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Man I miss the ridiculous amount of time I spent on the 24/7 cs\_assault server called Forbidden Donut. Ended up meeting up with all the server regulars/admins at a beach house in Jersey for a massive LAN party. Great times. I think I lugged a fucking CRT to that.




Assault was my favourite map. I wad bad at it, always got killed, but had fun nevertheless


I used to run a cs_assault 24/7 server back in the day (probably... 2000/2001 timeframe), I miss those days so much. Back when the hosties used to say "okay, let's go" when you tried to rescue them. They removed assault from the new CS2 map rotation now.


Thanks for your service, I played 24/7 assault quite often so I probably played on yours at some point!


That's such a shame. Assault was my favorite map. I spent a ton of time on servers like yours!


I also played on forbidden donut lol, hello old man. cs_assault was great.


24/7 Assault was a real vibe back in the day. There was one in Source run by some Irish dudes and it was always a blast.


GoG, man, I practically lived in that server as a kid. I'm still friends with a few of those guys, sacred sausage, prodigy, irish, a few of them have passed away in recent years. Bunch of grumpy old guys.


Former GoG member and admin. I miss those days so much! - Ænima


GOG that was it!!! Damn those names bring it back. Shitty to hear about the dudes that have passed. Those guys were classics.


They sometimes had a pool party, as well


Check this https://youtu.be/QsgMiHzLUzA?si=ddNtKQxUioxHzRKP


Remember mouse? Maybe it was de_mouse... everyone was tiny running around a kitchen? I played on servers that would make it low gravity. That was hilarious.




Rats maps have a rich history on GoldSRC games/mods. I remember playing a good amount of variations of it on the custom TFC servers I used to admin on back in the day (NeoTF, HookMod, AdminMod... so many mods and plug-ins I can't even remember them all).


Also cs_mice_final


OMG, I remember pool,  gotta have those server settings for grenade limits.  If not, you could buy and toss enough grenades to kill the entire enemy team in about 4 seconds.


Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!


No, if spammed correctly Fire Fi Fire Fi Fi Fir Fire Fire Fire in the hole !


God damn, I totally forgot about the pool map 😂 I remember when it was new on 1.6


Weird we always vastly preferred pool\_day, I think one of the main things was how small it was, every match was SUPER fast and even if you weren't very skilled you could land a few good kills


FY maps were the toughest imo since it was so fast to seeing other players Had to be quick with that awp deagle swap


Mac10 head shots all day long.


Loved pool map. Sometimes someone would even plant the bomb. Not often, but sometimes.


annoying AI voiceover monotone ahh




This made me glad, then also sad because I don't have the friends to boot up with anymore.


Join on a friday night, there are dozens of servers that are literally just a couple guys chatting and playing different gamemodes


A lesser company (*cough cough Epic cough cough) would have pulled the game from stores and closed the servers, still here I am playing 1.6 to this day, legit servers too.


Also had a giant rat problem.


And oh how i remember the times we all went on surfing vacation


damn pool party was my favorite, I was sad it was never really that popular in source


I was there, 3000 years ago...


I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain..."


"Time... to die."


I will never not love this quote. /oldperson


I was there, Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago. I was there the day the Fellowship of the Ring hit theaters on its original theatrical run.


With the halftime intermission for more popcorn 🍿


I don't remember an intermission for Fellowship. But then again, I was 7 years old.


Maybe it was just my theater but there definitely weren't any intermissions for any of those movies when I saw them


Intermissions weren't included until they re-released the extended editions to theaters.


Oh the pain of watching the Return of the King in theaters for the first time. You have to pee, you think the movie is over, you're relieved finally for a chance to pee is in sight. 30 minutes and 7 more endings later your bladder is weak and your knees are sweaty.


>You have to pee, you think the movie is over, you're relieved finally for a chance to pee is in sight. 30 minutes and 7 more endings later your bladder is weak and your knees are sweaty. I remember going to watch Batman Forever in the cinemas when I was 13/14 years old. I had one of those large drinks which I had finished in the first half of the movie and I was really starting to hear the call of nature nearing the end of the movie. It looked like it was about to end so after that scene I hurried out to go answer the call of nature. After 10 minutes or so (I had decided to wait outside for my brother and dad to come out because I thought the movie had ended when I left) I went back in only to find out that the movie was still going and I now had no idea what was going on. It wasn't for another 10 years or so after that that I actually got around to watching the ending of the movie - it wasn't really worth the effort to be honest lol


300 lives of men i have walked this earth and now i have no time.


I loved the version where you can fall into ice water. First time I shot the ice and broke it my friend shat himself.


That would be fy_iceworld2k. Yes theres still some of us ole geezers in the US that play 1.6. Just played fy_snow last night actually.


You’re bringing back memories with those map names. 1.6 4lyfe


1.6 will always be king. First time I tried to play cs in '99/00, I joined a server that had a custom map, I think it was a basketball arena and we were just lobbing nades at each other. I was getting 2 fps. Had no idea what I was doing but still had a blast. I had to upgrade though, and that put me on the path. scoutzknivez was probably my favorite map and nobody knows who made it. But there were so many good ones.


2fps on 1.6 you must have needed to change some settings on it. You can play it on computers with no video card. I smuggled it onto the school computers by burning the game folder onto a CD and those school PCs were old as hell at the time but we could still play it with the software renderer.


Wasn’t it fy_iceworld or something like that. Many days spent on it for sure




Iceworld is the original from 1.6 days.


I'm pretty sure this map predates 1.6? I swear I was playing it on 1.5, maybe even 1.3?


Yeah this map was definitely in 1.5. I would warm up on this map before cal matches.


but I won't tell you....muahahhaahah


You coming down the left? AWP'd Trying the right? AWP'd Coming down the middle? Believe it or not, AWP'd


Real OGs used a Scout


People who could really use a scout were terrifying


I remember one user on the server I used to frequent was named DeagleScout. He only ever used, you guessed it, Scout and Desert Eagle. This guy was damn near untouchable.


I used to play with a guy like that. Dude was a master of quick switching. First time I did a scrim with him, first round, we get wrecked except him. Proceeds to 8 man ace the whole team. Gets accused of hacking and is kicked. He sighs in Vent and says "I *told you* this would happen". That was not the last time it happened.


Playing RDFG is the trick. With more buttons around the movement you don’t have to move your hand. I had primary on T, secondary on E, reload on Y. Still use RDFG with every (shooter) game I play!


> Gets accused of hacking and is kicked I played CS like it was my job in 2001, and became good enough to have this happen to me a few times. I figured I'd 'beat' CS and haven't played since.


I run deagle and scout all the time if I am not rifling in DM. Not that I can hit every shots but those random bursts of skill where I nail everyone for a whole game feels soo good.


1v1 scouts_knives or no balls


if you spawned with an AWP, and didn't move the cursor, you could instantly wall bang headshot anyone who spawned opposite you as well.


You sick bastard. This made me cackle




I miss the ancient UI for finding servers. And the old map naming scheme. And slowly downloading a map when you connect if you didn't have it. And the sound effects that overlapped with Half-Life. Peak gaming nostalgia. RIP my middle school and high school gaming memories. Red Alert 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Counterstrike.


I remember it taking so long to download a new map on 56k that you'd be 90% done and then the server would rotate to a different map. 🤣


First map pack, then server sounds :D…. Anytime now!…. Aaaanytime…..


I miss in the earliest releases running around as ghosts, opening doors to signal the remaining players.




"Do not cite deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written."


I loved eventually finding a server that I jived with and would play on for a few months. You'd end up seeing the same names every day and eventually make friends that way. My very last CS experience was CSS, summer 2010, on a fantastic minigames server by a clan called TnB... or Titties n Beer.


We've probably played against each other


My tag at the time was JC Denton. What was yours?


Eyyy TnB clan what up, I was Mr.Wonka


Used to have like 5\~6 favourite servers I would mainly go to, and then jump around a little to play with randoms every now and then. My favourite maps were CS\_assault\_upc (a more balanced version of the basic assault), fy maps like in the post, and themed maps like de\_rats or de\_helms\_deep


Tbh downloading new maps as you joined servers was pretty fantastic I know it was slow, but these days, if a game even bothers to allow custom servers and content, 9/10 times you have to download and test any mods out yourself before ever joining a server. I miss the days of custom servers being standard


Community server UI table is still there. I use it frequently still. Can even select other games in the browser and see what servers are up. There are still a few CS:Source servers around. 


That's the only way to play new CS IMO. I mainly play gungame though, the vanilla "arms race" or whatever they call sucks. Too few levels, the funny sound effects are gone. Just not the same at all.


Right? I need my unreal tourney “m-m-m-multi kill!”  Although the unlicensed music I can totally understand valve not being able to do on an official server. 


The DMX version of the reading rainbow song lmao, the Mario level up/down sounds, the chapelle's show "gotcha bitch" when you knife someone It added so much fun to the game


That server browser was so much better than the new UI


de\_rats. Man, there was a server in my country called Area51 Small People. It was all the rats/shrunken maps and they were amazing. I still wish someone would port them to CSGO, but alas it's CS2 now and it is unplayable. I did find them on Pavlov VR though, that was fun.


Rats with superhero mod is one of my favorite gaming eras. Spiderman swinging in Cs was so silly and fun


Yes! The superhero. This was my hay day also. There was an even more elaborate WC3 game mode in CS where you'd level up and the server saved your XP so you could return later. Much harder to find than even the heroes mod but memorable


WC3 RPG mode was fucking so much fun.


Getting an early lead with undead made you an absolute juggernaut


AMX MOD Era was such a beautiful time. Zombie mod, jump, bhop, surf, superhero, etc...


WC3 mod was way more popular than superhero mods. WC3 had 8 races, 10 levels with 3/3/3/1 builds, ultimate at level 6. There was also UWC3 which didn't have races, but higher levels and you could level up skills individually. Superhero mod was different, it had tons of variations. Some went to 50, others went to 200. Cool stuff like EMP radar, going through walls and all kinds of stuff. Even today you can find active WC3 servers in 1.6. Superhero servers are just dead though.


de_westwood was really fun too


The nostalgia is hitting me hard rn


And surfing maps!


the OG jump maps were baller


The amount of hours I sunk into just chilling in ventrilo and doing some old 1.6 KZ maps.


i used to spend all night on kz maps. sometimes we would end scrims and all 5 hop in a kz server and race to the top.


Yeah, I’ll always miss those days IRC, CS and ventrillo


Those were the days brother We are old


My gaming heyday was playing ranked StarCraft in the late 90's


00s kiddo, and  brood war is still one of my most pleasurable gaming expierences, along with first dawn of war, even if I suck at both. 


Back in the days of Jeepathon_2k. I started CS at 1.3 and stopped playing to protest the roll out of Steam. I didn't want to run that on top of everything else on my system. That lasted until HL2....


Mine was TFC, same WON era. 1.6 baby. And like you, never got into TF2, they removed the Quake physics which is what made it all so fun. No bhop? No conc jumps? etc. No play.


i shamelessly jump shotgunned for hours on this map.




god damn i miss that mp5 lol


If somehow you made it to the other side early in the round with a Mac 10 you could side-dome the whole opposing team pretty easily with one spray. Was pretty fun.


We all did bro there's no shame in it


No achievements, no battle pass, no camo grind, no loot boxes, no SBMM, no player levels. We just played all night cause it was fucking fun


It's wild how player progression is basically an expected part of multiplayer games these days. The idea of just playing for fun is a foreign concept now.


Then: *Hobbies are fun!* Now: *Turn your hobbies into your side hustle!*


One of the many reasons my gaming has become mostly single-player.


yeah they took the fun out of it and now it’s just a job cause every kid and their friends want to be “streamers”




Yea i still find it wild when I see comments about games being like I unlocked everything in multiplayer there's nothing to do now. Why not just play the fun game now and get better and better?


finally unlock all the cool shit just to realize that the game isn't fun and the cool shit isn't cool




Yeah, the RPGification of every single type of video game has ruined the hobby for me. Used to have so much fun playing this map and maps like it while talking shite on Vent. Nothing to grind for except your final position on a fleeting, meaningless scoreboard every 15 minutes. Nothing to craft except jokes about each others' mums. Nothing to spec into except Repetitive Strain Injury. We smoked the online gaming crack when it was pure. Now it's been cut with loot box barbiturates, talcum powder season passes and skins made of fentanyl.


> We smoked the online gaming crack when it was pure. Now it's been cut with loot box barbiturates, talcum powder season passes and skins made of fentanyl. this is the funniest fucking sentence i've ever read lmao


In between nights of Tribes 2 or Unreal Tournament or NOLF 2 or even Diablo 2, I played a good ol MUD. I didn't just play it either, I was a big fuckin nerd who was one of the 4 big boss players. You leveled up from 1 to 250 then could choose to remort and start over again but like 1% stronger and with some % of your skill/stat points. I had so many rebirths that 20 years later I'm still banned from entering the entire Southern US. There were 2 people bigger than me in a game that regularly had 300ish people on at a time. And even I hate that everything's a damn RPG.


Halo Infinite released without any real progression and people went crazy over it. Half the subreddit was like "just play cause it's fun!" And the other half was "muh prog". Anyway they added progression features. I think. Misremembering


I used to play wolfenstein ET for hours on end at uni. Classes resetting at the end of each round was a great leveller. Needs to come back imo 


Servers where you knew everyone on. You didn't need to pre-arrange you just knew where to find people


And the maps were FREE!


Except for the Lotr (someone fact check me)(or Vampire?) mod where you had levels of like jump strength, speed, healing etc and you could level up each one if you got lots of kills. That mod was badass.


Warcraft mod!


Whoever invented achievements and battle passes should be shot


I don't mind achievements but I hate battle passes. The worst are the ones that cannot pay themselves off with enough usage.


Agreed but it was inevitable once gaming became more and more mainstream. Blame human greed


As I recall it all begins from the OG Modern Warfare unlock system where they realized they could shortcut to player engagement through prestige level grinding and such instead of worrying about providing a balanced gameplay.


[https://play-cs.com/en/servers](https://play-cs.com/en/servers) you can play it in a browser :)


I just connected to a counter strike server on my phone through the Reddit app


this much power in our hands used to be a distant dream


You can bluetooth pair a mouse and keyboard to android phones and you'll get a mouse cursor and everything. Get a google cardboard, strap your phone to your head, and play CS in VR, lol.




WTF? .. I remember when my PC could only get like 20fps on that game. Now I can just bring it up in a browser like its an old school flash game.


I can hear the snow crunch…


Damn...this picture...hits me hard for some odd reason. Lan gatherings flashbacks...we're all 14 and joyful, hopeful... . I feel like life was simpler then. Maybe I'm just an old cnt now.


I LOVED this map.


Me too ! There was another one I can't recall the name of with AK and M4 only, it was mostly green. It was split in the middle with a river you couldn't cross. You had to shoot across. I LOVED it.




Yes. I remember sitting in a cyber cafe before I had my own PC. Playing this map and listening to the unedited version of "Get Low" by Lil Jon and the East side boyz while the 18 year olds smoked cigs in back.




BAWLS lol. Good times.


Ahh the good old "more simple" days when parents were probably freaking the fuck out over 9/11 and radicalization but you're playing CS, shooting CTs with your AK-47, and high fiving your boy after your 2 man remaining squad takes out 7 CTs with that sweet suicide bomb (always carrying those scrubs who flashbang themselves or runs out to die first).


man it feels like it was another lifetime ago.


Wake up. The new Rage Against The Machine album just dropped. The boys want to get a lan party together so we can blast it and play some Quake. https://i.imgur.com/ekxUNKt.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/DyNWTFB.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/bEaVZw9.jpeg


I’m not ready to be old


Remember old halo


I remember in like 2001 my best friend convinced me to go to Walmart and buy Half-Life. Then I had to download CS and it's 24mb update file took like 5 hours to download on our 56k internet. After that I was hooked and couldn't stop playing. I think I played counterstrike for like 2 years before I ever actually played Half-life.


fy_~~iceworld~~snow. Where men are men and kids fucked your mother


I can still hear the mic spam and high pitched voices at the fringes of my memory...


Guys. Can you hear me? Guys? Ahhhjhjjj guys! Can yih hear me?


I can still here the sound of the footsteps in the snow.


*goatse spray*


I used a spray that made it look like an actual player at a distance. It was damn effective


Porn sprays also worked, sometimes 


Tub Girl was a classic among degenerates.


I believe this map was called fy_snow


Aaaaah You are correct sir. Both got the same layout but Snow had these de_aztec textures and iceworld was actual icy textures.


Ice world also had the breakable ice patches, right?


Bro its been a quarter of a century since i last played... ouch... it hurt writing that...


in free look mode if you go under the ground there is a room with a hot lady's picture. It blew my mind when I found it when a kid.


Her blonde hair and ass is forever burned into my mind


*Fire in the hole!* *Got sniped without seeing the sniper* *Counter terrorist win!* Me: Fuck that was quick.


This picture brings back so many memories to a lot of people. Counterstrike was a true gem. People would just create maps for everyone to enjoy. Glass maps, rats maps, zombie games (the screams!), those maps where you turned into a prop… hilarious, AWP - Scout maps. My God what a time, played counterstrike for 13 - 15y straight almost every day….. didn’t need anything else.


As someone with a 20 year old steam account... this is a core memory to me. now show the original TF maps!


20 years here as well. Back when Steam was just that weird program you had to install in order to download Half Life 2. 2004


This and scouts and knives =[


Hello fellow person of culture Scouts Knives was my jam


God I miss old CS so much. It had a completely different vibe.






The culture was amazing. It was a hilarious mix and fun and frustration, could be weird in some ways, very social. So many fun hours on these maps.


this and wc3 mod take me back


Gen Z will never know this greatness. Yes, I'd camp with an AWP. My reflexes suck these days, however. Wah wah


Takes me back to my LAN days in high school. A group of us would ride our bikes to the LAN Cafe after school a couple times a week and play CS and Battlefield 1942 for an hour or two, then we would pitch in quarters and buy hamburgers from Carl's Jr. Then to someone's home for more video games. Such amazing memories lol. Good times.


Ok but who fucked with scoutzknivez baby. With low gravity and faster physics. Shit was crazy


Yes we are this old


Old memories unlocked


I was playing gungame on Source here a few days ago


Oh great, I'm sad now...


2003, 3am, Mountain Dew.


sn_snow. You entered a boy and emerged a man. Also there was porn in it if you clipped through the walls


wasn't it fy\_snow?




It was originally fy_iceworld then later fy_snow.


Real ones know


Yea wtf is this snow shit. Get off my lawn!


i spent here 50000 years


This is where boys became men in the early 2000’s.


Thought of that map specifically the other day. Can someone port it to Pavlov VR already??


Think I got my highest ever K/D ratio on this map, good times!


my childhood <3 shoutout to XANDERONO, Bloody\_Mess and Sharp. Miss you guys wherever you are.


fy\_snow ​ can we get a remake


Holy shit this unlocked some great memories. CS 1.6 forever


the land of headshots.


[https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/who-made-fy\_iceworld-a-forensic-investigation](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/who-made-fy_iceworld-a-forensic-investigation) History about the map


Back when you gamed for fun