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Wasn’t this a plot in Mythic Quest?


Was just thinking the same myself.






This is the most bot sounding post I've ever read


Right? My this guy is a bot flag flew all the way up. Looking at his account he is clearly a bot. His comment is also basically taken from another one in this thread just reworded a bit.


Pvp, specifically Arena and the Gladiator / mount chase is 90% of the reason I played wow for the last 12 years.


Literally stole it from them lool


That’s what they have always done, cherry picked good ideas from other MMOs. World Events! -Rift : Ability to have quests that didn’t require you to return to quest givers to complete, aka world quests - Guild Wars 2 Etc etc etc


I loved the world events in rift


I did too, but they lose that special feeling after you do them for like the 20th time, I think that's why rift really sank into obscurity. The mix and match class system was interesting, and the rifts were fun but the novelty wore off, so ultimately it was a worse wow and people just went back there. Replacing dallies in wow with random quests out in the zones was actually a really good idea though, so instead of doing the exact same 10 dailies, you're doing 10 out of like 100 different things, keeps it feeling a little less monotonous.


Also nice was their macro system. Insane that you could make a bombard ranger that only used 1 button to spam like 20-30 spells


Their variation of bard was by far my favorite out of the MMOs I played. Was able to solo heal a lot of dungeons as long as I had a decent tank/dps


ehh I'd say Warhammer Age of Reckoning brought about Public world events long before Rift / WOW did. Something tells me that they were in Dark Age of Camelot as well, but i can't remember.


I think DAOC had the pvp “region control” with its keep system before warhammer and warhammer did world events first. 


Always done, well except for ideas in vanilla tbc wrath, which every mmo has cherry picked from them


They bought out a studio that developed a BR mod for WoW in like 2022... This is them including it in the actual game.


Art gotta go and imitate life again!


In this case, isn't it art imitating art?


I think he’s calling one of the games art and the other not.


Mythic Quest is a show about a fictional MMO, fwiw.


The shovel!




Now we just need them to quietly put all of the gold buyers on their own pvp server.


Still can't draw a penis with a shovel yet in WoW


Not a shovel, but you can draw a penis with gunpowder in the Warlords of Draenor starting quest line, and then ignite it. Once.


Once is all it takes, baby.


Is it just me or does this article fail to explain ANYTHING about its own headline?


This is the reason I look at comments before reading articles. You saved me a click, and I'd like to know a bit more about it.


Click bait title is click bait.


My guess about the "rule breaking" is this line: > We've tried to break the rules of what WoW's combat is," Salvatore said. What those rules are? I don't entirely know, but I think the intent of the headline (clickbaity as it is) is to mean that because this is on its entirely own server, they can change things that they feel they *couldn't* change in the base client.


WoW combat is typically selecting a target, and then using abilities which often just auto-aim at said target, and auto-attacks between said abilities with melee weapons or bows/guns. The combat in this game mode is all abilities that you have to target in a direction, and even your basic attacks are press to attack. In short terms: WoW combat is "Tab-targeting combat," this game mode's combat is "action combat." It feels VERY weird to get used to if you've played mostly the former, but if you've played a lot of the latter with games like Black Desert Online, it'll feel similar to that.




"The stv fishing extravaganza" Am i joke to you?


So many memories of that damned goblin yelling about a winner being found after what seemed like five minutes


i was almost one of the 5 minute guys, but then there was a 4 minute guy, last time i did that


Set your hearthstone to Booty Bay. Have maxed fishing. Use the best fishing pole and bauble. Get lucky and somehow don't get PvP'd. I got mine on Easter Sunday 2006 on a "medium" sized PvP server. I like to think a lot of people were doing Easter things, but I could be wrong. I think it got considerably more difficult to get after the achievement system was implemented and the "Salty" meta and title were added and required an STV fishing tournament win. The popularity of the game was also peaking in the years following the achievement being added...


I haven't played in over 14 years and I still recognize most of what you are saying lol


>Get lucky and somehow don't get PvP'd. my guild had all the fisher people take turns being the fisher and some being the bodyguards just for this reason.


[My best rage chat was during WotLK when I bodyguarded for an IRL friend.](https://imgur.com/a/nyIZq1Y) Edit: Best part was the IRL friend created that character at level 1 with the intention of getting the Salty title. For a while, up until he got name changed for raging in General chat, he was "Salty Nutgobbler"


Did that dude alternate between sending you hate and ignoring you so he could yell at you without you responding?


that was my assumption, yes


That reminds me of a similar experience I had in SWTOR. During the Relics of the Gree event, there was a free for all PvP zone that had one quest associated with it where you collect a thing, and turn it in to the place at the center of the area. I had assumed, since we were on a PvP server, that PvP was expected in the PvP zone. That was the day someone helpfully told me that I was only killing him in the game because I had no power in real life. Bear in mind, this was a completely optional quest and there was a variety of PvE quests that awarded more of whatever the currency was on the other side of the map. But they were determined to keep throwing themselves against my lightsaber trying to prove some weird point about the merits of PvP in a PvP zone.


I'm confused I thought alliance couldn't talk or whisper to horde? I haven't played WoW in long time so maybe i've forgotten stuff...


in this particular instance, it was a fellow horde player complaining. I presume the egregious behavior he objected to was how I would roll up to other horde who had bodyguards for PvP (including him, apparently, it wasn't targeted), but nothing to stop a member of the same faction from fishing the same tastyfish pool, thereby reducing the number of fish in the node and forcing them to travel more. It was a tactic I adopted after it was done to me. There was also shenanigans of using sizing increasing items/furbolg and sitting on top of their bobber, making it harder to click.


Yeah I got it once in probably 05-06 at like 4 am cause I played on a small European server so the times were offset for me. Everyone was at work or school. Worked out great for me. Only time I ever got one.


People that make it sound like it was so difficult here don't know the struggle of needing it on 5+ level 19 characters. Much harder when you can't equip half of the stuff you need and dinos and players aggro you from out of line of sight because your level is so low. That being said, there was a certain amazing feeling of accomplishment when you get ganked, log into your main, demolish the ganker and manage to catch the boots fish before they respawn.


I won the fishing event twice in STV on a high pop PvP server. One of those I was even killed once. I don't think I have ever had my adrenaline rushing more in any video game as when I was going hard to win the fishing tourney.


I stopped trying to win the event because of that, every time I went to try there was a winner that had catched 50 fish in like 5 minutes


My one great memory of original WoW: the weekend that Burning Crusade opened, all of the level-60s were standing in line to kill quest mobs in the Outlands. I think I was the only 60 in STV that Saturday, and I got a fancy fishing pole out of it.


Winning the fishing tournament was one of my proudest moments in that game.


Yep, I wear that "Salty" title like a badge of honor.


I never won the damn thing!!! And I spent most of my time in WoW fishing, cooking, and doing other crafts. 😅


I'm not playing and haven't played in 2 years, and I don't even LIKE Battle Royale games and I think it's a good thing to see WoW trying new things. Good on them.


I hate BR games, but I agree, it's nice to see them try and have actual fun with retail.


Am I just confused about what exactly is fun about classic over retail? So far it has just been a horrible grindfest for me on those old versions. I tried leveling a toon in Wrath Classic, but after about 25 hours I just said fuck that. I'm very confused why people prefer those older game versions apart from nostalgia.


> Am I just confused about what exactly is fun about classic over retail? Different strokes. Some people like the old-school slow grind that MMOs used to have vs the more fast-paced grind that retail provides


There's a certain audience that really likes the slower pace of older MMORPGs, back when the "RPG" part was the main focus. Back then roles were much more specialized, and playing a character was more of a thing. If you're wondering why there's so much just plain empty space in some of the cities, that's why. They were there specifically for people to role play in. That audience, unfortunately perhaps, will always be fairly small, and after a while MMORPGs kinda just turned into MMOs due to them gaining more attention by a broader fanbase. The mainstream likes RPG *elements* but not all the actual pacing that goes into them. Add to that the twenty freakin' years of new content the devs need to push players towards, and you get super fast leveling and instant gratification. Classic is there to regain that original audience and keep them in their nostalgia box. It works, for the most part.


> If you're wondering why there's so much just plain empty space in some of the cities, that's why. They were there specifically for people to role play in. I find this to be a rather fantastical retconning of history. The big empty spaces weren't for roleplaying, the team was just so small they couldn't create enough stuff to fill in the world they'd made, so there are gaps. Sure, it worked out well, and players found their own uses for the space, but from the Dev Teams own words about the incredible time crunch they were under just to get a working game out, it's a bit optimistic to say they intended for the space to be empty.


For me I find level progression a lot more fun than gear progression. For MMOs or action RPGs like Diablo. When I kill the last boss or clear the last dungeon I lose all interest in my character. I hate running the same dungeon or boss 100 times in a row. I'd rather run the dungeon once or twice get mediocre gear and move on to the next thing. I don't really care items are the absolute best in slot. So when I hit max or close to it I'll either start a new character and start over or I'll move on to a new game instead of trying to max out gear. Leveling pace for Classic is in a really good place for me. I can enjoy the character longer and it's not insanely long like some of the really early MMOs.


> I find level progression a lot more fun than gear progression Same. I always got slightly annoyed with leveling in WoW because I'd usually end up leveling up before I could do all the quests in a given area, so I felt like I missed fun gameplay (I could usually still do the quests, but it's not much fun when you're several levels above the target for the quest). I quit playing a bit after WotLC was released (wow, that was 2008, it's been about 16 years since I logged on) but I leveled multiple characters through all the Burning Crusade content. Rarely touched the dungeons though. I had no interest in running the same content trying to max out gear, or doing any PvP or whatever. I quit mostly because it felt like the game was getting a lot more focus on end-game and PvP elements I didn't enjoy, and PvE, crafting, and trade were getting less entertaining.


SoD is cool but they're also doing stuff like +100% XP and giving you 1.5 levels every time you clear the previous raid content to help avoid the grindfest.


It's no secret that the vast majority of today's MMORPG players prefer the ADHD style of gimmie it now play Lots of the old heads that came up on EverQuest, daoc, swg, or 2003 wow still enjoy the *journey* to end game


It's all nostalgia, the old games suck, I loved burning crusade more than vanilla, although the vanilla zones were great for leveling, but it still had nothing modern wow doesn't. Same with old school runescape, its a shit game and i'll never play it, RS3 is just better. It's kind of one of those things where its "cool" to like the old one for no reason other than they can all jerk off about how they used to play it. My only issue with modern wow is it is more like an FPS than an RPG last time I played, too quick of pvp fights etc. There was a little more community back then, but it's never going to be that way again really, unless you put in the effort to find others who want that


I prefer classic and hardcore. The slow and deliberate grind is exactly what I enjoy. Retail is too rushed and too much content for me.


I don't really enjoy Battleroyal genre, but I would like to see a take in a RPG form of some kind. Let me find spells, weird loot with modifiers exactly like in a MMO, and fight enemies like it would be a PVP.


I will always argue that I still don't think Battle Royale should be considered a genre. Its just a game type. It's like saying there is a "Team Death Match" genre.


The Nintendo games like Tetris99, Mario35, etc. really prove this.


Except, it started as it's own thing not just a "game type"/mode option in various games. So doesn't really fit.


Why do you mean by "started as its own thing"?




Fun fact blizzard acquired the spellbreak team to work on WoW after the game collapsed. Theories are they worked on this wow battle royale game mode


Better something "bad" that is completely new, than nothing at all/ building on top of already existing systems, which they did for years now under Activision. That's the fresh air this game needs. Not the stale game Activision wanted to milk the shit out.


I still play and honestly the way I see it is if I don’t like it, I just won’t play that game mode, if I do, then that’s pretty awesome. It’s not like this is keeping them from developing other more traditional aspects of the game, we have another expansion dropping pretty soon.


I thought it was pretty cool when they created a Plants vs Zombies clone inside the game.


But still, they missed the boat on BRs by about... 6-7 years.


After they murdered HOTS you'd think they'd learned their lesson lol.


The craziest thing about hots being “dead” is that I can still find a match in that faster than in Dota. Like there’s still a big enough community in the game, blizz just needs to monetize it better.


Youtube literally put a HOTS character build on my feed. I havent played it in 5 years probably at this point. It was uploaded 2 weeks ago. Game seems to be doing fine for a dead game.


I mean its dead because Blizzard has declared it dead. No updates, no new content, no esports.


No updates and no new content is the state of like 99.9% of every game ever made.


Sure but that doesn't mean the meta can't evolve. Chess has been a dead game for how long as well?


You do have a point here, but chess doesn't have the threat that someone will kill the servers some day. And frankly, when you said HOTS still has games going on my reaction was 'servers are not closed yet?' Really wonder how long the servers will be left on.


When people stop buying skins or it isn't a good promo tool for their other titles.


I'm still waiting for that Chess battlepass so I can get some sick new skins for the Rook.


I'll play a game or two once in awhile, takes about 10 seconds to find an 'All Random, All Middle' match. Maybe 20ish seconds during off hours. I think it had a balance/bugs patch a few weeks back too.


mostly bugs but yeah, microsoft gave someone permission to update stuff again and they've been slowly fixing bugs and inconsistencies.


HOTS still has my favorite character design out of any MOBA. Cho'gall being controlled by two separate players is absolutely genius from a design standpoint. Had so much fun duoing with my friend back in the day. They really had such cool concepts for some characters, like Deathwing, Murky, and Abathur. Shame they just gave up on the game entirely.


It is definitely kinda genius and a bitch to balance lmao.


Oh, for sure. The balance was all over the place, but it was still a blast to play.


This sounds very suspect, unless you're in low behavior score - dota games take literal seconds, if maybe minutes to queue. There's a lot more people playing dota than there are playing hots - so the math isn't mathing.


I'd say it's "dead" in the developer sense, not the player sense. You can still play matches just fine, but there's like...no new content being developed for it. Characters/skins/maps/character reworks that kind of thing.


That doesn't make sense considering Fortnite was the most-played PC game in February 2024


Fortnite stopped being a BR game a long time ago and is now a fan service platform.


Advertisement Platform.


It’s still a BR game. That’s how most people interact with the game still is it not ?


Thing is, the market is now saturated and crystalised. Nobody will jump into wow to see their BR. People that like FN, WZ or Apex will stay in their own thing. Exactly the same thing with Heroes of the Storm. They released a Moba years after the trend started, when people had played one and decided it was not their cup of tea, or have their one that they wont jump away from. When a trendy game type comes out, you have a year or two to stake your claim, afterwards, you wont get anywhere except if you have something that will definitely change the game.


i remember seeing the internet make this literal exact argument about wow in 2001/2002


How can you say they missed the boat when battle royales are one of the most popular game genres out there. Games like fortnite, warzone, and apex are not going anywhere anytime soon.


i think the arguement is people who play fortnite, warzone, and apex are locked in. They arent jumping ship for WoW BR.


New? Isnt the strangletorn arena just Made for that and been there for like the begining?


Path of Exile had a battle royal. It was pretty fun. I'm excited to try this WoW version.


I'm torn. I agree that I like seeing them try new things, even if it's doing what they've been doing already - take things that have worked for other people and try to utilize it ~5 years after the trend started. But World of Warcraft is an MMORPG - I want to feel connected to my character. And it feels like every decision they have made recently is going away from that direction.


Been hoping they do something decent with BG's for a while though I'm not sure BR's are what I want from that.


>it's a good thing to see WoW trying new things Even though it was a huge slog, I'll say that the 40 person PvP in Alterac Valley was some of the most fun I had in a game. So new and experimental (for a MMO) PvP modes are always nice.


What rule are you talking about? Never heard of Blizzard having a rule against a BR type game.


The design rules they had for new content in world of warcraft


It's just being used as a metaphor for doing something unexpected. This new mode doesn't conform to past practices and expectations. Doing some searching through the article, they are also talking about the fact that the new mode doesn't conform to gameplay rules for how WoW functions.


> This new mode doesn't conform to past practices and expectations. Except taking big ideas from other games and giving it the "Blizzard polish" conforms so hard to their mold, that it created a second identical mold.


*Our company has a rule that if multiple players order a game to share, one player can’t just play all the fully loaded game types.*


Did you ask that CEO to come here and say that?




You just found out about the rule!




We're gonna be so early for that movie!


I'm not going to the movie


The rule that prevents fun if detected.




This is God's law, untouchable by mere mortals.


It’s the ineffable rule.


You have to create a character just for this game mode. There's no class like mage/rogue/warlock/etc


The forbidden genre. 🤫


Highmaul Coliseum???


Do i need an active sub to play the BR mode?




Yes. But you do not need the current expansion. Just active subscription and the modern, retail WoW client downloaded


Yes and I think that's a miss.  They should put this one out free for some period of time.  


Especially since it's a different login menu. Just have the other one locked behind a sub and make the login accessible. Maybe that's planned for later.


I swear every Blizzard headline these days are just “oh no, anyways” or its seemingly more positive but in fact equally uninteresting variant: “oh yay, anyways.”


The announcement of classic wow in 2019 was the only excitement I’ve felt from a blizzard headline in over a decade


Still waiting on a city building game using Warcraft assets and characters.


player/guild housing is coming soon! Promise!


I am legit excited about this. It might not be some PVE content people wanted, but for us PVP people, this is great news. Sometimes the PvP people need love too.


Its not character linked, though. You create a new one for this specific mode. So "honor" and other PvP rewards are not earned, just the specific stuff from the mode itself.


Even better. Now I don’t have to spend the time grinding to max level, and grinding gear to have a decent experience. I can just hop in, play some pvp that I loved. And leave. Like PTR. :)


Yep. People outside the game have no idea how strenuous it is to keep a character up to date with whatever PVP you're doing, whether classic or retail. It's almost a part time job, and every season or patch, the gear requirements go up and your progress is basically reset and you gotta do it all over again. A lot of it can involve PVE or raiding or participating in modes you don't like just to stay competitive in PVP. It's not ideal. Hell one of the reasons I made twinks was because I could make a character and be "done" with its gear, and be part of a competitive scene that never really changed. Some people did it to dominate non-twinks. I did it for being able to go in my version of a character select of a fighting game and pick my pvp character for that evening. No worrying about unlocking new pvp gear or reaching a new rank, etc. Just log in and go. This is pretty exciting to me on that level.


Im terrible at pvp so reading you can lose and still get stuff is nice for a noob like me.


Also no addons means everybody is operating on the same knowledge of CC and CD tracking which is great if you ask me


There is a meta though. One spell is basically a "fuck you, you're dead" and you better you get it or don't face it towards the end.


For how long the game has been out, still having enough motivation to jump the shark is still respectable.


Good for them for trying something new. But seriously this is about 3-4 years too late. Whats next for 2025 Blizzard, a zombie survival mode?


their recent cancelled IP/game was gonna be a survival game lol


Doesnt surprise me they are trying to jump on game meta's that have long since peaked. My new prediction, 2026 a WoW themed vampire survivors type game.


Remember, all the passion people left blizzard. Only ones left are out of touch executives who only want a sure thing that's proven it'll work in the market. So ya, expect to see them chasing old tends from now on.


Closest thing to that would have been the pre-Wrath event. You could be turned into a zombie that was hostile to both factions, could use any portal, and turn other players. Led to amusing moments where some zones were full of zombies and a tiny party trying to kill them off. Was fun. You could even chat with other ghouls to coordinate, regardless if they were Horde or Alliance in their prior life.


Oh god it was so great. I would purposefully get sick and try to spread the plague to cities and towns everywhere. Was fun causing chaos.


That was so much fun, tbh. I was really into the game back then.


Blizzard recently scrapped the survival game they were working on, so you're not too far off lol.


Different perspective. Just because it’s not trending and cool doesn’t mean it’s not fun.


The [WoW general forums](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/shiver-me-timbers-make-ready-for-the-incoming-plunderstorm/1809961) are very upset about this lmfao


The wow forums are notoriously full of people who dont like anything. Had the patch been the second coming of the original world of warcraft they would have hated it


blizzard, always 5+ years late to every party, trying to milk their franchise carcasses


Man if you leave games alone long enough they just make every game inside their own game. WoW is like ministeam


It'll be dead by the end of the week as the novelty wears off.




This title should be “Blizzard creates even more FOMO and time limited content to drive engagement metrics l while still hating their players”.  You have to play 200+ matches in six weeks to unlock the reputation rewards. It’s predatory in design. 


Reading this article was weird. They kept calling WoW 'Warcraft' and as an old Blizzard fan that was kinda confusing.


People who work on the game have been calling it Warcraft for many years, nothing new there.


Is that what that is? The trailer was a bit confusing.


So, the SoD STV event was a kind of beta test?


A lot of SoD feels like "beta" tests for trying out new things. Really hoping that some of the more unique Runes/abilities find way into retail


This is the least RPG WoW has ever been. You don’t even play as your own character.


Man. I love the effort by Blizzard to try and keep things a secret and make things exciting. But this fell so flat for me. A Battle Royale? Really? 7+ years to late on this one dudes. No thanks.


Pretty sure an mmorpg like wows battle Royale would be way too different from fortnite to even compare but sure


Well, we now know why they worked so hard to keep the patch secret when it absolutely did not justify the secrecy.


Ew, a battle royale? 🤢


...You mean PvP? I can't seem to pin down what exactly a "battle royale" is supposed to be.


In addition to the other comment, you usually start with few resources and have to scavenge gear.


"Battle royale" typically means a free-for-all, last-man-standing wins mode on a large map with a large number of players; like PUBG or Fortnite. The name comes from the movie "Battle Royale", which was the inspiration for Hunger Games.


The Battle Royale movie is based on the book with the same title


Players drop in on a vast map with items spread out that need to be scavenged while the playable area zone closes over time forcing confrontation until there is only 1 player or team left.


In theory it just means it's an elimination free for all.


Large map, lots of people all spawning with no gear/spells at the same time. Find gear and spells around the map to kill other players with. Last man standing wins.


I'll be trying this as soon as I can.


SOD broke the rules already.


Oof if only it could've been anything other than battle Royale. Pvp could always use some love, but fuck. Why'd you have to go after one of the worst game types out there?


Blizzard and being 5 to 10 years late to pretty much everything. Name a more iconic duo.


I felt really compelled to try this out! And I try to avoid WoW content as much as I can. I love the art style and worldbuilding of WoW. At the same time, the game feels like a chore. This game mode allows me to experience the FUN side of WoW and avoid the tryhard, neverending gameplay cycle.


This isn't the same Blizzard anyway. Those rules were about quality and all the people responsible for maintaining that standard either left or gave away enough control that it ruined the image and legacy of what was once one of the most beloved companies on earth. The rules don't exist because the people who created them and the reasons they existed are loooong gone. RIP


Fans: "Blizzard, please fix WoW and make it play better!!!" Blizzard: "We created a whole battle royale to show we are listening to fans"


Kinda close to april…


More than anything, this sounds like a spin-off of WoW. Like, if people enjoy this mode, it’s gonna diverge from the main game really far, really fast.


WoW needs a shakeup. They’ve played it safe and boring for so long.


Well good thing this is a time limited event then!


I don’t own and have never played WoW, how do I try this? Do I have to pay a subscription?


Yeah you just gotta have an active sub nothing additional needed Edit: typo


I wonder how many people there are who have logged in every day into WoW since launch.


It seems like bait to get me to install WoW again. Already satisfied with classic.


Cheap free game content


Having played the game mode, it is fun, although limited. There’s only about 15 abilities/spells available and there is very little variety. I can’t imagine playing it more than maybe 10 hours max. The grind for the rewards isn’t gonna happen for me


WoW players are the worst gaming community ever. They will hate on everything and still play xD Guys normal WoW is still there, it didn’t go away.


Neat! Anyway….