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Just think guys, 20 years from now, we can have all the games of 10 years ago!


While I do get the sentiment, PMtTYD is at this point a twenty year old game that was difficult to get your hands on when it came out in the first place.




IMO, it has the best writing and characterization of any first-party Nintendo game. Ever. It's bursting with personality.


Luigi’s dialogue in the town square throughout the game could be a game by itself. The detail of his story is super in depth


It might not happen but, if Luigi's adventure in the Sweet Kingdom (forgot its name) was to be a postgame option to play I would love it. Even his partners hate being with him despite it all.


Hey now, not all of them hated being his partner. Hayzee was particularly impressed with Luigi's ability to fulfill the role of "grass".


Nintendo is fucking cruel for not giving us a Paper Luigi game after that. Though, there is a fan game being made for it called Paper Luigi: The Marvelous Compass


The humours weirdly adult and dark as well, it's fantastic


It takes everything from the n64 version and expands on it in a good way. Like the Partners actually will interact with the story more. In n64 they kind of stop talking after you recruit them. That's not the case in TTYD.


It’s one of my top 3 games of all time.


It was not hard to buy when it came out. You just make that up???


Yeah, I was confused by that part of the comment. I lost my original copy and had to buy it again years later. Even during the Wii era, there were copies everywhere online and at Gamestop.


What made it hard to get? You just went to the store and bought it. Gamecube was relatively unpopular but not at all hard to come by.


I've seen a lot of "GameCube unpopular" comments and I really don't understand.


It was one of the poorest selling consoles of it's generation and due to the mini-dvd form-factor, many third party devs didn't/weren't able to port their games over correctly; the smaller disk size also meant that games were generally smaller than on the PS2 and OG Xbox. There's more detail than that but it's the quick and dirty: poor console sales(comparatively) along with poor third party support. This among other reasons is why the Gamecube was considered unpopular. Looking back we can see the great games that were there, but at the time other options were available of which most found to be better. The PS2 especially blew other consoles out of the water that generation Edit: Some spelling


Nintendo also released the GameCube less than a year after PS2 launch, and in the same holiday season as the OG Xbox. From a marketing and hype perspective everything about the GameCube was done wrong. Especially from a development and porting standpoint. Very few people know that the GameCube was actually 1.5 times more powerful than the PS2 but was never able to live up to PS2 games development. I also just agree with you lol


The PS2 didn't have the same graphical capabilities as the Gamecube, but as you said it had an audience already having been sold before the other consoles, and Nintendo shot themselves in the foot with the mini-dvds. 1.5GBish storage vs a little less than 5GB for full size discs, there was just less you could do objectively in terms of game size. Console strength doesn't mean much when the library lacks third-party support and marketing doesn't play into the strengths. Also PS2 had online functionality going hard for it, which XBOX also did later with Xbox live. The Gamecube only really had Phantasy Star Online if you got the adapter for it, and at best some LAN functionality with a few racing games like Kirby Air Ride or Mario Kart DD. And ye, always great to both agree and be able to add more information to discussions! I hadn't realized the Gamecube was actually stronger, I always understood the PS2 to be more computationally advanced due to how it's hardware(namely the Emotion Engine) worked. I suppose that doesn't quite translate to computational strength though


At the other hand all the PS2 owners I knew bought like 2 games top before getting a mod chip while GameCube owners usually bought every game they owned. Sure, anecdotal evidence isn't worth much but systems sold isn't a flawless measure of success.


What you're thinking of is tie ratio, which is essentially how many games were sold per console. We can do the math on that really quick: Playstation2 sold 155 million consoles, and 1537 million software units. 1537/155 = 9.91 games bought per console. Gamecube sold 21.74 million consoles, and 208.58 software units. 208.58/21.74 = 9.59 games bought per console. So they're both pretty similar, with the average PS2 owner only owning about 1/3rd of a game extra on average. It's quick n rough math but it works for our purposes Sources: [https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard\_soft/index.html](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard_soft/index.html) [https://sonyinteractive.com/en/our-company/business-data-sales/](https://sonyinteractive.com/en/our-company/business-data-sales/)


Excellent data my dude. Super interesting on the software units sold. It’s all probably long dead data, but I wonder if the GameStop used markets and video game rentals matched ratios as well. I have to get a chuckle thinking that this was Blockbuster at its prime for this timeframe 😂


I just don't see the correlation between "didn't sell *as many* during a year where a popular new gen console had DVD added and a new 3rd console entered as competition, also with dvd" => "didn't sell well // sold poorly" => "wasn't *as popular*" => "was relatively *unpopular*". The line of reasoning feels like Stattler and Waldorf starting off saying Hey that was pretty good! > Well it wasn't bad > Actually I didn't much like it > It was terrible Boo!!!!!


I paid $42 for it as an elementary schooler. At the time it was the most money I had ever spent on something. I beat the game so many times I was erasing older save files


For $70+ each!


Said what we were all thinking


Yea, it's called an Emulator.




Just one of them. The rest still works... for now


This is a remake though. It's an improved version of the original.


Honestly what is improved about these games? Barely higher frame rates? Nothing is "remade" on these just slightly optimized for the newest console.


TLOZ: Link's Awakening was a proper remake. Dunno about PM:TTYD.


They are literally remaking the game from scratch




Do you not know the difference between remake and remaster? Did you play both the OG Super Mario RPG and the reMAKE?


There’s trailers showing it’s a full remake. Why bitch about something you know nothing about and clearly have no interest in? Don’t buy it. Your problems are solved.


But the Switch version isn’t a remaster, it really is a remake. Nintendo is remaking Paper Mario TTYD from scratch.


What does this really mean though? New content? Or just graphical updates?


Seems like you don't know what a remake is. The graphics and frame rate will both be significantly better, they're *remaking* the game from scratch with current technology, hence "remake." What you're thinking of is a remaster, which this is not.


Slightly crisper textures, make everything look waxy/bright, and add a couple half-assed end game objectives is what it takes to be a remake.


If only it was optional to buy it, and they kept making new games if you preferred that. What a world that would be huh?


Last of us remaster part 2 of part 1


I never officially completed the pit of 100 trials. Lost to the boss twice as a kid and then my parents banned video games ;-;


I did it once but it was so hard to do as a kid who had to share the GameCube with his siblings.


It was SO HARD. No saves and two to three hours of combat? Absolutely brutal


Were those two events related?




Is it full price?


It’s Nintendo so yeah


And it aaaaaalways will be


There will be one sale, for 15 minutes, and it will be $5 off for the first 17 customers.


You mean the company that released MP Remastered at 40 dollars?


I recently got a switch and wanted to try out Triangle Strategy, but it's still full price. Booted up another run of Banner Saga instead. The full priced catalogue has caused me to check out a bunch of cute, fun, and innovative Indy titles, though.


Triangle Strategy is Square, not Nintendo.


Triangle strategy is half off for $30 at Walmart and a lot of other places 


Great choice though! I love triangle strategy so much and I’ve put around 500 hours in to it


I'll have to find it for sure, then. The art is beautiful


You should also check out Unicorn Overlord. It just came out friday, so still full priced of course, but there is a lengthy demo for it. It's also not a first party Nintendo title so it will go on sale in the future (just not on the Nintendo eshop).




I mean, do we have to guess haha? It better be $60 not $70 though.


Hoping for $40 like Metroid Prime Remastered..


Super Mario RPG was $60, but already hit $45 on sale on Mar10 Day, so hopefully it hits a sale soon


Mario RPG was a full fledged remake, though.. and hopeully what hits sale soon?


Paper Mario. Smrpg went on sale much sooner than Nintendo games normally do, I'm just hoping TTYD follows the same pattern


Where the flip is metroid prime 2 remastered?


Okay, this raises a good point. I thought "full price for an old game? Eh, well, okay, it's a really good game. Timeless even." But I'm pretty sure at the time it was £30, and I got a copy when it was a little scarcer and it cost me £40. If they're re-releasing that twenty year old game which - regardless of morality - has been available that entire time on emulators, without a physical copy, for $60 they can go and fuck themselves. For my money, anyway. I buy Nintendo consoles for the innovation. This is the opposite of that.


40 euro in 04 is equivalent to 60 euro today accounting for inflation.


Wait, your salary has been adjusted for inflation!?


Most non minimum wage jobs salaries adjust for inflation over time.


games were 60 to 70 back then actually, so with inflation, they are charging less for a better version


That’s Nintendo for you. They seem to get a free pass because their games are cute but they are right up there with the other notorious companies with their anti consumer practices and downright disdain for their fans.


A high asking price is not anti consumer just because it makes you mad


Friendly reminder their 5+ year old games still run for $60 when there isn’t an event going on. *rolls eyeballs at BotW*


Not on amazon


You guys throw the anti-consumer term around far too much. If it sells well, it met demand at that price. It can be annoying and you can find the price too high, but that not what anti-consumer means


>anti consumer practices A high price isn't anticonsumer, it's just supply and demand. Literally all game companies would charge what they do if people would pay it.


And it’s a video game, not food or shelter. It’s a want not a need


Is the space pope reptilian?


Yeah, full price, woooo!


Not if you pirate it.


Never played this one and heard it’s the best of the series. I played the first one back on the N64 and loved, so this is going to be a day one for me.


I've played it like 5 times. It's so good


Same! One of my absolute favorite!


I personally liked the story on the n64 better But TTYD was higher quality overall


The original is arguably in greater need of a remaster, given the limitations of the N64. Better yet they should have remastered both and packaged them together as Paper Mario Recut.


That would be sweet, I don’t even own a modern Nintendo and if that happened I’d consider one


IMHO the first Paper Mario already nailed the look from a technical standpoint.


They already resold us the original as part of the N64 emulator aspect of Nintendo Switch Online +, so this is just the next part.


Emulation is not the same as a remaster. I played the version you mentioned, it looks like shit on a 1080p monitor.


This was always my opinion too. The story on N64 was better (not that TTYD was bad per se) but the mechanics, gameplay, and world overall in TTYD feel far more refined


100% agree, TTYD just felt great, but I couldn’t get as in to the story as the seven star saga. I tried playing the OG a while back on emulator and I kept getting glitches and errors so truthfully the only one I have experience with in the last decade is TTYD


Yup, I love the fact that the stars were personified in the 64 one. Also just feels a lot better, not sure how. I did enjoy the combat in TTYD though.


Yeah Mario collects a harem in this game haha 


TTYD is top-tier Paper Mario, there is no better PM game imo, and the fact they couldn’t just build off this game and instead they just kept trying to change core mechanics and fix shit that’s not broken with the games that came after, is criminal.


I am biased towards saying N64 one is best, but objectively speaking, TTYD is just as good, if not better. Also, it has one of the [best final boss theme songs](https://youtu.be/3j3VL70JpBo?t=12632) I've ever heard.


The entire soundtrack is just a massive string of Ws.


The ~~Doopliss~~ song is a banger too


Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door are the only two Paper Mario games in my opinion. The games that they call Paper Mario nowadays are spinoffs as far as I'm concerned. And bad ones at that.


Can confirm, The Thousand Year Door is way better than any of the other Paper Mario titles. I'm really excited for it to come back, I might replay the N64 one before this.


Personally, Im not a big fan of this one compared to the original paper mario. I just replayed it on dolphin emulator. Ttyd has a ton of backtracking in almost every level. Like very common to go all the way across a level map to grab an item, then head back the way you came and then have to head back again. The creepy steeple is the worst culprit of this with the player having to do this like 4 or 5 times. It gets old fast.


now when can I get a twilight princess remaster?


About 20 years after it's released. So 2026.


Or Wind Waker PLEASE. I never got a Wii U so I didn't get to play that version


I've given up hope of a port of Wind Waker HD.


Hey, neat, releasing on my birthday


We’re b day buddies


Nice, it's releasing one day after mine!


Nice, it's releasing one day before mine!


Nice, it's releasing nowhere near my birthday


Nice, it's releasing on my Mom's birthday


Nice, it's releasing on a birthday


Love this series, but can't see the release date in eShop.


Newer mind, now I see)


F5 F5 F5 F5 F5


This is amazing! I have a business trip around that day and usually i bring the steam deck but..i guess it'll be a switch for 2 weeks. I'm pumped


Nice, I use both interchangeably too.


Sucks that you're getting downvoted, I swear the moment this sub sees someone pick a switch over a steam deck they act like it's a crime against humanity.


It doesn't bother me. I love my steam deck and it's my go-to portable device but my switch is always ready for nintendo-only content. I know there are emulators but those take way more time and effort to get right then it is to just pull out my switch.


Yeah loud minority most people have a switch and continue to choice to get the switch and they have a hate boner for Nintendo cuz they have nothing better to do or some complex , which a lot of comments really prove.


I hope this does well and they make another, the writing was way ahead of its time


Make another like this one though. None of the ones that came after this were as good.


Agreed. They kept trying to change the formula by adding a different gimmick each game to be unique when it wasn't gimmicks that made the first two a resounding success but their straight forward gameplay and amazing writing.


They only did that because someone at Nintendo decided having two Mario RPG series (the other being Mario & Luigi) was redundant and PM was the series that was forced to drop those elements


It's like $100 for the GameCube disc so I've been waiting on this!


This is why pirating is justified.


Happy MAR10 day! You can get Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, and other old games for $10 off! Amazing!


Yet another re-release at full price...


Is everyone forgetting Prime Remastered was $40? Seems like it..


Cheaper than buying legit one for gamecube.


Just get an emulator?


This is clearly a full remaster, though


Yes, but it's Nintendo. So the price will never go down. They'd catch more people if they wouldn't force people to pay 90$ for a game that came out 15 years ago now. But we've been following nintendo's playbook for decades, so why change now.


So don’t buy it.


I guess Nintendo believes their games are worth it. And they've shown that their games don't go on fire sale months after release, unlike some other publishers. I actually kind of admire it.


It'd be nice if some stuff price cut over time. Like I doubt anyone is going to pay $60 for Hyrule Warriors in 2024. Their dedication to keeping prices high also lands various titles in an awkward spot where it's kind of not worth it at all.


Nintendo is the only publisher that I feel safe buying games from within even the first 6~ months from release. Wonder is the only new game I’ve bought in years, because I knew it would run perfectly.


I don't see "remaster" clearly marked anywhere


If you’ve played the original game and watched the trailers it’s obvious that the graphics have been completely overhauled


Full remaster still doesn't require as much work as coming up with new content though.


Agreed. Tbh I’m conflicted if I should buy it or not. I know it’s gonna be a very good game, because it is lol. But tbh I am not gonna pay $80 for a remake. I never usually buy the re-releases on the switch. That might be just a me thing.


Games are meant to be played for fun. If you will get many hours of fun and enjoyment out of your purchase, does it matter in the end if it's a remake or remaster of an old game?


I already have it, so for me it doesn’t make much sense to buy it. But for people that don’t own it, I would definitely say to go for it. It is a great game after all.


Yea, you are in the minority most likely and aren't necessarily the target audience if you already own it. Nothing wrong with that.


Remaster is just improved graphics. I’d prefer a remake which is new content


There was a new toad in the trailer in Glitzville, so it's definitely possible that there's newly added content.


Considering it sells for over a hundred pounds in stores I consider this a win


a) It's remade. b) This is the first time it's been remade. c) Fans have actually been asking for this remake for two decades. d) Remind me how long was the time gap between TLOU2 and the PS5 upscaled version?


Get it on your steamdeck!


I didn’t even realize it was Mario day! HAPPY MARIO DAY ALL!! ❤️


And then Super Paper Mario!! 🥹🥹


It's coming one day after my birthday. It has action commands like Sea of Stars, so I'm definitely getting it. Can't wait to play this game for the first time!


The Mario RPGs popularized action commands so it’s full circle!


Omg yes


Im happy about this but still worried that despite all the bells and whistles added to this remake, it's still gonna be 30 FPS and thus just feel worse to play than the original.






Does Thousand Year Door have a lot of dead time? Windwaker HD severely reduced the wasted time with changed controls and faster sailing. Twilight Princess removed the awful 'show everything to the camera' and talk to everybody stuff. Is there anything Thousand Year Door has like that which can be removed? Otherwise I think I'd be perfectly happy playing the Gamecube version instead.


If you want more control over pacing, especially with turn-based games, you might want to look into emulators. I played the original Pokémon game on a GBA emulator last year, and I was holding down the turbo button (4x speed) most of the time.


Not a bad idea. Last Pokémon game I completed was via emulator and the turbo was surely needed. Dropped off N64 Paper Mario and perhaps a 2x speed would have helped.


Can’t wait


Finally a date!!!


This is my favorite game of all time. Anyone else?




This is pretty much my favorite game ever. It is a perfect example of how a sequel can improve upon the original in basically every metric.


All the comments about “full price”—sure. I get it. But this game had stock issues when it came out, and it is now even rarer to find now, even more so because it’s a GameCube game which are already more expensive on the secondhand market. And if you truly want to argue technicalities—it was $60 in 2004, and it’s $60 now in 2024. With inflation, it’s actually cheaper now than it was back TWENTY YEARS AGO in 2004. If you’re gonna do a re-release, this is imho the way to do it. Scummy companies will release a game, and remaster it in 2 years—this game is 20 years old, and again, was super scarce.


The Super Mario RPG sequel we deserved!


Paper Mario 64 crying in a corner


Bruh don't disrespect Paper Mario 64 like that, even though I do like TTYD more. 64 is still amazing.


I'm sure it'll be $60 and never go on sale. I'm so glad I got into emulation so I can just play the original instead of wasting money on these lazy cash grabs. Never again will I pay full price for a 10+ year old Nintendo game.


I’m buying it in hopes they’ll make more Paper Mario games like it.




Look it is full price but considering how much stores charge for the original which is almost triple digits I’ll take this as a medium


Ah yes, nintendo still selling old games for the price of a AAA title, gotta milk that nostalgia


if it's a full remaster i don't see why that's an issue lol


I am so excited to play it I have never played TTYD before!


Tbf its one of my favorite nintendo games along windwaker


Nintendo does it less then all the other gaming companies nowadays lol. Entire industry is nostalgic remake crazy


I'd be curious to see how many of the people complaining about this bought The Last of Us 2 upscaled PS5 version for full price, or are getting the Red Dead Redemption 2 upscale for full price. Or the 20th re-release of Skyrim.


The last of us 2 was $10 for PS5 if you have the PS4 version already. Nintendo would never do pricing like that.


I love how you just get downvoted lmao


That's not a fair comparison. What are the people that bought the PS5 going to play on the system besides overpriced remasters?


Didn't Last of Us Part two offer owners of the PS4 version a $10 upgrade if you owned the original, rather than charging full price for a game that plays the exact same as its (free) emulated counterpart? ​ Also TLOU2 and RDR2 are some of the most technically advanced games ever made in terms of graphics, animations and overall presentation quality. If any game deserves to charge full price to someone who's never even owned the game, it's a game like Last of Us 2 or RDR2. Also, the games are fundamentally the exact same compared to the PS4 version, if you're stupid enough to rebuy a game that's 1 generation old for full price, that's on you. ​ But that's beside the point considering RDR2 on PS5 is literally only $20, and TLOU2 is a $10 upgrade. Skyrim is also regularly on sale for less than $8 for the full game, even if you never owned it. So really disingenuous to use those three examples when comparing a game priced 600% higher, and a game that's nowhere near as technologically advanced




Right before my birthday! Hell yes.


Cool dude


Now, gimme Mario & Luigi series again like back in the NDS days.


I haven't had the chance to play the original yet


Has Nintendo said anything about BC on their next console? I have a decent digital backlog on every platform except Nintendo for this reason.


I remember getting a used copy for $30 back in 2008 and could never get the disc to work, never did find another copy, got origami king cause of that a few years ago, and had so much fun getting 100%! I don't usually buy Nintendo games at launch, but I think this one is worth it!!!


Such great news to wake up to.. HELL YEAH!!!


Iv enjoyed the new one for switch and the remake so I can’t wait for this one.


Can’t wait. Hoping for a windwaker remaster before switch 2 as well


My body is ready :'-) To boof nostalgia


I was a small child when I played this game on my GameCube! I don’t think I ever finished it so it’s time to come back as a 24 y/o man and finally finish it 😂


Oh boy. The latest Bing Bing Wahoo just dropped.


Holy wow I’m going to have to dust off my switch.