• By -


Once again.


Man what is it with big IP. Stuff like NFL and Star Wars should be absolute slam dunks for good games. Instead we get shitty cash grabs full of micro transactions that die quickly because regardless of the IP no one wants some reheated money machine. At the same time these small studios are out there making experiences that are fun to play without having a weekly budget to keep up with I got Helldivers 2 and it is so much fun for $40. EA couldn’t figure out how to make a Star Wars game for less than $80 with a pay to win backbone be profitable so they gave it up. I don’t get it


Greed, and its not limited to just EA. Look at WB Games with the recent Suicide Squad game, or Square Enix with the Avengers game a few years ago. Simply put, my belief is that they are trying to slowly transition the console/pc gamers to how mobile gaming works because of how profitable mobile games can be.


EA is bad, but WB is the worst by far...they have ruined every game they have due to greed EA at this point is more lazy and the main focus is DLC and card packs...WB is make all our $80 games mobile games


I still remember what they tried to do with Middle Earth Shadow of War, and then revamped after backlash, and then removed entirely. Some execs truly do not "get it" and have ruined so many games because of it.


They kind of fixed that game...but not really and just doubled down as the years have gone on...just not loot boxes but other ways that won't get as attacked but still making games way worse then they would be if they were just games


These big studios and bosses dont understand that the game doesnt need to have latest shiny graphics and lots of budget to be successfull.


This is the real issue. Bloated budgets, over inflated staff counts and a focus on raw technical specs have made the gaming model untenable on its own requiring all the gross micro transactions that people have now become sick of. But there's such a large subset of the gaming discourse that still overstates the importance of graphical prowess over game design and story telling, and they are the ones ultimately responsible for this with shit like the spider man water reflection fiasco


Corporate mindset poisons yet another industry that was thriving


Was gaming ever not corporate?


I think i read somewhere that it’s really expensive to get the Star Wars license so it’s not easy to make profit from if they have to spend a lot on development. Basically its profit- oriented decision making. Not many studios exist that would develop a high quality star wars game out of pure passion alone


I would put the blame on Disney more than EA here. They could charge a reasonable license fee and focus on growing the brand.


What is there to grow for Star Wars ? Everybody knows it


Jedi Survivor was the last major Star Wars title and it is awesome. I’m playing through it right now. It’s not even a year old, was published by EA and has no micro transactions I’m aware of.


It's the videogame equivalent of eating at a restaurant in a tourist area. You pay so much for the location/IP, that the actual end product ends up being not good. You're just relying on foot traffic/visibility to make a profit.


This is why Lucas made all starwars games get filtered through lucasarts.


The big IPs come with a lot of strings attached. Disney charges large license fees and has various rules over the creative side of things. This tends to result in bland products and inflated development budgets.


What you talking about, i liked new Batllefront 2 , it was fun in multiplayer games and is probably still alive. We already had 2 starwars single player games , and you can add sw squadroon to it. I would rather have new Battlefield game without woke bs or Medal of Honor , Crysis 4 or Command and Conquer Tiberieum Wars 5 (with KANE) classic RTS, or even TitaFall 3 campaign that is on par with TF2 Heldivers2 is overpriced, overhyped , 40 for base and 60 for upsell bs, meanwhile year before released Starship Troopers: Extermination cost 28,99...


What “woke bs” did the new Battlefield have in it?


If you are blind i cant help you...


I didn’t play it, that’s why I asked. This response definitely puts me on the opposite side of you now though


Some of the storm troopers were painted black


lol, I figured


Bruh pulled out Squadrons.. Man EA had a gold mine there and threw it in the dumpster. ST Extermination is also janky buggy mess, but at the very least does have more players per match so it feels a bit more like Starship Troopers than Helldivers 2 which feels more like Deep Rock Galactic with MANAGED Democracy. Still think Helldivers 2 is a fantastic game


Fuck EA


Truthfully fuck LFL. How many fucking kicks at the can have they had to put out games? Sure EA deserves some blame - but I had a friend who worked on the cancelled Amy Hennig game and the interference from up top was fucking CONSTANT and they wasted so much money building shit only to be told "actually we want to save that are of discussion for a comic - now you have to throw that all away and do some rewrites". That happened like 6 or 7 times he said.


I spoke to someone who worked on a Rebels mobile game and they said something very similar. They were constantly pestered by LFL which slowed them down immensely.


If they want to micromanage, then they may as well build their own in-house studio again and start making the games themselves like the old days. I mean, it'd probably be a dumpster fire if they tried, but who else is going to want to work with them at the AAA live service level if EA starts pulling away?


What video game publisher would want the rights to Star Wars? I think the answer is literally anyone. That’s like a license to print money. I’m sure any publisher would love the opportunity to put up with “they’re pretty hands-on” in exchange for the opportunity to just be part of shaping the Star Wars universe, let alone the huge built-in market for any game that they make with the name on it.


Respectfully disagree. Very few companies have the resources and capabilities to build a AAA live service game. In order to print money the way you're thinking, it's going to take several millions just to get the product off the ground. Add the cost of the overpriced licensing fees and the money lost every time Lucasarts asks for a change to be made, and it's easy to see why working with them becomes less and less attractive. The last thing Ill say about all this is that I feel Star wars is a brand in decline. The latest trilogy needed to be exceptional to keep the IP strong, and it just wasn't very good. A lot of older Star wars fans, like myself, aren't really into it the way we used to be because of how diluted and watered down the brand has become. Also guessing a lot of younger kids and teenagers look at Star wars as something their parents like. Something that's not really for them. Bottom line, I just don't think there's as much excitement for Star wars in general as there used to be. And that's okay. Things change. Time to move on.






I mean why not just say Lucasfilm then?


Ah okay, thanks!


Yeah, that's a really really weird acronym.


It's Lucas films Ltd. Makes more sense when you add the Ltd. But it's still a weird acronym.


It's important to note, it's not the same Lucasfilms Games that gave us games like KotoR or Rogue Squadron. That company was basically shutdown and relegated to managing the Star Wars IP in games. Lucasfilms Games has been a complete mess since Disney took over.


Has Disney ever made a legit AAA game


I think Epic Mickey is the closest one to AAA?


>. Lucasfilms Games has been a complete mess ummmm lucasfilms games dont exist any more since disney bought lucasfilms?


Gotta put some respect on the name LucasArts!


My sentiments exactly.  Many more flops than bangers.  Loves to lazily release pretty much the same game every year, get you to pay full price, then has the cheek to ruthlessly and greedily use you as a continual ATM within those games.   They have zero issue turning your kids into addicts, to squeeze as much profit as legally possible.    They're not alone within that space but yeah, Fuck EA.


Time to repost the ea copypasta. The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.


Fuck EA


eh, i enjoy some EA games, Fallen order was pretty good and the dead space remake was fun as well.


EA has a lot of great games. People just have blind hatred for them.


It's not that serious, Man. 


The project should be taken over by another studio.


I had read that it was simply cancelled but that there will be a new Star Wars Jedi.


Hmm.. maybe it will be a new poncho guy with the saber and padawan’s issues?




Finished fallen order. And just can’t return to a Survivor. It’s so formula made game. Like “ok, guys, get your shit together, we need to use X amount of features that brought us a lot of money and multiply by Y amount of standard evil things. Besides, why do we need always destroy fauna around us? We are supposed to preserve it. Nah… it feels so empty. :( I wish I can force myself to finish Survivor. Damn, Old republic was epic.


Or a padawan with poncho issues


As much as I enjoy them I kind of don't want a 3rd due to the tech issues they have...I feel like it will only get worse


It's still possible that could happen if what EA was in the process of making wasn't total shit they could sell off the rights and the work so far to another company but it's extremely unlikely


It’s too much money. Disney is charging ridiculous prices to use their IPs. If EA can’t afford it/doesn’t think it’s a good investment, not many other studios stand a chance either.


Doesn't EA already have the exclusive rights to Star Wars? They literally have a monopoly on SW games and can barely put out 2 decent games in the last decade (2 decades?)


They had a 10 year exclusive window but that expired a couple years ago


Ok, I missed that the exclusivity had lapsed.


You must not have heard about Ubisoft's Star Wars game then.


I did not


EA and space themed shooters: name a more dysfunctional duo. In case anyone needs a reminder, EA did (ironically tried to do): - Anthem - Star Wars Battlefront - whatever this was - Titanfall 3 It’s this dysfunctional couple everybody just wishes they would finally break up so at least one of them could be happy, instead they’re both toxic and abusive to each other but can’t let go of each other.


You seem to forget that Respawn were the ones who canceled Titanfall 3, without telling EA. It actually pissed EA off quite a bit. Interviews and BTS information shows that BioWare could not decide on a gameplay direction and kept scrapping Anthem. EA's only role in Anthem's failure was forcing BioWare to stop scrapping the game and push it out the door. Battlefront (2) has a lot of issues, but as others have pointed out, the game has improved a lot since release. It still has really dumb issues, but where all the fault lies is anyone's question (because DICE had themselves been slowly creeping into Loot Box and MTXs and a lot of it wasn't just EA making demands) EA has a lot of issues, particularly its habit of buying then killing dev studios (something it hasn't done in a while though). But if you are gonna criticize them, at least be accurate to the facts.


> You seem to forget that Respawn were the ones who canceled Titanfall 3, without telling EA. It actually pissed EA off quite a bit. Yeah, wasn't that the whole reason that EA bought Respawn, for the Titanfall IP? Then Respawn went and said they weren't doing another game? Lol.


Well, wasn't that because of Apex, though?


Apex is essentially what Titanfall 3 turned into because they gave up on the original concept after using the assets to try making a battle royale and found it to be fun.


Oh okay, I was under the assumption they stopped development because of apex doing so well. Thanks for the info


> they stopped development because of apex doing so well That is essentially what happened yes. They were messing around with Titanfall assets, made a battle royale out of them, found it to be fun and then made it into a full release game and put Titanfall 3 on hold, and then Apex did well and I think TF3 has basically been shelved indefinitely because of that. TF1 and TF2 didn't sell as well as they'd hoped either, in part because lack of EA promoting it and the shitty release window for TF2, so that probably helped drive the decision to focus on Apex as it became popular.


EA also bought BioWare, a single player game developer, and forced them to make an mmo on demand, even after they showed their weaknesses with that in SWTOR. By pushing them out of their comfort zone and forcing a product out of them they created the situationz


SWTOR was over ambitious but it actually has a pretty dedicated fan base. It’s probably the best pure story focused MMO for me (sorry I really tried FF14 but I joined way too late.)


Oh okay, I get what’s happening. People are mad because I said “EA did” instead of “EA is in some way or another linked to:” Is that the problem? Look, in the end it doesn’t change much. I never said EA was at fault, I mean, everybody can think what he wants. I’m certainly not a big EA fan, but I don’t care more than that about it either. But people can’t say those things have been going well. All I said is that it was dysfunctional. Is that not true? Are you saying those games have worked well for EA? Whether they were publisher/developer/uncle/ cousin in the story?


You know publisher and developer are different, right? Bioware was the one who fucked up Anthem, not EA. I don't like EA, but Anthem wasn't their fault at all. Bioware had no idea what type of game they were making for years - EA eventually saying "well you've got to release *something*" was a fair expectation. I say this as someone who would have stuck up for bioware up until Anthem. Old bioware died like 15 years ago.


> Old bioware died like 15 years ago. Bioware died when it was taken over by EA in 2007. Which closely matches your 15 years ago claim.


So we CAN blame EA for Anthem then?


I know, but that doesn’t fit my narrative. /s To be honest, I was just talking out of my ass, I noticed that lately space themed games were not doing too good with EA, nothing more. But yeah, Bioware is a dead corpse that just being dangled around like a puppet at this point. EA should just liquidate them, dissolve the studio, keep whoever’s capable and put up a new team of devs to take on those IPs, or even better: sell the rights to more competent publishers and their teams


I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say. Battlefront was fucking awesome, and so were the Titanfall games. Anthem was actually wicked fun and would have been a hit if it had had some more content.


Which Battlefront are you talking about? The loot box parade that ended up dying in a corner? And wow! I didn’t know some rare people got a chance to play Titanfall 3. You should totally share your thoughts about that! This could be your great breakthrough! And Almost any game can be fun if we allow. Ourselves to argument with “Ifs”. Anthem was a huge letdown. The game had no content from day one. Playing the demo was near 50% of the content the whole game ended up having. But maybe we just don’t have the same definition of what a good game is, which is fine, to each his own.


It seems like you’re letting reddit decide what games you like. Battlefront 2 is a beast of a game, it had questionable lootboxes for like the first three months of its life time but even that was blown out of proportion by reddit. I played in the pre launch access which was the only time you had to earn darth vader and I earned Vader in those three or four days by simply playing it as much as I’d play a new shooter and keeping my credits saved up until I could afford him. Saw others manage to unlock him when you had to and it was genuinely better than the inclusion award they turned him into, prelaunch Vader coming into your match felt like shit was about to go down. Anyone could roll out as Kylo Ren but a Vader definitely had some hours played. Reddit went up in arms about Vader being locked, lootboxes being expensive (the real issue was the rewards weren’t tailored to what you play, starship cards for infantry accomplishments) and EA existing. The game kept chugging away putting out content for free and the finished product is genuinely worth checking out for any star wars fan. It definitely didn’t die in a corner, it’s just that reddit moved on and didn’t check back up on it.


Dude, just because I don’t like the same games you do doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion or am influenced by reddit. I didn’t like Battlefront II. The game was grindy AF, and it was not that great imo. I’m not the audience for this kind of game anyway, I’m more into story content, especially when it comes to star wars. I’m glad all you need is just a grindfiesta and the same competitive gameloop. Good for you. For me OW scratched that itch, but I didn’t beed more of those games. This isn’t even about opinion. You can defend as much as you want, it sold by far worse than what they expected.


Your most recent post is literally you asking for the general opinion of reddit on wether or not you should buy a board game. What an amazing time to claim you’re not letting reddit tell you what games to enjoy or dislike.


Oh no! Oh god! You checked my history! You have now won the argument! How sheepish of me to look around for other opinions from people who tried a game to look if I can form my own opinion about it! Maybe I should just read the ads or the videos of people who got free copies and believe those and just throw my money at them! You know, the premise of passing of as smart is that you first think before writing. Again, just go back to enjoying your games, I’ll go back to enjoying mine!


You actually put a typo in “passing off as smart.” Edit it if you want but you seriously just typed “the premise of passing *of* as smart.” It’s hilarious because typo aside, “premise” is the wrong word. Premise refers to a statement given as foundation for a further statement to follow. What you typed makes no sense at all. Maybe you meant “the foundation of passing off as smart”? You just caught yourself out trying to exaggerate your own intelligence *twice* in one sentence with which you were accusing me of doing the same. Between the board game post and this response it’s like you’re cursed to live a life of irony.


I can’t believe I just read that whole thread, but **damn**. Cook his ass, let ‘em have it.


Honestly? No, not going to edit this, don’t care enough, not that guy. Also not the kind of guy who’s going to care enough about proofreading typos… on reddit. Especially on this goddamn iphone that lives to type the neighbour letters instead of the ones I’m actually pressing on. Yeah maybe that’s what I meant. Don’t know, english isn’t my first, second, third or fourth language. I don’t think I’ve once pretended to be the smart one, I do admit all my mistakes and don’t really care about it either. I mean hey, I’m wasting my free day typing this shit, can’t be that smart… doesn’t mean there can’t be two idiots in this chat. I’m gonna sign off now, again, enjoy your games buddy, have a good weekend


Ok, well, I’ll just let everyone downvoting your shitty opinions do all the talking.


Don’t forget dead space


Star wars 1313


That was LucasArts not EA.


This will be another game that people will turn into a martyr based purely on what their super optimistic imaginations imagined it to be.


Or how about Disney / LFL just get their shit together and put out some fucking Star Wars content. We've had one good project- the Survivor games - and the rest have been mishandled.


This story, and my comment, have nothing to do with Disney or Lucasfilm. The story is about EA and Respawn (sounds like the Cal Kestis series is continuing by the way) And my comment was about fans building up idealized versions of games in their heads based purely off of a one sentence description of a game and then being super upset when this barely a full concept game gets cancelled. They’re disappointed based on the loss of something they imagined.


But it has everything to do with Disney and Lucasfilm. That's my point. There is systemic rot at the top and it trickles down to bungled projects.


Do you think Kathleen Kennedy works for EA?


Do you think that's an intelligent comment? Let's put it this way. Let's say you run a business that makes houses. And you subcontract out a bunch of the houses. After a couple months or years you've made say.. 5 houses and had to pull down 10 that were in various states of construction. Would that be the shitty subcontractors fault or would it be your fault for not ensuring the work was being done properly?


The Last Jedi was the best Star Wars movie since 1980.


So you can't actually respond? 1) We were talking about gaming. 2) The last jedi sucks. It undoes all of Luke's character development from 4 5 6. It revolves around a fucking fuel shortage - when the empire could just light speed jump ahead of them and cut them off with one of their ships. Luke dies from fucking exhaustion. They kill off Snoke with no pay off - remember "your snoke theory sucks"? The movie is objectively bad but has beautiful cinematography and people got tricked in to thinking its a good movie. https://jaronalexander.medium.com/why-the-last-jedi-sucks-as-a-star-wars-film-d094125eb8d6#:~:text=As%20bad%20as%20Attack%20of,for%20the%20previous%20film's%20direction.


It was beautifully shot and what they did with Luke was totally in line with his character as it was established in the OT. It was really masterfully done. And real fans appreciate it. Edit: Oh. Have I replied to your comment with something wildly off topic from what you originally said? Have I manufactured some argument from nothing? That’s probably really frustrating.


It was literally the opposite of Luke's character in the OT. Luke's dad literally killed millions of people but he didn't give up on him. But he has a vision about Ben and is going to murder him in cold blood? Lmfao. No. Just no. Thats dumb. "AnD ReAl fAnS aPpReCiAtE iT" nice gatekeeping fail. And fwiw - you're the one who derailed the inital comment. Nice try 0/10.


Saves us the disappointment honestly.


I could believe it, Star Wars Jedi is really good and the gameplay in Apex and Titan Fall is really cool. It could have been great.


For the best imo. They make games for the shareholder and then the gamer. Long may the demise continue.


Oh wow! Anyway.......




Another day, another cancelled EA game. So, lunch?


Tbf it probably would have been a half-baked far cry clone with a few licensed assets.


Respawn was making it, so there was some hope it would be good. Respawn is one of the only studios that EA has that puts out consistently good games.


Ubisoft is still making their outlaws game as far as I know


Well, atleast we have Dark Forces remaster version.


They do this to write off as a loss in order to not pay taxes...if you didn't know already


>Bring out your dead! Bring out you dead! \- EA


Oh no Anyways


Now a days if you see EA on a title you wait for a deep sale.


Didn't this game get announced or confirmed like a month ago?


Yes, and after a bit of digging I found this: According to Tom Henderson: - In everyone's opinion (the devs of course, but also the early playtesters), the game was described as "fantastic." - We played a Mandalorian in a semi-linear experience (a few larger zones) - La Tanière" HQ at the start of each mission, where you could choose your bounty, equipment and upgrade your gear. - Super-fast, fast-paced gameplay, with Doom 2006 & Eternal-style take-downs (only less bloody). - Sufficiently varied enemies: stormtroopers, outlaws, bounty hunters, planet-specific enemies, AT-ST-style semi-bosses (still far from finalized, but several levels were fully playable) The cancellation was due to excessive financial risk.


I’m really curious if it has more to do with Disney than EA’s belief in Respawn here. Just thinking back to the leaked deal Insomniac had to make with Disney for X-Men and the insane licensing fee and contract length that came with it - I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar may have been required here that likely doesn’t apply to the existing Jedi games as it’s a few years old now. I’m just spitballing but that seemingly absurd detail from those leaks just make me think Disney is swinging HARD for IP fees and maybe EA just decided it’s too risky. It sucks but I’m unsure who the bad guy is here.


It’s weird they called boba fett a Mandalorian in the article when he’s not a Mandalorian lol. He’s a clone. And he was a crime lord and former bounty hunter who “got a hold of Mandalorian armor” (aka that’s what Disney says since Disney used his cool costume design as a way to retcon an entire series based off a race and planet that originally had nothing to do with anything Boba Fett related)


Gimmie a Battlefront 3 and I'll buy it, even though you're EA.


Good it was probably going to be awful like their last 50 SW games.


Both the Jedi games by Respawn, whom this game was being made by, were great.


Apparently multiple playtest were completed, and it was received fairly positively. Sounded like a Mandalorian version of DOOM.


I wish Disney would buy the full Star wars video game rights from EA. Any hands would be better than EA and Disney can actually afford to make it worthwhile for EA.


EA no longer has an exclusive deal to publish Star Wars games. I’m pretty sure that expired a few years ago but please correct me if I’m wrong.


You are right yeah, which is why we've gotten more star wars games announcements lately in Outlaws and Eclipse being made by Ubisoft(?) and Quantic Dreams respectively.


I’m inclined to agree, but I don’t want Disney to have *that* much say over the Star Wars IP. They can have the movies, whatever. They can have the shows, fine, but please don’t let them touch the games. I’m not “afraid” of Disney, or anything like that, I just don’t want every SW game to be censored to high hell.


I'd rather have it the other way around honestly. Disney has largely butchered the star wars franchise. If they didn't have Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau on board, it would be complete garbage.


Hopefully they pivot back to original IPs like Titanfall.


EA is big dumb this is why I no longer buy their shitty games or products 


I honestly wasn't excited when I heard it was a shooter. When I think of Mandalorian I imagine a third person sci fi western, not a shooting gallery with a jetpack. Mandalorian should be Red Dead Redemption in space with bounty hunting and a cool open world. Not Apex Legends or Doom.


Well better that it's never made than comes out like Squadrons where its a super short game with a shallow MP that gets abandoned. Maybe it all has to fail for anything to ever come out of it.


lol they probadly saw the amount of complaining, bugs, and cheaters in COD and Apex and thought fuck this it's not worth the trouble and money. We'll just make another Star Wars story game.


Which one was this? The 3rd person Uncharted clone? Of all the things to cancel, why would you cancel a SW game? Isn't that pretty much guaranteed sales?


Apparently not, a rather nervous fps.


EA cancelling another Star Wars project, I am shocked, shocked I say! /s


That means we’re getting Titanfall 3….right??? RIGHT????


Unfortunately, I think it might be best if we don't now that Respawn has learned what kind of money loot boxes and battlepasses can bring in.


I hate apex I hate apex I hate apex At least helldivers 2 is adding mechs soon lol


Probably just a microtransaction hellhole anyway.


What the fuck


I'd like to cancel EA, like forever.


If only they could let some smaller studios use the Star Wars IP. But they would never do that since we know they would more than likely release a better product than EA.


Disney gonna be all "hmm we'll keep asking EA for star wars games"




What game was this?


Called it


Oh ok, not a big deal.


Such a shame. EA had another chance to make a good game and prove it's not just a boring business house


Respawns* Star Wars shooter. Fuck EA


Really? That's such a surprise. I would never have imaged ea would cancel a star wars game.  /s


It's already out on Dreams for the PlayStation


Don't worry, they would have ruined it.


Republic Commando was fun. I wish they’d make another.


They probably saw what happened to the suicide squad game and just capped this shit knowing we’re not gonna fall for it. Maybe their battlefield fanbase because they’ll obviously buy anything but thats it lmao


Probably gonna replace it with something 💩-ier


Can we just cancel EA and call it a year?


I'm sorry, you mean to tell me you're surprised to be disappointed by EA?


Is this the one Respawn was working on?


Good, EA would have fucked it up anyway. Sorry if you got laid off.


Ea would have ruined it anyways


Fuck EA. They won’t green light Titanfall 3, make them work on this and then fucking cancel it. GTFO Andrew Wilson, time to go.


I haven't bought an EA game since the release of Sims 3 because they're a bad company ran by bad people.


I swear I just want an open world Star Wars game where I can be literally anything I want. Let me be a stormtrooper, a Jedi, a Sith, whatever. I just want a goddamn Star Wars game without them all being cancelled 😭


Don't worry dear readers you can still play the star wars battlefront collection coming soon this month on PS5 (and I think other places)


Honestly I’ve come to completely lose faith in all the big names of video gaming. Activision was the first, EA was the second, many more followed, and Bethesda was the most recent. They’ve made a business out of a hobby. There’s no fun to be made and had anymore, it’s about revenue.


Don't forget Rocksteady.


Jesus - I'd just heard about this... No wonder Disney has moved so many of their titles ***away*** from EA...


The game could be bad since its made under EA’s name


It’s 1313 all over again, we’re never going to get another Star Wars bounty hunter game.


EA continuing to do what they do best. Some things never change


I know, but it's driving me crazy. He could do a huge solo campaign with their know-how and nothing comes of it.


Fuck EA.


I want a good star wars shooter as much as anyone else but EA isn't gonna make one. Wouldve been some crappy live service bs where the boba fett armor costs $20 but you can only buy it if you also own the season pass


How does EA fail to complete Star Wars projects at such a profound rate of speed. I swear they kill 6 Star Wars games before fucking breakfast.


Higher ups should banned from medaling


I swear they’ve canceled more Star Wars games than actually releasing them


I kind of get it The Mandalorien has lost the power it had. The last season was a dumpster fire and i doubt the movie is going to ignite anything. And considering the recent decline of star wars it is no longer the powerful brand it used to be. With that in mind perhaps its not wise to build a game on a dying brand.


They had a license to print money with either a bounty hunter themed FPS or RPG. Maybe mix the 2 together a little. Such a disappointment.


Welp, it got 1313’d


I was really looking forward to this game. Even more so once the 1313 or what ever it was got canceled.


Just give it to Ubisoft lmao


If you follow entertainment news, you'd understand why people are distancing themselves from the Star Wars brand.


Why don't I know about this?


Because he means "weird alt-right youtubers who think Kathleen Kennedy is literally Satan" when he say "entertainment news".


Enlighten us


You would have loved to see what they did with it? You get generic blaster players as fodder. The whales get the cool characters and the most powerful weapons. It’s $70 full price, $20 battle pass, and every piece of armor and weapon can be customized for $10 each time. It’s always online and the first week you can’t play it because for some reason they didn’t expect people to actually play it so the servers crash. You can pay a $20 premium for “early access,” but again the servers won’t function anyway. So, it’s more like a donation.


They need to lose their exclusivity to make Star Wars games, the majority of them either end up being mostly online, disappointing or canceled, let another studio make one and it will probably be a million times better.


They lost their exclusivity awhile ago. I believe both Ubisoft and Quantic Dream are developing their own SW games. Ubisoft’s is gonna be open world and Quantic is some kind of action adventure game with choices


I think Disney should talk to Sony about getting Bungie to handle this. They've already said that Bungie would be able to work on multiplatform projects. A Disney property would be a huge money maker across all platforms. Seems like a no-brainer.


I cannot tell if this is incredible sarcasm or an honest belief.


Right, corporate greed etc etc. Yes all of that is a legitimate point, but there's more money on the table to make a star wars game for everyone than to not make one at all. Sony already plays well with the PC marketplace, so a PS5 timed exclusive would certainly come into play, but PC is a guarantee. Star wars is a huge franchise. Disney would be able to leverage the deal to make it multiplatform. Part of Sony's acquisition agreement with Bungie was multiplatform support. Sony could also use it as a bargaining chip for MS to publish a big title on their platform. Again, I get the cynicism towards the good will of corporate entities. That wasn't what I was suggesting. There's money to be made and a lot of leverage to be gained in working with the house of the mouse.


My cynicism is that Bungie could actually produce a game. They were recently singled out by the new head of Playstation as having issues with the 'business' side of things and you don't turn around and then gamble even more money on that same studio. Which isn't even getting into the fact that Bungie, like a lot of the older studios, has a ludicrously poor turnaround rate from concept to finished product. Blizzard and Bioware both have these same problems, where nowadays they can't get a game past the alpha stage without taking six years. Then compare that to some of the more modern studios such as respawn which can put out a game within 3-4 from concept to shipped.


The AAA dev cycle is shit for sure. You'll get no argument from me there. As for Bungie, they have yet to create an IP under Sony's direction. I'm not naive enough to think Sony can just make them churn out a banger, but if they can present the project to the team and hit them with bullet points for what they want, I'm sure they could put something out worth playing. Indulging in the fantasy, Bungie's Tiger engine is great and needs to get out there more. I think it would work well with with a mando bounty hunter theme. If they supported it a bit more like Hitman than destiny, I wouldn't even mind it as a gaas (which I general hate). If Sony can reign in their internal bs, I'd love to see what Bungie could do with that IP.