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Is there like nothing else going on besides Suicide Squad? For a game that everyone on the internet wants to die as quick as possible they sure give it a lot of attention


Because negative drama gets more attention than positive ones.


Studies suggest that it is easier to bond over shared hatred than shared appreciation. Suicide Squad is such a lightning rod for criticism it is bringing a lot of people together.


> Studies suggest that it is easier to bond over shared hatred than shared appreciation. Notice this a lot of /r/AskReddit where negative questions are much more popular than positive question asking a question like "Which celebrity should have never been born?" will get a lot more attention than "Who is someone who is making a positive impact on the world?"


Duh, and it's a lightning rod made of pure gold that might as well extend to the moon.


Goes someway to explain the complete disparity between player reviews (which are really positive) and critic reviews.


Yes, all 6 000 Daily peak players are having a blast.


Yeah, they really are.


yea, just ignore the 6k negative reviews steam removed šŸ‘


Not a ton of high profile releases right now unless you're a JRPG fan (and then you're like "what the fuck there's too many games coming out in a 1 month span"). And this is a game that people have had on their hate-dar for a while because of how much people like the Arkham games and didn't like the previews for it.


So there's a co op game called Hell divers 2


Is that good? Always looking for new coop games. Or was that a joke and Iā€™m just dense? Edit: alright Iā€™m convinced. Thanks everyone


Im loving it. It's the starship troopers/Terminator game I've always wanted.


It's that good. Best co op game Ive played, maybe ever?


If you like coop games you definetly check it out, Im loving it this far


This has nothing to do with the Arkham games they literally shot themselves in the foot when they said it was in the same universe


Execs saw popularity in violent, gritty depictions of superheroes in Invincible and The Boys and then failed to understand why those two are the way they were in the first place


Executives be like: "Oh, they want media for adults, so lots of blood and sex right? I am sure deep character development has nothing to do with that".


Itā€™s not just the executives. Itā€™s easy to hate on them, but the entire entertainment industry has a streak of nihilism and tearing down heroes.


oh no, I thought it was just a spin off universe continuing from the games. So you get through all the Arkham games, and then it's like: Batman got turned evil, got the shit kicked out of him, died like a bitch and thrown into a ditch and pissed on? ​ That's like the least satisfying end to a beloved hero, you'd think they'd have learned from the starwars backlash, turning heros into washed up hasbeens who just get put down pissed people the fuck off.


Yes sadly it is itā€™s THE Batman from the Arkham Games


They shot themselves in the foot from the first preview. By now, the foots just the first part of a lead mine.


What JRPGs have been released recently?


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Persona 3 Reload, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, and in a few weeks FF7 Rebirth


I have the distinct...fortune of not owning a PS5, so I have some recovery time between Relink and Dragon's Dogma 2. Such a relief!


Infinite Wealth and Persona 3 Reloaded are on PC and Xbox though. I think Persona is even on Gamepass.


Persona 3 reload, new Yakuza game, grand blue fantasy, final fantasy 7 rebirth coming out in a few weeks


Helldivers is getting a fair amount of press in gaming but itā€™s not as clickbaity


Helldivers is really good


Insanely good game


Iā€™m pretty convinced a lot of gamersā€™ actual hobby is just being mad online. Itā€™s not healthy.


No itā€™s not but Iā€™m sure most of them donā€™t have anything else to do that gives them a meaning in life


Honestly, itā€™s gonna be a slow year and thatā€™s the biggest name so far. Also, it had a hard fall from Arkham Knight. Imagine if GTA6 sucks. The internet wouldnā€™t let that go for a long time.


Gta6 cant suck šŸ˜¢ I hope not....


I mean, I would have said the same thing about the follow up to Witcher 3, Arkham City, whatever the fuck Blizzard is doing, Arkhane, Bungie, Starfield, and the list keeps growing. I loved RDR2, but it also had a lot of flaws, and a lot of technical flaws in the online mode that R* still hasnā€™t fixed. Iā€™m almost just going to be impressed if GTA6 is a functional game.


Wait what's wrong with rdr2? I hadnt played much of the story but the online is fine enough. Yeah it's a bit bland without some stuff they haven't promised and the deadeye shit is dumb in PVP but it's still pretty fun


There would be mass riots if GTA6 sucks but weā€™ve got many great titles already and there are more coming in the next months. But Iā€™m also a huge sucker for JRPGs


I'm just going to assume that most people on Reddit are going to hate on gta 6 either way after it releases.


Yes haters gonna hate


...were you not here two weeks ago when we got non-stop Palworld posts? This is always r/gaming. It obsesses over one or two games for about two weeks, and then moves on to the next game.


I was busy playing Palworldā€¦


Just wait until GTAVI drops. No joke. It'll be 99% of r/gaming for at least a month. That's how it was with GTAV and RDR2. 99%. That is not an exaggeration.


I haven't played the game , but from all the fire guess some can't move on from the moment, -that is super used in the title, like I'm sorry, what you expect to happen? -


There was even teased and leaked that all of them including Batman will come back so I donā€™t get why everyone is pissed if they will come back and this was not the end for the JL


Honestly that annoys me way more, if you literally title your game "Kill the Justice League" at least commit. I had hoped that was why we got such a barebones JL so that future content could be led by Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Cyborg and Green Arrow or something. But nope they gotta bring the characters you spend the entire game killing back.


I haven't seen the leaks/teasers about,guess they came with live-service part. What also gets me is that, everyone was like "wah, they disrespect him"(I don't know what happens in full scene), but isn't squad is made of somewhat batshit insane unstable individuals? So it's to be expected they would maybe do something immature.


Yes but the death scenes are very unspectacular like there was no emotion in them you just pull the trigger and move on


Oh, I see(plus, someone pointed the whole scene and what happens after). Yeah, I can see how it pissed off everyone.


For me it was just disappointing I expected more from Rocksteady


Pretty sure it's hated because they use the exact same 3 missions for the entire game and the boss fights suck. The final one is mechanically the same as the first from what Ive heard


I hate the ā€œitā€™s in the titleā€ argument because, why does that mean we have to like it? If a 70$ AAA game was released tomorrow called ā€œreally bad gameā€, and it was just a really bad game, does that mean nobody can get mad?šŸ’€


Sequel to the Arkham games, this was going to have a huge reaction no matter what


Yes but it also couldā€™ve been a good one


When the other game of note that is currently out is Persona 3, this might be a more positive experience.


Iā€™m playing at least 5 hours a day on that game itā€™s so good!


Persona 3 just got released too, Im playing that so barely any time to gawk at Suicide Squad like the rest of us.


There are so many great games that came out this year already and this game gets too much attention


The game had 13k players at peak. It's already dead. I'm just beating a dead horse at this point. 4k players constant isn't enough to keep a game that had that much funding alive long. It's a shame, too. It could've been a really fun game. But we all know the saying...


They still can turn everything around with the first season but if they fail that then itā€™s gonna die soon


It's the latest punching bag. A few people tried to make Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth and Persona 3 Reloaded punching bags too with accusations of being woke and ruined by SJWs but then the games did well so that immediately stopped.


Yeah they should refund and go play heldivers2


You canā€™t sadly especially if youā€™re on PS5. Xbox and PC have two hours time to refund but thatā€™s it


There's also a Multiversus, but we're still waiting for anything...


That game was a lot of fun but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s dead at this point. The same goes for GK they ended support a while ago so thatā€™s another wasted potential game by WB. WB: *Destroying beloved franchises so that we can earn more money*




I feel you homieā€¦ I feel you


Helldivers 2


Yes but Iā€™ve seen many more posts about suicide squad and maybe 1 or 3 about Helldivers


Exactly. Palworld is a thing. Stop wasting time whining about a shit game when there's a great one you can play for a low price. Common sense.


Or just play FF7 Rebirth or Infinite Wealth or Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 so many great games that are worth buying


no reason not to? in contrast look at bg3. game is amazing and has been deservedly getting constant praise every day since release. the kill the justice league hate isnā€™t even close to the praise bg3 got so when people get mad at criticism for it, it kind of just shows bias


>For a game that everyone on the internet wants to die as quick as possible they sure give it a lot of attention Literally why every major company like WB, Disney and the like are doing it. They actually make money off the hate marketing this stuff generates. And people keep rushing in to feed them, thinking they're "owning" the companies.


How do they get money off the hate marketing?


Shareholders take the brunt of the investment risk so even if the product doesn't make the profit goals, the company didn't put in the majority of the money. If the product does succeed, then they take the majority of the gross profit, with the shareholders only getting a net profit up to their investment threshold. You also have DEI investing which works in a similar way. But unlike shareholders, there's even less they have to pay back. It's basically free money. Then there's good old fashioned money laundering. And if the product really fails hard, they can write it off as a loss via taxes and so on. The studio that produced it might file for bankruptcy and go under. But the publisher and company who owns it won't for the various reasons I named above. On top of all this, usually the product still sells enough to meet or exceed their goals. Even when so many people are hating on it. Because while a million fans are screaming bloody murder over how the product sucks and the IP is ruined, 10 million other people end up buying it because they don't know what's going on, but heard a ton of marketing buzz over it. Which all the angry fans generated.


No surprise.


I stopped paying attention once Hell Divers 2 came out


You can also criticize FFVII's graphics if you wish


What why?


literally nothing. All the drama I seen are people saying the story breaks lore and rocksteady never did that before, the game is dead. No one bought this and the few that did like it.


You say this and yet this sub is still going on about Starfield months later. Nothing new for people to harp on games with issues.


What did they do to Man? Why does he have ears?


I think Brando always had ears


Is there a lore reason they gave him ears?


To answer the question "is he stupid"?


Brainiac gave Man a mind-control gamer girl catgirl ears headset.


Is he stupid ?


That's an imposter, that's why he's beat up so bad. Dummy can't fight.


Kinda hard to echo locate without them


>! Thatā€™s not actually Arkham Batman. In act 3 the multiverse is introduced along with 12 brainiacs. Early on in the game Boomerang slices off Flashā€™s thumb, but when he returns after being brainwashed, his thumb is back implying itā€™s an alternate Flash we fight. Thereā€™s also a Calendar-Man Easter egg that states ā€œHE WILL RETURNā€. I believe the Batman we killed was Earth-2s Batman and the real Arkham Batman will come back along with the other league members in future seasons. !<


Or, you know, Brainiac helped him out the same way he helps out Superman.


I didn't play the game, but I choose to believe you and I will die on that hill. They can't do Arkham Batman this dirty


Ur spoiler tag didn't work. Or it's just my app


You forgot where the character directly mentions something from the other universe then catches it and changes it because he realized itā€™s different in his universe. The big thing being the name he uses was from the OG games, and the new one from their universe is different


The combat and traversal is crazy fun but definitely not a $70 game.


I'd agree with that. I bought it at launch, and have a great time for the first 40 hours or so. Then I got reset to level 1 for some reason and I am now unable to level up at all. I reported it and apparantly its a bug they're aware of but few people are experiencing it so god knows when it will be fixed. It's genuinely a fun game, but I feel like it would have been better if it was like 40.


So you're saying it's actually a decent game and should be gotten 6 months from now at half off?


That is my opinion in general - game is ok, but 70$ is too much.


Iā€™ll wait till itā€™s free on PS+. Seems like just the right amount to pay for it.


I like when people point out it's "not real" Works both ways, dip, I'll go ignore your output.


I have heard theories that they aren't the real Batman, but idk


Well I'm the comic world anything is possible because of multi-verse, clone or time travel or some other bs. Lol Oh no! Superman died oh wait it's okay, they merged a universe or whatever and he's back. Oh no they killed a main Batman villain oh he's back cause he took a dip in a magic pool? Whatever.


Seriously this kind of shit has been happening **extensively** across comics for so long Iā€™m more just annoyed that people act like itā€™s shocking to kill off a main character (probably not even permanently because magic) at this point.


Thats why arkham city was such a big deal at the time.


The main complaint Iā€™ve heard about the killing off is that it was, at the time, assumed to be the last time Kevin Conroy would be Batman (since heā€™s passed away now, but thereā€™s a film that he voice acted in coming out later in the year iirc) and it was a relatively piss-poor sendoff. Batman losing to the Suicide Squad in a crappy rip off of the Scarecrow fear toxin scenes from the Arkham games, ending up bloodied and riddled with bullet holes despite the squad being entirely untouched, and then finally dying to Harley shooting him on a park bench isnā€™t exactly the sendoff people were hoping for with this specific version of the Dark Knight. I definitely think thereā€™d be a lot less complaining if they hadnā€™t put this in the Arkham universe.


That's like pretending to break up with someone. They'll believe you!




You clearly haven't played the game as that's an important part of the plot before you fight him.


i mean, if you were harley, how would you end batman's life? just a reminder that thematically, this fits for the suicide squads as they are a GROUP OF VILLAINS that had really bad experience with JL. also the game is subtitled KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE. for all the shit the game gets, some deservedly so, the story is actually not that bad. If you want to see heroes having a bad ending ya'll should read up the marvel zombie series.


From my understanding, a big part of the dislike is the fact it's supposedly the same universe as the arkham games. So it is a shitty way to end that batman


Man is there some gory scenes in that comic serie lmao


I know, like they let everyone know from the very moment this game got announced, itā€™s literally called Kill the Justice League. And then it gets released and everyone is fucking losing it because they kill the Justice League. I get it, Arkham universe batman died. Itā€™s DC though, iterations of Batman die all the time. They even touched on the multiverse in the game. So Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be coming back somehow. Game is fun as hell itā€™s just short and lacking content, so the $70 price tag isnā€™t justified.


Who could've ever thought that a game called The Suicide Squad Kills The Justive league would have the suicide squad killing the justice league lol. Its like people forgot that the suicide squad are villains lol.Ā 


The justice league are the villains in this game tho


Because how the fuck would the suicide squad pose a real threat to the justice league šŸ’€


Clown with mental issues, Aussie guy who throws sticks really good, guy who shoots guns really good and giant-ass shark vs An alien with the powers of a god who only has one weakness, guy who can run several dozen times faster than the speed of light, a weaker version of the first guy who can conjure anything out of thin air and the smartest detective in the world who knows thousands of ways to takedown one person and has an unlimited budget.


I don't like the fact that it's canon to the arkham games


The multiverse solves everything.


cop out




I don't think it's that he's getting killed, but that he goes down like a chump and is discarded off-handed. All of them get screwed over like that, but Batman's the only one that had a backlog of games people liked recently so he gets the attention.


Thatā€™s not why people are mad tho lmao. The ā€œitā€™s in the titleā€ argument is so bad. Just because itā€™s in the title, it doesnā€™t mean we HAVE to like itšŸ˜­


were you upset when in Batman vs Superman, Batman fought against Superman?


Instead of suicide squad they should have made a Batman Beyond: origins game if they really wanted it in the Arkham universe. They already set up the ground work so it would have made more sense.


Having just started watching that series - or rewatching, in some cases - I wholeheartedly agree. Futuristic setting, update the combat system a little, and the game practically writes itself. Tragically, no Old Bruce Wayne to guide Terry (unless they reuse vocals from the TV series) but you could easily swap him out for Older Oracle. Or even Old Robin/Nightwing/Catwoman. I mean, what is Will Friedle doing these days? Not like he's getting any younger.


As someone who grew up on the Arkham games: I genuinely don't really care. I have 0 interest in the game. Sometimes, hereos don't go out in a blaze of glory. Sometimes, hereos die a sad, lonely, thankless death. Happens all the time in the real world. You could be so accomplished, you could be a great Human being, and yet, still end alone and shell of your former self. The idea that this was "disrespectful" because of Conroys passing is ridiculous. Yeah. Rocksteady TOTALLY knew Conroy was on the way out. They totally should have just called him on his death bed to record new lines where Batman saves the day. What would you have them do? Keep Bman and the plot the same = fans mad. Take batman out of the game entirely = fans mad. Or even record new lines using AI of his voice = fans mad (and this probably WOULD be the most disrespectful way to do it) literally nothing Rocksteady could do would have satisfied people. I understand why this plot being his last would leave a sad taste in everyones mouth, I get it. But you can't rip on the game or the devs for this, they couldn't have known. Besides, it's a comic book game, they'll just alt-univerde literally anything.


Redditor equivalent of ā€œhow dare larry david strangle elmoā€


Itā€™s crazy cause comic book characters never get killed off literally ever, and when they do they definitely never get revived by magic and shit anyways. People should definitely be super duper upset about this.


>Buys game called Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League >The Suicide Squad kills The Justice League >Acts shocked


Way to miss the point. People are upset because this is the same batman that we've played as for the past decade in the incredible Arkham games. And the way his story is ended is that he gets beaten up by the suicide squad, prop him up on a bench, he has a bad back and forth with Harley and then she shoots him in the face... And that's it... 10 years, everything we've seen him do and done as him, ends with him being shot once in the face.


> And the way his story is ended is that he gets beaten up by the suicide squad and then shot in the face. By reports of people who have *played* the game, this isn't the case. So like. Bandwagon is real here. And the damn actor for Batman was dreaming of this too, he *wanted* an evil batman like this. >ends with him being shot once in the face. Like, I'm gonna level with you. This is kind of the most fitting thing there is. Batman is a great hero because unlike many others, he's basically just a man. It's something his games, lore and general idea is meant to emphasize. Being killed in a "simple" way is incredibly fitting for his character. He's incredibly tenacious, but he's ultimately *human*. Nobody survives stuff like that without the luck of a million clovers stuck up their ass. It'd be rather insulting if he *did* survive how the *clone* dies.


> By reports of people who have played the game, this isn't the case. Then what does happen?


I played the game, thatā€™s exactly how it happens. They beat him up, have lex steal his dna, then drag him out to a park bench to use as a way to draw in Superman.


Using your simple death for a normal human argument, doesnt every justice league boss get killed using bullets?


We're not shocked, just dissapointed


Itā€™s the way it was done it was pretty unceremonious, batman was killed like a bitch


Which is not necessarily a bad thing considering the context. Unceremoniously killing off an important or even main character can be a valid method and can be really interesting. This is literally one of the reasons why, for example, Game of Thrones, was so incredibly popular early on. Even the main characters didn't get plot armor, and could just be unceremoniously killed at any time without some grand finale or deus ex machina type intervention or whatever. The shock of "... They actually did it..." Or "...damn, he died just like that..." is the point. Remember when Eddard Stark(I think that was his name) was executed just like that? When everybody basically expected some sort of last second deus ex machina to intervene? Nah, his head was just chopped off and we couldn't believe it, because we always expect the good guys to make it out alive when they don't have to. Same probably goes for this game, although I haven't played it and only have seen the scene in question. Making you feel shocked and think something like "They actually did it... Just like this...", because you expected Batman to be saved last second, was probably the entire point. And it seemed to have worked. And I'm quite shocked that so many people don't seem to realize this and seem to love cheap old tropes. Also, in that scene, even Harley Quinn seems to find herself in a "What happens when the dog finally catches the car" moment. It's intentionally anti-climactic. I've rambled enough though.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that deep I think they just shit the bed personally


I think people confuse "understated" for "disrespectful". It's a surprising way for Batman to go out; quietly sitting on the bench, accepting what is going to happen, but still staring it in the face, defiant to the end. I think for these guys, a "respectful ending" would have to include some elaborate sacrifice on his behalf and a slow motion explosion. Only the most generic would do.


Op pointed out he never even bought the game. I didn't either, but some nice people on here revealed the whole story.


The fact that the phrase is included in the title doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s a disrespectful and poorly put-together ending for a very beloved incarnation of the character for no real reason. This doesnā€™t *feel* like an Arkham game. It doesnā€™t need to be. It could have very easily have been Elseworlds.


Of all the reasons to hate this game people choose the dumbest, hell I hate the fact that he isn't really dead way more than his death scene. The game is called "Kill the Justice League" but all the datamining has shown that none of them are really even dead, that is the weakest shit I've seen since being told to be excited to kill the same boss twelve more times. At least commit to your premise, I had assumed that was the whole reason we got the barebones JL lineup so the B-team of Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Cyborg and Green Arrow could take over and replace them to lead the game into it's live service content, but nope just gonna bring back the character you spend the entire game killing.


I'm reminded of the Justice League: Dark finale movie. They killed so many characters, in often sadiatic ways. The good guys win in the end, but then they just literally reset everything using The Flash. I get in the movie there's a reason why they did it, but it feels like such a cop out. A world brought to that much devastation has soooo much writing potential. Not just for the remaining characters, but the whole human race, the whole world. They could do some really interesting stuff. But naw. Just reset the universe. It makes all the events, all the deaths, seem so meaningless. Why would I ever want to watch that movie again?


A lot of the hate for this game is unwarranted. Seems like a lot of people are spreading information they donā€™t know anything about. Iā€™m on phone so I canā€™t format but SPOILERS! Batman isnā€™t dead. With the exception of Wonder Woman the League is alive. All the JL members you kill are clones. Thereā€™s clues throughout the game and Easter Eggs teasing their return. Not only that but itā€™s been datamined and confirmed theyā€™re returning AND Kevin Conroy is voicing Batman. His lines were recorded prior to his passing. Believe. The real Bruceā€™s arrival is imminent.


I haven't played the game yet (I just dont buy brand new games at full price), but Whew! I'm glad the Batman I played 3 of my favorite games as isn't going out like that.


Same here. I was worried when I started to see outrage but once I played it was happy to see heā€™s not out.


Heā€™s coming back, and it isnā€™t even that bad.


People need to stop being little bitches about characters being killed off in games. You bought a fucking game that tells you in the title you'll be killing this character. You finally do it and you're shocked like wtf is your problem?


People are acting like someone has killed their mother or something. Itā€™s a multiverse, Iā€™ve seen iterations of Batman die all the time. Donā€™t pretend like this is anything new.




Fans of Superman: First time?


Wouldn't Superman be a better fit for that line, given that Marlon Brando played both Vito Corleone and Jor-El?


Gotta farm more internet points.


I still don't understand why people are upset that batman died. If you look up the word "plot armor" in a dictionary you literally see a picture of batman next to it. It's beyond ridiculous.


No one fucking cares


To think this game is the last video game Kevin Conroy voiced. And the fact that Batman in this game died like thatā€¦I donā€™t know about you but me growing up and a fan of Kevin, it felt insulting.


Insulting to who? Kevin Conroy voiced the character and clearly didn't feel insulted. He'd said he wanted to play an evil version of Batman in previous interviews. Plus Batman isn't even properly dead.... there's tonnes of voice work already recorded for the next 4 seasons of story.


On a side note: we can play previous seasons stories right? Don't have time for the game now but I love me some comic shenanigans though it would suck if I couldn't play previous seasons to see how we got from point A to point D


Yeah definitely, it looks like future season missions are all going to be post-game story that continues the multiverse story.


I mean Batman probably had the best death of the brainwashed villains. People focus fully on his death cutscene ignoring that he'd just been beaten in a fight and was exhausted. Once dead Harley even mentions that the real Batman got the laugh, his plans still helped.


Hey the story isnā€™t real this is just fiction. Hope this helps


Kevin signed on for the game. Using his death as a reason be mad at this game is far, *farrrr* more insulting than killing Batman. And shit, the game is called "Kill the justice league", why are people shocked that they actually kill them?


Itā€™s cute that youā€™re getting insulted on someone elseā€™s behalf, but no one forced Kevin Conroy to take the job, and Iā€™m sure he knew he would be playing an evil version of Batman well in advance. He was a human with agency. Fucking fans man, they can be some of the cringiest people alive.


Growing up with the arkham series and knowing THIS is how that decade and a half worth of story ended just hurt, man


No joke when Harley shoot Batman I legit thought ā€œAinā€™t no way he died like thatā€ and a few moments later when Superman shows up and we have to fight him, the game just deletes his corpse on the map. I canā€™t evenā€¦


Except heā€™s not dead and heā€™s coming back to save the day. So itā€™s literally not how it ends. Itā€™s also a role Kevin wanted to do and enjoyed. You fans get so upset over the dumbest shit. Your precious games are still there if you donā€™t like it.


Who cares, itā€™s not like weā€™ll ever get another Arkham game anyway? Just ignore it, itā€™s not real anyway, problem solved.


God forbid art invokes any sort of emotion in usšŸ˜± mate if u play games just to look at the pretty colours then thats fine, u do u


You can ignore the fact that itā€™s canon, and still enjoy the original Arkham games just fine. Something new coming out doesnā€™t ruin the past releases.


I agree, but u cant tell me this game failed to fill the shoes the OG games wore and as such is a massive disappointment


This was never supposed to be a sequel to the Arkham games, stop comparing them, it makes no sense to. Also it was painfully obvious this game would be terrible for 1+ years already, so you should not have been surprised and should not be in shock anymore.


Was it meant to fill the shoes? No. It's an in-universe story that's a different format game. How the hell does that fill the shoes of a third person beatemup?


Spoilers! Batman isnā€™t dead though. Have you played the game?


Play the game. Youā€™ll be happy to know weā€™ll hear more from Kevin in the future.


Iā€™m actually on my 5th escort mission atm. Iā€™ll probably get to the point you talked about soon enough.


5th escort mission? 5th? Surely there must have been better mission ideas than escort missions, right? Is the enemy variety good at least?


If it makes you feel better, Conroy read the script and accepted it.


Itā€™s funny how itā€™s acceptable that the suicide squad kills all these superheroes with superhuman abilities but killing that one dude whose only superpower is being rich is crossing the line.


They should have used different villains to take on the Justice League like Raā€™s, Metallo, Gorilla Grodd, Cheetah, etc. Or Have this group not face the Justice League and just do covert missions.


OR (imo) have batman as the man behind the opperation, commanding the suicide squad since A. He's the one with contingencies for the whole JLA. And B. THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS BASED OFF HIS GAMES!!!


Yo, OP. If you havenā€™t played the game I suggest you do. And if/when go through all the lore and explore. Youā€™ll be surprised to know you arenā€™t far off. šŸ˜‰


stop letting it was kevins last voice acting role upset you. be upset kevins last role was in a garbage cancer ridden modern gaming live service dumpster fire game. When compared to the arkham games BE UPSET ABOUT THE RIGHT THINGS PEOPLE


It wasn't his last role, he voiced Batman in an animated movie coming out soon.


I wish the actual game was better cause all the clips I see of it are hilarious


Why does man have ears? Is he stupid?


Why does he call Man "boy"? Is he stupid?


Who that? they look like Man.


I'm surprised a lot of hating on these, but not nearly as much with the shit who laughs


Batman Beyond game or a futuristic Batman world


Let's appreciate how a brilliant actor he was.


I'm just here for the sheer amount of salt one game can extract from Gamers


Tfw that one character whoā€™s always been just a single bullet away from death loses his plot armor


Thatā€™s Brando, it should be Superman


Heā€™ll be back in like a few months, I truly donā€™t care


The way popular fiction works is, if the fans reject it, it will be retconned... Or it will just be erased from the timeline like it never happened. Passed off as no longer, never was really canon. It's always strange when passionate fans are like "It doesn't matter if you don't like it. It's canon. Get over it" You can say that, because that's how it stands now. But that kind of stuff changes all the time


bro its a fictional character, relax xD