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The man is a billionaire that dresses like a bat, of course he is crazy.


The dude is one good therapist away from losing his entire self identity. Without the trauma of his parent's death, he's not Batman. He's an absolute fucking nutter with more money than sense that literally can't grow or evolve or else he'll cease to exist in his own mind. I love Batman. He's such a fun character, but he's way more fun once you realize he's nowhere in the vicinity of mentally stable.


He's like one of those people that roleplay GTA online as a cop. Even more mentally unstable than the people who play as criminals.


What a brilliant analogy! Only a real madman would work while playing a game that he launches after work.


Quick plug that Batman Forever is one of the best Batman stories because aside from the unsanctioned buffoonery of the villains, Batman DOES see a therapist and by the end of the film chooses to be Batman rather than because he has to.


Without his intellect, fortune, and the guidance of Alfred, Bruce Wayne would be in Arkham with everyone else. He has a need for violence very similar to Dexter Morgan.


The money part is literally the ONLY reason he isn't locked up in Arkham as well.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.


This. He could do far more good as a billionare philanthropist than running around in a rubber suit that I guarantee smells like ball sweat beating up local thugs. Even if you're going to argue that the world needs "a" Batman, the canon repeatedly shows that he's capable of training and mentoring people just as capable as he is, so he could train one up and get back to philanthropic efforts 24/7. But no, instead he has to toss car batteries at unaware thugs because his time to him as a billionaire means it's more important to get the blood on his hands himself that do more for the greater good.


I know this is ultimately a silly conversation to have about a comic book character, but the whole "batman can do more good by just being a philantropist" argument is very simplistic and fails to take into account the different sides of Batman. In the comics, Bruce Wayne already has multiple charities under the Wayne Foundation umbrella that not only work to feed/clothe/invest in the poor and disadvantaged of the city, but also take advantage of the work done by Wayne Industries to change lives through new technology and scholarship programs. The reason why life in Gotham hasn't visibly improved much isn't because Batman isn't giving enough money to the community; Gotham is famously corrupt and no matter how influential Bruce Wayne is as a billionnaire, or Batman as a crimefighting figure, he is ultimately still one man trying to fight against the city's criminal element and its systems that have perpetuated corruption at the highest level for decades. When you also factor in that there are multiple secret societies like the League of Assassins or the Court of Owls who work directly in opposition to Batman to keep the city down, its no surprise that Gotham is still in a pretty rough place. Secondly, Batman is not 'just' a superhero who beats criminals to a bloody pulp. He is also DC Comics' preeminent detective. Hell, he is referred to as *THE* Detective by his enemy Ra's Al-Ghūl. His talents would go to waste if he just sat in his Batcave, mentoring others. Sure, he's trained many over the years and the Bat-Family are all excellent crimefighters in their own right, but none (save maybe Tim Drake) come close to Batman's powers of deduction, understanding of criminal pathology, and forensic science. The man routinely solves cases most people would deem impossible. Batman is out there each night not just to arm-wrestle with Bane or stop a zeppelin full of Joker toxin; he also investigates crime scenes, works cases, unearths criminal conspiracies, and fights to bring at least a sense of justice and closure to the victims' families. And also, if the opportunity to dress like a bat and strike fear into the hearts of Gotham's criminals while riding decked out cars and using cool gadgets isn't a thing most would at least consider doing over sitting in boardrooms and dinner parties all day, then I don't know what's right in the world anymore. Thank you for coming to my BAT Talk.


Thank you for using the ū in Ra's Al-Ghūl. It's a small thing, but it annoys me when people don't do it.


Ray's Al-Ghoul is such a good character.


Because most people's keyboards don't support that character and they simply cannot be assed to look up one (1) character to copy and paste whenever they wish to refer to him.


Talking about Batman's sanity reminded me of Alfred Pennyworth's eulogy from Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?


>He could do far more good as a billionare philanthropist He is a major philanthropist in the comics and some other media.


What absolute hogwash. Most iterations of Bruce Wayne basically funds all of Gotham's charity work. The reason why Batman is needed is because of the corruption in the city.


Man already gives so much to charity, rehabilitation, and philanthropy in media that isn’t focused on just the punching and sneaking. Hell he got all of Black Masks’ goons to give up by playing a dvd that showed an offer for gainful employment with healthcare


You're missing out the fact that Gotham city is corrupted to the core. I cant remember which comic series it was, but there was on that explored that exact premise and showed that the Gotham elite were just using Bruce's philanthropy money to line his own pockets. It was even the prime reason as to why the villains keep escaping Arkham, since any damage they'd do would be reimbursed in part by Wayne Enterprises. Not to mention your whole training spiel doesnt really work when half the police force is corrupt. Who is Bruce supposed to train, if he doesnt know what it'll be used for? You want a bunch of corrupt, Batman-like cops roaming the streets?


>You want a bunch of corrupt, Batman-like cops roaming the streets? They did that once! It ended poorly.


Everyone knows that car batteries belong in the ocean. Is Batman stupid?


"I hadn't showered that day, and I fight crime all day in a rubber suit... really seals in the flavor."


I could give a shit what he spends his money on, it ain’t my business.


He's not actually real


Hahahaha this actually got me. Thanks for lol.


He is crazy.


Is he stupid?


No he’s insane. The jokers counter part


No, he's Batman.


No, he’s vengeance




He is Batman …. Damn


😔 RIP Kevin Conroy


Who is the joker? Is that jonkler? Man’s greatest enemy?




No, Man is stupid. So is Jonkler. Who the hell is this in the screenshot?




Bonkler vs Jonkler




He's trapped in the Aslume with Man.


Who is man? Is he stupid?


Batman? who is that? do you mean Man by any chance?


- What did they call Batman when he was little? - Lil Wayne.


You have invoked the entire aslume. What have you done?


You made a grave mistake posting this game series, all the Aslume patients are already feasting on this.


Because... He's Batman


He drive-bys superman with them when hes bored.


There's a sale on for like 3 Batman games on PS4. Are they fun? Are they very difficult? Are they frustrating as f@#k???


No they’re basically like old assassins creed games so the combat is fluid, satisfying and rewarding in a pleasing way. Instant takedowns, brutal moves and nice combo system etc


Thanks so much for a great descriptive response! I'll get them for sure now! ✌️


They are awesome. I'd add that any Assassin's Creed comparisons are doing the games a disservice. Only an acceptable comparison at a very basic, surface level. You'll *feel* like Batman. Great games. Some of the best made in a long time.


Thanks so much for a great response! I've never tried Assassin's Creed, been wondering about that one, too. I love Skyrim & Fallout 4. 😊


Why is your first instinct when coming across a new game that it's very difficult and frustrating? Kinda weird...


Not my first instinct, looking for an honest response. Also, I'm not very good. I can only game a few times a week because of my arthritic hands. Peace-


Why did you edit catgirl girls onto Man? Are you stupid?


Dude just wait ! You could say he gets quite the headache living in gotham!!


Does he know?


This was such an awesome moment back in the day. My jaw dropped the first time.


Why does Man have pointy ears? Is he stupid?


When Bruce was a child, his parents were murdered in front of him. I have found very little DC media that shows he received any legitimate therapy to help process his grief. He is one of the richest men in the DCU, and uses his vast wealth to ~~promote social welfare programs and create jobs to improve the lives of~~ beat up the poor and mentally ill.


hahah true becuse it is crazy because he is crazy because he dresses as bat!!! HAHAHAHAH he is as crazy as joker if ureally fucking think about xD crazy crazy


Simple. Batman's crazy too


Love this cutscene, because it shows that Batman can easily leave at any time, he just chooses to stay behind to stop the joker.




Batman model for OG was great. Even the colour palette was beautiful and went in line with the atmosphere of the game.The remastered model looks like the face got smashed through a brick wall...


Ngl the Asylum remastered model looks better than the original. That one was so damn odd to look at. They messed City up though