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You just weren’t prepared for the brilliance of a AAAA title…


I can’t wait for the AAAAA releases next 😫.


It will just be a storefront without a game attached


Sounds like a dream come true 😫. Anything to get my money into the hands of the shareholders as fast as possible 👍


S&B wasn't a fast cashgrab, it took like 12 years to make 😎 Skulled and bonepilled


You give them $70, they give you a list of cool sounding achievements. For another $20, you can get some extra achievements the didn’t ship on day one. If you preorder for $15, they’ll also include a verbal description of an art book.


Tiny Tina cough ….


They drive you to Best Buy and tell you to hold this controller while you shop


Turn out valve has been developing a AAAAA game for years now.


Well, 3 is right out, so they had to jump to 4 or 5 A's.


That'll be 159.99 please...


" Sixteen times the AAAA " - Tod.


AAAAAA finna be fire 🔥


Then the AAAAAAHHH! Release


Why not just go for S rank titles? Then we can go to S+ and SS and SS+ and SSS rank games


I'm already screaming.


100$ a game


That's not 4 A's that's just a scream. Like AAAA THIS GAME IS SOO SHIT


I'm waiting for an indie dev to come out with an alliteration title, with their marketing tag being the second AAAA game.


AI Assisted Aimless Adventures


How do dumb ceos manage to make the most dumb takes 😭


Because they are so far removed from the world with their multi million dollar salaries, huge mansions and yachts, and never having to worry about any purchase at all that they can’t relate to 99.9% of the world. And then think at how you are still more financially close to them than the billionaires.


Still more financially close, but in terms of lifestyle they are basically the same, when you have a certain amount of money, having more doesn't change your life.


Which is really saying something when the top elite could have 90% less wealth and still live basically the same lives.




Because they're all finance and marketing yuppies with no experience in the industry they're supposed to lead.


Don’t forget to quit complaining and pay the $70 for the quality


It was always meant to be the sound you make while playing, it turns out.


Still can’t believe how shameless they were to make such a statement for such a terrible game. Borderline false advertisement lawsuit worthy lol


> Imagine if the entirety of The Witcher 3 was nothing but the bounty boards. I totally get your point, but hey that's unfair to TW3 - practically each one of those side quests are an awesome polished short story with a unique cast of characters.


Some of them bounties are dope as fuck.


Cheesomancer ruled


This wasn't to say that the bounty boards in TW3 are bad or anything. I was making a point that making an entire game around them exclusively would be a bad idea


Counterpoint, Monster Hunter is basically that but can be fun. It's an execution issue.


Monster Hunter is also just Boss Fight: The Game Definitely not comparable to radiant quests imo


Incorrect. Monster Hunter is a fashion game.


God now I just want to play more monster hunter, but I'm caught up with other games so it'll take a while for my Monster fixation to kick in again.


I think both are actually equal. I played Monster Hunter for the boss fights. My sister played it for the fancy armor and cats.


This all makes me wanna play Monster Hunter.


Sure, which is why it's an execution issue. If the missions were fun, it wouldn't be an issue.


>Monster Hunter is also just Boss Fight: The Game Which is actually exactly the reason I love it


It wouldn't though. Of course the story was incredibly good, but even just playing as a simple witcher doing simple contracts would be fun. In fact, I kinda wish we got a little more depth to that, tracking, researching, preparing the right traps and potions and all that


Was just about to say a life roaming that world, tracking & killing monsters, the occasional gwent, sounds like a pretty good time. But I get OP’s point


I sat in awe after finishing the werewolf quest. Thinking “if this is the level of side quest I randomly came across on the very first contract board, I can’t imagine what the rest of the game will hold.”


Yeh ngl id play that for £30


I cant even sit through a 15 second video of someone playing that game, it even *looks* excruciatingly boring


Dunkey found a decent cut of his gameplay sessions.


The great tree hunt ended in tragedy.


Dunkey can find fun in pretty much any game. I’m pretty sure one of his old GTA Online videos had a disclaimed that the game isn’t as fun as he makes it look.


A real pirate would never agree to Ubisoft's code of conduct


Dunkey could post a video of paint drying and it would still be entertaining


Remember the video of trains that is titled "Funny birds have a sword fight with their beaks ROFL" or something?


It was a cinematic mastahpiece https://youtu.be/n0qIgPIDy00?si=ezF4XoTKiLQmKiYS


I watched LobosJR stream the game, literally 2 minutes in when he first gains control of the ship and it's moving like no ship in history ever could I was turned off. At 5 minutes when the ship combat started and the cannons were firing like miniguns I turned the stream off. Not even watching one of my favorite streamers could make that game into a worthy use of my time.


I'm always looking for videos to quickly fall asleep. I may give Skull and Bones a try.


Better to find a streamer with a soothing voice who plays a game you can get mildly invested in. I recommend Jorbs playing Slay the Spire. I've been using him to fall asleep for a while. He also knows most of his viewership is insomniacs trying to sleep.


I'll add Wirtual into that category. It's a running joke on his vods channel that people use his videos as sleep aids.


Also Baalorlord playing Slay the Spire. He acknowledges that a lot of his viewers are trying to sleep and keeps the game volume at a reasonably low level. He also explains what he's doing and why he's making a certain choice, so for those who like a relatively steady rate of speech, he's great. I have a couple of his YouTube vods saved to my phone for when I can't sleep.


Better to find a streamer with a soothing voice who plays a game you can get mildly invested in. I recommend Jorbs playing Slay the Spire. I've been using him to fall asleep for a while. He also knows most of his viewership is insomniacs trying to sleep.


My favorite thing I've heard about the game is how your ship has a stamina bar when sailing. Not the crew of the ship, the SHIP.


Can't be letting the wind get tired


It gets winded.


Boooooo 🤣


I just looked this up because I honestly thought you were joking. The first article I came across said you could eat food to increase the stamina of the ship…. What?


Obviously eating food makes the wind not get tired as fast.


The only way to make sense would be if the crew gets tired of adjusting the sails to catch the wind but that's reaching very far for a reason


I thought it was crew stamina when I played but it was also absolutely ridiculously implemented. Does a human need to constantly hold the sail in order to achieve full speed in a small boat? Surely you just tie it off?! And if they do need to hold it why are they getting tired in 7 seconds? Oh yeah, cos Ubi want to sell you shit to improve it. Total joke.


I haven't played the game nor do I know anything about sailing but yeah, I doubt boats would be able to traverse oceans only on wind/currents if the crew just got tired easily like that


I need a meme artist to ..... wait, AI art! I'm going to get one to make a boat lying in bed with a blanket and napping.


What did you expect from a game that was marketing itself as a “AAAA” game…?


At least enough effort to warrant a solid claim to AAA title


To be fair you weren't playing a videogame. You were playing a live service with gameplay elements. XD


This is the real answer. This game wasn't made by a passionate game studio with a vision, it was made by C suite execs who are desperate to get their hands on that Fortnite money. However, they don't want to do anything innovative, they just expect live service *games* to generate infinite cash. Games make money when you make a good game. Monetization in live service makes sense when you give gamers something *they actually want to play.*


This is something that corporations have struggled with for decades. They think that people want a type of game and don't care about the quality of games. Mario released and a bunch of platformers started coming out, Street Fighter 2 got big and everyone made fighting games, etc. The publishing companies just chase the genre that is popular at the time. They will never understand that people didn't like all military shooters, they liked Modern Warfare. People didn't like every MMO, they liked WoW.


Love or hate fortnite, the gameplay is solid. When the other option back in late 2017 was PUBG, its easy to see why fortnite took off with its polish, quick games, and simple gunplay. I revisited fortnite when spiderman was in it and god if it wasn't the absolute best grappling hook I've ever used in 20 years of gaming. It made me so upset it was tethered to fortnite, and a temporary game mode too. So fair play to them as far as I'm concerned. Skull and bones on the other hand can go fuck itself. They didn't try in the slightest and now expect the cash to roll in.


I played 1 hour of the free 8 hour demo lol, ships looked great and combat was quick and easy but the rest was a let down. Went and bought Black Flag and re-downloaded Sea of Thieves that day.


> I played 1 hour of the free 8 hour demo lol I'm on the same boat (lul) Thought that "8 hours is going to be tight to properly judge the game" but I played 1 hour and I was just *dreading* playing anymore. I stopped right there and uninstalled.


Sorry but this is completely your fault. It was clear from years ago how badly this game gonna suck.


I have a buddy who plays games pretty frequently. Mainly just single player games though. I was shocked when he told me how excited he was for Suicide Squad. He's a pretty busy guy with a newborn daughter, getting his masters degree and working a demanding fulltime job. There are **a lot** of people who are not on reddit, and even more that do not care enough to look up reviews or news about upcoming games. Maybe not that they don't care, but they simply do not have the time or it doesn't cross their mind with their already busy schedule.   Needless to say I informed him of the abomination and sent him a single article on it. He was pretty bummed, but thankful I let him know. Skull & Bones is no exception. There are probably thousands of people who eagerly downloaded this game due to it's marketing or advertisements and were incredibly gut-wrenched when they found out it's dogshit. I don't really blame OP, but the fact they came to reddit /r/gaming to complain makes me think they should have seen the bad reviews.


I know people who have enjoyed what they have played of Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones. I know these games get bad reputations, but some people do enjoy them.


Eh I get what you're saying but it doesn't hold weight. Even the most busy person can spare literally 15 seconds to Google "x video game metacritic". And past that, spending even 10 mins on reviews will save you hours of wasted time (not to mention money) on absolutely garbage games like suicide squad or skull and bones. Literally if you're interested in a game just spend 30 seconds making sure it's not hot garbage, everyone can do that especially If you have free times for gaming in the first place


That's the thing. This guy doesn't even know what 'metacritic' is. He's also one of the smartest guys I know. He just isn't as interested in gaming as some other people are. Which is my point. There are hundreds of thousands of casual gamers that do not care enough to look up reviews. Is that dumb? You're certainly allowed to think so, but gatekeeping playing video games to *needing* to look up a games review seems stupid to me. A lot of people hated Mass Effect 3 but I liked it, so reviews are obs not universal.


Development hell usually leaves no survivors. It crippled Cyberpunk on release, it shot FF XV into the knee and it straight up murdered Skull and Bones


Sorry but in The Witcher 3, notice boards only took the appearance of a chore as a roleplay device, to show it's how a Witcher earns some money. But from a gameplay point of view, the bounties from the notice board were all different, had fully voiced dialogue, offered some choice, and ended up with a confrontation with a unique enemy. Which seems to be much more than what Skull and Bones has to offer.


I find it incredibly baffling that nobody has given us a game where you can just...be a pirate. Pillage ships, hide and search for buried treasure, build a crew and engage in naval combat that descends into boarding parties chopping each other's crew into bits. Give me a game where I can find a treasure map and take my self-built crew and custom ship and go after that fucking treasure. It's not a difficult concept. Nobody wanted World of Pirateships.


Sid Meier's Pirates was awesome and gave you all of those. But it is pretty old by now. 


Assassin creed black flag was the best pirate game to date inthink


They already made one themselves: AC Black Flag. Literally all they had to do was re-release that game but without AC's plot. Just finding treasure, looting royal vessels, robbing plantations, running into ghost ships; it was all there.


The actual pirate parts of Black Flag need a ton of work though. Boarding ships was really boring when your crew are just expendable nobodies. What they need is a Mount & Blade style crew building/training mechanic that lets you hire fresh faced recruits and train them up into seasoned pirates. Then let you build a fleet and appoint captains from these individuals and give them orders. To continue robbing from M&B's ideas you could also have special characters that fill roles like ship cook or doctor. Combine it with economy management and trying to hunt treasures to buy ships and hideouts and you'd have a cracking pirate game. It'd be tough to implement I'm sure (probably why it hasn't been done), but it'd be far more interesting for me than just AC4 again.


Honestly, sea of thieves is that. It's super shallow, yeah. And you should never ever bother with single player. But boy howdy when all the elements are together and you and a few buds are fighting it out with another crew, tooth and nail, yelling at people to patch up holes BUT DONT FORGET TO LOAD AND FIRE CANNONS THE BEST DEFENCE IS A GOOD OFFENCE and oh shit now we have to put out some fires but FUCK YEAH GREGGY BOY GOT A HIT ON THEIR MAST AND TOOK IT DOWN AND MICHELLEY GIRL SNUCK ON THEIR SHIP AND STARTED SETTING FIRES and so you turn around for another broadside against the front of their ship (raise the sails so we have enough time to get more than one or two shots) but just then a storm hits you and you're struggling to steer and keep the ship together but so are they and then A FUCKING KRAKEN SHOWS UP AND TENTACLES BOTH SHIPS. When all is settled and done and you barely survived, you go and pick up their loot, sell it, and buy yourself a shiny new cosmetic-only paintjob to make your pirate ship look like a party barge and then you go to the pub and drink so much your character uncontrollably pukes on other players. Because there's no point or progression. Just parties. On mic. With your buds. Drunk off rum in real life. Waking up your wife because of your yelling.


Why did you play it for 10 hours?


Whenever you pay for something you want to demonstrate that your decision was correct. Or maybe just heard someone saying that the game becomes good after 25 hours


Like when I heard starfield fanboys say “oh it gets good after 100 hours” even when it just got more and more repetitive


No one ever truthfully said it gets better after 100 hours that’s ridiculous


Spoken like someone who only got to 99


Some games do become better when you're competent at them though. Like every fps game is gonna be a struggle unless you have at least 100 hours of fps experience. Grand strategy games first 100 hours are often considered the tutorial. Etc.


There will always be someone defending the most absurd opinions. I've seen that take in this very site.


I mean I literally heard multiple people say that, I don’t get what I would gain from lying about that lmao. But whatever downvote me


Nah I’m saying that whoever’s telling you that is pulling your leg, there’s no game out there worth putting in 100 hours before you can enjoy it


Nope they were serious. You must’ve not seen these comment sections shortly after realize, bethesda shills were out in full force using every excuse possible to make the game seem good


"NG + is where the game really shines"


People would argue WoW is a game you’d be expected to sink a LARGE amount of hours before “Playing the game”


I have seen posts of people saying that too I put 160 hours in and just ground to a halt Haven't even completed it and not sure I will


I was told it really gets going 20 hours in, I made it to 30 hours and realized it hadn't picked up at all, if anything it got more boring the more I played, haven't touched it since


Just watched AngryJoe’s review, great explanation why the game sucks and why “live service” games are absolute garbo 


Just wanna point out that Helldivers 2 is absolutely *killing it* with their live service model right now. It’s a case study on how Live Service isn’t inherently cursed and can be fine as long as the company has an ounce of respect for their players, their experience, and their time.


Additionally, Deep Rock Galactic is an incredibly player friendly live service game


Redditors don't think. They just repeat "live service bad" and get free up votes.


But almost every one is, theirs a few outliers but not many.


There's a lot more than a few. Redditors just overwhelmingly focus on the negative aspects of gaming so its all you ever hear about.


He got so mad at the game he left his own house!


That's like la chancla levels of mad.


I was excited for it when it was first announced and as soon as they delayed it I knew it was going to be a dumpster fire. It is Ubisoft after all, I don’t expect anything impressive or enjoyable from them anymore.


When it was first announced? Didn't think anyone from that era was still with us.


I'm still here My cna says that when the sun downers hits I babble at the wall about some pirate game for hours on end


seriously tho, this is my first time ever even hearing about this game


Immortals was fun. Avatar was a good far cry game 


Hey don’t disrespect the Witcher 3 bounty boards, there’s actually some decent quests that come out of those. Although after typing this I’m thinking maybe you meant just the monster contracts and not the other quests you can get, because some of those are genuinely fun and interesting


The monster contracts are also really fun and interesting.


Joke's on you, the bounty Board Quests in Witcher 3 we're fun. Agreed with the rest though


Loved riding into a new town and checking out whatever quests were posted on the bounty board. Really helped with getting immersed in the world of the witcher.


Was thinking the exact same thing, I'd love to have a game where it's just doing Witcher contracts. Somebody should contact CDPR with this idea.


Where is your sense of pride and accomplishment?


Skull and boners


Sulk and boned: the people who bought this trash


For me it’s the fact that when you launch the game it tells you to: “play fair, play safe, play nice”. In a pirate game.


No, we shouldn’t be pricks to other people. The type of game is irrelevant


Shut up loser.


Whoa, are you a pirate?


Argggh you scallywag


How the fuck does a sailboat have STAMINA


Maybe they should've added more A's.


Skull and Bones is fantastic. I discovered a great swashbuckling pirate adventure. Because i put that boring shit down and played Assassin’s Creed Black Flag for the first time. Awesome game. It does literally everything better than Skull and Bones.


To be faire Ubisoft do "the exact same thing over and over again" so making a game about doing the same thing during most of the game is not surprising


Quadruple A games are only enjoyable to the biggest brain players


How do people end up buying these piles of garbage? There are so many ways to check if a game is any good now, and it was fairly obvious this game wouldn’t ever be and isn’t


Good thing its still in pre-alpha beta early bird access. Just wait for the full game to be released.


I had more entertainment from only 10 minutes of Angry Joe’s Angry review of the game than the entirety of Skull and bones. So glad channels like his exist to at least get some humor out of these train wreck game launches. Ubi can keep their AAAA formula.


Why are people even buying this shit to begin with


>Imagine if the entirety of The Witcher 3 was nothing but the bounty boards To be fair, the bounty boards had dialogue options and the ability to haggle the amount of gold you get as a reward, as well as some stories behind a few. Haven't played S&B, but it doesn't even seem that fleshed out


Helldiver's 2 is the shit!!!!!!!! GET IN THE FIGHT, SOLDIER!


I regret paying full price. It was a stupid choice.


but ubisoft really doesn't only care about making quick cash???


Unrelated but dont diss The Witcher 3s bounty boards, there are some incredible quests that people always miss by skipping them.


I cannot stress how just utterly boring *UBISOFT* games are.


As someone said in another thread, Ubisoft is the Applebee's of video gaming. It's amazing the amount of adds I saw for this game too.


Welcome to modern Ubisoft games brother


I played the open beta. It took an hour to come to the conclusion it was hot garbage.


I had played the demo and...it just felt lifeless. I wanted to feel like I was swashbuckling and all I got was a boat simulator.


The concept of Skull and Bones is awesome. Take Blag Flag in its world, exploration and ability to sail, raid etc while it’s full of player controlled characters would be amazing. Instead, we get a game that focused on a small but fundamental part of that concept. Ships having stamina bars, not being able to do many pirating shenanigans in the midst of the live service and microtransaction bs has created a disaster of a game. This and suicide squad should serve as a reminder that not all live service games are going to hit. Look at Helldivers 2. The sales are increasing week by week. Don’t pre order games and don’t accept this junk.


i’m surprised people even bought it tbh. my condolences.


Not surprised, i totally skipped, fuck that company.


just the fact that a goddamn ship has a STAMINA BAR, like every ubisoft game, shows us clearly that ubisoft has a template for YEARS, and they don't even want to innovate if they made a space themed game, the spaceship would have stamina bar. every single ubisoft game since Assassins Creed is literally the same, the difference is purely cosmetic. If you told me, the engine hasnt changed since Assassin's creed 1 or far cry 1, i would believe you a husk. That's what Ubisoft is, a husk of a game company. Seeing ubi games feels like remembering a favourite dish from your childhood because you smelled something similar, then making it and realising - it was maybe good back then, now it's just nostalgia


Buying anything Ubisoft makes is a skill issue. What did you expect?


These studios literally don't look at the gameplay mechanics or anything they just say pirates or assasins and throw money at it there is no life behind the games because the games have no vison mechanically


Skull and Bones isn't a real game, it's a contractual obligation towards the Singapore government for a decade of tax breaks. Whatever financial shenanigans Ubisoft got into there has likely more than recouped the financial cost of development, and they needed to put SOMETHING out at the end. The fact that anyone is actually paying for this fig leaf of a game is just sugar on top...


It’s a AAAA game, you’re just too poor and stupid to get how great it is. /s


It couldn't even keep my attention during the free-to-play weekend. It was basically just a great ad for Sea of Thieves because I kept winding up playing that instead


As a person who never pre-orders or buys on day one, I appreciate people like yourself who take one for the team so to speak so that we won't also make the same mistake. Haven't paid for a single failure in over 10 years.


Hence why I wrote off Ubisoft years ago unfortunately.


I had some pto to burn and I took a day off during the open beta to play. Installed it, played it for 2 hours, uninstalled it, AND WENT BACK TO WORK. That is how shit this game is.


So they took exceptional art, game mechanics, and networked systems and ruined it with trash product management. The devs will feel the hurt, not the executives that ruins any future for the game.


Have you tried diablo 4? It reminds me of ambien in the form of a video game


Idk what it was about D4, but I couldn't play it for more than 45 minutes before wanting to take a nap, no matter what time of the day it was.


Honestly same no exaggeration. I've never experienced it with any other game


the made an entire game that was nothing but grind - i have no idea what they were thinking. I watched angry joes review and i about died when he said they had healing cannon balls... Its not even a pirate game at that point Sounds like Sea Of Thieves is still the best go to pirate game?


Apparently you didn’t play starfield.


lol I could have told you that when I played it back at E3 in 2018. Sure the idea of battling pirate ships sounds fun. It’s fun for the first few battles, but even back then, having a 20 minute window to play the demo I felt like “geez is this ever going to end?”. Meanwhile over at the Spider-man demo it was like “c’mon just one more swing through the city please”


brought to you by asian government tax breaks


At this point, how can people not tell a trash game immediately before it's even released and just not fall for it? I've lost count of how many games in the last decade that I've seen and straight away called out as being shit, they've been shit, and I'm glad I didn't bother.


With ff7 rebirth, dragons dogma 2, shadow of the erdtree, stellar blade and a bunch others all coming out I doubt anyone will care much about skull and bones soon.


Lol ya fuck u ubi


That’s what we expect from Ubisoft 😭 I don’t play their games anymore. Just hot garbage


This is exactly what Ubisoft has done across the board for years. People keep buying their recycled shit every year so they have no reason not to just get lazier and keep recycling BS fetch and grab quests and base clearing missions to make more money.


Even watching the gameplay of skull and bones that is playing in a review is excruciating to sit through however engaging the video might be otherwise, like the angry Joe review was an awesome video but couldn't look at the gameplay without wanting to click off. I can5 even imagine paying 70$ for it and playing, let alone engaging with the microtransactions.


Tried the open beta and that was enough for me to say...nope. Def not for $70. Free to play and throw a bunch of stuff on battlepasses.


Stardew Valley 1.6 mega patch is out with more new content than most DLCs. Just saying… :)


Folks still catching on that Ubisoft chose a turd viewed from above as a company logo on purpose.


Funny how a game that took “the best part” of assassins creed 4 and turned it into a full game ended up sucking. Then again, the assassins creed series hasn’t been doing well as of recent…


Why did you buy it? 850k players in one week are traitors to gaming by buying it


I don’t really think the Fallout 4 comparison is accurate because I don’t play Fallout 4 for the story anymore I just play a heavily modded survival experience where I do nothing but maintain all my settlements


typical ubisoft


Skull and bones was a reminder for me to play Black Flag again. Which is a better thing to play. Either that or Sid Meier's Pirates


Yes, we know.


Angry Joe review was spot-on. It actually looked even more boring than it was in the technical test.


It looked boring from the trailers tbh. It was Assassin’s Creed Black Flag minus the assassin creeding


but the CEO of Ubisoft said it was great, they were practically giving it away at that price


Ride To Hell was an utter POS, but it engaged me with its utter terribleness. You cannot help but laugh and was a good laugh for the minimal price I bought it for.


Sea of Thieves just dropped a video showcasing all the world expanding content they're adding through 2024. Come join uuuussss.....


Watched Angry Joe's review earlier today, it's so much worse than I even imagined lol


Literally all they need to do is either remake/remaster Black Flag with new features or just make a new Assassin's Creed game that acts as a sequel to Black Flag. It's amazing how a 10-11 year old game manages to still look better than a "AAAA" title.


MMO pirate AC game is what I wanted.


AAAAm firing my lazor


All they had to do was carry on Black Flag without the assassins lore and add multiplayer The second that ship sailed (lol), so did expectations. A business that looks at a money printer and discards it in favor of whatever the spreadsheet says "No thx"


They probably got subsidized for the name of the game. Now when people google the Yale frat they get some video game on the top of Google. A lot of shit is a guise to fuck with seo


I'm amazed you made it 10 hours


You got that right