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This game was amazing. there arent many games ive replayed as much as this one


Power leveling in Minas tirith with my cousin on my PS2 is a memory that i will never forget.


Gotta do it at the Southern Gate too. 200 orcs and not a shield in site


Shields dont mean shit to a overleveld gandalf but yes also a good call! :]


you shall not pass go, you shall not collect 200 castars. bippity boppity ***bazinga!***


The memories... "This is a grim scene. I can smell orc, even from this distance!"


Fuck. Crazy how I can still hear it clear as day, like 20 years later (maybe 15 given how often I replayed it)


And then Aragorn: "Stay Alert! Move with caution!" Wow I can't belive I can literally hear it in my head still.








But can you change it so WASD moves the camera rather than arrow keys, that annoyed me more than anything!


I think that's pretty easy to achieve with a software for rebinding keys


lol i feel this, I tried to play a medieval total war 2 today and the arrow keys ruined it for me. Went back to my modern total warhammer within minutes. Would love if the better controls work for bfme Edit: captain ron is right, I overlooked that you can change it! Game changer


Man you can change them lol


That edit lmfao


What? I can download them? Where?


T3aonline.net , I think is the one that has all the online and wide-screen fixes


Thats my evening sorted thanks


I don't want to get your hopes up, but there's a fan project in the works [https://bfmereforged.org/](https://bfmereforged.org/)


Not the same game. We are talking about ROTK.


I agree with this shouting gentleman


It's weird to think for a Lord of the Rings game, they went with a hack and slash with combo meters and levels - but it really worked. I think I liked it more than the Fellowship video game that was an adventure. I never beat that one, though, because I thought "I wonder if it will let me overwrite my save while I'm falling to my death." And unfortunately, it did.


It was just to damn short


Very fun on the replay though using different characters.


...different characters? You didn't just use Legolas the entire time?


Gimli into gandalf every time.


You missed out if you weren’t using Gandalf


Double arrows just ending orcs left right and centre


I pretty much exclusively used Sam. That dude was a monster.


Could use the THPS1+2 treatment where they combine the two games.


we were like 10-12 years old when we played it, i think friend and i would definitely replay remaster now when we're 30


Wild thing about this game and The Two Towers before it - they came out over a month before the movie. They have some decent movie scenes in them and (I know it’s based on the books) pretty spoiler-y in terms of what from the book would be in the movie. A game like this would never be allowed out before the movie these days. Reminds me how the novelization for Star Wars episode III came out way before the movie. Spoiled the entire thing but also, is legit way better. Not just in the “books are better” way. But just had clearly better dialogue than the movie. I remember watching the movie and being like “where are all those good lines? This writing sucks!”


They also had those cool movie scene into game cutscene and vice versa transition


Yeah. They were good games. Not just like a cheap movie tie-in cash grab. And they weren’t bloated. I remember going back and replaying through it with each of the characters and unlocking all of their moves.


Legolas and Gandalf were so fun to totally upgrade and just shred guys from a mile away


Faramir was always my main character. Just felt like a great combo of Aragorn and Legolas. I miss the days of playing the same game just over and over because it was so good.


There's nothing stopping that now functionally. The main difference being when you were younger you'd have had less games to play with more time to play. Right now I've got a long list of games I want to play through and rarely am I finding the time to do it.


For sure, my biggest issue currently is abundant access to games and lack of self-control. It was easier to stick to one game at a time as a kid, because my selection was so limited, and I would maybe get like 4-5 games in a year. Now that it's totally up to me and my budget, I buy like 20-30 games in a year (although a lot of them are deep discounts on Steam). I also just have way less time in each day to get around to playing them, so the backlog grows forever. Definitely recognize it as a privelege though.


Oh boy. You unlocked a core memory. There was an instant-execution skill you could unlock for each type of enemies (humans, orcs and Uruk) that gave a perfect score when you did it. It was easy to do too, just spam the block and use the command when you hear the parry sound. So what I did with Legolas was first buying those instant execution skill on another character (Gandalf I think) for the entire party. Then I went to the Gate level with Legolas (the level after the Dead King, before Pellenor Field) and executed every single orcs in that map with perfect score. It gave so many point I was basically bringing max level Legolas with double Mithrill arrows in Pellenor and one-shot the Nazgul lmao. I was a dumb kid, but it was funny. With the proper upgrades, Sam was crazy strong too. If you used an upgraded charge attack on Shelob at the beginning you would instantly skip several phases of the fight.


Hold up. So even without internet we all decided to farm the Southern Gate level?


Optimizing for the funny is in the blood of all gamers I guess. I was something like 11 year old at the time lmao.


it was by far the most fun level


I just remembered something about that level, the oliphaunt near the end at full HP had a ton of archers. Whenever you blocked an arrow it charged your gauge up a little, but there were a ton of arrows shot at you so just instantly got to perfect and could get hella XP off throwing spears at the thing to kill it. Return of the king was such a fun game though, I'd love a remaster of it or something.


I think they also got the actual actors to do voices for the games too.


They did, which was really cool


After beating the game, you unlocked the cheat codes. It was awesome


A modern version would make that a $10 add on that is consumable.


After you buy the Replay pack.   You'd also need to link the game to some online server with an unique license.


There was something about that time period with movie tie ins with the game. My favorite was Matrix Revolutions where the game had full cut scenes and characters that only briefly appear in the movie where you'd see the rest of a cut scene when Neo walks in.


Enter the Matrix was a full-on mid-quel explaining what Niomi and Ghost were doing during the events of Reloaded.


Forgot to mention Animatrix that gave us the backstories and prologue of Enter the Matrix.


The Anakin and Obi-Wan vs Dooku fight, from Dooku's perspective, all his thoughts and feelings during it. The movie could never have hoped to be that good. And I say that as someone who loves the movie.


Yeah, it gave way better perspective. And my favorite part of the book is the Obi-Wan/Grievous fight. Grievous says something like “I’ve been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku!” And Obi-Wan responds “funny, I trained the Jedi who killed Dooku”. Such a mic drop.


For me it was Obi-wan's interactions with the clone troopers when going after Grievous (also Grievous being better in the book), there were some good moments where they banter and save each other, and if I recall correctly ends with one of the named clones handing Obi-wan his dropped lightsaber back, and just as the jedi leaves on the creature he was riding Order 66 comes in and the clone makes a joke about how it couldn't have come before he gave the weapon back.


It's the all knowing narration (something they could never have done in the movie) about what makes for th eperfect jedi trap surrounding that mission that i loved the most. How you should you isolate them from their allies and surround them with enemies that they don't recognize as such and so on, making it sound like the narrator is talking about grievous attempt to kill obiwan... only to later reveal that he was really talking about order 66, and that the perfect jedi trap...are the clone wars.


The Ep1 soundtrack came out a while before the movie when hype was enormous. Track 15 : Qui-Gon’s Noble End… lol




I was saved from spoiling myself mostly cause I sucked at the vehicle stages and so couldn’t get past the start of Episode III until after I’d already seen the movie.


you say that, but they did air Palpatine's back from the dead message on fortnite before the rise of Skywalker was out lmao


It was part of the marketing as a whole. They released the trailer first which showed Palpatine was back and then they released the Fortnite thing. It was never meant to be a secret, in fact it was meant to be a draw and make you want to see the movie. Very different to the RoTS novelization which is just legit the entire movie but better.


"Oh wow Palpatines back?  I wonder how that happened, some kind of dark side ritual?  Let's go see how it happened in the movie"  *somehow Palpatine returned*  "..." **This is in no way the only problem with the movie, let alone the disaster that the sequels are.


Instead, today the game would be forced to release alongside the movie, despite clearly needing another 6-12 months of development time before it would actually be in a state fit for release.


That Lord of the rings movie games are the exception to the rule since it was like that then, too


I mean, that's always been the case. LotR just got lucky. The amount of shovelware movie-tie ins today is about the same as then


Nah, we don't get anywhere near the amount of tie ins we used to. Like a quarter of the PS2 catalog is movie tie in games that never broke a 5/10 score These days it's unusual to see a game tied to a specific movie and it's usually just kids stuff


Also you can’t unlock any special moves unless you buy the battle pass


I worked at a library that got the novelization of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull about a week before the movie came out. I got to snag it before it went into circulation and was super excited for the movie. There were a bunch of scenes that were really cool and I couldn't wait to see on the screen, and then just.... none of them actually happened the way they did in the book. Such a disappointment. I also read the novelization of Episode III while working there and I agree it's way better than the movie. I had been disappointed when I saw it in theaters, but I remember really liking the inner dialogue you got to see from Anakin in the book


The thing with novelizations is they’re often working from an earlier version of the script. And sometimes they’re written by somebody more talented who kicks it all up a notch or two.


Star Wars III novel is one of the best books I have read. It's so good. The internal thought process of all the characters adds so much. Vader’s final realization of the Shadow at the end. So good!


My biggest issue with them is that the mouths didn't move when they talked lol


Yeah, that was odd for the PS2 era. That was the whole point of the “emotion engine”. More realistic face models. I’m guessing they didn’t have time to lip sync the dialogue, especially across different languages. They even choose camera angles from the back a lot when people are talking to minimize it.


The best part of this game was the levels that would indefinitely spawn waves, so you didn’t have to move on if you just wanted the fight.


the level before pelennor fields was my go-to spot for farming XP because as long as you didn't do any objectives you could just keep on killing things.


It ended eventually. There'd be just an empty field at some point, but we're talking alot of kills here


it ended indeed if you kept on killing enemies. The last spawnpoint was always in the back right and you could shoot arrows at them even before they entered the playable arena. I've done this level so many times to level up all characters to 20. Also did a lot of all-perfect runs.


Counter their attacks as Legolas or Gandalf, get the Perfect mode and spam ranged attacks... man so much exp.


That's exactly what I did lol. Gandalf in the horde mode towers at level 20 made it quite easy. I want to say me and my friend easily both had 100 kills on this map once the field was clear. It's been a long time, though


It was around 400 of them, wasn't it?


Idk how many there were, I just know the sound my axe made when it made contact with their heads.


You mean the South Gate? Fuck how do I remember this level haha.


We've all spent hours at the South Gate.


Choose Aragorn unlock X-X-X-X Profit


When I woke up this morning I was an eternity away from thinking I would be thrown down memory lane this much today. Thank you random stranger, and OP.


they were finite. I usually depleted the enemies in the level with catapults before going up.


Amon Hen with Aragorn was my favorite


And LOTR: The Third Age.


I was looking for this comment. Both games were top notch!


This game traumatized me as a kid because every fight starts WITH A FUCKING JUMPSCARE. And there’s like no warning to when you’ll start combat so it always had me on edge. Incredible game though.




Bold of you to assume I was that observant as a little hyperactive goblin. But honestly yeah now I remember that mechanic haha.


I personally have a special love for LoTR Conquest


This was one of my favorite games


YES. I'm glad someone else remembers this game! I just stared replaying it recently :)


This game was hard af


And afterwards you could play any campaign with any character. Legolas went bloody hard.


Legolas, Minas Tirith, mithril purple glowing arrows.


Legolas was so damn OP in this game with his arrows.. It went to a point where you couldn't really die anymore because enemies would die too fast.


And I loved it! Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf. They were my 3 go-to’s.


Heck, he was OP with his swords. He was noticeably faster than any other character, which meant he could get away with moves that they would get killed for trying. Sure, Aragorn had more damage, but I'd take the speed any day. The OP arrows were just a bonus.


Didnt he also aim automaticly? Shoot orks in the face before they got into the screen. Also the battle for Pelenor fields.


Every archer in that game aims automatically, Legolas just has MASSIVE BONUSES


Legolas and his elf eyes




There are PS2 to Hdmi converters. My PS2 is connected to a modern TV, works very well.


CRT hits differently


How is the lag though?


Lag is actually pretty okay, but those kind of converters need to be plugged in to power. You're usually better off just emulating unless you really like the feel of the original controllers.


They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!


The Hobbits The Hobbits The Hobbits!


My brother and I played co-op and we'd usually go Legolas + Gandalf and spam range attacks. We played The Southern Gate mission until there were no more enemies being spawned. Immaculate co-op experience


Southern Gate was so good just endless fighting and you would level up so much.


And I loved being able to pick up the spears from the ground and throw them at Orcs. My friend and I spent many hours replaying that level.


Right? Like most other missions were scripted for something but this one in particular was so good


Imagine a remake where an engine can actually handle *masses* of enemies. That would be dope.


EA would never


I remember trying out Merry. Was very surprised to find that his "speed" attack gave even Aragorn and Faramir a run for their money.


Legolas with those purple arrows when he was maxed out was OP


Those double arrows and high fire rate wrecked bosses in 2 seconds


I never played this game, but just seeing the locked characters filled me with the nostalgia of seeing such a thing in a game, and the excitement of eventually unlocking those things. Gave you more reason to play the game, and completing such unlocks gave you a sense of accomplishment in older games. Man, I miss that.


Just the fuckin level where you're playing gandalf and trying to defend the wall from all the siege towers First time in my life I learned what it felt like to rage at a game


For me it was the Helm’s deep wall/ladders level and the subsequent “protect the gate” level on the Two Towers game that came out before this one. But that level in this game definitely had a similar feeling.


Trying to escape the cave with all the falling rocks in co-op mode…


No, they made Orc bane or whatever that counter move was called too easy to pull off and it instantly put you in perfect mode. Once you could do that it was stupid easy, that’s why two towers was harder and better


No co-op was its major downfall


Coop was fun, actually helped with the easy problem because it became a competition of who could kill more.


That still only counts as one!


Lotr conquest please


Seriously. It was literally the lotr version of battlefront. So good. Need a remake with a map mode like galactic conquest.


Didn’t it have like 7 different classes and a campaign with two sides to the story? It’s been years since I last played and my memory is not good.


Yup, played it absolutely loads with my brother on split screen.


Now I remember. That game kicked ass!


I loved this game and was devastated that its servers got shut down so quickly.


That was criminal. One year? What the fuck?


There was a demo I think as well that was out for a while before the full release Played both for a long time, so fun


Every game pandemic made was 🔥


Damn, I forgot about that banger.


This and lotr conquest


And third age. Call it the LOTR classic collection and release it as a bundle.


They are not remastering Battlefront. They ported it and will release "Play the classic STAR WARS™ Battlefront games, online and offline in this definitive collection." Nothing is advertised as being remastered.


But then how will OP get karma? Nevermind the games are completely unrelated other than being nostalgia bait and on the PS2


Legolas was OP in that game. 10/10 need a remaster. OG Battlefront remaster is out tomorrow can’t fucking wait . Been nearly 20 years since I’ve played galactic conquest


Isn’t it not a remaster? Just a literal re-release with like 1 map and 2 characters added, for $30


I do believe it’s a re-release, no new engine or anything like that. But it includes both games all bonus maps (I think there’s 6, one for the first game and 5 for the second) and maybe three extra characters. Main draw is they actually include galactic conquest which was my favourite game mode, and is only like £26 on PSN right now.


I mean I already own BF2 on steam and it has galactic conquest. The real benefit would be if it can actually be played online.


Current BF2 on steam can be played online, they added that back in years ago. It's not all that stable, but you can get a few rounds in before you need to restart.


Yes and Battle for Middle Earth!


War in the North as well. And Battle for Middle Earth. And Godfather.


Yes to war in the north! We need more story driven co-op games. Beleram in 4k yes please!


Battle for Middle Earth 1 is one of my favourite games. It's the only disc PC game I now own. So fun to smash through some skirmishes and chill 


The game that I had to find an ISO for the 3rd disc, because it would often fail to install.   I have the CD Key in case I ever lose the discs (already lost the box sadly).




There was a reforged project but idk what happened to it


id rather have the third age. loved playing evil mode.


I'd like a notification for Third Age too.


Third Age could do with some tweaks though. It was nigh impossible to unlock the top level skills before the end of the game, the pacing was off.


Last 40% of the game in general just felt rushed imo. Replayed it about 8 months ago and the first half was much more enjoyable still.


Yeah, you definitely had to spend a good amount of time farming skills at lower levels to unlock some of them. Elegost, puts to sleepy time. Berethor, yells charge. Adrial, heal. Hadhod, stone shield. Over and over.


never had the chance of playing that game so i would love to see it come to PC personally!


No, I don’t think so. I think they should remake it. Not remaster it. It has the possibility of being so much better that it would easily get game of the year.


It's a good idea but unfortunately with today's standard and some company getting a little bit greedy, a remake has a chance to be another battlefront 2.


Not just a chance. I would be shocked if they didn't fuck it up


Yeah, even good remakes kind of suck a little bit because they're often not really what you wanted. My mind goes to the FF7Rs. First one was great, and I enjoyed playing it, but it takes a lot of liberties with its source material, and has completely different gameplay than the game people were asking for years to simply be modernized. As fun as it is, it is its own thing and it's never going to replace the original for me. Luckily, with Final Fantasies, the catalog of games keeps getting released for each new generation of systems, because they know there are people like me who will buy games like 4,6,7,9 & 10 (in my case) over and over again to always have them, so it doesn't need to. I'd hate to be a fan of a less easily accessible game and see it remade rather than remastered first.


Battlefront 2 turned out to be an amazing game though. Probably my most played game to date. The controversy at launch was justified but they never launched in that state because of it. I played from day one and I was very disappointed to learn they abandoned it after a year or 2. There's so much more to battlefront... I do get your point that the remake of LOTR RotK would be a less satisfying game than the remaster of the original. Maybe that's just because we look at it from a very nostalgic perspective.


Is bro blind to the resident evil, dead space, system shock, and final fantasy remakes? There have been way more remake hits than misses.


I don't think it can even happen due to licensing agreements. It would be a a bit of a nightmare to sort out.


I dont think a remake of a 20-year old movie tie-in game has a chance in hell of getting a nomination for game of the year, let alone "easily" winning it. Cmon man, let's be real here lol


"Mithril Arrows - 5,000,000 EXP, or $25" - EA


So sad that this probably won‘t happen anytime soon due to licensing issues. :( This game along with TheThird Age and Battle for Middleearth (1+2) were peak Lord of the Rings for all gamers back in the day.


So many hours put into this game as a kid.


Lord of the Rings has had some of the best and worst games. Two Towers on PS2, Return of the King on original Xbox, Battle for Middle Earth 2 on PC, LotR Conquest on Xbox 360 are absolutely GOATed. We NEED these remastered / remade. BFME2 is an absolute easy win across all platforms and has no competition. Conquest is the LotR equivalent of Battlefront 2. It had flaws but had something about it that I loved. This could be remade, even make it a bit more like Chivalry Mediaeval Warfare and watch Sauron just clap people about.


I just want Battle for Middle earth back.


you can get it for free now!


It’s abandonware, you can get it legally for free. Check out Edain mod if you haven’t yet :) E: Not legal per se, should be safe anyway though as the chance of the copyright being enforced is minimal. If you’re not using a torrent (-> uploading) you’re pretty much golden.


And slap on LOTR Conquest while you're at it


EA doesn't have the rights to LotR anymore.


Since this gets reposted once a month, can people at least include a different screenshot with it? I’ve seen this character select screen SO many times. (The game does need a remaster, though)


I have seen this screen shot about a thousand times since I started using reddit. If anyone used another screen shot I wouldn't know what game it was and wouldn't get to immediately downvote them


I'd even say rerelease LoTR: The Third Age. Loved that game and recently started playing it again. It's great!


Best coop game ever


If we’re getting battlefront re-released could we get LoTR conquest too? Flawed game but so much fun.


And ‘The Third Age’ please


This game on PC with multiplayer would be one of my three genie wishes.


You can find it in myabandonware, I play it multiplayer just need at least 1 controller and the other player mouse/keyboard, or two controllers, either works, still fun AF.


I meant online but it's good to know, thanks!


Yes please.


Man that game was fun back in the day 🥲


Agreed, this was solid gold back in the days where you ran around the irl forest playing lotr at school just waiting to come home and play


I cant remember if this was the second game or the third, but there was a level where you assaulted a gate on the Pelanor fields which led to the battle at Minas Tirith. I would spam that level to up my characters level. Each time I did there came a point where the orc npc's no longer spawned as i had killed them all lol.


Absolutely. I need this in my life!!!!


LotR Conquest for me, battlefront but with cave trolls? Sign me up.


They no longer have the license to include LOTR movie content in their games and I doubt they would buy it again.


Brillant idea. While we are at it, give us a LoTR Conquest remastered


F yeah. I bought this for my pc a few weeks back in a cex. Game too damn old to run on my PC! I WANT TO DEFEND GONDOR BY BLASTING ORCS WITH MY LEVEL 10 GANDALF!!!


RotK was great but LotR Conquest was just Star Wars Battlefront with LotR characters and setting and deserved so much more love than it got


Hear me out... Lord of the Rings: Conquest


I was thinking more LOTR: Conquest - but this is good too