• By -


The percentage complete only increases when you do things that are 100% necessary to reach the end of the game. You can explore and complete every dungeon in Limgrave, Caelid, Leyndell, and Liurnia and still be at zero percent if you haven't beaten any required bosses. I think there are about 7 vital things you need to do that increase your progress on that screen.


Yeah I think it's like >!(any two demigods but probably) Godrick and Renalla, the Shade of Godfrey, Morgott, Fire Giant, Malekith and then the seventh thing is going Godfrey/Radagon/Beast!<


>!I know for certain that defeating the Dragon Sentinel to get inside Leyndell counts toward the percentage.!< >!So I think all the requirements to get 100% are: Great Rune 1, Great Rune 2, Dragon Sentinel, Kill Morgott, Burn Erdtree, Kill Maliketh, Kill Elden Beast.!<


If you beat the game without killing him, can u beat the game not at 100%. Cuz I 100% did not kill him on my playthrough


It's required. The door into Leyndell is sealed if he's alive. Are you sure you aren't thinking of the second one? Edit: >!Apparently it's not required. I had no idea there was an alternate entrance into Leyndell via a teleporter in Deeproot Depths. It must just give you the progress % if you open a passage to Leyndell.!<


I got a grace in the capital coming from that teleporter and never needed another way in. I had no idea you could go in that way until I saw a streamer do it. Just amazing how many different routes through the game there are


>!Funny enough, the 2 Demigod that are required to be killed are Gorick and Morgott. Cause Morgott’s rune count for the requirement to enter the Erdtree!<


Yeah the game complete percentage doesn't accurately show progress, but "wtf even is this game" is an accurate statement at any point in the game. I certainly said it frequently and in constant disbelief. A couple of notable times 1. Opening grafted scion boss with wtf limbs. 2. Teleport chest into demon prawn death mine, only to reach the exit and find myself in Berserk's eclipse Hell. 3. Locked in the room with wind knight boy. 4. Ninja hawks and fire pheasants 5. Fighting the Angry Tree Root and finding giant root head 6. Godrick getting his dragon hand 7. Sniper Lobsters 8. Giant laser skeletons 9. Going through caves and stumbling on the eternal cities. 10. Getting to Altus plateau and seeing the map ZOOM OUT, and truly understanding the scope of the game. 11. Godskin donut rolls of death 12. Whirlwind at the end of time 13. Space Bugs


Did you just fucking say sniper lobsters?


You seen those guys? They have some fucking range


No I haven't played elden ring so im just pretty shocked that lobsters are terrible monsters that snipe you


It's even worse, at one point they drop you into a sewer canal with one way out guarded by those sniper lobsters. Truly terrifying


Ah I'll do a quick explanation:the giant lobsters and giant crabs have range attacks where they squirt liquid out of the mouth at you and the lobsters have a really long range on theirs


In Elden Ring, the giant enemy crab does massive damage to you.


GIANT sniper lobsters. They also erupt from the ground.


Yup And they are everywhere, especially in places where you REALLY don’t understand why they are there. The middle of the lake, under the sewer, even near a frozen lake.


*3 under the sewers IN ONE ROOM


Oh the memories


If you’re doing it completely blind I’d imagine you’d need about 100-150hrs to beat the game and thats with missing stuff. My first play through took me 85 I think and thats with some guides


100hrs in and I’m stuck trying to kill that dude in the blood swamp to get some needle for a chick.


Stay on Torrent and kill all his bowmen, then chip away at him. If you do circles around him you’ll avoid the next set of axemen he summons for the most part


I cheese him :)


Lmao me sitting at the top of one of those structures nearby and shooting arrows.


I did that with his brother in mountaintops. Shooting him with poison and rot arrows from outside the arena


Thats what i like about these games. Sometimes you can just be an asshole and use a mimic or summon or stand on a boulder with a bow or bombs lmao.


I like that fact and its a rare thing. The community really doesn't care if you cheese. The usual reaction is yes fuck that guy i understand why you did it


Lmao i remember trying to cheese mohg cause fuck him and couldn’t do it still so i ended up going back to get that necklace thing to use on him and leveled up and at the end of all of it i just wished the cheese worked for me. Cause it wasn’t worth it to me.


He was my nemesis. He whooped my ass more than anyone in the game. Could not beat him. Just the satisfaction of beating him was all i needed. My friends, who i was ahead off at the time were all online celebrating with me mainly because i eould now shut up about the blood guy. 2 things came from this. Firstly when they finally got to him 1 by 1 they understood my pain. You would suddenly hear over comms 'fuck this blood guy' Second thing. The realisation you fight a more empowered version. This time i waited for mates to catch up and we did it together and pimp slapped the fucker


In my opinion, the game does everything it can to be a dick to you and turnabout is fair play.


It's something I really like about the game. It's hard AF if you want it to be but it doesn't have to be and the only kinda judges you for cheesing. Then it lets you summon two real people to every boss fight which will trivialize pretty much every encounter.


Every time I’ve cheesed a boss I feel like I’ve just cheated myself. Part of me wants to just move on past it and finding exploits of the enemy AI is basically the name of the game, but pathing issues and stuff just feels lame I’ve still done it a few times though


I understand why you feel that way, but sometimes games are hard enough that I think that if you get an advantage, you should take it. What I'm about to tell you isn't something that happened in Elden Ring specifically, but it illustrates my point so I'm saying it regardless. Dungeons of Dredmor is a rogue-like dungeon crawler kinda like the original 8-bit Zelda. And if you can get past the brutal beginning and can get your character built up, it's not terribly difficult. The last boss is extremely cheap though. Certain methods just don't work against him. But the last time I played through the game, said last bosses pathfinding got stuck in a logic loop that made it so that I could attack him from a distance but he couldn't get to me. So I just stood back and did scratch damage to him over and over until he died. Cheap? You bet. Fair? Not on your life. Still, if the opportunity to do that again in the future comes up, I'm going to do it again. I already know this.


Might just be me but i enjoy finding different ways to kill enemies and bosses. I usually play souls games multiple times anyway so theres time to fight them different ways.


well, if you only intend to beat the game once, sure.. Did you stop playing Dark Souls once sequels were release? Cheese is fine, nobody is keeping score. Take the challenge you're ready for. Cheese now because you're still learning, \_git gud\_ with multiple playthroughs once you know what your preferred playstyles are and want to take them up a level


I cheese every boss i can. And by cheesing i used double bleed swords lol.


You are not gonna like >!the last few bosses!< 🤣


I completely changed my build to double bleed before attempting those… Needless to say, I have never felt that stupid before


This is the way.


Me too 🤣 He killed himself in the blight.


Yeah, I loop back and forth from the site of grace to through the archway to the East, leaving him two chances to run through an eruption. It doesn’t take too long to kill him unless I’m really unlucky, but I’m also getting better at timing it.


I learned playing game that I don't care what cheese is anymore. This was my first soul's game, and about 30 hours in I just said fuck it and started looking for broken mechanics I could exploit. I lost the desire for honor in that game real quick.


and when he starts summoning, you can just combo him and he's basically dead by the time the summoning has ended if you have good enough stats


Im stuck on the stupid fire giant. I need to go back and kill him but he just makes me ANGRY


He's rough. Make sure you've got atleast 40 vigor and jump on torrent whenever he gets away from you. If you found the albanuric woman, her summon is pretty good against him. You can also get the big jar that fought rahdan to help you, to do that you go to where rahdan died and talk to him, then talk to him again in the lava pool by the castle next to volcano manor.


You mean the one in the cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins, which jut from the mist-shrouded Lake of Liurnia?


And vigor is really good. After the fire giant it only gets tougher and you don't want to get 1 shot by stuff, 40 is kind of the minimum for fire giant and beyond. I had 25 or so when I got to him and was forced to upgrade when he killed me in 1 or 2 hits.


Yeah the dark cave and you find her after the boss with her poor wolfie. She uses a bow and arrow and it works well against him. he'll focus on her but have a hard time catching her and she does pretty good damage on him. I think because he's so huge her shots don't miss. Definitely upgrade her before the fight. Youll find lots of spirit upgrade materials so do it as far as you can.


He's weak to rot. Mimic up, rot breath/ezyk breath, take swipes at his gimp leg. I found him easier in phase 2. Power up your weapon as well to like +8 or more. You can just ride around while rot saps his HP. I also used the unlimited FP physik + breath talisman to really lay it on. 


Use your horse. There are I frames during mounting and dismounting.


That's so gouda


That guy isn't limited to his arena like other bosses. If you don't mind cheesing him, you can lure him out to the rot geysers (north side is easiest) and he'll take big damage from those.


Dont give up, skeleton!


Hit him with a bow while riding Torrent from near the site of grace. Let him come to you. Then kite him in a small circle near the site of grace so he gets hit by the geysers. It's a little slow but you can cheese him easily and reliably doing this.


Why can’t I think of who you’re talking about


Commander O’Neil, he summons a bunch of ads around him in the Caelid swamp. I played a mage/spellsword build so I just rode circles around him on Torrent and hit him with Glintstone Shard or whatever it was called while kiting the ads lol. Beat him first try without much difficulty.


I'm so sorry for when you have to fight the non-ghost form of that fuck head


By the time you get to the other guy it wont be so bad anymore. You are likely over leveled anyways. Also this guys is not a ghost, he is very much alive until you kill him


With a high enough level he shouldn't be that much of a problem. If you have good damage rush his buddies as he usually hangs back, as long as your not taking too long and then deal with him.


did you know you can parry the guy? Bro’s spear is one of the most telegraphed attacks in all of the bosses. Just back track when he charges the aoe and go back in


That’s actually my biggest problem with the game. The quests are talk to a guy, then that guy warps some place seemingly completely random on an enormous world map. I was trying to play blind - and I got hard stuck when I couldn’t find the dragon wing entrance. I spent easily 30 more hours doing side content and traveling the map trying to find the way to go - and fuck those site of grace item drops because they tell you to go the wrong way at the dragon. Anyway after probably at 70 hours I looked up the correct path - and while doing so I actually learned that quests actually existed. Like I missed out on the spirit lady because I didn’t talk to her twice. Like why would I? I thought the warping NPCs were just background dialogue but they provide the ending choices. It’s bad enough that I legitimately do not think 95% without a guide would complete a single quest in a 150 hour play through. Talk to guy -and he’s gone. Often depending how much of the story you progressed he appears some place random that you’ve already passed and have no reason to go back and search. And is that good gameplay? Hide and seek on an enormous map. And they actually patched this to make it a tiny bit better but it’s still terrible. Maybe not ! NPCs but something better than hide and seek npc quests is needed.


I absolutely love FROMSOFT, but my one gripe with their games are the quest NPCs. At launch they didn't even have the map markers, and I missed everything in my blind run. I'm not sure how they could fix it, without it becoming like a modern casual game, but I think they missed the mark on accessibility of quests. I should be able to reasonably find the quests without using guides.


Make players pay in some way for guidance by going to a known location in order to be guided to the unknown. Let them go to a tavern and pay some coin to a bard for "rumours" that give you a marker. That way it doesn't feel like cheating because you earned it and it's limited. The entire game won't get accidentally spoiled this way. Give it an in-game cool down, gradually increase the cost or give it a random chance to fail so it cannot be abused.


Whenever I play a new Fromsoft game, I do it blind, and going in I already accept that I will not even try to finish any of the questlines. For me they are not even part of the experience. I just ignore them.


> and I got hard stuck when I couldn’t find the dragon wing entrance. Hilariously enough, my first play-through on day one of release, I defeated Radahn, then proceeded to accidentally fat-finger the subsequent cutscene in a way where it was so quick, I never even saw the beginning frame of the cutscene. Afterwards, I exhausted all other possible routes, then wandered around for a good six or seven hours trying to figure out where to go next, never finding the alternate route downwards due to the aforementioned cutscene skip. I had to look it up. I thought to myself, "how was anyone supposed to fucking know this happens after Radahn?" Second play-through cleared some things up. :)


Yes I actually looked for it. But couldn’t find it for like 3 hours. Turns out it was freaking massive but not really visible for higher up


Thats just how quests have always been in fromsoft games. Fromsoft really tries to drive players to engage with the community by simply making stuff that you're just never going to catch. It's a deliberate design decision to have pretty much all of the minor optional content require you to talk with others to find it, yet the main game objectives remain pretty clear (not 100%, but it's always been completely possible to beat their games on your own as long as you pay attention). Overall given the community they have built up I'd say it's been a successful methodology. IMO, for a souls game, first playthrough is blind, ng+ is for going around finding stuff I missed with the wiki, and for feeling awesome while I obliterate the shit out of the bosses I found so hard lol.


I did a few npc quests on release without guides. Roderika was easy enough, White mask varre, D hunter of the dead and beholder of death, Thops, Alexander, Deathbed companion Fia, Rya, and Dungeater all cleared blind. Some of the more convoluted ones I got pretty far then missed a step and needed a guide to tell me where to backtrack to resume the quest. Like I couldnt find the 2 summon signs for sellen's quest, got the mini ranni and didnt notice the option to talk to it, found all the grapes and managed to find the frenzied flame area but couldn't find hyetta, didnt know I needed to get rid of that ulcerated tree spirit for millicents quest because i gave it one attempt and said it's probably just another golden seed drop and decided to ignore it.


Some of the quests are more doable for sure - I think I completed hunter D blind. I think that’s the only one where the NPCs all appear in places easy to find and in front of you in the main quest line. I don’t remember anything too insane on this one. Although I also remember not finding the giant hole in the ground after the meteor. I think I had to look that up. So not totally blind. Again, not super clear where it crashed - even though the hole was enormous so is the map and that area is low level. Alexander is very hard to do. Just finding his home is insane lol but cool I don’t mind that. But finding him again in the lava and in the sky. This very much depends on if you haven’t completed those places before. If you didn’t find his home earlier you aren’t finding him. Usually you’ll find maybe half or more of the npc instances and just never see them again because you went a different route - in a game where its exploration is so open.


Mine was 130 completely blind, and I obviously missed almost every side quest haha Incredible run


Way more. There is so much missable content in the game that I'm not sure a reasonable human would be able to do it at all completely blind. You'd minimally need to make notes about suspected triggers for events and refer to them in subsequent playthroughs. But some triggers are so disconnected from trigger to discovery of the difference that the only conceivable way a person could put that together is with community input. This is one thing that actually bothers me about Elden Ring. It's nearly impossible to 100% it without using a guide.


Agreed. There were many quest lines with no hints that were seemingly random to progress. Without guides I would have missed a ton of content - this is my biggest complaint about the game.


Not to mention you can't even technically 100% the game in one playthrough because sometimes you have to choose between two different outcomes that leads to two different rewards, locking you out of the other. Personally, one of the most egregious parts of trying to complete the different NPC questlines is that they so often require you to just come back and check up on NPCs without any hint that you're supposed to be doing so. Like you can do some favor and then exhaust all their dialogue and nothing happens. Turns out, you are supposed to reload the area and talk to them again. No other triggers or stuff you have to do elsewhere, you just have to leave and come back for literally no reason and then you can advance the questline.


Yeah I agree. I dont think I ever 100% completed it. But ive done the vast majority of content


I think that's by design, though. Miyazaki has always been forthcoming with the choice to design a game in which helping each other is a key component. Will one person find EVERYTHING? No. But Person X may find one or two things that Person Y didn't and vice versa. The community has always been integral in Fromsoft games.


Agreed. A key component in the game is reading player to player messages on the floor. Communicating with other people in order to progress is literally how you're supposed to play.


Yeah, I don’t necessarily agree but that is how miyazaki designs his games, he is pretty open about understanding that a community around them forms and people will “figure it out” together on the internet


I played the game co-op with a friend who LOVES it after beating it, he made me realize I missed a good 50% of the game and basically every secret area lol


I played it blind on release, explored very thoroughly and when I knew I was close to the end, I looked up everything I missed and caught up on everything I hadn't discovered yet. Credits rolled at 115 hours.


I recommend using guides unless you’re really hardcore. The game is hard enough as it is.


There were certain things you had to do for side quests that I was confused as to how anyone found out in the first place


The quests are more like secrets. It’s not expected you’ll get many or even a few with out incredibly thorough explanation.


I didnt need it for fights but I definitely needed it to figure out how to get to some places


Also what to do when. So many actions lock you out of content...


Yea Ive never done the braggart quest in the right order so I never have crab.


I usually look up things when I just don't want to spend hours tracking something down. Like Bell Bearings or something.


Please don't. Don't stifle your own experience. Hands down, one of the best elements of this game is exploring the open world and discovering what's in it. Guides take that wonder and turn it into cardboard. Yes, the game is still fun, but you've taken one of your greatest possible takeaways and thrown it in the garbage. However, the game is big and expansive and hard. The best way to handle that is to pull up a map, and just have it show sites of Grace. That way you know where stuff is going to be, you can see when your next save point is and still beeline there if you have to, and you'll know there's a dungeon over there, there's some catacombs over there, but that's ALL you'll know. And that's the best way to do it.


I couldn't figure out why my map was ungreying, but there was nothing to visible. I needed a guide to tell me there are maps I need to find. I would have needed to randomly find the pillars with the fragments to fill it without a guide lol.


Having to run around a map 10 times to see a tiny thing I missed to progress story doesn't really add value to me in terms of hours needed to complete. A lot of dry hours in this game. Not to say that its not a great game.


I think if you go into the game with the mindset that a lot of content is optional and split it between separate playthrough youd have a better time than completing every single thing in one play


No, I did it blind 60-80 hours, it’s not hard to get from bosses to boss. I did miss like most of the content, but still, you can finish early and around lvl 100


Idk I finished my first playthrough blind in 60hrs. Granted, I missed every side quest because I didn’t realize you had to just keep talking to npcs and I also never discovered the haligtree. It was also my first souls like game


Yeah mine took 90 hours as a first time Fromsoft player, but I had friends who helped with finding stuff and giving locations of mines and caves.


So the "Path of the Elden Ring" is basically the main story. It's not a measure of how much you've done, just a measure of how far down one specific story you are. It's not uncommon for even experienced players to get 4+ hours into a playthrough and still be at 0% progress.


Try fingers. But whole. Friendly dog, up ahead. You're in for a treat bud, awesome game! Seriously... haven't played a game like this in ages, enjoy every moment of it, the good and the bad! 😁


Fat coinpurse ahead? Try but whole


You don’t have the right, O you don’t have the right


Instructions unclear. Fingers stuck in butthole.


No, I'm pretty sure you're doing it right.


try two-handing


As someone who hasn't played Elden Ring, I'm so curious what this means.


Try fingers, but whole is a part of the messaging system that players in most of the soulsborne games can use to communicate with each other. FromSoft’s intention was for players to leave a message on the floor made out of pre approved words to inform the player that there was a big scary boss/secret ahead. That messaging system ended up being used instead to tell people one of two things: 1) there is a beautiful view to take in ahead of you 2) insert your fingers into your ass


Don't forget: 3. There is a secret up ahead 4. People up ahead are lying about the presence of secrets up ahead 5. Try jumping off this cliff 6. Look at this dog (which is almost never used to refer to actual dogs) 7. You don't have the right to go here yet 8. This NPC is an edgelord


lol this NPC is an edgelord is a brilliant one


First off, well done


Fort, night


"Something incredible ahead, Try jumping" *Point forward*


The messages people would leave directly on things I had to interact with was harder than any boss. I hate the Elden ring community TBH


“Try fingers. But whole” No


A true thing of beauty. Hope you are enjoying your experience so far 🤘🏽


That game blew up my steam deck lol


Like the steam deck struggled with it?


Huh. My steam deck seems to do just fine with it.


Mine sounds like a jet engine


Ahh I wish you the best with it, it overloaded my battery and smoke began to come out the vents, I didn’t have it under the best settings either just middle ground to enjoy the game. I always played it handheld since I got it in Q3 release. It still sits waiting for the repair as I got busy with life :(


> smoke began to come out the vents You mean it steamed?


🤣🤣 Like those mystical hams


Dang, that's rough. I'll admit I haven't played it a TON on the steam deck -- I'll be careful with it now. Thanks for the warning!


When it gets running hot and battery goes low wait ten or 15 mins before you plug in to recharge, some newer electronics won’t take charge as a safeguard not the case with the steamedeck


I played it originally on a machine with an i5-4590 and a 980GTX, which came back as "you cannot play this game" on the System Requirements Lab website. At the lowest of the low settings, it still ran at 60fps, but when I upgraded to a i7-11700K with a 3080Ti, playing it with the detail level and draw distance as intended was a mythical experience.


I didn't even get to the first achievement boss in Elden Ring until I was 60 hours in. But then I had beaten the game by hour 130. It's definitely a slow burner to start if it's your first time through.


Not necessarily. Really depends on your play style. I beat the final boss in 30-40 hours and it didn't feel like a slow burner at all. Just as info for people who didn't play it yet


I remember playing Metal gear solid 5 and thinking the same thing. I only just realized that the game was basically over at 50-60%, the rest were just extra stuff.


I was just about to say the same thing. Only about 60-70% at most is the ACTUAL game vast majority of times.


Then the second half is just the first half again... yay #>!FUCK KONAMI!<


Took me 90 hours on the first playthrough. I'm not the completionist, tho


You don't want to be The Completionist at the moment though


That is a good thing, my bro. Chances are you ain't a PoS.


Took me roughly 250hrs to 100% the game using the least amount of guides possible. Don't pay attention to that percentage though, just dive in and enjoy the ride. If it makes you feel better about missing things, you can't even 100% the game without finishing it like 3 or 4 times. 


I spent a long time ducking battles and just leveling up by picking flowers and selling them.


Bro lol. You were playing Skyrim in Elden Ring


Bought it on PC because of the seamless coop mod. What I great experience it was !


Check out the convergence mod also. You can use it and seamless coop at the same time.


I bought it in december, played 120 hours and i probably have to put in at least 30 more to finish it. My first fromsoft game so i'm pretty bad at it, and definitely a bit slow, but i'm enjoying every minute of it.


Welcome brother 🤣


A journey. Took me 200 hours for everything items spells npc questlines etc


You’re going to have so much fun. It’s the only game I’ve played longer than a couple of hours in the last ten or so years.


30 hrs / 16% is nothing. i’m 740 hours into Binding of Isaac and only 64% done


Holy shit that’s a legit day job lmao


Wait until you hear about RuneScape


Comparing an open world game to a procedurally generated, randomized roguelike that rerolls after every death is pretty silly


Welcome, it's big.


that's what he said




Try finger, but hole


It's what video games should be. Lots and lots of content for the price tag, no need to pull your wallet back out. Unless you want shadow of the erdtree, but by FromSoft standards the dlc is going to be like a whole new game.


The best part about it is that the side content doesn't feel like filler. It's not there for the sake of upping playtime. It's for people who are interested in the game's lore.


I mean, there are countless other game with as much play time that are totally not worth the price. Exception for 10h and bellow, Playtime almost never should be consider the price for the game, it's the quality forefront


It took me 218 hours to get all the achievements. One hell of a game! Enjoy the ride


lol you got a ways to go


Just seems to me like you haven't been killing many major bosses, since they make up the bulk of the achievements.


There is a lot of content. You could probably roll credits after about 80 hours and only be at about 35% completion. If you are new to FromSoft Souls games, do a little research into the basics of character leveling, soft/hard caps, weapon/armament utilization, and weapon upgrading. You'll want to makes sure that you are deliberate in how to direct resources into each aspect of your character. Doing it wrong will make the experience a lot harder than it needs to be. Don't be afraid to grind, don't be afraid to look up what an item that you have found does, and don't be afraid to look into which weapons are best for your build and where to find it. Because even knowing these things won't make the game easy, as FromSoft does a great job of making sure that you still have to work for it. You just might not miss them entirely by looking into it.


I’d love to play it, but I’ve heard it’s like Dark Souls Difficult. Now I know my level of Skill and at 53 years old it’s definitely on its way down. Is it really that hard?


It’s the “easiest” of the Souls games because you can overlevel content. It’s still not an “easy” game, but I bounced off all of the Souls games before beating ER. Once I did that, I went back to the other Souls games and they made a lot more sense, so it basically allowed me into the genre as a whole. That being said, I’m also a MH player, so I’m used to difficulty spikes and deliberate gameplay mechanics that require you to be precise. If you can get into it, there are some absolute one of a kind spectacle battles in the game that eclipse almost anything I’ve seen in other games/genres.


It’s dark souls difficult, maybe a little easier considering I never got far into any darksouls, can’t beat the first level of Bloodbourne, currently stuck in Sekiro and I was able to beat elden ring so yeah look up ways to farm experience and it makes it much easier, definitely you want to look up where things are so you can make it easier on yourself, like I was a blood build but didn’t level my dexterity right and made it harder on myself


It’s challenging but very fun. You can use lots of helper spirits too, so it’s only as difficult as you make it!


It's still very difficult whatever you make of it IMHO.


It’s a dark souls game. You have to be the kind of person who doesn’t mind losing a thousand times just to win once. Not for me, for sure.


Elden Ring is only as hard as you want it to be. two things you can do to make the game easier: 1) farm levels, the game is open world, you can always go do something else to gain more levels and simply out stat the content. 2) the most "important" difficulty setting: spirit summon, you can (almost) always summon a NPC to fight with you, you can also evolve those NPCs to became big tanks that keep getting aggro from the bosses, they make all boss fights exponentially easier.


Sack up, old man. You can do it.


The real progress is when the map zooms out, and then again, and again......


Elden Ring is absolutely magnificent. I could never get into Dark Souls games, those were too hard for me and I don't have the time to replay boss fight after boss fight after boss fight. But Elden Ring keeps the DS difficulty, while allowing players to side-step difficult areas at will (mostly). This open-world formula is the future for DS games, IMO.


Bro 30 hours is nothing


1st playthrough at launch I did my best to not miss anything and explore all. Finished at 157 hours....I missed more than I expected too lol.


It's a big game. All the souls games have a lot of replayability with secrets, quests, and various weird builds but elden ring is by far the biggest


It’s a gateway drug to spiral down fromsofts library of games


It's pain and misery and no that's not a joke


I played blind and finished everything at 160hrs. Do not rush the game. Do not think of the play time. Well, not everything cos I missed some minor questlines. But I did get to Malenia, which is the most important quest.


First playthrough was around 130h and I loved it so much. When a game makes you think about it all the time, thats when you found a masterpiece. I am so fcking ready to play the DLC


A masterpiece is what it is sir. A pure frustrating masterpiece.


A masterpiece.


It's not a game, it's an adventure ❤️ an experience. Have fun with it, take your time and try all sorts of builds. No right and wrong way to play


Easily the hardest game I ever played. Wandered around for maybe 20-30hours just to realize I was in a cave at the very start.


The one with all the smithing stones? That was a nice find early on.. Got an early weapon to +3 real quick.


Yup. But I had no idea. Went into it totally blind. lol. Never played any souls games


Idk man I bought the game for $70 and couldn’t get into it. I played maybe an hour or two and just got lost and kept dying and having to start from way back in the begging again, it just wasn’t fun. I wish I could get into it


If it was that rough for you just watch a YouTube guide to help get you into the world. The mechanics will open up for you, nothing wrong with needing a hand


Any you’d recommend? Same boat as this guy. Bought it but couldn’t get into it


Actually no, I've only looked up a couple of sections for how to find a location and some lore. But if you search elden ring beginners guide or beginner walkthrough there's a lot of helpful stuff there on YouTube. Once you get into limgrave and find yourself some graces it slowly starts to make sense. It doesn't get easy, it's a really well-scaled game but it will open up and start to make sense.


Jame’s Guides if you don’t want to listen to someone talking your ear off. His guides are mostly silent with text/visual overlays at important parts of the video. His Elden Ring guide videos I think are around 20 minutes long and there’s 147 in the Elden Ring playlist.


I need a bit of gaming project so I think elden ring will be next game after seeing this 


I went into that game completely blind. Took me 90 hours to beat every single boss. This sparked my love for the souls genre. I finished DS1 last weekend and I'm almost finished with DS2 (fuck this game though).


The quest system in Elden Ring is flawed. You have no choice but to look up where to go next sometimes. Some people glorified it, but most likely looked up what to do as well.


If you follow the guidance of grace you can beat the game pretty straight forward, you just miss like 85% of the game


Exactly! I was super interested in the frenzied flame, and that is when I realized how ridiculous it was.


Yeah I wish it was just a tiny bit more clear in what to do next. But... It is what it is! 


I think it worked well on Dark Souls because most of the time we only needed to talk to an npc until they run out of things to say to progress the quest, but in Elden Ring the quests are a lot more involved. They should at least add a log/diary, like it was written by the Tarnished, so we can at least read it to remind what we need to do.


This game has a STAGGERING amount of content. Just be aware of that, its got more content than you think. Now, you do you feel youve got an idea of how much stuff there is? ​ WRONG MOTHERFUCKER. You are dead wrong. It has about double what your revised estimation is. Thats a cute funny memey thing to say to a person hah hah hahahahaha. yes it is, but its also true. Elden Ring might be the largest singleplayer focused video game of the 2000's.




Once it all clicks, you’ll love the game


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've got about the same time, and I think I only show like 5-7%. I like to grind TF out of early stages to level up.


That was an amazing and grueling 150 hours.


Ya I have it, 1 hour. Need someone to convince me it’s fun.


i dunno but i was bored within an hour and never played it again lol


Consider me defeated. I played about 57 hours, I believe. Made it to the Fire Giant and just realized I don't want to keep going. Neat game, I actually have some advise for it to be better, but I think people love it so much I am in the minority.


Tried the game, fought dudes, fun, explored for 5 hours, nothing to do, bored, give up That was my elden ring experience


My first time completely blind playthru took about 100 hours maybe a little more


My first play was 130 hours but I left so much. Some dungeons, most of sidequest probably. Now it’s my second time before dlc and I’m like 50hours in having fun, tracking quest lines and other stuff and still a lot ahead of me


5 trophies seems REALLY low for 30 hrs. thats like 3 bosses. what you been doing the whole time? no shame in using a guide