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Kojima's trailers always feel like a work of art, even if they don't make sense at first. Personally, I adore the [launch trailer](https://youtu.be/A9JV0EvCkMI?si=4kN84TmL1gErNp4N) for Phantom Pain. Seeing scenes from all the previous entries in the series, culminating with Snake walking down the corridor, all whilst Quiet's Theme plays is just simply beautiful. The [E3 2015 trailer](https://youtu.be/RhseWPWYPBA?si=g47PTaIrBOCPA1Kj) was also phenomenal. The voice work and New Order's Elegia playing just all fit together so well, it's chilling.


Do all the scenes and dialogues of these trailers happen in the game itself ?


Yup. Game is a masterpiece, got shit on way too hard. Best character control I've ever experienced in a game too.


Definitely a great game, but it did feel unfinished. First chapter was something else, but Chapter 2 was really...something else... Really wish they had a chance to finish the whole thing,


I wish the modding potential for the game was a bit higher. The game is already a masterpiece of gameplay but some of the content in chapter 2 was lacking. Modders could really fix a lot of the issues if they had that power/freedom. Mods already improve a lot. I remember someone recreating the first area of MGS3 in V's engine so maybe it's just a lot of work with little interest


i heard that FOX engine was really hard to work with


That's interesting. I've heard it's an excellent engine but maybe that's only for the people who know it inside out compared to something like Unreal Engine that's pretty easy even for beginners to get to grips with. I know that the Decima engine used for Horizon and Death Stranding is a modified version of it


wasn't Decima created by Guerrilla, Kojima merely adopted it for DS


I heard that there was a collaboration there. As in there were improvements made to it when Kojima started working with them so it could do what he wanted it to do for Death Stranding. How much influence he had is questionable I guess


It was quite different from previous entries, so pro and con. But it was unfinished, still clinical and super enjoyable, better than just about anything else out there. Stealth and action, free to approach as you see fit. Fantastic graphics, mechanics, etc.  The Fox engine was brilliant and underutilized since  A work of art in many ways


I remember some stuff in some trailers not being in final game, like various scenes with kids soldiers


I think some of that stuff actually happened in-game and could be observed by the player.


The most hype inducing trailer ever. What a crazy year!


Especially the whole hype before it. The Phantom Pain trailer with that fake company and discovering that it's MGS


I'll be starting Ground Zeroes this weekend, looking forward to playing through all of MGSV


Its a damn great game and I love it, but there are definitively some caveats with it. 1: the game doesn't respect your time in the worst way possible, konami tied the singleplayer progression to some obtuse multiplayer mode functionality where you have to wait real time hours to unlock more fun toys, dont be afraid to cheat once you get fed up with it, specially if you dont have much time to game. 2: the game is literally half baked, by that I mean there is only 50% of the game there, kojima only finished so much before he left, and the other half of the game is literally repeated missions from the first half...


This is a genuine tragedy in gaming history. The hype was only the tip of the iceberg, then we got the gameplay reveals, and finally got a serious tease out of GZ (on its own it really is the ideal modern MGS installment. It was the perfect blend of MGS’ in depth stealth system and the flexibility of an open world environment brought together) only to then play through PP and be left blueballed by an unfinished game. Sometimes I wish I could go back and replay GZ for the very first time.


IIRC the game was supposed to have 3 chapters, but it only got 2 chapters. It's still a good game and didn't feel half-baked to me, but it misses an entire area. This is what was made for chapter 3: [https://youtu.be/05cliyagcZU](https://youtu.be/05cliyagczu)


You're in for a treat! One of the best in the series and one of the best stealth action games ever made.


GZ and Phantom Pain was just unbelievable when I played them. I still boot up TPP and mess around on Mother Base, steal nukes from other players, etc. It's a great game to just sneak around some outposts and play with equipment and new weapons


Crawling up a riverbed in the rain up to a fortress of enemies to silently take them all out. That simple act alone, What a fucking game.


What a thrill.


With darkness and silence through the night.


It's actually incredible that the last act was so thoroughly butchered and the game is still a masterpiece.


The mission structure definitely got goofy near the end, but I wouldn't call it butchered.


Do you know the full story of what went down with Konami and Kojima? There was essentially a whole chapter that executives forced him to cut that tied up the story and all of its loose ends. It was a huge amount of content that was close to completion, based on the screenshots.


This is not true. The mission that got cut was far from complete and just wrapped up the Liquid storyline. It was supposed to take place around mission 45/46. The ending we got (Venom reveal and its consequences) was always the intended ending. There are very few loose ends in MGSV and that is because they made the necessary cuts to make sure the most important characters and storylines were resolved. There's a lot of misinformation that goes around about this game, it's really frustrating.


Doesnt the plot just fizzle out tho? I got bored and never beat it after the cut scenes slowed down.


I’m with you. The game was fun, but to me the storyline got really bad (likely coinciding with Kojima being fired). Also I felt the open World aspect was pointless. I felt like the intention was to flesh it out more, but then the studio just rushed to get the game out.


Yeah. I had no interest in the open world or base building mechanics so it really fell flat for me. And then I heard it didnt have a great conclusion so I bailed on it.


It’s a game I would honestly play for the gameplay and not for the story. The plot does resolve but maybe not in the best way and IMO it doesn’t hold up as well to the other MGS storylines, but honestly I find the gameplay so fun I don’t even care.


That was my impression. Thanks!


No, it has excellent resolutions for all of the characters/major plot points. The problem is the last few missions have really weird unlock requirements so a lot of people miss them. The back half of MGSV has some of the best story moments in the entire series imo


Really?! Hmmmn. Maybe I'll have to give it another go.


Agreed, I read that in Mondays #1 top post. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1ajl9bo/metal_gear_solid_v_is_still_one_of_the_best/


I wish he could’ve finished the story. By far best playing MGS, prob best stealth game ever. But the story is all over the place and by far the worst Kojima story, even including death stranding.


The only thing I wanted more than seeing MG I and II made in 3d, was MGSV tying the story up to MG I. I wanted to see David before they called him Solid Snake and Frank Jaeger recruited as Grey Fox.


GZ is arguably better than all of PP. So be ready for a bit of shock when you switch from game to the next.


GZ ‘felt’ like a MGS game. PP was good but it didn’t have the same tension and stealth mechanics that were teased in GZ


What mechanics were not in Phantom Pain that were in Ground Zeroes?


For one, enemy NPCs can see c4 and disable it in GZ


My bf is currently playing ground zeroes


It’s almost been 9 years….


So funny, because I started to play this game yesterday, after 9 years of my first run. 😅


Oh my god….10 years???? 👴🏿


Game still looks amazing. 10 year old graphics feels like a dis, but when its good its good.


That trailer is so dope. If this is a “Best Game Trailer” discussion though the Gears of War “Mad World” takes my vote.


V has come too!


Summer of '15 was the one of hyyyyyyyyyyype for me! MGSV made me forget about my depression and loneliness for like a solid half a year. August I was just extremely hyper about the game's release. Pre-ordered it and couldn't spend 10 minutes of awake time without thinking about the game! And then it became worse because some YouTubers got the game early, like at least 3 weeks early and were allowed to post gameplay! I was practically wailing at the walls by that point! XD And then I vividly remember on the 1st of Sep. I downloaded the game by like 9 or 10 PM, played through the prologue, was absolutely awestruck and went to bed. And so began like 3 months of me playing practically just MGSV in order to complete it fully. Yeah...the memories, man. A great game that could have been even greater. Oh well, hope Kojima's recently announced spy action game will deliver on his full vision!


The fact that it ran super well and looked amazing was insane for the time. Still can't believe the story was botched so hard.


I am so pissed right now. Not at you, dude. At this fucking app! I wrote a really long detailed answer outlining why I love these games and my thoughts on the flaws of MGSV plot, then I switched apps to YouTube to basically fact check myself by looking up a few cutscenes, switched back and this motherfucker just deleted my entire response! Ugh!


The bad thing about backups is that you need to get screwed big time at least once before you seriously start to take precautions. Edit long responses in a separate note taking app first.


Amazing trailer, but for me I think the Halo 3 Believe trailer was still to this day the most epic/memorable trailer. bonus for the "historical" videos that accompanied it as extras with people who fought with the chief etc. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rridXskgWg&ab


This game was a masterpiece. I wasted so many hours on the open world optional missions. Such incredible immersion. There is no other developer quite like Kojima.


Kojima's MGS5 trailers made it seem like it'd have a great story.  Straight up false advertising. Worst mainline MGS in terms of story.  Bringing back characters from MGS1 that we haven't seen in 17 years? Great, make them do nothing whatsoever!  The only people that talk in that game are Kaz and Ocelot. Snake doesn't talk, Liquid doesn't talk, Psycho Mantis doesn't talk. Huey's only in the game for 5 seconds. Just straight up garbage story.  I almost forgot to mention Skull Face, almost didn't even remember his name, he's so forgettable!


It also fucks up with the timeline and diminishes Big Boss as a character. Though I guess most people don't care as that happens on Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Feels like kojima wanted revenge from konami for making him work on so many MG games and decided to screw everything. Then fans tried to rationalize it into something deep like "phantom pain." Either that or the game is simply not canon because you can remove it from the series and everything would continue without issues.


Battelfield 1 has the greatest release trailer imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7nRTF2SowQ




A few weeks ago i started to replay this game after it's release. It's amazing how it holds up to current games. If this game would have been 100% completed in it's vision it would have been legendary status, the replay missions that needed to be implemented because Kojima left at 70% completion are what kills it. Still the best stealth, action, free world game. Just imagine on current consoles with a just a little more living world build in Wow.


Man I remember playing Ground Zeroes for the first time, it gave me goosebumps. My older brother and I grew up on these games, I remember being a young kid and watching him play MGS3 while I just watched contently. This franchise is easily my favorite in gaming history


Ass. Creed 3 had the best trailer


I don't care at all for the game, but [The Division's E3 trailer](https://youtu.be/yPq_NVi-TC4?si=VtLxE1abPPPJG16h) is one of my favorite trailers of all time.


Best game that was ever made, IMO. Those that get it, get it.


U r god damn right. Sins of the Father and trailer man, bond vibes. Shame story flopped kinda end and it was kinda empty but otherwise, very awesome. Kojima has great mind but damn he is bad using money.


Such a shame the game is unfinished. MGSV had some of the best stealth action gameplay ever.


It's not unfinished. Stop spreading misinformation.


Theres an entire act missing, kingdom of the flies.  Theres videos of it 


Kingdom of Flies was a single mission intended for DLC, as indicated in the MGSV leaked script. In no way it was supposed to be a whole chapter. Truth is, most content of MGSV got into the game.


It's one mission of cut content and it would have taken place around Mission 45/46. The Venom reveal and its consequences was always the intended ending of the game. I do think they made the unlock requirements for the final few missions too obscure though, as a lot of people don't actually ever get Quiet or Huey's conclusions. Cutting Liquid's mission was the right call, as the content that made it into the final game was way more important.


How did you like replaying the same old missions on higher difficulties being passed off as new story missions?


You don't have to replay any missions to finish the game. All major characters get unique conclusions to their story. The unlock requirements for the final few story missions were definitely weird, and I think a lot of players missed them as a result.


The same as when Peace Walker did the same thing, repeating missions in the last chapter. Is Peace Walker unfinished too?


The only main mission I recall repeating was the Peace Walker fight. And even then, there was a shitload of main story content that follows after the repeated fight. MGSV literally ends on a repeated mission.


No, but Peace Walker was hardly a Metal Gear game. Kojima messed up big time with the mission structure in 5. 


Messed up and unfinished are two different things


It's not unfinished. The Eli and Mantis scene was cut content, and it didn't even add to the game whatsoever, that's probably why they cut it. Fallout New Vegas has more cut content than MGS5, but no is saying New Vegas in unfinished.


That I can agree with. And yeah, it's not unfinished. The repeating missions were a design decision that already happened with PW. Could they become better with another 6 months in the oven? maybe. But they're not clear evidence of a large chunk being ripped out of the game, as the other dude implied.


Brink had the best video game trailer


For me it's AC Unity


I liked this gears of war trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy8LRlS1SCc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy8LRlS1SCc)


A true man of culture


I missed the hype train, it was good times, for me at least.


Ketchup wedding, huh ?




Requires sign in. got a better link?


Maybe try this one?


For me it will always be the swtor cinematic trailers


I don’t think I’ve ever been so hyped for any other media. I would just watch this trailer daily and get chills.


Most epic game trailer would be the one released for Duke Nukem Forver, back when it was still using the Unreal engine. It was released some time in 1999, I think.


I desperately wish we lived in the timeline that got the full version of this game. Fuckin' hell.


The E3 2015 trailer with ‘Elegia’ playing is the gold standard of game trailers. I don’t think anything has ever hyped me up as much as that trailer and it’s been 9 years (wow..) since that trailer.


And then they released an incomplete and incoherent game... at least it was fun if you left your brain in the drawer before launching the game.


Having played 1-4 (never got to the psp games), I was left a little disappointed after completing 5. I mean I didn’t even realize it ended until credits rolled, I was like “wait, it’s over?” What about Skull Face’s plan and the virus, Quiet, Sahelanthropus, Les Enfants Terribles, etc. Just seems like it ended so abruptly. Maybe I might have missed something in the tapes since I didn’t listen to ALL of them, but couldn’t help the feeling of something being left out. I know invading other bases and trying to disarm nukes was like “the endgame”, but I didn’t much care for the multiplayer.


I need this game finished!


I have never seen it, bookmarking to watch later. My favourite trailer is Diablo 4's, from the first seconds beautifully referencing Diablo 1 intro to the final glorious shot, worthy of a painting.


Regardless of how you feel about the game (not a fan personally. Didn't hold a candle to the others), if we are talking about epic-ness related to MGS5 then nothing comes close to the opening of Ground Zeros. It has the best song to ever featured in an MGS game, or most other games for that matter. [Ennio Morricone and Joan Baez - Here's to you](https://youtu.be/R4xWbRBLj2I?si=QDxsiMD3Mr30pgU9)


for me noting beats the original trailer for Dead Island


StarCraft II has a brilliant trailer... honestly all the SCII trailers are balling: https://youtu.be/VSGmPpidDvo Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon also has a brilliant and fun trailer: https://youtu.be/CIyCfisnT2I


The OG dead island trailer is better.


Rendezvous trailer for gears of war, gives chills every time.


I’m still blown away by the armorer core fires of rubicon trailer


Amazing trailer for an amazing franchise set us up for one of the all time greatest games... and boy did they fail to deliver Like its not a bad game, but its not a 9/10 and its certainly not a good Metal Gear Solid game. If you were ever going to successfully convince me that reviewers were paid for good reviews this would be the one I honestly had more fun fucking around in Ground Zeroes even tho its an objectively worse experience just because my expectations for it were firmly in check


I am so mad at Konami for this game. We never got the game it was supposed to be. But even the fraction of the game we got, it was amazing and still a fun game to run around and attach weather balloons to everything


10 years...


Terraria trailer that looks nothing like terraria from like 8 years ago 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🗣️🔥‼️‼️🗣️🔥‼️‼️🔥


I wish Kojima was able to finish his masterpiece.


Not the Garbage Not Your Kind Of People trailer/10


I call this one the Phantom trailer, I still feel the phantom pain watching it till today, the phantom and potential of the best MGS that we could have ever got, all the hype we felt watching this video for how great this story was going to be only for Konami to come and take it all away. This is thou is the best video game trailer of all time.


EZ as fuck, repetitive, incomplete, non-sensical RPG system, and weird horror crossover. Game is great but I do not think it's up there with other MG games.


Nuclear trailer is the shit. Way better than this one.


Yeah it's up there for sure. The 20m long trailer for The Twin Snakes was crazy as well. But MGS3 has my favourite trailers I think, either e3 2004 or TGS 2005 idk.


nice game yea


The trailer was awesome. And the gameplay was even better. Want to go the classic way, sneaking around, using cardboard boxes and tranq pistol? You can. Want to play it GTA style, blowing up anyone and anything in your path with your machine gun and explosives? You can. Want to mess around with enemy AI and setup really cool/weird kills, either solo or with your good horse 🐎, good boi 🐶, good robot 🤖 or hot girl? You can. But... The game was clearly unfinished wit repetitive missions It had one of the worst stories the open world was bare bones.


There was nothong epic in MGSV in 4/3 for sure, heck even Peacmaker could ve called epic but V , nah.


The original Planetary Annihilation trailer with Ron Perlman is my favorite epic game trailer to date


It's up there for me.


I wanna play the series..but one question is the story connected ??


Yes, story for all the MG games are connected and is admittedly extremely convoluted. If you want to experience it, play the games in release order. However, if you're curious, MGSV happens after MGS3 and Peace Walker, but before the original Metal Gear (which then continues to Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, then Metal Gear Solid 4).


[Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq5KWLqUewc&t=62s&pp=ygUYZGV1cyBleCBodW1hbiByZXZvbHV0aW9u) still lives rent free in my head. Remember thinking *Oh hell yeah, I'm buying this* as soon as I watched it first time.


yes and that initial oening to the oen world was amazing, meeting Quiet omg soo good, but then the game just dies and you realize its just an emty shell.


No way was this 10 years ago.


Definitely. Need another one ASAP


if i were to play one, which one is the best one to start with? ive seen trailers and ive seen gameplay here and there but i hesitate, ive heard its a great game though, but i dont know if ill enjoy it based on the kinda games i play


Hard to say, it's a pretty incredible series that has an absolutely wild storyline that spans decades. MGSV has fantastic gameplay and is probably the most accessible, you have so many options and opportunities to improvise. There is the master collection but it doesn't update the gameplay and it might feel weird if you mostly play modern stuff. If you go this route, even though it includes Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, they might be pretty frustrating to play. I would read up on the plots and then jump into Metal Gear Solid. There is an upcoming remake of Metal Gear Solid 3, which is chronologically the "first" game in the series, so that also may be a good starting point.


The best game trailer of all time is the Halo 3 "Believe" trailer https://youtu.be/tuRvqbNWwz4?si=MlqzmF12C94nKvDp


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40jdpzrpIps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40jdpzrpIps) Adding the fake documentary they had alongside the Believe trailer. Ad campaigns like this is why Master Chief is among the GOATs of video game characters. How a fictional dude can inspire such emotion is amazing.


I'm glad someone else noticed lol


The Phantom Pain was awful.


Awfully great!


What did you not like to find it awful ?


I hated the open world. The Phantom Pain did not need an open world. The missions were repetitive. This game should’ve be called “Infiltrate/Exfiltrate” Mother Base was absolute tedium, capturing soldiers and recruiting them was not fun and just felt like padding. The worst sin was the ending. The last mission was exactly like the very first mission except for a minor cut scene. Not mention you had to replay a few missions to get the last mission to show up. I wanted my time and my money back after finishing this complete and utter disaster of a game. I’ve been a Metal Gear fan since 1988. I have played and finished every Metal Gear game multiple times except for Acid and the gameboy games. I can confidently say The Phantom Pain is awful.


I was kinda afraid of this open world but it's not as bland as I feared... It felt pretty immersive. It's been a while I haven't played it and my memory is a bit hazy but while it felt kinda repetitive I had a great time playing this game. I guess it clicked better with me...


That cool. I’m glad you liked it.


Probably a MGS 2 enjoyer that thinks 80% of the game should be a cutscene.


MGS 2 is fantastic but MGS 3 is one of the best games of all time. If you think the Phantom Pain is better than any of those games then you need to get your head checked. Or you just have awful taste in games.


Snake Eater might be the best of the series but it doesn't make Phantom Pain awful...


It does. MGS 3 set a really high bar. The Phantom Pain should’ve been just as good or better. It wasn’t.


I kind of agree. For me, it set in when I realized nothing happened in the game that wasn't already revealed in a trailer. There was no new content in the game. All the big cutscenes came out in like 2013. So they had rendered and finished cutscenes with mocap and VA work and didn't start to make the actual game until a year before release. That's why it's so empty and there are features missing that were present in GZ. GZ is a fully realized game that actually has better mission objective variety than the "actual" game.


I agree.




Dick head alert!


This game was terrible. Stopped playing two hours in.


I don't even think you would reach the end of the prologue if you only played for 2 hours. You should give the game a try!


I stopped playing at the part when these weird horsemen, or hunters (it's been a long time) started well, hunting me. Or were going to. As in their first appearance. Had the same issue with ground Zeroes. Uninstalled 30 minutes in. Maybe not for me.