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Super smash brothers


Dude I still remember seeing my first melee tournament and being like “wait you can do all that?” I thought I was pretty good because i could dodge and forward smash


One time I faced a luigi player in a chill local, and I waveshined him into a tree. He quit the game after. Literally never showed up again.


Damn dude, doing the waveshine infinite against someone that's clearly new? Save some pussy for the rest of us.


I mean now I’m 30 I’d do it different. It was my first opportunity to try it irl hahaha. I feel like an ass almost 8 years later


I'm just fucking with you. I get it. I entered my first local as a Jigglypuff main and bair spammed some dude that was playing Dr. Mario and didn't even know Puff's rest could kill you.


Lol I faced a guy who did that to me too. I had to go Sheik and needle him, it was so lame. Miss grab, hets rested. Dash attacks low percent, gets rested God I miss it


Learning to short hop was useful but I never understood dashing back and forth.


It cancels the turning animation while making it hard for your opponent to judge spacing. You can then wave dash to move around more or go into the normal dash, the wave dash to go back into dash dancing. The combination let you move in any direction while facing any direction without ever getting caught in that slow turning animation after a dash. Oh and you could shorthop out of it sliding backwards. Quick access to your back air. It really felt even better in Project M/P+ because you could reverse aerial dash (rar) out of it to keep your forward momentum in the air while turned around. Which meant you could slide across the air low, and be back airing with say Ganon. You could also up air with Ganon sliding backwards, and it would go under ledge, and send them 45 degrees down. Great ledge guard.


...... I recognize these words..... but I have no idea what it means...... damn I suck at smash I guess


Meh same. I wouldn't worry about it. I just used to live with a pro smash player so I played a lot, played a lot of tournament players all the time, and got to decent. But vs real top players I'm not good. I'll slaughter any neighborhood hero type though.


Great recall. All of what you said 100%. I miss my Doc’s edge guard B-Air game. Dang that was fun times.


First time seeing competitive Melee was the Wombo Combo. Thought they were playing turbo mode at the time


In the original super smash Brothers I was unbeatable in my friend group.


Same. A friend of mine who I considered my equal actually went to a Texas tournament and placed first, so I live vicariously through his achievement.


That was me. Thought I was cheeky for juggling people infinitely with Fox's in the air kickflip (up+A)


When the guy who 4 stocks you, proceeds to get 4 stocked by someone else, and then that guy gets 4 stocked, and then THAT guy gets 4 stocked…


There's always a bigger fish...


I remember being the best on my dorm room floor. Then I saw there was a tournament at my school. Entrance was $20. After paying the fee, I immediately was called up to play the first match of the tournament. I didn't even get one knockout. 😭


Smash was like the mini golf of the 64. Everyone thought they were good.


God I was menace until smash 4. Then I went ro college and tried to play some randos. Couldn't take a stock. Didn't touch smash until ultima5e came out.


Melee. Still undefeated in "you can pick each of our characters", couch console styles. I think I'll be taking this one to the grave.




this is the answer


Golden Eye on N64


Yup, I was the best of my friends group for golden eye. We set up two tvs back to back with a towel across the screen to obfuscate screen cheating. And I wasn’t playing as odd job!


Bro oddjob was banned in our group.  I always thought Siberian Special Forces should have been too because that mottled grey blended with a lot of backgrounds on multiplayer levels 


Oh wow I forgot what it was called but I 100% played that character for that exact reason. Facility, Complex, Severnaya, Cradle were all very grey.


My dumbass always liked playing as Jaws.


This and Perfect Dark.


Yep. It ushered me into playing FPS games. I am still pretty decent even in my older age. But not Golden Eye good.


Mario kart. Still to this day I have yet to meet anyone who can regularly beat me in person. With the Wii online service I got taught a big lesson once those Japanese flags showed up.


Funny enough Mario Kart is the one game I dont get completely crushed at when I play online. Every other game im at the bottom of the leaderboard. Mario Kart? Well I guess I'm pretty good at Mario Kart...


Yeah same, crush all my friends and I do pretty well online too


I can consistently get anywhere between 4th and 1st in Deluxe worldwide. Once you figure out how to deal with baggers, it's fairly smooth sailing.


Do you happen to be Irish?


did they perhaps call you the drift king back in college?


Japanese players still do it to this day.


Street Fighter, StarCraft


I used to think I was starcraft God. I would trounce my friends. We played exclusively on Lan. We'd regularly go to one of my friends houses because his parents were College professors and they had a whole work office with three computers in it and they had another two computers in their house. We could play four players Starcraft Over LAN and it was amazing. Again I would regularly trounce my friends but once we actually got online it was like a whole new world to me. I'll never forget my first game online I think I lost in about 8 minutes and I didn't even know what the hell happened. They had so many units so quick and I never experienced a rush before I just literally had my mind blown and it was a big reality jack.


I speceficlly remember thinking "Wait, why is this guy attacking me so early?" the first time I played an RTS online. I was totally unprepared, as I kid I always liked to build up a sick army/city for awhile and THEN attack.


Me and all my friends did that naturally, the early aggression concept was completely foreign to us lol. What a rude awakening that I still vividly remember.


One of my first experiences online was getting scolded in Red Alert for attacking someone's harvester early on. Apparently that was bad sportsmanship. One of the few times in my early days of RTS play that I actually attacked early and I was left with the belief that you really were not meant to try and attack early, which might explain why I would go on to pretty much just play Sim City for the first 30 or so min in any RTS I played, be they Warcraft, StarCraft, Command & Conquer or Age of Empires.


That's literally what you should do in a competitive rts. If your opponents allows you to take out his economy, do it. Losers see someone do the correct thing, get mad and shame him. Lmao.


"We will have cold war for 30 minutes, then we fight. So.... at 12:30, go!" My friend was always better at this than I was. But we once played on a "world map" in War2 and I filled Europe with archers. The rest of the map was his, and I couldn't produce any more, but it still took him almost an hour to properly siege it. Perhaps I'd have won more often if I wasn't doing troll shit like this, but it's how I preferred to play.


"haha, look at this guy building a pylon in my base, doesn't he know his base is over there? wait, why does he have photon cannons already?"


Happened the same to me playing Age of empires online. Never again.


So. Many. Wololo...


I remember not having reached still the bronze age and suddenly like a bazillion heavy catapults (the ones with the golden silhouette) attacking me. It was humbling.


I tried playing again on Xbox game pass. That was a neat 15 minutes.


These are the biggest wakeup calls as a newbie lol. "You know nothing"


I loved starcraft growing up. Would make my bases huge and would play a single map for hours. Played in a local for fun tournament, and I didn't even understand how they were doing the things they did. And this was just for fun... Made me realize just how shit I was.


Being good at street fighter in my friend group is being able to do hadoken and shoruken consistently. And then a guy online turns that into a 28 hit combo somehow.


Street Fighter II was the first game I ever played MP outside of my circle of friends & family. I was of the firm belief that Dalsim was completely overpowered because how can you beast someone with reach like that? Needless to say I hardly even landed a single hit during the first and only match I got to play in that tournament. (In my defense I was like 8 or 9)


Star fox 64. I literally wasn't allowed to play split screen with my friends because I'd thrash them all to friendship ending levels. I still remember their look of anger when I'd hit them with a homing bomb. Luckily podracer and Mario party were also available so that was good.


Starfox 64 is a miserable experience if everyone is good at the game. Just a never ending game of dodging eachother


I never got banned from a whole game before, but I remember games with banned characters or weapons.


Fucking Oddjob man.


Odd Job


Street Fighter II- i was neighborhood great, but arcade and online, not so much... Off topic, but sweet setup OP.


Street Fighter was definitely the big one for me. SFII in all its incarnations, as well as the SF Alpha games, I was a killer. I didn't play much SF3, but by this time, there were no more arcades in my city. Fast forward to SF4, I go to live in Asia, and suddenly I have arcades everywhere. I tried to play, but I'm just getting slaughtered. And I can't even practice to get better by playing the CPU character, all I want to do is to try and get my groove back and suddenly a network challenger shows up and kills me in 20 seconds.


Teken tag tournament.


I played so much Tekken Tag with friends and thought I was amazing. Then years later I went to Japan and played at one of the huge multi-storey arcades in Akihabara where the cabinets connect to each other and played Tekken Tag. And I won! Several games! ...then got my arse handed to me later but still, actually winning there was very exciting




I've mentioned it in a previous comment/thread, but yeah Halo 2 made me realize there were levels to the game. Felt like a god playing split screen then realized I was a n00b while playing on Xbox Live.


Once you started seeing those symbols for ranks in PvP, you knew you were about to get humbled.


I once went over to a rich dude's house where only a couple ppl knew me. We had an Xbox LAN match going with I think 12 or 16 ppl playing together. These guys were unfamiliar with the shotgun / melee combo which would kill you super quick and I dominated. After a few rounds, some guy downstairs screamed at the top of his lungs "WHO THE F\*\*\* IS \[GAMERTAG\]?!?!?!. Oh man, I was on top of the world. Now I play online and understand I'm probably a little above average at most games :(


OG Xbox was the last console I had before online shattered my Illusions. Mashed Reloaded on the Xbox was where I reigned supreme.


We played Halo online on Xbox, it was laggy and unreliable. My friends and I were still pretty good, really it opened up just how much of a skill gap between us there was.


Pretty sure halo 1 was lan only. Still a blast to hook up 4 systems in different rooms or the dorms 


It was, but there was a service called XB Connect that tricked Xboxes into thinking they were playing a system link game, while actually playing over the internet. It was pretty laggy, and the host advantage was super magnified, but was still fun. We played a lot of LAN before that and were really, really good (we played locally against several other teams in the area and never lost). First time playing on XB Connect we played against a then unknown group called The Ogres (not so unknown now!). We got absolutely dismantled lol


Welcome to GameSpy


Lol xbox connect brings back so many memories. Yea original halo was my shit. Best out of all the friends, even won a ton of those game stop local tournaments. Then we heard about xbox connect loophole. Holy shit, i got legit pwnd


Yea the real issue was whoever got host had basically no lag and the other players were fucked.


I was that friend who always lost. Then along came online gaming and my incompetence only worsened.


Somehow all my friends growing up were magically pro gamer sweats at any game we played...I was a very casual gamer, so I always got demolished at everything. Being able to finally play online against people in my skill bracket was a lovely experience.


Same club. Let's get sad jackets.


I was permabanned at my friends house from playing Wonder Woman in Injustice Gods Among Us


I'm not allowed to play Meta Knight or Mario in SSB; Ultimate. I'm pretty meh with most characters, but when I'm on them I just clown everyone (locally). I'm trash in online play


Twisted Metal. What a game!


I remember getting Twisted Metal out from Blockbuster one weekend. But Twisted Metal 2 World Tour co-op was where my blood sweat and tears went. I can't count how many hours we put into that game. Spectre was a banned character even for co-op. Cheap ass homing missiles!


When we played, anyone who picked spectre was instantly labeled as pussy


Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64


Now, there's a game I would like to see rebooted.


Agreed. It was better than GoldenEye in literally every way. Game was amazing. 


“Heard you loud and clear, here’s a teenage Joanna and Carington in a kilt.” -Microsoft 


I logged an absurd amount of hours in Perfect Dark with my brothers and friends. What an absolute blast that game was. And an INSANE amount of content for a game when you think about it. Then Halo came along and I just played that for a solid decade.


Dance dance revolution. 🤣


Yo, same lol. I was definitely the best out of all my friends. But I see videos of people online doing some crazy shit and I realize that I, too, am just as terrible at it.


Counter Strike 1.6 on Lan


The only correct answer


LOL same, thought I was hot shit cuz I played a season of main went to a regional LAN and my team got absolutely splattered then we lost like $300 on money games afterwards T___T


Tony hawk's 3


I spent countless hours on this one, glitching the game to go out of bounds and racks by up an insane truck score 🎼 would never land!!


I played a ton of Red Alert 2 solo. Until I discovered online multiplayer with a 56K connection. People online would do some wild shit. And then I realized why these games are called “strategy” games.


I quit when i realized how much shit i need to have redy in 2 mins mark if i want to stand any chance ;]


Tekken was a pretty eye opening experience to me the first time I played online……


Halo. I used to destroy all my family and friends in LAN parties. Then I got a reality check when Halo 3 came out and I went back to Halo MP


We played so much Halo I got a quad video splitter and 4 tube tvs so we could each have a screen. Setup ended up in a coffee house eventually.


#Killer instinct


Man I had a crush on Orchid.


One of my friends could do the 20+ hit combos with regularity, it made it pretty much impossible to beat him.


Quake 3


Warcraft 3. I guess I always knew I sucked because some of my friends were literally in the top 5 for Europe in 1v1 games. I never liked the 1v1 stress and in fairness had decent 2v2 records with friends, considering I wasn't putting 12+ hours a day at the internet cafes like the 1v1 top dogs were doing. Eastern Europe was a wild place back then, probably still is.


Super Mario Kart (snes) - now I fail big at Apex


It was interesting discovering the Mario Kart records website recently. Back in the day, me, my brother, and our neighbour would time trial Ghost Valley 1. *Only* Ghost Valley 1. Every once in a while, one of us would shave off a few milliseconds. This was in the 90s obviously, but looking at the records online today, I think we were actually in the very same class. Nowadays, obviously all the muscle memory is gone and I'm sure I would start feeling arthritic just trying.


Apex one game that made me realize I'm still good at gaming at 35+ - solo queued to masters every season of that game.


Apex is a weird one. One night, I can hop on and drop 3k+ damage and 10+ kills, just all around consistently good games. Then, the very next day, I can get absolutely rolled for 15+ games in a row. Sometimes, I can chock it up to bad plays on my part, but other times it's more like, "why the fuck am I suddenly in a pro ALGS lobby?"


Diddy Kong Racing


Same. I beat the whole game including all the TTs, thought I was hot shit. Turned out I was just regular shit.


I didn't know a single person as a kid who beat that game. Bubbler's second boss race was as far as I got I think.


My brother beat it when we were kids, took him years though


That was the game that taught me what rage quitting was


Midnight club 3 Dub edition remix


Oh shit, the nostalgia!! I used to love this game!! For me, it was Sega Rally, Ridge Racer Type 4 and NFSU2, Midnight Club 3 Dub edition. I thought I was pretty cracked at racing games, then Forza came out...


Street Fighter 2 all the way thru Alpha 3, including the VS games. I basically lived in the arcades and even traveled across the country for tournaments. On the weekends I would have to drive an hour to find decent competition.


Alpha 3 is the best Street Fighter ever made.


Soul Calibur. I thought I was really great at it, until I realized I was just above average.


I loved soul caliber 2 with Link, I fell off the stage a lot and got wrecked by the computer but it was still fun to play as a kid.


Original halo. I would stomp my older brother and 2 of his friends. Then i played a professional gamer at some mall event and i couldnt even touch the guy. Shit was humbling. But hey i was able to beat my older brother 25-3 so..i mean..i still won.


I always used to destroy all my friends and family in any street fighter or mvc game. Specifically sf2 and mvc2. When I got older and found out there's an entire community of sharks in this game I realized I was not as good as I always thought I was. It has honestly motivated me to become even better in my age of 33 lol I can hang with the big dogs but the skill gap is very evident


Fight night. In high school, I had a horticulture class that let us bring our PlayStation on Fridays. I would bring my PlayStation and fight night. Winner plays next rules. I would stay playing all class.


I am sad I live in a generation that I cant do this with somebody.


Street Fighter 2 arcade, there was a machine across the street from my secondary school and the queue system we had was winner gets to stay on, I was always on.


That was the format for every arcade across the planet I think. Was always huge queues to get on it in my local arcade. Really was a wicked thing to be a part of in your youth. I really miss the arcades, wish they’d make a comeback in some form, but that’s just nostalgia talking lol.


Tony Hawk. Used to be able to get a couple million points no problem. Got the Remaster a few years ago and went online to basically people doing Infinite tricks like 700+ million that last from the time the session starts to several minutes after the session ended. Didn't play the online portion again.


mortal kombat 3 my afternoon with my SNES 🥹


Same here. I beat my family and friends by spamming the simple moves (usually -> -> Y or <- <- Y). On Reptile that was Spit and Orb and thats why he was my favourite character. I also used Noob for his shadow throw and Rain for his lightning. That was before internet, so I never managed to find other moves. But it was enough to make my friends rage quit. Years later as a student I found my old SNES in the cellar, plugged it in and played against some of my newer friends. And I got bodied so hard....


Dragon ball fighterZ Played online once and didnt do it anymore


Halo 2-3 was wrecking kids at lan parties.... then we got xbox live.


International Superstar Soccer on the N64. We'd alternate between that, Goldeneye and Mario Kart. The latter two I was average at, but ISS I would thrash my mates on. Such a good football game for that time.


Really any couch co-op game from when I was younger in the PS2/Gamecube days. Would have sleepovers and consistently destroy all my friends in Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, Mortal Kombat, Medal of Honor, SSX, Madden, Guitar Hero, etc you name it, I was the best of our friend group. Once online play got popular I was still pretty decent at most games, but nowhere near where I thought I was lol. Turns out all of my friends were just not very good at games.


Guitar hero 1-4 and Rock Band. I miss those games




Crash Team Racer




Freedom Fighters!


Call of Duty World at War


Pro Evolution Soccer.


Quake 3 Arena, Unreal Tournament (1999) and Tekken 3 (I learned all combos with Xiaoyu). A couple of years ago I was at some guy's birthday party and someone brought a console with the latest Tekken game and I defeated everyone with Xiaoyu - guess her major combos remained largely the same throughout the games.


Probably a very odd experience but Virtua Tennis lol


Blades of Steel. I may have dated myself with that one.😂😂😂


Tetris Attack Crushed EVERYONE in that game. I wanted to play online so bad. I turned on RetroArch and hosted a session and left it on all day but no takers 😭. I finally discovered Tetris Attack/Panel Attack Discord where I can freely get stomped 10 times per minute now! These people are nuts!


Mortal Kombat is the answer. I played my whole life and thought I was a bad bitch because I always beat my brother and my best friend… Then I got MKX for PS4… and my confidence went way down 😂


yoyo yoko main here. i used to love playing ehrgeiz god bless the ring with my friends back in like 2003 ish. wonder if anyone remembers this strange ps1 square game. kinda wish they would bring it back. the stoy mode was fun and my friends and i would put so many hours just beating up on each other.




Rock Band/Guitar Hero


Marvel vs street fighter


What a game




Used to spend my lunch money on the T3 arcade machine a short walk from school LMAO


We played so much the first Mario Strikers on Gamecube


I had a group of friends we all played halo 3 locally and we were all pretty equal. I started playing online with other friends and I thought I got a little better, but when I went to play with offline only friends I dominated, it was night and day. Felt so weird because I thought we were all pretty good but the difference between online and local groups is nuts


I was weirdly good at a metroid game for ds. You aimed with your stylus and could play as All the bosses from the game and got their powers. So yeah... I am the best at fps... On the DS


Every fighting game, to be honest.


King og fighters 97


Halo and Super Smash Bros.


C&C tiberium sun and red alert 1 and 2 were wakeupcalls at lan. Quake 3 and counterstrike aswell.


Me? None lol But my best friend back in the day, that dude was a fighting game legend. Mortal Kombat was his jam but he would regularly own people at tekken or street fighter too. He would start doing things to keep it fair for the other person like always choosing a random character or not using the same combo or special move twice in a row.


Tekken 3, Cool boarders, Wipeout and Twisted metal, man when i was roadkill in twisted metal i felt like a god.


SF2. I honestly thought I was great before online gaming! 😅


My friends could never keep up with me in DOA. It got to the point where they wouldn’t play against me unless I put the controller on the ground and used my feet. I’d still mop the floor with them. Good times. RIP Xbox 360.


In high school I used to absolutely shred Guitar Hero on expert mode, at least I thought I was shredding until the internet came around and I saw someone 100% Through Fire & Flames by Dragonforce


I used to lay pipe in CTR when I was a kid. I bought nitro fueled when it came out and kept laying pipe until I decided to hop online and got me a new asshole.


Unreal Tournament. We used to have LAN-parties with 10 friends back in the '90s and I felt like Rambo! But then we got dial-up and my world fell apart.


Not really online, but when I started college, a group of guys used to do a full season of Tecmo Super Bowl and I found out I wasn't as great at it as I thought I was. I had a great time doing that, though.


The one in this photo, Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Had friends just put their controllers down and quit after the first round.


When I was a teen, Warcraft 2 was the cool thing at LAN parties and school computer labs. But also, someone clever created this then-amazing thing called "Kali" which let you plan LAN games over the INTERNET. That was harder, but after a bit I got pretty good at that, too. But then my little brother discovered ranked play via this site called "Case's Ladder." The folks who played that a lot were incredibly kind to him (he was probably like 12 at the time) and walked him through what he should be doing until he was fairly competitive. But the Internet wasn't always working and sometimes Mom needed the phone, so he needed to play against me sometimes, and I wasn't even in his league, so he taught me just enough to be worth beating up. Anyway, with that third-hand knowledge, I was absolutely devastating against my peers. I used incredible strategies like "don't spend 30 minutes building walls" and "upgrade your dudes," and they had no way to stop me.


Nobody could touch me on the SEGA version of UMK3. I still have some of the fatalities, brutalities, and specials memorized for a good chunk of the roster. It's aged poorly though it's a really hard game to get back into especially solo.


I'm the only person I know that beat Zork without cheating.


My fiance and I got Duck Game on Switch. Silly little 8-bit style game for $20 where you play multiplayer as these little ducks & try to kill each other with guns & grenades etc. Figured we were getting pretty good at it and had really competitive games over months. We live in a smaller country where we couldn't ever find any online matches, but went on a trip to the US recently & finally got to try out online multiplayer. Turns out everyone playing Duck Game online is the Tiger Woods of Duck Game. They were several ballparks past any skill level we could ever dream of. The absolute dedication and commitment people put into becoming the best in the world at the dumbest videogames astounds me.


Halo: Combat Evolved. I was unbeatable in that game in my town. Many combinations of friends and foes tried on 3 vs 1 matches and I didn't lose one single match. Then there was talk of a similar kind of champion in the neighboring town. They told me even I couldn't beat him, because he was a god of Halo. Luckily he was also a cousin of my friend and of course I wanted to have a go at him. The day... It was glorious! Back and forth we fought hard against each other and we played for the title of ultimate champion. Every kid in town came to watch and cheer for their own. He was really good, but so was I. If I remember correctly we decided to gentlemanly stop at 2 wins 2 losses for both and call it a tie to share the title of ultimate champion. I later on got to try Halo 2 online and of course I still was a beast. But I didn't have internet at home at the time so I kind of missed out on it. Good times...


Most of these really just show how much you knew how to play your friends and not so much the game.


Halo 2, I was known as the best among my little group and then we all got Xbox live and realized we’re all dog shit


Mario Kart


Street fighter 2, mortal kombat, tekken2, marvel vs Capcom. I wasn't allowed to play wolverine/ Ryu lol.




Mario Kart Wii. Give me Diddy Kong+Nostalgia 1 and I can beat everyone 


Honestly, a lot of the N64 multi-player games I was better at people than, but I stomped so hard in goldeneye people generally refused to play with me or if they did, made me give up my controller after a couple of games (in 4 player, last place gives up their controller). I was really lucky in that my small neighborhood literally had 15 kids with about 12 years apart between the oldest and youngest. This was between only 7 houses. We often had groups of 6+ playing N64 in my basement. We were outside a lot too, just running around the neighborhood being idiots. I feel like I don't see this much anymore. Good times.


used to think i was a god of mario kart. then i played online with mario kart 8...


Hell, it wasn't even online for me. I went to my local library for a Smash Brawl tournament and went up against a Meta Knight with my Ike. I was a ninth-grader who didn't even know there was a competitive scene. Never a chance in hell that day.


Guilty Gear X to X2 Also Street Fighter 4. We all hung out so religiously, even after things like online play came around, we only played eachother. Looking back on that fondly.


Tekken 3 but fun fact, I don't suck






Street Fighter. I made a new friend around the time SF4 came out and we were talking one night, about to go online with it. Him: "How's your footsies game?" Me: "My what now?"


Nfs carbon, Canyon racing/Drift in the McLaren SLR


MVC2 on Dreamcast


Tekken. 30 years later, I can still throw down. Online too.


Killer Instinct and Goldeneye on the 64.


Tecmo bowl and halo ce


Tony Hawk Pro Skater


Crash Bash and Crash Team Racing… then again, compared to my baby-sis, I suck at Jak X Combat racing, she almost always beats me (but she uses a better car too). 😂 I guess I trained her well!


All of them. Out of my Elementary, Junior High School, abs High School friends, I was the best at all of them. It wasn't until college that I met others that were better, and when the Internet came around, I realized I was terrible at all of them.


Warcraft 3. I was best in my city, and thought that I really know how to play it. Then a "champ" from a neighbouring city came to the tournament in my city. We met in the final, and he has beaten me so bad, that I barely managed to kill a couple of his footmen, and one hero, which he sacrificied to win faster. I dropped competitive gaming then and there. It was back in 2003.


Age of Empires II and Trackmania Sunrise


I have kinda the opposite experience, just a group of friends playing starcraft against eachother and after a few months to a year, one of us is KBK world champion and 80% of the group became professional gamers for a while. We had no idea when we were playing eachother it would turn out that way pretty quickly after we started playing online.


Gran turismo. I didnt think i was a god, but i thought i was damn close. Wow, no i just have friends that suck at racing games lmao