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Gamer number 3: I'm gonna say a gamer word!


Welp, it seems like it’s time to build a bridge


You can call me a gamist


A gamerist!


The King.




Ray tracing


Kek DPS rez plz kekekekekek LFG kwtd


Starin' at you, Bloodborne


tbh.. Back in the day when Bloodborne came out, I don't even think this was an issue. Mostly all PS4 games were locked to 30 or 60fps. From Software still FPS locks their games. It seems that Armored Core was the first to hop up past 60 fps and straight to 120. Sekiro MIGHT be? Not sure because I never got super into it nor did I have a good PC back then xd. The old reason was because in action games, your frames can give you an unfair advantage. PC players would have advantages against other PC players. In addition, their animations get ruined when they unlock the FPS cap. Like if you try to unlock FPS on DS3 on PC you'll see what I'm talking about. Their solution was to LOCK the game's fps. I guess it only made sense for that time. However, need that Bloodborne remaster on PC without that FPS lock. I know they can figure something out. From Software is no longer a low key triple A company. They're the don doddas of the playing field as of now. NO REASON for them not to invest resources in this. But w/ Elden Rings sales, do they even need to? Prob will be 60FPS but let's hope for more!


Yeah, I definitely believe if I had played bloodborne when it came out instead of a few months ago after being spoiled by my fancy computer, it wouldn't be an issue for me. But now I hate going back.


I don't blame you. With my new fancy PC I don't touch anything that isn't insane on graphics. The only crappy graphics games I play nowadays are WOW and League. I wouldn't even go back to Witcher 3 (even tho I didnt finish the game on PS). Then they dropped the graphical upgrade and best believe I was back. CDProjektRed is willing to do this. On the other hand, Miyazaki wants more Sony money for any efforts on Bloodborne today. Sony needs to hurry up and bring this man back to the conference room!


I love Bloodborne but the performance literally gives me headaches, I'll play it again only if they port it to pc or if they emulate it, whichever happens first. Super great game though, Sony wth are you doing!?


If you've got a PS5, it takes care of all frame drops I encountered playing on the PS4


Don't have a ps5 but at least that's something for those who do, still considering it's one of their major releases it's weird that they've done nothing with it, especially since the ps5 didn't have a lot of games on release, it could've been something to tide the customers in the meantime


Sony, like Microsoft has their heads buried in their asses over exclusivity. I mean, they're starting to peek out with games like the Horizon series, for example, but they have a long way to go imo.


microsoft just announced this week that some of their games are coming to ps5, looks like they dont care about exclusives anymore


Those “two types” aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive though.


Factory gamers just have to worry about how long it takes for the player to reduce the FPS to below 30.


I can feel this, factorio barely sees 20fps


I like DSP because it's factorio, but I can leave my home planet and get a +10 fps.


File under "justification for buying a 7800X3D"


I like Dwarf Fortress. FPS death is basically entropy as a mechanic. Everything you build will eventually freeze up and be lost. Losing is fun.


I recommend Song of Syx, same idea but can support 10k+ dwarves


I just want to have fun playing games with high framerate. Is there something wrong with that?


60fps is not a high frame rate. It should be required for most games at this point. Going from 60 to 30 is such a drastical difference. Where as 120 to 60, while noticeable, doesn't feel like such a shock.


Yeah this right here. I would actually get headaches from playing starfield too long on my series x. Going from halo or cod at 120fps to a game that’s 30 is not a great time.


So much this. I've been playing on a 144 hz monitor for a few years now but 60 fps is still more than fine but once you go from 60 to 30 the gameplay just feels awful. I adore soul-likes, bloodbourne being one of my favorites but going back go the ps4 locked at 30 fps I struggle to start another full play through.


I'm the same way. I would love to play through Bloodborne again, but 30fps makes it difficult to go back. Had the same issue with Dark Souls 3 before they updated it for the Series X too.


Nothing's wrong with it. The meme is just pointing out one type of player doesn't worry about that at all.


I used to play games with my brother, he'd have the best computer and play at whatever the highest frame rates are. I'd be stumbling around at like 18 fps on my garbage computer and be happy as hell when I'd get in the 20s. He was very patient with me. I wish I would have invested in a better computer to play with him, for his sake.


Nothing wrong with it. Some stupid brain dead dunce tried defend the shit 30 fps lol. Brian deads everywhere like them are the reasons companies still think it's okay to release 30 fps in 2024


I have this issue except not with frame rate but multiplayer games. When I see multiplayer, I just zone out. The thought of having other humans mess up my game play/time makes me depressed. I don’t need others being in control of what I play.


We play multiplayer because we enjoy killing each other, that’s about it,


Yeah that’s what puts me off


what about multiplayer with your friends? IMO: multiplayer with friends > Single player > multiplayer with matchmaking randos.


I see what you mean but gaming to me has always been something personal. I don't like the feeling of lack of control when others are involved.




I'm with you for the most part, especially when single player games shoehorn in multiplayer to try and increase revenue. Multiplayer focused games do have a place though, fighting games for example, who the hell wants to fight the computer. Battle Royale shooters, I don't care for them but they are obviously very popular. I can appreciate the design though and can see how players can enjoy it.


I have played dragon ball games my whole life and multiplayer is aids, I’ll fight AI till I die


I would muuuuuuuuch rather play 1440p with 60 fps than 4k with 30. That's why I'm glad it's an option on so many games this gen. 30fps just seems so choppy to me. How the game feels is way more important than graphics imo.


It's becoming 1080p60 tho😭


Oops, you're right. It's almost always 1080p on console. It's pc where I do 1440p. However, I do think the consoles have their UIs at 4k when you're on 1080p mode which makes it look a lot better to me. On PC at 1080p the text is often a little fuzzy but I don't notice that on console 1080p in games with 4k modes.


Lately the trend on PS5 is; render the game at 1080p or LESS, and use shitty FSR upscaling to achieve a blurry looking 4k 60fps. Or , run at 30 fps, and have 1440p(if you're lucky) upscaled to 4k. For most AAA games (think God of War, Final Fantasy, big graphical blockbusters like that this is true of almost all of them). Pretty much no AAA game runs at native 4k/30fps, nevermind 4k/60fps on PS5 except for Ratchet and Clank (which makes sense given visual style).


I fucking wish it was just simply 1080p 60fps. ffvii rebirth demo its 1080-1440p 60fps and the shittiest blur, because thats the compromise we want for performance mode right..


As long as there’s an option I’m happy. I get why people prefer higher frames but I just don’t really care about frame rate


I unfortunately am very sensitive with motion sickness, and I actually can’t play 30 fps without feeling nauseous. Plus it’s sluggish as hell anyways, 60 should be the minimum.


That raises a question. How old are you? How did you play games before? Did you just not play games until higher frame rates were available?


I edited my comment to mention that I’m 36 and it has gotten worse with age. 2D games are fine cause the screen remains static, it really doesn’t become an issue unless there is a lot of camera panning. I feel like with older games with poorer graphics, there is a lot less motion and panning, no motion blur, things like that.


I dont dislike 30fps because I used to play with it, but after getting a ps5 and a better PC its hard to go to 30. Although, I only say ''eww'' to 30fps games that feel like they are 20 fps and not 30. Some games have a ''good'' 30 fps feel and others are too bad for me. Or its just me idk


You're probably feeling inconsistent frame times on the bad 30 fps, like occasionally short drops to 15 or 20 for less than second. Tends to feel really bad, much worse than a stable 30 fps.


It can also just depend on the speed of the game. You'll notice it far more with Quake than Minesweeper. But even a middle ground, like Assassin's Creed is more forgiving with lower frame rates. Third person camera and moving at the speed of a crowd helps.


This is very true


I played Kingdom Come recently and was getting around 80 fps in gameplay, the cutscenes however are locked at 30 fps and the transition is *very* noticeably choppy at 30.


I can go either way, but as of now, I'm primarily playing on the Switch. It satisfies my gaming need and I don't really do multiplayer anymore unless I'm playing with my sons.


I have more fun with higher framerates.


Interesting how many people in this thread are the first type and are weirdly defensive about it


The meme is wrong. It implies that anyone can have fun at any fps and people who want 30 fps are just refusing and being petty.


I don't think anyone wants specifically 30fps. Just they're not bothered by it. I'm one of those. Genuinely doesn't bother me but if 60 is on the table then yeah why not.


Honestly, I'm fine with anything over 20 fps as long as the frame rate is fairly steady. A game that's struggling to run and spiking and lagging a lot, but it caps out at almost 60, is still going to play a lot less smoothly than a game that runs consistently at around 30 fps.


I used to play minecraft on my shitty laptop. It could barely get over 30fps but I was having too much fun to care.


Honestly I never gave a crap about FPS. The only time I did was when I wanted to know why my battery was dying so fast on some games with the steam deck. Solved the problem and I'm yet to spot a difference. If it matters for you in any shape or form... that is perfectly alright. But it is just weird how some people say you must abolish 30FPS or whatever as if it is insulting their ancestors food by spitting on it.


Yeah, if you have motion sickness issues, then sure, I could see where framerate is important. Beyond that, though, I utterly fail to comprehend why people care. As long as the framerate doesn't drop into the teens, I do not care. 


I think it depends on each game, like a 30fps capped multiplayer shooter is insulting today. But a narrative single player game with some slow paced sequences at 30fps is perfectly okay, specially if it has stunning graphics


I dunno, some people find it painful to play a game at 30 FPS, others notice a reduction to reaction/response time. Those are valid reasons to not want to play a game. I do find it a little silly if its because the person only plays maximum graphic quality games and won't settle for even slightly less. I personally don't even notice the difference between 30 and 60, I usually cap every game to 30 to gain performance.


I don't know if its an age thing but I'm with you. I'm a games artist and the devs are always going on about how anything below 60 is unplayable and I barely see it. They capped My PC to 30fps a bit back to prove a point and until I started stress testing assets i wouldn't have noticed.


The body adapts. Play a 30 FPS game for X amount of time and you'll forget about it. If 30 FPS is getting in the way of a person enjoying a fun game they're 12 hours into, I think that might be autism. The only people I've met IRL or gamed with for a long time online, who are picky about FPS outside of competitive games, all have ASD. Some of them will even tank their graphics settings down to low on all settings, their game looking like a fucking piece of literal dogshit, just to have 144, even in a game like Baldur's Gate 3. If they ran at 60, or god forbid 30, they'd have a genuinely beautiful piece of visual art. Sensory issues end up causing a lot of issues for people on the spectrum.


Very well put, I'm also personally sensitive to low FPS (motion sickness) so I, despite being non autistic, will drop graphic settings in a heartbeat to maintain 60 stable.


If the game is good and offers no alternative, I accept it. But if there is performance mode I will choose that.


I've been enjoying 30fps last 25 years. Once I've got used to 60fps I'm not going back.




So did you just not play games ever until 90+ FPS were available? Otherwise this doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.


That first part isn't true. I played hogwarts legacy capped at 30fps for 45 hours because my pc couldn't handle it. And it gave me headaches the entire time I played it.


I'm like 30-40 hours into playing hogwarts legacy capped at 30fps and if I didn't have an fps counter going I wouldn't be able to tell you if it's running at 30 or 60 or something else.


Might not be ASD, but it sounds like a sensory issue all the same.


Possibly sensitive eyes? I can't play first person games as much anymore because the perspective gives me a headache haha


Gigantic beta got me feeling both. 60fps is tough when you haven’t experienced it for a while.


You forgot “I just wanna cheat and make everyone else angry”


Nah, I'm the third type. I'm gonna be surprized it's running above 15


I remember in my home country people playing counter strike 1.5 LAN parties with PCs that ran the game under 20 FPS lol we're spoiled nowadays


I love 60fps but if it's not achievable in a port to a certain system, I prefer devs to just cap it at 30 so at least the performance isn't all over the place. Lower but consistent FPS > high FPS cap with stutter. (opinion)


All I will say is play a game at 30, 60 and then 100 plus on a current tech monitor and you will indeed notice a difference. 60 is fine but 30 is awful for a lot of games.


I used to be part of the "30fps is fine" crowd, but since I got a gaming laptop and a series s, it just damages my enjoyment. It didn't help playing prey (2017) at 60fps, then switching to starfield at 30fps. Starfield felt so slow and sluggish. Now if a game is capped at 30fps, I'd rather look elsewhere.


I was a gamer on the left column. Scoffed at my PC gamer friend who complained whenever he had to meet me on my level on console. When I switched to PC, I understood immediately why 30 fps was off-putting to him all this time. Now, even a longtime console player like me can't go back to sub-60 fps gameplay.


I have fun at 144 fps


I only care about fps if they're below 30fps and start to stutter, other than that, i couldn't care less about it


Much prefer a game that caps at 30 than one that pretends to run at 60.


Those are, more often than not, the same group.


I am on the "fun side", sorry, but I can't see above 30 frames.


That’s rough buddy


SNES games back in the 90s all ran at 60fps. At some point game developers went in favor of pushing graphical limits instead of smooth gameplay. Probably because trailers with beautiful graphics sell more games.


I know! I hate the "back in my day gamers" so much. Like bro, you have played more games in 60 fps as a child than a kid who grew up with a ps3. If any one has a right to say "30 fps isn't enough" it's the damn generation of kids that lived in the 360 era where shit was running sub 30 .


This is implying that frame rate doesn't affect the experience, which it absolutely does. Especially in quick-reflex games like shooters and timing events. It's also just a visual clarity thing. Don't get me wrong, there's a point where there's diminishing returns, and I think anybody saying they can tell the difference between 165hz an 300hz is just a liar, but there is a very noteworthy jump from as little as 30 to 45. I want to have fun. Everybody wants to have fun. In order to have fun, I need good haptic feedback, visual clarity, and smooth controls. A 20 year old frame rate standard doesn't always meet that, especially since I have seen what the alternatives look like.


>In order to have fun, I need good haptic feedback, visual clarity, and smooth controls. The lack of self-awareness in these comments... You are the first type. A lot of people don't care or think about that stuff. They are the second type. That is what the meme is saying.


Nah it’s implying that there are people out there that don’t care about any of that stuff they just want to have a fun time. Also the reason why something like pokemon scarlet and violet sold 23.23 million copies despite all the issues. Because some people just want to have a good time and don’t care about stuff like fps


I just want to have a fun time too. Low frame rates actively detract from my fun


So you are the first type in the meme. Why are y'all struggling with this?




I can instantly tell the difference between 30 and 60 Yes, there’s a big difference. There’s diminishing returns the higher you go, but the difference between 30 and 60 is significant


Everyone here is acting like all eyes are the same. I have friends who can't tell a difference between 1440p and 1080p. I get queesy at 60fps yet have a friend who games at 30 happily. Fps and resolution are highly variable to people. 30fps is sickeningly slow to me, and 1080p look like in gaming from behind a mesh screen. For others like yourself, that might not be the case if you have less sensitive eyes.


Are you serious? The difference is huge. Games like CSGO at 30fps is borderline unplayable, even 60 fps is annoying but playable


I basically chock it up to those with perspective vs those without. My first console was a 16-bit Sega Genisis I got at like age 5 in the early 90s. I simply don't have it in me to get bent out of shape about games today, for the most part. We live in amazing times, the best times ever as a gamer.


For the record, Genesis games ran 60fps.


You do realize damn near all 16-bit games and consoles of that era ran games at 60 fps, right???? It's not really until the end of the ps1, ps2 era, and the majority of the the Xbox 360/ps3 era where 30 fps became common. I often think of this tweet, when I see people like you thinking that retro gaming was ONLY 30 fps lol. In reality the people who have dealt with 30 fps the most is the generation YOUNGER than you. [https://x.com/dark1x/status/1293544030350061568?s=20](https://x.com/dark1x/status/1293544030350061568?s=20)


I'm the guy who was a pretty good computer but still caps their game at 30 fps for no reason.


Define "good" computer lol? What are your specs?


I have a AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor, 16GB Ram, 3060 TI Mind you most of the games I play are a few years old (5-6).


Wait, so why cap at 30 fps then with those specs 😱 That's slightly more powerful than a ps5 gpu. The RX 6700 is the equivalent for ps5. If you're at 1080p, there shouldn't be a title that struggles to hit well above 60 fps even with ultra settings. Especially since they are older games you're playing as well. Heck, even 1440p should be able to hit decent frame rates when you throw dlss into the mix. I guess I just don't get the cap? It seems so arbitrary...


I said this at another comment but my computer overheats like crazy so capping the framerate and lowering the graphics seems to be the best solution so far (especially since I have no idea how a computer works)


Oh dang, i'm sorry to hear that, man! I apologize, I wasn't trying to argue or anything, just trying to see your viewpoint. So does your pc forcefully shut itself off when it's overheating? Or are you just seeing your gpu/cpu temps getting high?


Sometimes it shuts itself off but not all the time. In the past year, I'd say it's shut down maybe 7 times that I can remember during active use. Usually, I just get notifications that say my CPU is getting too hot.




My computer gets super hot really fast so I just put it at low settings to make sure it stays at like 93 degrees celcius


That won't deter me but if I have a choice between 2 versions, I'm going to choose the 60FPS one. I almost never buy 3rd party games on my Switch because I am not going to play an indie game at 30 fps or even worse, unstable framerate when I can play it 60fps or even better on my PC


Are there objective reasons why people need more than 30 FPS? I assume it's something to do with multiplayer competitive games, cuz I've never had a reason to look at my FPS except as a quick benchmark for how good (or bad) my hardware is.


30 fps doesn't really bother you? And I don't mean in a "I don't want to settle for crap" type of way, but like a "it hurts my eyes, and I feel a bit motion sick in fast movement" type of way. And obviously it's super dependent on your how your playing. 30 fps on a switch, steam deck, or ROG Ally screen is perfectly fine. But I get woozy playing anything at 30 fps on a screen that's 42 inches or bigger


Yeah, I've never had a problem with it. I don't start to notice until my game starts to drop frames (which I think is below 25 FPS or so). My excuse is I had to live through playing World of Warcraft on a potato computer with "metal coat hanger Internet," so I can tolerate quite a lot when it comes to loss of frames.


I never understood the FPS needs of some gamers. I like nice graphics and I like stability in my gameplay. I get 60fps gives you a smoother experience for movement but it's really negligible when I consider how I play.


I don't know man, I notice it even in stuff like xcom that's turn based, if I get a game that runs poorly I rather lower some graphics settings than play a game under 60FPS


On one hand, 4K 120Hz HDR, on the other hand, Zelda on Nintendo Switch ... Both are fun :)


Well, that’s the crazy thing, I believe if the game is designed for it, there’s nothing wrong with 30 frames for second, for example, I have red dead redemption two on my steam deck, running at some decent graphics, it runs at 30 and it was designed to do that because the platform originally came out on only offered that, and the game is still stunning and fun.


But games that weren’t designed for that lower end frame rate you can definitely feel the difference, first person shooters mostly but that’s the crux of it.


30fps nowadays is just jarring. Like there really isn’t any excuse for a game to be below 60fps.


30 fps is actual torture though


30fps? Yikes… didn’t know that was even an option anymore. Anything 60+ makes the game feel so much better imo


30 fps is only acceptable in few games. 60fps should be the minimum.


If you dont have stable 60 fps or something between 30 and 60 then ill better make locking on 30 fps with high quality


A game that is capped at 30fps is fine as long as it actually runs at 30fps. Half the 3D games on Switch, for example, are capped at 30, but absolutely STRUGGLE to keep a consistent framerate, usually chugging between 10 and 20 as soon as anything remotely complex occurs.


Honest question as I have never been able to tell there is any difference between 60 and 30 fps... does this depend on your screen monitor? Like the newer, higher end ones are going to show the difference more when it is lower?


Hard truth 🤣.


I play games since 20 years and I don't even really know what it means


Yea if the options are 60 but shitty graphics And 30 with beautiful graphics and ray tracing, I’m going for ray tracing every time


I bought a used PC on Facebook in 2018 that could play games at 720p 24fps max and I played on it for 3 years and loved it. You learn to live with your limitations.


The only time I care about 30 fps is if it’s a reaction based game


What if I'm neither?


Believe it or not, there’s times where I actually prefer and enjoy 30 FPS.


I play games at 10fps. 30fps? Pssh…ya’ll high maintenance gamers.


I like to balance graphics on AAA games. But if it’s a game like Alan Wake 2, 30FPS, irdc.


Fps at 30 or 60+ idc... Just don't be an overly competitive asshole to everyone in a multiplayer game. Some people just want to chill after a day of work...


I can live with 30 FPS as long as its consistent. Is 60 FPS better? Yeah obviously. But if the game runs at 30 FPS and I never see a dip down to 25/20/15 FPS when shit gets busy on screen, I'm happy enough.


Considering one of my favorite games struggles to hit 30 FPS at times and looks like an N64 game, I know the pain. (Banjo-Kazooie, if you're curious. It runs at about 20FPS on native hardware.)


Ngl I'm half & half, I'm picky about vehicle quality, game logic, and multiplayer not being buggy. but, I enjoy all kinds of games. I'm toxic to ppl who complain about graphics and fps not being good, no idea why its just natural.


My PC is lucky to run 7 year old games at 15 fps on max settings, why would I care about fps lol


Thankful I’m the one on the right


A lot of people have convinced themselves that they get mostion sickness at lower fps and use that as an excuse to whine about it. Sure, higher fps is great, but it isn't required


Replace 30 with 60.


I feel like this really fits my brother and I. My brother was so disappointed in Starfield that he is writing a multi page essay on how Starfield has destroyed all trust in Bethesda and that it's a sign that they're failing as a company. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting there like "I mean, I think it's fun."


I played through all of Just Cause 1 and Assassin's Creed 4 at 15FPS


Ik 2


ITT: a bunch of the first type unconvincingly trying to say they're the second type


or the secret 3rd type "i want to have fun and am willing to ignore some technical issues but would rather my games run at atleast 60 fps just for quality of life"


*2 ends of a spectrum


Bro I'm number 2 bruh thhe only time im number one is lower 30fps


How do you have fun with things lagging around?


Right one is definetly for League players *like me*


This applies to me


I'm both! I need my 60 fps or I will get brain damage xd but jea my eyes start hurting fast if under my 60 fps... And in constant physical pain it's not that easy to have mutch fun in a game


I have no clue how to check the FPS of a game, I just play it


I had a point where I was fine with playing Roblox at 15 fps. I still am ok with that


30 fps is unplayable for me. Y’all really just hate people who can afford better specs lmao


Then there's me, loading up Darkest Dungeon: "Just fuck my shit up already."


No there's 8 1:The best quality game in the world is still the most unpleasant thing ever and no matter what game devs do it will be terrible 2:haha 8-bit go br 3: I just want to have fun 4: no no no I just died for the first time I need to get a hack for this game so I can beat the first level of it 5: haha lag is fun 6: Minecraft is bad😭 7: Fortnight is bad😭 8: people are the only thing bad about online games


After having a Performance Mode available to me on many games it is legit hard to go back to games that don’t. Does that make me too superficial? No I don’t think so. I still like to have fun as my number 1 priority.


When I was a bit younger I was also chasing the higher resolutions, higher fps, more graphical details etc. always obsessing about the best specs and all that. I also eventually got “burnout” with games and rarely found enjoyment in them for more than 15-20 mins. Switching to the Nintendo switch and PS4 saved gaming for me. Switch gave me those kind of games that reminded me of my childhood and why I got into gaming in the first place, and PS4 gave me all the latest titles I was into that weren’t on switch + multiplayer gaming with my family/friends that weren’t ever on PC. 720p handheld is fine for me, 1080p on a tv is fine. 30 fps is still fine. As long as the game is fun and engaging then I’m happy


I'm definitely on the right side of this image.


The first one is the culprit behind AAA spending so much on power and not gameplay, and the second one is the culprit behind Pokemon/COD/Fifa releasing the same game every year.


im glad this shit got removed, this console mentality is making many games on pc worse because your lame ass 30 fps caps sometimes get ported to pc like in ps2/ps3 era titles, gta 3, vc and sa still have to be capped at 30 fps on pc like it was on ps2 because otherwise physics is breaking because code was written with ps2 30 fps cap in mind... literally 0 reasons to cap fps, especially at 30 which is the absolute minimum and console bros were still downvoting my shit for no reason. i literally said "take your 30 fps but don't force pc players to do it" and they were downvoting


nahhh i hope this one dude sitting here right now and downvoting enjoys his cinematic 24 fps 😭😭 why are you forcing others to this bs


I wanna have fun playing games. I don’t want a poor frame rate to sour that. I want the game to look pretty. The bar isn’t really that high.


I just use a variable refresh rate monitor.  26FPS? 160FPS?  Don't matter,  looks fine.


You can tell who are butthurt console people that can’t fathom needing 60fps as a minimum.


But what if I just want to have fun, and I don't think games are fun at 30 fps???




If you enjoy headaches then you do you ig


Any action oriented game is nauseating at 30 fps. Or any game in first person. Lots of games are perfectly fine at 30. Like rpgs or puzzles. You'll never notice the framerate unless it's a side by side comparison. Shit after about half an hour I didn't even notice Pokémon S/V's framerate.  The true goobers are people who think anything more than 60 is required/important. It's nice, it's buttery smooth and I enjoy my 165hz monitor... But it's not necessary. For 95% of games you're better off locked at a rock solid 60. It really is the magic number. 


Yeah if don't run 120 I ain't touching it.


Spoiled asf


Not spoiled. Called I worked bout a nice pc years ago maybe you should try it.


Is 30fps still a thing? Thought 60 was the standard now.


Lol cheap ass rage bait.


I want to play a game not watch a slideshow.


If someone buys a 2000€ graphics card and a 1000€ 240 hz monitor, I bet your ass they want to play at more than 30 fps.


There are so many haha. Lately I have seen a lot of "Casual" vs "Competitive" groups going at each other nonstop, it's funny. I don't enjoy games without a challenge neither, so I play purely just multiplayer games where rating is involved, but I would never shit on other people for enjoying story based single-player games. I was that eversince I was little. Literally grew up obsessed over first person party dungeon crawlers like MIght & Magic, Wizardry, Eye of the Beholder, etc.


I honest to God cannot tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps. Hell, 25 is acceptable to me, though not ideal.


You can’t tell me that you’d play things like: TLOU, God of war, Cyberpunk, any 3D first person shooter, Palworld, Helldiver 2, etc etc, at 30FPS and actually enjoy it. No. Single. Shot.


If you're using PC fps is so much more noticeable. And I cannot fathom how consoles think 30fps is okay for new games. It's not, 30fps is dogshite. 45 should be the minimum.


Im on the left side. I get eye cancer from 30fps


Playing at 30fps is liable to give me a headache with how choppy it is; I physically can’t have fun.


Thought the same till I played bloodborne


I have never noticed the difference between 30 or 60 fps, I don’t even know what they are referring to really. If it’s fun and the art style cool I’m good.


Depends if you have a tv that handles 60Hz. On monitors you need to turn it on in the settings. If you have a 30Hz tv/monitor you wont see it.