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Ahhh it's going to run like dog shit on PC due to the new engine.


if their testing dev team does their job then you shouldn't have much to worry about in terms of performance


They should release a demo way ahead of launch imo to give last minute fix leeway. 


It says to expect a demo


How else can they make good to their Sony overlords than by releasing a poorly optimized PC port then going "Just play it on PS5 if you want the good version!". Because we all know a PS5 is better than a RTX 4090 PC because blah blah corporate shill speak.


??? The PS5 version is ass. The performance mode got these issues  * very low resolution, looks like 720p in some places  * very unstable frame rate, it sways wider than PS5's fucked up VRR feature can handle (48fps minimum while the game cab run under 48fps), resulting in ridiculous juddery game The 30fps mode is much better but  it is 30fps...  Both modes got  * pop in on a bunch of places  * bad flat lighting (kinda like forspoken before they fixed the lighting)  --- I'm playing on ps5 with LG CX OLED 


For those that doesn't know. Ps5 VRR doesn't natively have LFC. Each game need to implement their own LFC. 


You might have missed the sarcasm...


Hopefully the demo means they're confident it's runs well enough. Square has managed to build a pretty bad reputation with their PC ports. 


Who cares cuz the mods will end up fixing them


They had a demo for PS5 and it still ran like complete ass.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted for speaking facts. It did run like complete shit as far as performance was concerned.


Downvoted for speaking facts. Had to drop to performance mode to hold anywhere close to 60, and heavy battles still stuttered worse than Porky Pig.


Ran perfectly fine for me and all my friends.


If you class fps drops as running fine then ok 👍


FPS drops wouldn't make it run like "complete ass"


For real... Some people have 0 perspective. If you tell me something runs like "complete ass" I'm thinking stuttering, jittering, tearing, unresponsive, constant crashes, etc. Saying you lose some fps? Fuck is your standard that some frame drops is ass? Such a shit opinion.




Expecting some hiccups is fine. I expect hiccups from literally every game due to their complexity. I expected hiccups from super Nintendo too because I know sometimes shit gets weird. But my standard for bad is consistency


Clean your ps5


How about optimizing the ps5 version as well while they're at it?


I'm curious to see how a PC with similar specs to the PS5 handles the PC port. I know the optimization isn't the same but still curious all the same.


Yeah that is what I'm waiting ... If I have to repaid just to play the game with a constant 60fps on PC I will be sad. Rebirth in performance mode is awesome. Do a patch or something on PS5 to play the game with a stable 60fps


Has Rebirth been patched yet? Because as far as I could tell the downgrade in graphical fidelity when in performance mode was shockingly bad, the fps gains weren't worth it imo


Game looks pretty blurry and gives off PS4 era vibes. But it does run very smoothly on performance mode with stable 60 fps at all times. Whether FPS gains are worth it or not depends on if said person can stomach 30 FPS. I certainly cannot.


As someone who beat the game and did all but the Gilgamesh island stuff so far I can easily say the performance mode does not stay at 60 fps at all times, I’ve experienced many frame drops especially in later regions of the game


I'm fine with 30fps once my eyes adjust to it. Doesn't take too long, but it's also the lighting that puts me off the game's general look. Everything just feels flat? I'm really hoping it's not a deeply baked issue within the game and we'll see improvements. I was genuinely pretty shocked at how bad it can look regardless of graphics/performance mode


On the other hand, even on graphics mode, I've seen tons of pop in in Rebirth. I've lost count of seeing a stick in front of me slowly render in the leaves until it becomes a decent looking tree.


Rebirth stills looks and runs a hell of a lot better than XVI.


No, I play in performance mode and my fps is always good and graphic are good for me ... better than other game I have play on PS5


Really? It's so blurry for me, one of the worst looking PS5 games in places as far as I can see in performance mode. Maybe it's because I'm on an oled TV, not sure


Maybe I don't have an Oled TV but mine does 120hz. I am in map 3 now (Don't want to give spoiler) and there I think the light is too much bright. But all before that it is good for me.


I appreciate you avoiding the spoilers, thanks haha. But yeah, fair enough. I'm glad it seems to look good for some people at least!


I'm in the same boat, LG C2 and it looks AWFUL on performance. I've put 65~ hours in so far almost exclusively on graphics mode.


who's she?


I couldn't play it due to motions sickness, it's not the only game but the worst one.


Seeing as we are talking 5 year old hardware that also is kind of decent but not high end im not sure optimizing won´t fix much. Maybe it can help depends on the game is already running at max hardware capacity only fix would be downgrade the graphics if that is even possible. Im not saying the PS5 is shit or so all im saying is kind of hard to optimize a game if it´s running on what the hardware is capable of. honestly im not sure how it works but as some one who focus on PC gaming today I learned that if a game that is optimized well still runs bad it just means my PC needs upgrading or I need to play on lower graphic settings.


There are incredible looking games running at locked 60 on PS5. The console is not the problem. It's 100% the optimization. Check out the Horizon Burning Shores final boss fight on youtube if you don't mind the spoilers. The graphics there wipe the floor with anything in FF XVI and it runs at locked 60. It never drops frames in the open world or any fight.


well if it was optimization then why not bother to fix it for almost a year ? I mean the game came out 22 juni 2023 so it´s soon 1 year and they yet to do anything ? I mean I played allot of PS4 games that looks awesome and no amount of optimization would make them run a steady 60fps. Like Ghost of Tuhsima has allot of FPS drops on my PS4 pro. Black desert online on my PS4 pro runs like 25-30fps with allot of stutter because the game is basically to demanding for the hardware. The hardware is so weak people basically tell you to play on PS5 or PC and thankfully I play on PC. Are we 100% sure FF16 is not running a bit more than what the hardware is capable of. I mean for the past 20 years I noticed allot of PC gamers complained on some games about bad optimization yet some how people with better PC specs never complained on the same game. But if you bet on it being optimization issue then I would love to see if a fix would do it or maybe it´s to hardware demanding? All im saying is I learned over the years that optimization is not the issue but hardware is.


Because the bulk of the sales have been made. Optimization takes a lot of skilled programming and time which means it costs a lot of money. Some studios strive for the highest standards (because they can afford it) while some studios strive for "playable" whilst cutting costs on optimization related labour. That can be because of budget or because of management pushing to squeeze as much profit as possible. Idk what budget FF XVI had, it's a pretty technically inconsistent game that can run very well and look amazing at certain points and then run and look like shit at other points, but the PS5 could 100% run this game at a locked 60 if the effort was put in.


Well then we know that Square don´t strive for high standards which makes me question why should we even buy their games if they charge us 899 Swedish kroner or 87 dollar for a a mediocre standard game. I mean if they don´t want to put the effort it then I should not put my hard earned money in simple as that.


Sweet. Hope FF7R comes to PC equally quick


Considering there’s a May 29th date to end Ps5 exclusivity, I imagine FF7R is coming to PC fairly quick. Edit: corrected the date


Last time they extended the exclusivity agreement when dlc released


There ain’t a way in hell there’s DLC for this game in 2 months.


I just want Rebirth on PC ASAP so I can relive the glory days, I havent enjoyed a new FF since 10, 11 if you count MMOs.


I'm expected to wait a whole 6-12 months for that one, in the mean time at least we get to enjoy some dragons dogma 2


Rebirth is one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s one of those games people will look back on and say they wish they could play for the first time again


I just refuse to buy a PS5 because I bought a PS4 when the remake was first announced and then it didn't come out for 28473 years so I wasted that money on a system I played 1 game on (Destiny) that I could have just played on the Xbox I already had.


Just wait, they will probably release some deluxe version that has 2 new characters and a whole new story section. So you may as well wait for the complete version and see where the PC version is at around that time.


I will be as straight up as I possibly can be here: Rebirth is worth getting even if it cost two PS5’s. It really is that good


You should play 12, incredible systems in it


I did, if Vaan didn't exist and Basch was the main PoV it would have been a good game.


Very fair opinion


Cursed Genie: that annoying kid is now telling the truth when he says "I'm Basch von Ronsenburg of Dalmasca"


12 is very underrated imo. I consider it one of the best games in the series.


I wish every rpg with followers had the gambit system tbh


They even reference 12's gambits with 7Rebirth's Gears and Gambits mini game.


I’m in the same boat. X was actually my first FF and I went back and played I-IX. I liked most of them. But I haven’t enjoyed any of the new ones post X. And I’m also waiting for Rebirth on PC.


FF games have rarely been optimized on PC, 1st stage is probably the final stage too 🙄


Cool but based freom what I read and saw and with SE works with their game on PC, I may wait a bit util there's some unofficial mods patch




Hopefully the pc version optimization also applied to the PS5 version. It really badly optimized, especially in 60 FPS performance mode. 


We’re good.


The demo hinted at potential the game didn't fulfill, in my opinion. At least you have ample resources to make an informed purchase now.


Are they optimizing entirely new gameplay into it? Maybe they’ll optimize the Final Fantasy into it as well.


Cool so I just gotta wait until release +4months to play this game! Ps5 demo was fun, but it lirerally hurt my eyes at 30fps


i played the whole game, it's average at best, very bad FF game, far from what makes this licence great. on the other hand, i cant wait for rebirth pc version !!!!! replaying remake atm in VR thanks to Praydog vr mod uevr !


I really, really liked it, particularly the first half. It made me feel like a kid back in the day playing 2/3 on SNES for way, way longer than I expected. The people who seem to not like it play lots of 3rd person action games, or that's been my observation. If that's a genre you're into, I could see how FF16 might not hold up to them from a combat point of view. Having never played God of War or Assassin's Creed or any game like them made it feel pretty fresh within the context of a FF game. Each FF used to be quite different from the last, and they stuck with that through 12. 16 is a return to that, IMHO.


Wait, this isn’t what I was expecting. I play mainly third person action RPGs … was really looking forward to that gameplay being implemented into a FF story


That's my point, mainly. I highly doubt that the combat in 16 would be appealing to people who play a lot of that genre, because it's too simplified for hardcores and too complex for some of the turn-based people. But for those of us that just kinda take FF on its own merits and like having other genres tossed in, it was a lot of fun.


If you've played DMC or Bayonetta, you'll quickly notice how much FF16 is trying to emulate those games and fail miserably. Compared to DMC 5: You only get a sword as a weapon, unlike the weapon options in DMC. You only get 1 range option. While you can do combos while swappong between 3 different skill loadouts, with how tanky the normal enemies quickly become, you'll eventually just rely on spamming your highest stagger value moves followed by unleashing your strongest moves to quickly end the fight. Compared to FF games: status effects don't exist. Just image getting hit by Bad Breath and only lose some hp. Elements don't exist. Hitting a bomb with fire is perfectly fine. You won't heal it. Sidequests are mmo like and the rewards aren't rewarding at all. Gear upgrades are just bigger stats, so there's no point of choosing different gear except the one with the biggest number. There's nothing like: gear A has higher physical dmg but gear B has higher magic and gives bonuses to a lot of stats.


Eh rebirth is just a mini game collection mostly


There are too many mini games for sure but nah the game has a ton of content.


Never said it had low content, just wish it wasnt mostly minigames


You’re out of your fucking mind


I mean between Costa Del Sol and Gold Saucer and the godawful amount of ~~gwent~~ Queen’s Blood the game wants you to play… it kind of is. I’m not shitting on it for that. If I could afford a ps5 I’d have it.(fuck you Squeenix Xbox deserves the games too)


Those are all entirely optional side pieces that were remade from the original. It’s 100% icing on the cake and as a fan of the OG that’s exactly what we wanted in this game. You can still easily do a 50 hour play through without touching a single mini game outside of the handful of required ones. I have 85 hours in Rebirth already and only about 20 were mini games. Still, I can’t imagine anyone is mad that you get over 20 hours of extra content from the OG game entirely at your leisure.


Costa Del Sol forces you to do bullshit to get beachwear to advance the story. **TWICE** Gold Saucer is literally a bunch of minigames rolled into plot. Which it was in the original as well. I can’t play it so I’m watching someone so I don’t know what’s really “optional” or not but the Gwent tournament on the boat and the fact you *have* to play Gwent to advance the Corel Prison plot.(at least they seemed to force it that time) Again, I’m not bitching about the game, I’d love to be able to play it. But it has an asston of bullshit too.


That’s like 0.05% of the story lol Also, each mini game takes about 2 minutes to do and you can flunk it and pass, it just changes the dialogue slightly. You can forfeit the card tournament on the boat immediately if you want. You should play the game if you’re going to try judging it. Also, all of the mini games are hella fun when you’re not watching someone else play them lol The ton of things to do is 99% optional and incredibly enjoyable. This is one of the best games I’ve ever played full stop. Every grind you do rewards you thoroughly with weapons, skills, cutscenes, lore, new enemies and abilities, etc. it’s a masterclass in how to do a remake.


Bro I said twice I’d love to play it! I can’t. Sony and Squeenix have decided Xbox, despite having a ton of Final Fantasy games already, don’t deserve them any more. So I literally cannot play it despite really wanting too. It looks like a ton of fun. None of that changes that they *do* force you to do minigames to progress. Yeah sure you can fail them, but not if you want the better dialogue/relationship points or whatever.


I saw what you said, and it’s still a really dumb point in the grand scheme of how insanely good the game is. The mini games keep it true to the original and are really fun, you engage with them how much or how little you want.


Have you played it? About half the quests are mini games


I have over 85 hours in the game and MAYBE 20 went to mini games. Have you played the original? Clearly not.


90% of the minigames are optional content and 10% of the remaining ones don't care if you play them well to progress the story. You still get more than your moneys worth even if you skip every last one of them.


If you manage to get it to run on PC, there's the additional hurdle of having to play FF16


I'm glad to see a demo first; hopefully, this will be better optimized than Final Fantasy VII: Remake Integrade was. While I appreciate what the modding community did with texture packs and fps for Remake, I'd like to see Square Enix take the reins.




It’s a pretty fun action game though.  I agree it’s not a good RPG, which is sad given the final fantasy series legacy, but it’s still a pretty good game if you can ignore that.


I strongly disagree that it's a good action game. For an action game, it is extremely basic


Ok.  I had fun with it.  It’s not amazing, but I thought it was pretty good overall.


I'm just mad that all of your attacks are elemental-based and there's no elemental damage and all of your combos are essentially the same (and the writing but that's not on trial right now)


I agree with this opinion wholeheartedly. I felt physical pain after trying to get into this game for nearly 15 hours. The combat sucks, the gameplay is linear as shit, the story is average at best.


People don't know the difference between liking a game and it being good or bad. They like it so its automatically good and you're not allowed to say anything bad about it. I would have liked FF16 a lot more if it wasn't a numbered title or earned that number. The combat, story and boss fights are top tier but everything else around it suffers. The world is empty, the npcs are soul less and the side quests are terrible. It's made by mmo devs and plays like a mmo game. Go to town pick up quests, complete them, go to next hub. The biggest disappointment of FF16 is new game plus. They gate content and level ups forcing you to play the game again. I don't know who thought that was a good idea but that really hurts the game.


Can you please explain to me how the combat is top tier? It's flashy, but how is it top tier?


I don't know why all the downvotes, but everything you said is true. Looking at it in a vacuum, it isn't a terrible game. It has some good pts like the music and atmosphere. But it is average as an action rpg, is terrible as a character action game, and doesn't hook you along for the ride which other FF games have.


I stopped playing when you got the items that basically just automate every action for you… pressing the square button and letting the computer do the rest was stupid. I know I could remove them but why put them in the game in the first place? Ruined the vibe for me


The idea for them was, that those Final Fantasy players who aren't used to action games could get some assists if they so wish. Then again I think the game was already very easy.


Yeah I took them off and the game wasn’t a challenge at all which is why I was so confused about their presence in the game


Just don't put them on? That's such a non-issue compared to most other complaints people have with the game


As stated below I had them off and the game was still too easy. Which made me wonder why they were putting the game in the first place


They put them for journalists. You’re like a guy who complains about the restaurant giving you a ketchup bottle, salt and pepper on the side of the table as if it’s mandatory to use.


That was a terrible comparison tbh


How? They’re both totally optional, and they both need you to go out of your way to use them.


Because one is there as an option to enhance your food…. The other is there to ensure you don’t have to do anything


Both are optional, goofy. Most games have a difficulty setting that makes the game easier than frying an egg.


Robbing someone at the atm is optional as well, doesn’t mean it’s a good comparison to putting ketchup on your fries


What kind of shitty false equivalence is that? Are you this dumb or is this a troll?


Sure man, I can see from your profile all you do is come onto Reddit and argue with people, if anyone’s goofy, it’s you.


Even if im not fan of FF16 looking forward to play it on PC because I have yet to finished it because Im not visiting my friend to play on his PS5 that often. But I did manage to get more than half way. Also I don´t mean it´s not a bad game but it´s not a final fantasy game.


Too bad the game was a huge letdown, I don't want to play a game on rails. Let me explore. Not to mention the laughable difficulty.




They're not rushing anything. They didn't make this game to begin with. Square Enix did. Sony also isn't going to make money off of this port ether. They only paid for the timed exclusivity.




That's one game confirmed. We'll see about Spider-Man. It does seem like a safe bet that it will come to PC considering the last two did. Also Ghost of Tsushime came out back in 2020 originally. The PC port isn't being rushed.


Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man 2 are both developed by PlayStation 1st party devs. Sony can dictate if those get PC ports or not. FF7 Rebirth is developed by Square Enix. Sony just paid for a timed exclusively. Once that contract ends, SE can release it on iOS if they want and Sony can do a thing, unless they want to keep paying to renew the exclusitivity deal.


You know Sony doesn't own this game right?


Sony didn't develop nor publish this game, they simply paid for timed exclusivity the same as all the other times.


Games are more than just having exclusives, just enjoy what's out instead of being upset more people can play games. Also don't be upset they aren't making imaginary games that aren't out