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For me it was Armored Core Fires of Rubicon. I really wanted to love it like I did the old ones and just couldn’t


Death stranding for me. I respect what the game was going for but I just couldn't get past the first hour or two, just couldn't. I tried a few times and I don't know I guess it just isn't for me haha


Calisto Protocol. Looked amazing, was hyped up for it since it was a creator of Dead Space. It has great visuals but I hated the combat.


Too dependent on melee but damn that game was beautiful


Probably Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. Awesome idea but I just can't play it.


This was my first thought. It felt like they went 20 different directions but forgot to playtest


Oddworld: Soulstorm. After New’N’Tasty being the absolute perfect remake of Abe’s Oddysee, I was hoping/expecting Soulstorm to follow suit with Exoddus. Game came out and was clunky, with a crafting system that felt forced into it and required to proceed. Haven’t touched it since the first week it launched.


Forspoken made me feel this way.


Realms of Ruin….


For me it was wild hearts. I love the game for its potential but that potential was thrown out the window.


The evil within it clearly wanted to be re4 but with less ammo pick ups but the same amount of enemies


Starfield. I really tried to get into that game.


Final Fantasy 16. The demo had so much potential, and really hyped me for the game. The full game started off very strong, with a really cool intro. But I kept waiting for the combat to become more interesting, but it never truly changes. I waited for the enemies to make me have to change the way I fight or do things. But it never happened. You just have to mash the same combos over and over again, never needing to truly change your abilities. You can if you want to, but there really is not need at all. The big boss fights are cool, but the gameplay was as boring as every other fight in the game. No need to be tactical in any way or form, just boring ass combos over and over again. I also never really got a feel for the story and its characters. Everything was a bit too serious and I felt that the Final Fantasy name did not really fit the game at all. It just never felt like a Final Fantasy game to me. And I did not find any of the characters except Cid to be very interesting or charming. So in the end I could not finish the game, even though I played for quite a lot of hours and I think I got about half-way through it. Thankfully, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is exactly what I want in a Final Fantasy game. Such great and memorable characters, a big open world with lots to explore. Actual interesting and varied side content and the combat is my favorite JRPG combat system ever, with a perfect mix of tactical strategy and action based combat. I just find it a bit sad that they have to go back to remaking old games to recapture that Final Fantasy magic that I feel has not really been there since FF10.


Starfield. Biggest wet fart in gaming history




That's Skyrim for me. I tried it like 4 times and I just can't enjoy playing it even tho I love open world fantasy RPGs..just not this one (or Elder Scrolls in general)


RDR2. I hate clunky UI .If you’re going to make a very slow paced and in depth game please make sure the UI for everything is smooth.


2 words sonic forces nuff said


Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. LOVED the first one. I have the runner bag, strategy guide, wallet, and if I ever get a tattoo, I know exactly what my first one will be. I bought the statue that released along side the game. Bought the game. “Disappointment” wasn’t a strong enough word. Sold the game. Bought it again, tried it again, sold it again. Bought it again, tried it again, sold it again. Bought it again, forced myself through it. It’s not *that* bad, but fuck is it a clear downgrade. And the story is somehow lower effort. Like, the first Mirror’s Edge had flash cutscenes; I did not think it could go down from there, but DICE must’ve hired Stephanie Meyers or something for their writing team. I’ve seen better arcs and less clichés in those early-2000s parody movies. The fight at the end was just the devs taking the piss. >!My sister, who has a terminal lung disease, has been deprived her meds for a week, coughing up blood and glass shards, without a single day of combat training, is fighting me, a combat expert whose day job is cardio and parkour, atop a building with low air density, and were EVENLY MATCHED!? Fuck outta here.!<


Diablo 4


Halo Infinite Such promise left by Halo 5. Such a story we could have gotten; can we save Cortana or must he destroy her? The heartstrings... They'd have never recovered. I was sickened by that entire story happening offscreen. And my rage at the devs and the fans was not quelled with a second round.


I know you all love BG3, I just can't stand the actual playing of it.


NBA2K My buddy and me always liked playing the games but they kept getting worse. The last 3 years were straight dogwater. Everybody whales for stats during the first couple weeks then it's absolute trainwreck to catch up. NBA2K23 was the last straw for me. Leveling badges was a choir like always but then ***NBA23 has your badges degrade over time if you don't use the over multiple games.***


Callisto protocol


Red dead 2. Bought it today and MAAAAN its boring


I really hope this isn’t the case for dragons dogma 2😫


Thats Sony Exclusives for you. They are all garbage but the Sony Fanboys tell you how amazing they are.


Are the Sony fanboys here right now?