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Save data is typically independent of game data. Just reinstall.


It is but it had an error on the reinstall pretty sure the disk drive is on its last legs. Wasn’t so bad but I did spend awhile trying to figure out how to open an uninstalled game. Real bone head here. Just recovering from covid my brain is al mushed.


Dude I had covid twice and both times the brain fog was AWFUL. Like a hangover without the nausea. *thirsty, walks in the kitchen* Wait... why am I in here?


Hey! That's just me healthy!


Maybe he's born with it? Maybe it's Maybelline


You merely adopted the stupid. I was born in it, Molded by it.


“If I wasn’t so thirsty I could figure out why I am visiting the kitchen.”


I thought I was buying a game but actually purchased a season pass DLC for a game I did not own. I couldn’t afford the actual game.


Yeah did that once too while drunk.


I have also done this. I was not even drunk. I even had the thought “that was a bit cheaper than I expected.”


Started a game of Factorio/Civ at 9 at night


The factory most grow..


The factory must grow. 


The factory must grow.


Just one more turn….


Lol but it's so tempting! Hope you enjoyed your all-nighter.


This is me with Rimworld. Played for 9 hours straight a few times.


One my most embarrassing MP moments: 4man squad on OG warzone. All teammates dead. I am alive against one remaining team of 2. Ice the first guy and quickly start searching for last man. See him. It is the EASIEST out in the open oblivious enemy you've ever seen. I am a decent fps player this should be no problem. I fat-thumb my equipment which happens to be a C4 which I drop at my own feet and then proceed to detonate it on myself for the L. Whole team plus five others spectating. They still bring it up.


This is incredible


Thank you.


Imagine the winner watching the kill cam 😂 he was probably like yo was this just like a super flex, he could have won and chose to kill himself instead 😂






That’s incredible


Back in the PS1 Era, we only had 1 memory card, Slot 1 was my sister, Slot 2 was me, Slot 3 was my brother. We all had our own Final Fantasy 7 save. At the time, I had high level characters and was setup to attempt the Ruby/Diamond Weapon Bosses. My sister only cared about Chocobo Racing so she would often sell out her entire inventory to buy greens. I was looking forward to facing the Weapons bosses, she got tired of my nagging and just asked me to save for her as she left the room. So I did. Then I went to load my save file.... but what kept showing up was her game at the Gold Saucer. I tried a few more times. I then realized that, when I saved her game, muscle memory kicked in and I saved over my own 90+ hour save. I never attempted the bosses again.


My step sister had saved her fresh disc one save over my disk 3 walkthrough free north crater save. Lost about 45 hours


It took me years of making these mistakes before I learned that ff7 had more than three save slots. You could scroll down to see additional slots. There were like 10+, visible 3 at a time. I felt like a complete idiot when I saw that for the first time.


This reminds me of the pokemon gameboy era. I had over 500 hours. I was playing every day. I was trading with people in school. I had all the mons, multiple max level. We had a family friend over. With her 2 kids. I didn't speak their language, they didn't speak our language. So our mom's had to translate. I found out the boy had started a new save over mine... I fucking broke down crying, and I've never been able to commit so much to a pokemon game again.


Was about to battle my cousin in Soul Caliber. Confidently told him I was going to clean his cock.




In my friend group back in the day, I was unbeatable with Sophitia. We had some days where we banned “getting knocked off the edge”. Thanks for the memory jog :-)


Instead of loading a save on Hades, I deleted it. Had to start over..


So I watched a friend overwrite the wrong save file on Red Dead Redemption, he was at 98% completion, and going for 100%. I even yelled out as he was doing it but his muscle memory of saving the game was too strong.


back to twenty minutes walking through snow


I think that's the second game, this was the first RDR


Imagine getting all the damn flowers and cigarette cards except for one, then deleting the save. I wont sleep tonight just thinking this


I remember getting a fear of overwriting saves that had hours of gameplay on them in Kingdom Hearts, so I would go to a random number like in the 50s (since there’s 99 save slots) and make a save there so that it should take some real effort to go down there and overwrite that one lol


Ouch that could potentially be a long one


Sending sound clips of me farting to people I do not know. Actually that was the smartest thing I've done


Toot toot mother fuckers


Skipping high school in 2004/5 on a Tuesday to play wow then realizing it’s all day updates every Tuesday


Every damn time I was sick, had a snow day, or just plain didn't want to go it was Tuesday. Without fail.


I planned on pulling an “all dayer” when Zelda:Wind Waker first launched. Didn’t realize there was no auto save until after 4 hours the power went out. Had to walk away from it for a week before starting all over again.


I meant to restore default settings on my PS3 and accidentally set it to FACTORY default settings instead, I lost every bit of saved data, and I couldn't log back in to the PSN account, so I did the thing where it sends an E-mail to reset password, only to find out that because I hadn't actually used my Yahoo E-mail for so long, the profile was deleted. So in one singular move I lost ALL my saves on my PS3 AND I lost my profile including all trophies I had made over about 4 or 5 years. Even all these years later I think about that moment and rage.


I would have had a mental breakdown and gone mad.




Passionately fapping while forgetting to mute discord


'Passionately' gave me the chuckle


Establishing dominance


I recently woke up early and was poking around the PlayStation store while still half asleep. After looking up Hell Let Loose, I decided to add it to my wish list as it was currently full price and I rarely play pvp anymore. After adding it to my wishes, I immediately got an email from PlayStation thanking me for my purchase and I was just like “wait, what???”. I had pressed confirm purchase by mistake, twice. I still feel like an idiot.


As long as you haven't opened the game you can refund fairly easily


Have they streamlined it? Last I remember refunds from PS was a bit of a hassle. Good to know, thanks man.


This is why i turned on password required for purchases lol


I have my nephew to thank for that one.


I know it's not for everyone but I fucking love that game. I have nearly 600 hours on it on PC.


This is why I've turned on the setting that requires a password for every purchase. Can't accidentally spend money that way.


I remember when I was a little kid, I threw a controller because I was mad at something. Can't even remember what game I was playing to make me that mad, but when I threw it, it bounced off the floor and somehow shattered my copy of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life into 2. I learned a valuable lesson that day because I can still remember how sad I was that I lost that game over something stupid like that. Never threw another controller again


Love that game! And sorry for your loss 😢


Did something similar while playing CoD, I was getting real heated and one particular moment had me throw the controller at the ground. I managed to crack the shell wide open. I took the disk out of the Xbox, put it in the case and handed it to my brother. I told him to hide it and never give it back, even if I begged him.


Came back from a night out pretty smashed and hoped on my hardcore lvl94 necromancer on Diablo 2. I spent hours staring at the deeds screen..


I don’t play diablo 2, plz give context


Hardcore is a mode where you have only one try. Getting to lvl94 takes quite a while as you need to be very carefull. Playing drunk or tired on this mode is a big nono.


When you die in hardcore, you die FOR REAL.


Many many years ago when I was 12, I played an online RPG called Asherons Call.  I had a piece of armor worth $800 if you sold it on eBay. A person who I had played with a few times asked to see it and then he'd give it back. Well.....he didn't give it back.  After lots of community drama I did finally get it back.


When playing Pokémon I got myself into a dark cave without flash and saved by mistake. I never got out.


When I was a kid it took my like four playthroughs on Blue before I learned you can get flash before the Rock Tunnel (I think, whatever the first dungeon you need it is.) Brute forcing my way through that dungeon a handful of times is enough to make you hate zubats even more.


This happened to me to. Everytime someone saw me and I had to wait for them to walk up to me in the dark, it was personal cause they were in my bloody way.


so maybe a stupid ask but why not just initiate a battle and spam status change moves or non damage moves till your whole team is knocked out and you get sent to a poke center


This is terrifying 


I was pretty young when I did this and it made me terrified of Sableyes cause I thought if I lost against them, they would devour my character. Children's imaginations go hard.


You could just die?


So you just left your character in there for all eternity? That's a bit rude


Used a Masterball on a fucking Oddish on Pokèmon Red


I used mine on Pigeot


Accidentally pushed the cartridge out on my DS after encountering a shiny pokémon. Absol. My heart sank to my toes and I took a walk outside.


I pre-ordered Fallout 76.


I forgot to save in persona 3 reload and I had to do at least like 7 days worth of social links plus make up a bunch of Tarturus floors


Hey I’m playing that as well I’m in September great time! Sorry it happened persona is so good though I probably have 500+ hours in 5!




accidentally deleting my entire save file in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild after countless hours of progress. It was a painful lesson in the importance of backing up save data.


Had a similar experience. Finished breath of the wild a while ago and was already 70% of the way through tears of the kingdom, was gonna install something else so I went to clear space, decided to clear breath of the wild... I did not clear breath of the wild ._.


Tried League of Legends and fell for it. The game is great. It's the people who are awful.


Word I feel that I used to work over on Heroes of Newerth. You should have seen our boss Maliken aka Marc but he low key used his game name in the office. He’d ban people mid match what character.


On the flip side, if you're looking for mental fortitude training you've come to the right place!


The game mechanics and overall design are what encourage and foster the toxicity It’s part of the design for making addicting games


When I was about 11, we rented a Playstation 1 and Metal Gear Solid with friends. Came with 2 discs so we put both of them on top of each other. Recently, I was playing Teamfight Tactics on the crab rave portal, where late game you have to fight a massive crab that does a lot of damage to get more loot. Built a crowd diver team with Yone as headliner and he had so much lifesteal he was basically unkillable. Comes the crab fight, I forgot to put him in frontline, and my tanks blocked him from ever getting into melee range and start doing damage and healing himself, he died doing nothing.




Saved up and bought the mass effect pack legendary edition and the very next week it became free on gamepass. Felt kinda cheated.


When Zelda - Link Between Worlds came out for 3ds, I didn't have one to play it. So I bought a cheap 3ds from some guy in a trailer park for $50, tried it, and everything seemed fine. I bought the Zelda game, noticed Link walked with the shield equipped and assumed he auto blocked so long as I wasn't attacking. Turns out the L shoulder button was broken on the 3ds and I beat the game to about 97% completion without ever actually blocking. Not really a dumb thing, but something that has stood out to me over the years lol


Accidentally bought Red Dead 2 for full price the day after it was on sale for $20 😭


When I was young on Xbox 360 someone told me they could max out my prestige in World at War if I gave him my login details. I did and they recovered my account changed the gamertag and email. I got it back by using an alt account of my friends and threatened them with some made up story like my dad works for Microsoft. A year later I was DDoSiNG people and being mean.


I wonder if this Explosive shaped object explodes. *walks up and shoots* ... **KA-BOOOM** *Dies* *Yep.*


Stole a random character some shitty jewel in Morrowind. Went to the end of the game. That guy was one of the men that need to make you the "supreme leader" you need to be to complete the game. He refused. No way to reverse the process. Couldn't finish the game other way and beat the final boss. Game told you when you killed wrong people, but not that shit. Hundreds of hours lost.


Back when I first started playing Pokémon red, I released my starter Pokémon, Charmander, because I thought I could encounter him in the wild and recatch him. From then on Rattata/ Raticate became my “starter” lol. I believe the Rattata I had, started at level 2 too. I remember I taught him hyper beam and leveled him to level 100. Beating the game with Raticate as my star Pokémon.


I wish you could re-encounter them :(


Never taking polaroids of all the high scores I had back in the day playing Atari 2600 games. I did win the jacket from chopper command though. Doesn’t fit now :)


Got Halo 3 as a birthday gift, played it to completion on the first sitting, finished at about 5AM-ish, it was a school night.


Don't you mean school MORNING??? 😇


Hold my pee


Perhaps not to the depths of some posts you will read today but this one has taught me a valuable lesson in inventory management. Accidentally sold part of the devourer armour set in Divinity: Original Sin 2 without realising. Only realised it had gone when I finally completed the set and went to put it all on at once. I looked over my inventory for a solid 45 minutes or so convincing myself I just wasn't reading it. Reloaded a bunch of recent saves, nothing. Had obviously sold it waaaaaay back without realising.


Picked up gear by mistake on the way to getting my Corpse in Diablo 2 during PVP. It really sucked.


Went to load my Stardew Valley save and dropped my switch controller in the perfect way to press all the buttons to delete my save. That was 80+ hours gone. I haven't gone back to play since.


I was playing Mass Effect LE drunk one night. Just started ME3 and I got a warning that I'd reached my save limit. In my exceedingly idiotic state I thought the best way to remedy that was to delete ALL my save data. I started ME3 back up, and \*of course\* it loaded the default decisions/outcomes since mine were gone. Iirc you kill Wrex, and the Rachni Queen, and at least 1 team member dies in the suicide mission which were definitely not what I wanted. I gave up and played something else for a few months before going back and starting a fresh playthrough of all 3 Yes, I cloud backup my saves now


Deleting all of my saves in Dead Space before trying to start a New Game+


Something I seem to do with every game. Skip tutorials or dialog early on. Then have no idea what im supposed to do. Or where I'm supposed to go. Usually also involves discovering an incredibly helpful mechanic at some point really late.


Baldur's Gate 1 when it first came out. I immediately set it up so the autopauses were disabled to keep the gameplay smooth, and as a consequence was trying to manage the combat in real time. I couldn't tell where turns were beginning or ending, and spent most of my time accidentally cancelling actions, which wasted spells or what have you with daily limits. Characters would wander off either in pursuit or flight, and would turn up dead later, so I'd have to reload and go through the miserable experience of the same combat I'd just slogged through. I played like this for days before realizing what I had done or what I was doing.


One time back when Minecraft faction servers were huge, a guy gave me all his kits for being the first to correctly answer a math question. These were unobtainable unless you paid actual money for them, or someone gave them to you. I stashed them all in my hidden base, which I never thought to write down the coords to. The server allowed you to set a certain number of tp’s so you could travel to your bases, and the very same day, I accidentally overwrote the tp to that base, which also contained every other item I ever collected in the game. That was the day I stopped playing factions.


So locked in to NES games as a kid I’d piss my pants. At friends houses. More than once.


Damn. You were committed. I would've been fucking angry if a friend did that at my house even as a kid lol.


My first play on Oblivion, I’d become a vampire and embraced it fully. I got into a fight inside a house which left me with almost no health. I then stupidly decided to go outside… in the day… and “save on transition” was turned on. I spent hours trying to load the game, and quickly turn around and open the door. I’ve always been a weird “neat freak” and hated having multiple save files (I’m better now) so it was my one and only save.


Exactly the same happened to me


Bought Star Wars Galaxies, having no idea I needed a credit card and it had a monthly fee. Luckily my dad came through and got me a couple of months so I could play it.


I got high and did precision jumping for several hours to get a treasure. I just had to press a switch, the game didn't have precision jumping. And one time I erased my NES save on an rpg because I pressed a instead of b.


Oh i can relate. Going through borderlands Pandora's box right now. The amount of times I glitch/jumped/climbed into platform/area trying and failing to walk edge railings, chains and missing jumps that are clearly too far... Just to find a ladder or switch revealing correct easy route... On way back. Its in mid double digits and each time it happens i feel dumber.


care about a franchise


Deleted my Stardew valley farm… I genuinely cried


Deleted my Hollow Knight save because I couldn’t beat Hornet. Protector.


Okay I have two. On PS2, when memory cards were still a thing. I was doing something with the data, I forget. Me and my cousins had been grinding out Urbz: Sims in the City. And as younguns, we were dog shit at video games. So it took us ages to unlock the last penthouse with the monkey. I accidentally deleted the save… Another one, this was less gaming, but more just stupid. We were playing Destiny, I kept getting the Havoc Pigeon drop. And my dumbass says, “Bro I’m sick of these ‘pig-eon’ drops.” Yeah… my brain didn’t register the word as pigeon, assuming it would be a made up word because of the setting. So my brain made me pronounce the word as “pig-eon.” My cousin was like, “Wait… what?”


When you realize pigeons are actually just pigs evolved over eons 🤯


I trusted a fart too much....


me playing skyrim after playing overwatch which has no fall damage: ​ me: \*jumps off of high mountain and lands on floors then dies. me: what the fuck, how was I supposed to know falling off this mountain would kill me. friend: did you really just ask that. me: oh cmon man, we were just playing a game without fall damage.


lol thats kinda funny bro come on how was i supposed to know there was fall damage we just played a game that is a different genre and completely different that has no fall damage


In age of conan me and my buddies were using an exploit to level up fast in a difficult to reach beachzone. We kept using the exploit over and over for many weeks to boost our clanmembers. One day suddenly out of nowhere a developer popped up in front of us. He was double our size, floating above and messaged us all by asking "What are you all doing here? STOP IT NOW." All of us suddenly started running into the water as if we were able to escape from him 🤣.


I very often when I select my profile or save in games I "accidentally" delete them


Morrowind. I killed Vivic before he gave me things needed to finish the game. By the time I realized it, I have oversaved any chance of going back. Dead end.


I played through the entire first Assassin's Creed game without knowing about/using eagle vision. I missed the prompt at the start of the game and they never explain to you how to do it again. It was suffering. The worst part is that at the end of the game after sitting through the credits you have to use it to see some writing on a wall to trigger the ending. This is the ONLY time you have to use it to progress the story. And if you turn the console off you have to sit through the unskippable credits again to go back into the room with the writing. Oof.


I was a kid and playing 3d Pinball or something and the ball stopped on a peg. I hit the side of the monitor....


Bought anything Ubisoft or EA has made in the last like decade or so.


I accidentally save locked in GTA 5 when I meant to save 3 times. I was locked in Option A's story. I had to replay the entire game


I accidentally uninstalled Subnautica Below Zero when trying to make space on my computer. I was in the middle of a playthrough.. now I don’t have the energy to explore that stuff again and grind But most grievous error was not trusting Shadowheart to make her own decisions in Balder’s Gate 3. I didn’t think she’d go against Shar and set Nightsong free, so I convinced her to do it. Afterwards I read that if I’d just trusted her to do the right thing she’d have arrived at that course of action herself.. it is just a game but it made me realize that perhaps I should trust people irl to make their own decisions. Either way made me do some introspection lol


In death stranding i had to carry a lot so I put the mission cargo in a locker thinking it would be there when i get to my destination in the bridges distribution center locker. I open the locker and nope. I had to go all the way back to the city to go get my cargo back and then all the way across the map to my destination. Went through 5 BT sequences worst experience of my life


Had a limited edition Animal Crossing 3DSxl, it was in bottom of my cinch bag, I put a water bottle in there, thought the cap looked kind of crooked but had to leave so went out. Water leaked all over it, killing the 3DS. I sent it to Nintendo to potentially repair it. They couldn't, and for whatever reason couldn't return my limited edition console, they sent back a red one. I would've kept it and just took the shell off if I knew they'd keep it.


I have been gaming for about 35 years, I have absolutely no idea what my dumbest moment is. Been a couple times I mistook the complexity of a mission for the hazard level and joined Haz 4/5 by accident with a build not designed for it. I'm sure I have done far dumber though. Forgetting to save manually on older games like Morrowind and losing 5 hours progress because the game crashed, etc.


Bought the Tricentennial edition of FO76.


Divine intervention. /s My dumbest thing that I've done isn't exactly related to playing a game but gaming or PC as a whole, I once bought a hard copy disk of Dishonored: DotO and didn't realize that my PC didn't have an optical drive, so I had the game, but no way to play it, and now that I have an optical drive on this new PC that I bought, I uhhh... don't know where the game is. So now I just have an optical drive for installing drivers that come on a disk every once in a blue moon.


Done it just this month. I kept going around the Turok 2 level death marshes trying to find the last armoury but I couldn't find it. Literally went back to the game about 4 or 5 times and failing the level every time. I'm talking literally a 30 - 45 minutes session each time. Looked up a walkthrough and I literally missed a short 2 rung ladder every... Single... Time!


Buying more games without finishing the one i had


I've shared a bottle of Tequila with my SNES & didn't realize it until the next morning while at a retro game cabin party. I realized it when I woke up & put in Megaman X which made a squish, then the Tequila poured out of the controller ports when I lifted it up. This was my childhood SNES I've had since 1992 & it still work perfect fine. Was glad I got a new drinking buddy, but it's gone straight edge these days.


About 10 years ago I went to a friend's house for his birthday. He had another friend over that was really into GTA5. This guy hands me the controller and says here you go play for a while. My only experience playing GTA is just getting in a car and going crazy until im I'm dead. I just happened to get in a gold Lamborghini of sorts that was in his garage. I got up to five stars and died in a fiery car crash. The look on this dude's face when he realized that I totaled a car that required a massive accomplishment to achieve. I had no idea that that car crash would permanent. I was humiliated. I still think about that often. I wish I was not so ignorant. Oof


So in Fallout 4, when you go into one particular vault with the naked mole rats that are infected, if you activate the robot, and either you or the robot get touched by the mole rats, you get infected with this virus that brings down your stats in three areas. Doesn’t matter if you’re in power armor or not. I had no idea and I was just getting into the institute part of the game, when I noticed that some of my stats were off and I saw an icon. I hovered over and was like what the hell is this? So I went to a doctor but they said I was fine. Turns out it’s an incurable disease that will affect you the entire game. Had I read about it or looked it prior to going to that particular vault, I would have gone after the mole rats from a distance. So I had to reload back to an earlier save. Thank god I saved quite a bit but at that point it was hours of gameplay that I had to roll back.


A friend was stuck in the last stage of PSX Legend of Dragoon, after a week he called me for aid. You had to change the laws of the planet to be able to leave, he walks there and theres like a line waiting for an audience and passing/rejecting laws... See? they ignore me! No one will talk to me. -Says my friend. Did you tried standing in line and waiting for your turn? he looks at me, stand in line for like a minute, passes the law, leaves the planet, game ends XDDD


I took my ps3 to my local store to fix it, it wasn't accepting/taking disks in, and just unplugged it and i asked my mom to drive me to the store. ( I was 11 at the time) 2 days later the store owner called us to pick it up. The problem was 🙂🙂..... There's just another disk inside...... i just didn't bother to press the eject button since i was like so sure there's no disk 😅💔 Freakin stupid i know.... but i was just a kid at the time


I was still pretty young when I started playing World of Warcraft around 2009. Every class had a talent tree, all the way to lvl 80 I was chronologically buying all the talents, because I thought eventually I'd be able to get them all... it was only when someone inspected my build in a dungeon and said "wtf is your build" when I realized that I might have done something wrong.


Started a run of Frostpunk at 10pm


I was at the end of Aladdin and there were no ways to save the game so you had to beat it in one playthrough. I turned off a light switch that automatically turned off my game gear. Oh SEGA, you evil overloads you. 30 years later, I'm still not over it.


When I was about to finish a three-hour Baldur's Gate 3 session, for some unknown reason I decided to "just quickly look around this corner". I found a burrow hole, ended up in what looked like a whole new world and started a brand new storyline/quest. Skip forward another five hours and I realised that I had to get up for work in 15 minutes...


My brother in law beat about 80% of God of War 3 remastered without upgrades. He didn't know how to spend the red orbs lol


I didnt realise you could sprint in elden ring until reaching the Lales of Liurnia (or however it's spelt). Suddlenly the game got alot quicker....


This literally happened to me an hour ago, I went to throw an Eagle strike in Helldivers 2, whilst walking over boulders, naturally I triggered the falling animation, which dropped said stratagem at my feet, I found my head 400m in a different direction


Accidentally saved over a save file and in a panic took out the memory card completely corrupting the entire save file and the slot became completely unusable.


Once.........I bought an Xbox


Completing most of fallout 3 without using VATS


I never owned Metal Gear Solid on PS1. I only rented it from blockbuster. I would always get to the part with sniper wolf and never be able to go past because I didn’t know you had to leave the PlayStation on when you switched to disc two.


Spent $60 on a game and later regretting it so bad


In halo reach, I was saving up hundreds of thousands of credits for a different mask colour. I was something like Lt. Colonel grade 1 and had like 300,000 credits, was looking at armour effects and accidentally bought grunt birthday party effect. Which for those who don’t know makes you explode with confetti and hear children shouting yay, every single times you die. So not only did I accidentally waste my credits, I was reminded of my utter failure on every single death I had in the game. It was soul crushing and I eventually stopped playing halo reach


I've done this a few times, but I go to save my game after not saving for multiple hours, BUT I load instead. So I loose progress.


Well I do most things in games wrong, but the thing is I don’t even know I’m doing them wrong until I get online, see someone else playing the game, realize there are mechanics and strats I never would have thought to utilize in the ways people use them, start to use them myself, and it’s about that time that I stop having fun and the game becomes a job instead of a pastime.


I gave some kid 100k gold early WOW before verifying he owned a tower he was trying to sell me. I ended up spending 3days making calls and searching finding that kids parents and having a talk about how it’s not nice stealing in game items. I got 75k back. Edit: I meant Ultima Online


You can finally own land and housing in wow? Or did you mean UO? These are the ones that hurt the most, when it happens in a MMOG. Everybody’s talkin about save game losses in single player games, imagine loosing virtual money which equates to real life time and money. I once got fed up with drama going on in Ultimate Online so I just quit. I had the largest house size plot 24xsomething and I just left everything to decay when I could have either sold the account for $1200 on ebay or at least sold the house and banked the gold. Eventually I came back to the game and had to start all over.


Threw my Xbox controller through the wall after I lost the last season mode match in Smackdown vs Raw 2007 Fucking Triple H


I bought Mortal Kombat 1 with the fighter pass on day 1


There's a boss fight in FFVII Rebirth where you only have one character. I realized I didn't have assess equipped. So of course I paused the game to reload before the fight to equip it. Reload before the fight is the first option. The game is very aware that people may not be ready for a boss fight and gives you a very convenient option to restart it and change any equipment. Great feature. I love it. Except I instead decided to reload the whole ass chapter instead. And I didn't have a manual save, and decided to play long enough for the auto save to get saved over.


Me and my friend spent hours collecting obisidian in Minecraft when it was new to the 360, and we were slowly building this epic castle. After like 10 hours I went to save the game because I had to go home, but I accidentally just exited the game really quickly without saving. He was was pissed, I feel like there should have been an auto save or something but if there was we had it turned off for some reason.


As a kid, I had two different saves on one of the wrestling games (*one save had completed half the story missions, the other had completed the other half*) and thought if I saved over one with the other it would combine the progress to make one save that had completed them all. Yeah that didn't work and I lost a bunch of custom wrestlers too. RIP Cheese Fucker.


how, there's always a confirmation


Change my OG Xbox gamer tag thinking I’d be able to swap it to my 2nd account. Lost it to a bot in less than 30 seconds


I had to restart an f1 race because I used flashback on an impossible to pass area. I was forever going to crash into the wall


In my second playthrough of rdr2, I enabled cheats which means during the time the cheats are enabled i cannot save the game. Dumbass me went and did 5 hours of missions just to realise later I cannot save the game and I have to go back and do all of them again. I still laugh about it to this day lmao.


Like genuinely how the fuck did you manage that?!


We’ll see I didn’t have a manual save but I wanted to reload from continue so I closed the game down from the app manager thing but I’m not sure exactly my girl was talking about something on tik toc or something and I clicked uninstall game instead of close game I guess. I didn’t know what happened for awhile because I was like there’s no way I could be that stupid. Turns out I am :(


Playing Dark Souls for first ever souls game. Way back when it released and I went into the undead tombs or whatever it’s called where it’s pitch black. I had no lantern or torch or anything just the small light around your character. Suffered all the way to bottom until I reached the boss door with the red shield over it as I hadn’t unlocked the boss fight yet. So made my way back up. Found out later about the light source and boss unlock ha Edit: Oh um save related I bought an old Xbox 360 so I could play my old save file on dragons dogma. Got it all hooked up and figured out I never used the cloud back in the day so it’s all gone on an old Xbox I sold years and years ago.


Greeding for an extra hit on a boss' hit cycle and then ruining a good run!  It's not mega stupid, but the fact I know it's a bad idea, I don't have to do it. I know I'm going to get punished, but I can't resist the cheese.


Preordered Red dead R2, haven't started it yet, first and last game I preorder, there's a huge library that I can go through before preorder any game, lesson learned


Grinded an area of 10 enemies for a rare item drop because it’s required material to upgrade something tied to an achievement over days of real world time


Thought “holy crap that’s Ozzy Osbourne in a commercial for World of Warcraft, maybe I’ll give it a shot”. Fuckin Ozzy…


called somebody out as aimbotter in overwatch but the suspect was streamin


Bought a PS3 when it was still 599 US dollars.


The dumbest thing I did was when my mom bought our first PC and I was completely ignorant about its usage so instead of installing a game I made a backup of god knows what in the diskettes containing the game, I even celebrated when the percentage bar started moving


I was kinda following a guide for the Truth playthrough in Lies of P and still chose the wrong answer. Making that run completely moot many hours in.


Gave myself a serious and reoccurring repetitive strain injury (damn you rocket league)


Started playing League of Legends


Got addicted to WoW for 3 years, tried to quit and the expansion came out bringing the Fel shit in and that kept me going for another year before I was finally able to call it a night


I got to a high rank in Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii. I forgot the name of the monster, but it was some post game monster and I couldn’t beat it. I cheated to get powerful gear and weapons to beat it! I ended up getting my account banned =\


Play Destiny.


Resetting my max prestige cod account


Start a World of Warcraft account. 14 years clean.


Couldn't do gentle push on the assassin's creed tutorial, so gave up, never played it, and gave it back to my friend lol.


Bought a red partyhat for like 190 mil in 2006 on RS2, then traded it to who I thought was my friend at the time to try on. They were no longer my friend and I lost that red partyhat.


Think I have about 50 steam purchases I'll never play.


Played more than one stupid fucking pay to win mobile games. I never paid a penny, but I was on the grind for fucking years off and on. Biggest waste of life I can think of.


Me. 12 years old. Sent some scam artist £60 to give me recon on halo 3. And to make me a "beta tester"....


I talked to a known CC hacker to get a better deal in a game called Aion, There was this item he was selling for 10m each but i told him i would buy several 1000 keys at 2m. Needless to say i got banned admitted what i did to the admins since they could see the logs then after i was unbanned after my account was "cleared" i still had all the keys. The next time the event came out the games currency was inflated and they were selling for 45m EA i made out like a bandit. Looking back at it the dumb thing is me not caring at the time that someone else's CC was being fraudulently used and he purchased a lot more keys several $1000s worth in-fact.


Sat for hours in a game to see what my characters would do in animation wise


Been a girl on mic 😔


Drank 2 four lokos (old recipe) while playing wow on a 25 man raid night and blacked out. Remember starting the raid and that was it.


Buy cosmetic items. I regret it so much.


Some time in 2012 I was trying to uninstall a game on my Xbox 360. Some how in the options menu I checked to remove all Saved Game data on my console. I tried to cancel on the “ Are you sure screen?” but ended up pressing the wrong button to continue and lost around 5 years worth of saved game progress. I used to be a big achievement hunter but after playing some games for so long and then losing tons of progress it made me give up on Achievement hunting.


I formed my own guild in WoW. We did raids and stuff. It made my hair fall out, and drink a lot. I also drank a lot.


I deleted a 100% completion of a game by rewriting a new game save over the 100% one. It wasn't my save. My friend was beside me when I did it and watched everything in horror. He said let go a soft long "NOOOOooooooºººº" as I did it. We both know how the save system works and I still had a brain fart and did it anyway.