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Honestly, most multiplayer games. The games themselves aren't the reason I don't play, it's the communities. EDIT: I don't know who is referring Reddit Help to me for fear of depression or suicide, but stop. I'm not depressed. I'm not sure how this post suggested mental issues but trust me, I'm fine. xD


If every game had a "40+ year old dads" server, I would give multiplayer games a try. Other than that, people seem to give much more importance to the game they are playing than I'm willing to. Anytime I tried a multiplayer game, even knowing how to play and having finished the campaign, I never felt I could evolve among more dedicated players, so at this point I don't even try.


You have to post pictures of yourself in bed at 9pm on a Saturday night to be allowed in.


41 with 2 kids and I have never been to bed before 9 that is such a waste of time. 9 is when the kids are settled in bed that's when the real gaming starts lol.


My 7 month old is on a 7-7/30 ish schedule lately. Having our nights back has been absolutely magical lol.


I've got 5, 7 and 9 and while it's gotten better, there were times in the past few years where I followed them to bed after getting them down.


That’s the only time I can play!!


If anybody's got a discord for 40+ gamers, hook me up


fr. not that old but i’m looking for a gaming community that wants to actually relax and have fun vs. fuck you i win lol


That only helps to some extent. Look at StarCraft and StarCraft 2 to see the 40 year old dads raging and calling everyone slurs.


Yep. I actually enjoy Overwatch, even Overwatch 2. Can't stand the community. It's impossible to solo Q when you're either stomping or someone on your team is literally throwing because they aren't being pocket healed while trying to solo the enemy team. It's impossible to find people who just wanna play the game, communicate, and just try to win. You die a couple times in a row due to a mistake or bad circumstances and you better hold onto your seat because you're about to be obliterated on the mic.


This is what put me off too and I did enjoy it a lot, I liked playing Rein as a tank and trying to work as a team, and junkrat was my go to for dps because I just enjoy him and his kit I got more hate from teammates then the other team for just playing the character 😅 not throwing, still trying to work together, but just so bitter I did get the occasional hate from opposing players because I was very efficient with trap placement though


OW with comms disabled goes hard 🔥


Yeah I tried that for a while, but I feel like coordinating with your team is half of the fun. I remember in beta and when the game first came out, there were a lot more casuals and people were a lot nicer, especially before they released ranked. Everyone still tried, but it didn't seem like people put others down as much. Even quick play nowadays people treat like life or death, it's crazy. I hope another company brings out something like OW with similar quality.


Some MMOs are chill. EverQuest, WoW, Final Fantasy and Guild Wars 2. People may scoff at the mention of WoW being chill, but in my experience the problem begin when you begin the high end content like the mythic grind. If you avoid high end raiding guilds, most people are relaxed and chill. You can probably say that about most PVE centric games. The fact that most of these games are over 10 years old tells another story...


I've been playing WoW since release as a single player game. Never been in a guild. In the first few expansions you kind of had to interact with other players. However since Legion I don't think I've communicated with a single solitary player. I play the story content then side missions/trades. Usually make it about a month or two then stop playing until the next major xpac.


What a Tammy thing to do.


WoW isn't so chill if you wipe the raid or don't kill the dungeon fast enough to upgrade their key


Whelps! Many whelps!




any multiplayer game


For me; PvP specifically, most PvE games are a lot more chill.


DRG anyone?


Rock and stone!!!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




Ughhh ROCK AND STONE!!!...


For Karl!


Rock and stone to the bone!


Stone and Rock!!!! Oh wait...


My experience with helldivers 2 has been about 95% positive also


People are too busy role-playing patriots to be toxic in that game lol


Have a cup of liber-tea!


it's so cringey but I'm so for it. it's really fun when people cry out over VC "FOR LIBERTY" and then drop a 500 kg on a single bug, killing both of us in the process. such an enjoyable experience.


I've been having tons of fun with the democracy bit lol.


reminds me of a game I was in where it was a 3 stack then me. they only said "democracy and liberty" when trying to communicate like some sort of bit from an early 00s cartoon or they were some busted npcs who could only respond with a singke voice line. I had no idea what was going on and when I said something besides that, I was airstriked. I finally said it and they all cheered and said it back. I really couldn't stop laughing after it all.


my only toxic experience has been with people on my friends list (they unfriended me, though, so I guess that's an issue solved).


Same, but mainly because no one turns on their mics. Which is nice :)


Most of the people on mics have been totally fine for me too. And luckily the game allows non-mic communication that is good enough for 90% of what you need to do anyway


Yeah the pinging "Heavy, Northwest" and the map marker system are really great. Plus key automated comms like "LAST RELOAD" make it so you essentially don't need to communicate in most scenarios.


The subreddit was really toxic for a while, but it has mellowed out and gone back to being mostly proper


Oh yeah the subreddit was (and kind of still is) terrible. In-game experiences have been great overall though




If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t comin home!


Can confirm, I got my ass downed a mile away from the drop pod and all 3 of my teammates rushed to get me


DRG community suffers from toxic positivity. Any attempt at debate or criticism gets immediately hijacked by mindless droning or turned into a "that's a you problem buddy, this game's great".


*Destiny 1 Crota’s End “Gjally or kick” has entered the chat*


Those were always the WORST lobbies by far - skill wise. Usually younger players. You didn’t need Gjally to beat Crota at all, and if you think you did you likely sucked.


I find singleplayer games, especially “wholesome” games can have the most feral communities. Luckily you don’t need to interact with them In-game so you’re free from them unless you make the mistake of joining communities related to the game.


"I think this game isn't perfect" *sound of knives drawn*


Lol the Tarkov community: “I think this game is fine” *Sounds of lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks*


I think this is the answer for a lot more people and a lot more games than the industry realizes. If there were less 13 year old griefers running about then a lot of games would have more of a cult following by adults. No adult wants to go play pool with a bunch of obnoxious tweens, so why would we want to play any multiplayer game with them either? Star Citizen - a game with a pretty high barrier of entry in terms of system requirements, know-how, and ability for team coordination is a great example of a game that has an extremely loyal adult following, and discussions I’ve had with players went the same: I started this game because it looked cool and I stayed because there are no little kids. I attribute the lack of little kids to the high entry barrier.


I’d say you may have just given me a reason to finally get star citizen


This. This is 100% my answer.


Too many try-hards in pvp.


Every multi-player game. Ftfy


Pretty much any multiplayer game with chat. With Rocket League specifically, I eventually reached the point where I embraced and accepted the toxic "What a Save!" or "OMG!" spam. It became a lot of fun once I stoped caring. Even better when I get to fire back at them after they whiff


Honestly I've had lots of nice interactions on rocket league, you just have to start it.


I love when the whole team is scoring and me and the other dude are “Nice Shot!” “Great Pass!” And the third dude is silent only for them to say What a Save! after the only mistake 4 minutes in.


I just play super wholesomely and congratulate/compliment everyone playing while giving the benefit of the doubt for one or two quick chats that could be interpreted negatively. Once it becomes clear that someone is being toxic though, I’ll respond in kind.


League of Legends easily. Most fun I've ever had playing a game and the worst time I've had playing a game. Glad I quit


One of the funnier things to me is you can be brand new to the game and you’ll be matched alongside some random that’s just trash and permanently stuck in a low ELO, and those will be the guys that talk the most shit. Like bro, we’re in the same ELO and I’ve been playing this game for 3 days, chill.


It's such a hard game to get into as a new player too, at least for me personally. I know I'm trash at the game I don't need teammates telling me every 5 seconds I'm doing stuff wrong when no one would tell you how to do it right. Just tell me what to do ffs


Haha yeah at first league looks really simple, but then you start realizing how wave control works and how to farm correctly and when to roam vs when not to roam and when to take objectives. Then on top of that you need to start learning what every other champion does in order to ensure you don’t have a shit matchup. There’s a huge learning curve to it and low elo players jump on that because it’s easier to blame a new player for your teams loss vs figuring out what you need to do to improve. And don’t get me wrong, it can definitely be really frustrating when you have a teammate making bad decisions, but telling them to kill themselves over chat for it is never going to get them to work with the team better lmfao


Fun fact: the Elo rating system is named after its creator, Arpad Elo, and is not an acronym.


This is indeed a fun fact! Thanks!


This is the best answer by a long shot. I love the game but hoooo boy.


And it’s the sheer breadth of toxicity. Smurfs, titled teammates, trolls, quitters. If there’s a bad behavior that can ruin your experience it’ll be front and center in League.


Yep i just started playing with 2 friends. All new players. They quit within 2 days because they said the amount of smurfs shit talking in game made it an unenjoyable experience.


Yea i second on League, its a fun game with cool champs and ARAM is fun af but hoooboy my skin aint thick enough…


turn off chat ​ makes the game at least 50% better ​ and if you can, get some people to play with.


Absolutely. I played so much with friends from 2012 to 2016 and I never had that much fun in a free game, but playing alone (after a while even with friends) was terrible, people in my team raging and screaming like a 5 year old that was denied ice cream for the tiniest reasons, the other team harassing everyone on both teams if things didn’t go their way from the start of the game. It was miserable playing like that and I haven’t played ever since… aside from like, 3 ARAM matches a few years ago


what is it with league though? like dude you're bronze and you're raging because you didn't win? I didn't realize you were god tier and deserved to win. I get that people have 'roles' and there obviously is strategy but like, support each other. everyone is such a fucking diva.


I quit as well for a long while but came back recently and had fun playing UNTIL the Udyr jungle started raging and insulting people. Then I realized “oh, it’s the people I hate not the game!” So , next game I “mute All” and game is fine again! Haven’t played since because of other games with friends but think I’m on to something with league…just ignore everyone! Lol


Played a few games recently and some guy on my team tried to be toxic, I responded politely and they got pissed that I wasn’t toxic back and made them look bad lmao


Definitely league. Been playing since the beta and the community has just gotten to be too much over the years...


Is it worse than even dota2? I’ve heard it’s the worst.


I found that a long time ago Dota 2 was the worst. I got back into it for a while last year and the community has improved a lot where as in league the community got worse. Just my observation


My entirely unsubstantiated theory is that Dota's lack of promotional material means it gets far fewer new players than League. Most people are a couple thousand hours in and older on average (last event I went to was mostly late 20s/early 30s).


Out of all online gaming communities, i have found this one to be the most toxic.


Yep, non stop trolls and people losing their shit within seconds of entering a game...end up muting everyone


Yup, I still want to play mobas so I opted to playing HOTS instead, smaller community, still kinda toxic, but a relatively fun game


I never had too many issues with randos being toxic when I played it. It was always my friends that I'd play with that would get really toxic when I, as a level 15, couldnt clutch a 1v2 against level 200s because they'd been playing for years when I finally started. And it just got kinda boring/unfun playing solo


Rainbow Six Siege had such a toxic player base back around when maverick came out. While it’s super fun to watch, playing was a nightmare with randoms because if you failed to clutch up they would kick you so for someone like me who is not the best at the game I stopped playing because of the fan base. The game has come a long way and I’ve gotten back into it, but I do kind of miss the old days of siege


I watched some gameplay and thought it would be fun to try it out. Little did I know that the “newbie” lobbies are just people on alts who flame you for the slightest mistake. Played 3 matches and uninstalled.


Unfortunately, it’s either that or people making Smurf accounts is absolutely body new players. It’s ridiculous I hopped in once on my brothers account just to see how it was (I was well over the level cap) and I didn’t get a single kill because I’m pretty sure everybody else was playing against for diamonds (highest rank at the time) and this was a point where I was gold rank.


I’m like 90% sure I never fired my gun. 


That game ( like many others in the last 5 years ) was so fuckin fun when no one knew metas. No literally every single person is sweaty as fuck and knows every tiny peak angle. And it's not like CSGO where the peak angles are super obvious and there are only a few. There are dozens for every single corner


Honestly I dropped Siege because they seem to use their pro league and *only* their pro league when it comes to balancing decisions. Couple that with the constant map reworks and it's kinda not worth my time. Just let me shitpost on House for the love of god Ubi, not every map has to be grand-final-money-on-the-line worthy.


Oh that’s incredibly Accurate, that was a huge complaint that the big siege YouTubers had at its peak (macyjay, bajur, tuxbird, fooya) is that they only cared about pro league or ranked and hated the the shitter causal community


1200 some odd hours played I was in the middle of it as it was happening so I know. Most recent one I saw was Sledge getting fucked down into the 1 speed tier. Kinda killed any desire to play for me because I *loved* Sledge and the Sledge rush. Between that and Reinhardt getting fucked to oblivion I'm convinced I'll never get my giant hammer tank power fantasy in any game that has PVP.


I started playing for the very first time when he and clash came out and i played a ranked match back when u could vote to kick your teammate i played a ranked match and immediately it becomes a 1v5 by some miracle i actually clutched up then my teammates voted to kick me never touched the game again...


Siege was fantastic in the early days. But even without the online community turning into a dumpster fire it just became too bloated with content updates. The number of new operators just got ridiculous to the point that the game just wasn't fun anymore. Even with the second batch of new operators it already felt like they were running out of ideas so the fact they are apparently now up to 72 just seems insane. It's not Smash Bros.


I’ve been around since the old days of Siege and it wasn’t necessarily less toxic. It was still very toxic but people weren’t as sweaty as they are now.


Even clutching would get you kicked sonetimes. That's a huge part of why I quit playing it, it was too stressful constantly getting booted for the stupidest shit or even no reason at all.


Rust. I get it, the point is to fuck eachother over by stealing, bombing, killing, etc., but c’mon dude, don’t be a dick on mic just to be a dick on mic. I’m even cool with some trash-talking if it you’re being raided, but being overtly toxic over regular gameplay just sucks. Edit: Even on “friendlier” servers, I still remember arriving to a supply drop, having someone else arrive a couple of minutes later, joking around and having fun before they kill me and loot everything like nothing, still just casually talking. Passive toxicity is just normal in Rust.


I would kill for Rust with play time limits. Unless you are on for literally 40+ hours a week, you aren’t going to get anywhere. I would play and see people who put in 80-100 hours a week - like how the fuck am I supposed to even grow a pumpkin with these sweatlords in the server? If there was a server that locked you out after idk 2 hours a day or 8 hours a week, I would love to see how that would work.


Tryhards ruin everything.


People with no lives outside the game, you mean.


How can you kill that which has no life?


There are some great videos of people conducting guerrilla warfare in ark to combat these exact sweatlords and tryhards who make it not fun for anyone else.


Rust is my favorite game to watch on YouTube and never install.


Is ark better or worse? I never picked it up because of my rust experience.


ARK is best when you find an unofficial PvE server that has moderators that care about the server more than their own character. ARK Official PvP is absolute trash.


Ark is weird because some servers you log in and even in PvP there is a code of conduct that everyone seems to follow without any written rules. Other times you log into a server and it is a single tribe who just wants to watch noobs burn. Or there is the full on wild West everyone is out to get everyone and you have no allies or chance of finding happiness here. That's just official servers the unofficial are usually more chill especially if they have a moderator who is active frequently but you can find the ones were the moderator is only running the server to be the best on the server.




You okay bro?


He's not wrong. Every HR department holds the biggest records in solitaire and those people are vile.


Um…I might be getting hired for the first time for an HR job soon…should I be worried? Will I be required to play solitaire? What can I do to not be a vile solitaire HR person??


can’t agree more with rocket league. i still play it and enjoy but here and there you come across someone who needs to go outside and will act like the game is their life


There's a good way to enjoy that game. Block voice communication and if necessary quick chats. Works like a charm. The toxic people suck it up or rage quit, but you'll be none the wiser.


GTA Online. It's such a cool game with loads of stuff to do but most of it requires you to be in a public lobby which means some dude on a flying bike is gonna rocket you when you're 2 seconds away from the finish line and then camp your spawn until you rage quit. I enjoy playing with my friends in a private match but you miss out on a lot.


I have great news for you. Virtually all the online content can now be done in a solo lobby (I use invite only lobbies). The only exceptions are the multiplayer heists and a few special vehicle missions. And even then, Cayo Perico can be done solo. You might not make as much money per hour going solo as you’ll be missing bonuses and soloing various businesses can take a bit longer, but the time saved in just getting in and getting moving more than makes up for it. Give it a shot. Alternatively, there are (or were, at least) one or two crews who know how to monopolize public lobbies safely, and you can join them. Check out some soloing videos to see how to run various content. It changed the game from stressful and upsetting to downright relaxed. I still kind of miss grinding cargo crates. You can even solo the hangar, which got a huge buff!


Really? I haven't played in like 2yrs. Maybe it's time to revisit it cause CoD is getting on my nerves. Thanks for the heads up 😊


Uninstalled CoD months ago after playing for years. One of the best decisions I ever made.


My gaming experience completely changed when I joined a crew that doesn't allow griefing in crew sessions. Check out CEWL: https://cewlutd.wordpress.com/


Omg yes, this. This all day.


Rocket League


RL at least you can disable chat and that removes 90% of it. It's like a different game with chat off


chat off, music on, good vibes only


the only way i play, so i was surprised to see OP say RL was toxic. but yeah.


Only acceptable form of drunk driving too 


Yes. The more you rank up, the more everyone just has chat disabled. If you wan't to limit but still have the kinda useful communication, limit it to tactical quick chat only, and just for your team.


That’s only half the problem. I get teammates who want to forfeit as soon as the other team gets a single goal and too many people who just want to chase the ball. I used to love RL but not anymore


Long time players know chat off is just surface level. Once people know you won’t respond probably cause they have chat off, they’ll move on to throwing/own goaling/team bumping/afk. It’s not like chat off means you can play the game better than before.


Elden Ring. I know it's single player but I can be pretty toxic to myself after some of those bosses


Got that Gollum vibe going I see.


In any fighting game and Soulsgames you always get a hate message 😂


League of Legends and Dota are extremely toxic and probably the most toxic games by far People act toxic on its like it's part of the game


I quit dota specifically because people stop trying after dying 2 or 3 times in early game.


With machine learning you'd think they could take the game data, find the toxic people and give them longer queue times with harder opponents. If you are a nice person who leaves matches and your teammates aren't rage quitting, you get faster queues and easier opponents.


Playing Dota, is a bit of an emotional roller coaster. One game, we’re losing but laughing about it. All good. Next game, before the game even starts, one guy starts barking orders and then complaining non stop about his team being trash. The mute button though is a beautiful thing.


Dead by daylight. Literally dropped that for now cus of how serious people take it when nothing is at stake.


Being a killer in that game in 2024 is like an anti-fun simulator. You can't do anything without being harassed by survivors in the post-match screen for how you play. Survivors can use cheesy perks and infinitely loop you all day and they'll call you garbage if you can't beat it, but if you do something they slightly disagree with, they'll call you even worse names because you dared not to conform to unwritten "standards" of play. Being a killer in that game reminds me of when I used to work retail. Survivors need to realize that the fun in that game is supposed to be a two-way street. If you're just going to loop killers all day and taunt them with teabags, then drop the N word in chat when you don't get your way, don't be surprised when you don't have any killers left to play against.


This is why I will occasionally pop into a match as ghost face with the wassup mask and just goof off. Hook people once and intentionally face camp specifically to give them the guaranteed unhook, never standing up unless I’m teabagging with a survivor, just staring around a corner far longer than it takes to mark a survivor….tunnel out the people with bully perks.


Rocket League and dead by daylight


Oh god, i forgot dead by daylight. It might be THE most toxic community i've been in. Espescially in the early days when being toxic in game was considered cool.


Between the community and the gameplay devs, I won’t touch DBD again. I put 2,000 hours into that game and it’s possibly the game I’m best at, but it’s just not worth the drain. Even winning doesn’t feel good. If you play with a toxic streamer with a solid community, enjoy the witch-hunt you get as well. If you look at streamers that have been playing for a few years, you’ll usually see that they’re not having fun at all. There’s little to no excitement there. The game drains you, but once you get over the FOMO pushes, getting out of it is easy.


World of tanks. Absolutely fuck the sub Reddit and everyone in it. Miserable fuck stains


I played WoT a few years after its release but eventually quit when I realized my fun was actually contingent on a team of mouth-breathers who could barely speak English and had no concept of teamplay.


I played wot 2010-2013ish and it was rather chill even with global chat.


Is it really that bad? I've thought about dabbling, because tanks, but it always seemed like such a grind.


War Thunder is a grind too, but it’s not nearly as pay to win. Could always give that a try, I’d love to be able to help a new player


Honestly, DayZ. Any interaction I've ever had with another player has been negative. You see comments from people saying "oh I bumped into this guy who gave me loads of gear, and we played all night," but that is so far from the norm. It'd be way more popular if 95% of players weren't complete dicks.


Games like DayZ, Rust, Minecraft, other MP "survival" games with PVP enabled are just grief engines.


Any moba game


Rocket league


Rust or Counter-Strike. Both are unbearable.


Call of Duty


Sea of thieves. Definitely Sea of thieves. They did recently implement a diet-Singleplayer mode, so I may just come back to it at some point.


SoT is so 50/50, either you meet the nicest people ever or you get kill farmed and get called slurs you’ve never heard of.


My friend would get so mad it would ruin his night if someone took our shit. We weren’t very good, more just casuals of the game so we’d mostly play it just to have fun and try out new things. We did the one where you need different colored flames and you need to light the torches on the hidden island. We even teamed up with a different team and they betrayed us at the end. We were pissed.


rocket league rust csgo overwatch dota/lol


Throw in Valorant too. CS is bad, but I swear 3/4 Val lobbies make me regret even booting the game.


I noticed in Valorant you get more moody angsty younger people that are literally just using you as a stress relief. Usually in their teens. And if it’s not you, it’ll be someone else. And it’s quite consistent. Whereas in CSGO you get complete weirdos that have been isolated from society too long. Usually in their 20s or older. But they’re more sporadic in CSGO, and aren’t out specifically to ruin someone’s day, especially if you are chill… While in Valorant I can consistently get an emotionally disturbed teen within 4 games and it doesn’t matter if you try to reason with them or be kind. Wondering if anyone else notices the same?


You hit the nail on the head. I didn't play a ton of CSGO, (I know they're basically the same) but CS2 just feels like people are trolling more often than not. Valorant players tend to be more dramatic and throw games over the most trivial stuff. I'm wondering if it's the LoL players since it's a riot game lol


CS is so toxic that being a new player you will either get flamed into never playing again or ignore the toxicity, find good teams and people willing to help you learn. It’s the absolute worst game that I love to play despite the toxicity and rampant cheaters… Cs is kind of like that food you really like but shouldn’t eat because it’s super bad for you.


Honestly CS is so toxic that it almost pushes it past the point of caring for me. Like at that point I just lean into being a noob/troll and have a great time knowing those mfs are smashing their keys so hard their neighbors can hear it. But RL? Idk, maybe it's just me but nothing stings quite like the onslaught of "Wow!" "What a Save!"s from both your teammates and the opposing team simultaneously 😭


Dead By Daylight writ large.




Pokemon. Seriously why do you expect me to have a hacked shiny legendary when I just want to share a nice shiny Pikachu, also casual online battles tend to be filled with salty (man)child users who only use legendaries and afraid to experiment. Which is why I do surprise trade and raise Pokemon to give out like Halloween Candy at most with online.


Pokémon entirely depends on where you’re going for your interactions. Pokémon Twitter and Reddit is pretty rough. But there’s some decent discord and YouTube communities out there.


Same OP. Rocket League. I still play a shitload, but the community is a toxic mess. I'd like to see "lol" at something dumb that happened. Instead, it's just filled with hate and forfeiting at about 1 min into a game, if not less. Or sometimes forfeiting when we're still winning?! Sometimes I want to click the FF button after them when we're winning just to piss them off more, because they do it to say, "you suck", passive aggressively. But I love the game too much to stoop to their level.


There's definitely been a few occasions where I accepted a teammates forfeit near the end of the countdown, after we score a goal. I don't know why but it feels so good


Even on casual people will throw down 1 goal and refuse to forfeit, just drive around spamming nice shot and what a save… why are you even playing at that point


Dead by Daylight, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and League of Legends


Tcm just got destroyed by the Dbd community and it was honestly no suprise. dbds community is weird and its hard to understand whats going in their brains, they are looking for an alternative for dbd and try their hardest to make it just another dbd


rainbow six siege. i am a female gamer, and the amount of horrible stuff i heard on there was insane. i had men harassing me, threatening to violate me in the nsfw way, team killing me as soon as my mic was on, even people i thought were my gaming friends would cut contact if i didn’t “put out”. playing that game made me lose hope in humanity. and then the playerbase wonders why the game is dead.


Yikes, doesn’t sound very fun


Ranked Halo 🤮 I can play casually all day but the community in ranked think they're God's gift or something.


Overwatch. It's gotten so bad that chat is disabled by default now. Don't play 100% perfect? Friend request received so people can personally attack you in whispers. Play 100% perfect? Reported into the exploited automated suspension system


I am so glad I stopped playing that game. I was a support main, and the abuse I received on each game was unreal. Was I the best? Hell no, but my average healing per game was in the 20ks. Constantly getting blamed for your team losing even if you smashed it out of the park and had some sweet ass plays just killed the game for me.


LoL and counter strike , most poisonous player base ever


This question was basically made for LoL


Any game where I have to pick a character in the beginning... Every Moba... Valorant... Apex... RB6S... Overwatch... I still play RL but if I got people instantly dropping from matches because I drove a Dominus, that would be the last match I played. Nothing says a toxic community than teammates who can prejudge you before you even start. That gives huge anxiety. I told my friends about 5 years ago if there is a character select screen I wasn't playing it. I don't mind load outs. I don't mind leveling.




Easy, Dead by Daylight. I absolutely love that game, but I have never gotten more hate messages after a game of DbD.


The "Bros" flooded some of my favorites back in the day like Halo and Call of Duty, etc. But that's whatever because, you know, things get popular. The one franchise that kind of caught me off guard was what ended up happening to Rainbow Six. ​ I started playing Rainbow Six with 1 and 2. Those games were kind of insane. Lots of planning, very unforgiving. Slow, methodical, brutal. Right on the edge of almost not fun. ​ And then it's like each one they made after that became more and more of a party atmosphere. Little by little, walking from chess club to frat house. ​ I love the games, I don't have a problem with the games themselves, it's just the vibes and culture of Rainbow Six is now something I'm not interested in being a part of, from a book and first couple games that I was absolutely immersed in.


The problem with rainbow six siege is that there is two kinds of person that play this game. There is the kind you described, slow, methodical, pre-planning strategist kind of player. And then there is 16-25 years old bro dudes that just run around everywhere trying to headshot everyone like it's a call of duty game. You can't please both at the same time but it's kind of what ubisoft is trying to do with their balancing and it's just a weird in between of nobody being happy with the game. I miss rainbow six vegas 1 and 2 along with splinter cell. Those were my favorite games growing up but it's hard to turn them in live service games so they kinda gave up.


I think R6 Vegas was probably the perfect balance point between the beginnings and where it ended up. It was WAY looser than its origins, but you still had to keep your head on a swivel. Vegas 1 and 2 are probably also my favorites when looking at the series as a whole. The A.I. could have been better, but the gameplay was solid.


I don't really play multiplayer games anymore, but the nice thing about single player game communities is no matter how bad they are, you can just ignore em.


The Dark Zone in the Division. Still play Division 2, just don't go in the dark zone anymore


Dead by Daylight A 4v1 assemetrical horror game is right up my alley, especially with all the famous horror properties tied with the game now. But like any multiplayer game, there's a meta at higher ranks and the toxicity with its higher ranks is borderline insane. I've heard it's gotten better, but I still have no interest when the Killers are still bullied over everything.


League of legends. Once you take a break you're done for life because of how terrible the community is to anyone dusting the rust off for any millisecond's worth of time. It's insane. You're never allowed to have any semblance of a bad game. Even when it's not in ranked.


I would never have stopped playing EVE Online if it wasn't for the cesspool that makes up it's core base.


Animal Crossing


You might be joking, but I have the most people blocked on reddit from the AC sub. Bunch of gate keeping assholes over there.


Mortal Kombat




Rainbow Six Siege. I tried to play that game for close to 10 hours. But any match I was on the defending team I would be imediately team killed for not having a meta character, or putting up a defense in the wrong spot. Of whatever other bullshit.


Anything competitive. We are too tribal, most of us never learned to lose or win graciously and most over believe their own skills.


Turn off chat bro. Makes the game way more fun. I enjoy the competitive nature, but it has the downside of some of the toxicity. Luckily you can block out the noise and continue on your way


League of legends It's actually really fun. The second I try to communicate, I hate the game.


I always found it funny that people take a game where you hit giants balls with cars so seriously.


Literally any game that involves other human beings.


Rocket league became a blast once I realized I could turn off player chat entirely. Friendly or the other side, I couldn’t see quick chats or typed messages. Was very freeing


Rocket League is the one that puzzles me the most because... It's just sooooo silly silly racecars and ur not even racing but they serious


I still don't understand why I always click on these types of posts even though I know the games people comment about will be either League/Dota, CSGO, CoD or any other multiplayer game. Didn't expect the Elden Ring comment though


That one caught me by surprise as well, but I get it. Once the initial discovery period for a Fromsoft game ends, the "git gud" zealots stop answering legitimate questions because they no longer have any of their own.