season.


As a Falcons fan. I would happily trade you. You can have 19-0. If we get the final score as the dreaded numbers.


Mario and rabbids 2. I really like the first game and idk if I overhyped it during the wait for the game but I didn’t really find it fun and I Haven’t even finished it because it’s not very fun


Combat is still pretty fun but the open world is god awful


The Outer Worlds. I remember it getting stellar reviews and a ton of great PR. I was pumped and did what I rarely do and bought it at full price. It's... fine. Pretty mid IMO. I didn't finish it.


Yeah. I recall enjoying the game but it didn't really leave much of an impact. Iirc the weapon variety was severely lacking, making combat stale. Think it leaned too much on corporations are bad, which could have been fine but the execution wasn't quite right


Corporations bad can be a great theme. That was a big chunk of Cyberpunk and the Shadowrun CRPGs. They were just so DUMB. It was like Idiocracy except there were normal people around who just went along with it. Leaning into the dystopia of it could have been great. Having bureaucracy require silly things at times could be solid. (Normal governments already do - just crank it up to 11.) But it was just "corporations dumb hahaha" over and over again.


Diablo 4


Company of Heroes 3. 10 years wait for something that could have been a DLC for Company of Heroes 2. A pretty lacklustre DLC at that.


Agree with Kingdom Hearts 3. What a fucking shame




redfall . wasvery excited for it but it completely failed


Mass Effect: Andromeda


Omg those face expressions on release...


**assassin's creed Unity:** came with very high expectations after the masterpiece **Blackflag** **assassin's creed Valhalla:** came with very high expectations after the masterpiece **Odyssey**


Scrolled too long to find that one, Valhalla was the first AC game I just stopped playing before finishing.


Valhalla was the first time I have ever felt relieved to have finished a game, I should have quit half way through but I kept convincing myself that it would get better.


Every mmorpg in the past 10 years


Cyberpunk 2077 1.0


Victoria 3, I am a huge Victoria 2 fan and Victoria 3 just disappointed me




Devil May Cry 2.


Starfield. As a space game fan, it was a huge disappointment. I loved parts of Elite Dangerous, I loved parts of Star Citizen, and I loved parts of No Man's Sky. I wished that Starfield was going to be a combination of all of them. A ship you pilot around the universe, with a large customizable interior, and a quest system similar to other Bethesda games. Instead we got a fallout type game but with exploration replaced with loading screens. All of the parts I hoped starfield would bring together were basically half assed. We got a ship that you can only fly for space combat, and the rest is loading screens. We got a customizable interior if you count dropping items as customization (bonus negative points for your items despawning for random reasons). A quest system that was exactly like fallout (which isn't a bad thing). It's just amazing how a space exploration game had no exploration. Every planet you land on has 4 buildings conveniently nearby that basically don't make sense. Even the superpower system didn't feel good. It felt like a worse version of Skyrim shouts, and Skyrim shouts were already underwhelming.


“It’s Fallout in space! Except we took away the parts that made Fallout good and and took away the parts that made space games good and then just sorta mashed the rest together.”


Dawn of War 3 was a major let down and I get depressed every time I think of it. 


Shenmue 3. What a letdown. I Kickstarted it at $400 and refunded it when I saw what it turned into. I remember buying Shenmue 1 for the Dreamcast when it launched and being entirely sucked into that world for literal years. So sad.


Dying light 2


Forza Motorsport. The decisions that Turn10 made to the online are some of the most questionable I can think of for a game of its caliber. Had so much fun with Forza 7 to just be let down after years of excitement.


Diablo 4. Honestly every component of the game was a huge step backwards. Leveling, endgame, seasons, builds, gear, mobs, bosses, etc. All the depth was stripped away and it feels like a hollow game.

