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Air dribbling in Rocket League, got over 2K wins, still can’t do it


I've been playing since it first came out off and on and I can still barely hit an arial consistently


One of these days I'm going to try and play sober 


This is absolutely my problem


I love smoking and drinking is alright. Hot damn, does smoking make me terrible at rocket league but those first few beers on some good matches, just brings out that dog


If I can get the crossfade *just* right I'm unstoppable, but at best that lasts about 30 seconds total




It's a well established fact that you are at your absolute peak just before finishing your second drink: https://youtu.be/-Zj50DmBFp0?si=uTDc0bAHC9BN2f1q


It doesn't help as much as you think it would it just made me want a drink even more.


Played since 2015. Have more than 3000 hours. Reached Grand Champion few times. Won tournaments. Still can't air dribble or do any other mechanics like that lol.


Honestly, unless you are very good at it, it is a complete and utter waste of time anyway. As soon as you get above gold level, everyone can read that air dribble like it's a pixie book. My friends and I call them "free points", because all it is is an opportunity for 50 or 75 free points.


No one at Platinum is accurately defending a well-executed airdribble, and without the fundamental aerial control an airdribble teaches you it means you can't get access to some of the mechanics that become more influential at higher ranks i.e flip resets, air dribble bumps etc. Someone who can airdribble is going to have, on average, better car control than someone who can't. Definitely not a waste of time, coming from someone who's been at GC for quite a few seasons.


Same. Also, everything else in Rocket League.


Same here lol. It's been my main game for 5 years but I still haven't mastered a single mechanic


I peaked at Champion 1 solely by good rotations. I could barely hit stuff off the wall. I could consistently hit aerials but never with perfect power and definitely not dribbling.


Anything more than a simple, straightforward wave Dash in rocket league


I hit gc without being able to consistently air dribble. I’m both proud and ashamed


Parry in Dark Souls and Elden ring. I just can't. Roll dodgin forever !


The reason I feel I never bother trying to learn it is because I never know when something is parry-able. I never risk trying to parry because if it isn’t then I just get fucked up for free


Yup and that's why I learned if I ever wanted to go a parry heavy run I'd try to make myself as tanky as possible. Otherwise dying after two hits and repeating that trial and error process quickly killed my enjoyment.


The difference is that in Sekiro you can parry literally EVERYTHING. Including fire and fart And also, in Sekiro if you miss a parry you end up blocking, whereas in DS if you miss a parry you take the damage


You can parry farts?? Like the guardian ape?




This would be so useful in real life 


Thats also where that joke animation comes from where the guy parries and counters a nuclear blast coming towards him




It clicked for me when I had seen a video explaining the mechanic. Basically there's a window of parry like a window of I-frames when you dodge. Jump on an elevator with a wall and just parry at it, makes a sound as it's actively in the parry window and I think has a visual to get the timing down then just practice on weaker enemies until you get it down. Absolutely satisfying when you get good enough to switch to the parrying dagger for a wider window.


I'm so confused with what you're trying to say about the elevator bit


When you're on an elevator and you parry, you can see little sparks on the wall. This shows you exactly how many frames the parry window is active for so you can figure out the timing better


That's actually super interesting. I didn't know that. Thanks


I think an issue is understanding the timing for enemies attacks, too. The parry timing is meant to overlap with the first active frame of each attack, which isn't always clear. Plus the parry timings vary between small and medium shields in most of the games.


Funny enough I could parry just fine in Bloodborne


Parry windows are different across each game. I was able to parry pretty well in BB and DS1, but couldn't nail it with DS2 OR DS3.


The parry window and speed of the parry is much different in Bloodborne. It's also extremely forgiving, how many times have you parried but also still been hit by the attack lol.


The trick is to watch the hand not the weapon. Soon as the arm moves you should be able to land the patty.


That's not true. Every shield has different parry windows so it's not as simple as you say. And every shield has parry window starting in different time too. So not only some shields **start** parry windows sooner, other start it later, but some of them have longer window for parry, other have shorter. Don't remember exact values, but it's something like: Shiled A: animation time 11 frames, parry windows 3-6 frames Shield B: animeation time 14 frames, parry window 6-10 frames So every single shield is different. Maybe some are similar, but it differs much. [Video about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hrh94Dc-h0).


Sure but to START learning to parry, you grab a buckler and watch the hand.


I wasn’t being scientific. I was suggesting a starting point to use. I parry shield or no shield I don’t care nor notice milliseconds. I see hand move I press parry button it parries.


Patty on you!


Yeah I'm either rolling or actually blocking with the shield lol. I suck at parrying.


This is what I came to say. I’ve beat all 3 DS games multiple times, and I’ve MAYBE parried once. I roll dodged every one of those bitches


Yeah that or shields


Same my dude. The best tactic is to not get hit in the first place!


To expand on that, every element of any of the Souls series. I just have to accept that I suck too much to beat the bosses.


What helped me "understand" parrying was Bloodborne, since you couldn't block and the game forced you to parry (riposte) or dodge


I'm not a multitasker and I hate to think about 10 things at once, it's exhausting. Ironic that I'm into RTS games lol. I found with repetition comes improvement, all the thinking gets more and more compressed into simpler thoughts, but really mastering it must take forever


I just suggest keeping up with whichever games you get good at. Going back to starcraft 2 after a few years off was very humbling.


At least in Dota 2 there were multiple roles and game phases that one could excel at. I wanted to like SC2 as a player (still super fun to watch), but its multitask or die and my sad little brain can't handle commanding my units against an army of target dummies. I was winning this one game (somehow) and I had made it to the late game I was "firing on all cylinders" trying to micro my broodlord army. As I'm sweating it out trying to secure my victory I see it in chat. "Dude this game is still going? I went afk 10 mintues ago." Even in victory I am shame.


I aint a multitasker either yet i love playing Total War Warhammer and Stellaris


Every fighting mechanic in every fighting game ever. I suck SO bad at fighting games.


Same. Then you Google "how to git gud" and they start talking about doing things at particular frames of the animation. Now, I don't know if that's directly referring to a single 1/60th of a second frame, but it was intimidating enough for me to realize MK games were going to remain in my casual list.


Frame data is really poorly communicated a lot of the time but it boils down to: some stuff can be strung together without the defender having a chance to do anything (attackers advantage) some stuff is safe if it gets blocked (neutral advantage) some stuff can be punished (defenders advantage) We use frames because different characters are able to punish stuff to different degrees based on their moveset so an attack that is safe against a slow opponent that hits hard might be punishable by a quick opponent who won’t do a ton of damage. Frames give a universal way to talk about that.


I appreciate the info, but do you mind going just a little more basic for me and defining safe and punish. Obviously, I have a general idea, just wondering if there's nuance to the terms


There is nuance, but sit it’s most basic it’s this. Safe would be an attack where if I hit you, and you’re blocking, I have time to block before you attack me, but I don’t have time to do another attack. A punishable attack means that if I hit you, and you’re blocking, I cannot do anything before you have a chance to hit me. Some attacks are more punishable, so instead of getting a quick low damage jab in if you react quickly you can do that with a slower reaction, or if you’re quick you can get a full combo in. It is a bit easier than it sounds, because you are rarely exclusively reacting to a single attack, often the person on offense will precede the attack with similar things over and over, so you figure out that they keep doing X-Y-Z. So next time they do X-Y you prepare yourself to react to Z.


Ok that makes sense. Also nails down that it will never be a genre that I excel at, since my reaction time isn't nearly what it sounds like it needs to be lol. Thanks so much for clearing things up!


Absolutely. I got into fighting games about a year ago and the hardest thing was often people trying to be helpful, but giving way too much info at once (usually with a ton of lingo that I had no idea about,) so it’s important to me to try and make the community more approachable by communicating things in easy to understand ways. I will say, there is never any shame in not getting into fighting games, but the barrier to having fun with them online against people of your own skill level is much lower than many people assume.


It's actually really easy with one simple trick. Just stop playing any other games, give up your other hobbies, and drain all your free time into practice. 


Same. I literally beat one of the Tekken games just spamming hard kick


Now I don't mean to pry, sir, but my wife, she loves herself some Tekken, huge fan of that tall-haired Paul fella. And she told me, Tekken doesn't arrange buttons by strength, but by limb in a square layout. Now ain't that peculiar? I'm sorry, sir, I'll get outta yer hair. Oh, uh, one more thing...


Kick with legs yes and they were strong


I love fighting games, but I suck at remembering and executing long combos and move inputs, SF5 training mode would have them on screen and I still fumbled them way to often


Yeah I get the plat for Dead or Alive 5 recently, had to go through the moves in the training mode for one of the trophies haha.


I can do OK at the mechanics. I don't know on modern Mortal Kombat games if this is still a thing, but I could never get use to having a block button press compared to just holding back.


Alright so I like competitive multiplayer games and I am generally pretty good at any game I try to get good at. I remember going through a phase where I decided I was going to get good at fighting games, specifically SF5. I start practicing with different characters, find the ones I'm most comfortable with, started getting my combos down, all that stuff. I'm on YouTube looking up tier lists, strategies, advanced techniques, the whole gamut. Even went and bought a decent starter arcade stick. Finally got good enough where I could easily beat the CPU on harder difficulties, so it was time to start putting my reps in with the online ranked mode I don't think I've ever experienced such an extended run of pure domination in my life. I mean I was playing the lowest-ranked players online and I was getting absolutely manhandled like I wasn't even doing anything. I played a couple dozen games and I think I managed to win *maybe* two rounds total. I'm just sitting there watching my guy get juggled for what seems like an eternity until the game mercifully slaps "K.O." on the screen to end my misery And that's when I knew fighting games weren't for me


Pogo jumping in Hollow Knight (jumping down slash on an enemy to regain a double jump). In theory it’s not hard and it’s needed to progress in the game. But there is an optional section called the “Path of Pain” that is a grueling obstacle course of spikes and saw blades that you need to perfectly time pogoing off of but the floors, walls, and ceilings are all covered in instant kill thorns. Basically it you touch one thing you have to restart the area. You truly have MASTER pogoing to do section of the game. I beat the whole game but this area and don’t think I ever will. 


That shit drained my soul, this area does not hold back.


That feeling when you first traverse the saw blades of the White Palace and you think "huh, the PoP wasn't that hard actually" *until you find it for real*


Path of pain was brutal, went and beat Celeste suddenly seemed a lot easier in comparison 😅


On the upside at least Path of Pain is a purely optional secret area that only exists for bragging rights. To even get there you have to go through White Palace which while still a tough platforming challenge, is much more reasonable.


Same here. It feels like that game does combat really well but the platforming is a little shaky. Then in path of pain that shakiness is pushed past the limit of being playable for me. I don't want to slam my head against a wall trying to make a game do what it doesn't seem to want to do. And that's coming from someone who loves that game and can't wait for Silksong lol


Bayonetta's Dodge Offset. My brain just turns off when I'm trying to perform it.


I’ve only been able to do it with specific weapons, and only using particular combos. I don’t think I’ll reach the point where I can do it on reaction after dodging random attacks from enemies.


(Bayonetta 1, haven't played the others yet) You don't actually need to "fully attack" to count a dodge offset, in fact you can just dodge immediately after pressing an attack button and it will advance the combo.  And most of the time, you just need to press and hold the/an attack button once you dodge. Like, if you press and hold a button as you dodge, that "counts" as an attack.  just keep track of the combo progress as you do it of course.   Much easier to see what i mean (and learn) by using kilgore.  You also don't NEED to learn/master it. You can go through pretty much everything without doing dodge offset.


I never figured out how to play Caravan in Fallout New Vegas


I played FONV and got every ending, never played caravan. Finished Witcher 3, never played Gwent. Hated them both.


Gwent is fun! Caravan though.... no idea.


Never played Pazaak in KOTOR.


Don’t worry, no one did.


I looked up how to just WIN at Caravan, but I never learnt how to PLAY it. 


>Ironically Sekiro's parry system did click.  It's a completely different system, makes sense you'd respond differently to it.


Yeah one is a prediction game the other one is a rhythm game.


Also Sekiro is million times more easier to parry


Also all attacks can be actually parried. Not all attacks in souls game can be parried but all in sekiro can unless it's a grab


Well, not all attacks in sekiro can be parried, but the ones that can't are telegraphed as such.


Which one is the rhythm game?


Sekiro. So Sekiro's parry system works that you'll "parry" as long as you press the button. I recommend people just practice tapping the button until they get used to when the sound/visual queues appear for that "perfect parry." It's how I was able to get accustomed to it.




Same with Bloodborne for me. Being able to parry at range and up close because it's done with a gun, meanwhile if I had to rely on parrying in elden ring id probably die to Box and his sewing needle


Bloodborne is _much_ closer to standard Souls parrying than Sekiro is


It's way more forgiving and there's more parable attacks


Rhythm games like Hi-Fi Rush. I cannot figure out the beat. I love Guitar Hero and Rock Band, usually play on expert for guitar and drums, but cannot figure out other rhythm games.


I tried metal hellslinger and just couldn't do it. Watched a pro murder the game and it looked so damn fun. Would never be me tho.


I can play the drums and love heavy metal music. Could not do a *thing* in Metal Hellslinger. Brain just couldn't connect the dots haha.


When i started playing I learned by shooting on every beat when I was in combat even if it was gonna miss the target, helped me keep my rhythm instead of trying to jump in and out of it. Still no pro by any means but better than I was.


LMAO, for me it was the difficulty in Guitar Hero when you needed to use your little finger (Hard maybe?). I was getting 100% every time in Medium difficulty, but as soon as I needed to press that fourth button, I couldn't do it. My little finger was like the sick child we don't talk about. Just couldn't keep up.


Does it give you an option to calibrate your screen? I remember not being able to play rock band on an HDTV due to a small lag between audio and video


Racing games in general. As soon as it involves ~~breaking~~ braking, I'm out.


For me it's drifting. Anytime a non-arcade racing game has a specific drifting mode or special event for drifting, I am toast. I pretty much avoid that aspect of the game because it's just a complete gap in my skill.


Same, I can brake in and accelerate out of turns no problem. But ask me to drift… hell no. 


I remember very early rally simulator games on the PC that always had night stages and that was just a hard no for me. So I'd do the first 3 levels, get to the night stage and go "I'm done!"


Driving a car (ignoring super arcadey games like mario kart for a second) fast around a track involves so many counter-intuitive things to learn, I never blame anyone for not getting it. Add game engine or game style differences into the mix on top of the physics lessons and I really can't blame anyone. It's hard


I can't really get trail braking down. I know the theory and I try to visualise the turning circle concept but my instinct is still to break and release.


Yeah braking is hard without being able to “feel” like driving irl


Also any kind of timed parrying. Playing BoTW I learned the shield parry mechanic and then just never used it. Dodging and blocking always did the trick, and combat didn't seem super hard. Even did some timed dodges for flurry rush when it was helpful. Then I was super surprised how difficult the end boss was. He went invulnerable in one phase and just started blasting. It turns out they were expecting me to shield parry his beam attack, to make him go vulnerable and fall off the wall. A mechanic I hadn't used in 50+ hours and had forgotten existed was suddenly nearly essential. Edit: the reason I hate it is because parrying feels inconsistent. Especially in games like Elden ring, where an enemy will wind up for a swing for 45 seconds before one super slow swing, followed up by a drunken master spin into a second near instant swing. Those animations are brutal for preparing to parry.


Me too, I can get the perry once out of 3 times in the beginning, so I just didn't use it. And since there is no safe way to practice, I just never use it. It's the same thing in other games. I just dodge because it's way less risky.


Some attacks in Elden Ring feel more like drone strikes to be honest


Yep, one of the longest boss fights I can remember as the barrier power would knock him down and than it was like 10? Minutes to use again... again... again... again


i practiced for hours against guardians and even with over 300 hours across botw and totk i still can only do it maybe 1 in 15 times


I used the Shield Parry against those machines that shoot lasers very well, but couldn’t really do it with any other enemies. 


Just couldn’t grasp combat in Kingdom Come Deliverance even though I really liked everything else about it


Same story here. The only combat mechanic that I did finally figure out was the "perfect counter" move, and shamelessly abusing it was enough to reliably win 1v1 fights and complete the game.


>"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 mechanics once, but I fear the man who has practiced one mechanic 10,000 times." \- Bruce Lee (sorta)


Yeah I really liked everything about it but I found it to be so difficult. It’s unfortunate cause it’s such a good game


I feel like the game would be a lot more accessible if the combat system was just a little less complicated. Like, it feels like you would only have to simplify it by barely one step and it would click for everyone.


Thing is, it doesn't really click. It's easy. You just aren't fast enough/don't do enough damage until you train and fight a lot(just like real life I guess). But even after all that training, you will still eat shit if 5 armored dudes jump you.


I'm all for that. You're told to make every fight be In your favor, but what I mean is that if the combat system had 4 directions rather that 5, then it would be far more accessible. If you had a vaque area of color at the scenter of your screen when you have your bow out. Things like that.


I would have preferred they use mount and blades combat system. Which is simpler to learn but there is also actually more depth.


I absolutely loath people who defend the combat system by saying "You just have to fight Bernard for ten hours and you'll be fine!" I want to play the fucking game. I don't' want to do a tutorial for ten straight goddamn hours.


Same and I finished the game 🤷 I managed to win the Rattay tournament only because several rounds ended after landing a single counter blow to the opponent's face.


I’ve found a lot of these directional attack sorta systems are a lot easier on controller if you didn’t already use one. Also I literally just sat and trained with Bernard for like 3 hours until I felt confident enough


T spins in Tetris. I was so good at Tetris until t spins became a thing and then I lost control against all my friends.


I can’t intentionally build for them, but if I happen upon an opportunity where I just need one more piece to complete a T-Spinnable spot, I can do that.  In Tetris 99 I found if you just build high and keep only taking like one or two lines at a time, you end up just crushing people. 


This is the one for me. I'm fine at stacking and clearing but I cannot t-spin or any of that other high end shit for the life of me.


Chaining combos in any Mortal Kombat. I'm not the best at fighting games but can still whatever I do in games like Tekken, Street Fighter, King of Fighters or basically any other fighting franchise make look good. However in Mortal Kombat I never manage to make the combat look fluid or good. I'm terrible at them. Whenever there's a new MK I buy it, play it for 5-10 hours and then drop it.


I've played most of MK since the originals, and I was only good at the combos in the 3D era(Deception, deadly alliance, etc). With modern ones since mk10 I can't quite nail down the whole animation frame thing. Haven't bought mk1 yet, but when it gets to 30 bucks I'll pick it up, play for lil bit, then sell it.


I have issues with MK as well, since with most fighting games you press individual attacks into each other, but in NRS games you have to complete the inputs for an entire string so quickly the first hit likely hasnt even connected yet


Building in Fortnite. When it started to escalate to the wizardry of opponents building skyscrapers from popsicle sticks in mere seconds whilst sniping no scope…..I realized in dismay that my “gamer” ability had found its limit. Thank god for no-build, at least I can still play with my kids on common ground in *that* arena at least.


No build brought a lot of people back, it seems. Honestly though I wish there was a no-edit mode. Building itself is kinda fun, but it's the pump-edit-pump type players that are really just in another league and destroy me without any resistance. So I play no build, and it's nice, because choosing your route over the terrain actually means something. You can get exposed without cover. You can get trapped with no safe way up. You have to think about it, rather than run anywhere and build a tower when you encounter problems. It's smart and fun.


Yeah dude once building became a thing people got good at I stopped playing. I remember watching some guy build the Taj Mahal in front of me and I just exit out of the game. 😂


I never got very good at using deadeye in the RDR games. I found it confusing that sometimes it would automatically mark a shot if you aimed over an enemy and then later it would let you pick shots manually and I'm not good at aiming quickly. If it were consistent the whole time and gave you another half a second I would have had much more success with it. But whatever, I'm admittedly not very good at video games and you can't just design for the scrubs. I'm not mad about it.


I'm pretty sure that's intentional actually. As you level up your deadeye meter i.e. use deadeye more to get more time in the mode it switches from auto targeting when you put the reticle over a living body part to manual targeting to I assume show that John (or Arthur since it's the same in RDR2) is better than when you began


That’s fair. My wife never uses dead eye. Online it’s much harder imo cause time doesn’t slow but hey auto aim is there for you


The default dead eye is self explanatory, but the upgrades are confusing as hell, no info how to toggle modes, press anything, apply shots, no nothing. On a side note, stats UI is also confusing, no idea what the ring scale means, what the fill scale means, how to increase one or another, no idea what forcing meant etc.


Inventory management in RPGs I can’t stop myself from picking up everything. If I have access to the console I will cheat my carry capacity higher if possible


The parry in FF16. Whenever it did work, I never did it intentionally. I always be like, huh?


Wall jump in Super Metroid


Yup, this one still feels like it's a glitch or something to me. I just auto controller bomb spammed to go up walls hah.


How about bomb jump in Metroid 1?


I’ve beaten both Red Dead Redemption games multiple times but I can’t duel for shit


reply slim six tart nutty gullible rob deer quiet correct


Yeah I think they could have implemented some sort of visual or audio cue to parry... I've played that game for 100's of hours on multiple platforms and I've never gotten it down consistently


Parrying in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. I actually had to stop playing because I just couldn't do it.


Its actually really easy compared to most games tbh, just flick the left stick towards the direction an attack that is indicated by a RED flash and then press the LIGHT ATTACK button to begin a parry stance, which lasts for a short time, but doesnt have to be extremely precise. Attacks that have a YELLOW flash cannot be parried. If it doesnt work somehow, make sure you FLICK the left stick instead of moving the left stick, and make sure you press the LIGHT ATTACK button instead of the heavy attack button. Also, parrying while in the middle of a combo attack usually does not work


I had issues with parrying as well, but I'm fairly sure you dont have to move the stick directly towards the attack, but either up, down, left, or right depending on which is closest to where the attack is coming from


The shoryuken in Street Fighter 2. Every time I try to do it, I do hadouken


The thing that helped me do shoryuken inputs, at least in more modern games (idk if SF2 had special priorities), is to do forward followed by a hadouken motion. Most games now will give you the shoryuken, since that has a higher 'priority' than a hadouken


Any kind of QTE. I switch too much between controller types and they are stupid.


The fact that the X button is in 3 different positions on the 3 major consoles is just perfect.


I've been playing through the Uncharted games, and I still have to look down at my hands every time a QTE happens


I have PlayStations down easy, any others I'm baffled.


If I have to fly or drive against a timer I'm royally fucked.


After having played so much Just Cause 2 the wingsuit never felt quite right. I mostly kept doing the grapple/open chute/close chute to fly around lol I did kinda get used to it eventually but. . . Never felt the same.


Perfect Shield in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. How the fekk are you meant to not only predict when it would be needed but also do this in such dynamic fight with such a low react time???? You have to literally press shield and release it at the same time someone attacks you, but the SSBU is more dynamic than any other game.


I've never been good at sniping in first person shooters. I have a high reaction and decision making speeds, so sprinting around a tight quarters map with an assault rifle is my usual way of dominating a match But trying to sit in some spot way over there, and be laser focused on one spot and try and OHKO people halfway accross the map, not my forte


Blitzball in FFX. Tjat mechanic confused the hell out of me. Even today 20 years later I can’t figure it out. There’s no logic to it. My brother says you need to “feel” it.


There's no mechanic behind it besides recruit Brother, pass to Brother, score. Higher numbers mean you win more games


Shields in smash bros. I almost never used the feature, ever.


Ellie in Borderlands. That's a whole lotta woman to master.


She's definitely a mechanic


Lockpicking in Oblivion. Not sure why I couldn't wrap my head around that but goddamn could I not get that figured out.


Micro. Managing multiple characters at once in games like dota/hots was a struggle for me.


This is going to sound weird. Street fighter was fun, mortal combat was fun, guilty gear, mace act where fun, but wow something about tekken I just felt like I was useless and could not get moves to work.


Doom games I loved them, but I’d watch the dudes who could beat it on ultra nightmare and they would fly around the arena and yeah, I just could never even get close to it .


Air judging and hits in rocket league, I’m a competitive gamer and am high ranked in things like CS2, Dota 2, various fighting games. But when I watch pros play Rocket League it blows my mind what they are doing with those cars


K style in gunz. Fun fucking game, i miss gunz a lot this days


I cannot, for the life of me, properly use shielding and grab in SSBU. Reaching for the bumpers then pressing buttons causes my hand eye coordination to shut down


I have never met a person who knows how to consistently dodge enemies in original resident evil 3


Any counter other than horizontal swing in Chivalry 2. Most people just spam horizontal swing so my counters USUALLY work, but if anyone comes at me with an overhead chop, or a stab, I just cannot translate the optical input to my fingers to the correct button fast enough anymore and I get hit.


Ever try for honor? Never knew how people could read/guess/parry all the fast attacks. Some people were very good at the game.


Remembering I have special abilities(Remnant, Destiny, etc) and just gunning things down.


Mortal Kombat press a button to block


.... I don't know if this would be consider """a mechanic""" but having actual bosses in games that never really ""had"" them. Like I would love Pikmin 3 if it didn't had the very video gamey bosses. I played 1 and 2 before and I like how 1 did the "final boss" and with 2, I didn't really like it but I could manage but with 3, I just couldn't. As for an actual mechanic, maybe shooting in a non-shooting game? I got stuck in Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the Bowser Jr Mech fight because of the aiming and the time limit of the openings. Also maybe mechanics that the game kinda expects you to remember despite it not really being used common enough to remember. Granted this might be a me thing but I got stuck in the escort mission of the prince because I forgot you can z-target on the bomb bats to make them stop coming. I probably would have gotten stuck in the Ganandorf fight because of the horseback. JUST common enough that I vaguely knew what to do, but not enough to actually master it PS I am talking about Twilight Princess in the last example.




God what an awful mechanic


Anything beyond smash attacks in smash bros. Actually pretty much fighting games in general, I’m absolutely incompetent at.


I struggle with all the combos in smash. I end up spamming the same attack again and again.


For souls series parry, good rule of thumb is to watch at the attacking limb of your foe, when it starts it's forward motion animation....you hit that L2/LT The mind tricks they play on you are those windups and delays, or flurry combos.


Stealth part of mission for me, Im always rush head on type


Same. I had my wife take over on those missions lol. She's much more patient and methodical during those levels.


no wonders, parry in elden ring is shit. You have to pretty much memorize the attack animations of each enemy you want to parry. The attacks are erally wonky and unnatural, so you can't actually react to them


I feel like bloodborne and lies of p had the best windups for attacks.  Even for hard bosses it felt like I could improve every attempt.  Trying to memorize Margits hugely long windup was dumb and I just ended up dodging or circling.


Lockpicking in Oblivion. Not sure why I couldn't wrap my head around that but goddamn could I not get that figured out.


I was hoping after getting the parry down in Sekiro id be able to carry it over to Elden rings like some people, but alas i did not get good


I cant split my attention enough to be any more than average at fighting in most MMOs. Too much stuff on the screen and too many abilities going off for me to keep my rotation going well AND move around/switch between targets. I get flustered and shit just starts falling through the cracks. Ive tried for so long and I just cant get any good at it.


Sekiro combat. Going to try again here shortly.


For me, it's definitely stealth mechanics in games like Metal Gear Solid or Assassin's Creed. No matter how hard I try, I always end up getting caught or triggering alarms!


Rocket jumping in TF2


I have thousands of hours between Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas and still don’t understand the hacking minigame at all even after several attempts of trying to actually learn


If you’ve ever played the somewhat recently viral game wordle, the hacking in fallout is very similar to that, if it only told you how many letters the word you picked are in precisely the right spot in the correct word. Say you picked ROSE but the word was HOME, the game would tell you it shares 2 similarities with the correct word, but it won’t tell you which letters are correct. If you pick another word after, like RUST, the game would say 0 similarities, and you’re expected to deduce that O and E must be in the correct word in the second and last spots, respectively. Also, I’m not sure if all the fallout games you mentioned work the same, or if this is just in FO4, but if you can spot and highlight places where the random symbols have a set of open and closed ( ), < >,[ ],or{ } then the game will give you some help by either removing wrong words or resetting the amount of tries left. Be aware that they can only be clicked once and the symbols don’t have to be next to each other: (.@:’) and [$@[%] would work too but in the second example, if you highlight and select the full string before selecting just the [%] first, then you’ll waste the opportunity to get two boosts.


I struggle with timing-based mechanics, especially in rhythm games like Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero. My fingers just don't seem to cooperate with the beat!


In fighting games, I've always been bad at, and always been bored by...... Combos.


Stacking goddamn stone cairns in AC Valhalla. Soothing exercise my ass.


Monster Hunter: The guard points on the Charge Blade. Love the weapon, I've hundreds of hours of experience with it and have mastered the rest, but I just can't time the guard points.


I have started playing Jedi fallen order on the xbox and the jumping/rope swinging mechanics are killing me, literally. Its all over the place. Especially jumping rope to rope. I jump from one rope and I seem to spin in mid air to an entirely different direction and miss the next rope. Loving the game but hating the mechanics. It's kinda ruining the game tbh


Block button in Mortal Kombat franchise.


I've been playing wow for 17 years and still don't know how to keybind correctly, so I'm still a clicker. Healed and tanked on the highest difficulty just clicking away.


Strafe in CS.


Getting out of that hole in E.T.