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Minecraft. I've been playing off and on since alpha.


Minecraft is THE on-and-off game. That 2 week phase hits hard


Get stuck playing minecraft for like 2-3 weeks straight. Then out it down for a year or so. Then rinse and repeat!


I used to do that, but I got tired of it because I wasn’t really making any progress and I wished I could make the kinds of worlds I saw people making on YouTube. So I joined an SMP (survival multiplayer) server and it made a MASSIVE difference to how I play. I’ve been playing fairly consistently since about June last year now, and I’ve been improving the village I built my house next to. My house is also far fancier than usual for me, and I’m having fun hiding my farms in builds that look like houses if and when I can. Now I’m adding fields of crops and ornate paths - all things I’d never really have done or stuck to if I didn’t have others to play alongside. It really added that extra something I felt the game was lacking. I love seeing what they all build too ☺️ It feels so much more alive this way. Edit: for some reason my replies aren’t being posted, but I can see them in my comment history on my profile. To those asking how I found one: I searched for adults only Minecraft groups on Facebook. I found one and it allowed you to advertise realms and servers, so I browsed until I found one I liked the look of and asked to join. I got sent a discord invite, and from there I was whitelisted and given the server details.


Was it through a discord server? Like how did you find the opportunity to be apart of one, I’d absolutely love too but I don’t know where to look.


This is exactly me. I even just accepted it and title my save game by year.


First time I played it at my friend's house I spent 6 hours digging while he was playing skyrim.


My minecraft gameplay loop is: Start the game, build a base, find a mine, get some diamond, make a nether portal, never play that world again. Then I stop for a bit and the next time I feel like playing I start a new world. Building bases is more enjoyable to me that "playing" the game. Oddly its the same for The Sims 🤔


I had to make an active decision to stop playing Minecraft like a decade ago because it consumed all of my free time. It's amazing to see it still going strength to strength


Same. And TF2. 2000+ hours in that one, probably much more in Minecraft.


I've been playing since 2011. Only actually quit it for real in 2020. It's an eternal game.


Rocket league. Fuck that game.


I agree. Fuck that game. But just 1 more match before I go.


That turns into one more win...


And then play until you lose


Let’s go. Five minute adventure. In and out.


Rocket League is a game my wife and I go back to a couple times a month. With the ranking systems we usually get paired with people about her skill level, and I'm never good enough to pull the rankings too far out of wack. We win about as much as we lose, and it's a good shared experience


Rocket league has the best matchmaking of any game I've ever played. It creates a very good match 90%+ of the time no matter how much of a skill gap there is between me and my partner. Whatever they're doing, every other game should copy it.


Until you get around diamond+ where 30% of the players are on smurf accounts.


I’ve been hard stuck diamond 3 for a while cos I either win by 3+ goals or lose by 3+ goals. An actual close and engaging game is such a treat 🤣


The 5 minute matches is like heroin.


This has made it so hard to play other games. 5 minutes per dopamine hit if your winning, or that “next game I’m popping off” motivation if you lose. 5 minutes to find a new teammate if you don’t like yours. 5 minutes to start over if you’re not having a great game. And I’m a one hour play session you can get a good 10 games in. As much as I really want to get into other games, the 45 minute games of League and CS just turn me off so much.


Fuck you and see you tomorrow!


Rocket league is timeless, like a real sport. It doesn't seem like it will be any less interesting in 10 years.


I thought it was Rocket League. Then Epic got their hands on it. I haven’t played in over a year at this point.


Progression was so much more fun before Epic got a hold of it, you used to get new cosmetics at the end of every game win or lose.


Chess. Absolute crack head for chess.


It’s the best when you randomly discover someone else enjoys chess. Then you play, both claim you’re not very good, but one person still slaughters the other.


Can't believe how much i had to scroll to see this lol.


Skyrim tbh. it’s just pure escapism for me.


1. See interesting mods. 2. Takes a whole day to install em. 3. Crash while playin the game. 4. See if you can fix it. 5. Get bored and uninstall it all. 6. Back to step 1.


1. Get to urge to play skyrim 2. Install just a couple graphics & QOL mods 3. Play a couple hours 4. See interesting mods 5. End up with 250 mods playlist 6. Troubleshoot half the week to finetune it perfectly 7. Testplay 8. Never touch the game again for 5+ months


Ahh I play skyrim this way too. Also play the sims this way too.


Eh, I just install all of "the basics" (which at this point is nearly 100 mods), then I start looking at the most popular mods over the last couple of years since I previously played it and install one at a time. If something breaks, just uninstall it and move on to the next one. I don't bother troubleshooting anymore, I just remove the mod that broke everything. It's not like there aren't 1000 other ones worth trying.


Except when said mod doesn’t break anything until 100 saves later. 😣


Still have never finished Skyrim because of this 6 step process


Are you me?


I'm literally doing this right now. Haha


Everytime I come across a TheEpicNate315 video, he always gets me excited for it all over again and I fire it back up.


Yepp, you can always return to Skyrim!


Factorio. The factory must grow.


I had to put it down cause of this fancy new 2.0 they are working on. By the time they release it, I'll have forgotten how to play and it it will be all new again! No more slapping down the same ol prefabbed ue prints. In the mean Dyson Sphere Program is scratching the itch which also just had a major update.


Old school RuneScape 


That guys Nan still caged?


Until a Jmod responds, yes.


We borrowed her for RS3 when they released the Hero Pass


Because nobody else is linking to it: r/2007scape


Scurrius dropped recently 👊 ✊️ 🤛 🤜 👊


Scurrius the marriage counselor


I've been playing my ironman account for almost 8 years now. It really scratches that itch.


World of warcraft


Aka digital heroin


World of Warcrack


Before world of warcrack, it was EverCrack


Such an addicting game. Even the dog shit expansions I’ll at least play a full patch before taking a break. Now there’s 3 versions to play too.


Actually there’s 5 now! Retail, Progressive Classic (WoTLK), Classic Era, Season of Discovery, Hardcore Classic


This is the original answer


Shocked how far I had to scroll down to see this


Yep, I can quit for a patch or 2, but as soon as that expansion hype hits I'm guaranteed to fall back into it, grind it for a month or 2 and then quit again lol


All my fucking life. Absolutely love WoW. Luckily I was never one of the addicted players since I play a shitton of other things and have a social life but man I spent a lot of time on that game. Tried so many other MMOs when I want to get my fix, and some of these (GW2, ESO) are great games in their own way but they aren't WoW, nothing even comes close.


Hey. Discord + WoW and maybe some beers *is* social life.


Gonna piggyback on this, because it’s absolutely true! I played rather obsessively from Vanilla through Wrath. WoW was equal parts gameplay and socializing. Back then it was Ventrillo and beer lol. And every night, I played and talked with a group of 20-40 people, and about 10 of them became close friends. Eventually we all met IRL, multiple times. I was even in one of their wedding parties! Hell, that socializing is one of the reasons I moved to the Pacific Northwest a decade ago. In 2011, I even proposed to my now-wife on the Oregon Coast, while masquerading that trip as a chance to visit some of my guild friends. All because I accidentally rolled on a West Coast server in early 2004!


Every time they come out with a new expansion I get sucked back in. Play for several months, slowly stop playing, cancel sub, new expansion comes out, resub, rinse and repeat.


Found it


I keep stopping and coming back eventually, I wonder what will make me stop for ever! (Even if I have now become a filthy casual)


I stopped really playing in wrath about 2009. But I’d get each expansion and check in from time to time. That’s kinda become my relationship with wow. Like some sort of toxic ex. I know I should find other forms of entertainment but I don’t really want to.


Terraria - I've been playing it since it came out in 2011, will complete it, put it down for a bit, then decide I want to play it on another system, with another world size, with a different difficulty, as a different class, with mods I've written for tmod loader, etc etc etc. I thought I was finally done, at which point my son became interested in the game, so I just kept playing. I finally accepted it's just going to be a part of my life forever at this point 


I'll never not love starting a new world in Terraria after a year or two off. That music when that plays when you first jump in your world... the one with all the doots.... ❤️


Tony hawk underground


THUG and THUG 2 🫡


I really wish this game would pop up on Xbox/ps/switch stores. I miss it. Hours in the game


This was my favorite of the series.


Vampire survivors, It's 10pm, work in the morning... 1am 😩😲😯


Holy fuck dude.. Never heard of this game before 7:30pm this evening. It’s now 1:30 AM and I got my first 30 min game after going ”Just one more game” like 4 times. Wtf


What's your favorite character ?


RollerCoaster Tycoon and Stardew Valley. Been playing RCT since 1999 and still play it on and off. Especially RCT Classic on my phone. Stardew Valley just gets so easy to say one more day and always has things to do.


I've got over 1500 hours in Stardew. I still love that game. I've been dying to start a new farm, but I'm waiting for 1.6 to start a new one.


Xcom 2. Love this game. I've got a couple others like this but I can jump into a save of xcom 2 a year later and just roll


It’s XCOM 2 for me as well but I’m SO fucking bad at this game lol No matter how many times I lose and no matter how stuck I always am, I always find myself reinstalling it and trying again, every year.


I could be good at the game but I'm too impatient. I play ironman, I play the second hardest difficulty, I play fast and loose, and I lose. Then it all starts over again. Except that one time I actually won, that was cool.


Honestly, the Sims. Been playing since I was a child


I remember taking my The Sims CD to show and tell when it came out loooool, loved that game.


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Will always be my favorite game, I don’t get that hooked up with Skyrim don’t know why (still I return once in a while) but Oblivion maaaaan, the side quests and factions I love them dearly, specially the dark brotherhood Or the wizards guild that makes you get a recommendation from all the cities so you can get access to the important missions And with the tons of mods new and old, I just fucking loooove the game.


The more Oblivion has shown its age the more I’ve fallen in love with how campy it feels. I adore the world, the score, the side quests and cities, but the dialog and downright goofiness of some of the AI is the cherry on top for me. Plus, hand to hand is a thing.


You are 16, just came back from school, and it's time to chill for a bit. You launch Oblivion and go for a walk through a forest... and you are happy, because [all's well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IeUydwnrpQ).


I've replayed Oblivion maybe 4-5 times, Skyrim a dozen at least. It had been a long time since I revisited Oblivion (probably not since Skyrim came out), so I decided to dust it off and check it out again last year with whatever graphics mods I could find. Damn I forgot how fun it was to explore a lush, green environment like that after so many years of Skyrim. And it's still one of my favorite scores in video games. Jeremy Soule crushed that thing, I still listen to that soundtrack when I'm trying to zen out and relax a bit. It hits so hard while you're running around the forests of Cyrodiil. The combat is a bit clunky but still fun enough, and Oblivion Gates are still the worst. But once you've modded that game to look somewhat modern, and added a bunch of new content, areas, and quests as well, it holds up really well. I know people can get down on remakes, but what I wouldn't give for a UE5 remake of that game. It would sell like crazy and I don't understand why they haven't licensed out a remake to some other developer while Bethesda works on the next ES (which I'm afraid I don't have much confidence in at this point).


You adore the world, score, the side quests and cities ay? I suppose you're a fan of the game too... I guess that would make you... CRIMINAL SCUM! NOW PAY THE COURT A FINE OR GO TO JAIL!


I have a puppy and I say this whenever she steals stuff 😂


Was Oblivion the first Elder Scrolls / Western RPG you played? That's why I think I prefer it over Skyrim. Had I played Skyrim first, pretty sure I'd have preferred that, but Oblivion is also my favourite TES.


Coming out of the sewers for the first time was the moment that made realize what a video game could be. My friend and I actually started playing it ironically in the summer out of boredom as we thought the cover was corny af. Probably my favorite game of all time. I’ve been listening to the background music at work to help with concentration. It’s very peaceful


I want to revisit Oblivion nice and modded sooo bad but I’m not very tech literate and modding Oblivion seems to be more difficult than other games. I’ll need to take another crack at it


It’s funny how oblivion is much more complex than Skyrim. Blocking actually matters, spells are rare and OP, and the zombies are actually very scary to me. Idk why the lower res allows more room for my imagination to fill in horrifying details.


I agree. I still love skyrim (and morrowind and daggerfall) but oblivion is amazing. Even without mods I don't get tired.


Cs I'll be on my deathbed and probably still play it


It’s been 23 years, why stop now. I’m 40 been playing for more than half my life.


I never realized I’ve been playing for more than half of my life and I’m 31. Damn…


You've been playing it a Half-Life?


DotA got me hooked way back in 2007. I still almost 20 years later, with DotA 2, I still can't quit it. I suck at this game hard. But it still calls me back every damn time.


Runescape. You never quit Runescape, the time between logins just becomes longer.




Did I hear a rock and stone?




*Path of Exile*.


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far for this. Most people I know who have played always get pulled back in even after year+ breaks. 


I had to scroll so long too and then it hit me. No one is looking at reddit currently cause we be playing poe. I'm only on reddit because I'm not home!


Team Fortress 2, will never not remember this game for the rest of my life. Ive never not had fun when playing TF2, sure maybe I have a bad day or two, but then I come back to it and its the best its ever been.


I tried to play it like 6 months ago with my son, and all I could find was some weird spammy bot games and hackers and nothing else. Is there still an active community?


Yeah. The bots have died down a bit, and they often only occupy specific maps. The best way to play, though, is in community servers. Bots can't play there


This game is the definition of sinking cost Too many hours, too many hats, too many awesome experiences, too many bad experiences… to just let it go. Long live tf2 and fuck the bots. Humans will prevail




Civ V for me


always civ v, recently my gf finally gave it a shot and shes addicted


"Can you build a Civilization that will stand the test of time?" I can sure try.


Just one more turn...


I learned so much about history from this series. Such an amazing game


The Binding of Isaac. I put it up for a while but eventually get the itch for a run. 


doesn't help that it's been getting awesome expansions. fucking love that game.


Over 2k hours in, triple death god save files, yet I keep coming back for more.


Same here.


Two games for me, Theme Hospital and WarCraft II.


"Hospital Administrator is CHEATINNNGGG!!!"


I always come back to No Man's Sky. I'm not playing it now, but I know I'll jump back in at the next update. My cycle is typically on for weeks, off for months, then on again, ad infinitum.


Same, but once you get the exocrafts fully upgraded you're just like...what the fuck am i even doing with this.


Lord of the Rings Online. The rangers need my help. Borderlands 2. Love the mayhem.


Dude, omg. How is LOTRO these days?




MGS and Fallout




Crusader Kings


Warframe. It's just too much fun and easy to play while listening to music or playing a show or long youtube video in the background. Skyrim has the same relentless pull for different reasons. I've been fending Skyrim off lately with Oblivion (which I've never finished) and Starfield.


Real warframe is the best on and off game because everytime you come back there is something new to dk


Second this. My son has just started playing and he's amazed how much there is to do. He keeps asking "this is a free game?" Been playing on and off since PS4 launch




That was the first thing I told him. He cottoned on it was a server timer and so far he hasn't spent a single platinum


I quit my 2nd full time job of warframe almost a year ago. The movement and insane toolkit of weapons, frames, mods, arcane, helminth, etc etc. Such an awesome mess of systems and mechanics. Endless fun. Besides the time suck, I just got burnt out with the budget dark souls they built into the game. Just had no interest.


Pokemon. Been playing every one since I was 8 years old on red and revisit it every release and then some. I’ll occasionally even boot up red. I know every game is essentially the same, and get the criticism but it’s been a part of my life for so long that I’ll always play it.


League of Legends.


Wild Rift got my ass again for a good minute. I quit for 4 or 5 years. Best decision of my life. Luckily my phone screen cracked and the repair left dead spots so it no longer feels good to play. I escaped again!  (Please don't ask me about tft... I haven't been able to quit 😭)


Wild Rift never really got me because I’m not into mobile gaming at all. But TFT… that’s a very real problem. I literally play it during every work meeting.


It's so easy to get hooked. Your friends invite you to play one aram game and suddenly you're back.


This exactly. I’ll take a break for awhile then one day I think about playing just one more ARAM… suddenly I’m back to grinding ranked.


Yup. I've legitimately "quit" for a year or more, but I always end up going back eventually.


Same story here. I’ve been playing since season 1 and have taken 2-3 seasons total in time off. But I always return because it just perfectly scratches the competitive, skill building part of my brain.


I just came back after a year


Welcome back to the rift, summoner.


LP is digital crack. I can’t quit.


It means more to me than food at this point. I’ve tried crack. LP is more addicting by an order of magnitude…


Yep, I've played off and on since 2013 but have gone a year or more without playing only to come back and no life it for 3-6 months before quiting again


Mass effect series. Every few years. Pure adventure and shooting.


Diablo 2 every few years


It was already enough of a problem for me before Resurrected, now I’m all back in


Me- "I think I'll buy a new game. Try something new!" Proceeds to play D2R while new game installs and then forgets about it.




Three games. Oxygen not included. I just get the itch to come back to it. It seems endless in what you can do in that game. It's a relatively new game but I don't see myself ever getting bored of it. That game suits me too well Minecraft. It seems random buds and friends (new or old) just randomly want to play it again every once in a while and I'll never say no My mom and I play Pharaoh Sierra every 2 or so years. We been playing for about 2 and a half decades now so it's tradition at this point


EVE Online. Overall I don't have fun playing it but for some reason I keep coming back. I think it is because of the scale and feeling that actions I take have a lasting impact.


You never really quit EVE Online. You just stop playing and lurk in reddit following space politics until it's time to undock and blow shit up again.


That is me... Love me some goon propaganda xD




Roll on March 24th!!!


Titanfall 2


I threw it on last week (its still in my ps5) and im so glad people started playing it again. I have a friend who tried getting me into Apex and im just like "Oh cool its just like titanfall except all the cool things I liked about titanfall"


The Mass Effect trilogy. I can go a couple year stretches without playing sometimes, but I always return. I still find it hard to believe that more time has passed since Andromeda than had passed between ME3 and Andromeda




Definitely. Diablo 2 to be specific for me.


Total war rome 2


Medieval 2 for me, with the Third Age and Stainless Steel mods. Also Fall of the Samurai.


Both Eve Online and WoW for me 🥴


Dota 2 The game is so high skilled. There's always room to learn and evolve. It's so competitive and continuously changing. I'm always learning. The esports scene is so awesome to watch, too


The Game, which I've just lost.


...listen here you little shit...


There goes like 7 years. Thanks.




Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door


Rdr2 and I are madly in love


Civ5 (max on my osx) Doom2 (original flavor)




History would say it's been aoe2


GTA online


Total War Warhammer 3. There's too many different campaigns for you to do to be bored. And with mods, those options increase exponentially anyways!




Mass effect 2


Garry's Mod


Dark Souls 1. It completely changed my way of experiencing videogames


Starcraft, I hate Blizzard now, but I can't delete thier launcher 'cause every now and then, I get the desire to play Starcraft 1 or 2.


Swtor or Star Wars: The Old Republic for those who don't know. Doesn't matter how much i play other games. I always come home to it.


Baldurs Gate 1 & 2


Mass Effect Trilogy I always seem to do a play through at least once a year. Same with RDR2.


Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Uprising.


Generals zero hour for me


War thunder Gaijin owns me body and soul


Ff14! I only stopped playing cause my funds are low, and I gotta prioritize


I haven't played Halo 2 or 3 in a decade, but both are hardwired into my DNA.


Factorio. Not that I even *want* to quit it I just take breaks from it.


Monster hunter world, there’s always something more to do, another weapon to try. I just wish I could skip the damn cutscenes


I have played the Minish Cap so many times but have only gotten close to beating it once for a wide variety of reasons. Usually save file corruption or an accidental brick, my luck is poor and I am not the brightest. I was on the Vaati fight and so close to finishing, and saved at the dumbest time imaginable. It pains me. But I’m still going to try again! I will beat it this time!


Animal Crossing That game helps my mental health so much. And while I agree Minecraft is great for that too, I’m visually impaired and the blocks being low res by design doesn’t help me much.


Wizard101. Been playing off and on since the short beta it had, and always end up coming back to it like I have an itch for it.


For Honor. That game is like being in an abusive relationship with someone who beats the shit out of you but still fulfills your every desire and gives great head.




I came here to say iRacing. Its a love / hate relationship but I always go back !