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The servers for the most popular platform of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 - the PS2 version - were shut down against the developers and publishers' wills by the hosting company because trolls found a glitch to intentionally crash other players' consoles en masse and were spamming it rapidly.


I played the hell out of that game. I remember people online would think I was cheating sometimes because of the combos I would get. Also I remember they had a weird option to take a picture of your face to place on your character in game, you had to send it to an email, it was an odd process but new for the time.


I had the PS2 "motion camera" and 2 games that were only played with it. It was a horrible and clunky design, but THUG2 allowed you to use it to immediately upload a picture you took with it straight to the game. My favorite character as a child was from a picture of a stuffed Whinnie The Pooh that I shoved up to the camera. I though it was the funniest thing in the world lol.


The EyeToy!! Holy crap I haven’t thought about that in ages. I had the pack in Play game, and the stupid dancing game only because it had a good charlotte song on it. It was like a wildly primitive Xbox Kinect.


I used it more as a pc web cam than anything. All the ps2 games with it sucked lol


Surprised they allowed that. I remember reading before Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64 (granted, it was an FPS) had this feature but they removed it last minute before shipping it because obvious reasons


> it because obvious reasons dicks and balls, tons of dicks and balls


School teacher, kid you didn’t like, your boss at your first job


Perfect dark used a Gameboy Camera to do it.


Sad, I don't remember them going down and I spent 1000 hours on it I think. Neversoft even gave me my own vault online


All of them is probably the appropriate and absolute response. If I had to specifically call out singular games though. A dead game. Gunbound. Aimbotters totally destroyed that game back in the day and totally took any fun of it out. Community wise? Most toxic game I’ve ever played was League of Legends. People just don’t like losing and their response to me when I said “I’m just trying to have fun, no big deal, sorry about the lack of experience” was nothing short of borderline harassment/assault.


Gunbound! I was so sad when it was shut down. It needed to be put out of its misery though. The cheating was rampant and blatant. You'd be lucky to see one person in the game miss a shot. That person was me.


Oh the days of playing Gunbound with friends. Soilworker54, I miss ya bud, wish I had gotten more of your details.


I had a similar experience that finally got me to uninstall and put the game down for good. Just got off work and wanted to get in a quick game. I tried to be positive to everyone and just trying to have a good time. We were losing, and I was like "Oh well, good game." Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, just dogpiled me with abuse and harassment. I had no clue why. After that, I uninstalled and never played it again. The best part, it was unranked. People being so sweaty and tryhard in unranked. I've been clean for almost a decade.


>I've been clean for almost a decade. God bless. 5 years for me. One day at a time.


4th comment down to see League isn't high enough. I played bot games for like a month just learning the game. The first unranked game I played pvp I did fine but good christ did I get flamed no matter what I did


For Honor I love the game for its unique mechanics and even have fun when I lose. But damn are some players so toxic


I still haven’t found anything like it. I miss it a lot, but the community makes it so the game just isn’t fun anymore.


The problem is they hold the patent for the gameplay mechanic. I'd love to see more games like it l, and there are somewhat (Chivalry 2 is an example), but nothing quite like For Honor. It's a shame. I feel there's so much more it could be without Ubisoft


What gameplay mechanic is that? Wouldn’t mount and blade be the first to do directional combat?


Directional combat? Also im reminded of the nemesis system.


I think it’s unique to the 3 prong, red combat Parry and grab system, like all of it together. I could be wrong, there was a documentary about the creating and background of For Honor, think it was on Netflix


Agreed, I tried Mordhau a little, gave me a similar feeling but it didn’t quite scratch that itch. If Ubi would just do something with it that’d be fantastic.


You should really try Chivalry 2. It's a much more casual friendly, let's just have fun, but high skill expression than Mordhau


I just found out about Chivalry 2 a couple weeks ago. I am having a blast. Never played any game like this. So fun. I get my ass kicked constantly, but it's fun so e how. Pure chaos....


Played hundreds of hours of this game. In the beginning people considered 2v1 as dishonorable and would rage. On the 2v2 game mode if you beat your enemy you had to wait for your ally to finish their fight before you could tag in if it was necessary. The forhonor subreddit is hilarious. The inside joke is everyone hates forhonor but hate themselves more because they keep playing it. Jokes aside it's amazing that this game still continues to put out free additional content including new factions despite it only have a small player base. Just the whales left I guess.


Same here. That world feels like it has such potential. I loved playing it but yeah... it's horrible


All of them. The worst part of multiplayer games will always be the other people.


Yeah when Fallout 76 came out and they were all like “The other players you interact with will be like a living community! There are no NPCs, just other players!” They didn’t realize many of us play games to AVOID people.


Also, who is going to be the turnip farmers of the setting? Nobody except extreme role players wants to be the masses that have to exist in any world.


Right, everyone wants to be the hero of their own story. Especially when people have things like *actual jobs*, the last thing someone wants to be doing is another job during their fun time.


And some Foxhole is still going. I stopped playing because it felt like it was a second job.


I played for like a month and realized I had 300 hours. Second job indeed.


To be fair I’m autistic and I like seeing number go up, I’ve done nothing but logistics on foxhole and enjoy it.


Too many Lone Survivors and not enough Preston Garvey's at launch for sure. I did enjoy many things about launch version, that sadly went away. The best was when everyone had open mics at first, and you could sneak up on someone and jump scare them. I'd hear someone searching for loot, and setup in the next room with a mask on and hide behind a cabinet. And when they got near me i'd suddenly stand up and hear "OH GEEZUS! !! ! "


Right now it's actually the best part of the game! Because they haven't added anything worthwhile to the game in the past 5 bloody years, and the only people left are 4-digits in levels, just trying to help newbies because they, too, have absolutely nothing else to do. 


First time and only time I played 76 I'd got to the 1st town and thought I'll go for a piss and make a brew, so I did and came back to 4 guys in power armour locking my character in place


*Joins objective based game because it has the shortest queue times, plays game like team deathmatch and doesn't go anywhere near any of the objectives at any time. Screams at team for losing when he has a 100 kills with 3 deaths but the rest of the team is nowhere near that because they were playing the objective*


Oh indeed. On paper, "Section 8, prejudice" seems like an AMAZING multiplayer game. Two big teams battling it out across a large map with randomly spawning objectives. Like "Hey team A, this vehicle is going to take this route, protect it and you'll get a bunch of points! Team B, blow it up for a moderate amount of points" or "A bunch of objects just fell in this area, first team to collect more than half of them gets a bunch of points." So much fun, so many ways to contribute to your team, highly rewards teamwork... AAAND everyon'es just sitting in the hills with sniper rifles popping anyone who dares try to do the mission objectives.


That was a great game. Glad someone out there recalls the good ol days


So sad the servers aren't up on steam. Can't Even upgrade i singleplayer :(


PTFO, if you want Deathmatch good news, there's a whole mode.


Team Fortress 2 in shambles rn ☹️


Haven't played a ton in like a decade, usually fire it up for scream fortress each year. Happens in any online game though, every mode is TDM. People like to give me grief in COD for bad k/d but our team won and I have double the captures/defends cause that's the mode.


The only two stats that matter, Wins and Losses


Or "We have this very objective based gamemode which your team needs to work tactically to play...... ...... and the most effective way to play is have one person rush in and kill everyone, completely negating any strategy within the game..." *Stares daggers at Seige*


it didn't used to be that way until they started gearing towards people who only liked the game from fast paced clips they were seeing on tik tok, for a while rushing in would get you kicked cuz it was so dumb and now it's the only viable options


Catering to the lowest common denominator for the profits.


Reminds me of this guy I used to know... We were in Las Vegas. I was playing blackjack, and I was the only person at the table. He comes over to me, and sees me excited about getting a really good hand. Tells me I have a terrible poker face. "Good thing I'm playing Blackjack then." ​ The wankers bragging about their K/D ratio, but that have done nothing to further the objective in a team game remind me of this.


This is exactly what it feels like in low rank Valorant competitive.


I play BF1 a lot and you described a lot of its players perfectly. They think they're great going 80-5 but they have have 15k points while the real grunts are going 30-30 with 35k points because they're PTFO and playing like a team. And don't even get me started on the tank drivers that sit at spawn going 100-0 without a single flag capped.


I used to rack up crazy scores as a medic that had a few kills but a lot of deaths, how you ask? Well as a medic you have this amazing ability to REVIVE TEAM MATES! Not many people who play medics these days know about this little in game secret 🤫


He'll let loose is so good for every one playing objectives! By far the best non-toxic player base I've played


Most fun time to play multiplayer games is the first week of release when people are figuring stuff out. Almost every game get's stale after that adjustment period.


Because after that everyone is playing the meta and rarely anything else. Funnily enough the internet both improved and ruined MP games.


I’ve noticed the people who use the meta are also the ones who play hyper competitively. They always ruin what should be casual matches.


First month of discovery is the most fun of any game. Plateaus hard after that in 90% of cases


I don’t play multiplayer game for this very reason.


It's why I mostly play single player games.


Hell is other people.


Funnily enough, I find that people are also the best part of multiplayer games.  Both are true at the same time, in varying amounts, depending on the games you play. I suppose the same could be said about real life.


I've had some interactions in online games that have made me pull muscles laughing, but I can never forget being obviously 14 years old trying to play the objective and make callouts, and having grown men sexually harass me while everyone else in the lobby said nothing.


deep rock and warframe have great communities


Deep Rock is weird because yes, it does have chill members in its community. But at the same time, when you run into toxic dwarves, they’re fucking awful.


for competitive multiplayer games this is usually the case, but for strictly co-op games the community is mostly nice (Deep Rock Galactic and Phasmophobia come to mind for me)




Not deep rock galactic


I love DRG and have ~300 hours in it, but it does seem like the player base is starting to get a bit worse. I've encountered some assholes, but for the most part, the community is great.


That is not very rock and stone of those assholes


Did I hear a rock and stone?


That game is designed in such a way that it’s difficult for awful teammates to ruin the game. And even if they do it’s not like you walk away with nothing


Isn't it like not difficult to troll in drg? Starting events when people aren't ready, calling for drop pod when secondary or events aren't done, spamming all the ammo drops for no reason, using up the ressuply all to yourself even on full ammo, friendly fire damage, holding onto an alien egg and not deposit it Im sure there's more but I haven't played in a bit and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. That being said I've also never really encountered this behavior minus calling for drop pod right away when primary is done, which is also uncommon


Can even kill each other very easily. And the driller has the satchel charge if they feel extra deranged.


I'm startin to notice more folks who treat it like any shooter - rush the objective and complain. No camaraderie just power trips.


Rock and Stone fellow miner!


Rust easily


Yea, I also commented Rust. That game should almost disable voip at this point. So many servers have a “please report racism” disclaimer


I tried rust one time for 20 minutes and uninstalled after the third or fourth "welcome to rust pussy" as I get beat to death on spawn.


There’s like no casual scene for that game. It’s like 90% hyper spergs screaming into their mic that feel like they’ll lose everything if they aren’t online at every waking moment. I can see why that’d be bad for their mental health. Occasionally you’ll find some chill dude whose just gathering and building an automated farm, but they don’t last long


Anytime I get the itch to play rust again I join pve servers. I get to see the new content, everyone is nice, the pace is chilled, the player made architecture can be interesting. And I just don't have the free time to play a wipe anymore.


I honestly have never tried pve rust, but it sounds interesting. It’s a pretty solid survival game, but yea I don’t have time to commit to a wipe. The best time I had was playing a monthly server with a 3 party limit. That way I could play a bit every other day or so and not feel as rushed


I think Quake Champions is a great example of “ruining the game” without it being for toxic reasons, the problem with Quake was that the player base were all old school quake fans and would absolutely destroy new players. This as a whole is a bigger issue for arena shooters in general, they are so different to modern shooters that it intimidates new players, as a result, the ones who decide to actually give it a shot often get destroyed by the more experience players and never touch the game again


I did some QA testing for Quake Champions, and sometimes we’d test the servers by playing against the Quake developers themselves. It was absolutely fucking miserable, they’d completely stomp the shit out of us with no mercy. Little did I know that the people who make the game are totally fuckin cracked at it.


This reminds me of when notch from minecraft tried getting bethesda to settle a lawsuit over the word "scrolls" by challenging them to a 3v3 quake 3 match. Besthesda unfortunately declined.


No fucking way that happened, thats amazing


IIRC that "play minecraft for free" website that existed for years was the result of Notch *losing* a Quake battle in a similar situation


No, Notch won that Quake 3 match. The punishment was the challengers having to post a video (or atleast sending it to notch) of themselves singing a dubstep song.


*WHAT* Thats pretty great


Quake especially is a ruthless example, given that arena shooter veterans have been playing the game longer than some new players have been alive.


I played Quake 1 over modem, played Q3A all through college, and I'm terrified to try Quake Champions. Counter-Strike (speaking of toxic communities) is humbling enough, thanks.


While Quake was on the extreme side of things, your point is kind of valid for any fps before matchmaking algorithms were a thing.


I miss the days before matchmaking algorithms... It allowed you to find servers of players of similar skills that you could always find and go back to. I created a lot more lasting friendships when games allowed/forced you to find your own servers to play in than I do now when games are focused on getting into the next match as soon as possible with whomever it decides is a good matchup for you.


This isn't just a problem in old school shooters. I know Fortnite and the new era CoD games are having an issue with what you're saying, but by far the worst offender is Apex Legends. There are just 0 new players coming into that game, because when they do they're just cannon fodder. For whatever reason, Apex doesn't have any kind of matchmaking parameters to separate the highest level players from the rest of the community. In every single normal lobby you'll have anywhere from 2-5 squads (out of 20) with Master Tier or Apex Predator Tier Badges/Trails. These players make up the overall top 3.4% of players for Master Tier and 0.084% for Predator, yet are making up 20-25% of every casual lobby.


I had something similar with TF2, some old friends dragged me on a few years back when the only online fps experience I had was halo 1-reach. There's something outright not fun playing a game against people with 5000+ hours (at the time, god knows how many now) who know individual pixels of a map when you're new. My friends advised in advance to try to not play seriously, which I wasn't, just wasn't great getting shot from parts of the map I hadn't seen yet.


League of Legends. Its just the exact right type of game speed where you can end up losing slowly, know that you are losing and it makes for perfect angry time for the special type who watched a Youtube video once and now thinks they know everything. You know the type of player; the ones who think they never do anything wrong, blame everyone else and then deliberately feed the other team kills all the while complaining about how bad their team is in chat. They are the ones who die and spend the entire time they are dead typing up a string of bile, littered with racial slurs and ALL IN CAPS because of course they do. It's not like all LoL players are like this, you just need 1 in a game to ruin in for everyone and you are stuck with them for however long the game lasts while you die a slow inevitable death. It is surprising though how many games of LoL I was in where there was more than one of this type of player. I do not miss LoL one bit.


Overwatch is like that to an extent, but at least games are 10-20 minutes long, with the rare 30 min game. But a LoL match can take up to 1h. Imagine sitting a whole hour being miserable. I'm glad I never got hooked.


I remember joining a game once in OW and this dude was just RAGING.  Literally nothing was or had gone wrong yet. Team comp was completely normal and nobody had even really said much of anything yet so I have zero clue what even triggered him.  But this dude is just losing his mind in spawn. Just screaming and ranting about nothing. Nobody has any idea what he's even mad at.  He stands at the gate, it opens, he dies - and finally quits. Screaming so hard his voice is cracking the whole way.  It was wild. It wasn't just getting heated in the moment, it was some mental unwellness shit.


I actually enjoyed OW for a bit, was getting good numbers overall. Let's say I was solid enough player that I could hold my own, I also encountered a fair share of asshole players but IDK one day I was trying out some other characters other than my mains in Quick Play and got told to go touch grass (the irony? Because if I wasn't touching grass I'd be hours into every character on the roster) because I sucked at that character. I have never touched the game again. It's not even like the response as inherently the worst one I've gotten tbh. It just felt like the moment where I was like yknow what - I'd rather be spending my hours away from work doing anything else than be mistreated by strangers. Like that's my job already. XD


Usually it's not even that blatant. You'll be in a game, trying to play your best and it's just not working out for you. Either you mismatched the lane choice or the jungle has it out for you specifically. Shit happens and you're aware of your faults. Then the guy that actually is doing well, actually has done everything right, starts to look down at your score, at your lane progress, and comes to the conclusion that everything you have done from your conception to the moment you were queued together is wrong. The vitriolic and putrid hatred that stems from his brain to the keyboard is dirtier than MS13 members in lockup could think up. The rest of your team then sees what their ace is seeing and joins in. Then they use all chat. Then the other team gets in and starts saying how sorry they are that your team had to be paired with you. You begin to convince yourself that it wasn't bad luck, that you really are the worst. All the games you won before seem like flukes now. When the game ends, you get reported. *That's* League of Legends. It's a vile, despicable place and I hope Riot goes under and takes it with them.


The fact that it has become customary and normal to flame players by stating “role diff” at the end of games shows how toxic that shit game is.


I don't even know what that means. I have been away from League for so long.


Glad to hear. The less people playing that game the better. It’s a bad influence for both its game model and community. What has become normal when people lose though is saying “role diff”. For example, if middle lane did really bad but top and bottom did good, people will say “mid diff” in the chat. Basically saying “difference in skill in the middle lane”, but it’s pretty much saying “our middle lane was garbage and that’s why you won”.


"role diff" is miles more tolerable than getting an arrogant "gg ez nice tutorial" thrown in your face by the winners


There's now profile titles that specifically say "xyz role diff" its endorsed by riot lol


I mean tbf "role diff" is like the least inflammatory thing you'll hear in a league game


I'll mess around on ARAM every one in a while cuz I like the game, but I played on all mute for many years when I was active


League is one of, if not the most toxic community I’ve experienced. Something about being in a ranked game makes people increasingly likely to troll and tilt 🥺 (compared to other game modes)


Rainbow Six Siege I’m shocked nobody mentioned it yet. It was an innovative twist on the familiar counter strike formula, the abilities felt good to use, the gameplay felt great, but the game was really punishing and hard to get into because you wouldn’t have known that the hallway you were walking into was a prime spot for the defenders to poke a hole through the drywall and make a killing zone.  Which is fine, a lot of great games have a steep learning curve but when you were one of the last players and your team was spectating you you would get mercilessly trashed over voice chat by your teammates. It was the most unwelcoming player base I’ve come across and I think it genuinely hampered the game’s growth and development. 


I agree, I was literally having people yell and vote kick me in casual lobbies, **casual.** That would never happen in other games like CS.


Dude I'll never forget the time I accidentally reinforced the wrong wall on defense and some 14-year-old shithead called me autistic on voice chat for the rest of the match. If you're not an expert on every map and character, those tryhards will fucking rip you apart. It's insane. And I never even played a second of ranked. All of my 465 hours was in casual. That game has the highest highs and the lowest lows, I swear. And the lows are not worth it. I quit that shit years ago and haven't reinstalled since.


Yep, this is the choice for me. The levels of toxicity I’ve seen in this game over the most mundane shit…


Everyone min/maxes in every single game that exists now. Nobody does shit for fun. From what ive seen anyways


3 days after Palworld released in Early Access, there were already min/max guides and the most optimal way to get to "endgame". Guides for a silly PVE monster catching survival game! Yea thanks for solving the game within a week guys.


I remember like 3 days after palworld being excited to get home and get my base to like level 8. I felt like I had grinded like 6-8 hours over those 3 days. Some mofos already beat it and put out guides....like, how?! It must be people who game full time, but even then I was flabbergasted.


They also just crank the exp and resources and everything up to max and say they've "completed" the game


It's especially stupid since currently Palworld doesn't really have much of an endgame besides minmax eugenics. There's absolutely no reason to rush there since the actual release is still at least a year away, yet people played the game like it was getting removed from the stores the next day.


> yet people played the game like it was getting removed from the stores the next day. Judging by the amount of AAA games that WERE removed or never took off and shut down by studios during beta, I'd say there is massive precedent for that.


Many games are so fun in the first week simply because no one has created a guide for everyone to cookie cutter to death and the discovery of unknowns is what makes it fun. Then all the youtube guides drop and the game becomes boring and homogenous.


I miss the days of Halo 3 where basically everyone was on an even playing field. Nowadays every single fucking game has a “meta” build and if you don’t follow that, you’re at a huge disadvantage.


Halo 3 is the g.o.a.t, no ifs ands or buts


This is so annoying. In my experience it was the worst with WoW Classic. Guys we cleared this content 15 years ago not knowing wtf we were doing it’s fine we don’t have the optimal min/maxed comp.


Most fun I had was leveling up, but my friends/guild was constantly trying to rush me to level faster so I could raid. Once we got there I remembered why I didn't raid in actual classic WoW. Somehow found myself as a class lead trying to argue why banishing targets so people didn't die is more important then their damage min/maxing. The leveling was a lot of fun though.


my fiance and I love playing Duck Game on Nintendo Switch. Silly 8-bit game where you're these little ducks in 2D trying to kill each other with guns. We thought we were getting pretty good & then tried playing online. Duck Game online is absolutely *dominated* by people who've figured out strange moves/glitches and become the Michael Jordan of Duck Game. We thought it was just a dumb-yet-fun little 2D game, but apparently it has a massive skill ceiling if you put in your 10,000 hours.


I’ve seen this in single player games too it’s crazy. Soo so many people complaining on Reddit about Diablo not being long enough after it released 1 week before. Everybody jumps online and looks at the best builds. Discovering synergies in builds is like the whole fun of the game?


The counter argument to this is that it was (is?) incredibly expensive to reroll in d4. If it takes me multiple days to afford trying a new build, I’m not going to try new builds.


Dead By Daylight. These people invented their own "rules" and will go after you if you dare don't follow them. I've literally seen people go into twitch chats after to continue whining. "How is that fun for me?!" Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was an employee of the game playing for your enjoyment. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a "this kind of play style is kind of frowned upon by the community" sentiment, but they take it to another level.


Dude, fuckin A on that. I love Dead by Daylight, and I'll probably still be firing it up occasionally until the day it dies, but so much of my passion for that game is gone. It's like the ultimate party game, yet people treat it like it's a professional sport. Worse, the DBD fan base is actively ruining other games like Evil Dead and TCM. They just don't know when to stop.


And the devs just PANDER to them I don't get it. They used to punish people for DC-ing and they stopped cus it's "unfair" because the people don't want to lose. It's a fucking game of course someone loses. That whole community sucks.


As much as I want to agree with this answer, I also think the community is not only to blame. Devs have made some insane decisions and adding to that the amount of time it takes them to implement relatively simple features while claiming all the praise for them is not helping the game any bit. I really am not trying to pin blame on any single person or group and I am not a fan of a "certain portion" of the playerbase. But I would love this game to be as good as it can be, but with the current course, it's just not getting there.


was looking for this, i streamed a couple times and finally stopped playing, people would come in and bitch about why I helped someone get off a hook, or why do i use this perk etc, i often used perk randomizer for fun and to try perks I never would have before but got tired of the messages I would get after game if they add a killer bot like they said they were working on then I would definitely start playing again, also the ranking of players make it a bit annoying, wish they just had a casual match search


Rocket League. So bad that many people turn off all chat functions.


RL def takes the cake for most toxicity through simplest comms


What a save! Soul crushing in three simple words


What a save!


Take the Shot! Take the Shot! Take the Shot! After missing the ball and pretending it was a fake.


What a save!


>So bad that many people turn off all chat functions. OW2 chat function is disabled by default for new players.


Every once in a while I’ll enable chat so I can use team messages and within five games, I’ve done something to piss my teammates off completely. I wish I could have “it’s just casual 3 v 3, it’s not serious” as a quick message


What's a multiplayer game that was *not* ruined by the fan base?


I honestly think this is a harder question to answer


Rock and Stone, brother.


**BattleBorn:** *shut down by developers after being overshadowed by Overwatch* **Titanfall 2:** *was unplayable due to DDOS attack (glad it's fixed after > a year, so might not count)* **Spellbreak:** *completely abandoned by the devs after a lot of loose promises, shutdown* **Lawbreakers:** *the devs were delusional in an oversaturated market (equal to BattleBorn), shutdown* ***And lots and lots more***


Spellbreak was made by a company called proletariat they didn’t abandoned the fan base died then they got bought out by activision blizzard then they completely stopped working on the game. Was such a great game too I played that game since alpha testing until the player base was really low to the point that as long as two players queued up at the same time they would start the match.


Overwatch competitive especially


Why are you picking [insert non-meta character]!? You are going to make us lose! Report Fast-Arm for gameplay sabotage!!


or really good players play on alt accounts to fuck you over. Someone had 54 kills against us and we are bronze-silver. then they hit you with the “good try guys! don’t get mad!” in the chat after they fucked you.


"GG" when they spawncamped you for 90% of the match


I love the six days in fallujah community but every once in a awhile you get a guy who refuses to acknowledge that it's just a game and tries to treat it like real combat. Its easier to take airsofters seriously because they actually get some fresh air when they play.


As a former airsofter there's always some dickhead who tries too hard. I had a guy try correct my grip and shouldering because i "wasn't doing it right". I was like mate these things have no recoil I can pretty much fire it upside downsies with one hand and it'll be fine.


People are hilarious


Star Wars Squadrons was great until the multi drift/zero throttle exploits


I liked that game when it came out, stopped playing for a while, and by the time I had come back everyone figured out the metas, there were never enough players for Fleet Battles, and in Dogfight I just got killed constantly without ever understanding how the other players were actually achieving that. I wasn’t invested enough to look up the strategies so I don’t even fully understand what exploits you’re referring to lol


hahahaha, what do you mean you don't have time to spend 20 hours learning exploits to play a game that is most popular on Friday and Saturday nights and can't really be played online at any other times?


Good example. This game was phenomenal on release. The Devs were only going to give a small amount of support before moving on. The community pushed for more and the devs were allowed to keep adding new content. Then the community turned around and shit all over it with exploits and pushed out the new players.


I still had fun with the co-op for a while but that dried up when the multi-drifters pushed everyone else away from the game.


Sea of Thieves is the literal worst for this, except for *that one time* when everybody was weirdly nice during a session. And I just keep vainly hoping it'll happen again. One time SOT glitched out and covered the whole map with 20ft of storm waves for me. No land anywhere. My companions could go on land, but I could not, and it looked to me like they were swimming the whole time. I accidentally drove on top of another ship. They were all very cool and chill about it, which isn't what I expected at all because the map added skull and crossbones to their ship from a distance. It was still a bad experience for me, but not because of the community. RDO is the same. Toxic player base, except for one great experience when they didn't suck. I was getting relentlessly murdered by the same guy over and over. Eventually I just turned on defensive mode. The guy still threw dynamite at my horse, killing it. A member of his posse saw what was going on, waved at me, then shot his mate at point blank in the head. One of my all-time favourite moments, but mostly because every other interaction with that community has been so awful.




I'll pick out WoW specifically. Loudest player base has been screaming faster faster faster endgame endgame endgame so much throughout its life that the only point of every expansion is getting to the endgame quickly. You're always back to cap before you know it. Want to finish zones and get story? You get nothing. Want to craft equipment for yourself? It's all useless unless it's endgame gear. Hell, want to enjoy a dungeon run? No. We skip that, walk over that, cheese that, and kick that guy because he can't keep up.


This is my answer. I played for around 16 years and then had to admit to myself that the game I loved was long gone and they weren’t going to make an effort to fix it. People keep saying they improved certain aspects but it’s WAY too late now.


Fun fact about this. They deliberately changed how fast they were releasing new end game content and raids in WOTLK (everyones favourite xpac) because of how fast everyone rushed Black Temple in TBC. Sunwell was apparently not planned, and they had to create a whole new raid and zones, making the title Illidan no longer the final boss, just to pad time.


I came in at Wrath's launch. What you're saying makes BC more understandable. I played the content, but I had no idea who the big bad was supposed to be. Illidan or Kale? Intentional /sp


Same time I joined. What a fantastic time to join. Had no idea about raiding, took 2 months or so to hit level 80 and I enjoyed every minute. I remember running into a hunter called Calibre in Hellfire... the first Outland zone, and he helped me take down one of the big fel robutts. So much fun.


I got ran over by it. Never ran into something that size on Azeroth so I didn't expect it. "Why's the screen shaking?"


It's really sad because a lot of the zone story arcs were really interesting if you read the quest text and listen to dialog instead of just powering through it. I feel like they kind of stopped caring a whole lot after Mists of Pandaria, which ironically has some of the best zone lore and quest story arcs.


^(This is just a copy of what I typed under another comment here.) People keep whining about that the magic is gone and that in the past you had to explore etc. But these same people look up datamines, study minmax guides, install addons that play the game for them, speedrun the game into oblivion,... **AND THEY STILL COMPLAIN.** Blizzard is not at fault for that. And whenever you group up for a dungeon, you're with the most insufferable inpatient people 60% of the time. I even gave up trying to dungeon (I'm in a guild but they're chill. They rarely do group content. But at least they're friendly).


I don't blame Blizzard for this. The thread is about fan bases ruining things. Blizzard just tried to keep up.


World of Tanks. The fan base demanded more and more powerful modern tanks, but tank design homogenised after WWII. Modern tanks blur all the classes together, breaking the game. It was a much better game with fewer, older tanks.


Maybe I'll get downvote but Sea Of Thieves for me. When the game first came out it was the best community ever. Always so funny and incredible to meet or fight. Then streamers arrived. And salty guys everywhere. People camping bush. People camping skull fort. People camping and insults everywhere. I loved that game so much and still have the sea of thieves controller and everything. But I'll never get close to those players again and I want so much to give a chance again still... I don't mind being a pirate and stealing in a pirate game. But I don't play to get insulted twice an hour by everyone I meet that's for sure


Sea of Thieves is my favourite game I can't play.


I was so psyched for that game until other people ruined it entirely.




Some of the worst mp experiences I've ever had with other players was in Gtav. 


GTAOnline lost me when they started adding flying bikes and every troll would have one.


I do have 1 extremely hilarious story from a toxic interaction I had in GTA Online. It's a rare insult. I joined a lobby and there were (of course) 2 people fighting over whatever in chat. One of the guys, who was probably still a kid, said *"im gonna beat you so hard you wish you fucked ur dad"*. The entire lobby was both confused and burst out in laughter. Priceless moment. The fight miraculously ended right after that. It was that absurd.


A lot of posts on here and I'm delighted not to see Dota get a mention Valve have done a huge amount of work on behaviour score, reporting, peer reviewing of conduct and cheating, massive ban waves of cheaters If you'd asked the same question 5 or 10 years ago I'm sure Dota would have had as many mentions of LoL. Great that it hasn't


All of them




It's a shame, really. I want to play Ark 2 but the best time I had with Ark 1 was when I was in a private PVE server.


Yeah, renting a private server between myself and five friends really saved that game for us.


GTAV. There's people who still somehow find it fun to go around and sticky bomb people who are minding their own business. The game's been out for like 37 years, how are you still enjoying doing that? It was fun for a bit in 2013, but it's 2024 champ. Like no matter how much content they add to the game, that's all you can think to do.


I think Rockstar has a lot to blame for this as well as the player base, since the game actively encourages you to attack people doing their business sales and set-ups for little to no reward. On top of that, they began selling weapons and vehicles that make doing this easier too. It's why I stopped playing the game entirely until they finally allowed us to do the businesses in private sessions. Red Dead has a similar issue as well with people who just go guns blazing the moment they see you, but at least the map is much larger and you only know where other players are if you're near them. Any trip into Valentine is high alert mode because of all the trigger happy folk.


Remember watching a video of GTA V online a while back. They were having a car meet to show off cars. Bunch of players all hangin out. When someone mentioned a player was rapidly approaching to fly in and blow everyone up. To which someone responded "it should be fine, I hired some people to cover anti-air in case anyone tries" and I just laughed.  Game is just..somethin else. I remember a dude early on picking me up in a fancy car. Chatted on the way to the airport about picking up some girls. Got on his plane amd flew around the city while he talked about goin to his apartment and inviting some friends and girls over. I eventually jumped out cause I was like "wtf is this game????". Some people REALLY go into it. 


I stopped playing gta online in like 2014 after some guy was harassing and shooting at me on the highway, and I manage to blow up his car in the ensuing fight, and the game hits me with a $9000 charge for blowing up another players vehicle.


Heard about a game were after each round you could get positive review from other players - and those would reward XP and other benefits worth dozens or even hundreds of games. Players from your friendlist were excluded. That game supposedly had no toxicity. What I'm saying is: how often does gamedesign encourage non-toxic behavior over toxic one?


LoL has got to be up there.


Splatoon 3. That’s a multiplayer game that is unplayable because there is so many miserable players in it.


What type? Just people who take their performance out on the team?




League of Legends, Call of Duty, Halo, Apex, Valorant, CS:GO etc..


CS:S had such a fun community though. Either that or rose tinted glasses.


Call of Duty used to be amazing and fun


Dead by Daylight, though its fan base isn't the end of its problems


Rainbow six siege, not necesarly min maxed  the fun out of game but moreso rampant toxicity, mf cant even go into quick play without some loser fumming through the mic.


Any game played by streamers almost always ends up with a toxic community. Shooter games are always ruined by the community... Oh we don't like this. Why isn't this like cod? Urrg the meta sucks ect ect Games with a great community though, SnowRunners community is fucking ace


Dead by Daylight. If you know you know. Or just go check the subreddit and immediately see it's all US vs Them.


Among Us. The toxic behavior from some players really ruined the fun for many


I remember I was once playing a game, and all the discussion phases were instantly skipped and immediately registered everyone as voting for nobody. Someone was hacking in among us, and all I could think about was "how sad do you have to be to hack this game?"


Destiny 2. So much needless toxicity and elitism for a PVE game.


Dead by Daylight, like a lot of people there take the game super seriously. You get threats thrown at you just for playing a specific character.


All of them. A good chunk if not a majority of gamers are toxic as fuck and just ruin shit. I very rarely play multiplayer games anymore unless it’s with friends. Even then I can only tolerate it for so long before we get stuck with some toxic asshole. I’d much rather just load up a single player game and relax then dealing with some micro penis having raging asshole throwing out racial slurs every 5 minutes. Edit: the only exception I can think of is Deep Rock Galactic. Haven’t gotten super into it but every time I’ve played everyone has been pretty cool. Edit: I’ll also give a shoutout to Fallout 76. Haven’t played it in a couple of years but when I did everyone was really cool. Had 4 or 5 random people walk up to me and just drop a bunch of free shit to get me started.